Is LITTLE LIGHT STUDIOS Helpful or just Harmful Clickbait?

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Seeking What They Sought

Seeking What They Sought

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Polarized is a series that explores the divide. Our goal is to see if we can find common ground despite our differences, both on the “right” and “left."
In episode 3, we sit down with Scott Mayer, Co-founder of the popular and divisive Little Light Studios.
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@drobinson6154 3 ай бұрын
My problem with LLS is that the vast majority of their videos are pictured with sensationalistic headlines, usually claiming that most everything is satanic, like looking for the devil under every doily. My other complaint is that their videos are fast paced collections of cut up snippets or clips put together in an obviously manipulative way, trying to get people riled up against this or that person or type of entertainment. I prefer presentations that actually focus on Jesus, focus on the positives of being a follower of Jesus, and inspire one to truly search out truth for themselves. I usually take this type of video with a huge grain of salt. But I love deep discussions and thought-provoking lectures/sermons.
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 2 ай бұрын
I believe, that if you got the point of what they are saying, you don't have to watch their videos anymore. It is not for entertainment it is for educational purposes. I watched their videos way at the beginning, but I have no need to watch their videos anymore. I made that decision, I was convinced that what they were saying ways true, since God had been showing me the same. I don't watch movies, listen to secular music, even "contemporary" so call Christian, that it is more opposite to the message of the Bible that adding anything to my Christian growth, and just in case I am no extremist Christian, all I felt was that God deserved more from my gratitude that just words and no real commitment to his Word.
@timohoffmann1888 3 ай бұрын
I believe it is very true what Scotty said about the closer you allow yourself to be drawn to God, the clearer your perspective about these things. Your spirit of discernment gets clearer and clearer.
@Azaria-fp6pe 13 күн бұрын
That's deep tbh.
@timohoffmann1888 3 ай бұрын
As SDA we should be a distinctive people. Don't touch the unholy. Ellen White says, when we are at the point where God wants his people to be (which will be a clear distinction from the world - see 1. John 2:15-17- the world will see us as extremists. Unfortunately many of our own churchmembers will think the same. And those who will not receive the latter rain among us, will not even realize that they missed it.
@TSN-WVK08 2 ай бұрын
Yes Ellen White your false prophetess
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
Poor guy with the black shirt, he doesn’t recognize how much he is trying to excuse his desires to the point that he is ignorant God’s Word. By beholding we become change. The more we watch this things the more your mind will accept it. So he has come to that point to say, there is nothing wrong in it. Calling good evil and evil good. So sad.
@cathymogreen 3 ай бұрын
I agree 100%
@grantjmiller15 4 ай бұрын
Probably one of the best collabs I’ve seen so far on this show. And at just the right time too. I already know someone who needs to listen to this
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
@cathymogreen 3 ай бұрын
I think Little Light Studios is totally on point on what they are doing!👍
@kevinekvall509 3 ай бұрын
First, Scotty is gutsy to discuss his perspective while being outnumbered! Also, the guys for the most part did a good job of giving him space to speak. Especially loved the respect and humility expressed toward the end. While I have questioned some of Little Light’s arguments over the years I have always thought Scotty had a good heart. He also is definitely on to some things and it’s refreshing to hear someone ask, “how is this impacting us?” Two friends, both philosophy professors, recently commented that film has a lot of philosophy in it. As a filmmaker, I totally agree. I think it’s an essential layer to a great story. For sure some stories are more of a joy ride and lighter on philosophy but even then a view can be absorbed (say something like materialism or altruism). Something Erik was getting at was how critical to approach films. Some Christians scrutinize movies so thoroughly it’s as if they’re looking for perfection. If we turned the lens around and scrutinized church (or other people) to that level nothing would measure up. So we gotta approach with some grace. But as mentioned, it’s all formative so we need to use discretion. I say prioritize the the good stories instead of just avoiding the bad stuff. Gonna be lots of opinions on what is “good” but the principles discussed by these guys are a great place to start! Wish we had more conversations like this.
