Irish Famine - English reporter describes fault of British government

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Ireland Calling

Ireland Calling

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@sabhreenalonergan4006 Жыл бұрын
Never once was I taught about the famine in my school in London. Let alone the history between England and Ireland. Fortunately, I was taught by my parents and I’ll never forget it 💚☘️ ✨
@jharekcarnelian Жыл бұрын
@@TerryBell1968 We remember our past, you are no-one to dictate to us how we should remember it.
@Anhorish 11 ай бұрын
Scotland comes from Scotti the Roman name for Irish pirates. Dal Riata was an Irish kingdom imposed on Picts, not Scots or Scotland. The Irish gave what was to become Scotland its first written language, Christianity, and music. They are first cousins.
@Anhorish 11 ай бұрын
Scotland didn't exist so could not be colonized. You may as well complain about Indo- Europeans colonizing France.
@jackoshaughnessy101 Ай бұрын
It was 2 million dead 2 million fled an górta mór Ireland still isn’t back to its old population
@johndoherty650 4 жыл бұрын
Time to educate English people about the Famine , the majority know little about it and the history of English rule in Ireland as it is never taught in English schools.
@debatabletruths6687 3 жыл бұрын
This would be fine if the old adage was true, but unfortunately, history tends to fuel old hatreds rather than nurture positive change; as a species, perhaps we're inclined to the emotional rather than the logical. Children, unencumbered by the indoctrinations of the past, have but the measure of an individual upon which to form an unbiased opinion; you need look no further than KZbin to see the indoctrinated opinions of young people who know little of what they preach. Gift our children the freedom to forge their own world, for that which we leave offers little to commend itself.
@jonathanwhite5688 3 жыл бұрын
John Doherty I’m Irish and I can tell you I have met British people - English Scottish and Welsh who have told me a fairly good knowledge of the famine and all those don’t have Irish roots .... so we can’t just say the English it’s the U.K. we’re taking about here these people have impressed me with there knowledge of the sad shared history Of what has happened so we can’t say the English are all clueless ...... I do agree more education would indeed be beneficial but we simply can’t stereotype that all in e gland Scotland and wales particularly England do know nothing about the famine and Anglo Irish history .......
@Emerald007007 3 жыл бұрын
They dont care. Trust me
@arthurcholmes9388 3 жыл бұрын
John Doherty I'm English and I am well up on the famine ... The British of that time were all to blame. No one else.. but nowadays we do hold the whole famine in the hand of the British,,and those Irish who got paid by the crown to throw starving people out of there homes ..
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
@@arthurcholmes9388 excellent response. I am English and I know about it because I read a ton of history but it certainly was not taught to me in school. I doubt if it is taught in schools even today
@Smudgeroon74 4 жыл бұрын
The food was plentiful all over Ireland but what could the Irish people do as the food was stolen at gunpoint by the British army. Then shipped over to Britain and Europe. Over half of Britains 130 army regiments were stationed in Ireland in 1845.
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
I never knew that before. Can you possibly send me the source for that statistic? I will go look doe it now. If true it would point less at a policy of government and more to a policy of suppression.
@Smudgeroon74 3 жыл бұрын
@@quentinquentin6752 look up a guy called Chris Fogarty. He wrote a book called Ireland Perfect Holocaust and Who Kept it Perfect 1845 - 1850. It's got all the facts and figures.
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
@@Smudgeroon74 thanks 🙏
@Smudgeroon74 3 жыл бұрын
@@quentinquentin6752 Fogarty points out in his book it was an attempted Genocide of the Irish people from 1845 - 1850. I grew up believing the Potato crop failed due to a blight. We were told it was a "Famine". The people starved, to be sure, but those policies were orchestrated from the highest levels. There were abundant food crops, barley, wheat etc, meats, mills to process grains for alcohol, livestock to be exported. The British Establishment despised the Irish people. We were under the Crowns thumb for hundreds of years(with the collaboration of the Vatican). So 1 million people died directly of starvation and 1 million had to leave their homeland. The "Famine" is a myth. The food was plentiful in Eire in those years. You see English(most absentee) landlords controlled all the fertile land, so much of the food went to them. Some of it ended up in Spain also. The author Chris Fogarty was researching his book as far back as the 1980's. Somebody must not have liked what he was doing because him and his wife was framed in 1991 by the Federal Bureau of Investigation for a triple murder of people he had never met in his life. A rogue FBI agent called Patrick "Ed" Buckley was directly responsible for this. He was also working for MI6. But luckily for the author Chris Fogarty, the real killer let his mouth run away with him and he blabbed to other FBI agents what was going on. That saved him and his wife from life in prison.
@Smudgeroon74 3 жыл бұрын
@wiccanmoon0001 Жыл бұрын
I thank you Sir for bringing this very old deep hurt to light, for your country men and women to see. 🇮🇪
@kevinic9384 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for finally opening British eyes to their past ignorance & insensitivity toward Irish history. We will never forget the lost people of this beautiful land. 🇮🇪
@kevinic9384 2 жыл бұрын
@MsMissy that’s a convenient stance to take 🤣 🇬🇧 💩
@MrColincrewe 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is important to learn I am British English I was not alive then and I am not in any power now so I do not take it personally we should learn the parst so we can move on with the future
@ronind6004 2 жыл бұрын
@@kevinic9384 That ignorance is fear and guilt, hence why you get answers like you just have. You are wasting your time in them mate. Look at the state of England today and to a larger extent the entire United Kingdom. They don't even give a damn about the average English / British life that alone people next door to them and they never have either. They also have always hated the Irish for not throwing in the towel and joining them like Scotland and Wales did. Why Scotland and Wales choose to do this is beyond me because they BOTH have such a proud and brave history. The Irish were both outnumbered and outgunned compared to the English / British , but they still didn't like bullies who marched into their land and who murdered raped and and generally suppressed the Irish people so the fight went on .
@ronind6004 2 жыл бұрын
@MsMissy You are still whining about the French and they have done much less to you . You whine and complain about virtually everything when it is happening to you that is. Selfish and narrow minded comes to mind and you seem to think that other people are inferior to or not as good as you. Funny how that reiminds me of Nazi-Germany.
