It was a good debate. I like Francis Wheen and David Aaronovitch as writers but I disagree with them about this. At the end of his speech 9:39 in he says: "They f*** you up the public schools. Maybe it wouldn't matter so much if they'd only f***ed up their own kind but they f*** up the rest of us because they run the show." One major reason why is that since 1965, the type of state school that did challenge the public schools about running the show, grammar schools have been mostly abolished. So were direct-grant schools. A major step-back that Wheen didn't mention and that the two main parties refuse to address.
@ojprice12 жыл бұрын
Given the stats below it would seem like a reasonable generalisation to make old chap. Disavow them and ensure that you don't perpetuate the cycle of injustice by sending your kids to one.
@ojprice12 жыл бұрын
The problem with the public school system in our country is that it rewards class and good fortune at the expense of talent. This means that the most wealthy and connected rise to the top of society rather than the most talented. And the problem with this is, once at the top, they are ill equipped to capitalise on the opportunities they get, starkly evidenced by the performance of Cameron and Osborne, surely the worst prime minister/chancellor combination in history.
@MrSameagle201013 жыл бұрын
@beautifullychaos Public schools in the UK are the equivalent of private schools in the US. The UK also has private schools, which are smaller than public schools, but still fee paying. Finally, there are state schools which are open to anyone and free (equivalent to US public schools). There are two types of state school, grammar schools, where prospective students have to pass an exam to get into. And comprehensives, which you don't have to pass an exam to get into
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
absolutely gripping debate. I thought the selection of people arguing against was simply brilliant. The cambridge lecturer I thought was particularly interesting originally my thoughts were that she was only for the motion due to the public schools better teaching of languages. This got deeper when it was revealed that her daughter went to a private school in cambridge, i suspect this was the perse where most left wing academics send their kids. Essentially what I understood from her was that
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
read comments bottom upwards to be in order!
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
Regardless of educational differences they were all fit in with the middle class/left wing/guardian reading/north london/champagne socialist/liberal elite stereotypes that we are all familiar with. I thought a wider variation of speakers could have made it better. In my opinion I side with them, i am for the motion. From a marxist perspective public schools are essentially functions of capitalism, they are engineered around economic capital and class consciousness. It simply isn't healthy to
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
regardless of socialism and capitalism she wanted the best education for her daughter and public schools are the institutions that provide this. Felipe i thought was an amazing speaker and he probably gripped me most (what a teacher he would have been), he argued on the vocational and cultural aspects of education in public schools. Barnaby Lennon put accross and pretty straight forward right wing argument. On the side for the motion I thought that there could have been more of a
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
education is a very important tool within society and until it is restructured society will remain deeply divided. Back to the topic though If I were to have children I would send them to a state school simply because i believe you receive a better social education and become more socially aware. Sociologist Diane Reay outlined that parents are a childs most important educator, schools simply tweak, polish and allow an individuals knowledge to grow. Read up on Bordieu's ideas about capital !
@archierich312 жыл бұрын
enhance divisions within society 93/7, yeah sure there are those that seep through the gaps but this inequality and segregation is persistant. I propose abolishment of public schools and whole restructuring of the educational system as a whole. The simple matter of the fact is all kids learn in different ways and the school system that we have in this country doesn't suite everyone. Why is class size associated with age? Some kids learn better one on one, some in a small class, some in a large 1
@MontyCantsin54 жыл бұрын
@ojprice12 жыл бұрын
Oh boo hoo. Well guaranteed wealth and an inside track to the establishment should provide ample compensation for you dear boy :-)