Is DESTINY a Disappointment?

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2014's most anticipated (and easily its most expensive) game dropped early last week - but not everyone loved it. So what should we make of Destiny? Is it a MMO? Is it a letdown? Is it neither? Is it both?!
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@k24bfan 10 жыл бұрын
Tara the only real journalist still at Rev3....
@itsybitsyzombie 10 жыл бұрын
It hasn't disappointed me. I have my gripes with the game, especially the loot and rewards systems, but the game's fun and pretty challenging. It isn't for everyone, especially the casual gamer. There's a lot of grinding and if you don't have fun doing that, this isn't for you. That said, this game is a great alternative for me until Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel comes out. And when I burn myself out on the Pre-Sequel, I can go back to Destiny and it'll be fresh again.
@janome 10 жыл бұрын
destiny is extremely casual compared to just about any PC MMO. people are complaining about 30 minute encounters and 2 hour raids being boring on console.
@itsybitsyzombie 10 жыл бұрын
jano me Do you honestly think a casual gamer would spend hours upon hours farming for marks and rep to get legendary weapons and gear, or grind through farming for engrams for better weapons and gear? Or spend the time required to go through strikes and raids, especially without that good gear? Destiny is very grind heavy and very time-consuming, as I'm sure you already know. That's what I was referring to.
@janome 10 жыл бұрын
itsybitsyzombie if you can hit end game content and max level your character within a few days, its extremely casual. you reference the presequel, so you must play game on pc. this is nothing compared to any pc game. this is a tiny amount of grinding and console players hate it, yet they wanted mmo elements. the people in the video do the same thing, they wanted mmo elements and then complain about 30 minute encounters and 2 hour raids. lol.
@itsybitsyzombie 10 жыл бұрын
jano me Beating the story and reaching end game content aren't the same thing, and neither is reaching base level cap and maxing out your character. You've maxed out your character (as it stands right now) when you reach +30, unlocked all skills for both sub-classes, and have all the gear you're satisfied with as well as it being maxed out. I've been playing Destiny since last Saturday and have logged well over 80 hours in-game already. I'm stuck at +24 and have barely any decent gear or weapons. As far as PC gaming is concerned, I haven't gamed on a PC since I was 13 - I'm 24. Can't afford to buy and build a proper gaming PC.
@janome 10 жыл бұрын
itsybitsyzombie pc gaming is cheaper if you buy more than 4 console games a year. if you have a normal desktop, you can make it into a gaming pc by putting in an SSD, a video card, and maybe ram. presequel is pc only right?
@Strider_Shinryu 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny's fine (and even very fun) if you actually view it as an MMO in it's launch phase, which is what it is.
@d5rickOshay 10 жыл бұрын
Jus wait till Destiny 7.. games gonna be crazy fun by then, trust me on this bro.
@alexstandefer6076 10 жыл бұрын
No MMO in the history of the planet has ever been limited to 6 players who can only communicate with vague gestures. Destiny is only decent if you like to grind for random loot drops that don't even happen frequently enough. And even then, WarFrame and borderlands are both much better than destiny in every way
@Nfinity4231 10 жыл бұрын
An MMO that has such a limited communication system with anyone else. You have a weird definition of MMO
@MrGencyExit64 10 жыл бұрын
No it's not. If you view it as an MMO, then the distribution model for content they have chosen is ass-backwards. No legitimate MMO launches and then releases 2 paid expansions within the first year. Moreover, even a casual MMO like WoW doesn't get you to max level in 10 hours of gameplay.
@OrangeVision 10 жыл бұрын
So now we have watch dogs and destiny, both clearly intended franchise starters, that are exciting as "proofs of concept" for sequels and lackluster as actual standalone games. It's great not to see the same old francises all the time, but this kind of development seems kinda alarming.
@HarithBK 10 жыл бұрын
you forgot titanfall good game lacked content and balance to stay relavent as a good FPS.
@PeteOliva 10 жыл бұрын
Jose S Destiny IS fun. There is very little that is unfun in my opinion about Destiny in terms of game play. It's the story execution and lack of ability to explore that were the let downs for me at first. Once I came to terms with the fact that that stuff is not the way the game was designed, I really started to enjoy it a great deal.
@Beg0tt3n 10 жыл бұрын
Pete Oliva If you understand how skinner box mechanics are implemented in Destiny (and MMOs), you start to quickly realize what a lot of you're doing is pointless and is simply there to hook players. There is no reason for tedious grinds which do nothing but artificially keep the player invested in the game. Games should be rewarding skill rather than time invested. I couldn't have any fun with Destiny. The terrible FoV angle combined with the slow movement speed of the game turned me off entirely. The final nail in the coffin was when I saw the generic, unimaginative "kill X number of Y enemies quest" that's plagues grindy MMOs.
@PeteOliva 10 жыл бұрын
***** Well, I'm familiar with Skinner box mechanics, and yes Destiny has them. But the mechanics of the actual game play are so good (I don't mind the slow movement speed, I'm actually annoyed that you can move so fast in some games) that it's fun working towards these rewards. And the good thing is that Skinner box mechanics are not so bad if they are implemented without it feeling like work. And here's where there is no right opinion: some people enjoy how Destiny is designed, and others do not. Neither one is right. Fun is completely subjective. People think gardening is fun. I will be never be one of those people. They are not incorrect, however, in believing that it is. 
@Beg0tt3n 10 жыл бұрын
Pete Oliva "And the good thing is that Skinner box mechanics are not so bad if they are implemented without it feeling like work. " It felt like work when I played it. The combat in Destiny felt like a chore. At least Warframe kept it interesting by having engaging combat. "I'm actually annoyed that you can move so fast in some games" It sounds like you don't have the situational awareness that's required to keep up what's going on in faster paced games.
@Theoldman27 10 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love destiny it's the most fun I've had with a game in a long time.
@huxivoice 10 жыл бұрын
Waiting for some trolls?
