IS ADO REALLY ON STAGE? Let's watch Ado's own reaction to Ado's LIVE

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@kyubikorii7905 7 ай бұрын
Ado said in an interview for a TV program (presenting her new album Zanmu (banger btw) something like "professionnaly, my dream is to have a Grammy, and in life is to love myself... i think love myself will come after winning a Grammy." remember: the best hater of Ado is Ado herself
@_marcusmarinho 6 ай бұрын
The only Ado hater is herself.
@asd54997 7 ай бұрын
It’s illegal to fake a performance in Japan, so if that’s not her on stage, she’s taking the risk of being sued.
@MrNicePotato 5 ай бұрын
No law says that. In fact, japanese singers lipsync all the time. Plus, she is anonymous anyway, so what really is "Ado"? It could be an real life "avatar" on stage "lipsyncing". But it's still an Ado show with her music. Having said that I do believe it's her, mainly because she also talked a lot in the show which is nearly impossible to mime so perfectly. And I do believe people don't want to voluntarily give up the chance of actually seeing their audience and receiving the applause.
@陳泓叡-r4d 5 ай бұрын
@@MrNicePotato Japanese singers lipsync all the time? That means you still don't know the best singers in Japan.
@ismichi 29 күн бұрын
There's a legal limit to the lipsynching in Japan, which is the point. They cannot pretend it's their voice + body. (Similarly, minors cannot work after certain hours) But there are places they have to lipsynch. Even acts who sing live 80%+ (ie backing vocals) are made to for shows, such as TV. And it's very common that for official releases, both for shows or DVDs etc, they fix vocals up along with improved volume distribution. So live performances aren't always the same quality, but they do often stream (internet, TV, or cinemas) final lives of a tour where it's more honest. So it's not as if those who never go to a live show can't have an idea how an act performs live.
@RICEKAKA 7 ай бұрын
對老師"如何算是證據"的描述非常認同,很多時候都是那些條件變成我們更相信他是真的,但都不能叫做"證據" 這不是批判對方或懷疑對方也不是貶抑 而是回到現實面那不叫做證據 真的很喜歡老師對這些事情的描述邏輯 這方面真的跟自己很像
@ryanwei6487 7 ай бұрын
收看完整演唱會光碟,會看到兩三個長段,Ado在台上跟觀眾聊天,述說自己的心路歷程,前後加一加,聊了可能有十分鐘以上。 也有在演唱中,數句即興向觀眾喊話。 歌曲演唱有辦法對拍,但聊天總不可能一字一句去對拍了。 謝謝老師Rozette的點評,才有契機注意到Ado,這麼年輕歌手的演唱才華,把她的演唱會購入看個過癮。
@user-Kanabun_no_mesu 6 ай бұрын
〜From Japan〜 When she fired a present with a toy bazooka, she was speaking in a raw voice without using a microphone. Because she had to let go of the microphone to hold the bazooka. She was shouting, "Take it!" I certainly heard that voice.
@LELE-tk3ef 7 ай бұрын
你會發現ADO並沒有對自己的聲音、唱腔等等關於音樂範疇提出意見或感受,因為他對這方面很有自信。ADO是對自己不擅長的表演(舞蹈)感到羞恥而歇斯底里,因為他在這個範疇沒有自信(事實上他的肢體動作可能真的沒有很美妙)。 換個例子,世界一流的舞蹈家觀看自己跳唱的表演時亦只會在意自己在「唱」方面的表演。「欸,這個音唱得不對 欸,這裡不夠感情」等等 我覺得ADO看自己演唱會裡的肢體動作是對自己處以極刑 😂
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
You're right. At the end she says, I will definitely include choreography lessons in my daily routine so as not to be awkward. By the way, she went to study traditional dances
@azeral1692 7 ай бұрын
我也覺得你是對的 旁邊的感覺就不是很懂
@thefnefrog 7 ай бұрын
你說得很對,但早期ADO對自己的一切都沒自信甚至自己的聲音也都不喜歡,他是先被喜歡才知道自己這麼厲害 (((有沒有一種可能是他不喜歡自己的聲音所以學會了各種聲音XD? 以他擅發出來的性格 感覺真的很有可能...
@返璞歸真 7 ай бұрын
@Kk-rm7ko 7 ай бұрын
@cvbn1029 7 ай бұрын
日本被抓到假唱就是告別演藝圈了,還有被告詐欺的問題 另外有人是在現場聽到麥克風掉的聲音, 所以依此判斷是本人現場 老師說的也非常正確,不要去想人人都壞人,但也不要盲目相信沒人會騙你,所以保持一定懷疑才是正確的, 娛樂圈就是這種狀況,或許表演者沒有騙你的想法,但他可能有修飾讓自己表演更完美的想法,所以使用了一些輔助 這是認知上的差異
@蔡承燁-v5j 7 ай бұрын
@@cvbn1029 真的 講的非常好
@hewi395 7 ай бұрын
Tot Musica live 約在3:10秒,Ado唱完後倒地時,明顯有收到麥克風敲到地板的聲音。
@yt-3257 7 ай бұрын
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
老師想說的是希望大家保持獨立思考 , 因為老師很清楚演藝圈讓圈外人看到的東西 , 幾乎都是包裝過的行銷手段 , 很多都是做效果/做人設/做形象 , 像是有部2次元作品『我推的孩子』的劇情就講到很多演藝圈的虛假陰暗面 , YOASOBI演唱的IDOL就是專為這部作品製作的主題曲 , 據說劇情都有些收斂 , 真實演藝圈更誇張的事情都有
@嘉嘉-j5j 7 ай бұрын
應該說沒人給老師足夠的資訊去判斷吧,如果告訴老師日本不能假唱等等的資訊或許她的判斷會更不一樣。 這就是為啥大家都叫他們做功課,資訊不足就是會在公開場合講出一些資訊不對等的話然後被網上的酸民噴,但他們看起來也不在意被噴就是了。 根據他們之前出來聲明的說法,似乎認為在公共場合拍片把平常生活中私底下的討論放出來,完全不需負任何公共責任🙄
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
By the way, this is a video of her reaction from three years ago, she watched herself on one of her first tours around the country. After the world tour, she said. that she is confident on stage and no longer worries during concerts. And Ado speaks very professionally about vocal techniques, voice and songs. They already call her a teacher.
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
A metal singer friend of mine from Nashville really approves of Ado not showing himself off. He said: “If only everyone knew how well I would sing if they didn’t look at me, and how I would like to leave immediately after the concert so that some unknown people would not try to grab me and take pictures of me.”