@annmoles3584 Жыл бұрын
@@ronind6004 Your're right, they don't care about the ordinary people in the United Kingdom.. Years ago the british went and created an empire which they plundered and stole the natural resources from the countries they invaded and colonised. Now they have no empire left the Tory government are turning inward and robbing from the people and they're services. They are trying to destroy the NHS created by Nye Bevan in 1949 for the people. They are also destroying the welfare state set up to safeguard people from the cradle to the grave. The rich are robbing from the poor and now they are expecting the ordinary people to pay for the coronation of a new monarch . Let Charles put his hand in his pocket and pay for it himself he is worth billions of pounds which is money plundered from the commonwealth
@giornogiovanna4456 3 жыл бұрын
It wasn't a famine it was a genocide
@irishcountrygirl78 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely was.
@cghygyy 3 жыл бұрын
Genocide: "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group." Why aren't they destroyed? Ah, because it wasn't a genocide.
@MrColincrewe 3 жыл бұрын
The was a famine but the act of the British government made it a genocide it is ok to be proud to be English but not everything sometime you have to admit the government were heartless murdering thugs in this case
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
@@cghygyy by your obtuse logic then the Nazi genocide of the Jews wasn’t a genocide either. You really need to think beyond, what you mistakenly believe to be, point scoring.
@cghygyy 3 жыл бұрын
@@quentinquentin6752 Can you read? The holocaust was CLEARLY deliberate killings. It was planned for & carried out on a international scale. The Nazis believed in wiping out the Jews. Get me a quote from any politician of this time period talking about how they're trying to wipe out the Irish. This might be hard for you to understand, but genocides only qualify as such if they're intending to destroy the nation or group. If that was the intention, why would Ireland still exist?
@stepheley6417 9 ай бұрын
As a British citizen, this makes me so upset and ashamed😢 im so sorry that this is a part of irish history
@jackoshaughnessy101 Ай бұрын
an górta mór terrorised every man and woman in our country
@invernessfan3017 3 жыл бұрын
The Potato Famine was a terrible disaster. Some claim Ireland had a population of ten million by the time of the famine. So even more may have died than historians state.
@indiantinamorals5791 Жыл бұрын
@invernessfan3017 Thank you, the sad thing is, it should never have been called a potato "famine". There was lots of food in Ireland back then, grains, livestock, fish etc, however the Irish were thrown off their lands, shot if they were caught fishing for food, their livestock and grain taken from them and exported to Britain. This was forced starvation, this was GENOCIDE. One sad thing is, these evil deeds were carried out by the British establishment, not by the ordinary British public, so please do not generalize or paint everyone with the same brush, there is evil in every country but thankfully the good out-number them. In fact, the British people sent aid to Ireland and they were outraged when they finally found out (no Social Media back then) the extent of the starvation crisis. If we see wrong-doings, we need to all become united, and be aware that the first thing the establishments will do, is "lie" to change peoples minds, then the establishments wins again, and again, and again, it's called DIVIDE & CONQUER, it happens for hundreds of years and each time they divide us and then we're conquered PEACE
@andrewcooney2387 Жыл бұрын
The population of Ireland was approx, 2.1 million dead.. 2.25 left or forced in slave labour, possibly one quarter million died in following year due to effects of starvation, and between 3.5 and 4.5 million people left who continued to suffer the horror of British rule until the revolution from 1890 to 1922. It must also be said that nearly half a million people left Ireland after the free state up to the 1980s.
@ViDuhy 10 ай бұрын
Not only in Ireland
@openureyes 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for seeing the truth for what it was
@NjBou 10 ай бұрын
The wildest thing is that we are watching sometjing similar happen right now in real time, in Gaza, and I wanted to learn more about why the Irish have shown so mucj solidarity with Gaza and now i understand why. It really makes you understand the saying by MLK, "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere".
@cryptozoomauler5505 3 жыл бұрын
Much respect to Mike Nicholson for his research and attempts to show that not all british are bad, but what happened to Ireland because of Britain was.
@hughneek12 Жыл бұрын
We are talking about the British ruling class here, not the British people at large. The ruling classes of every land tended to be, at least in part, evil, even to their own people. There are good and bad everywhere, in every tribe, nation and land. It's the way it goes. BTW, the Rothschilds offered £1million pounds to the Irish famine relief, @ 90% interest. Very nice of them I thought......(?) From an Irishman.
@cryptozoomauler5505 Жыл бұрын
Well, considering they were originally from Scotland, they took their land back and the rest became the Highlanders.@@TerryBell1968
@wboyle9721 Жыл бұрын
The irish that came to the uk built the place irish are great hardworking people regards from scotland
@jeremiasc.2972 2 жыл бұрын
His book "Dark Rosaleen" is perfect. It features one of my most favorite main characters ever, Kate. She has an amazing character arc.
@redkop510 2 жыл бұрын
I don't care what other people think...this was genocide.
@hughneek12 Жыл бұрын
Very deliberate genocide.
@ragselite7709 4 жыл бұрын
This is accurate i think imma go to war with my history teacher cause she thinks the brts were nice and gave food
@kevindonnelly3399 4 жыл бұрын
Lol lol
@irishcountrygirl78 3 жыл бұрын
They did a bit, but only after the rest of the world heard through the media and offered relief. They couldn't be seen to not help a bit, but it was not enough and was cut short quickly after they decided they had "done their bit", all the while exporting any food Ireland had out of the island. The ports should have been closed. Sad times. We live privileged nowadays, we'll never understand hardship.
@mrmishonka 3 жыл бұрын
- Irish girl -Tracey - r'
@irishcountrygirl78 3 жыл бұрын
@@mrmishonka what does 'r mean? ...
@carolinelees8561 3 жыл бұрын
May the enemy of Ireland 🇮🇪 never rest
Having seen the British "free trade" induced Irish famine first hand, Matthew Carey passed his hatred of "free trade" on to his son, Henry Charles Carey, who was Abe Lincoln's economic advisor. From this was born The American System of Economics, in which tariffs funded the federal government. It was this system that made The U.S. into the wealthiest country with a growing middle class, within just a few decades.