@Beg0tt3n 10 жыл бұрын
***** No, I would say his IQ is below 100.
@Theoldman27 10 жыл бұрын
***** You feel bad for me for enjoying a game?
@Theoldman27 10 жыл бұрын
***** no I have played basically every big game there is but loot grind games like this are my favorite.
@Theoldman27 10 жыл бұрын
***** nah I prefer AAA games.
@MikePitcher 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny is a fantastic game. You know why I love it? I avoided the hype. I left the game sit in the back of my mind ever since it was shown. I played the beta, liked it, got the game. It blows my mind what this game does. Combining MMO elements and FPS elements so perfectly, so simple, yet complex in their own ways. Awesome worlds to explore. Great competitive multiplayer. if this game gets better after level 20, I can't wait. I am only a 12. Loving every minute of it.
@MikePitcher 10 жыл бұрын
Not to mention I am only playing the PS3 version. If i were playing the ps4 version I would shit my paints.
@MrGencyExit64 10 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the game up until level 20. Everyone keeps saying the game gets better at level 20, but I found it got much worse at 20 because there's nothing to do anymore. You shouldn't be able to get to max level in 10 hours of gameplay, that is ridiculous and totally gets rid of any desire to keep playing :-\
@LemurDawid 10 жыл бұрын
I play Borderlands 2 since December and I haven't even done half of everything I wanted to do. That's how games should be made, Destiny with its pathetic lack of content and variety at the moment has nothing on BL2 IMO.
@lunargamer5261 10 жыл бұрын
It is beautiful on the PS4. You're seeing the same thing I'm seeing. Anyone who listened to all the hype and got excited about some revolution in gaming is being disappointed by Destiny. I played the beta and liked the concept. With that as my only expectation, it has impressed me. I'll warn you not to burn through the story missions. Spend some time patrolling, first. The game lost a bit of its edge, for me, after I finished the last story mission. When the exploration became my goal, instead of a choice I was making, it started feeling a bit like a grind. However, at that point, you can start playing more strikes and expecting blue gear to drop.
@TheKiroshi 10 жыл бұрын
lunargamer I have to agree.. With a game like this, getting its hype on and all that.. Only made every Tom,Dick and Harry on KZbin fantasize about their perfect game and share those fantasies with others.. I played the beta, wasn't crapping my pants, but I did like it.. Full game released, The grind isn't worth complaining about, Loot is always fun (Be it 50 items, or 500 Gazillion from borderlands 'hype') And I still liked it.. Its not a 10/10.. nor much above 8/10.. but I still play it daily for a couple reasons.. The combat is decent, I love randomized loot and number generators, and I look forwards to events! Like the Queen's Bounty that is live right now. MrGencyExit64 Hearing this problem a lot... and its a fair point for anyone who can't take repetition. But saying "You shouldn't be able to get to max level in 10 hours of gameplay..." isn't true. Level 20 is not max level, Hell, the only thing that matters about the 1-20 levels are what equipment and strikes playlists you can do, The highest i've seen is 28, and being 26 with a full-set of legendary un-upgraded gear? I find it easy to believe that it can probably cap at about 30-35? Along with the idea of reaching "max level" in 10 hours? You can finish a lot of the main story in video games in under 10 hours.
@stripgaga7900 10 жыл бұрын
i hate to be a hater, but i had to unsubscribe from rev3. sessler was the only thing that made watching these people complain tolerable.
@rickyvanderham8522 10 жыл бұрын
He left ages ago.
@gartgartsman478 10 жыл бұрын
You're the 7 millionth person to jadedly say that. You're not special for it and if you're only commenting about Sessler now it means you've either only now unsubscribed, or you came back to just shit in the comments section. You apologize for being a hater and then you complain about how these paid professionals are complaining about something they have a very strong knowledge of. The 'gaming community' can be so pathetically entitled and whiny sometimes.
@stripgaga7900 10 жыл бұрын
i know he left ages ago, but i was actually subscribed to rev3 until recently. i didn't know for a long time that sessler left, i thought he was just on vacation. so i continued to subscribe to rev3 but watching people almost 10 years younger than me review games just isn't interesting, no offense to those hosting or commenting. i don't know if you've watched those older videos of nick and adam watching classic movies nick had never seen (like indiana jones) and then talking about them, but you clearly see the age difference. i'm only 28 and i feel like i can relate adam. i definitely can't relate to nick so to call them very knowledgeable, i'm sure they are to an extent but watching those videos made me realize how young some of those people really are. i don't like to complain about these people i've never met because they're just doing their job, but i felt sessler (and max scoville to some degree) added a level of maturity to rev3. sessler obviously has a way with words and i've enjoyed his sessler's somethings and reviews. now the channel just lacks substance, at least for me. i don't know why you think i'm entitled because i have an opinion. i never said i was better than them. if anything, that came off more as just insulting than whining.
@rickyvanderham8522 10 жыл бұрын
So you are 28 and don't like reviewers who are almost 10 years younger than you? Well I don't know their exact age, but Nick played Halo 2 in high school and that game is 10 years old. And Tara is at least a few years older, so Tara can easily be your age. Adam is in his early 40s so technically age wise you are more related to Tara and Nick. I am older than Nick and Tara and I haven't seen all classic movies or sometimes I think that some aren't that good. I agree though that I want to see more insightful content from Rev3games, but Nick recently said they are "forced" to do these let's play items on Twitch and they don't have a lot of other resources. They will do more reviews when the AAA games will be released this fall. I would love to have a weekly item from Tara, like Adam did, but then with her own style. Nick had a weekly item called coffee talk and some episodes where really good like with a new gamer called Mario, who is way older than NIck and has a different view on games than most gamers. Especially Nick has a different taste than me (not only games), but to me it's interesting to hear someone with a different point of view talk about games that interest me.
