INFJ and INFP Empathy - Differences and Similarities

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Scott Morgan

Scott Morgan

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@nicolezabel10 8 жыл бұрын
This is the BEST video I've seen (and I've seen a lot) regarding the difference she in nature of INFJ's vs. INFP's. I was struggling to figure out which one I was, because I can relate to both in some cases, but this really has me set now that I am in fact much more of an INfP based on what you described. Thank to you so much! This was helpful beyond words :)
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
That is great to hear :)
@mameta2079 6 жыл бұрын
Nice! I feel the exact same way. I feel like I can finally settle into being INFP!!
@TomasEPC 6 жыл бұрын
Same here :D
@rogueraven8683 5 жыл бұрын
Same way except I’m far more INFJ definitely much more expressive that I’m listening. Facial expressions, leaning forward, nodding my head, maybe talking a little. Definitely do a lot of that and when I do, I know that I’m doing it and I know that I’m doing to let that person know that I’m here and listening.
@gracevictory4134 3 жыл бұрын
@@rogueraven8683 so Agree as an infj👍
@neko_neko9 8 жыл бұрын
I am an INFJ, and every time I get upset my INFP boyfriend tries to draw me close and appease me, whereas I crave eye contact and words more, and have to state it repeatedly. Now I understand why eye contact feels natural to me and forced to him in such situations!
@nvduyanh96 3 жыл бұрын
Hi. May I ask how is your relationship with your INFP now? Im curious to know how this turns out. Thanks
@thisbedisanaquarium 9 жыл бұрын
I've thought about Fi/Fe differences in terms of empathy and I think you've really nailed it. Great vid. As an INFP, I definitely agree that I have a hard time giving advice to others because I think people need to figure things out for themselves. Like you said, I feel like people are complex and I don't like the idea of potentially steering someone in a wrong direction; that is, away from themselves. I dislike the idea of having that kind of power over others. Anytime I do actually offer advice I always give multiple possibilities/suggestions... it's more like a brainstorm rather than a direct suggestion of which path the person should take.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks thisbedisanaquarium. Nice to hear that it resonated.
@spark300c 8 жыл бұрын
I think describing fi/fe differences make sense giving advice. as intp I love to solve problems of all kinds and give my solutions. hard part is know if they want advice.
@chasingtheunknown3763 6 жыл бұрын
I suspect that I might be INFJ and even though I recognize diff paths and ways to get there (not as much as the infps/isfps though) i always try to incorporate respective personalities and inclinations to my advice. It's not apparent to others but it's natural for me to map someone's "entirety or soul" So my advice is a subdued version of what i think the other person is doing. I think Fi dominants do it best though, letting people do their thing at their time. It feels as if I'm responsible to the other person and I want them to get pass through that phase of their life.
@carolynconway3564 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed i personally believe that most problems don't need advice or forcme to fix them. People just need to deeply understood and heard with their problems.
@youxxnugget4380 2 жыл бұрын
I agree that it is important to let people figure things out for themselves, I also, as an INFJ see the importance of giving advice too. But what I'm about to say next does not need to incorporate mbti in my opinion. I agree that people are complex, and so I think it's important to ask the person >what do you need? How can I support you right now?
@ssamstory1 6 жыл бұрын
The infp leads with introverted feeling, fi which is listening with empathy and this hits at a deep place. It often feels vulnerable for an infp to express their emotions because of how deep they run, they have no Sheild.
@pearliew.6628 9 жыл бұрын
Great video!! The INFP analogy really resonates. On the surface, INFPs seem less empathetic than INFJs but they just show their empathy differently, not more or less. INFPs are quiet, composed listeners. I feel that we don’t typically give advice because, those are OUR personal opinions and we don’t want to push them on people. We don’t want to sway/influence/deter them from their own feelings and cloud their judgements with our own… and on top of that, we have to be ASKED for our opinions. As for the “INFP silence,” I interpret and try to convey that as a safe, supportive space that’s there when/if the person needs it. Again, it’s about not pushing and not being forceful or overbearing and trying to create a free, comfortable space. Pretty much saying all the same things you are so this may sound like a reiteration.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks Pearlie W. Nice to hear that the video resonates with you so well.
@PaulWBruce 6 жыл бұрын
Personality Hacker - "all the rage" in MBTI study today - talks about the INFJ as absorbing others' emotions, feeling exactly what they're feeling, really being in touch with the others' emotional states in real time, as opposed to the INFP, who MIRRORS others' emotions, finding within themselves the emotions others experience, and calling on them asynchronously. My experience as an INFJ with a close INFP friend and knowing several other INFPs and INFJs... It's the COMPLETE OPPOSITE! INFPs are so sensitive to the emotions of others, which is perhaps why the INFP can seem almost constantly BOTH at peace AND on edge. I've seen INFPs listen to attentively to others talk about their feelings and thoughts, and the INFP seems (not very overtly, but subtly) moved by every single word spoken. There is an awareness of the depth of someone's emotion that can be overwhelming for the INFP, as they take that on. The INFP becomes the other person in the sense of receiving and experiencing the other's thoughts and feelings in that moment. Once away from that person, however, they seem revert to looking inward to understand their own thoughts and emotions. As an INFJ, I believed, after reading many profiles, that the INFJ is a super-empath, who takes on the thoughts and feelings of other people in the moment. But as I mature, I start to believe that less and less, and begin to see my understanding of others quite differently. Unlike the INFP, who (I believe) sees people as complex combinations of emotions and cognitions, I, an INFJ, see people as complex combinations of traits, features, characteristics. More than knowing what someone is thinking or feeling, and how deep they are feeling, I work to piece the different elements of a person together to get an idea of the whole person, as a combination of many parts. I feel that, while the INFP can take on the others' emotions and thoughts, and communicate a deep understanding of the other person's process, the INFJ can take on others' PERSPECTIVES and MINDSETS, seeing the world through the other person's eyes. If I walk by a person who has cerebral palsy, quadriplegia, mental handicaps, deafness, etc., I am moved and begin to feel very strong emotions. These emotions, however, are my own, not theirs - they may be walking around blissfully, and I am moved to tears. This is because I see the world through their eyes, what it is like to be them, and am moved by both the beauty of their being and the tragedy of their condition. I feel as though I take on the structure of their psyche, while still remaining myself. I think this also explains the INFJ's tendency to be a "chameleon", synchronizing with others, adapting themselves to the other person in order to communicating a message straight into their soul, or at the least the part of them that needs to be addressed. Sorry for the rant. This has been on my mind for a while. Thank you for the video, Scott, this was illuminating, and I hope I haven't completely missed the point of it.
@PaulWBruce 6 жыл бұрын
If I can add to this... The INFJ's "emotion absorbing" I believe really belongs to the ENFJ, who LEADS with a feeling process. The ENFJs Fe is based directly on others, thus is more quick to pick up others' emotions, which may explain why ENFJs can also shift from positive to negative and back again quite quickly. The INFP's Fi, however, is associated not with selfishness or focus only on one's own values, but more careful and introspective understanding of thoughts and feelings. So they can paint a picture of what the other person is experiencing, even though it's not as quick as the ENFJ, the INFP trading speed in for depth, complexity.