​@@TerryBell1968No. It wasn't just due to blight. Ireland was forced to export it's other food crops, so potatoes were the main source of of their caloric intake.
@lauravonutassy1919 4 жыл бұрын
Because Ireland is separate, they were able to do this outrage.
@jixuscrixus 2 жыл бұрын
Ever heard of the highland clearances? There’s no limit to the cruelty of the English Crown.
@jixuscrixus 2 жыл бұрын
@L A Ballard: if you’re not familiar with the highland clearances I suggest you do your own research (assuming you have the capacity to do that as a grown up....)
@jixuscrixus 2 жыл бұрын
@L A Ballard: Try again, your post doesn’t make sense.
@jixuscrixus 2 жыл бұрын
@L A Ballard ‘Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it’ (George Santayana). It’s not about living in the past, it’s important to know your history regardless of where you’re from.
@jixuscrixus 2 жыл бұрын
@L A Ballard Likewise, there’s no need to be so abrasive. It says so much more about you than you can imagine.
@tml9174 2 жыл бұрын
This video doesn't mention that there was more food taken out of Ireland during the time of the Famine than in any years before. He had no intention of feeding the Irish- it was genocide. Trevelian was an Evangelist and made it illegal for the Catholic churches to stay open or to educate a Catholic, hence the 'hedgerow schools' that cropped up. He called them what his laws restricted them to be, yet, the Irish have risen despite him- they hold their own among the most amazing writers, musicians and actors in the world.
@malcolmstead272 2 жыл бұрын
Your statement is untrue and goes against what the Irish Import stats say, at the height of the famine more food was imported into Ireland by over 1million tonnes; some food was exported, about 1 tenth of what was down by the potato blight, as the government did not want to interfere with free trade. ( right or wrong it could have been more drastic to the economy). Protestants also died of hunger, not so many, as 80% of the population was Catholic; what is your agenda pushing the hate? I agree with you on the culture, writers and some of the best music in the world.
@user-ze8yy8jg1f 2 жыл бұрын
@@malcolmstead272 the food that was sent to ireland never made it to irish and the English doubled import rates on food sent by other countries. Why blame him for spreading hate when hate is all the English left
@malcolmstead272 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-ze8yy8jg1f Your comment makes no sense at all, your facts are wrong, it was not the English, it was the British Government of whom the Irish had 105 MP's.
@user-ze8yy8jg1f 2 жыл бұрын
@@malcolmstead272 Don't talk to me about facts when the British government covers up crimes in Ireland with years there specific words were " our starvation is punishment for being lazy and lesser human and a divine blessing from the gods" if you think a government that makes those statements gave one bit of food to the irish then your mad if Ireland was the largest producer off beef during our famine now what explains that in your eyes
@user-ze8yy8jg1f 2 жыл бұрын
@@malcolmstead272 are you irish btw and don't lie
@lilliankeane5731 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you... This was well researched... 👌
@IrelandCallingDaily 4 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@michaelsweeney138 2 жыл бұрын
Ireland starved because its food, from 40 to 70 shiploads per day, was removed at gunpoint by 12,000 British constables reinforced by the British militia, battleships, excise vessels, Coast Guard and by 200,000 British soldiers (100,000 at any given moment) ( Thus, Britain seized from Ireland's producers livestock; tons of flour, grains, meat, poultry & dairy products; enough to sustain 18 million persons. The population of Ireland at this time was about 9 million people. Please see below fact checked details of some of the food shipments sent from Ireland at the Hight of the " FAMINE " which was really a " Genocide " by any logic of that time or now. At this time Ireland was ruled by an elite absent landlord class based in London. If they had their own Parliament in Ireland with Irelands interests at the core ,the starvation of the people would not have been allowed to happen. The potatoe crop failed in many parts of Europe at this time also , e.g. Bavaria , Sliesvig Holstein ,Belgium ,The Netherlands etc. ()Germany was not formed at this time ) . However, they having a similar class system reduced the export of food to other areas and in some cases forbade the export of all food products to save their own peasantry . In England at this time there was a hatred of Catholics and a fear of Irish rebellion ( see 1848 failed rebellion ) and Lord Trevelyan and his type looked on this famine as been a gift from GOD or GODs will to sort the Irish problem once and for all. They also argued to themselves that "laize Fare" was the system they traded under and should not interfere. It was a way to get rid of the over populated landless Catholic peasantry of the western sea board of Ireland. Check the song from Christy Moore of Black 47. The Food Removal From Cork harbour on one day in 1847 2 the AJAX steamed for England with 1,514 firkins of butter, 102 casks of pork, 44 hogsheads of whiskey, 844 sacks of oats, 247 sacks of wheat, 106 bales of bacon, 13 casks of hams, 145 casks of porter, 12 sacks of fodder, 28 bales of feathers, 8 sacks of lard, 296 boxes of eggs, 30 head of cattle, 90 pigs, 220 lambs, 34 calves and 69 miscellaneous packages. On November 14, 1848 3, sailed, from Cork harbor alone: 147 bales of bacon, 120 casks and 135 barrels of pork, 5 casks of hams, 149 casks of miscellaneous provisions (foodstuff); 1,996 sacks & 950 barrels of oats; 300 bags of flour; 300 head of cattle; 239 sheep; 9,398 firkins of butter; 542 boxes of eggs. On July 28, 1848 4; a typical day's food shipments from only the following four ports: from Limerick: the ANN, JOHN GUISE and MESSENGER for London; the PELTON CLINTON for Liverpool; and the CITY OF LIMERICK, BRITISH QUEEN, and CAMBRIAN MAID for Glasgow. This one-day removal of Limerick's food was of 863 firkins of butter; 212 firkins, 1,198 casks and 200 kegs of lard, 87 casks of ham; 267 bales of bacon; 52 barrels of pork; 45 tons and 628 barrels of flour; 4,975 barrels of oats and 1,000 barrels of barley. From Kilrush: the ELLEN for Bristol; the CHARLES G. FRYER and MARY ELLIOTT for London. This one-day removal was of 550 tons of County Clare's oats and 15 tons of its barley. From Tralee: the JOHN ST. BARBE, CLAUDIA and QUEEN for London; the SPOKESMAN for Liverpool. This one-day removal was of 711 tons of Kerry's oats and 118 tons of its barley. From Galway: the MARY, VICTORIA, and DILIGENCE for London; the SWAN and UNION for Limerick (probably for transhipment to England). This one-day removal was of 60 sacks of Co. Galway's flour; 30 sacks and 292 tons of its oatmeal; 294 tons of its oats; and 140 tons of its miscellaneous provisions (foodstuffs). British soldiers forcibly removed it from its starving Limerick, Clare, Kerry and Galway producers. In Belmullet, Co. Mayo the mission of 151 soldiers 5 of the 49th Regiment, in addition to escorting livestock and crops to the port for export, was to guard a few tons of stored meal from the hands of the starving; its population falling from 237 to 105 between 1841 and 1851. Belmullet also lost its source of fish in January, 1849, when Britain's Coast Guard arrested its fleet of enterprising fishermen ten miles at sea in the act of off-loading flour from a passing ship. They were sentenced to prison and their currachs were confiscated. The Waterford Harbor British army commissariat officer wrote to British Treasury Chief Charles Trevelyan on April 24, 1846; "The barges leave Clonmel once a week for this place, with the export supplies under convoy which, last Tuesday, consisted of 2 guns, 50 cavalry, and 80 infantry escorting them on the banks of the Suir as far as Carrick." While its people starved, the Clonmel district exported annually, along with its other farm produce, approximately 60,000 pigs in the form of cured bacon.
