INTJ Personality Type My Experiences

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Erik Thor

Erik Thor

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@shortycareface9678 7 жыл бұрын
As an INTJ, I can relate to most of the points made here, but I do think INTJs are quite skilled at figuring out people, yet not as skilled at dealing with people, if that makes sense. Moreover, I am open to compromise my ideas and plans, but there are cases in which I am stubborn about them -- and then, I have usually thought thoroughly and internally about my ideas, assessed each potential outcome, etc. or if it is a creative project, I have one specific vision I want to realize.
@PisoPinoy 5 жыл бұрын
Same here! I have a deep understanding of why people do what they do and is very fascinated in things like psychology. But when it comes to dealing with people, well, i'd rather not. That's why i prefer to work alone and ruminate about ideas and plans.
@lordsesshoumaru8596 5 жыл бұрын
agreed, it's not that we don't understand what ppl do it's why they do it.
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
I am an INTJ. I am a master at figuring out people. Just with a first look/conversation I can tell where is that person is coming from and how are they going to be like. I still struggle to deal with people, and I c0annot relate at all or be empathetic, but I can explain to a T why people is acting or feeling an specific way
@happycakes1946 5 жыл бұрын
There are some people that are just fucked up and you can't fix it them. I know the things I am strong at and the things I am weak at, most of the time I've already planned out the whole process around those very strengths so when some fucktard tries changing the plan because 'I wanna add some input' and it's totally irrelevant most of the time I honestly just ignore them and continue as planned lol. I do spend a lot of time trying to figure out others motives though which I often find are shallow and unthoughtful. Being a part of that group is how you lose my respect.
@tupelohoney622 4 жыл бұрын
I am open to compromise, if the suggestion actually makes sense. However, in many instances the "new idea" offered is something I have already considered, run through the pros/cons and possible consequences. Based on my analysis, I have either incorporated a version of the idea into my overall plan or realized it is impractical. If determined to be unworkable, I get frustrated having to take the time to explain why it won't work.
@jasoncg2956 5 жыл бұрын
If an INTJ is putting effort into you, that means they care about you. That last thing Erik said is totally true (coming from, yours truly, an INTJ). I personally don't care about the wishy washy ways of saying "I love you" in comparison to using your every day actions to say it. A spouse can kiss me and make love to me all the live-long day, but if they don't do anything to help me out when I'm struggling, then they don't love me enough. If they force me to take a break even when I don't want to after I have been working my ass off, then the love me. Even if there is no kisses.
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
INTJ here. The thing I can relate the most to is the I'm the least liked argument. I've felt my whole life that everybody is jealous of me for whatever reason I don't understand. Also I deeply feel in my current workplace that I'm the most hated by management.
@quintuplebanned4267 3 жыл бұрын
They are jealous because you are brilliant and they are not. That is a “they and them” problem. You just keep that brilliant head in whatever interests you and ignore the dimwits. You must be allowed to be brilliant. So protect your precious brain, wear a lot of hats, sunglasses and over-ear headphones. Your work will always speak for itself. Anyone worth your time won’t affect you this way. It is your natural filtering system for idiots. We are out here, supporting you, understanding and appreciating you, unfortunately we are also rare. -INFJ
@quintuplebanned4267 3 жыл бұрын
But you will recognize us in the wild wearing hats, sunglasses and over ear headphones, and now, we get to cover the rest of our faces with masks!
@sylviaowega3839 3 жыл бұрын
Well I can tell you in all honesty that us INTP’s a quite hated by management, as well
@kellysturm7193 2 жыл бұрын
Same. I never considered myself a narcissist, yet I am the primary target for narcissistic people. They’re intimidated by my calm demeanor and smart-A$s responses. I’m always paranoid, on defense mode. I have thorough mind maps of my ideas, and I discuss with my close knit group of people who do their best to follow. I often struggle with saying “no” and always end up being the “tool” of the close people who usually end up screwing me over. “Can you help me with my paper (really they mean do the entire thing for them, which they’ll then ask you to revise by ‘dumbing it down’); can you please clean my room (really they mean ‘organize everything and do all the laundry’); can you help me fix my phone/computer/other tech issue (typically a quick-fix, but also fairly often a tedious, frustrating, time-consuming issue)?” It’s insane the number of businesses I’ve created and handed over for low prices. That paranoia is real. I don’t want to come off as arrogant, but I seriously don’t get how people don’t understand things. I love that you talked about having a “translator,” as I’ve always had my sister or significant other or “best friend” (usually an I/ENFX type) to translate my quiet mumble voice. In other situations, when I’m feeling confident (largely due to a solid support system), I can assert myself and become the “leader” of the pack. People know me before I even knew they existed, and it’s like an awe/fascination I’ve never understood until delving into typology. Thanks.