@charming_mist7925 5 жыл бұрын
Paul Bruce, My mom is an INFP and she mimics others to understand them--so I would say they're mind readers in that an experienced INFP does understand by mimicry. My dad (an INFJ) literally is those people and has to remind himself that those emotions are theirs, not his own.
@learnwithkit 2 жыл бұрын
Reading your comment 3 years later. :) Hello. INFP empathy (from my own experience)..... since young, to get to know others... i embody "the other person". Typically, I have trouble responding in real time because i am just sitting with how I feel and my body feel as I am listening. My mind is usually blank. So if i am truly listening, I would prefer not to be looking at you and not to be responding. I am just sitting with you just observing my own feeling and my own get a sense of you. I did consider the possibility of INFJ because it feels like INFP can see take on another person's perspective. The way it is done.. is by mimic and embodying it within myself. For e.g. i could be talking to an elderly female who felt deprived of her chance at education. in my heart, i felt... "i am so sorry that you had to carry the brunt of cultural sexism...." There is nothing I wanted to say or could say because there is no way to express this..... once expressed, it just loses and almost "belittles" what this lady was feeling throughout her life. I could only keep quiet and let her speak. I am not sure if INFJ's Fe feels this way... etc.
@timsmusicstuff 9 жыл бұрын
I feel you hit it right on the nose. Speaking as an INFP, I think the people that are closest to me need me to just be there to listen to their problems and that presence of empathy is the healing itself. In situations where the friends and family that have thanked me later the most were situations where I'm pretty sure I didn't have a flash of insight or helpful piece of advice. I usually feel guilty if I have nothing to say, but I should remember that I'm helping a lot just by being there and being a mirror of their feelings. I think the thing I do best is making people not feel bad about the way they feel/show I understand where they are coming from in their feelings. (Not that I necessarily approve the way people react to their feelings though.)
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks +smajda85 great to hear your thoughts
@thememoryguardians 9 жыл бұрын
Great video - I love that you shut down the notion that INFPs are more sympathetic than empathetic. Everything you said from about 7:00 - 8:00 was so on point. I'm an INFP and all of my empathetic moments with my friends are usually when we're sitting in a car alone at night just driving OR we're talking online - no eye contact is required at all and I feel much more comfortable talking about feelings (both mine and theirs) when it's a comfortable, quiet atmosphere. I feel when there's a lot of eye contact like there's a laser beam staring into my eyes trying to figure me out and it makes me very uncomfortable. Making eye contact does not come naturally to me, I have to make a conscious decision to do it.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
I think many intuitives would agree +BeingErin
@Y2Kr4SHM4N 6 жыл бұрын
BeingErin Yup. I hate eye contact. I give eye contact when Im angry. Otherwise I avoid it.
@Sanguinelover 5 жыл бұрын
i think infps can actually be more empathetic than infjs the reason being infjs have emotional contagion not empathy. emotional contagion is the ability to absorb the emotion but it doesnt necessary mean the infj understands the situation at hand. the infj might assume they understand because of absorbing the emotions but they dont know where that emotion actually came from. they might use Ni and Ti to assume they know everything about the situation when they dont at all. Empathy is the ability to understand and be their for a person who is struggling. ik a infj who doorslamed me because they saw me cry and absorbed my depression (thats not empathy... they werent there for me in difficult times and..they dont know healthy boundaries) i have noticed infps are infact more empathic because of Ne (Fi and Si). thwy dont absorb the emotion as an infj much which makes it easier for an infp to help someone heal. they dont come to sharp conclusion about the situation they just listen to the person talking and actually hear them out.
@TiaTaroh 6 жыл бұрын
INFP, I have been told I have a comforting presence. I am less logical with my empathy, and more in the moment. My best friends are ENFJ and INFJ!
@LareesieAlice 9 жыл бұрын
Honestly, speaking as an INfp, I don't see others as having a " sacred" journey. I don't offer advice because they don't ask and if I told them what I really think, it would probably offend them. I find that strangers gravitate toward me, and will dump their lives on me. I find it offensive because these same people never reciprocate as much as a "how are you doing". I find people aren't interested in what you have to offer, they will only hear what they want to hear. I will only advice family, like my son or husband.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
AliceCries I think a lot of INFJ's and INFP's relate to this. Growing up I used to wonder why where ever I went I would attract talkers. I had a mixture of people sharing deep personal issues and others that just talked a lot of surface talk. I was / am always respectful but the latter is hard work. Boundaries are important to safe guard becoming a dumping ground.
@qtip1926 9 жыл бұрын
Im a Male INFP. So my question is, do you really tire of people dumping their problems on you or does it apply more to work and other social organizations treating you like a workhorse or living sacrifice? I guess I'm seeing if this is an area where there is a real difference between male and female INFP's. People rarely come to me with their personal problems, and so I've really tired of it. I know male INFP's are over represented as therapists and so I know we tend to be better 'feelers'. On the other hand I have moved mountains for people at work, home or other social organizations and that has been the biggest stressor in my life.
@AznGotChen 9 жыл бұрын
It's funny because I have the same issues as an infj. People often "dump" their concerns worries w.e onto me. I would be supportive and give them my advice even though most of them never take it to heart. It used to bother me to a great deal but I learn to come to terms with it. Cause in the end what makes me happy is seeing them happy. My sense of self began to diminished as I got older and I stopped worrying about if they would listen to me or reciprocate what I do for them. If they have an issue I'll do my best to relate and help them whether it's advice or they just need a friend to listen to.
@caspero2138 9 жыл бұрын
AliceCries Firstly, thank you for the video Introvert Power. I certainly found it interesting, and unusually insightful. Just to say, speaking as an INFP too, I wouldn't perhaps see others as being on a "sacred journey"; I find the word "sacred" has strong spiritual connotations and my world view is a secular one. However, while I feel human experiences are on some level very similar, I do see others having unique circumstances, options, predilections, tastes, life problems ect; as such I could perhaps say that I see others, metaphorically, as having different life paths. If I am perhaps reluctant to offer advice when someone else is suffering and shares their suffering and confusion with me, I think it is in part because I am reluctant to offer a solution that might be right for me (if I was presented with the same set of circumstances), but wrong for them. i.e. I wouldn't want to impose my world view on someone else, or guide them according to my values. I also feel that people need to have a safe place of acceptance and understanding when they are suffering and that this is generally what they want as well. While I always empathise with people when they are suffering intensely, I also feel that I make ethico-emotional judgements about their decisions and I feel that sharing this wouldn't always be helpful or appropriate, or conducive to finding a resolution. Basically, I try to gently guide someone who is suffering to find a window of clarity through support. I also see some value in emotional suffering; I don't see suffering as simply a negative thing that is to be done away with but as part of a process that needs to be moved through to find greater understanding.
@jejrstans 7 жыл бұрын
My hubby is an ISFJ and this happens to him all the time, too.