@JamesZ-t9x 4 ай бұрын
Only had time to see the first 40 minutes. Appreciate the more exploratory questions being asked this time around. At first I worried this was going to be a fluff video. But it took a turn to start having respectful dialogue that started to uncover the interpretive differences between the group. Look forward to hearing the rest. Glad to see respectful discussions that explore the primary assumptions that begin to drive hermeneutical differences that drive different conclusions.
@timohoffmann1888 3 ай бұрын
I think what would help every christian, and what helped me, is to get a deeper and clearer understanding of the great controversy and how Satan works. What Scotty said makes completly sense to me today. I think many Christians do not discern it as clearly as Scotty does it, because there is still a love for sin in our lives that makes us naive to Satans deceptions.
@tjking8325 2 ай бұрын
@jennicajohnsonRDN 3 ай бұрын
I started listening to SWTS during the What is an Adventist series, so pretty new to it. I first heard Scotty in 2008 at my high school and it all made so much sense to me but My dad is a low-key conspiracy theorist so I had known about W. Veith and stuff, lol. I was amazed how much my peers took offense to the thought that the devil had a hand in media and no matter how subtle it could be. Honestly, I felt that from your crew, SWTS, maybe not towards the end, but almost as if, y’all couldn’t even entertain the thought that this is rigged against us. I did appreciate the healthy conversation and landing on “we’re on the same team” because we are! I follow both ministries and will continue to do so.
@caleschnell 3 ай бұрын
Lol, nothing that Walter Veith speaks about is conspiratorial. You have just confirmed that )3$û!t$ rule Adventist education by calling the revelation of truth something of a "conspiratorial" nature. You don't believe Satan uses human agencies as to employ his malevolent plans upon this earth?
@reginahailey4150 3 ай бұрын
@fallenexposure9663 3 ай бұрын
Little Light Studios got some bangers, I'm not an Adventist but I appreciate the content. I put elm in a similar camp to Good Fight Ministries content wise.
@chisomonthulane5920 3 ай бұрын
So...I watched this 2 days ago but I've been ruminating to gather my thoughts. I think this was a conversation that needed to be had. As someone who has listened to some of the content on Little Light Studios KZbin I would say I sometimes found myself feeling absolutely guilty when watching films and I've had to ask myself where that comes from. I grew up in a conservative local SDA church and more often than not emphasis was placed on what one shouldn't do rather than the liberty one actually has in Christ as a result of being in relationship with Him (something I learned later on in life after moving to what some might call a more liberal church). Having been on both sides I agree with what Scotty says about law and love meeting in the middle (I might be misquoting him but essentially that's what I understood from him in terms of bridging the gap between conservatives and liberals and how we approach sharing truth). I think it is necessary to be aware of the fact that we are on the "devil's playground" by virtue of living on this earth but I also don't think it benefits me to constantly be focused on what the devil is up to every second of every day, the Bible tells us to be aware but nowhere does it tell us to be fixated on what the devil may/may not be doing. I think by doing so we end up losing our focus on God. Also, I love and agree with everything Eric said. I fear that deciding what forms of entertainment to consume based on whether there supposedly is a hidden agenda can also create another form of a works-based system, ie. because I'm not consuming such and such, therefore I must be right with God, meanwhile one's heart and actions in other instances are still filthy. And that can be harmful to one's spiritual growth or lack thereof. Yes, be aware. Yes, be mindful. However, I also think the beauty of God can be found in some of the most unexpected places.
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
Really appreciate you sharing your thoughts/experience, Chisomo! Thanks for listening 💛
@kathleenguagliardo6693 2 күн бұрын
I love Scotty’s work and I don’t think the “majority “ would disagree.
@1DamienJ 3 ай бұрын
Great discussion and it’s important to have conversations like this with differing perspectives in a respectful manner. I would say that before I had ever heard of little light studios, I had a conviction to leave worldly entertainment and music behind because it is very obvious that it is all increasingly displaying wickedness in plain sight. There is very little in the way of film, tv or music that can be of any benefit to the mind of an individual. After spending a little time studying the topic, it is very clear the Word of God warns us to guard our minds and our eyes against looking at wickedness and worldly things. In the light of what the Bible teaches, I would caution any Christian who thinks it’s safe to view or listen to worldly entertainment. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:15
@blueticks8423 3 ай бұрын
I agree with you 100%. The only pushback I would offer is; how do You define “worldly” entertainment? Is it anything that isn’t specifically branded as Christian?