@stripgaga7900 10 жыл бұрын
I thought it was clear why I didn't like some of the reviewers, but it's mostly because I can't relate to them. To be honest, watching these people review games and just have conversations is like overhearing or watching my teenage cousins or early 20 somethings at my CSU have a conversations. Sometimes I'd rather just put in some ear plugs or something. I said why I could relate to Adam. It's because he's mature and takes what he does seriously, yet adds just the right amount of silliness and playful banter in his videos. I honestly subscribed to Rev3 because of Adam. I've always liked watching him the most out of everyone because he's someone to look up to or aspire to be. I'm a design student, not in video game journalism, but there was something for everyone in his videos. I looked forward to what he had to say on his "Something" videos because he had experience and he had insight. Not just when it came to video games, but he was a critical thinker and he always left me with something to think about in each video he did. So yes, technically speaking, I can and probably do relate to Tara more if we're talking about how we were raised and what we culturally and socially grew up on. But Adam brought something extra to this channel and his absence, at least for me, is painfully evident.
@TCGwasHERE 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny needed some type of ammo or ability like Slag from Borderlands 2 or Warp/Proximity Mine from Mass Effect 3 that speeds up kills and invokes strategy.
@itsybitsyzombie 10 жыл бұрын
Slag was a terrible and annoying concept and only useful in UVHM and OP levels.
@TCGwasHERE 10 жыл бұрын
itsybitsyzombie i showed this to my friend, and he just giggled at the stupidity of this comment. and it got upvoted, now im laughing. ha, not.
@itsybitsyzombie 10 жыл бұрын
TCGwasHERE Did I hurt your ego or something? I don't know of anyone that used slag outside of UVHM and Digistruct Peak. It was a terrible idea, and most of the Borderlands community agrees. I'm glad it's not in the Pre-Sequel.
@SgtGrizzlychin 10 жыл бұрын
itsybitsyzombie I'm with this dude. I only ever used slag on the commando because the turret came with it. Borderlands felt more action-y, and having someone 'marking' the target just seemed really withdrawing from the entire experience.
@xblChrRome 10 жыл бұрын
Your secondary guns and heavy weapons do have elemental damage on them that are better against specific enemies though.
@giffica 10 жыл бұрын
Console plebs should turn in their ShatBoxTwo and BoreSystemFive for a WiiU so they can get the greatest game of the next generation, Super Smash Bros. Shits already confirmed 111/10. Save your Shekels boys, all you need is a WiiU and SSB and you are 100% set for the next 8 years of gaming.
@LemurDawid 10 жыл бұрын
I live in Poland and there's basically no Wii U or Wii consoles to buy, not to mention games both on Wii and Wii U, which still cost around 60$(!) years after release. So no, I'll stick with my "Shitbox". I admire Nintendo for their games being one of the most awesome industry has to offer, but it would be just a stupid decision for me to buy one of their consoles. Sorry, Big N.
@giffica 10 жыл бұрын
Lemur Dawid Why wouldn't they cost 60 dollars? They are worth more than 60 dollars lol
@giffica 10 жыл бұрын
***** Super Smash Bros hasn't released a new game in 8 years...what are you talking about? It's nothing like Fifa or NFL......Its an entirely new engine for the next generation, and they are adding content for free, and for download for the next few years. Do you even know what SSB is...
@giffica 10 жыл бұрын
***** you think they should be doing DLC for the N64, a system that doesn't support DLC or add-ons in any fashion, and when they attempted todo so it was impossible and a massive failure that prevented DLC from attaining mainstream success in the gaming world for years to come? Please stop talking.
@swaggyp9050 10 жыл бұрын
lmao a wii u ahahahahaaha ima die laughing oh please. gaming this generation is dead as of right now
@muckymucks 10 жыл бұрын
It's easy to get jaded after a while. Every single AAA title tuns out to be a disappointment. Anybody remember Titanfall? Watch Dogs? Second Son? And even before that it was Assassin Creed: Black Flag. Not that they're bad games but they're not great. They're nice looking but the gameplay and story are boring. And we still fall for the hype every single time when something gets announced. Every single time. Alien: Isolation is probably going to be the next letdown.
@POVgames 10 жыл бұрын
I'd love to play destiny with a mouse and keyboard, a playable Framerate and an FOV slider so I don't get headaches... but as of right now borderlands just beats the shit out of it...
@MichaelMonka 10 жыл бұрын
I play on PC and 30 fps is playable. Subpar? Yes. Playable? Yes. Is Destiny a meh game in the first place compared to Borderlands? Oh hell yes.
@csilent 10 жыл бұрын
***** It is moreso the FOV and controls on console do not fit a rpg style. Especially when it comes to keybindings and such.
@janome 10 жыл бұрын
csilentdeath FOV and controls on console are debilitating and unplayable compared to PC. 60 fps and mouse and keyboard and fewer limitations would have made destiny a much better game. developers are sabotaging their games by trying to create something complex on a console.
@csilent 10 жыл бұрын
jano me Well moreso it is also the "Call of Duty" typed players on console. You have to admit though that the boss fights are badly designed and are just a grind.
@BarbsBasement 10 жыл бұрын
@sillymcwilly4866 10 жыл бұрын
I'm still waiting for that FPS that has disarming and unarmed combat. I want to run around being a super soldier dammit.
@Groovemancer 10 жыл бұрын
The original Crysis had some fun unarmed combat, you could grab an enemy and throw them (even further when on maximum strength mode) into objects to break them or other enemies. I don't know how the unarmed combat worked in Crysis 2 and 3 though as I haven't played those. Also you were a super soldier in those games.
@sillymcwilly4866 10 жыл бұрын
Icedmetal57 That sounds fucking awesome. Can you run around inhumanly and jump off walls too? Like some sort of awesome shieldless Captain America?
@teamamericaworldpoli 10 жыл бұрын
Joshua Kelly You can run around inhumanly at high speeds and jump high but there are few walls to jump off of. But Crysis and Crysis Warhead (the expansion) are games EVERY PC gamer should play, as they're highly underrated and very strong all-around high quality games
@Groovemancer 10 жыл бұрын
John Shepard I don't know if I'd say they're underated because they were always well known especially for that whole "my PC can run Crysis on Max settings" as a way to show off how powerful your PC was back when it came out. Still great games though.
@MightySandwich 10 жыл бұрын
You aren't a super-soldier, but you should definitely try The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Great mix of armed and unarmed combat, with some interesting stealth mechanics to boot.