@tulip5210 8 жыл бұрын
I would just like to state, that if a infp knows how to act they can be the most outgoing human, or whatever they want. And it just so happens to be a stereotype that we make good actors ;)
@Esabreya 5 жыл бұрын
Soooo many stereotypes I'm learning lol. Good point
@user-vw6xp5nl6t 8 жыл бұрын
as an constantly giving people advice. Fi is often associated with "Wisdom". Wisdom about emotions themselves. Wisdom about how to go from one emotion to the next .. to the next.. and then finally back to peace/contentment/happiness. We walk the emotional journey with you out of the hole you're in. Wheras an INFJ can help you see things from alternate perspectives or the perspective that will help you out of your situation... until you can see that perspective + the related answer yourself. Personally I associate Fe with sympathy more often than the "taking responsibility for others emotions" can come across as someone pitying another person (especially for an Fi user).. I once described the way an ESFJ made me feel using a metaphor. I felt like when this ESFJ was empathising with me, that they were actually empathising with my situation as if it were "Inside a picture frame" that they were looking at from the outside. They were empathising with what my life APPEARED to be, based on social conventions or my social status etc. Thus their empathy was more like pity.... wheras I described my own process of empathy towards them as if I "put them on" like a jacket and tried to literally see things from their experience, through their eyes. Maybe this is Ne being used to imagine also.. Thus empathy for an INFP or Fi users is more like aligning my own internal map of subjective human emotional experience with yours.. and then feeling what you are feeling as I conjure up your emotions within myself...what usually happens is that I then use my Fi to help steer your emotions or say just the right thing to help bring up a certain emotion. But if my internal map says that its more helpful for you to stay in that pain..i might not interfere with or have a high regard for that moment and its sacredness in the human experience.
@user-vw6xp5nl6t 8 жыл бұрын
i think the problems between Fe and Fi advice can be clear though. Fe advises people toward group social harmony (what's best for you is for you to contrbute something of value to the group and then the group will help you in return) .....wheras Fi advice is to (go it alone individuate from the group..follow whats best for you. be true to your own values despite whether that affects group harmony)... thus either advice for can be damaging if the person needs the group and you point them away..or the person needs courage to go it alone.. and they are pointed towards group dependence.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
Very true
@Bebbolove 6 жыл бұрын
Brilliant observation!
@melancholikak6844 5 жыл бұрын
As a Fi Dom (isfp) this is EXACTLY how I feel and experience it. I'm tired of being told by the glorified infj groups that Fi is selfish, sympathy, and infj corners the world on wisdom. Not to mention I have the dreaded "S" in my type, so I'm basically worthless to the "intitive" community, as a shallow superficial materialistic human being. Truth is, I identify with intuitive descriptions more than the sad ISFP descriptions out there. I too really identify with the way I experience esfj, entj, infj of it feel fake to me, even though I know the person cares for me deeply. I just don't receive it the way I think they intend/hope for me too. Likewise, I think we do the same for them, and they can feel sometimes still misunderstood by Fi Dom. I can acknowledge that, I just wish infj could recognize they too don't come off as the most "helpful" to us when we are in our pain. The infj type has been so glorified that it's almost seen as evil of me to even say this....
@Jaxan-dq2jy Жыл бұрын
@@melancholikak6844 Fi has a lot to offer. I don't have much experience with it, but the times I have, it seems to convey this sense of internal harmony, security, and emotional wisdom, it uses emotions to reframe the emotions themselves into something more bearable in a very poetic and philosophical way I sometimes struggle with self perfectionism, and one time an Fi dom told me "your best is your perfect" and I was just so shocked because that made so much sense yet it was so simple, it was not a radical perspective shift, psychological strategy or observation like something I might say, it was a literal transmutation of the emotion itself, a semantic change I am leaning more towards classifiying the functions not by traits or how people act (although they do affect that a little) but the process in how you came to and justified to act that way Also if people shit on you because you are a sensor, they are the shallow ones. Mbti is just social status to them, something they use to feel better about themselves instead of a tool for understanding, don't worry about them, they don't know anything about you :) Not going to lie, I think infjs are secretly jelly of isfps, functionwise, you are basically them but better and more balanced Ni Fe Ti Se Fi Se Ni Te The Se and Ni are in a 60 40 balance so they can work together perfectly, while the infjs have to struggle with that 90 10 Ni Se bs :>
@samantham.5305 9 жыл бұрын
This was such a great explanation. I really can agree, as an INFJ, with what you said about being both detached and connected with my own reality while viewing things as the other person, and with speaking to a specific part of a person when giving advice. A lot of my friends will bring up things I've said to them in the past that they say hit them right where they needed it, even though I didn't realize it at the time. I really enjoyed this video!
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks Samantha M.. Your comment highlights that the world needs the INFJ Ni.
@Esabreya 5 жыл бұрын
Same with me 100%. I've scored INFP and INFJ I'm wondering if this is truly exclusive to INFJ or if I'm only able to relate because I straddle both types
@rebecam.8397 9 жыл бұрын
I'm an infp, and all this time I was trying to make myself try and show emotion on my face to try and show my empathy to the person even tho it felt so wrong to me, like I wasn't being sincere. Now I have to untrain myself from it
@rebecam.8397 8 жыл бұрын
Wow. So turns out I'm an enfj. I was just really unhealthy at the time and that's why I thought I was something else. I'm good now tho.
@Esabreya 5 жыл бұрын
Wow so true me too with the deliberate expressions and feeling like it's forced. But I wanted to do it to show the other person I am present and focused. Hmm interesting
@catherineames6516 9 жыл бұрын
INFJs feel *experience*. They literally see and feel the world *through someone else's eyes*. That's how I feel anyway. My third eye places me, *as that person*, in *their world*. And I feel, think, comprehend as they do. I do not think of *myself* as being in their shoes. I think of being *them* in their shoes. And then I come back into myself to evaluate it.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Nice way of describing it +Catherine Ames
@SmittenKitten. 8 жыл бұрын
+Catherine Ames That's EXACTLY it!
@SmittenKitten. 8 жыл бұрын
hithere Yes, it is.
@ElusvOptmst1 7 жыл бұрын
@Catherine Ames Yes, that is me completely. Almost an out of body experience when this happens, a bit frightening at times. And it can become exhausting, but I love myself for being like this. How about you?
@jejrstans 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for that description! So, for INFJ is it possible to do that so subtly and unconsciously that you're not aware that you're doing it? This sounds like what I do, but I do it so quickly that it's taken me years to be able to slow it down in my mind to watch it happening.
@katesunderthelilacs4591 8 жыл бұрын
My best friend is an INFP, and I'm an INFJ. I wept at the end of the video. It so perfectly expresses how I experience her empathy and what I honor in her, her presence, and also my own gifts. Thank you. Beautifully expressed.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
You're very welcome +KatesUndertheLilacs
@LinYouToo 5 жыл бұрын
INFJ 🙋‍♀️. You nailed it. We are also often acutely aware that making a well-placed introspective comment, if taken too far, can cross the line into nudging or offering advice. I don’t really like to do that. The part where you talk about our intuition suddenly forming an abstract idea into something concrete is perhaps the most insightful thing about us INFJ’s. There is so much swirling around in our heads that when something crystallizes, in our minds, it does so in a big way.