@sharidandan4172 3 ай бұрын
The motive of the person making a movie is absolutely pointless. The content is whats important. Phil 4:8 should be the guide for everything that Christians watch or read
@IGuessItsSketchyT 3 ай бұрын
then ninjago narnia and amphibia met your standard.
@sharidandan4172 3 ай бұрын
@@IGuessItsSketchyT what do you mean?
@IGuessItsSketchyT 3 ай бұрын
@@sharidandan4172 do the shows I listed fit your standard
@armageddon1434 3 ай бұрын
Is there a Great Controversy or is there not one? Who is the god of this world? Who is the god of Hollywood?
@vanessarodriguez7189 2 ай бұрын
I think Scott is on a God inspired mission. Please keep teaching God's ways and warning us/the youth about the enemies distractions and deceptions!
@NotJoKing2Me 3 ай бұрын
Think about what an actor is. A pretender. An imitator. A deceiver. Think about what a camera is. ‘Promise of immortality.’ Not honest. “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing from the Word of God.”
@IGuessItsSketchyT 3 ай бұрын
You are very deluded
@caleschnell 3 ай бұрын
​@@IGuessItsSketchyT Cringe L Take 😂
@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 3 ай бұрын
@@IGuessItsSketchyT The Greeks with whom theatrical performance originated were pretty open about the fact that demonic spirits would enter them and perform through them. Then the most prominent modern day actors and musicians like Beyonce come out and say exactly the same things.
@lcbd95 2 ай бұрын
I want to commend Scotty and the team at Little Light Studios for their outstanding ministry. They do an excellent job using Scripture to highlight the dangers of consuming media from Hollywood, encouraging us to leave behind worldly pleasures and focus on Christ and the Bible. Their dedication to promoting a Christ-centered life is truly inspiring. However, I was disappointed with the hosts of the "Seeking What They Sought" podcast, who are SDA pastors. It seems they treat the Bible as if it were grey rather than black and white. This approach is dangerous and misrepresents our church's values. The Bible is clear on these matters: "Abstain from all appearance of evil" (1 Thessalonians 5:22), and "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" (Ephesians 5:11).God expressly forbids involvement in magic and sorcery: "There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer" (Deuteronomy 18:10). Indulging in things that don't lead us to Christ is dangerous, and if we fail to see this, we are not being led by heavenly powers. "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14).We often take for granted the time in which we live. There were moments in the Bible where if a priest had any sin in his life and stepped foot into the sanctuary, he would drop dead (Leviticus 10:1-2; 16:2). Now, we have pastors who are modern-day priests bringing worldly entertainment into the church, presenting it as good and using it as an illustration for the gospel. This is a serious matter, as it dilutes the sanctity of our worship and misleads the congregation. Let's stay committed to biblical principles and support ministries like Little Light Studios that uphold these truths.
@NotJoKing2Me 3 ай бұрын
Movies in themselves ARE rituals in practice. Magic on the Set. “Scene=seen”
@IGuessItsSketchyT 3 ай бұрын
You are very deluded. As well.
@kiannaarante2234 3 ай бұрын
Thank y’all for such an authentic discussion. May we all draw nearer to Jesus. Praise God!
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
@timohoffmann1888 3 ай бұрын
Concerning witchcraft. It is not only in the books of the Old Testament who warns us about it, but the book of revelation 21:8 tells us that sorcerers will experience the 2nd death. Should we therefore participate in by watching it?
@TSN-WVK08 2 ай бұрын
The thing is magic in literature is very different from biblical descriptions of magic.
@timohoffmann1888 2 ай бұрын
@@TSN-WVK08 I disagree. I think it is even more subtle today and many christians dont realize it anymore because they want these things in their lives
@7thewitness 20 күн бұрын
​@@TSN-WVK08Acts 19 18 And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. 19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. 20 So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
@kwayneboy1524 9 күн бұрын
​@@timohoffmann1888so what? They want anything to their hearts content but magic and wizards and all that silly nonsense doesn't exist.
