Does anyone know what software/service he uses to do the animations? Cheers.
@wertywerrtyson55292 жыл бұрын
Believing you can’t succeed is probably the biggest reason people don’t succeed. You need to believe it possible in order to do it. My wife and her sister became the first in their small village in the Brazilian countryside to go to collage. Not because they came from the best family. In fact they were laughed at for not affording shoes or backpacks and not because schools were good in fact the school was terrible. But because they decided that studying hard and believing they could get scholarships was possible and they both went to university. Their brother who didn’t believe there was any point in studying did not and is still in the village. Of course this still wouldn’t have been possible without the government scholarship and that the parents did everything to help with what little they had and not everyone will succeed even if they try but trying hard gets you most of the way there. If you just give up and not believe it possible it certainly won’t happen.
@Chris-cd9se2 жыл бұрын
I live in Australia, where the greatest facilitator of generational poverty is the parliaments' welfare state. The welfare states ensures that the dishonest poor do not feel the weight of their lifestyle choices, and so, the dire need to get to work and accumulate wealth is removed; hereditary poverty is the anticipated result. Of course, it suits the parliaments to have the people dependent upon them, for they will not bite the hand that feeds them. Interestingly, the parliaments' welfare state also provides a great hindrance to the ability of the productive class to accumulate wealth. This results from the back-breaking taxation required to fund the welfare state. So, we see that welfarism has the effect of facilitating hereditary poverty, and hindering hereditary wealth. And the solution? Well, it's obvious isn't it: abolish the welfare state! I should add, that the only people who merit financial assistance are those who were born disabled from work, for being disabled from work, we are duty-bound to work for them.
@kevineyster1ify2 жыл бұрын
This video does not account for the fact that our government passes laws which if you break you go to jail, then after serving your jail time you are labeled a felon and because of that label you are not allowed to work or make money the same way as everybody else do you are excused from being able to be productive, which is like being punished twice for the same supposed crime.
@23232323rdurian2 жыл бұрын
very similar to how LANGUAGE gets learned by little kids, and passed down thru generations and history, over millenia... is your language ? Nope, but nearly so...... people's basic attitudes and personalities are largely formed as little kids....biggest influence is their Mom if you were lucky to be born with a Mom with good parenting skills, that's a huge advantage. and vice-versa. it's passed on generation to generation by usually Moms.....can go back many generations.... correlation is so tight it could as nearly hereditary....and sorta IS, but not genetically..... like LANGUAGE for example.... what language is a little kid gonna grow up speaking? whatever his Mom taught him.....and back deep into history, generation thru generation..... That's how Spanish evolved from Latin over 1000s of years...... very gradually and intimately, mother-to-child thruout 100s of generations... ============================================ cuz after all, when you're a new Mom, how do you know how to raise your kid? you base your approach on what YOUR Mom did for you as a child... of course when I say it could be whoever raises a small, grannie, stranger...whoever....but usually and traditionally it's Mom.... => pretty hard to intervene too, when there's obvious poor-parenting involved... cuz Mom to Baby is a very intimate relationship....
@panamahub2 жыл бұрын
Causes of poverty are different for every individual? Circumstances, preferences, life choices all influence your economic state and it's different for every person.