Is an update coming? - Resident Evil: Resistance

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Nick Gostone

Nick Gostone

2 жыл бұрын

Warning, a lot of explaining text in this video. Feel free to pause, some text flies by quickly.
This is what I have found that may indicate Resistance is not completely abandoned by Capcom and may eventually come back.

Пікірлер: 57
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
OK, so the t9 update is now out on all platforms. It added 2 languages (Arabic, Thai) and fixed some bugs (fixed bug detected so far is the one where the Mastermind could spawn multiple Bio Weapons at the same time which broke the game).
@NioforShort 2 жыл бұрын
I'm still trying not to get my hopes up, but it would make me very happy if the rumors are true. With all this speculation at least CAPCOM should announce weather or not they still have plans for resistance.
@jaredtorres1987 2 жыл бұрын
I hope they do come back with more updates to the game. It really fun game even have a game mode called survival got survive through city before nuke hit. Even inside police station make it more fun so many ideas they can do just need come back know how much this game is loved and very fun.
@D_Infamous_Boss 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like u wanna play Outbreak to me
@jaredtorres1987 2 жыл бұрын
@@D_Infamous_Boss in the game yes it very fun alot ideas come up with. For the game why need to continue.
@D_Infamous_Boss 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaredtorres1987 I really like this game. In my opinion everything about this game is great. But it’s wildly unbalanced! That’s why I don’t play it. I played for the first time today since the beginning of 2021 and this game is still unbalanced. I love the idea of playing as the Mastermind, but the players can walk right through u with almost no problem. Killing zombies in 2 seconds. U have to play a near perfect game to win as Mastermind. As a survivor I stumbled through the level and won easily.
@jaredtorres1987 2 жыл бұрын
@@D_Infamous_Boss why they need update it add nee features to the game make it more fun. More game modes. Not make the game to easy. Unless want it to be.
@jaredtorres1987 2 жыл бұрын
They should even add more players instead of 4 tell story what happens to them when they escape.
@redgent7058 2 жыл бұрын
Really sad they just stopped supporting it. I had a lot of fun on this game and made many good friends on there. I can't believe they just ditched it without at least trying to sell us some stuff. I would have been more than happy to buy cosmetics and such if they went that route. You can tell neobards worked really hard on this game so it doesn't make any sense why capcom abandoned it.
@emerald-1878 2 жыл бұрын
Hopefully they balance playing both as the master mind and the survivor's. It's really sad how survivor's can basically own mastermind characters such as birkin or nemesis. I hope they fix this. Plus if I'm going to play as a mastermind I want to feel like a threat not a joke.
@MK_ItsLinKuei 2 жыл бұрын
Agree man
@RafaelLinoDG 2 жыл бұрын
Nice, thanks to get your time in it. I think if we don't have any pronouncements at the next event, it's better to stop believing in the resurrection of this game. There also the NVidia Geforce leaks that gets more confusion, including RE Oubreak on it...
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
I googled that and saw it said RE4 Remake, you sure about Outbreak? EDIT: Nvm, I found it, Dusk talked about it.
@RICK0011 2 жыл бұрын
VERY well made and researched video! Thanks for all the interesting info!
@luciomichilena5366 2 жыл бұрын
Hola amigo, crees que la nueva actualización de resistance sea solo por derechos de autor? O habrá más?
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
Had to use translator. The copyright update was just the "nv_mas" branch, not the t9 that this video speaks of. We still do not know what t9 is and I am sure it is something more than just copyright, however if it is what we hope remains uncertain.
@prozacx 2 жыл бұрын
Still can found matches on ps, even not on prime time
@Chiraqtown1 2 жыл бұрын
During lockdown this game has a lot of hype I was a top mastermind with a 70/80% win rate on ps4 but the fact the devs left the game in a survivor sided state is wack once they allowed shotguns in area 1 the game was broken and they allowed January + valk to control matches too heavy then they added a stun melee weapon to control zombies 🤦🏽‍♂️
@Syndeh88 2 жыл бұрын
5:57 The "n" could also mean Neobards internal and the "c" could mean Capcom. Everyone having a branch to test. CapcomDev1 seemed to be involved somehow in the past i think? And now we have this specific QA builds. "d" could mean debug or just development build for testing features and analyzing bugs. Debug builds might have extentions to "cheat" for testing purposes that are not included in the release usually. And "m" could stand for Masterdata as indicator that this is going to be the release build. Just my assumptions from my experience of working in QA. But every company has it's own naming pattern of course.