@gurpaful 10 жыл бұрын
Casual Friday is the only series on KZbin I make sure to watch every time. The length is perfect and it helps that you guys know what you're talking about. Nick is shaping up to be the next Adan Sessler, there are hints of a similar passion and depth.
@azrael80304 10 жыл бұрын
The main complaint I have about the game is that there's no split screen co-op, being that its a Bungie game you would think that it would be included but other than that I'm loving this game
@theGreenGoblin 10 жыл бұрын
I played Borderlands 2 a LOT and got damn near everything in it. I'm played it for a good 2 years straight. Destiny? Well, I'm level 21 in it as a Warlock (I get a pretty super grenade every once in a while) and I honestly don't know if I wanna continue at all. People are right. Borderlands may have what people call "common humor", but it's still more interesting than vague discussions about semi-important sounding people and artifacts that you know pretty much nothing about. I could still tell you who virtually everyone IS in Borderlands. I STILL only vaguely know what the hell I'm fighting against and how I'm making any kind of difference. I just know that I like shooting things here. The gun variety is indeed pretty crappy. In Borderlands, each manufacturer has different attributes to a gun. Torgue deals with explosive damage, Dahl is burst-fire, Jakobs is semi automatic, Bandit is high capacity, Vladof is high fire rate, Hyperion is high accuracy, Tediore guns explode like a grenade when thrown and Maliwan is all about elemental damage. From that, there's a lot of mixing and matching. And there's a LOT of variety, both in basic setup and rarity of a gun. I can find a pistol that shoots homing darts that explode on an enemy after 2 seconds for massive damage but don't alert enemies that i shot them until the explosion. I can also get a shotgun that fires exploding swords. That's the kinda variety I LIKE. In this? Every pulse rifle feels the same. Every automatic feels the same. Every shotgun feels the same. The only real reason to upgrade is to make up for levels you've gained while playing. It's honestly a bit of a joke, really. Also, I still wonder why this even needs to BE online-only. It clearly doesn't need to be and I've been saying that from the get go. If anything, it could've allowed for a more efficient package as a whole, if they copied from Borderlands MORESO and gave it a compelling narrative and a single player campaign.
@Swickful 10 жыл бұрын
well said
@Darkreaper31 10 жыл бұрын
I agree 100%. BL is awesome and I can enjoy my action skills way more often. In destiny I takes along time to reuse your skills.
@LemurDawid 10 жыл бұрын
Damn right!
@xblChrRome 10 жыл бұрын
Well my experiences with both franchises are the exact opposite of yours. In Borderlands 2 I stopped playing it the moment I beat the story since I didn't enjoy it that much, and I found even the regular enemies were way too bullet spongy to have an enjoyable time with the shooting mechanics (similar to what was even said in this video). With Destiny I'm currently level 28, and have completed the raid that people seem to think takes 10+ hours simply because the first group that beat it took that long. Now that people have a basic understanding of what to do, it is much faster than that (I beat it my first time in a bit under 2 hours I think)
@SchizoLifter01 10 жыл бұрын
Oh so you didnt bend you'r years
@ChibiWes101 10 жыл бұрын
My problem wasn't with how the game plays at all. Its with the absence of a story. You get bits here and there, but no clear narrative. We met ONE character that refers to themself with a name; the Speaker. And even then you only ever talk to him I believe once in a cut-scene we all saw in the Beta. There was his little speech at the end cut-scene, but then again he wasn't speaking to YOU, the player or your character.
@brandongrimaldo319 10 жыл бұрын
Activision ran with the Bungie name and marketed the game as something it wasn't. Although, it was never really clear as to what this game was suppose to be in the first place.
@colteastwood 10 жыл бұрын
If you don't have fun replaying the same 5 strikes for 100 hours than Destiny is not for you.
@jackgruber7811 10 жыл бұрын
I think Nick was completely right. A game that takes 20 to get fun is absolutely ridiculous. I love video games, but since I started college, I don't have nearly enough time to play video games. When I'm not studying, I'm doing other to help me grow professionally, or trying to keep up with friends. The most I can do doing things like this and just listen people talking about video games. To try to pick up a video game and hearing that I have to spend valuable time to just be bored and not immersed in a world is just kind of insulting in a way.
@Balthazar2242 10 жыл бұрын
I think it's a disappointment depending on what your expectations were. But it isn't a bad game by any means at all. It's a really beautiful game that plays really well and can be really fun. It just doesn't satisfy _every_ person.
@Oldnoname 10 жыл бұрын
seems like 3 people talking about a game they only played the beta for...
@isaiah2125 10 жыл бұрын
A 15 minute video explained in 2 words Its mediocre
@BlackDrumm3rKid 10 жыл бұрын
the way the glass, its reflection, and the candle line up really look like a bong... @ 0:05
@GamerLCD 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny = ResidentSleeper
@TheVentrexian 10 жыл бұрын
Lcd plz. Its flutter btw lol
@Wumpanaattori 10 жыл бұрын
What I am wondering ATM is why on Earth did they release it on old-gen if the project was supposed to be "running for 10 years".
@Dakeyras83 10 жыл бұрын
$$$ is all Activision care.
@Firealchemist24 10 жыл бұрын
For the same exact reason a lot of games are coming out on both new and old consoles, a lot of people are still using the PS3 and 360. Not releasing a game for those markets at this point in the console life cycle only means giving up on a huge number of potential sales.
@Wumpanaattori 10 жыл бұрын
Firealchemist24 ... and in the process taking away the full potential of the game. Great excamples: Destiny and BF4 I understand why this is, it is just so unbearable.
@Firealchemist24 10 жыл бұрын
Wumpanaattori BF4 was an underdeveloped mess, it needed more time to be released which EA most likely refused to provide DICE with. In the case of Destiny you could argue that the time and resources poured into the old console releases would have been better spent on only the new consoles, but as a counter argument it is also very possible Activision would have released the game with the exact same amount of content just to make more money on the DLCs. Pure speculation on my part though, as we will never know.