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
Stop talking about conservative vs liberal!! Truth is truth
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
What these guys are not understanding is that these movies eventually silence your conscience. It doesn’t happen from one day to another. In fact you can still be religious, but your world perspective is not Biblical anymore ( the Bible call it adultery, spiritual adultery) at some point that you start dragging other people away from God without even knowing, in fact you may think you doing God’s will.
@caleschnell 3 ай бұрын
What do you expect when Adventist schools have been adulterated with Jesuitical, worldly education where reason and conscience are wholly silenced and blind obedience to authority is to be wholly the object of your life. Ted Wilson and others have destroyed Adventist schools by bringing spiritual formation into Adventist education; this is Ignatian spirituality where you become indwelled by a papal spirit of adhering blind obedience to authority. Why else would it be that some of these men like things of a worldly, secular nation? Because of the utter destruction of true education by the Scriptures and putting forth worldly standards where the Bible ought to be. The whole of Adventist education is about degree, degree, degree; the puffing about of science so falsely called. The traditions and sayings of men have replaced where the Scriptures ought to be. Men are to be in tune with the laws of his being and by exalting worldly standards, principles, and values-the violations of these laws naturally bears sway. This is the essence of Ignatian spirituality; reimagine reality-left is right and right is left. It is the inversion of God's principles. It is an antinomian, anti-Christ spirit which why it is wholly Babylonian.
@delianazarethmoraleslara3755 2 ай бұрын
I have seen that they don't watch the movies they Talk about (they do research) and they don't recommend them. I think what they do is a warning for the people Who have watched them so they can be critic and set the movie's message in biblical and prophetic context.
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 2 ай бұрын
@@delianazarethmoraleslara3755 Not speaking of little lights ministry.
@knowinghimministries4556 20 күн бұрын
Slippery slope fallacy
@knowinghimministries4556 20 күн бұрын
@@delianazarethmoraleslara3755it not that deep
@7silvermetals 3 ай бұрын
Scott clearly articulates what I have thought and felt about the movie industry since I renewed my mind with the word of God. The last movie I paid to see at a theater was Avatar. It was clearly wholeheartedly preaching satan's globalist, lucifarian agenda. Unless someone has a true conversion, and continues renewing thier mind by reading, understanding, and knowing the true doctrines of the Bible as taught by Jesus Christ and his original Apostolic Church, they will not be able discern the subtle deceptions of the enemy, and how he uses people to create his counterfiet doctrines " The Wine of Babylon". Romans 8:5 (NKJV) For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. I Corinthians 2:14 (NKJV) But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
@NotJoKing2Me 3 ай бұрын
‘Walk by faith and not by sight” . All , ALL of our senses are under the attack of deception. God’s Word is Black and White. Man will always find ways to justify his sin. We should be separate from evil and not do as evil does.
@willrobinson247 2 ай бұрын
I really like the story that Scotty told about the guy who was into Spiderman who invited him on his show. I notice that the guy had been abused and found inspiration not to take him on life through a Spiderman comic book and story. One thing I notice about that story was that the young man say the good in the story of Spiderman. We must remember that Satan mixes evil and good together. God separates darkness from the light. This guy at that moment of inspiration saw the good. He was inspired by the good and now he uses the good side of the Spider man story and Superhero story to reach others. I get it. I see this a lot with modern "Gospel" music and "Christian" Hip-Hop music. What I realize is that we are not all going to think the same. We are not all going to see things the same way. We must be loving and tolerate of others because although their way isn't our way it might be a way to reach people for God.
@mitchykidd8905 3 ай бұрын
That was a good discussion with healthy debate. As someone who has been unfortunately on both sides I can definitely say the secular lifestyle has definitely made too strong an impression on my mind especially when it comes to music and movies, especially star wars for me. I wish I'd been an Adventist from birth. When we say we can just take the good out of secular things, it may be possible, but we also take in the bad. Jesus said to not be of this world John 17:16. What movies tend to teach/show is sin and make it look good, especially with the follow your heart principles, with scores of kills, loose sex, glorifying drug use etc! One thing I do notice about many Adventists, especially ones that have grown up in the church is they won't the best of both worlds and justify secular choices and convince themselves that movies music etc doesn't affect them and this is very dangerous which I believe is walking on the wide path! We must remember that we have an enemy who is very subtle that feeds us sweet poison that doesn't kill us straight away but if we keep giving him the chance he'll take joy in finishing us off, Ephesians 6:12 is a very powerful verse. Blessings to everyone and those 2 hours flew by!
