D. 其實我過輕戒麩質是為了要增重。 當初因為中醫師建議說腸胃不好的話麵食類、糕點、麵包餅乾都不要吃,剛好也是含麩質和奶類的食物,為了健康索性兩個都就戒了,過程真的是十分艱辛😂 但不吃之後腸胃消化吸收變好,身體慢性發炎的狀況改善、人也比較有精神。有嘗試過無麩質蛋糕、無麩質吐司等等,但後來覺得還是比較喜歡吃加工少一點的食物,所以目前主食是以米飯、燕麥為主,其他含麩質的食物就很偶爾才吃一點。
Good topic, many people are gluten intolerant but without knowing at all. I didn’t found out till I was really sick 10 yrs ago. I was sick all my life and didn’t know what cause my symptoms, saw numerous doctors but couldn’t find out the cause, so,they said I had Lupus, which ofc was an incorrect diagnosis.