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
These are interesting different potential meanings to the letters, could also be true. I was wondering what “mas” could mean, I thought of “masses” as it is ready to be for public but that didn’t rly sound right to me. You mentioned “Masterdata”, that starts with “mas”, could be it.
@MK_ItsLinKuei 2 жыл бұрын
Tgs won’t show us anything about resident evil we have to wait longer my last hope is October 31th
@maxwellshames 2 жыл бұрын
Halloween? Why wouldn't they announce it at game awards in december?
@lilpotato_uwu 2 жыл бұрын
sussy baka
@gabrielclonkey 2 жыл бұрын
Because RE: Resistance doesn't have dedicate servers not many people like that. I don't play it anymore cause I'm tired of MMs having to be host of the whole game, really annoying too if something were to happen to their connection.
@definitelynothybrid4379 2 жыл бұрын
I wish from the bottom of my heart that they do something to bring back Resistance. I've been watching closely this leaks and news since last year, but nothing happened. A lot of this theories makes a lot of sense, but since capcom became another braindead cashgrab company I don't hope for much. And one very important thing to point: this so called "insider", Duskgolem is completely unreliable. He comfirmed lots of things of Village that didn't proved to be right in the end, like Miranda would be Alex Wesker. This example you used in the video that he first says that "Highway" would be a codename for "Resistance " and then after months he takes it back saying that is actually a Re:Verse related thing is his "M.O." He always says what people want to hear and then just takes it back. And when 2 out of 20 things he says turns out to be true, people treat him like some kinda of prophet lol Anyway, nice video.
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
I'll keep a list of noteworthy changes here. (!)June 14th: Resistance received an update on PSN and Xbox, adding 2 languages (Arabic, Thai) and apparently bug fixes. Maybe this is what t9 turns out being. (The remastered versions of RE2, RE3 and RE7 are out as well).,, March 2nd: PS5/XSX versions of RE2, RE3 and RE7 confirmed, PC will get an upgrade patch as well. This may be it folks., Neobards is confirmed to be a part of it, however Al Yang confirmed Resistance is not part of these updates, the mystery of t9 remains I guess:, Feb : Just stating how things are looking so far. There are updates that still haven't been implemented, this applies to RE2, RE3, RER and RE7. I suspect another mass update will happen, maybe this time the FSR feature stated below. I noticed that on Feb 26th RE3's base price dropped from 60$ to 40$, now being priced the same as RE2, however I am not sure if this happened from that date or a bit earlier. This was originally intended to happen with RER's simultaneous separation but if that is happening at this point is very uncertain. Besides this, there are updates happening (History page) on a weekly basis. First week added info on RE0, RE1, RE2 and RE3, second added CV and OB 1 & 2. Something to note is the images posted there of OB seem to have been improved, implying that time was spent working on OB assets for some reason, makes people assume a potential remaster is happening. The dates of these updates are such that weeks later we are led to RE's 26th Anniversary (March 22nd), that date could bring something interesting. There's a rumor that a "special message" is prepared for the anniversary ( Maybe RE:Verse news finally, as that title is an Anniversary celebration title at the end of the day. December 17th: Updates have rolled out for all RE Engine titles (RE7, RE2, RE3, DMC 5, Village), they all copied the "nv_mas" branch, the "insignificant" one. RER also got that update, t9 remains to be used, I believe there is more to come. RE3 looks like has the "qa_tu1_dev" branch included in this public update, meaning it was insignificant after all. RE2 seems to have the various new qa branches included in it (these can be noticed through History Tab). The difference for Resistance is that a new "NVIDIA GAMEWORKS" logo appears before the intro cutscene, I guess nv stood for nvidia and the description "NVL" may have stood for Nvidia License. October 18th: RE3 gets new branches called "ex_dev_00, "ex_dev_01" and "ex_dev_02" with descriptions "ext nv", "ext am" and "ext in". These are most likely related to Nvidia, AMD and Intel. October 15th: Capcom launches a Halloween themed website for 25th Anniversary, there will be some announcements the 21st, 22nd, 25th and 29th. I don't really expect anything special from this but we'll see I guess, probably more 3rd party collaborations with merch, etc. Katastrophe (RE Community Manager) confirmed on twitter ( that this event is more-so catered towards Japanese RE fans, probably nothing significant is coming out of it. What is said at the left is translated to: This year's Halloween is full of "Resident Evil" content! October 15th: Al Yang (Resistance director) posts a tweet about being promoted to Creative Director at