@aladdout9454 2 жыл бұрын
u have that melancholic look socionics says intjs(INTps) have...
@CasualCognition 7 жыл бұрын
I think how INTJs tend to actually be very interested in understanding and conceptually modelling human behavior and try to understand how and why different people operate they way they do is often overlooked. So great observation! And the wavering self-confidence is unfortunately very true as well haha
@Cossaw 6 жыл бұрын
It's Ni that mainly does that, right? Needing to truly understand the underlying principles to the subject. Also, Te sees the purpose for learning it as well, therefore many INTJs are naturally drawn to mbti and the cognitive functions imo.
@shortycareface9678 7 жыл бұрын
It is incredibly true that when I offer constructive criticism and feedback, it is my way of showing that I care. I am not one for praising other people unconditionally -- I always try and spot what could be improved upon simultaneously. I have had several people misinterpreting my intention as rudeness, but that is not the case at all. If I do offer someone thorough advice on how to improve upon e.g. their projects, it is because I sincerely care -- if I had not cared, I would not have spent my time on it.
@BethanyLowe8773 7 жыл бұрын
Shorty Careface Did I write this?!? 😂 (INTJ)
@nachannachle2706 7 жыл бұрын
+ Shorty Careface You have a point here. I am an INTJ female educator and I have recently had the experience of being criticised by an INTJ tutee. The first time, this young man made a semi-questioning statement that I couldn't understand, so I pressed him for more information, but couldn't get anything specific out of him. The second time, he semi-muttered that I didn't "make sense" as I fumbled to find the most accurate wording for my presentation, so I swiftly brushed him off for being impatient, to which he blankly answered "Okay". The interesting part is that he had been an average (and extremely quiet) student in my class all along, but after these incidences his grades and participation started to improve tremendously. So much that by the end of the year, he was the top student in my class. It goes without saying that INTJs often have a non-linear/illogical way of expressing their interest. It can temporarily rub people the wrong way (yes, even those cool-headed ISTPs, ISTJs and INTPs get annoyed at us), but it is IMPORTANT to downplay our Fi reactions and not taking these minor breakdowns in communication too seriously. Afterall, we all learn by trial and errors... :)
@MrHardCash 7 жыл бұрын
A family member (feeler type) nearly broke into tears when I, yet again, pointed out what they did wrong in a particular situation. I had to explain it's nothing personal: _"Here's what you need to understand about me: .. If you're doing something right/correct/effective, then you WON'T hear from me... You will only hear from me when I spot a flaw! I'll tell you how to fix it!"_ - To which they replied: _"Then why don't you try and give compliments once in a while?! You should be positive! Not negative! Even if you're correct and your criticism is spot-on!"_. To be honest, they have a point. But I just find it hard to do it. :(
@alessandragallo1255 7 жыл бұрын
Say it, but gently :) by an ENFP
@horsemumbler1 7 жыл бұрын
@Sheila Unison Translation: When I'm wrong and need to be told, don't say it in a way that might make me feel like I'm actually wrong.
@billiegirltoo 6 жыл бұрын
i love how you focus on the negative traits and then say, 'but here's the good thing ...' that's kinda what intjs do
@Sapharone 4 жыл бұрын
It's not that we don't listen, it's just that we dismiss your idea, because we already figured out how it should work. Yes, we're stubborn, but not without a reason.
@BenHinson 7 жыл бұрын
Love how you analyze INTJs. Very intuitive.
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
and most innacurate. This is what it seems from the outside but not the inside
@Danimal1965 5 жыл бұрын
The most identifiable video I as an INTJ have seen to date. I do, and try, to change the world for the better. I attribute that to a few things, one of which is having a heightened sensitivity for the needs/wants of others and at times self-doubt. Both help compel me to try to make a positive difference. We also learned about you in this video, Erik. The feeling of kinship is reciprocal. Your ability to connect, support and teach me has been and is noticed, absorbed and appreciated. Respect.