@Drsaulmarcusgp 9 жыл бұрын
Watched this video a few times over past few months, each time understanding it better. INFP and description is very accurate. The concern of coming off as fake, or imposing if I say too much. I don't want to play therapist or say too much as that's a huge imposition. I actually feel that if were to show too much empathy, or advice then I would be making things more about me than other person. As other INFP mentioned - will offer possibilities.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks +Saul Marcus, ND
@Esabreya 5 жыл бұрын
True and we also perceive whether advice is sought or necessary. Some people truly want to vent to a silent audience. I do this less now because I do take on their energy when I do this. I now offer this space to those who are open to the insights I receive when listening to them. If they allow me, I tend to give them a shifted perspective of the situation (vs task oriented advice).
@janacatudan1419 3 жыл бұрын
INFP just absorbs the emotion not recognizing it's even recognizing it's their emotion. INFP recognizes.
@joshuatheseeker5069 5 жыл бұрын
US INFP'S ARE VERY AUTHENTIC AND LOVE TO LET OTHERS BE THERE SELVES. We never will try to change anyone and will not let others change us. We can truly see through the eyes of others but tend to stay away from helping others by changing there views or thoughts we simply empathize with them and try to help them in a way that doesnt alter there experiences
@immedi8Minds 7 жыл бұрын
This is another case of a jealousy I have of INFJ's: I wish I could readily say something to help the other person. Also, at the end you spoke of the process for feeling the part that needs to be spoken to. As an INFP instead, what they say resonates with a certain part of me. I then find that part inside myself and get that comforting confirmation of correctness once I've truly found and understood that part of myself. After that, if words come up to describe it, I will say them to add to the conversation and atmosphere unless they need room to speak or think. Many times words don't come up (other than the usual analytical chatter in my head).
@anaistwin 9 жыл бұрын
INFP here and i agree with all of this! you really got to the essence (Ni) of how an INFP works and you gave me more insight into my INFJ friends and in a way, my INTJ mom. thank you, i look forward to exploring your videos more.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
mirrorghost that's great!
@TheBananaDeanna 5 жыл бұрын
I'm an older INFJ I have learned over the years how walking in someone's shoes on their level. Still learning. Thank you for an awesome helpful video! Grateful.
@SzahProductions 9 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFP and I have an INFJ best friend, and this is absolutely accurate. I found this very interesting and helpful. Thank you :)
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Szah you're welcome.
@worldwidehandsomekimseokji4064 4 жыл бұрын
I’m an INFP and I totally agree with how we view life as a sacred journey towards different emotion and growth. I tend to give emotional support but not advice to fix the other person, I’m afraid that may affect the growth of another person. I personally don’t show much from my expressions, but I‘m sure that I have strong empathy, I just don’t show it though it’s always here. I’ve heard from people that they’re feeling comfortable around me and I’m always here to support or heal them. I guess that’s how we heal people.
@Sunvio 6 жыл бұрын
I’m an infp and I give advice. I am not silent. I can’t imagine just sitting in silence while someone is hurting. I always test as an infp and your description doesn’t fit me in this case. Just sayin.
@terreemc 2 жыл бұрын
Right on Scott! I am an old INFJ and I experience an internal expansive sensation when I have made a observation that connects with the other person. It is quite strong and pleasant. Thanks for your videos!
@ocelot113 9 жыл бұрын
"Are you listening?" "Did you hear me?" Was an expected part of my childhood conversations lol. I never really noticed it for what it was til now though. I remember learning to grunt ah's and give subtle uh-huh's when talking with people because the uncomfortable nature of no input would derail people, which was not the desired effect. But after 30 years of interactions, I've learned that more input is required to get the desired depth that we look for from others. It's in a way a balancing act, but my grunts and agreeing is very planned a lot of the time. Like writing a piece of music, you can feel from the other person when they need a que from you in order to open up more. It's a little bit of a mind game (for me anyway lol), but not to be malicious but instead to allow people to be comfortable and be honest. I am very good at recognizing deception and people WILL lie if they aren't comfortable with you. I try not to give much advice because I have seen how people weaponize everything you say when they are in a vulnerable place, whether it is to attack someone else with it or blame you. I don't blame them for doing it because it seems to be quite universal :D, but I just avoid arming it at all cost. More often than not people are looking to you for an excuse and not honest answers. So, since I hate lying and people when hurt generally want you to lie to them to make them feel better, I say very little because they are probably going to get even more angry if I say something haha.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing +ocelot113
@ashamazon2262 6 жыл бұрын
I’m an INFJ close to someone who is INFP. This is so helpful!!
@miahleissa9599 7 жыл бұрын
I am a female INFJ. My closest female friend is an INFP. Everything you have said in this video applies. Thank you. :)
@artixi3291 2 жыл бұрын
I recently whet on a type journey and this video just cleared up any doubts I may have with my conclusion. I was mistyped as an INFP for years and I never questioned it until I started connecting with other INFPs online and despite surface level similarities, I could never shake off the fact that our thought processes were different. I had initially dismissed it as maybe they were the ones mistyped because some of them were more ISFP or ENFP but this video on empathy, fully explains the difference between my actual INFP friend and Me. It'd always baffled me that she'd give very little advice or feedback on a situation I or someone else was dealing with. However, she's one of my favorite people to go to as a shoulder to lean on because she's just... there. I can usually figure out what's going just by talking it out but she on the other hand, will entirely bottle up whatever is going on and I'd have to force it out of her. She understands her feelings very deeply and doesn't want to "burden" anyone with them, I have to "intellectualize" my own feelings and talking it out helps with that process. That point about the INFJ seeing through the eyes of another person is almost word for word how I describe both providing advice to someone and writing my own characters. While the INFP can take someone's own emotions as their own (and on a very personal level due to Fi) I can take on another person's world view and see what actions they would make completely separate from my own. I never expected to find a video that explained my friend and I so accurately today. Thank you so much for this clarity.
@obidavekenobe 3 ай бұрын
My INFPness is like actually embodying the other person’s emotions, not just feeling, but rather really feeling their emotions on a deeper lever.
@elysebuehrer4155 8 жыл бұрын
This description of INFP empathy rings far truer with me than any other I have heard. Your discussion about sympathy vs. empathy beginning at 3:08 is incredibly insightful and good to hear. Thank you so much for sharing.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
You are very welcome +Elyse Rae
@certifiedreal1505 8 жыл бұрын
its so weird how accurate this is. why is that all people classify into one of the personality types?