@sharonjohnson1669 10 күн бұрын
Jesus says if I be lifted I will draw all men unto me.
@SDAPillarsofFaith 2 ай бұрын
All of the movies discussed hold a gnostic component... so they ARE teaching spiritual things, just not the truth.
@willrobinson247 2 ай бұрын
They key to all of this is that we as Adventist must look at the character of the Pharisee, Sadducees and the disciples. There was a time when neither thought that Jesus way was the right way Jesus knew this and his responds to this was love. He love God, Neighbor which included his enemies. The question is can we love those who think and teach differently that we do? It's not a question of can we love them it's more less like we must love them.
@dushyfacchinello4118 3 ай бұрын
Yes, the media we consume can impact our thinking, emotions, and behavior. What we watch can affect us in a number of ways, including: Mood Positive shows can improve our mood and help us sleep, while violent or dark content can increase stress and disrupt sleep. News Watching or listening to the news regularly can have a negative impact on mental health, especially if the majority of what we consume is negative. According to a survey by GrowTherapy, 99.6% of therapists say that news coverage can harm both the mind and body. Screen time Excessive TV viewing, defined as four or more hours a day, has been linked to an increased risk of developing brain-based disorders like dementia, depression, and Parkinson's disease. A study by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute found that people who watched an extra hour and a half of TV per day in mid-to-late adulthood had a 0.5% reduction in brain volume. Another study found that children who spent more than two hours a day on screen time activities scored lower on language and thinking tests, and some children who spent more than seven hours a day experienced thinning of the brain's cortex.
@terriwood5348 3 ай бұрын
Why wouldn’t Satan use the media, movies, etc to reach the masses. Like he said! It would be stupid for him not to.
@IGuessItsSketchyT 3 ай бұрын
Then satan is behind ninjago dragons rising.
@caleschnell 3 ай бұрын
​@@IGuessItsSketchyT Cringe L take
@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 3 ай бұрын
@@IGuessItsSketchyT Martial arts are occult practises for obtaining demonic power and dragons are the symbol God chose to use of the great enemy of humanity. Even your attempts at mockery can't help but point directly to biblical truth.
@kwayneboy1524 9 күн бұрын
​@@MichaelWilliams-eq4ktso I shouldn't learn karate or kung fu to defend myself?
@MichaelWilliams-eq4kt 9 күн бұрын
@@kwayneboy1524 You can do whatever you want to but the origin of any given thing exists whether people care to know it or not. Martial arts were developed as a means of attaining demonic power. It is a conditioning of the mind even more so than the body and the conditioning is open paganism.
@aprilpitcher9103 3 ай бұрын
50:50 we must give up the world because if we don’t we will sink with the world
@multicrogamer 3 ай бұрын
I 100% agree with Scotty. Ancient aliens, influenced me to seek them as saviors when i was kid. It has been the thing that stuck with me. Same with matrix, for some people it's very seductive, gnosis, knowledge was my weakness, pursuit of it. All these films were offering truth...
@scatwater 3 ай бұрын
Commenting for the Algorithm. This is the first time finding your content. I clicked because of Scott. I very much enjoyed the discussion. I look forward looking back at your previous content. Where can I find out who you all are and your intent and focus. Gen X but I am to lazy to go to the other platforms.. lol edit Where can I find the Ivor Myer interview?
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
Hey Scott! So glad you found us! Here below is a link to our linktree. The main place where we post regular and communicate with listeners these days is our Instagram page. It contains our mission and updates on content. Check it out! As for Ivor, that’s not out but may just be on the way!
@crackedwindowproductions 3 ай бұрын
I have a lot to say about this topic. There is way too much to say in this comment. But i want to start with this. EVERYONE has a different view and are on a different spirutal path than others. What one may think is black and white, another could see the subjective gray on the matter. Media is a huge passion of mine and this is a very important topic. I wish i could say all my views but my thumbs are sore ha ba.
@davidfoster262 3 ай бұрын
Is there a demon in every fart?