@apacheman227 10 жыл бұрын
Best way to describe destiny: Halo + Warframe = Destiny
@mattiasf258 10 жыл бұрын
First of all I like the game however I don't quite get why it cost that much to make. I do have some complaints though: it feels to much like Halo, it's very repetitive, the enemies on all the different planets are pretty much the same, the shops sell to little stuff, some missions (especially when you're already leveled up) are unclear what to do, there are just to little multiplayer maps (only 5 or 6)and you get a lot of the same maps over and over. But it's still fun. But I agree if people only give it a score of 75.
@00half 10 жыл бұрын
Most of the money spent on the game, was actually used for advertising.....In true Activision fashion.
@LoCoAde87 10 жыл бұрын
00half Ding, ding, ding. The hype machine was in full buzz, if you didn't know anything about the game, you'd could have made an educated guess in that it was an EA or Activision, or Ubisoft game.
@protoman2260 10 жыл бұрын
00half haha in true Activision fashion lol
@MrGencyExit64 10 жыл бұрын
It's kind of the law of diminishing returns taken to the extreme. At some point, throwing more money at a game is not going to improve its quality any and might even lead to the mentality that the budget is limitless so they spend time/money pursuing really stupid ideas that never make it into the game. VALVE kind of does this, but their problem is not so much how much a game costs to make, but actually keeping employees on task; they're like a corporation with ADD :P
@Spindlysneaker 10 жыл бұрын
Finally a comment with some usefull information.
@AFunkyDiabetic 10 жыл бұрын
lack of story so i never feel fulfilled, repetitive gameplay, and the classes have no real heart to them. I only feel like a Warlock for the 5 seconds where i'm doing my Nova Bomb, and then i don't use it again for another 5 minutes. In Borderlands, i get to Gunzerk frequently and it gives my guy some character. In Destiny, i'm just some dude firing an assault rifle for endless hours
@Meeltic 10 жыл бұрын
a 10 hour event is crazy. Dont they freaking eat ? or something. 10 hours is too much in a row. That isnt a game, that is only pure pain in the ass. No thank you. Took me allso 30 min to kill the spidertank, that isnt fun.
@endorbr 10 жыл бұрын
This sounds less like three friends or co-workers discussing a game and more like Nick dominating the conversation with bitching while the other two nod along in agreement because they have nothing to add because they didn't play it.
@anonforuz 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny (art style) + No Man's Sky (flying from planet to planet) + Warframe (loot system and gear) = Something i would like to see
@CholoCPC 10 жыл бұрын
Check Angry Joe's review. It explains at lot.
@GrayTimber 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Angry Joe probably explains it best. Even put up short clips from in-game to explain why he felt the way he felt. Like the Queen and her brother or whatever hinting at future expansions/DLC instead of actually leading to any interesting story arcs.
@TheKiroshi 10 жыл бұрын
GrayTimber Angry Joe is a pretty meh~ reviewer. Plus he instantly has a hate-boner on _Anything_ with DLC. He does funny crap and skits.. His actual reviews are bias and very *In-my-opinion*. When he does do things that aren't tailored from his specific tastes.. he brushes over them for 2 seconds. Everyone who even touches the games he reviews can do the same quality of actually reviewing
@Geotpf 10 жыл бұрын
TheKiroshi Bull. He gave Borderlands 2 a 9/10 (with a Badass Seal), and it came with a Season Pass at launch. But it didn't matter because Borderlands 2 is a GOOD GAME; Destiny is basically Borderlands 2 designed by morons. Plus, unlike what he thought with Destiny, bare bones stock Borderlands 2 has a metric crap ton of content (it doesn't feel like chunks were deleted to be sold seperately as DLC). The base Borderlands 2 has 35 hours of content if you do all story and side missions (I've seen a Let's Play of the base game that lasted that long), not even counting the New Game Plus mode (TVHM) or grinding for specific uber-rare drops or the raid bosses, or playing the game again as a different character. Add the DLCs and you would double that to 70 hours (plus there's a New Game Plus Plus (UVHM) and a New Game Plus Plus Plus (OP) mode in the DLCs, and even more raid bosses and two more characters).
@youthpastorJAC 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, he makes several important observations. Ships are just loading screens, the grimoire should be in the actual game, the loot system is flawed, the entire game is essentially horde mode and the storyline is trimmed for future DLC.
@xblChrRome 10 жыл бұрын
Geotpf I actually completely disagree with Borderlands 2 being a better game than Destiny. I find Borderlands far more repetitive than Destiny since it is also just going from location to location to do quests except the actual shooting mechanics are much worse. Also, the way you get to different locations is much faster than in Borderlands where you basically run across vast open uninteresting areas for 10 minutes. Also, the enemies are bigger bullet sponges in Borderlands.
@HarithBK 10 жыл бұрын
nick 16 hours for a progress raid is actually really short when no strats have been formed and everybody is super undergeard. infact now that people know what they are doing 2 hour runs is commen place. just to compair to WoW i can take days for top tier raid guilds to clear a raid and they switch people out inorder to maintain a around the clock raiding sechdual inorder to get those world firsts. it is not going to take you 16 hours every week to clear that glass place you spend half an hour reading strats once then progress for a few weeks and once it is on farm it takes around 2-3 hours to finnish nothing really time consuming.
@Hoopla10 10 жыл бұрын
So many alarms are going off around Rev3 these days. Firstly, where's the ACTUAL review of Destiny. It's arguably the biggest game so far this year and what has Rev3 done? A couple of Lets Play. Secondly, Tara saying she was happy to be out of the office when Destiny gets released. Her job is about video games, being happy to be away when one of the biggest games gets released strikes me as a terrible attitude. And it's not just about big in money terms or hype terms but in what it brings to consoles. Thirdly, Nick and his "what I wanted Destiny to be" (direct quote) is troubling to me. But the biggest problem I have these days with Rev3 (post Sessner) is nobody has anything really insightful to say. Not just about a game (if they ever reviewed a game) but about gaming in general, the ever evolving culture that is video games. We've had a ton of stuff happen in the last 6 months but whenever I jump onto Rev3 there's ziltch about it. And whenever they do they have a sit down casual chat, that Nick invariably dominates. A review, a piece of journalism, or something like Sessner did, is an intelligently thought out, concise dissemination of what is happening (or happened) in gaming. Pooling your thoughts together and structuring it to explain yourself as clearly as possible. You can't do that from a casual chat. It requires a skill set that I'm thinking Rev3 just doesn't have. Which strikes me as a problem for the survival of this channel. And can somebody please push Max forward and Nick back. He's much more insightful and clearly sees gaming from an interesting angle.