@dionmcgee5610 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely right. Many, many people don't really listen to someone when they're talking. Instead, they just nod their head and when the other person pauses for a moment to catch their breath they instantly launch into their own experience on the subject. Often the only thing the person wants is to be heard. Other times someone is looking for a solution to their dilemma that they haven't considered or don't know the answer to. In those cases I wait until they're finished going over the problem, and then I slowly ask detailed questions to try to figure out which specific scenario is the one their describing. Usually it only takes 3 or 4 more pieces of information to know what scenario they're in, and often the answer to their problem is found in the scenario itself, whatever the issue. Occasionally, the solution isn't obvious or self evident to us, and the person must work their way deeper into what's wrong in search of some clarity.
@kantui525 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent video, very well explained. An empathy video was well needed. I understand what you were trying to explain about INFJs speaking to a part of a person, many INFJs have done that to me and there were times where it really hit home. As an INFP I personally find I never really lose touch of my own identity when I'm empathizing but I only use my feeling and intuition passively to see where exactly they are in their heads. I see it almost as a maze full of doors, that based on their emotions are either open or closed. I go at it one room at a time with them and through listening and empathizing I see if I can get other doors to open and get them through. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a certain part of them too but that part is one of the parts they're in in that moment. INFJs I see as speaking to the supporting factors of their troubles (I don't know if I'm right with this).
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Snail Very interesting INFP analogy. Regarding "through listening and empathizing I see if I can get other doors to open and get them through" - If you have time are you able share more on how you do this and what it looks like? I agree with your observation that INFJ's speak to the supporting factors of peoples troubles.
@kantui525 9 жыл бұрын
Introvert Power I ask them questions that they may not have considered before, or I tell them things they might need to hear, or reassure them about certain choices or perspectives. Usually as people calm down they start thinking differently and a different set of doors open. When they feel understood or accepted they're willing to seek advice on different things. Some might need to talk it through to understand themselves. I know my approach on my problems is greatly affected by who I'm with at the moment. My approach depends on many different factors so I don't know how to put it in more general terms. Ideally I give the person space to vent until they calm down and can think and make adequate decisions for themselves.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Snail In counselling terms, we call the space where the client can think clearly and rational, and is self-aware and others aware etc, the therapeutic window.
@qtip1926 9 жыл бұрын
Great Video I definitely agree with INFJ's speaking to parts of people. Some of my thoughts on INFJ's are that they will often address an entire group when they really have a message tailored to a specific person. Addressing the group allows them to remain anonymous, not use too much Se, but still accomplish their goals. The group is used to make the message 'softer'. Whereas ENFJ's have more capacity to connect with groups, but they usually wind up being more reserved and empathize on a strictly individual level. Group empathy just seems like business as usual. If an ENFJ really wants to empathize with someone they will probably are going to make it known to them in the moment. ENFJ's WILL lure you into eye contact whereas INFJ's may make eye contact as more of a passing glance. They tend to stare into space a sign that they are giving them their undivided attention, like an INFP would do I once, had an INFJ Martial Art Instructor and one time I stopped doing the drill he was teaching and started to do a particularly 'sport' grappling move when we were supposed to be doing more self defense version of Grappling (Which to those who aren't familiar with the topic, it's a BIG difference) and he used me to demonstrate why you don't do this Bump/Mountaineer sweep in a street fight. Basically, he punched me in the face in front of everyone while talking to everyone, but really meaning the message for me. LOL. Good times. I think you nailed the INFP. Our empathy is very passive. We have advice, but it never really seems like we have the right to intervene.
@thynisia396 4 жыл бұрын
Man... You're AMAZING. I'll come back to this video every time I might doubt again my type, that I'm indeed an INFJ and can rely on this for sure.
@SideByrnes51 9 жыл бұрын
Nice, Scott. Another home run. I like your insights and you convey them in an easy way. Will be watching this again and sharing it with my wife (INFJ). Paul (INFP) Learning from you... Thanks!
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
SideByrnes51 great to hear!
@YunjuRosaLee 2 жыл бұрын
I like the metaphor you use for INFP and INFJ empathy as a healing agent on someone’s sacred journey and as a surgeon. I’m an infp and I am glad to receive the knowledge from you.
@scott.morgan 2 жыл бұрын
You’re very welcome 😊
@ombre-ame 4 жыл бұрын
INFP..I am an empath ..can feel other peoples emotions and energy. However you are right I often do not verbalize the connection I feel. But I sometimes feel so deeply that other people's emotional state can effect my health and well being. I have to be very careful around negative energies they drain my energy.
@KendrixTermina 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Ever too often empathy gets attributed to only one of these functions, when in reality the difference is more in the * mechanism * of how they do it. I liked how you stressed the underlying similarities between the various flavors of NFs. I'm the one Fe person in a family of all Fi folks, and an inferior user at that (well, the youngest * might * be an ESTP but too early to truly tell, but, most certainly Se user of some kind; The closest Fe relative would be an ESFJ aunt & cousin.) so I kind of annoy everyone with my loud reaction noises to movies & clumsy attempts at comforting people. I guess thanks to function theory I now know to just state it once & let the little sister in question process things in peace.... Srsly tho. Fi people are such good listeners; They're just there for you & respectful toward you when you need to vent, make you aware of things you might not have noticed about your own inner processes, and they genuinely like listening to you, it's not an imposition (Yes, even the NTJs; But particularly the higher users of course) - The catch is, of course, that you usally need to get into their inner circle first. Well, with exeption of the EXFPs. They're so easy to talk to and you'd get the sense that they'd tell you if you were accidentally annoying them (as opposed to putting up with you but secretly resenting it) That said, while all my contacts with INFJs have been brief internet dialogues/ I don't know one IRL or what it would be like to speak to/get comforted by one, they seem to have their own particular brand of awesome and I really like how thoughtful they seem to be.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing +KendrixTermina
@sunnymccalister234 5 жыл бұрын
This is the most accurate description of INFP empathy that Ive ever seen. (I am an INFP). Thank you for articulating what I havent been able to. I deeply appreciate this. Also, thank you for the insight into INFJ empathy.
@ElusvOptmst1 7 жыл бұрын
Spot on! This is an excellent description of my INFJ self!:-)
@winniewinkles 9 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your ability to discern and put into words the subtle differences between these nuanced people! I was thinking that maybe it's also like 'passive' empathy (INFP) and 'active' empathy (INFJ) with both having different value and merit.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks +Winnie Winkles . I like the passive and active analogy. :)
@BurgundyandBlue1111 8 жыл бұрын
Nailed it! As an INFJ empath I can watch a woman who can't find her child and cry like I've lost my child. Someone around me will ask "do you know her?" and all I can say is no, but what I really want to say is I AM HER. It can feel overwhelming at times, so I have found that if I block the world out from time to time (or a little everyday, even if its just for 5 minutes) that works out better for me (to clear out those feelings) or if I do internal dialogue as I am observing the event - to erect a psychological/emotional barrier - it will feel less intense. I will still feel it, but I do a better job of not showing it so much outwardly, because that can make other people feel uncomfortable which just adds to that potent emotional mix. I am o.k. with feeling intensely, but I don't like when it bothers other people.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed reading your comments. Great insights, thanks!
@msmusliimah 8 жыл бұрын
As an INFP I can relate to your comment !