@weiderchao6745 7 ай бұрын
我覺得這是思維上的不同 老師已經再三強調 他沒有不相信 他是越來越相信 但是在沒有完整的證據可以證明的時候 我們都應該要心存懷疑 但是這不代表我不相信她! 這是西方教育和東方教育的差別 我覺得要尊重其他人 而且說實在話 詐騙集團會成功不是就是因為有一堆人覺得這個應該不會騙人吧 我其實每次都覺得杰凱的態度很糟糕 我覺得任何反駁之前都應該先去了解對方表達的內容 而且太習慣用2元分法真的是會讓一個人眼界越來越窄 我能理解想要說服對方的那種感覺 但在反駁對方前難道不需要先理解對方在講什麼嗎 就算是反駁也要知道對方的痛點在哪 說服從來不是把自己的想法一直輸出一直輸出一直輸出 還是要針對對方提出來的點去 節節攻破 當然你不去理解對方你要怎麼說服對方相信你 我每次看到老師最後都會露出無奈的表情好結束這個話題我就覺得浪費時間 因為最後這一段對話就是一段無效對話 試著打開你的心吧 凡事不要先反駁 拜託先去理解 因為你每次都沒有聽懂老師在講什麼
@yado_ubc 7 ай бұрын
認同 質疑事實並不代表不相信你 這種辯證應該是公開公平可被評論的 這是好的討論
@Cvet0107 7 ай бұрын
@kinhungliu3175 6 ай бұрын
@weiderchao6745 6 ай бұрын
@@kinhungliu3175 不是喔!外國的教育就是要有獨立思考的能力,這跟哪個國家怎樣沒有半毛錢關係!想你這種言論大概率是就是需要學習獨立思考的那種人
@kinhungliu3175 6 ай бұрын
@@weiderchao6745 不是獨立思考的問題,是信任問題,一個充滿假酒假食物的地方當然他們的生活習慣都是充滿懷疑,連地方的資訊也不透明,當然成本很高,如一個系統制度完善的地方,當然生活也理所當然,如果有不軌行為市場亦有反映不能瞞天過海,人人得而誅之根本是沒有翻身機會,這就是我們生活在資訊透明的好處,根本與獨立思考毫無關係
@jonasw3945 8 ай бұрын
Are you guys still thinking she isn't the one on stage ??????
@xuanhainguyen336 7 ай бұрын
@@jonasw3945 not the 2 guys behind the scenes, they trying their best to convince her that's ado on stage 🤣
@ChaWata 7 ай бұрын
@mihokosymons5188 7 ай бұрын
@airy8509 7 ай бұрын
There have never been any doubt that it wasnt her. I dont know where that came from…
@mihokosymons5188 7 ай бұрын
@@airy8509This lady and this lady only 😂
@justin95tang 7 ай бұрын
@jupiterZzz73990 7 ай бұрын
@@justin95tang biggest hater*
@余冠祺 7 ай бұрын
@返璞歸真 7 ай бұрын
@mwahning 7 ай бұрын
lmao, it is indeed her on stage! she even recorded a small video of her pov inside her cage! she posted on twt!
@Nusutto 7 ай бұрын
I believe it is ado on stage but I get the "this doesnt count as proof" which that pov also doesnt really count. Imo shes already not showing herself and not doing any fancy dance moves so theres no reason to fake it and thats enough for me. It basically pointless to fake it.
@ko-fl8hu 6 ай бұрын
@@Nusutto She said she has been taking dancing lessons though if that counts, and it shows on stage. I believe it's Ado on stage too but if news came out in the future that it wasn't Ado then I'd understand and be like "OK", then I'd move on and still love Ado. But people say it's also illegal to do that in Japan cause it'd be fraud so.
@mari-ka7873 7 ай бұрын
何でそんな複雑に考えるの??受け入れることに楽しさがあるのに。 日本人の間で、adoがどういう形態で活動してるか(ステージ上に歌っている本人がいるかどうか)をそこまで詮索する人はいない。 こういうやり方が「ado」というスタイルだと思って受け入れてる人がほとんどだと思う。 多分、日本人って世界の中でも特異なのかもしれないけど、ヴァーチャルな存在に対して素直に受け入れるというか、三次元と二次元との間に壁が無い。だから生身の歌手の「本体」にそこまでこだわらない人が多いかもしれない。 周りの人で、「adoのコンサートに行ってみたい」って人はたくさんいるけど、意外と「檻の中のシルエットがado本人か気になって仕方ない」という人に会ったことが無い。 そこを気にするのは野暮というか、「これがadoのスタイルだ」と感じている。adoは「歌声」に極端にフューチャーしたスタイルで音楽活動を行なっていて、従来のアーティストの生身(ビジュアル)とのセット販売でないスタイルが自由で面白いのだと思う
@ts012423333 7 ай бұрын
ま~さすがにVOCALIODや実体のない人物(初音ミク)のコンサートは受け入れられない人も多い むしろ受け入れられる日本人の方が特殊なんです😂
@mari-ka7873 7 ай бұрын
@@ts012423333 確かにそうですね。adoの場合、歌ってるのは「人間」が大前提で、その歌声にフューチャーして「肉体」を持たせないことで、「音楽」を主役にしてる感じが人気のポイントでしょうね。ボーカロイドではここまで受け入れられなかった (なので、自分の先のコメントは一部編集しました) 意外と彼女のルックスや本体を詮索する人が少なくて、そこらへんの許容性が日本人らしいとこかな、と思ってます。二次元的、記号的な存在をフラットに受け入れるところというか
@chiho9191 5 ай бұрын
まあまあ。 おそらくこれまで(主に欧米において)メディアが完璧に仕立て上げた架空のアーティストというものがあまりに多くいたからだと思いますよ。 田舎からヒョイと出てきていきなりオーディション番組で大ブレイクしたり、過去のトラウマや心の傷を乗り越えて成功したという人物が全て最初からメディアに仕組まれていた茶番だったというようなことがたくさんあったから。 そういうことを経験してきた消費者の多くがAdoのような歌手を初めてみた場合おそらく、盲目的に信じるか、本物かどうか精査するか、最初から無視するかの三択が主な選択肢になります。 そして彼女は一番現実的なやり方でAdoを受け入れようとしているだけ。
@Liann1022 7 ай бұрын
如果你站在Ado演唱會的前排 那你就會知道 那確實是本人 因為就算背光 還是能稍微看到臉的 國立競技場那場 Ado甚至走出了籠子 讓我有幸能親眼目睹到Ado 我只能說 就是個可愛的小女生 讓我十分安心
@SupernovaBlastseeker 6 ай бұрын
@h906230 2 ай бұрын
@SiegKircheis 7 ай бұрын
@reikei9783 7 ай бұрын
@SiegKircheis 7 ай бұрын
​@@reikei9783 Ado的演唱會會設置籠子,也是因為他害怕被人注目,或者說,Ado因為天生聲音較一般女生低,從小在日本可是沒少過被排擠,也造成他對自己異常沒有自信,今天如果沒有VOCALOID,Ado可能會變成家裡蹲的另一個案例。
@h906230 2 ай бұрын
@noinoi5209 7 ай бұрын
偽者を使っていたら、大勢のスタッフが関わっているライブで全員の口は塞げないと思う。 日本人にとっては信用は死活問題。
@この太郎-y2z 7 ай бұрын
@kushiha36 7 ай бұрын
彼女は本物ですよ。ただテレているだけです。😂 武道館ライブのBlu-rayを始めから終了迄観てください^^
@viperx679 7 ай бұрын
Would you consider that seeing the silhouette of her jaw move 1:1 with her words both whilst shes talking and singing on stage, from a 8~ ft distance be proof? also the times when you'd she her moving about a bunch and you can hear her voice hitch or falter on some lines matching perfectly with tired/excessive movements. Also think about why she would be hiding her face, beyond just wanting anonymity. From the start of her career, She's spoken about her she was inspired by Vocaloid (genre of music where faces are never shown) which influenced her view of, "The music should be the main character, and the singer shouldnt be at the forefront" which resulted in her choosing the stage name "Ado" which is the same term used for the supporting character in a japanese play. She's been the same since before she got signed, since before she blew up. why are you still so sceptical??