@thecopercoper5533 10 жыл бұрын
Sorry, but Borderlands is in no way strategic. It has very limited skill trees that in some cases are even redundant. It has a single active skill. ONE. Just one skill, shooting, and nothing else in terms of mechanics. It's an incredibly simplistic game.
@Dawubbz 10 жыл бұрын
Seems like people forgot that the 500 million thing wasn't for the amount of money that was spent. The 500 million dollars are being spread out throughout the franchise, that includes future games (Destiny 2, 3, etc.), and dlc.
@TheDaringPastry1313 10 жыл бұрын
I watched about 1-2 hours on Twitch and saw it was too repetitive for my taste and it took 35+ mins to kill bosses? It didn't have different phases of the bosses I have seen and you just kill the same things over and over.
@Brokennindeathloop620 10 жыл бұрын
apparently to some guy above your hardcore for wanting to play and deal with shitty games lmao. DAMAGE CONTROL!!!!
@trevormaine 10 жыл бұрын
Welcome to every Bungie game to date.
@TheKiroshi 10 жыл бұрын
bullsear Saying "Bungie" games is rather limited.. What other games have you fighting the same types of enemies thoughout the game? Nearly every game to date.
@xblChrRome 10 жыл бұрын
No boss has ever been even remotely close to taking 35+ minutes to kill. The longest boss fight i've had is maybe like 5-10 minutes.
@TheDaringPastry1313 10 жыл бұрын
i watched a group of 3, level 10-12-13 on hard try to kill the boss on the Moon level that is attached to the chains for the first 1/10 of the fight.. it took forever.. also watched someone fight this giant tank on a bike.. took ages..You must not be playing the same game
@jeronimotorres1 10 жыл бұрын
Don't know about anyone else, but I absolutely hate enemies that just soak up damage like a sponge. Hey developers, damage sponges aren't actually that fun or difficult. They're more a test of patience than real skill or strategy.
@sithlordoso1021 10 жыл бұрын
Not sure why Tara is there talking about the game. She hasn't even play the game only the beta. Don't get me wrong I like looking at her she's beautiful.
@Drayco500 10 жыл бұрын
this game has so much potential i thought it was gonna be even deeper but i guess this is the first layer on a canvas that will become an amazing piece of art
@boomersooner41377 10 жыл бұрын
The only reason they did not give out review copies before release is because they knew if they did, Bungie and Activision would loose a ton of pre orders. They knew their game is not that great and would not reach the hype. If they were so worried about turning on servers, they would not have had a Beta, they turned them on just fine.
@Kiddeth 10 жыл бұрын
wow for a game review site they just can't seem to get their facts right. wheres Adam when you need him, he at least gave this channel some credibility.
@twistedmettle5366 10 жыл бұрын
Really glad i didn't pick this one up, but I think people are missing whats going on. So they have ten years to outdo themselves. Sounds pretty feasible. Why empty your entire bag of tricks in the first year when you already know you're sticking around for the next 9? Start with the bare minimum, (which is what they did here) and gradually add more things with the future instalments to come. Keep the consumer in the mindset of " oh wow! Such cool! Derp much better than the last one can't wait for the next "
@MrZeyami 10 жыл бұрын
"Tune in next week for more metaphysical questions about tautologies, where we'll be asking 'Is the ocean wet?' and 'Are bachelors always single?'" - Rev3Games
@AARONMACKENZIE 10 жыл бұрын
There's something incredibly comical about a dude in a t-shirt sitting outside in front of wood paneling drinking from a cocktail glass.
@williamgrace6983 10 жыл бұрын
Here is the whole game for anyone on the fence about buying it: 1. Follow your map arrow to a terminal or door. 2. Fight off waves of enemies while your ghost bot hacks the terminal or door. (repeat for every single mission in the entire game) 3. Cry when you realize that anti-climactic mini boss on mars was actually the final fight. Optional 4th step: Go to best buy or walmart to replace the controller you just smashed against your wall.
@dtrrider1 10 жыл бұрын
They need to stop wasting time on FPS games for consoles. They don't have the controls needed to play a FPS. Focus on other things, leave the FPS for PC's.
@x-hunter1965 10 жыл бұрын
there is actually a simple answer to this question there is nothing to be disappointed about because there was nothing to look forward to for destiny.
@jzacarias117 10 жыл бұрын
The funniest thing about it, is that Sony invested heavily in marketing the game like it was an exclusive or the next big thing after Halo. It turned out to be a repetitive failure! Good luck next time Sony.
@JoshuaBagwell 10 жыл бұрын
My only beef with destiny is you can only have 1 exotic weapon and gear equipped at a time. If they let you use all you get then perfect I would be happy would make some of the daily/weekly content modifiers less of a pain in the but
@dwp1slyfox 10 жыл бұрын
I'll tell you what never disappoints....Tara Long.
@MacConmheadha 10 жыл бұрын
I've really enjoyed Destiny. Like others, I do have my gripes with it, but I'd rather look at it with a broader perspective and see it as the beginning of something I love. I need to play a game with a good story though. I'm thinking of getting the Metro Redux, is it worth it? For €35, I can't help but see the value.
@WhyYouSoMeme 10 жыл бұрын
I actually really like Destiny. I'm only level 25 and I can't get enough. When I'm not playing the game I'm checking the Destiny companion app for the new content or patch notes or talking to my friends about best places to grind for weapon upgrade parts. I haven't had this much fun with a video game in a long time.
@BarbsBasement 10 жыл бұрын
I love all of these deep conversations about games with people that actually play them.