@Matthew.Williams.coffee_chats 3 ай бұрын
Why does this comment not have thousands of thumbs up? I'm dieing laughing.
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
@kwayneboy1524 9 күн бұрын
If you have chocolate milk and a plate of oysters maybe.
@aprilpitcher9103 3 ай бұрын
39:16 right on Scotty!
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
Stop fighting what the spirit of God is telling guys!!! It is not Scott telling you, it is the spirit of God telling you to be careful what you put in your mind, but if you keep rejecting that notion, how can God reach your mind to teach you greater things
@built_to_serve_off_grid 2 ай бұрын
Amen and amen 🙏 @ 1:30:55
@timohoffmann1888 3 ай бұрын
God is light, in Him is no darkness at all. I think we can try to see in every movie, music etc. something good, if we want too. And yes, you will find good things in alcoholic wine. That's the reason why people argue that alcoholic wine is good for you. But why should I choose something that has obviously poison in it, not going and drinking the pure grape juice, which cannot have a bad influence on me. Yes, not every one who drinks one glass of wine becomes and drunkard, but for some it started with this exactly one glass of wine that they ended up being a drunkard. I think, and I don't say this to attack someone, but I think we often try to see the good in things, which the Bible clearly defines as evil, because we still love these things. Take for instant Lord of the rings. Why should I watch something that entertains me about sorcery. Again, you can argue and say: "But I learned something good from it, I got all the advantages of the grape juice." - But don't you see that you also got the poison with it in the same time??? All of us know, that Satan is promoting his agenda in the context of truth. He is mixing up error with truth. I agree with you guys, that you can become extreme and see the devil in everything. But in the same time I want to say, that coming from the world, having participated in all these things and being now born again makes you very sensitive to things, which some adventist, who never left the church, have an blind eye to it and being not that sensitive to it, as I believe, we should be. Because the great controversy is about our mind, our character. God is offering us the best, the pure real thing, which is the grape juice. We can freely enjoy it without the possibility of receiving poison and might go down a path, that we didnt expect the first time when we had our first drink. And again, not every one goes that way down - but to some it will happen - what would never happen, if they would have chosen the grape juice.
@OverMasteringDeception 3 ай бұрын
"By beholding we become changed" Read your bible, stop consuming content from the world. Scotty nailed it.
@kenroberts3840 3 ай бұрын
Is Jesus liberal or conservative in what your talking about?
@seekingwhattheysought8247 3 ай бұрын
This is a great question Ken! In my mind Jesus wasn’t liberal or conservative as we use those monikers. He was definitely incredibly progressive about some things (speaking to the Samaritan at the well, it is lawful to do good on the sabbath, etc), but he was also incredibly orthodox/traditional on others (“I have come not to abolish the law but to fulfill it,” flipping tables at the temple, etc). His Way confronts and convicts both conservative and the liberal. Anyway just my two cents - Anthony
@CaptMoo 3 ай бұрын
He so looks like Seth Rogen (with a tenor voice) by the way
@aprilpitcher9103 3 ай бұрын
37:57 there is no excuse for sin. Movies glorify sin and spiritualism.
@blueticks8423 3 ай бұрын
I used to subscribe, used to buy their merch, and even used to support their ministry on a monthly basis. For me, the episode where they accused CS Lewis of being in occult type secret societies was the point where I couldn’t support them anymore. They had extremely weak evidence that they were basing their claims on and to me, it was super irresponsible to make that big of a claim about someone, especially someone so revered across all of Christendom, and not have really good evidence. That was it for me. I didn’t feel like I could trust their content to be well researched anymore. I wish them the best and hope the Lord blesses their ministry but I couldn’t stand by that.
@mlopez2015 3 ай бұрын
CS Lewis has practices in the occult do your OWN research please. Anything you view on YT you need to do your own research.
@blueticks8423 3 ай бұрын
@@mlopez2015 I did. I found nothing substantial. Only hearsay at best.
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
Ohhhh, you probably need to go back and prayerfully read cs Lewis and compared with the Bible says, to see how shuttle his deception are. Just as the serpent in the garden of Eden. But is for you CS Lewis is perfect, unblemished, without error. Well, what can you do.
