"Is Seventh-day Adventism A Cult?" A Respone To The Recent Perry's Podcast Exposing Misinformation!

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Isaac Olatunji Jr.

Isaac Olatunji Jr.

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“Is Seventh-day Adventism A Cult?” A Respone To The Recent Perry's Podcast Exposing Misinformation!

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@INEEDYOUHolyspirit688 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Jesus for revealing your word to me. I was fooled into observing Sunday as your Holy day, thank you for showing me the light 🙏🏾
@michelledaley28 3 ай бұрын
It is a bible, don’t be disingenuous. It’s called The Clear Word Bible and is sold as such. Thou shalt not lie is also a commandment you should not break.
@INEEDYOUHolyspirit688 3 ай бұрын
@@michelledaley28it is not the clear word bible. Show me where it says ‘bible’ on the cover or inside the book? The copy I have says it’s ‘an expanded paraphrase’ nowhere does it say it’s a bible. All the other bibles I have say they are ‘bibles’, the Clear Word doesn’t.
@dedralewis246 3 ай бұрын
Thank you, Dr. O for this Biblical rebuttal from Perry's podcast. Well explained. And when they say that the Clear Word is the SDA Biible is wrong. We use the KJV. we can now drop the mic.
@michelledaley28 3 ай бұрын
Well isn’t it endorsed and sold by the conference and church? Why hasn’t this blasphemous bible been removed? It should never have been published in the first place!
@INEEDYOUHolyspirit688 3 ай бұрын
@@michelledaley28it’s not a bible it’s a paraphrase.
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
Really? Sold in thé bible section of Adventism bookstores?​@@INEEDYOUHolyspirit688
@jamesleibensperger6489 3 ай бұрын
God bless you brother, the S.D.A. church ⛪️ is considered as people of the Book!! No one is a cult here!
@beedido439 3 ай бұрын
And the dragon is still persecuting the woman! That’s all this is. The Sabbath is a perpetual sign to the people of God. Praise the Lord for His clear guidance! 🙏❤️🙏
@margaretakamargowilliams-c1341 3 ай бұрын
Speak 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️on it Pastor Olatunji….The truth shall set us free in Christ Jesus’ name! Amen 🙏🏽
@nathaliec7330 3 ай бұрын
Thank you brother for rebuking false teachers I pray that people ask for the light for them self and God will reveal them the truth 🙏🏻
@jaysterb1 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Dr. O for your insight and commentary. ☝☝🙏🙏
@emmanuelsoita999 3 ай бұрын
Amen pastor
@sweetrose123 3 ай бұрын
@Isaac Olatunji Jr. Dr O., earlier today you were asking the question at the Sunday Law Update as to whether you should go onto the Perry's podcast if invited. I was one of the ones in the chat giving several names of who should go onto the podcast. I believe that if they ever ask you, you should prayerfully consider it. It may or may not be God's will for you to do so, that is why it would need to be a matter of prayer. I know that these kinds of things are hard to decide since we should not debate. Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such as time as this? Blessings Pastor!
@taramunroe8796 3 ай бұрын
The Catholic point was so good. The irony of others calling sdas a cult is wild.
@chrissmogaka 3 ай бұрын
You broke this down so well !
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
The law was one unit. 1st kings 2, 3 And keep thé charge of thé Lord to walk in his ways to keep his statues and his judgements and his commandements as it IS written in thé law of Moses.
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
Sabbath Sabbath, Sabbath adventism has made the sabbath their idol
@delyntadeb3260 3 ай бұрын
It's the other way around. It is the most controversial command of God today
@niknatpattywack4293 3 ай бұрын
Ridiculous…If you love me keep my commandments…How can the Sabbath be an idol because of being obedient??
@sophiajohnson4755 3 ай бұрын
Y God,this is very concerning
@thomaszibelli5066 3 ай бұрын
There are religious groups like the house of Yahweh that also keep the feast days 3 times a year. They believe people who break the 7th day Sabbath and the feast days are following Tradition from the Catholic Church in sin! 🤔
@zaratabari 2 ай бұрын