@brettharperspodcast 10 жыл бұрын
Well, its an MMO, no one can deny that, and these things need to be fleshed out. Its a pretty solid release from day one and to think of the possibilities the franchise holds is pretty exciting. A lot of people are pretty over World Of Warcraft, its literally a 10 year old game and I personally want to "see" a game that reflects the time and technological advances that we purchase these gaming consoles/PC hardware for and push those limitations, Destiny is an example of that. The dude on the left only gave it a week, obviously didn't do the raid (since its been redone by the same guys who done it in 10 hours have now completed it in less then 2 hours) and generally doesn't appreciate the effort involved or the positive interactivity the games brings. I finding all these reviews to be interesting in terms of they are giving the game average scores, yet almost all the people on my PSN friends list have purchased the game and really enjoy it as a game.
@goldenaegis6637 10 жыл бұрын
Are we finally getting there? Are the Casual Fridays approaching watchable status?
@msanjeev 10 жыл бұрын
"Its a 10 hour raid and that sounds like the least appealing shit to me." Then, you're missing the entire point of a Raid. That's what a Raid means in games like Destiny, WoW, etc.
@jacobdane 10 жыл бұрын
The background music on these videos is killing me. Hearing that crappy 30-second loop of public domain music for eleven minutes straight is beyond the bounds of reason.
@ResidentReveler 10 жыл бұрын
3:21 He talks about Borderlands 1 but a footage of Borderlands 2 is shown.
@arkhitekton1 10 жыл бұрын
i haven't played Destiny because i've only got a pc, but what is the gameplay hook supposed to be? there's loot but i've heard it's pretty infrequent and unexciting, the gunplay looks decidedly average with only a handful of gun types, and only having three classes total with what appears to be limited skills for each. this game almost sounds like a Waframe-lite, only with prettier graphics and better marketing
@gblenemy 10 жыл бұрын
Something I missed so far: how many players can be in the same raid?
@2muchjpop 10 жыл бұрын
After watching this, I realize one thing:Thank you for beta testing the game for us console peasants
@mcdonkey500 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny isn't on the PC you downie
@furthurondown 10 жыл бұрын
mcdonkey500 thankfully so, it's a borderlands clone with korean mmo grind fest. no thanks.
@Kaiba1234567 10 жыл бұрын
furthurondown Why are you pc people even here?
@tokenthunda5755 10 жыл бұрын
***** PC gamers are toxic.
@2muchjpop 10 жыл бұрын
my bag of popcorn is finished. can you guys stop arguing till i get another one? i love to bait you guys.
@user1lol666 10 жыл бұрын
I think a major point to hit on regards the writing style and how it fits the game. The game is sort of a grindy rpg, which doesn't appeal (and isn't supposed to appeal) to a young audience, but the writing for the story is very -almost too- easy to digest, vague, and just not fit for the more mature audience that the gameplay seems to be made for, especially for long-time players. I hope they realize this for their next content installment and start filling out the more tangible parts that could make this universe.
@hubertfarnsworth2020 10 жыл бұрын
Assassins creed was amazing. I had never played anything like it. The story is a somewhat narrow, but all the assassins creed games have drawbacks. For example, Washington is way too short in AC3.
@manicpanic9391 10 жыл бұрын
Did Bungie REALLY get $500million dollars? “We’re pouring everything it takes into Destiny to ensure it meets our fans' expectations, and our own,” Osborne added. “Activision is, too. But the budget for Destiny, including associated marketing costs and pizza Wednesdays, is nowhere near 500 million dollars.”
@Heyitsjohnwayne 10 жыл бұрын
The main issue is that, even while working in a fireteam, I don't feel like I'm actually doing anything in terms of teamwork. I've gotten a defender subclass to 26 and a sunslinger at level 21. They both provide okay team support, but honestly the best thing I feel I can do is throw up a shield and provide a revive or reduce the cooldowns for my teammates. I suppose I could be pushing towards a need for a trinity or a healer or even a guy that just passively produces ammo. This is also only in reference to pve though. It just feels mindless during some boss fights. The archon priest for instance takes 15-20 minutes STRAIGHT of blasting this boss in the face. That's not fun. I don't know...
@TheBearrish 10 жыл бұрын
"Because it's like an always-on game that you never pause. You can't really run around when it's empty" Why can't you run around? I don't get it...
@markb1511 10 жыл бұрын
Still playing Destiny, and even though it's a big grind, as an MMO gamer it's something I'm used to. The fun gameplay and progression make up for it. I see myself playing this game into the winter.
@Dillon_J 10 жыл бұрын
there is a story but not much people know much because they decided to put all the lore on the website instead of in game
@ChrisFinch87 10 жыл бұрын
I feel the long-term plan for this game hinged on whether or not it sells well and is reviewed well. You have to understand, that big publishers don't actually *understand* video games. They will pretend like they do, they will try to point you direction elsewhere, but at the end of the day, the higher-ups at Activision, EA or whatever don't *get* gaming. To them, if a game they pumped lots of cash into fails to achieve commercial success, they won't really try to figure out why it failed to live up to its promise. They won't take the gameplay apart, or ask the devs what went wrong. They'll hold the devs responsible, but won't actually be interested in the explanation. According to their expectations, a game which combines Successful Title A (Borderlands) with Successful Title B (Halo) and is set within the frames of Successful Genre X (Multiplayer) cannot fail. It can't, how could it, if the elements were copied from other hits? And so, if Activision says that Destiny performed poorly and that they won't be greenlighting a sequel... or if they do, and the sequel is even less inspired... I won't be surprised if Bungie will be dismantled in one way or another - either by putting them to work on existing IP, or by delegating them to less prestigious projects, like churning out DLC for Destiny. This is how these big companies roll. If they did it to Infinity Ward and Raven, Bungie isn't off the table.
@Efstarforce330 10 жыл бұрын
I personally have a good time with Destiny everytime I play it. I wish their were more story-ish cut scenes like when you visit the War cult guy or some the cool weird characters that clearly have some kind of weird back story history that make up the world.