@johndanielharold3633 10 ай бұрын
@@TerryBell1968 There will always be good people in every nation. Some day you´ll understand the Great Hunger from an Irish point of view. God Bless!
@celticminstrel8252 3 жыл бұрын
' For you stole Trevelyan's corn that our young might see the morn, and the prison ship lies waiting in the bay'
@angeleyes4us200 2 жыл бұрын
Low lie the Fields of Athenry Where once we watched the small free birds fly (Let the free birds fly!" Our love was on the wing we had dreams and songs to sing It's so lonely round the fields of Athenry
@seanbrown453 Ай бұрын
This is never taught in English schools ,
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Ай бұрын
The British Response to the Irish Famine: Context and Actions The Great Famine in Ireland (1845-1852) was a catastrophic event primarily triggered by a potato blight, a fungal disease that devastated the staple food crop for much of the Irish population. While the famine was a natural disaster, the British government’s response to it has been widely criticized. However, it is important to understand that the famine was not intentionally caused by the British, and there were several efforts, albeit often inadequate, made to alleviate the suffering of the Irish people. The Role of Natural Disaster and British Intentions The potato blight, a naturally occurring plant disease, was the primary cause of the famine. The British government did not intentionally cause the famine; rather, it was an unforeseen and uncontrollable event. The failures that followed were due to poor management, limited understanding of crisis management, and adherence to economic policies that discouraged government intervention. The belief in laissez-faire economics, which emphasized minimal government interference in the market, played a significant role in the inadequate response. Efforts Made by the British Government and Society 1. Public Works Programs: The British government established public works projects to provide employment to those affected by the famine. At its peak, these programs employed over 700,000 Irish people, offering them a meager income in exchange for hard labor. However, these efforts were poorly organized and did not fully address the crisis. 2. Soup Kitchens: In 1847, the British government introduced the “Temporary Relief Act,” leading to the establishment of soup kitchens across Ireland. These kitchens fed over 3 million people at the height of the famine, providing crucial sustenance, although this program was temporary and insufficient. 3. Importation of Maize: Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel took an early step by purchasing £100,000 worth of maize (corn) from the United States. This maize, known as “Peel’s Brimstone,” was distributed to help feed the starving Irish. While this was an important move, the distribution was slow and the food unfamiliar, making it difficult for many to prepare and consume. 4. Repeal of the Corn Laws: In 1846, the British government repealed the Corn Laws, which had protected domestic grain producers by imposing tariffs on imported grain. The repeal was intended to lower food prices and increase accessibility, although its impact on alleviating the famine was limited. 5. Charitable Contributions: Charitable efforts played a significant role in providing relief. The Quakers, among others, were particularly active in organizing relief efforts and distributing food and clothing. The British Relief Association, funded by donations from across the world, also contributed significantly to aid efforts. These efforts demonstrated widespread concern among British citizens and organizations, even if the government’s response was lacking. 6. Queen Victoria’s Aid: Queen Victoria personally donated £2,000 to famine relief efforts and supported charitable initiatives aimed at helping the Irish. While her contribution was significant, it was criticized as being insufficient given the scale of the crisis. Nonetheless, it reflected a concern at the highest levels of British society. The Impact of Migration to England As the famine worsened, many Irish people fled to England, seeking refuge from the dire conditions in Ireland. Cities like Liverpool, Manchester, and London saw significant increases in their Irish populations. This migration, while a means of survival for many, led to overcrowded living conditions and the spread of diseases such as typhus and cholera. The reception of Irish migrants in England was mixed, with both sympathy and significant discrimination. The migration highlighted the desperate circumstances of the Irish population and the limitations of the British response. Conclusion The Great Famine was a tragic event exacerbated by a combination of natural disaster and an inadequate government response. While the British government’s actions were often insufficient and have been rightfully criticized, it is important to recognize that the famine itself was not intentionally caused by the British. Efforts were made, albeit insufficiently, to provide aid, and many in Britain-from the royal family to ordinary citizens-contributed to relief efforts. The failures in response were largely due to poor management, limited understanding, and the constraints of the political and economic ideologies of the time, rather than a deliberate intent to harm the Irish population.
@skyriderize Жыл бұрын
Millions dead, Millions fled!
@gerardmooney9912 Жыл бұрын
Very well said
@worldeconomicforumbarbie9323 3 жыл бұрын
They did this to Bangladesh, Africans, the Indians. Are you suprised. It angers me. And i see them try ING to do it again.
@rickyyacine4818 2 жыл бұрын
Even the ottoman who im not fan of helped Ireland with 10000£ this is a dicrase
@timmoran7555 Жыл бұрын
The British refused the money because the Queen only gave 1000 pounds so it didn't look right to accept it
@jacobfield4848 4 ай бұрын
A European famine from 1840 to 1870, terrible and tragic. But it was a Europe wide famine and Finland had the highest % death rate per person.