@blueticks8423 3 ай бұрын
@@kevinRosatto-mi6rr you must be confused. That’s what you believe about Ellen White, not what I think about CS Lewis. How’s it feel?
@simonemal1025 3 ай бұрын
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
We will be ignorant to say that there is not enemy of the souls, and that this movies are just entertaining us…that’s when you know that you have been so influenced that you can not even recognized the truth.
@ericapotter8000 4 ай бұрын
I used to subscribe to LED channel, but I don’t anymore because they show too much demonic activities content that I think it is too dark and unnecessary. For example: commenting about every little demonic activity on a movie or video clip more than talking about Jesus. In my opinion, I think it is unnecessary to dwell on this topic and it is a very dangerous ground to walk for those who do this type of work because they are exposing themselves too much to this type of content. I admire and respect Scott Mayers work with young people, but I think he should think about showing the devil too much more than Jesus.
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
You w’ll be surprised how many Christians watch those things thinking it has no effect in there lives. Not everything they produce I watch, why? Because It is not relevant to me, but I am a great supporter of what they are doing to bring the conversation to people that other wise would never have a conversation about God
@reginahailey4150 3 ай бұрын
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
These guys are trying to excuse their lustful desires for entertainment.
@richielyfe 3 ай бұрын
@kimwitt8398 4 ай бұрын
I love seeking What they sought but man are your guys brutal in this interview… so critical and judgmental… feels like you just invited him on your show too criticize him… I watch and follow SDA content so I can be uplifted and have a Christlike spirit after I’ve watched a program or podcast but this was hard to watch and I’m kind of disappointed a how Scotty was interviewed it felt Ugly, brutal and hard to watch…. I had to stop watching
@andresizo 4 ай бұрын
They sort of addressed this at the end.
@JamesZ-t9x 4 ай бұрын
The discussion was respectful and all parties appreciated and stated so that the discussion happened. We have to be able to have difficult discussions. This is a good example of individuals don’t agree but could understand why they don’t agree.
@sherielynlavisores3605 3 ай бұрын
I felt that too as someone who follows and watches led live 😢 but this was also a helpful conversation.
@blueticks8423 3 ай бұрын
I really didn’t get that impression. This was an excellent conversation. A conversation doesn’t have to be a bunch of people in the same echo chamber just agreeing with everything the other says. This is the point of dialog. This is why there is a body of Christ. To balance each other out so we don’t go off into extremes on either side. I thought both sides were super cordial and seemed to be willing to be honest about points of disagreement while seeking to find the truth.
@JamesZ-t9x 3 ай бұрын
@@blueticks8423 Completely agree - we need more mature good willed conversations that encourage understanding the disagreements at a deeper level. Disagreements are usually driven by issues underlying the issue being discussed. A mature society needs to be able to communicate without being pulled into this “I must debate and win” mentality. Liked your observation about avoiding staying in echo chambers.
@armageddon1434 3 ай бұрын
I don't think you guess listen to news or know your history.
@reginahailey4150 3 ай бұрын
@CaptMoo 3 ай бұрын
Man, so good... didnt know Little Light Studios, and Scott just hit the nail so many times. (The pornography example hit hard) Loved this one. And I just love how you can have a conversation and smile with someone who doesnt think like you. Its so cool... At the end of the day, I abide with "test everything; hold fast what is good". Hopefully if I feel Im being influenced in a negative way, I will be wise enough to walk away. #storytime I too like to get some positives in movies. Weird thing, I love the movie "Split". It;s a dark movie for "a sda" to watch , but at the end of the movie, Romans 8:28 popped in my head, because a woman who was abused as a child, was saved of being killed by a monster, thanks to her horrible experience as a child. If she didnt went through those difficult moments of abuse, she wouldve been dead. So, sometimes we dont understand the bad things that happen to us, but, all things work together for good... #storytime2 I remember my pastors did an awesome Childrens Sabbath and the sermon was based on Encanto, decorations and all, then the next Sabbath, the ministerial director of the conference came to preach about the church is a house of prayer, not a theater... mercy... hahaha
@KatiePencilArtist 3 ай бұрын
‭Isaiah 5:20 NIV‬ [20] Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
@KatiePencilArtist 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Scott for your input. The devil is behind everything evil and his deceptions are very subtle. Pray for discernment!