@snorelax3908 6 жыл бұрын
That's the most empathetic thumbnail I ever saw in my damn life. 10/10.
@LadyLuck8_4 4 жыл бұрын
Empathy takes a lot of energy and so it’s not something that can be switched on and off all the time. But when the listening takes place, you begin to empathise, to validate the other person’s experience by empathising.
@klausb.7505 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you alot! I as a "Feeling-like-an-INFJ" needed that!
@Electrofanka 8 жыл бұрын
"Their emphaty is the same but different" I think these words describe it the best! :) But anyway thanks for the video! It made many things clearer for me :) I'm INFP sometimes feeling connection with INFJ ;)
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
You are welcome +Electrofanka
@milicatucakovic3619 6 жыл бұрын
I’m an ENFP and this video is very accurate for aux Fi as well, and most people do not understand it so I am glad you’ve dug deeper into this issue. What I’ve noticed with INFJs is that I feel as though I am being studied, and the INFJ is a kind of scientist observing me. I think it comes from a place of deep genuine interest to study my “problem” and the emphasis is not necessarily on stepping into my shoes as it might be for an Fi user. The INFJ thought of me as “cold” even though they know for a fact that I am very sensitive, which kind of confused me. Often the INFJ would press my buttons (always knowing which ones to press) until my emotions became apparent. It was as though they didn’t believe that I felt a certain way until I broke down outwardly. I am curious what you’re thoughts are on that...
@MisterFlom 3 жыл бұрын
beautiful video, thank you. I feel people's pain intensely so it feels inaccurate to be described as lacking empathy - but as an INFP I strongly believe that you cannot go on another's journey for them, they need to process their feelings and come to the realisations themselves. But this doesn't mean I would never offer perspectives or solutions, but rather than speaking directly to the individual's situation I might couch it in metaphor, generalities or speak about some aspect of my own journey. If a person is ready, they will understand, if they are not ready, I haven't forced some unwanted realisation on them.
@scott.morgan 2 жыл бұрын
You're welcome! Thanks for sharing your insights.
@Softening.into.His.Glory. 6 жыл бұрын
Though I self refer (like INFP), I still put myself in the other's shoes (INFJ). My cognitive preference is for INFJ, but have developed Fi and Ne quite a bit (for some situations more than others), so this makes a lot of sense.
@jedsparks3868 6 жыл бұрын
Excellent, the empathy discription nails down Im an infj. Which I always thought. But now confirmed. Thank you so much, Jed
@janacatudan1419 3 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFP-T I drag people into the shadow for them to reach out into the light and transform
@Richard-zm6pt 3 жыл бұрын
I'm really happy I have found you. I love your presentations. I have wondered about whether I were INFP or INFJ, and I always watch videos that try to distinguish between the two. Some are very theoretical and others are not very serious. Based on today's talk, I am clear that I am INFJ. But, I do appreciate so much the description of the INFP and think the approach to listening is the ideal. I do believe also in the sacred journey, but I have to stifle my need to say something, to offer an insight, or suggest a solution to a problem. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights.
@crydunkey5982 4 жыл бұрын
That thumbnail has powerful comedic energy
@exdamariis 5 жыл бұрын
It’s amazing to me... Recently I’ve been second guessing my type for the 17th time, wanting nothing more than for some wizard to appear before me and stamp my true type on my forehead - giving me 100% certainty. And yet, every time I come to this channel my worries are settled. Because I gain such clear confirmation that I am, at my core, an INFJ. I’m also reminded that I need to simply relax my worries about possibly being a mistyped INFP... So for that, thank you kindly.
@dionmcgee5610 3 жыл бұрын
It shouldn't necessarily be either or. You can be fluid a bit and express some things from both. It's a tool to help more than an absolute judgement or definitive categorization.
@exdamariis 3 жыл бұрын
@@dionmcgee5610 Hey, yea I think this is the understanding I've come to almost a year later. My yearning to be understood is mostly what was driving my anxiousness over not knowing 100%. A helpful tool it's been to me though as you said. It's helped me understand how to explain myself others, and how to be kind to myself. But also has taught me how I can better interact and understand others. Thank You:)
@dionmcgee5610 3 жыл бұрын
@@exdamariis like many other people (relatively speaking, of course) when I first took the test and read up on INFJ it was one epiphany after another. Realizing I had experienced almost -sometimes the exact- same things other INFJs had. Strangers confiding their secrets to me, even friends in my small group after school wanting someone to confide in and trusting my discretion (What's embarrassing about Astral projection?). The elaborate strategizing for every mundane task. Analyzing EVERYTHING constantly and enjoying it. etc.. But all people don't relate so intensely as INFJs do, like going straight to the comment sections for souls to analyze and relate to. You've read some of the attacks on the Meyers- Briggs test, I assume. Don't know how you reacted but what I read I mostly agreed with, my only disagreement being -and it's a major one- that the test is far from useless. As usual, people assume how they responded to something is how everyone else responds to it. Liars believe everyone is a liar- honest people the opposite, until they get wiser. (Do liars get wiser about it? If they were wise they wouldn't be lying) The M/B test is a tool for measuring certain things- it's not applicable to everything or everyone. And nobody is 100% always one thing or the other. People are fluid. Some more so than others. I've always known how I am. I've taken the test(s) a number of times, trying to be honest as possible and not give answers that would achieve a desired outcome. Even answering the same test differently when I was logically and honestly able. To my surprise it always comes out the same. But sometimes I think I could be INFP.
@joshuatheseeker5069 5 жыл бұрын
As an INFP you are rite we see each and every individual's journey is sacred and we tend to let others figure out things on there own to let them have there experiences personally and sincerely want to help others but in a way that doesnt manipulate there journeys outcome because that is theres and it is a very sacred thing to be able to learn in there own way. We will always help with advice but never force someone to see things how we see them and try to change them we like authenticity and letting them learn and experience in there own unique ways. We can truly emphasize with them but do not want to try and change them or there journeys. We know how things will work out in the end no matter the outcome it will automatically take place.
@melancholikak6844 5 жыл бұрын
Funny, so many people believe Fi actually shows only sympathy, not empathy. As an ISFP I am severely empathetic and *do* absorb the emotions of others. So to hear Fe touted as the sole function that delivers true empathy was so invalidating. I recently told people in an MBTI typing group that both types have empathy, it's an individual thing who is capable of more healthy empathy. I also agree it's completely annoying to hear Fi is sympathetic as I detest thinking others see me as this false self. I struggle to do sympathy as it seems fake and unhelpful to me as a Fi Dom. Thank you for this very validating video that Fi is not inherently selfish, cognitive functions are neutral!!
@JohnRieping 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent job with this analysis in this INFP's opinion. :)
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Cheers +John Rieping
@youratowel97 9 жыл бұрын
I completely agree. I'm an INFJ and my boyfriend is an INFP. When I do try to share my problems I tend to get very frustrated because to me it comes across that he doesn't care. I know he does care,, but in an already emotional situation I can't help but feel like he isn't interested.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
+morgan brown Yeah, I think as a general rule INFP's need to be invited to share their thoughts and feelings
@backtoasimplelife 8 жыл бұрын
+Introvert Power Why is this the case, in your opinion?