@cherrickdinn 7 ай бұрын
It's so strange to doubt that it's her on stage. Like, why would it not be? To what end? Whoever it is, nobody can see her. It would be a lot of effort to have someone act along to the singing for no particular gain.
@ty2327ugo28 7 ай бұрын
彼女はただ恥ずかしいだけなんだよ だから顔を出さない、でも歌うことが好きで歌でならどんなことでも表現できる ただステージを降りて客観的に自分を見たらとてつもない恥ずかしさと嫌悪感を抱いてしまう 人間らしいだけだ
@ANDOR- 7 ай бұрын
Please don't see it as criticism or anything, really no offense meant, but you say you want us to use our "critical thinking brain", I say we should use our "rational thinking brain". What would be the reason for her not to be on stage? We can't see her anyways. So nobody would care if she was the one we don't see on stage or if she was someone we don't see behind the stage, as long as it's live and nobody can deny that fact. So for me it's totally senseless why it wouldn't be her on stage. If there was some insane beautiful woman or handsome dude on stage who normally can't sing a single note and is just a pretty face, ok (like it was with Milli Vanilli for example). But like this? There's no point if you ask me. Ado REALLY doesn't like herself. She's a total introvert and the only thing she likes about herself is her ability to sing. She said that a lot of times over and over in different interviews (last time last week in a remote call tv show). I think she's that unhinged and cackles to herself because she's absolutely embarassed watching herself, regardless of the quality of what she's watching. There are a lot of people, especially introverts, who smile and laugh or act crazy as self defense mechanism. Also, there are different clips from a 3 hour stream of hers singing karaoke with two other Utaite singers, Yoshino and Jyaku (I think that's his name). You should definitely listen to the karaoke cover version of "Kickback" on the "Ado センス" channel. If it wasn't her, why would she be the one streaming it or why would she be the one impromptu singing on her own radio show, etc.
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
Ado 的演唱會歌單 Campanella 1. 夜のピエロ 2. ラッキー・ブルート 3. ラブカ? 4. ドメスティックでバイオレンス 5. 逆光 6. 私は最強 7. レディメイド 8. 阿修羅ちゃん 9. 金木犀 10. 花火 11. 会いたくて 12. 過学習 13. ダーリンダンス 14. FREEDOM 15. シカバネーゼ 16. 永遠のあくる日 17. ギラギラ 18. マザーランド 19. ザネリ 20. 心という名の不可解 21. 新時代 22. 罪と罰 < Enore > 23. うっせぇわ < Enore > 24. 踊 < Enore > Mars 1. 踊 (Bon-Odo Remix) 2. 私は最強 3. FREEDOM 4. 阿修羅ちゃん 5. ウタカタララバイ 6. 飾りじゃないのよ 涙は 7. unravel 8. ヴィラン 9. ブリキノダンス 10. レディメイド 11. 行方知れず 12. 夜のピエロ 13. 花火 14. 向日葵 15. リベリオン 16. アタシは問題作 17. Tot Musica 18. うっせぇわ 19. DIGNITY 20. いばら 21. -アンコール- 逆光 22. 唱 23. 新時代 THE FIRST WORLD TOUR “Wish”in Taipei 1. 新時代 2. うっせぇわ 3. ラッキー・ブルート 4. レディメイド 5. リベリオン 6. ウタカタララバイ 7. マザーランド 8. ギラギラ 9. Tot Musica 10. 愛して愛して愛して 11. 私は最強 12. 阿修羅ちゃん 13. クラクラ 14. 夜のピエロ 15. 心という名の不可解 16. 真夜中のドア~stay with me MC1 17. 唱 Encore 1. 逆光 2. Freedom 3. 千本桜 MC2 4. 踊
@mihokosymons5188 7 ай бұрын
Listen. She even uploads she and her singer friends karaokeing for an entire hour while laughing and fooling around, and she sounds amazing. I mean the lady’s not wrong that there is no proof, but Jesus 😂
@loson2409 7 ай бұрын
@るみ-o9f 7 ай бұрын
其实老师说的挺有道理的,虽然我觉得台上的应该是Ado本人,但是这个视频确实也不能成为证明这是她本人的证据。 话说既然这一期都提到Vsinger了,那也是时候给老师看看星街彗星了吧?
@opof7371 7 ай бұрын
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
老師想說的是希望大家保持獨立思考 , 因為老師很清楚演藝圈讓圈外人看到的東西 , 幾乎都是包裝過的行銷手段 , 很多都是做效果/做人設/做形象 , 像是有部2次元作品『我推的孩子』的劇情就講到很多演藝圈的虛假陰暗面 , YOASOBI演唱的IDOL就是專為這部作品製作的主題曲 , 據說劇情都有些收斂 , 真實演藝圈更誇張的事情都有
@jayyuh1229 5 ай бұрын
To me, this shows how young she is. She’s not used to seeing herself without comparing.