@BotondKuti 5 жыл бұрын
Especially liked the ending, very true, I love you INFJ's too
@prody666 4 жыл бұрын
An INTJ will not have a problem recognising value and talent in someone, qualities that would recommend that person for a position of power. As an INTJ, i struggle with superiors who do not listen to me, who cannot see what I see and, even worse, can be rather incompetent. Taking orders from the stupid, that is unbearable for an INTJ.
@sylviaowega3839 3 жыл бұрын
The same goes for us INTP’s. We are not too, too different
@fanny1492 5 жыл бұрын
I'm still searching how to fit myself in this social world. So that i can stand on my belief and being myself, but also i can live in harmony with other peoples. Thank you for making this video Erik. You really are a great interpretor, and a great friends. You are our sweetheart 💕😊
@hfortenberry 5 жыл бұрын
Erik, you nailed it! Thank you for your insight on all these great points! And you are correct...underneath our intellect, we are sweethearts who just want to make the world a better place. :-)
@shadowkokufu9178 4 жыл бұрын
This is the most accurate thing that I have watched about INTJs. 🌟
@LooneyTiksCrap 4 жыл бұрын
You might view us as stubborn, but this is only partially true. We are very open-minded to logical truths, but if something is wrong, it does not cease to be wrong because someone else has a different opinion or flawed logic. If someone says something that makes sense that I had not thought about before, by all means I will hear them out. My bf is ENTP and very often he will share controversial opposing thoughts on a topic, and I know the difference between his thinking outside the box arguments and just playing for reactions. I'm not going to simply agree with him, when he is spewing word-vomit. Overall, this video seems refreshing. You do seem to have a genuine connection with your INTJs. We can learn much from each other, the different types of thinkers, get different perspectives on things. (or to take into public to do the "peopling" for me, lol) Also... total sweethearts? How dare you expose that inner squishy marshmallow... Now I'll need more hard jawbreaker outer shell reinforcement. 😜
@LAStars-sratS 2 ай бұрын
That was really nice. Thank You. It’s rare that we aren’t portrayed as the villain.
@BBeeblebrox 5 жыл бұрын
Hiding my face and giggling when you say we are sweethearts.
@SweetLiLheart 5 жыл бұрын
He explained us well didn't he.
@hellomichellen 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this video Erik! This is definitely very insightful explanation because you articulate this problem very well - much better than us INTJs could ever explain! As an INTJ I definitely feel a sense of inferiority and have difficulty with navigating through a group setting and its power structure. I'm very aware of who's the most "powerful" person in the group and the hierarchy of where I stand (or where I perceive I stand). Often times unless I feel I have a mastery of a specific thing (like an expert of a topic) compared to other people in a group, I feel I'm the least wanted person in the group.
@merypoza738 7 жыл бұрын
my youngest sister's intj and my being infj i do feel we have a lot in common. we can share inside jokes and get what's really going on. she's definitely stronger in systems such as company systems, or how to get the best deal with the phone company, and i'm better with social systems. it doesn't show, even to her, though, because she tends to bring social problems out in the open to deal with them while i often resolve them under the surface in a more subtle way before they ever even really manifest themselves. i feel like there's much about me that she doesn't see. yes, you're right. once they get an idea in their head good luck convincing them otherwise 😮 and yeah it is cool how they can be so sure of things even w/o confirmation from others! it's also very useful to talk to her to get a less emotional perspective sometimes when you're personally involved in something.
@ginastotallybodaciousunive2375 5 жыл бұрын
This video touched some sensitive issues in my life.
@ARayV 6 жыл бұрын
I am an INFP. This explains the behaviors of my INTJ crush really well. I already mostly understand what he means when he says things that other people may misunderstand, but this just confirms a lot of things.
@yt-sh 4 жыл бұрын
The last minute was wholesome
@mandyvincent1439 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love intjs. One of my nieces is intj and I feel blessed that she trusts me enough to come to me about various things in her life. I find our conversations refreshing.
@Ecomatrix 7 жыл бұрын
Being INTJ can make you rich
@tobeymalone3436 4 жыл бұрын
Not in friends though
@MarTIn93303 4 жыл бұрын
I am 24 living with parents, no collage no work no friends so not rich
@meowmeow8651 3 жыл бұрын
@@MarTIn93303 sir I were you one day but now soon I will be Manger am just 36 female 😐
@oooo1743 Жыл бұрын
@@tobeymalone3436 from my interaction with one intj it is because they see problem to be solved even if there is noun.They think they got the solution without further examination or exploration with the person.Also intj's have Se goal and i as an infp am blind and does not gf about Se so intj whole process is Not valid but stressful.