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
Bobbi Clinger While not for every INFP, I think they are generally very private people and respect others privacy.
@youratowel97 8 жыл бұрын
+Introvert Power What do you do when you beg an INFP to share things, yet they don't? Again with my boyfriend, he only vents when he's at his breaking point. He agrees that it's unhealthy, but says he can't help it.
@scott.morgan 8 жыл бұрын
morgan brown It sounds like the problem you are having with your boyfriend is not an INFP issue per se, it sounds like he may have other issues. If he refuses to talk, there is not much you can do. It is up to him to whether he deals with this issue.
@miahleissa9599 7 жыл бұрын
I really love your videos. This exploration is new to me. You've been a big help, and your energies are just amazing. :)
@scott.morgan 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you Miah.
@globalheartwarming 9 ай бұрын
Carl Rogers was INFP. He reflected and paraphrased what he was hearing a client say to help the client find the right words to express the experience of that moment in a continuous inner flow. It's called active listening; it isn't passive or just sitting there but is supportive and nonintrusive. It isn't surgery; it's healing by giving recognition and empathy where people haven't been understood or accepted before. You can observe him in videos in this practice and giving a talk on empathy. His writings describe more of the process he developed out of his natural INFP listening and respect. I don't think INFPs and INFJs are doing the same thing. And I have heard that INFJs can benefit from INFPs hearing out their feelings supportively, because they may not be aware of them by themselves.
@neilshepherd1904 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Scott. Maybe I'm more INFP but the online tests have been variable except for a strong I and medium N. I'm pretty sure there's other stuff going on upstairs too just to make life more 'interesting'. Your helpful vids are a good resource. Thanks for all your work on and off youtube. Peace.
@scott.morgan 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Neil, much appreciated!
@supremetantheman8698 7 жыл бұрын
i'm learning and getting a better understanding just to let you know......feel better
@scott.morgan 7 жыл бұрын
That is great to hear Truong.
@JN-kg7jx 4 жыл бұрын
@sheriy9701 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. Totally on spot with the infp relationships in my life... Sister incuded!!
@nickolaszissimos1189 2 жыл бұрын
That is very interesting that you know it enough to explain it the way you did, but you aren't either one are you. I can say we INFJs are speaking to the other person's core, their deepest self because we can travel to the depths of anyone's core self. Besides, the depths are our home.
@infinimetrical 8 жыл бұрын
This is very congruent to many logical, emotional, and spiritual associations of myself. Of course, I have taken the test and gotten more than just INFP strictly. Because of my capability of judgement and association of myself. And others in my time. But, I do know that I am very INFP... I have witnessed a great deal of these expressions in conjunction with a lady whom I find myself attracted to, and whom finds herself seemingly attracted to me. (Actions say a lot. But, that also encompasses all things.) So, this was very helpful. I could go into a huge string of circumstances. But, although it isn't "simple". It's simple to allow the totality to proliferate when words are not enough to encompass the situation.
@ambrosearts 2 жыл бұрын
Yes....absolutely.....I believe you nailed it well.
@kazbah1217 Жыл бұрын
After processing this info I now realise I am 100% INFJ.
@melanie.l6282 5 жыл бұрын
thanks so much Scott once more for your videos they have been and still are so great to understand who i am /...............................i am an infj and until i listen to you it was not clear the difference in between those 2 INI now i know it's verry clear /.................;;;;;;;introverted intuition is for me the main guide i know there is more to it but the introversion intuition is it!!
@TheBananaDeanna 6 жыл бұрын
Love listening & learning from you!
@ahmedkarim3281 2 жыл бұрын
That's nott to say INFJs dont go silent in empathy but the quality of the INFJ empathetic silence is very different from an INFP. My sense is that INFPs seem to have some agenda to make you feel comfortable ( tertiary Si) well as INFJs don't seem to have that agenda.( The famously disconcerting INFJ stare).INFJ empathy has s more penetrative stance of entering someone else's world. INFPs seem to bask in their own world inviting others to enter their empathetic bubble. Also I agree INFJs are able to speak to different parts (figure) whilst INFPS seem to stay with holding ground.
@neilshepherd1904 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Scott. Thank you. The way I see it, I can just lend an understanding shoulder to lean on (or a listening ear), while they process their sh** so to speak. Off topic, for quite a few years now I've been studying the research of, and practicing, dog behaviour and training (but I'm not certified). That suits me down to the ground because the behaviour part is mainly all about reading their body language, getting a 'feel' for the big picture, and understanding/reading the canine emotions connected with their behaviours and micro-behaviours. It's interesting. Hope that makes sense. Cheers.
@someoneonyoutube8622 9 жыл бұрын
hello there, INFP here. :) lolanyways as i said I'm an INFP and my mom is an INFJ and i have definitely noticed that we both behave in these ways whenever we discuss personal topics that require empathy. although there was one pattern i noticed about the functions that you seemed to touch on a bit for the INFJ but didn't explain as much for INFP? (unless i missed it). anyways i read somewhere that INFJ's tend to feel what others feel due to their Fe taking in the other person's emotions and their Ni interpreting the information as their own through Ni. so in a sense they're like an emotion sponge and soak up the emotions and hold on to them but then also can use that new understanding / perspective to empathize. then for the INFP it said that we're more like emotion mirrors than sponges cause we reflect a persons emotions within ourselves by consciously put ourselves in someone else's shoes and try to experience what they did and then get the emotions from the experience. all of this so far you did seem to talk about however I noticed both here and in the other article i read there was almost no mention of the INFP's cognitive functions in their empathy process so that got me thinking about how INFP's empathize using their functions. that's when i realized that the INFP and INFJ empathize in two completely opposite ways but still come to the same result. for example as stated before the INFJ takes in the emotions and applies understanding / perspective where as the INFP takes in the perspective / understanding and applies the emotions. and since the INFP INFJ functions are opposites that would make sense. so where the INFJ uses Fe>Ni to feel and understand the INFP uses Ne>Fi to understand and then feel. does that sound about right?
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
+Cletus Kassady yeah, everything you have said sounds right to me. I like the metaphor - INFJ sponge and INFP mirror. One thing I would add is that INFJ's can sometimes take on others emotions and be tricked into thinking that the emotions are their own. A well developed INFJ will be able to experience the inner world of the other while maintaining their own sense of self.
@someoneonyoutube8622 9 жыл бұрын
yeah that's kinda what I got from it all too lol
@winniewinkles 9 жыл бұрын
+Cletus Kassady Sponge and mirror- love it!