@balha480 7 ай бұрын
Love your reaction. It is her on stage. In the concert there's a few talking session between songs in her stage before she goes back into singing, she'll introduce the band members, sometimes she even brings merch like dolls to throw to the crowds, I think that can pretty much convince new fans if they saw it live (either online or offline).
@noseboop4354 7 ай бұрын
But if she really is so shy and introverted, how can she do all that? Not only perform in front of thousands of people, but casually interact with them? It doesn't make sense.
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
@@noseboop4354 Yes, I am that kind of person. I'm socially anxious, but I'm a teacher, and at work I lecture to thousands of people.
@mihokosymons5188 7 ай бұрын
@@noseboop4354Her disorder is really related to how she looks, not how she sounds. She’s been singing vocaloid songs since she was 13 or 14 and she is proud of her singing talent, but she’s extremely uncomfortable showing herself visually.
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
Singer Ado (21) appeared on TBS's "Sunday First Time I Hear It" (10:25pm) on the 7th and explained why she records alone. Before her major debut, Ado used to record at her parents' Clover. Currently, she records her original songs in a studio, but she does it alone, without any staff present. However, she said, "I once tried what is generally thought of as recording," recording while being watched by staff. However, "For example, if there is a phrase that goes 'aiueo,' if I don't like the pitch of the 'a,' I'll repeat it over and over again. I keep doing one phrase until I'm satisfied with it, so 100 times is a lot," he said, unable to compromise. She revealed the reason why she ended up recording alone, saying, "When an engineer is there, they give me advice, but I remember throwing a tantrum and saying, 'No, I'm going to keep them waiting". (c)
@Youta_01 7 ай бұрын
She's the one on stage guys!❤❤ (if ado has a heter, it's herself alone lmaooo)
@coron_bichon 8 ай бұрын
AdoのトップアンチがAdo自身だと明らかになる回。そして過去一のAdoシャウトを聞く回。 This is the episode where it becomes clear that Ado's biggest hater is Ado herself. And this is the episode where we hear Ado's biggest shout of all time.
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
Ado sings the song "I'm a Controversy", which is not really about Ado's own controversies, but about how celebrities and internet personalities are generally treated, and this song goes into a lot of detail about how these very popular people need to behave well, tiptoe around so there won't be much controversy, and how the internet will make things up, fabricate, or take things out of context to make these "normal people" seem worse than they really are.
@ppli9672 7 ай бұрын
@sio__mn 7 ай бұрын
いろんな推測や考え方があっていい、という考え方が素敵だなと思いました! ただステージ上のAdoが本人ではない、という見方をする人がある一定数いるということ自体に驚きでした😂考えもしなかったし、むしろステージ上のAdoが本人かどうかは特に重要ではなく、あれだけliveで人を感動させることができる歌手が日本にいる、というだけで嬉しいです。 まあでも、この私の考え方も、数ある考え方の一つにすぎないということですけどね!
@etufogogo 8 ай бұрын
這也可以reaction!!? 好期待😂 7 ай бұрын
@Olkam-w5u 8 ай бұрын
Then you can react to Ado's interview with a Japanese vocal teacher about how to properly sing the song "Show". Video title: 【難易度SSS】 Adoさんご本人に『唱』の歌い方を教えてもらいまSHOW。【ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパン「ゾンビ・デ・ダンス」新テーマソング】
@TieYan 6 ай бұрын
@ChengLeo 7 ай бұрын
老實講,很簡單的道理旁邊那位居然不懂,尤其是影片剛開場就該知道。 前幾年了解過ado多種資訊下,因此我認為這是本人,但我要有證據的情況,是我接觸過本人,或是親眼看過他從後台上台表演,或是出於可信的來源.. 這觀念就跟現在看新聞一模一樣啊。甚至自己工作上,就連接觸到對方說什麼,我也會質疑真假,除非對方有實際表演展現出來。要不就是透過求證過可信管道的吐露。這也就是可信媒體或報導者的重要性 這對自己來說才是求證,不然就跟老師說的一樣,就是我認為而已
@cvbn1029 7 ай бұрын
@@ChengLeo 很好玩的狀況是,你也要思考有沒有可能旁邊那位也是演出來的, 畢竟很剛好的影片完美呈現了三種現實常見狀況, 1.老師 從未知的角度去評論 2.左邊那位 從已知的角度去盲目支持 3.右邊那位 從已知角度客觀闡述,但還是帶了點先入為主的觀點
@ChengLeo 7 ай бұрын
@@cvbn1029 有 我有假想過是一個腳本,因為之前我發現,老師跟我的想法一樣,或是他的觀點很好,但旁邊則是幫忙問儍問題,或用於突顯不同觀點,但也牽扯到老師年紀可能比我大一點 見識多,而旁邊兩位可能小很多,所以老師跟我可能我們都能很快聯想用其他類似例子來說明 另一角度,在小部分議題上,當然他們強調不查資訊,主觀或資訊缺口一定有,像是對我們很熟悉的背景資訊 但他們不知道
@davidleung6180 7 ай бұрын
老師是正確的 男生的舉證都是偽邏輯 他只是在說如果是假的 Ado 不會這樣做出什麼舉動 但證據是「客觀事實」 利伸:我愛ado 我也願意相信那就是她
@kyonpon1649 7 ай бұрын
At this point, I just think this is just her way of asking Ado for a face reveal, albeit, in a very very indirect and confusing way. It's understandable to be a bit suspicious, but to make a whole video about it, that just ain't it. Either that or this lady is just really that set on doubting Ado's identity, talent or Ado as a whole
@ismichi 29 күн бұрын
The entertainment industry is a delusion. Nothing is 100% honest Since she works in this industry, she's aware the technicalities that it allows when it comes to honesty. eg, THE FIRST TAKE isn't necessarily one single vocal recording or left unedited, but at the very least, the video is one single take and hence honest.
@ismichi 29 күн бұрын
*** this would include a face reveal tho, even if this lady didn't specify that. Simply seeing an actor/dancer pretend to be singing would still be entertainment being honest who's on camera; the singer could still be truly anonymous. There is a bit of trust between the audience and the entertainer, which allows a delusion that there is no lying for optics.