@bryce3834 10 жыл бұрын
Are you serious? She is litteraly making assumption on a game she has not even played. This conversation was ridiculous. It's like giving your impression of a book via it's cover. Very unprofessional
@finallyanime 10 жыл бұрын
You mean Borderlands 2 ended up being made of bullet sponges.Not even crawmerax was a bullet sponge in the first one...come on broo...
@PartyUpLive 10 жыл бұрын
@MichaelPellegrini as someone who LOVES playing games with teams like Halo BTB and Battlefield, I was a little disappointed that 6v6 is the max for this game
@evilengland2001 10 жыл бұрын
I like how every time there's criticism towards a AAA video game "reviewers" just claim that they're a vocal minority or loud opinions.
@jimpanrooney 10 жыл бұрын
i wonder how the hell, the game costed in total ≈500million dollars to make lol (including marketing)
@zBIGFRIIZZz 10 жыл бұрын
So you're telling me that if Bungie would've gave out early review copies, that it would've gotten a higher rating... and that's why I don't trust game critics.
@MichaelCotterell 10 жыл бұрын
I've seen multiple groups complete the raid in under an hour... One group did it in 37 mins.
@jarshall2 10 жыл бұрын
it's rare that I hear about a game so much that the hype affects me, but I don't think I care about Destiny at all
@8eege 10 жыл бұрын
Tara not wearing a bra is fun.
@KouD3Graw 10 жыл бұрын
If you've played GTA: Online and have played it since launch than you know that 1) Game is a Work In Progress 2) Content is always coming to the game 3) Anything can change with Fan Feedback 4) Not everything is easy to implement without bugs & issues 5) Content may come and go 6) It will be around for years to come. Destiny is an MMO based on development in the long run but, how they populate the game it's not. World of Warcraft has gone through so many changes over the years and changed based on competition, ideas, and past projects. WoD is a huge example of this. So expect Destiny to be a totally different game in about 2 years. I bet the grind will be less of a chore, classes will change to be way more different, may add more classes, better weapon customization, and enemies will be as smart yet challenging as promethiens in Halo 4. Early games will take time to grow in the public. Some games delay longer and some games put themselves out there then grow with feedback. Go to the forums and go feed them suggestions..... like lightsabers, microtransactions and killstreaks. lol
@voodoocake1184 10 жыл бұрын
The Budget for destiny is not for Just the first game Its for the whole series over 10 years and they are planes to come out every other year
@voodoocake1184 10 жыл бұрын
The Budget for destiny is not for Just the first game Its for the whole series over 10 years and they are planes to come out every other year
@BiffyC 10 жыл бұрын
I agree. I have been playing it since it launched and after a week I just dont really have the desire to play it any more. Normally it would be the draw of cool loot that would keep me hooked on a game like this, but the loot just isn't very exciting to collect.
@MrFour4th 10 жыл бұрын
Nick is right, i think if you have to spend more than 10 hours to finish a raid, it's not fun anymore.
@tattoodrdoke 10 жыл бұрын
All destiny needs it to review their classes and have say a support class. When i play i am very aware 9f my fireteam and learning boss patterns so i will take on a support role to get us to the point we do the levels. A support class would be great
@aBrokenFate 10 жыл бұрын
I think that with how destiny is now it mainly appeals to a very certain demographic much like how dark souls did. For me it combines MMO loot grinding and surprisingly strategic raids into a fast paced shooter and that seems to scratch this itch that I didn't know I had until I played this game. All in all its not for everyone as the story is buried in the grimoire cards and not many people want to read little tid bits of story off a card they collected in game. Not to mention the 3v3 mode in the crucible is some of the most fun I've had gaming in a while.
@ojnib 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny not having an open world kinda kills me
@noveluniform1 10 жыл бұрын
Imagine the people like me who would rather play alone feel about those raids.
@RossLlewallyn 10 жыл бұрын
Rushed game, no release copies because the server experience is too important, and a huge marketing campaign? This has all the makings of trying to hide only an average game until after sales are made. This is why there was a push months ago to Not Preorder anymore. Am I way off? Am I missing something?
@thetheedesk 10 жыл бұрын
The story, at the end it's like a 'cliff hanger'. It's a bad word use but can't come with another word. But maybe in DLC they will explain it. Way to go!!!!!!
@hurrican2355 10 жыл бұрын
You guys really need to try out the vault before making comments about it imo. Its arguably one of the most fun things in the game right now. It is hard/frustrating and takes good team work and skills to beat but it is quite fun. The only thing I could come up with as an analogy is kinda of like raiding molten core in WoW for the first time.
@xBlitzerx 10 жыл бұрын
I can't believe Max made that comment. This is what gaming has become? Spend $60 on a game, play it for 2 weeks and move on to the next? Sad.
@TheChosen1inc 10 жыл бұрын
I didnt hype it up for myself, and i have to say im really enjoying the game. Games can never live up to the ridiculous hype people make for them.
@scantron33 10 жыл бұрын
I was extremely underwhelmed. Looking forward to Halo Master Chief collection because I feel some of the best multi player experiences I've ever had were in those games.
@RiceAndRun 10 жыл бұрын
on a similar note, How do people feel about games that really require "friends" to enjoy ? (mainly borderlands)
@jemwilli 10 жыл бұрын
Destiny needs to have the alternate builds for each class unlocked from the start or at least have shared experience between builds. I am not a fan of getting to level 15 and then losing all my basic skills like grenades, double jump, and special move just because I wanted to use a different skill build. The current system seems to be designed to punish people that want to just try out something different.
@antonioferr_ 10 жыл бұрын
the gear you get at level 20 is cool, and getting there is easy i would not take nicks opinion too seriously in a loot based game like destiny as he mostly plays casual games 2 to 8 hours tops and likes easy to complete games
@diegoviadero900 10 жыл бұрын
Im having fun with destiny so far, but if bungie keep expanding the word fixing things like chat and private matches, the game could be amazing
@PartyUpLive 10 жыл бұрын
I feel like Nick gave one of the most honest reviews for third game.
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