@SEEpsalm27 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an INFP and very expressive
@tali_elnussen8221 5 жыл бұрын
I've been trying to know which I am...I can relate to both, but I think I've done more of INFJ type empathy, I've been typed as both several times, including INTP...I have a clear INFP friend, from what u said I think I remember her showing the INFP empathy form, but I tried checking myself if I do that(from what I remember, I used to give advice and I used to target it) but recently I no longer usually give advice, the reason is because I dont think I don't know if my advice will be good, I wouldn't want u to think I don't know anything cos, I'll feel bad'
@williamandolina8775 4 жыл бұрын
infp and u were dead on... but I never that was what i was doing really . but when u said just showing up and being there and kinda living the moment with them ..
@williamandolina8775 4 жыл бұрын
oh and facial expression seem fake or like my judging them because I feel like im not naturally forming them almost .. im not sure if i can fully explain that part. they take away from listening space and my feeling sharing space .. I feel like I clear my brain, then retaining just what they are feeling and exploring it till something pulls me from my intro world
@donotdisturb8684 5 жыл бұрын
I never seen a person in my whole life who actually have this great virtue.. Empathy....
@justvibin1447 8 жыл бұрын
For whatever reason, most people feel very comfortable telling me their problems and feelings, even if I barely know them. I always carry around the pain and I hate that I can do nothing but be a listening ear and offer whatever support/advice I can. Usually I'm expressive about it, and being silent makes me feel awkward. I can feel their emotions coming off them. I can tell when someone is upset. Does that sound more like an INFJ or an INFP behavior?
@MeadeSkeltonMusic 5 жыл бұрын
INFP. I have trouble with empathy, but I'm on the autism spectrum.
@grisvolonte 3 жыл бұрын
I’m an INFP but I act more like the INFJ nature
@magicalpasta5462 6 ай бұрын
I guess I'm an INFJ bc when someone is upset. I'm like."Are you okay?"
@erik_1953 4 жыл бұрын
I can see in someone's eyes there is a problem. So i start talking, and asking. I want to know their profession, family. I will become that person, and he will respond to it. I will make jokes, comparrison's, make a list etc. In the same time, i get solutions, idee's popping up in my head. I will feel responsible for that problem, from that moment on.
@karaquick395 6 жыл бұрын
Scott I feel you did a great job explaining. I know I would have not been able to articulate as well. ( like now lol)? It is difficult to explain feelings, emotions or insight when words in English do no justice. As people in India say, "bas." (proun. bus) it means : understood, enough said, to understand & that nothing else needs to be said. English needs "bas" so much. Lol. Anyway, I enjoyed watching video.!
@scott.morgan 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Kara
@jtwright4095 6 жыл бұрын
Exactly: don't want to give advice for that reason -- and sometimes it's really difficult, b/c some people really do want someone to tell them what to do! but how do u launch into a whole philosophical description as to why u cannot help them on THEIR JOURNEY. so just being there, or like u said 'healing agent' at that particular moment of their journey' dig it; thanx; good job.
@scott.morgan 6 жыл бұрын
Cheers Jt Wright:)
@yeghor 9 жыл бұрын
@8:20 INFJs' Ni constructs a model of the other person's psyche at that moment and offers compassion suited to the model thru Fe. INFPs' Fi passionately feels other persons feelings if the INFPs values match with that of the other person's. Based on that INFP might provide the other with alternate explanations and solutions to alleviate the other's pain thru Ne. So INFPs' empathy is much more organic yet ego-centric/narrower whereas INFJs' is more like a construct and is detached yet is broader. How about that?
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
I like +yeghor
@HistoiresdefouCarolineHenry 5 жыл бұрын
I have been typed infp but I am confused. INFP is more now as an adult. But I recognize the infj in my childhood and teenager. And now too actually when I’m relaxed and stable. I can relate to adressing « parts of people ». I know what you mean about « speaking that is surgery ». I can suggest a comparison between this experience and « external splitting » ( as opposed to bpd internal splitting). What do you think about it ?
@myronsteinman1352 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting, although I thought the power of Myers Briggs comes from working from our strengths, but then developing other parts of our I come across as a natural INFJ? Perhaps I do need to develop more my P side. I often feel I "think/feel" would work well in a situation, but then don't have the ability/ often seen as leadership to "lead". I get all kinds of resistance to my ideas. Do you have any advice for me?
@shawnatoft7891 5 жыл бұрын
very very interesting thank you very much
@maria12501 6 жыл бұрын
I'm an INFP, are INFJs scared of being loved too much, is it a frightening feeling for them? I wonder, specially since my bf had a rough upbringing with an abusive mother. He tends to pull away when I show him too much love, it's almost like he doesn't deserve to be loved. How can I help him accept it....thank you!
@LifeHacks-pu3ol 5 жыл бұрын
Kryon would say this is a quantum event.....hehe. Thank you so much!!!
@karenstephen270 9 жыл бұрын
I've completed about 5 mores Briggs tests and in each one I'm an INFJ, but Its the j...sometime i feel more like a P do you think thats possible?... i like structure and organisation but sometime leave things till last min like a P would do, although I'm contantly thinking about the task that needs to be done and can't relax till its done, but i do bury my head a little sometimes esp if its important tasks???( does this make any sense ?)
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Karen Stephen Hi Karen, It is normal to have traits that cross over the J and P dichotomies. However, the MBTI looks for your natural "preference" for either J or P. While you may have combination, most of us are born with preference for one over the other (even if it only slight). Hope that helps. Scott
@karenstephen270 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks Scott yes it does! Appreciate your reply x love your videos
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
you're welcome Karen Stephen
@deimantebruzaite5343 5 жыл бұрын
I am also was experiencing same way, sometimes laid back, sometimes driven to complete important task, I can be improviser and restless, if not much time left for complete important task or goal, timed tasks always caused me a stress even, if not much time, so sometimes retreat into my mind and feels like laidback, if I feel much tension from my body
@akaamazing7528 8 жыл бұрын
now i'm sure i'm an infj
@jewelbennett5446 5 жыл бұрын
Well what's it mean when you can't decide or know which one they are or can you be both ?
@Augustusir 6 жыл бұрын
1:58-2:20 You compared infp to infp....?
@Darkwolf1923 9 жыл бұрын
Would they make a good couple?
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
INFJs and INFPs do seem to find themselves together. They do seem to have great potential +Darkwolf1923
@lilibetp 9 жыл бұрын
So if you offer any advice, you're not an INFP?
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
No +lilibetp , this video is a general overview of how empathy can look for INFJs and INFPs. Both types can speak into a persons circumstances, however for many INFPs there can be more reluctance or hesitation to than for the INFJ. Fe v Fi
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
Difficult to say. With Te being the INFP's inferior function it is not very strong. If an INFP gave advice from a Te space it's possible that it would be due to a stress/in the grip reaction. Under those circumstances, the advice may be accurate but probably difficult to receive.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
According to the Myers Briggs theory your ideas step outside the theory a little. However, it is possible the you only have a slight preference for either thinking and feeling, meaning that you may be able to access Ti and Fi depending on the circumstances/situation. However according to the theory you would have a nature preference for either T or F. ie one comes more naturally to you.
@scott.morgan 9 жыл бұрын
No problem Billy
@tulip5210 8 жыл бұрын
+Introvert Power it's actually there main function, te. si is the inferior =_=
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