With respect, saying that some of the wooden dummy sequences "don't work" or "don't make sense" against a semi-realistic dummy like this one is failing to understand that the dummy is not literally the two arms of your opponent reaching towards you, and representing some sort of left and right arm as arranged. I get that you can still do a fair amount of the dummy forms on this, but I actually wouldn't advise it. I would come up with a *new* form or sequence that acknowledges what *this* dummy is and that it *is* a literal 1:1 representation of arms.
@vingdragon10 ай бұрын
good point, and I agree with what you've wrote above. The truth is wooden dummy is a primitive tool made in the past using available technology and materials back then, it was a genius device invented to serve martial arts purpose - however the form that we know today have lost many details and realistic applications. It has shrink and simplified causing another misinterpretations and misunderstanding. There is no need to create a new set of dummy form but rather better understand existing while using proper tools and applications. We practitioners, still need that wooden dummy in our training and we also need other tools to improve our skills. Cezar Training Tool is one of good example.
@ultmast10 ай бұрын
@@vingdragon well, forgot the semantics of “form”; I would just say don’t be afraid to come up with new exercises or ways to work with *this* tool that don’t depend on the past. All the best to you in however you choose to use it
@vingdragon10 ай бұрын
@@ultmast my last sentence in the video clearly says that I found matching applications and movements in Weng Chun Heaven form taken from older lineages they used to practice before Wing Chun got popular. No need to create a new set coz there is one that already exists. My approach to the system is very simple - what the Author had in mind by creating it many years ago. Unfortunately, many things got lost and were forgotten over the years. It is time to re-create it back. Just for better understanding of what we're really doing in that art. Thank you for the wishes !
@anantmgs10 ай бұрын
Puppets don't hit back No practice set will work in a street fight Hard knuckles Strong wrist Egiligty Ability to twist body Light body helps
@Nobody-Nowhere10 ай бұрын
"No practice set will work in a street fight" So you wont be practicing at all? That nonsense.
@vingdragon10 ай бұрын
@Anantvaranasi - I agree with your point of view only partially - (however) you ain't see nothing yet. Please follow my channel for more videos on that device.
@vingdragon10 ай бұрын
@@Nobody-Nowhere Thank you, "the way you practice is the way you react" this is why that device was invented for. Please follow our channel for more videos. New video coming very soon.
@matreyia10 ай бұрын
1. If you think that the WC dummy is to be used like a live person in training, you do not understand WC dummy purpose. Of course it does not hit back. We do not train with the dummy thinking it is a live moving person and we do not imagine anything shooting out or moving against our motions/patterns. 2. If you train to be fast as you can with our hands on the WC dummy as if it were a speed training device for your techniques against a real person, then you do not understand the purpose of the WC dummy training. This incorrect training will lead you to false sense of speed because even if you move your arms and legs moderately against a static object, you will appear much faster and it will give you a wrong sense of how fast you are. Do not make physical speed on the dummy a goal in your training on the dummy. 3. If you train hitting the dummy to develop skin and bone conditioning on the hard wood, you do not understand the purpose of WC dummy training. This kind of thinking will lead you to misunderstand the application of WC overall in terms of how we 'hit' opponents. You will develop wrong habits and rely on hard knuckles, elbows, forearms, shins, etc... as if these things will save you in a fight by smashing into your opponent's body parts... that is not WC application at all. No woman would waste her time trying to get externally physically strong and tough as the foundation of her martial abilities, because in general, males are physically stronger and tougher... even before she meets a male fighter trained and conditioned. SO WHY TRAIN THE DUMMY AND HOW TO USE IT? 1. The dummy represents a perfectly postured human being with infinite stamina to withstand pressure from you. It will never get fatigued from your pressure and thus will present perfect structure opponent onto which you can test and compare your own posture and structure applied to it. If you did this with a person, the person would soon get tired and loose stamina and his/her structure would disintegrate and you would soon be training against subpar posture which leads to incorrect habits on your part. A fatigued person will give you suboptimal resistance and posture so your techniques, posture, distance will be habituated to fight against a poorly postured tired opponent that cannot resist your pressure. This lessor opponent will cause you develop wrong distancing, wrong perception, penetration estimation, flanking estimation etc... and you will get destroyed against a trained fighter with good stamina. 2. The dummy is for your sake in terms of footwork and distancing, not for seeing how hard you can throw a punch at it. You will only hurt your fist if you do this. Once you get the basic distance down in terms of contact with the core, arms, leg of the dummy, you can then begin to play with the range and pay attention to the pressure differences when you go farther or closer to the perfect posture dummy with perfect stamina. In advanced levels, you begin to make instantaneous insight into the pressure about to encounter you even before you make contact based on your chosen distance to the core of the dummy. 3. The dummy arms are not to be understood as a person facing your directly as seen in this video with the black mannequin facing the presenter. That will make the practitioner develop wrong distancing and he will overshoot in real combat because he his stepping too far to avoid the limbs of the mannequin. The goal should be to make the steps get smaller and smaller to an imperceptible state to observers. 4. The dummy is a perfect infinitely postured platform for the practitioner to train his root connection of his rear heel through his body onto and into the core of the dummy. When the trainee does this incorrectly, he/she will notice a pushback from the rebound and also various tightening of his own body parts even if he/she does not get off balanced from the pushback. Physical observations which show apparent correct posture of the trainee connecting the dummy do not guarantee that the trainee is correct in energy transference into the dummy itself. If you feel anything in your body resisting, getting twisted, pushing back against pressure, or getting off balanced even imperceptibly to the naked eye, then you know you are incorrect and suboptimal in your posture and relaxation (song state). 5. The dummy arms should not be seen as "left arm, right arm" either arm actually changes sides based on your position in relation to the dummy itself. So the "left arm" routinely becomes the right arm in relation to the section of the set and your location to the dummy. Thus, using a human figure such as in this video takes that away and also makes you do incorrect position in relation to the dummy itself. It may look right to you, but you are too far off and use to much distance. You are basing your distance on a forward facing person with all limbs symmetrical to you, which is wrong. The wooden dummy presents you with offset arms that change sides based on your location. The arms become one side of the opponent as does the middle leg. That middle leg represents both sides of your opponent based on your location to the dummy.
@eldenlaciste855010 ай бұрын
Dude!!!Just invest in a wooden man.
@vingdragon10 ай бұрын
:) Dude !!! You didn't get my message! I have 3 different wooden dummies in my club. Take a look closer to my channel for more videos