@kyonpon1649 22 күн бұрын
@ "The entertainment industry is a delusion. Nothing is 100% honest" For sure. And I'm not saying that Ado is some saint or someone who is completely innocent or whatnot. I'm sure that whoever's handling Ado or Ado herself know how to market the product or the entertainment they offer, whether it's honest work or not. I just thought that this vid was weird in a way. Like, I get it, we're free to doubt, but to make a whole video on just almost repeating most of her points just seem really weird for me, especially when Ado has voiced out her desire to remain anonymous. I'm sure as an entertainer and such, this lady would be able to understand that as the public eye can be brutal. Maybe that's just me though.
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
老師想說的是希望大家保持獨立思考 , 因為老師很清楚演藝圈讓圈外人看到的東西 , 幾乎都是包裝過的行銷手段 , 很多都是做效果/做人設/做形象 , 像是有部2次元作品『我推的孩子』的劇情就講到很多演藝圈的虛假陰暗面 , YOASOBI演唱的IDOL就是專為這部作品製作的主題曲 , 據說劇情都有些收斂 , 真實演藝圈更誇張的事情都有
@hauyiu5695 6 ай бұрын
Ado mentioned she never afraid of the haters on the net cause she is the biggest hater of herself lol
@Yume666 3 ай бұрын
Ado posted a video of her preforming in her dome showing what it’s like inside of it.
@icollect1003 7 ай бұрын
adoはこの曲の素晴らしさ、クリエイターの才能の素晴らしさを表現するために声を使いたい でも、あまりに素晴らしい楽曲と観客にに自分の感情が出てしまう事を見るのが嫌 影の存在である事が最もクールと考えています
@tabo51 7 ай бұрын
How do I know that it was really you singing in the outro at 11:40 ? I need proof!
@賽麗巫姬 8 ай бұрын
好期待呀!!!!! 還要等上一個月呢! 社死現場😂😂😂
@lightyagami5294 6 ай бұрын
Amazing thing about Ado-san. She came out only about 4 years ago. The lowest price her tickets go for is like $250. They climb as high as 1k and she always has a sold out show! Such great success being so young in mind, body, soul and an artist!
@Olkam-w5u 6 ай бұрын
Now she is also a producer, she has her own idol group
@chiho9191 5 ай бұрын
この人に対して勘違いして攻撃的なコメントをしてる日本人が結構いてビビってる、てかドン引きしてる 翻訳が一部不適切というのもあるけど、それにしても勘違いがひどい。。 現在のメディアや映像にはもはや証拠能力などないけど、それでも心に訴えてくる感覚でAdo本人だと信じはじめている。またはそうであると信じたい。というのが彼女の発言の主旨でふよ。 ニュアンスからもAdoのことをこれまで見てきた中でも最も素晴らしい歌手の1人だと評価してるのに。
@dennisdokkan8672 2 ай бұрын
You really need to react to Aishite Aishite Aishite live its insane, and I would love to see your reaction to it
@Lotus21212 8 ай бұрын
老師在看日本歌手的時候好像都會很在意舞台的設計 很想讓他看看ZUTOMAYO的live 聲音一定不是老師喜歡的型 但舞台效果一定能讓他驚艷 因為舞台上總是會出現一些奇怪的樂器 例如洗衣機、電視之類的 還有感覺可以讓老師聽聽看緑黄色社会唱的shout baby 應該會是比較對他口味的日本歌手
@trcgodllo 8 ай бұрын
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
Ado 的演唱會歌單 Campanella 1. 夜のピエロ 2. ラッキー・ブルート 3. ラブカ? 4. ドメスティックでバイオレンス 5. 逆光 6. 私は最強 7. レディメイド 8. 阿修羅ちゃん 9. 金木犀 10. 花火 11. 会いたくて 12. 過学習 13. ダーリンダンス 14. FREEDOM 15. シカバネーゼ 16. 永遠のあくる日 17. ギラギラ 18. マザーランド 19. ザネリ 20. 心という名の不可解 21. 新時代 22. 罪と罰 < Enore > 23. うっせぇわ < Enore > 24. 踊 < Enore > Mars 1. 踊 (Bon-Odo Remix) 2. 私は最強 3. FREEDOM 4. 阿修羅ちゃん 5. ウタカタララバイ 6. 飾りじゃないのよ 涙は 7. unravel 8. ヴィラン 9. ブリキノダンス 10. レディメイド 11. 行方知れず 12. 夜のピエロ 13. 花火 14. 向日葵 15. リベリオン 16. アタシは問題作 17. Tot Musica 18. うっせぇわ 19. DIGNITY 20. いばら 21. -アンコール- 逆光 22. 唱 23. 新時代 THE FIRST WORLD TOUR “Wish”in Taipei 1. 新時代 2. うっせぇわ 3. ラッキー・ブルート 4. レディメイド 5. リベリオン 6. ウタカタララバイ 7. マザーランド 8. ギラギラ 9. Tot Musica 10. 愛して愛して愛して 11. 私は最強 12. 阿修羅ちゃん 13. クラクラ 14. 夜のピエロ 15. 心という名の不可解 16. 真夜中のドア~stay with me MC1 17. 唱 Encore 1. 逆光 2. Freedom 3. 千本桜 MC2 4. 踊
@acevanitas1143 7 ай бұрын
Everyone has been telling you that that's her on stage...still this vidoe is very fun so I'm looking forward to this reaction!