@mirimomoe 5 жыл бұрын
So acurated... as an INTJ I can relate. Wow... no words.
@peggycunningham8275 7 жыл бұрын
As an Intj, if I see an issue or problem and I might be able to help, I feel obligated to others to try and respond to and resolve the isssue or problem. To me, I'm doing my part.
@oliveraklabs6035 5 жыл бұрын
As an INTJ I can relate to most of your points, in most cases we are generally good at tackling any complicated issues. As long as the fuel of books are available and or videos. As an INTJ I enjoy the strategical game to life.
@goodgood9955 6 жыл бұрын
I ALWAYS feel that im the least liked in any group i happen to be in. Eventually i leave. Walked away from friends ive taken years to cultivate. I ve brought people together, then they went independent on me and leave me out of their meetings.
@IronPhysik 7 жыл бұрын
I agree on so many things you said. im an INTJ myself, and what you said at the end is just true.
@momofmanda 2 ай бұрын
As an INTJ, I don't need a communicator to interpret my ideas and solutions to someone else. It depends on the personality of the one hearing my ideas and solutions as to whether they understand or even want to understand. Narcisists are often not interested in an introvert's ideas, for example. Regarding trusting / not trusting others, not everyone is trustworthy. However, those you don't trust don't have to know that you don't trust them. Once you realize you can't trust someone, that becomes your own little secret. ;)
@mattr2961 5 жыл бұрын
Love INTJs but the main thing that pisses me off with my INTJ brother is him being a TERRIBLE listener. If they don’t wanna listen to you, they won’t hear one word you say. They’ll talk your ear off but then when your turn comes around to speak, they block you out. Grrrrr!! But they don’t always do this. I think this is why people think they can be very arrogant.
@AmyKinso 7 жыл бұрын
Im an INFJ and my sisters an INTJ, we're pretty similar besides the fact she's better at academic studies and is usually more serious than me, she sometimes lacks compassion so thankfully my IN(F) ness can help there😂
@travisminott 7 жыл бұрын
AmyKinso My brother is INFJ and I'm INTJ. This is very true. We are both strong academically, but we have different interest when it comes to our area of studies.
@rockrecordreport7136 2 жыл бұрын
A very sensitive look at this personality type, and puts a light on some of the things not so commonly thought about the INTJ. They don't work particularly well with all others, but when they do click (with another person) that is where the magic definitely is for both them and the other person(s)
@guhapranavpalanisamy1006 5 жыл бұрын
You really don't want to get approval of your ideas from others- true. As Intj I believe that we'll have to try to figure it out on our own
@BrianOfAteionas 5 жыл бұрын
As an INTJ I love working off of the ideas of other personality types like ENFPs. As a guitar player I will listen to the other guitar player noodle around and in an instant I'll say "Hey wait! What was that!? Play it once more?" ... "K, thx". And then while the other band mates are socializing, I'm changing, expanding, and refining this riff that will soon be the basis for an entire song. And then, I just play it to the other guitarist. I'll know if it expanded on their vision, or ruined it LOL. This is the kind of work I most enjoy. :). But... I also enjoy letting INFJs do most of the writing sometimes. They're so good at making me feel something from the music.
@jennifertallchief5939 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. We've never met and yet you know me so well. 🤗
@Lili-wc4ku 7 жыл бұрын
What an insightful video! You have a really interesting way of explaining things and I think that you were spot on with lots of things you mentioned here. You also seem like a total sweetheart, thank you for sharing :')
@williamhad 5 жыл бұрын
I think the struggle to understand each other comes from Te vs Ti. Sometimes I swear that my intp friends and I have conversations where none of us are talking about the same subject. I'd still rate these conversations as extremely useful in their exploratory aspect. I think we all crave new perspectives.
@ErikThor 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah the NTJ-NTP dynamic is either super inspiring and thought provoking or it is going to be prone to misunderstandings and mutual confusion to goals, motives, problem-solving
@usingforposting 6 жыл бұрын
Always have good insight, your videos help a lot on understanding the personality / Cognitive Function
@judsongaiden9878 5 жыл бұрын
It's not just a struggle to trust other people, but the whole "system" of things in general. For example, what if your landlord (or landlady) randomly decides to raise the monthly rent by 20%? What if your employer decides to make you do the work of 10 people (each task with a different set of procedures to remember which will likely change every week) while paying you less than $12/hr. (U.S.) and keeping your wage stagnant for an indefinite duration? *With endless options for renewal! With endless options for renewal! With endless options for renewal!* And on top of that, what if "the state" raises taxes just to beat us down further? How can we possibly have so-called "faith" in the so-called "future?"