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
There were several famines in Ireland before 1845. The difference was the fact that Ireland had it's own export policy/parliament and closed the ports for pre-1800 famines of which there were about 3 major ones. The corrupt Act of Union which tied Ireland to Britain in 1801 meant that London decided trade policy and refused to close the ports. This was the cruical difference between the great famine jn Ireland and everywhere else
@gerryan7831 2 жыл бұрын
Thousands more died on what they called coffin ships trying to get away 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@gerryan7831 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your video 🙏🏾🙏🏾
@C00sanb0y Жыл бұрын
I will definitely read this book , thanks Mike for raising attention to this horrible genocide , it's time the British government took ownership of this historical injustice and apologize to the people of Ireland for the passive and indifferent response to the famine , it would go a long way to healing the scars of the past between our two proud nations .
@avalondreaming1433 10 ай бұрын
My ancestor Thomas Brennan fled to America with his brother.
@captainohcaptain9588 Жыл бұрын
In Ireland the blight was able to do far more damage than in other countries as it had only one crop to deal with namely the Irish Cropper which represented 90% of the local crop. This lack of biodiversity led a more resistant, robust form of blight which is why it kept coming back over an over, the lack of knowledge about crop rotations, the smaller size of Irish farm steads and the fact that there were a lot of farms owned by absentee landlords didn’t help.
@joprocter4573 Жыл бұрын
The ppl heugonots, ulster Scots, planters they call foreigners brought fantastic skills to create diversity and choice new trades/farming. . Very good for REFUGUEES compared to modern day
@mariechristie5821 Жыл бұрын
There was food being shipped out of Ireland to England daily. Enough to feed the population twice over. This was a genocide committed by the British government and sadly not the only one, they inflicted starvation on other countries too. There was no famine in Ireland.
@captainohcaptain9588 Жыл бұрын
England and Scotland had both been affected by the Blight and you could easily write a paper on the mishandling of the Scottish Highland famine
@johnoconnell2446 Жыл бұрын
Indeed there was hunger and deaths in Scotland due to the blight. However the Irish had no other food to survive, while 2 million died from a deliberate order not to feed them, thousands of British troops were sent to prevent access to livestock and grain while they exported to England and Scotland their record amount ever stolen from a starving Nation....No comparison to the Scottish shortages. NONE.
@rosaleenmessenger2252 3 жыл бұрын
Rosaleen is pronounced as a, Rose, Rosaleen!!!!
@williewilliams4654 3 жыл бұрын
One of the saddest things about the famine was what we done to each other,,,, because of the starvation,,,,reported crime rose from 6 thousands to something like 60 thousand in one year,,, I don't think people stop to think about that,,,
@hughneek12 Жыл бұрын
The demonic ruling class reduced the people to a spiritual level nearly as low as theirs.
@Jon-tb2ty 3 ай бұрын
Get it Right The Rich British, the poor people in Britain suffered as well
@robertomeara3469 6 ай бұрын
Well over a million
@raymur1969 3 жыл бұрын
@BWG05 Жыл бұрын
this was part of the the norther O'Mahoney attack distributed by the 40er's
@lauravonutassy1919 4 жыл бұрын
Lillian Keane..Not yet, but I sure will try it. Thanks!!
@celtiberian07 Ай бұрын
There was plenty of food they only allowed us to have stupid potato's that failed as a crop
@J-3.16 Жыл бұрын
2 million, not upto a million.
@AzizaAR92 2 жыл бұрын
They died? Oh my god The pepole died poor pepoles
@markaxworthy2508 Жыл бұрын
How marginal was the food situation in the UK at the time? I know Scotland suffered a potato famine of lesser impact, and presumably the potato crops in England and Wales were similarly hit, but how marginal was the food situation in England and Wales at this time? Is there any pragmatic rationale to Trevelyan's argument that he didn't want to transfer famine from one country to another? Could cutting food exports to the UK, or sending food to Ireland have pitched England into famine? Has any work been done on this?
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
Irrelevant. The motivation for exporting food from Ireland was financial. Free trade. Food prices rocketed. Profiteering was rife. The people making the money and Trevelyan who championed the policy, were not doing it to save poor English people. Did you not watch this video? Stop looking for excuses. There were none. IT was a genocide. Previous famines were as severe but Ireland's parliament closed the ports and stopped the export of food. That's why fewer people died but there was still one that took a third of the population. The power to close ports was taken by Westminister when the corrupt Act of Union was bought and bribed into existence and London refused to close them, allowing food to leave. Trevelyan spoke about Irish people as a degenerate race who were suffering God's punishment. Many in the Anglo-Irish and British aristocracy wanted the land purged. Not a bit of his motivation was well-meaning. None of it. This is all well-documented.
@markaxworthy2508 2 ай бұрын
@@bogbay While doubtless largely true, that doesn't actually address my question, which was about conditions OUTSIDE Ireland at the time: "How marginal was the food situation in the UK at the time? I know Scotland suffered a potato famine of lesser impact, and presumably the potato crops in England and Wales were similarly hit, but how marginal was the food situation in England and Wales at this time? Is there any pragmatic rationale to Trevelyan's argument that he didn't want to transfer famine from one country to another? Could cutting food exports to the UK, or sending food to Ireland have pitched England into famine? Has any work been done on this?
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
@@markaxworthy2508 Why are you asking the question Mark? You clearly did not absorb my reply. The motivation for exporting food from Ireland was financial. It had nothing to do with England starving.
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
@@markaxworthy2508 KZbin seems to randomly chose to delete posts. SO I'll try again. I answered you clearly in the previous post but you read it with English eyes. The motive for allowing food to exit Ireland had nothing to do with famine in England or Scotland. It was purely about ideology and bigotry - Trevelyan's own words confirm this. Why are you willfully ignoring this? The notion that Trevelayn's actions were philanthropic insults intelligence. Conditions in the Highlands were as bad as Ireland. They were not alleviated by food imported from Ireland. This was intentional and again, this is well documented. The Anglo-Scottish wanted to clear the Highlands. This is all well known but you don't know it. Really? Actually, the brazen cheek of you to even ask this question. The clear implication you are making is that English people were more worthy of life than Irish people and that food grown in Ireland should have be used to feed them, regardless of the impact on Irish people. Outrageous. Shameful in fact when it would be so much easier to acknowledge what was done to Ireland and move on.