@reikei9783 7 ай бұрын
@cedric-kun 4 ай бұрын
so at the live she bring ado on the stage with an umbrella in front of her face
@Nonokamii 7 ай бұрын
There are some other videos of Ado in which she talks and sing. For exemple in her cover of kick back u can truly hear that it's the same person as u heard in the video u watched and she just sings amazing, like in her live performances. And if u hear for exemple the live performance of himawari u will see that it sounds exactly the same as the studio so this is her
@joshuatulenan2456 5 ай бұрын
If you want to know aimer japanese singers, previously did not show his face in the concert, it’s normal thing in japanese culture but as time goes by, aimer now more open and reveal her face…
@user-xh3iz9ou6i 6 ай бұрын
Ado 的Aishite Aishite Aishite live 版超震撼,希望能看到reaction
@haoiyayu0846 7 ай бұрын
@嗚嘎嘎-u6h 7 ай бұрын
@OsefKincaid 8 ай бұрын
Okay I don't have a KZbin channel and I'm no one so ignore this comment but 45 days before the video is released seems over the top
@吳小天-v8z 7 ай бұрын
@reikei9783 7 ай бұрын
@reikei9783 7 ай бұрын
@reikei9783 7 ай бұрын
@吳小天-v8z 7 ай бұрын
@@reikei9783 辛苦你了,也恭喜你。 我還在這個坑裡繞,畢竟內心的東西,道理懂了和做得到是兩回事🤣
@wenl8825 6 ай бұрын
不過我也會很有同感。身為鼓手,看著自己早年演奏的回放,會覺得:「幹再打什麼鬼!搶拍了搶拍了!怎麼過門打那麼快!!慢一點!慢一點!!!」 而且少考慮到Ado實際出道登台的年齡,正是會強烈自我批判的年齡,所以這個反應在我看來是相當正常的。 再者身為新時代的網路用戶,長年在網路世界打滾,對Ado來說網路世界就是個宣洩口、一個庇護所,她回到她的直播間就像回到家一樣,會感到安心,能夠做自己,而且這年紀的孩子也會把這些愛戴她的粉絲當家人一樣有歸屬感。
@argostialknight5448 7 ай бұрын
well.... there is also the thing she(Ado) posts on her other channel Adosense where she did post some karaoke with her friends and.. well you can tell its really her there i dont think you can fake those ones hope you can check that one out if you do check it out hope its the "kickback"
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
Adosense is not her channel, it's another person who cuts out pieces from her interview
@argostialknight5448 7 ай бұрын
@@Olkam-w5u oh gotcha... Thx bud💙 I thought it was also her ch
@KiraAsakura14 6 ай бұрын
She's being very skeptic about Ado. And it's fine. After all, it's true that you can never truly know anything in the Internet. That being said, WE know that's Ado.
@奕嘎 7 ай бұрын
@diopan4775 7 ай бұрын
@tcnkchannel6041 7 ай бұрын
Hi just to let you guys know, there are karaoke version of some popular anime song on her channel.
@dekai23 2 күн бұрын
@badwulff 7 ай бұрын
lmfao who tf cares, when I'm enjoying some Ado (or any good vocals or music in general), it's not like I use my eyes to hear the performance; I use my ears, because her voice is beautiful and that's the organ you use to listen to someone sure the dancing or whatever can be a nice bonus, but like genuinely who gives a sh-- about whether or not it's her on the stage as long as the singer - y'know, the one actual thing she markets herself as - is doing their job correctly? nobody but this channel seems to care this much about that one specific aspect of her performance, it almost feels like there's some weird intent to "expose" Ado, or go against her own expressed wishes for some reason
@Coco13139 6 ай бұрын
@JosephAtJapan 8 ай бұрын
I hope we can see reaction to Ado cover on Unravel live version
@ismichi 29 күн бұрын
I get the doubt, but she simply would use an icon on the screen if it wasn't actually Ado. Regardless of Japan's laws. Ado is exaggerating her reaction some. That said, she 100% used it as feedback for her subsequent tour tho, so it's even harder to logically doubt it was her on stage; Her movements became more precise and elegant, like a performer you'd see in the spotlight even without actually seeing her. She will never half-ass herself.
@mix-wn8xw 7 ай бұрын
@賽麗巫姬 7 ай бұрын
看過好幾個國外的音樂人或經紀人,看完Ado的表演後,都著重在營銷方式,並覺得這種營銷模式很強🙄 就⋯⋯⋯⋯外國人的腦中,似乎無法接受有人不敢露臉,但想要唱歌、表演的事情吧?! 可能外國人很少社恐人存在吧?!(我就是超社恐的人⋯每次去台北車站,都會喘不過氣的感覺,但我其實有做廣播直播⋯)
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
Ado once said in an interview that she needs to go to the store, buy new glasses, but she is nervous because salespeople immediately run up, start asking questions and grabbing hands, but she wants to quietly choose, buy and leave. She asked if others felt this way
@賽麗巫姬 7 ай бұрын
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
@@賽麗巫姬 By the way, Ado has a close friend - this is Suzuka from the group Atarashi Gakko
@賽麗巫姬 7 ай бұрын
@@Olkam-w5u我也順便提一下,Ado最近成為一個偶像團體製作人(非音樂製作人)。 那個團體的風格我也挺喜歡的,走日式復古恐怖路線,叫做「Phantom Siita」,目前有一支MV「Otomodachi」。 可以試試,看看能不能接受唷!
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
@@賽麗巫姬 I watched it, it's interesting. Although not all the references in the lyrics of the song are clear to me (it seemed to me that there were many allusions to Japanese horror stories), but it is unusual and interesting
@ts012423333 7 ай бұрын