Neobards (, he says there's some fun stuff coming up that he's really excited about. He also said that he'd love to work on Resistance again, implying he isn't now (he directly denied it before here:, that he isn't much involved with RE:Verse and that news won't be coming this month with whatever it is that they are working on (which may be completely irrelevant). October 13th: On top of the usual updates for Wednesday (t9dn and t9mn) qa_ext_02 was added as anticipated. What's interesting is it seems qa_ext_02 covers t3 through... t8.5? (description says 3-8.5). My guess is t8.5 is the balance update that happened after the main final update, which is t8. October 6th: RE3 as well as Resistance also receive the new branch "nv_mas_00" with description "NVL", on top of the usual updates. It turns out DMC 5 also received the "nv_mas" branch late September, this branch is most likely not important. October 5th: RE3:RC Demo receives a new branch, maybe so that the demo has FSR as well? It's called "nv_mas_00" with description "NVL". October 4th: t5mc and t5dc deleted, all of t5 branches are gone (t5 was the Uptown & Bemusement Park update for those curious). There is only 1 t4 branch remaining still, t4mc_v2. Maybe this will be deleted too and a qa_ext_02 will be added for t4 and t5 coverage. October 1st: qa_mas_01 added for Resistance, copied the t9mn update from September 29th. Now we have qa_mas_00 and qa_mas_01 on top of the qa_dev_00 and qa_dev_01. I don't think new branches are needed for Resistance but we'll see. Reminder qa_mas is like "mc" while qa_dev is like "dc", copying "mn" and "dn" respectively. September 30th: TGS concluded with nothing but MH content, the leaked schedule as well as RE3: Nemesis Edition rumors turned out fake, for the most part if not fully. September 29th: AMD publishes a trailer related to FSR. RE2 and RE3 will be getting it, the new RE2 branches are most likely related to that, as for RE3 it is uncertain if it's only that. ( September 29th: t9mn has been updated for the first time since its addition on August 25th. September 26th: Nvidia got some leaks that may reveal potential new titles. Outbreak and RE4make are mentioned, with release dates of 2022-11-01 and 2022-03-01 respectively. (, September 24th: more leaks of alleged "Nemesis Edition", source 4chan: The cover art has been proven fake most likely. September 17th: "t4mc" branch has been deleted, only t4mc_v2 remains for "t4". September 10th: Resident Evil 2 gets the qa_dev branches as well, this decreases the possibility of RE3 getting anything significant maybe. September 8th: "Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Edition" is leaked (take this with a grain of salt). September 6th: RE3 gets a very interesting new branch called "qa_tu1_dev" with description "qa dev (TU1)" (reminder TU=Title Update). The things changed were "E1 Content WW" and "E1 DLC". E1 is RE3 (and E2 Resistance), E probably stands for Escape, a codename RE3make had (see 3:45). WW I am pretty sure means Worldwide while JPD Japan...something (see 10:36). E1 DLC being affected though, E1 DLC basically includes the Classic Costume DLC that was given for free to people that preordered, maybe they are making it possible to get it now for those that didn't get to preorder. Could it be just that though? Note: it looks like a branch called e1tu1 (with description TU1) already existed for 15 months, pretty weird (e1 means E1 -> Escape 1 = RE3 while tu1 is self explanatory).
@maxwellshames 2 жыл бұрын
Those 9 branches can't be just for fsr in re3r though right? Like even re2r only has 3 branches.
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
@@maxwellshames Yeah, RE3 seems to have a lot more going on with it, who knows...
@maxwellshames 2 жыл бұрын
@@NickGostone Hope they say soon, maybe at game awards december? This is 25th re anniversary year after all.
@damnblam3760 2 жыл бұрын
Soooo many updates October 15th today lol.
@maxwellshames 2 жыл бұрын
They probably arent nvidia and amd, theres already a depot that says intel, no need to say in and am and nv, too much of a stretch imo.
@waled7rocky 2 жыл бұрын
Amen ..
@horrorlover2000 2 жыл бұрын
Here's hoping something comes in the next two months Gosto 🤞
@gabrielclonkey 2 жыл бұрын
I doubt it, since they've been delaying and not saying too much anymore.
@monroe8597 2 жыл бұрын
@MK_ItsLinKuei 2 жыл бұрын
I agree
@RafaelLinoDG 2 жыл бұрын
@@MK_ItsLinKuei Dudes play like crackheads and not still be able to deal with it...
@Auras2002 2 жыл бұрын
I think they're going to show at least 70% of what we've been expected.
@Pipperchu 2 жыл бұрын
Ok cheater :)
@Gairsh98 2 жыл бұрын
Ok cheater :)
@mustaccio52 2 жыл бұрын
Ok cheater :)
@gabrielclonkey 2 жыл бұрын
Plus the game ain't like being noticed cause they don't try to get the word out about the game which is sad. Even mobile games are well know than this RE game. SMH
@Deafina006 2 жыл бұрын
T9mn = Ad Re:verse in rer, case solve
@NickGostone 2 жыл бұрын
@waled7rocky 2 жыл бұрын
Now bring him some slippers ..
@outridergaming1874 2 жыл бұрын
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