@markaxworthy2508 2 ай бұрын
@@bogbay I am asking the question to learn more. Why are you so anxious that I don't? Ireland was not the only society heavily dependent on potatoes and was not the only one afflicted by the potato blight. What is more, although you may not have previously been aware of it, there was also a potato famine in Scotland at the time. And you are STILL not addressing my question, which was, " marginal was the food situation in England and Wales at this time? Is there any pragmatic rationale to Trevelyan's argument that he didn't want to transfer famine from one country to another? Could cutting food exports to the UK, or sending food to Ireland have pitched England into famine? Has any work been done on this?" Have you any information to offer on the food situation in England and Wales at the time?
@captainohcaptain9588 Жыл бұрын
first Agricultural School only opened in England the same year the blight started. One of the best means of protecting potatoes from blight was copper (they had no idea of that at the time though.
@eileenahern-ku9nx 2 ай бұрын
And finbarr mcdonnell abp international ireland with his evil buddies( butchers) in uk want to bring it back again. On a mail he wrote under the mask of another " he got exotic food from his boss that no one else had".❤
@lauravonutassy1919 4 жыл бұрын
The Irish make the most delicious whiskey, called Bushmill's Irish Whiskey.
@lilliankeane5731 4 жыл бұрын
Have you tried Tullamore Dew?...
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
Forget both of them, have you tasted Midletons? OMG!!! Now that is simply superb....expensive, though, but superb
@BeltandBraces 3 жыл бұрын
Bushmills Whiskey was said to be untouched by fenian hands.
@quentinquentin6752 3 жыл бұрын
@@BeltandBraces Have you looked up the original name for Guinness when it was first sold ?
@lilliankeane5731 3 жыл бұрын
@Peter Quinn mmmmm. 😋 sounds delicious…
@johnpurcell7525 Ай бұрын
Totally misleading food exported was produced by Irish Tenant Farmers like my Great Grandfather on 15 to 40 acre farms and was SOLD. To pay rent and support families please Research conditions in Wexford Carlow Kilkenny Kildare etc as against Mayo Galway Kerry where poor lived in thatched huts on half acre land grew nothing but potatoes
@peterfeltham5612 Жыл бұрын
So he had never " experienced anything like the Irish potato famine",god he must be a very old man then.
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
My grandmother lived to 101. She died in 1981, Her parents lived through An Gorta Mór and told her about it. She told me. They were lucky. My great grandfather was born to estate workers in of few "good" estates and survived. I would not be here but for that. It's more recent than you might think.
@henrykaye888 3 жыл бұрын
What happened to the Irish people's 'White Privilege'?
@cearta6379 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t bring your American politics here 🙄
@henrykaye888 3 жыл бұрын
@@cearta6379 I was being sarcastic. Anyway, I'm Australian.
@Dan4CW 3 жыл бұрын
We're not white. We're Irish.
@henrykaye888 3 жыл бұрын
@@Dan4CW 👍
@carolinelees8561 3 жыл бұрын
6 people in March 1847 in C mayo left & walked 10 miles 2 parents & 4 children they were turned away & walled back the 10 miles the weather turned badly & when they crossed the river all but 1 of the 6 died along with about 500 wretched souls . The 1 that survived was 9 years old she was my 4 X great grandmother . May Trevelyn burn in Hell . My mother was Irish ☘️ I’m Scottish & May I say please forgive those Scottish traitors . Here’s a better one my 2 x g grandfather was executed in 1916 little did he & the other founding fathers know that generations to come would speak their name with pride & movies plays books would be made & wrote in their honour . Yes indeed that was the day the sun began to set on the empire bc million upon millions got of their knees bc of that Easter rebellion. One is not born in Ireland 🇮🇪 EIRE IS BORN IN THEM
@captainohcaptain9588 Жыл бұрын
Irish lies every single country in Europe that grew potato crops were affected the storms carried the blight from country to country and it had a devastating effect world wide.
@advent3774 Жыл бұрын
Yes they all had the potato disease, but they also had other crops and foodstuffs to enable them to survive, unlike the Irish , who the English deliberately starved to suit their own ends , the black slaves in America were treated better and much better fed , and housed , the English were brainwashed into hating the Irish by their upper classes and ruling classes, so they didn’t care how the Irish were treated / abused, Much like Hitler brainwashed his people!
@owidiu28boo 2 жыл бұрын
this was the moment when Ireland embraced the English language
@gradualdecay1040 3 ай бұрын
All lies.
@nigelralphmurphy2852 Жыл бұрын
In 1943 a million died of starvation in southeast China. In 1944 two million Vietnamese died due to Japanese and French actions. Over a two million Bengalis died of starvation in 1943. Around 40 million Chinese died of starvation between 1958 and 1961 due to Communist policies. Almost two million Biafran people died of starvation during the Biafran war of 1967-1970. Around a million Ethiopians died of starvation between 1983 and 1985 due to the civil war there. Around 500,000 people died in the Henan famine of 1942-1943. In 1921-22 five million died of starvation in the Soviet Ural and Volga region, in 1930-33 8.7 million died of famine in Ukraine and during the same period some 1.3 million died in that Kazakh region. These are just some of the famines that have occurred in the 20th centuries. DO NOT say the Irish famine was the worst famine ever. All famines are terrible. People only remember the Irish famine because the Irish are white. The remembrance of this history is completely Eurocentric. Like the Ukrainian war and the Ukrainian refugees.