文長抱歉💦 澄清一點,Ado在抱怨的只有肢體動作的方面,她有深刻體會到自己的不足 而沒有批評自己的歌聲過,畢竟她是完美主義者會唱到確定能拿出來表演才確實將歌曲放入演唱會歌單(除了唱萌歌時覺得自己聲音賣萌很噁心以外🤣) 在她為歌曲綠音時明明自己覺得還不夠完美卻讓音樂製作人喊OK了,為此而感到困惑,所以她會寧願一個人在錄音室不停嘗試直到自己滿意 她對自己的歌聲是無庸置疑的認為完美呈現給觀眾了 也曾表示過她自己就是她最大的黑粉(事實上這有點病態的等級...😰)並認為就算有人會黑自己來感到快樂的話也無所謂 如果有看過Ado演唱會的錄像並聽了特別反應錄音版本就會知道,她能知道很多當時確實身處表演者位置時才能知道的細節,這不能假於她人(不管是上電視節目表演或客串各種大小音樂演唱活動) 而且前陣子也發布過在演唱會時人在那個箱子裡往外看的視角(要在7萬觀眾面前造假!?雖然沒照到臉但那肢體動作對照演唱會觀眾畫面只能是本人了🥰) 並且近期也在嘗試為了讓大家更認識到她是一名活生生的歌手而不是某種躲在形象圖片後面的虛擬人物而舉辦了粉絲握手會(雖然不露臉但還是很誠懇的表示會讓來的人相信在握手的那個她就是本人的🤣) 只能說她不露臉可能也跟她的某種精神狀態有關(可能是容貌焦慮?我不知道...) 在一年裡的前半年世界巡迴演出了14個國家,在日本最大表演舞台連續表演兩天來客人數達14萬,在下半年還要日本巡迴演出的,甚至冒著社恐的難受還要辦握手會的人 卻能在新專輯發售前的電視節目中被問及還有甚麼夢想時?說出"我希望能夠愛我自己" 在人們看到她享受著巨大成功的同時,她卻在不為人知的地方承受著她這個年齡不該有的壓力 這很令人傷心😭 -------------------- The following is purely machine translation ------------------------- Sorry for the comment being too long💦 To clarify, Ado only complains about her body movements, and she has a deep understanding of her shortcomings And she never criticized her singing voice, after all, she is a perfectionist who will sing until she can definitely perform before actually putting the song on the concert playlist (except for feeling disgusted by her cute voice when singing cute songs🤣) When she was recording a song, even though she felt it was not perfect enough, she result made the music producer said "OK", which confused her. Therefore, she would rather be alone in the recording studio and keep trying until she was satisfied She unquestionably believes that her singing is perfectly presented to the audience She has also expressed that she is her biggest Hate (in fact, this is a bit of a pathological level...😰) and believes that even if someone would criticize her to feel happy, it doesn't matter If you have watched the video of Ado's concert and listened to the special response recording version, you will know that she can only know many details when she was actually in the performer's position at the time, which cannot be false to her (whether it is performing on TV programs or making guest appearances in various music performances of different sizes) And a while ago, she also released a perspective of people looking out of that box during a concert (to fake in front of 70000 viewers!? Although her face is not in the video But from the comparison of her body movements to the concert, the audience can only see that is her🥰) And recently, her have also been trying to hold fan handshake events to make everyone more aware that she is a living singer rather than some virtual character hiding behind the image picture (although she doesn't show her face, she sincerely expressed that she will make people believe that the person shaking hands is herself🤣) It can only be said that she does not show her face also be related to some mental state of her (may be due to appearance anxiety? I don't know...) In the first half of the year, she toured 14 countries and performed on Japan's largest performance stage for two consecutive days, attracting 140000 guests. In the second half of the year, they will be touring Japan.and even faced the discomfort of social anxiety by holding a handshake party But when asked about any other dreams on the TV program before the release of the new album Say "I hope to love myself" While people see her enjoying tremendous success, she is under pressure in unknown places that her age should not have This is very sad😭
@queequegevie 7 ай бұрын
I totally agree.
@trcgodllo 7 ай бұрын
老師想說的是希望大家保持獨立思考 , 因為老師很清楚演藝圈讓圈外人看到的東西 , 幾乎都是包裝過的行銷手段 , 很多都是做效果/做人設/做形象 , 像是有部2次元作品『我推的孩子』的劇情就講到很多演藝圈的虛假陰暗面 , YOASOBI演唱的IDOL就是專為這部作品製作的主題曲 , 據說劇情都有些收斂 , 真實演藝圈更誇張的事情都有
@ts012423333 7 ай бұрын
@@trcgodllo 那種是已經包裝好才出道的“藝人“,有跟過Ado出道前直播實況的就能知道她始終如一,由始至終都是那個覺得“唱歌的人好厲害我也想成為那樣厲害的人“的女孩,她是那個從14歲起勇敢踏入網路世界的女孩,她是18歲前(17歲最後一天,18歲生日前)奮力出道踏入主流媒體的女孩,她是在20歲豪言壯志進軍世界並在21歲言出必行的女孩,她是21歲在日本最大舞台完成夢想與童年偶像同台演出的女孩,我不會說這裡面一點虛假的成分都沒有,但我眼睛看到,耳朵聽到都實實在在的告訴我“她從不虛偽“,如今人們已經見證了她實現了一個又一個天真的夢想,我也想見證她現在的夢想學會多愛自己一點(講真的看她今年的行程真的不會出問題嗎?少說開了快30場演唱會中間還穿插發表一些高強度的新歌哪來這麼多時間!!?
@Foxmene 7 ай бұрын
@FatalisReigns 7 ай бұрын
i think theres a lot of people who hate listening to or seeing themselves on camera played back to them (i struggled with this a lot in school and it made it really hard to edit my own voice overs and stuff lol) so i can totally relate with her being so critical of herself xD
@altema147 5 ай бұрын
我多少能理解一點Ado為何要批評自己,其實這是一定程度的自卑心理在作祟。 認為這樣的自己不夠優秀,在自己不認同的情況下讓人看到會非常尷尬。自己試圖在別人批評自己前,自己就率先批評自己。 小時候我自己畫了一張彩色插畫,當下算是非常滿意的作品,就以當時年紀來說算是很好看了,長輩看了也覺得非常好看。 但當長輩要將這張插畫拿給來訪的親戚觀賞時,我就第一時間衝上前把圖搶過來揉爛。說著:很難看! 沒什麼好看的!! 就是自己不自信的表現,當時個性非常內向。即便那張圖在小學生的年紀來說已經很好看了,但自己就覺得跟專業插畫來比根本就是搬不上檯面,還不到可讓人觀賞的程度。
@KHlj9 6 ай бұрын
"Let's use our critical thinking skills" maybe researching that it's illegal to lip synch in Japan. 🙄 If you're talking about someone, maybe look then up. I am looking up Ado because I just ran across her, and even *I* already know she is highly critical of herself. She was bullied. If it *wasn't* her, I highly doubt she would criticize so harshly. She'd only do that to herself. So yes. Let's use some critical thinking skills. Please! But, at least she realizes that she might be critical of herself as well on video.
@MxA-98 3 ай бұрын
I love Rozette's way of thinking I wish everyone would think the same way.
@phoenixhsu6548 7 ай бұрын
When someone pretends to be you and criticizes your performance, and you or your company do not come forward to clarify that it is a fake, it is verified that the critic is indeed the performer himself.
@diopan4775 7 ай бұрын
@WuYiQing 7 ай бұрын
Actually that video was a cut from live on her KZbin channel, if you see her live playlist on her chanel you will know she actually get interact with her fans.. And she also react to many singers doing cover of her show song
@zhenhuitai1223 8 ай бұрын
@Olkam-w5u 6 ай бұрын
Modern music (especially pop) nowdays is stale as fck with the same arrangements everywhere (for the most part) and most Normies are adapted to it so when something unfamiliar comes to them they tend to dismiss it in most cases. Therefore, I appreciate such artists who do new things, create new genres, both in vocals and in production.