@sherielynlavisores3605 3 ай бұрын
Thank you scotty and to your minsitry ❤
@sharidandan4172 3 ай бұрын
"Media on the brain" from belt of truth ministry is a great follow up for this conversation.
@karlmau7944 4 ай бұрын
So easy to take either extreme side but like everything there is nuance and everyone is different. Such a delicate line to walk to not turn people off especially young people within the church and raising young kids. I would say in the last couple years I’ve come to understand more about formation, what is forming you? (Thanks John Mark Comer) Pretty easy to sit down to watch a movie for 2 hours not so easy to pray or read the bible for 2 hours or any other spiritual discipline The latest series has really had me thinking hard, so Thankyou.
@built_to_serve_off_grid 2 ай бұрын
"And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace." I couldn't picture our Savior watching movies. Everything (stories, accounts, parables) we need to know in order to know Him are found in His word and in Scripture. Also, we find counsel and additional encouragement through His prophets, "Believe in the LORD your God, and you will be able to stand firm. Believe in his prophets, and you will succeed.” 2 Chronicles 20:20 By beholding, we become changed is what scripture says. Yes everyone can look at something and draw their own conclusions, but there is only one truth, one way. You either are inspired by the spirit of God, or by another spirit, every thought , action, belief, idea, etc.. May we draw closer to Christ than ever before and cut ties with anything that gets in the way of us moving closer to Him🙏
@Matthew.Williams.coffee_chats 3 ай бұрын
One thing that has slightly been touched on but didn't get the attention it needs is the power of intention. For instance, deviation is evil as this guy suggests and clearly provided biblical examples. However what was the urim and thummin and the casting of lots which is clearly a form of cleromancy. A form of deviation. We see prophets of God taking part in deviation, the casting of lots. Think Jonah. We see priests taking part in deviation with the urim and thummin. How about animal sacrifices? Made to God with pure intentions it's received as a way to bring cleansing to the people. Made to Baal or any other number of false gods and it's an act of evil. Worship and signing worship songs. Made toward God joyfully and/or reverant is acceptable. Yet the same reverance given to an idol is not clearly wrong. Even sex for that matter with in the structure of a loving safe marriage it is pure and beautiful. However outside of those confines it can become very contrast to pure and beautiful and began to take on selfishness and selfservice, which seems to me to be the roots of sin. So how do we deal with this. One is truly the instruction of to whom and why, the intentions. It seems it's not so black and white. Intention and the structural confines of Scripture seems to be very key. Granted, I am no theologian. I just play one on Shabbat. I'm no historian and my voice is of little to no importance or value for that matter. Especially in this conversation. Yet, I constantly find a lack of understanding of ancient near eastern culture and more so semitic culture. Which our faith is rooted in culturally and to the whom the people our scriptures are written for and about. We are trying to place and more often force our cultural understandings on the scriptures. When in fact we need to do the opposite. We need to understand the culture of the east or we completely miss the boat. We try to take a few verses here and there and create whole theology on the theological gymnastics we perform. We must understand full context of the full biblical narrative and find balance. We try to make some things so black and white and yet when I read Jesus' words he seems to have one clear black and white, either Love or not Love. What's the easiest way to heaven is to love God and love our neighbor. In authentic relationship rooted in love, God transforms us and we become love. Anyway, great conversation. Grace and Peace ✌️
@dushyfacchinello4118 3 ай бұрын
Our young people are leaving the church in drones. What they watch has affected them. What you put in your mind has so many consequences. One of my friends son worked creating games that are violent, he said that it destroyed his mind so much that he became so angry and depressed. Gods want our mind to stay on Him. Fall in love with God over and over again and the things of the world will fade away.
@TSN-WVK08 2 ай бұрын
No the reason is because of legalism kind of like LED
@kwayneboy1524 9 күн бұрын
Are sure there aren't other reasons for his anger aside from his job? Or other reasons people are leaving your church?
@PatrikMolina 3 ай бұрын
Love little light studio! Their content is on point and very informative! It does make me question what Hollywood puts out there and why!
@kevinRosatto-mi6rr 3 ай бұрын
The way these guys speak sound like they do not believe in every word of the Word of God. So sad
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