@back2thetrail Жыл бұрын
To me, this shows more of the bad that UK and colonialism had done. Not trying to downplay what you said, but it doesn't put the Europeans in a good light 😅. And it shows the need for historians to document and preserve those other famine stories you mentioned. I feel the same for the Philippines where I was born. Wish there were more written history than available. But I think it's getting better
@nigelralphmurphy2852 Жыл бұрын
@@back2thetrail Not 100% grasping your point. My point is (partly) that famines are political, not a lack of food. And so is the memory of famine. All modern famines are political. There is no need for anyone to die of starvation in the modern world, but it happens. And what gets remembered is political as well. Therefore it's our DUTY to find out what has happened and why. Have you heard of the Rape of Nanjing by the Japanese in Dec 1937 where up to 350,000 Chinese were raped and murdered? It's an incredibly well-known atrocity from the 2nd Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. But who knows about the 1945 battle of Manila where up to 300,000 Filipino people died and were murdered by the Japanese? Almost nobody knows this, including many young Filipinos. The Irish potato famine was not the result of Europeans' was the outcome of a naturally-occurring potato blight that destroyed the potato crop in Ireland three years in a row exacerbated by 'British political policy to not feed the Irish and leave dealing with the famine in the hands of the Irish authorities and the Irish landlords, although Ireland was politically part of Britain at the time, so that decision was criminal negligence on the part of the British government. All the other famines I mentioned were similarly the outcome of political decisions. The question is: who is valuable? Whose lives matter? Those other famine stories are well preserved. I was able to find out about them by just a short Wikipedia search. History is politics. It's whose lives matter that is the key question. That's why the Black Lives Matter movement started.
@ac1646 Жыл бұрын
I've watched this again and there is no mention of calling it 'the worst famine ever.' There is a line which says [he] 'hadn't encountered anything on the scale,' which is a personal comparison from his own lived experience as a journalist. Creating documentaries of any given famine is on a _micro_ scale, whereas creating documentaries on say, the causes of famines worldwide is on a _macro_ scale. You simply cannot do both at once. For example, you've given a good overview of world famines in the 20th Century and the figures are heartbreaking because as a fellow human I _understand_ that death on this scale is horrific, without you having to go into detail. It's my human conscience that fills in the unspoken words, as in essence you've only given dates, numbers died and country. What I don't get from this list are the more in depth look at causes, reactions, policies and personal stories etc. So whereas this little seven minute video barely scratches the surface, it does a great job of diving a little deeper into this _one particular_ catastrophe.
@sunnyseacat6857 10 ай бұрын
@@nigelralphmurphy2852 : BLM was funded by the extraordinarily corrupt George Soros to cause chaos between whites and blacks, to divide and conquer, to cause inner city issues and keep Americans distracted while other horrors were/are transpiring.
@alexandermathar7780 3 ай бұрын
I think Trevyllian has got a cauldron for himself in hell, at the side of Mao and Hitler
@gezley100 3 жыл бұрын
Where did Trevelyan expect Irish people to grow food, given that all the land had been taken from them?
@superbad3591 2 жыл бұрын
He wanted them to die, that was the whole point
@jimwright1148 2 жыл бұрын
So they stole his corn,so the young might see the morn
@johncahalane7327 2 жыл бұрын
The interesting fact of history that the current minister in the Conservative government is Anne Marie Trevelyan and yes she is a direct descend of Charles Trevelyan who was one and the same.
@briancox3050 Жыл бұрын
@@johncahalane7327 Thanks for that very interesting fact.
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
@@briancox3050 You might also like to know that Rees Mogg married into one of the worst of the Anglo-Irish landlord families and that his people, the Warrens, left Ireland for New York from Cork at the time of the An Gorta Mór. No greater hypocrite alive.
@avalondreaming1433 10 ай бұрын
My ancestor Thomas Brennan fled to America with his brother.
@seanok3498 3 жыл бұрын
Absolutely dynamite altogether! Thanks a million for all the hard work you put into this piece. God bless ya.
@IrelandCallingDaily 3 жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it
@captainohcaptain9588 Жыл бұрын
The British government provided relief only to those who had no land (i.e., either owned or rented). People had to choose to give up their tenancies, including their homes, to obtain relief. Soup kitchens, by and large, were run by private individuals and groups, such as charities and religions, rather than by the government
@notaturkey2607 3 жыл бұрын
There needs to be at least another 10-15 minutes of discussion of what the villain said and did. Thank you for sharing!
@charleswalsh9895 3 жыл бұрын
My Fathers father came in 1880's my grand mother walsh (Boylan ) came into USA in 1850's.
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Ай бұрын
The British Response to the Irish Famine: Context and Actions The Great Famine in Ireland (1845-1852) was a catastrophic event primarily triggered by a potato blight, a fungal disease that devastated the staple food crop for much of the Irish population. While the famine was a natural disaster, the British government’s response to it has been widely criticized. However, it is important to understand that the famine was not intentionally caused by the British, and there were several efforts, albeit often inadequate, made to alleviate the suffering of the Irish people. The Role of Natural Disaster and British Intentions The potato blight, a naturally occurring plant disease, was the primary cause of the famine. The British government did not intentionally cause the famine; rather, it was an unforeseen and uncontrollable event. The failures that followed were due to poor management, limited understanding of crisis management, and adherence to economic policies that discouraged government intervention. The belief in laissez-faire economics, which emphasized minimal government interference in the market, played a significant role in the inadequate response. Efforts Made by the British Government and Society 1. Public Works Programs: The British government established public works projects to provide employment to those affected by the famine. At its peak, these programs employed over 700,000 Irish people, offering them a meager income in exchange for hard labor. However, these efforts were poorly organized and did not fully address the crisis. 2. Soup Kitchens: In 1847, the British government introduced the “Temporary Relief Act,” leading to the establishment of soup kitchens across Ireland. These kitchens fed over 3 million people at the height of the famine, providing crucial sustenance, although this program was temporary and insufficient. 3. Importation of Maize: Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel took an early step by purchasing £100,000 worth of maize (corn) from the United States. This maize, known as “Peel’s Brimstone,” was distributed to help feed the starving Irish. While this was an important move, the distribution was slow and the food unfamiliar, making it difficult for many to prepare and consume. 4. Repeal of the Corn Laws: In 1846, the British government repealed the Corn Laws, which had protected domestic grain producers by imposing tariffs on imported grain. The repeal was intended to lower food prices and increase accessibility, although its impact on alleviating the famine was limited. 5. Charitable Contributions: Charitable efforts played a significant role in providing relief. The Quakers, among others, were particularly active in organizing relief efforts and distributing food and clothing. The British Relief Association, funded by donations from across the world, also contributed significantly to aid efforts. These efforts demonstrated widespread concern among British citizens and organizations, even if the government’s response was lacking. 6. Queen Victoria’s Aid: Queen Victoria personally donated £2,000 to famine relief efforts and supported charitable initiatives aimed at helping the Irish. While her contribution was significant, it was criticized as being insufficient given the scale of the crisis. Nonetheless, it reflected a concern at the highest levels of British society. The Impact of Migration to England As the famine worsened, many Irish people fled to England, seeking refuge from the dire conditions in Ireland. Cities like Liverpool, Manchester, and London saw significant increases in their Irish populations. This migration, while a means of survival for many, led to overcrowded living conditions and the spread of diseases such as typhus and cholera. The reception of Irish migrants in England was mixed, with both sympathy and significant discrimination. The migration highlighted the desperate circumstances of the Irish population and the limitations of the British response. Conclusion The Great Famine was a tragic event exacerbated by a combination of natural disaster and an inadequate government response. While the British government’s actions were often insufficient and have been rightfully criticized, it is important to recognize that the famine itself was not intentionally caused by the British. Efforts were made, albeit insufficiently, to provide aid, and many in Britain-from the royal family to ordinary citizens-contributed to relief efforts. The failures in response were largely due to poor management, limited understanding, and the constraints of the political and economic ideologies of the time, rather than a deliberate intent to harm the Irish population.