@chewtoy1107 3 ай бұрын
yeah i mean she's been doing this kind of thing since she was recorded herself alone in her bedroom at like 13-16 years old or something. She also does plenty of like "newcast" type things where she's talking about whats going on, as well as karoake sessions posted. It's also not that wild as far as the teenage-early 20s japanese girls esp vocaloid/vtuber/idol culture goes. There's been plenty others with similar attitudes and voices, screaming/talking, etc. Nothing on the level of ado though, of course. Uruha Rushia, etc lol. Not even girls only either, as mafumafu is a good example mentioned in another video.
@kazmacheng-fy2mv 3 ай бұрын
@蔣季衡 6 ай бұрын
i wish there will be also an episode on King Gnu, which is also one of my favorite J-pop band🎉
@Anonchin 3 ай бұрын
She's crazy for thinking Ado has a double 🤣 Can't she compare and see that Ado's talking voice and singing voice do sound similar 😂
@ojyattamonse 7 ай бұрын
What she says is true. Nothing can be proven. But it can't be denied. All you have is the freedom to believe what you want to believe. So there's no problem.
@チャールズ-n9h 7 ай бұрын
I agree. If you're a true fan, you can continue to doubt her until the end of her career. If she's really the real deal, there will be no problems. It's healthy to be skeptical because you want to believe.
@hellothere9169 7 ай бұрын
I mean, at this point you’re just denying it for the sake of it. It’s literally illegal to fake performances in Japan… al it’d take would be 1 person to out her for her to be sued for a metric fuckton while being permanently banned from most venues… it’d be stupid to fake being up there… it’s not like she has a professional dancer up there to show off some moves…
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
It's not entirely clear what this video was for. It would be better to react to the song, or to the interview where Ado told a famous Japanese singing teacher how she sings the song "Show"
@adichou8382 4 ай бұрын
理解老師想說的, 但Ado是日本環球音樂旗下的藝人 如果舞台上的不是Ado本人的話, 這樣的全球企業會頂著被國外人士當作造假的風險簽下她嗎? 對沒錯我說的是國外人士, 因為日本人根本不在意Ado的虛實真假, 單純的享受這樣的風格
@Olkam-w5u 7 ай бұрын
By the way, an interview with ADO on television: Adoにインタビュー!2ndアルバムでの新たな挑戦 2024.7.10
@johnson51112 6 ай бұрын
若團隊和老師對於非露臉演場會有興趣的話。 希望也能接觸和評論一下歌唱有實力的 Vtuber (虛擬實況主) 的現場演唱會。 例如:日本Hololive旗下的星街彗星,台灣箱箱The Box旗下的森森鈴蘭。這兩位虛擬實況主歌手。
@sgsairl1706 7 ай бұрын
Ado's Himawari reaction please~ Before moving on to her newer songs. Attempt #6 of... Gonna dump this here, my list of epic Jpop/Anime songs with awesome vocals, live version: Walkure - Neo Stream - Walkure 2nd Live Walkure - Bokura no Senjou - Walkure 2nd Live Walkure - Hametsu no Junjou - Walkure 2nd Live Walkure (Junna) - Ikenai Borderline - Walkure 2nd Live May'n / Junna - Diamond Crevasse - Walkure 3rd Live 2018 Megumi Nakajima / May'n - Lion - Macross F 2021 Megumi Nakajima / May'n - Triangler fight on stage - Macross F 2021 angela - Shangri-La (String Arrangement ver.) AKINO from bless4 - Genesis of Aquarion - 2011 KITAKYUSHU Maaya Sakamoto - Hemisphere - 20th Live Concert Yoko Takahashi - Zankoku no Tenshi na Teeze - Japoin ch. Wagakki Band - Rokuchounen to Ichiya Monogatari - Dai Shinnenkai 2018 Wagakki Band - Senbonzakura - Manatsu​ no Dai Shinnenkai 2020 Yokohama Arena Wagakki Band / Amy Lee of EVANESCENCE - Bring Me To Life Nana Mizuki - Glorious Break - Live Heroes 2023 -Blade Mode- Nana Mizuki x T M Revolution - Preserved Roses - Inazuma Rock Festival 2013 T.M.Revolution - INVOKE - Shanghai ANISONG WORLD MATSURI 2018 in Mercedes-Benz Arena T.M.Revolution - Meteor - Shanghai ANISONG WORLD MATSURI 2018 in Mercedes-Benz Arena Takanori Nishikawa - FREEDOM - First Take Yuki Kajiura (FictionJunction) - In the land of twilight, under the moon - Live Vol 2 2008 Yuki Kajiura (FictionJunction) - Fake Wings - Live Vol 2 2008 Yuki Kajiura (FictionJunction) - A Song of Storm and Fire - Live Vol 2 2008 Yuki Kajiura (FictionJunction) - Canta per me - Live Vol 2 2008 Yuki Kajiura (FictionJunction) Yuuka - Akatsuki no Kuruma - Live Vol 11 2014 Those are just introduction to Yuki Kajiura considering she has epic lives and songs annually.
@junmingsin2010 7 ай бұрын
老师只要说“我已经开始相信舞台的那个就是她,不过如果最后真的不是她,我也不会那么惊讶”,这样就可以了 😂
@namiangus7461 7 ай бұрын
ado現場演唱的時間還不久 還沒習慣吧 感覺更多的是她實在太害羞跟大家一起看到自己的表演 才有會如此反應
@tonytonyQba 8 ай бұрын
@A40El1teAssass1n 7 ай бұрын
She's still on about the "is it her" thing. Now idk when this is recorded in relation to all the others but wow. she seems exhausting to deal with. Like if you told me she's a "flat earther" I'd believe it be because outside of being up in a space shuttle to see the Earth rotate I don't know how you'd convince her otherwise. We get it entertainment is a highly "fake" industry. It doesn't mean all of it is worldwide. I don't mean to sound like a hater because I enjoy all the reactions but damn a 1/4th of the video is just that argument.
@onehui2601 6 ай бұрын
要了解她,你要先知道害羞的人在社會性死亡時內心的尷尬.她在看自己表演時,會有這些反應就是因為感到尷尬,表達出來就是這樣子.要同感深受的話,你可以嘗試脫光衣服並且還要跟人們說我正在放屁.相信我錄成一段視頻你自己看也會是這種尷尬的反應!有些害羞的人其實是很容易尷尬,認為這表現不是本來的那個自我. 老師說明的很好一點是,一個影片並不能證明是同一個人,要有獨立思考的能力,而不是盲目跟從留言,尤其影片情感表達是可以刻意做出來,AI變聲已經能做到了,是不是本人這點要學習客觀思考,並無不妥.
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