@michaelhenault1444 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, we are really 🤓 smart, we just have to tone it down. Makes insecure people bristle. Emmanuel Kant knew you only know what you know. Practicing that will drive the insecure crazy.
@saeedradmehr1976 5 жыл бұрын
INTP and INTJ are natural matches, for work and romance alike.
@GiuseppeCdH 7 жыл бұрын
Love you man!
@lindawaxman570 2 жыл бұрын
Yes to everything except relationships, maybe due to trauma although very resourceful self examination leading to growth.
@Shay-el5iy 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for are spot on n appreciate everything you said n shared in regards to intj...we are extremely misunderstood... Sincerely, Intj-t 1w9 s/p sociotype LII female
@thetrufflez9427 7 жыл бұрын
Intj here have only know I was an intj for about 3 months . I moved into my grandmas during 7th grade and was well on my way through some troubled times. Our home had my family of 5 , uncle n grandma. I went through very troubling times until my senior year of highschool. Never had much security with the crazy problems at home & just having my family poor didn't feel like much security, more of just survival. Which it was. Not to mention a big scare with a loving relationship with a girl and her spontaneously having a sexual disease. Of course we all have hardships n I've been given much love and generosity over my 19 year life. I've now realized that and am actually to learning n bettering myself. Thank you for your input and knowledge friend.
@thetrufflez9427 7 жыл бұрын
FYI my family is in their own home now have been for 2 years & im attending college soon while being happy with them
@thetrufflez9427 7 жыл бұрын
And what is hilarious is I'm from California, & have always thought of learning Swedish and moving to Sweden in the future
@1onlyjesus1998 6 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, I'm an INTJ, and this was a very helpful video. Incidentally, I am half Swedish. I'm going to have to think more about this, but i think there's a lot you said that rings true. So thank you. :)
@J_Trask 2 жыл бұрын
I think all of these attributes you mention are when an INTJ is operating at their best.
@mattr2961 6 жыл бұрын
My brother is an INTJ and I'm an ENFP. We are best friends but so different yet complementary at the same time. I give him ideas and he gives me plans. But he can only take so much of me at one time lol. And I can only take so much of him because he is so laser focused. So it's best when we go about our days separately, and then at night we have a one hour exploding discussion about every idea we have been thinking about. And then he runs out of social steam and we go to bed with our minds pleasantly stimulated. And then we fill up our intellectual cups all days and wait for that following night to let it overflow into each other's ears.
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
True. My partner is an INFP and make a great team that complements each other! Even better as we are both introverts
@grandconjunct 7 жыл бұрын
Video accurately describes outter behavior of INTJ's to tee but when this guy tries to describe our inner "feelings " and "motives" everything goes haywire and does not describe us at all , he is clearly describing us by how a Feeler would t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ I mean feel inside if they did our behavior , I can only guess the INJT's in this thread who are complimenting him on his "Insight" must be barelty (T)hinkers with (F)eeling a close second place , for High Thinker types , trust me we are laughing , though not at him but with him as this video was great for explaining the confusions of feelers when they try to describe something they dont understand , namely Thinker types inner motivations Thanks for video . You're going to just have to trust me on this one , we speak a whole nother langauge from each other F and T's , but feelers are always stuborn and cannot entertain idea they could be wrong on that , and that Thinkers actually have feelings on a higher plane and very little shallow happy clappy emotions ( a gift from God reALLY )
@owndoc 6 жыл бұрын
Correct. Ex: "They struggle to be able to trust people".
@yedoru4448 3 жыл бұрын
Lowkey facts
@nicolewinters 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Erik Thor
@Tropicoboy 2 жыл бұрын
I relate to alot of that stuff but I am not good at maths, sciences and complex algorithm stuff.
@JaycubL 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@dustydraws5383 7 жыл бұрын
Awww, your so sweet. and accurate of course, I myself am an INTJ. X3
@fredrikdippel3664 Жыл бұрын
If there's will there's a way.
@TEAMHYBRID007 3 жыл бұрын
I thought you were the ENFP White Rabbit that Alice chases but no I think you are the infj I have not figured out yet I am still doing research
@goodgood9955 6 жыл бұрын
@ishaanmalhotra3008 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, really accurate! I'm INTJ and my sister is INFJ, we do make a great team and understand each other very well.