@AshokJethwa-k7k Жыл бұрын
Being a British Indian I had no idea the callous way the Irish were treated. I shall endeavour to read the book to learn more.
@marke4576 2 жыл бұрын
It wasn't a potato famine.
@conordorrian1652 2 жыл бұрын
Everyone still dancing around the real description of what happened........ GENOCIDE...... nothing more, nothing less . GENOCIDE... Until that word is front and present when talking about what happened in Ireland. When I hear the Crown appologise for the GENOCIDE which they caused, only then will my opinion change and maybe forgive what they did to my fellow Irish men and women.
@winsomewife7112 Жыл бұрын
Whoa there..... he was NOT guided by God but only thought he was. Jesus didn't say anything about starving people to death but to have mercy and help the poor. Many claim they are guided by God but are really guided by their emotions or hormones. Not cool to not clarify this in your video.
@bikeman9899 Жыл бұрын
From a British education and curriculum perspective, the.famine is a minefield. To acknowledge the colossal cruelty of the UK government, which had complete authority over Ireland at the time, would undermine the national (UK) narrative. Allowing the Irish to die of famine ( about 200 calories and disease achieved a political goal. It successfully subdued the Irish, regularly rebellious against British rule, without having to fire a single shot. That came later of course, as the scars of the Famine influenced the Irish independence movement of the 19th and early 20th century.
@bikeman9899 Жыл бұрын
@TerryBell1968 Thanks for making my point. Between 1845 and 1950 , 1M ppl died. Another 1M left in the subsequent decade. During this period significant amounts of food were exported to Britain . The Irish starved while surrounded by bounty. The point is simply this. Ireland was part of the UK at the time. The Famine was catastrophic. The government in London showed disdain for the loss of life. I don't doubt that ordinary English ppl tried to help. The government didn't. This story is not taught in Britain's schools. Why not? Doesn't take a genius to understand why even today, the UKG would prefer this ugly chapter would simply disappear.
@bikeman9899 Жыл бұрын
@TerryBell1968 Well, it's funny you use that specific expression, " do you want British children to feel bad?" This is the same phrase and argument used here in the US by hard right conservatives who work hard to keep the ugly history of US slavery out of the school curriculum . They are having some success in the American South. Most countries have history that some would prefer not be told. The UK is certainly not unique here. My argument is simply, tell the story , warts and all, so young ppl know the history of their own country. An even handed recounting , by definition, would include modern history, including the Troubles, with the IRA, UVF and their terrorist activities described. Facts, while uncomfortable, are ultimately friendly. So, to answer your question, " why teach this to British children?" So, they know the history of their own country. The same goes for US children ( the brutality against Native Americans and slavery), Belgian kids should know about the Congo, Japanese youth need ro know about their country's aggression in China , Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia etc. The list goes on. I'm not trying to pick on the UK here. Most of the colonial powers have stories that are uncomfortable. Young ppl should know, so they can be equipped as adults to make informed decisions.
@joprocter4573 Жыл бұрын
Has he got numbers of deaths in Scotland. Wales. England. Europe who endured famine same time. World of difference between life time reporting and hundreds of years later. Rich versus poor then as now. Irish maintain only Catholics died never protestants or other. The 2023 version has not altered from past by poor. Plus 2 only child support chb will return to shortages if hit hard times again as Irish have 3/4/5 plus kids and continued getting pregnant often 10-16 kids many dying of maluration.. While average Welsh English 2.. And Irish n Scots more kids more food required.
@jharekcarnelian Жыл бұрын
The Irish do not maintain only Catholics died, this is nonsense. You are repeating stupid nonsense and old out of date stereotypes about the Irish.
@bogbay 2 ай бұрын
Have you not got those numbers? You seem to be making a point about them without knowing them? Go find out yourself and then make your point, if you have one. Here's a hint GB Population today is 66m. Ireland is still less than 1840, only western nation in the world like that. How do you think it happened? You've just made up a load of stuff and had an argument with yourself about it. No Irish people claim that protestants didn't die during AN Gorta Mór SHow me even one in these commenst saying that apart from you What is a fact is that protestants were far better off than catholics and died in much smaller numbers. Ironically, Presbyterians were persecuted almost as much as catholics and died in greater numbers than other protestants. The other stuff is just your vile imagination at work, echoing the propaganda of the day which painted Irish people as vermin, reproducing out of control. Gobshite.
@weejackrussell 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for this, I shall now seek out your novel and read it.
@fradrake11 Жыл бұрын
Go raibh maith agat 🇮🇪✌️
@seamusconnolly9710 22 күн бұрын
Is é an gorta mór an fáth nár cheart d'aon duine a chreidiúint i nDia
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