@LotN2 6 жыл бұрын
Spot on as usual. Of all the types, I think that INFJs (by a very long shot) are the ones who understand INTJs the best. My advice for anyone who wants to get along with an INTJ (myself being one): respect his/her intellectual integrity. Simple as that. Challenge it constantly, and you wont get along. A lot of people think that getting along with an INTJ is about showing-off how smart you are, by e.g. debating/arguing/challenging the thoughts of the INTJ. A big no-no.
@irenewilliams1396 6 жыл бұрын
I would love to have a friend like you.
@Farhan-co9he Жыл бұрын
wow thank you actually I have forgotten how good I am
@greatdream-mu3nu 2 жыл бұрын
🥰 intjs Why are you all so handsome
@tjatte3162 6 жыл бұрын
Very relateable, INTJ here who have INFJ mother. We discuss with harmony, there’s never any big struggle between us. INTJ do care about peoples thinking while INFJ care about others feelings So theres a LOT of balance we can create in a subject between those two spectrum. Can get pretty arrogant and critical of others when we hear or see something that ”doesnt fit” in Ni land.
@brain0nfire 7 жыл бұрын
Thanks man. I don't know whether we can put people into boxes entirely, but if you switched "INTJ" with my name all you said could suit me for sure. I can't talk about the relationship with INFJs because I don't think I've met one, otherwise I can subscribe to what you said. Btw I'd totally would like to watch your opinion about ESTJs (your conflict according to socionics), ENTJs (your supervisor) and INTPs and what's up the "golden pair" stereotype. And what's your favorite fictional INFJ character?
@nellyishtari 6 жыл бұрын
I don't really agree with the stubborn... it's not really that.... Yes it's what people think but don't see it as a closed mind. INTJ are really open to things they always search for new things they don't know and can help improve. INTJ are sharp in their belief, yes, because they weighted all the solution in mind and according to their knowledge, this is how it goes.... But... maybe we are wrong..... If you think the outgoing result isn't accurate (should it be ideas, process, physical stuff....) you need to add fact to why it's not good. Countering an INTJ with "no it doesn't work like that" will have a sharp answer (which appears as stubborness) but it's just " if you can't rise a valid point that it's not good, case is dismissed" and that is just because saying something is shit is never a valid answer. Also.... it takes time to receive a new information which breaks all the tower built in our head, because we need to take it in account and rebuild all the patern to see if it doesn't raise another question. How many time I came back on a subject after having received a new info.... sometimes days later, time enough it matures in mind. Let's resume it: "until proven wrong, I'm right" and something that just reduce an INTJ into a single word : "Why?"
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
exactly this. accurate
@Sufi_Alchemy 6 жыл бұрын
Completely correct. I have my very good coworker and friend (INFJ) who will always back me up and poke me a bit when I'm too hard on people, my INFJ translator =). //TB. (intj)
@sillygoose582 6 жыл бұрын
Make more intj vids!
@irenewilliams1396 6 жыл бұрын
I use to care a lot what other ppl thought about me. Know I just worry less that took time and inner work meditation, practice. Still working on it.
@jenlovesthisstuff 7 жыл бұрын
Is the INTJ more likely to have Aspergers than other personality types?
@owndoc 6 жыл бұрын
Nearly all Aspies are INTJ's and 25% of INTJ's are aspies. Asperger's is an extreme INTJ brain.
@incorrecto6219 5 жыл бұрын
I've wondered this my whole life. Still kind of thing im mildly aspy
@BethanyLowe8773 4 жыл бұрын
Not nearly all aspies are INTJ, from the surveys I've seen, but they are nearly all IN-- types.
@BlackHatTy Жыл бұрын
I am also an INTJ and your hand gestures looks like youre milking an invisible cow.
@ErikThor Жыл бұрын
I used to work at a farm
@hopezoie907 5 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTJ What's youre personality type did you say...? i can't concentrate..without these facts lol. Sounds very accurate...
@ErikThor 5 жыл бұрын
INFJ here
@hopezoie907 5 жыл бұрын
@@ErikThor cool, after i sent message you said over halfway through vid. Great video 😍 thank you..i feel better understood listening to this.
@BethanyLowe8773 7 жыл бұрын
😊 ✅✅✅ 💞
@hoshi411 6 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but it sounds like you are describing an INTP not an INTJ
@yedoru4448 3 жыл бұрын
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