"Is Seventh-day Adventism A Cult?" Acknowledging and keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath is not cultic(cult) It is Adventism=Adventist that is the CULT aka EGW and her writings & SDA's devotion to them for her writings are indeed questionable at best. eg. Introduction written by the EGW Trustees; The prophetic gift and EGW; God chose many ways to reveal his will to his people one of which was the ‼️MEDIUM‼️⁉️ of prophets. Excerpts from EGW's The unpardonable sin; That which he had before acknowledged to be the Holy Spirit was the power of Satan. It is through the ‼️MEDIUM⁉️ of his spirit that God works upon the heart👀Duet.18:10-12>(11)or a charmer or a consulter with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer< Why would Yahuah refer to his prophets as ‼️MEDIUMS⁉️ or the Holy Spirit as a ‼️MEDIUM⁉️when he says "these things are an abomination"
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
It certainly does not feel good to be misrepresented by other people of influence. What would Jesus do if He was misrepresented? How do we think the Angel Gabriel felt when from 1844 to 2024 many Millerites have and SDAs continue to misrepresent the angelic interpretation given in Daniel 8:15-27 to explain Daniel 8:9-14? In 1844 when the churches who rejected the false date setting of the Millerite Movement, those churches were misrepresented by being called Babylon. They were also misrepresented as having no more salvation by a "shut door." Why? Because they believed Jesus' words which said: “¶But of that DAY and that HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark 13:32, KJV) And when nothing happened on October 22nd 1844, how did God feel when Ellen White seemed to suggest that God was the Author of Mistakes and Lies? "I have SEEN that the 1843 chart was DIRECTED BY THE HAND OF THE LORD, and that it should not be altered; that the FIGURES WERE AS HE WANTED THEM; that HIS HAND was over and HID A MISTAKE in some of the figures, so that none could see it, until His hand was removed." {Early Writings, 74.1} EGW was saying that she saw in vision, that God directed false dates, and hid those false dates with His hand. According to the Bible narrative, was God ever the Author of Lies? Or is He always the Author of truth? “That by two immutable things, in which it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that WITHIN THE VEIL; Whither the forerunner IS FOR US ENTERED, even Jesus, made an HIGH PRIEST for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” (Hebrews 6:18-20, KJV) If one claims to believe the Bible narrative, then one would definitely have to admit that long before 1844, the Bible writer of Hebrews was teaching that Messiah entered the Most Holy Place "within the veil" before 70AD, which is over 1774 years before 1844 AD. Which means that God has been misrepresented from 1844 to 1915 and by Ellen White and by her followers from 1844 to 2024. Some repented of the misrepresentations. The person who first wrote out the 1844 Shut Door, Investigative Judgment teaching, ORL Crozier, HUMBLY discarded his old teachings and admitted: "On account of our ignorance of the scriptures my argument was more fully and more widely accepted than it deserved to be." The 1844 Investigative Judgment prophetess said: "William Miller had no sympathy with those influences that led to fanaticism." GC 396.2 What did Miller have to say which showed that he clearly rejected Ellen White and all the so called "light" that they taught? On August 1st, 1845, Miller confessed: "We expected the personal coming of Christ at that time; and now to contend that we were not (1)MISTAKEN, is DISHONEST. We should never be ashamed FRANKLY to confess our (1)ERRORS. I have no confidence in any of the new theories that grew out of that movement, namely, that (2)Christ then came as the BRIDEGROOM, (3)that the DOOR OF MERCY WAS CLOSED, (4)that there is NO SALVATION FOR SINNERS, (5)that the seventh trumpet then sounded, or that it was a (6)FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY IN ANY SENSE." WMAD 28-30 "The *CALLING OF ALL CHURCHES* , that do not embrace the doctrine of the advent, *BABYLON,* I before remarked, was the means of our not being listened to with candor; and also, that I regarded it as *A PERVERSION OF SCRIPTURE.* This I think all will see who compare Revelation 14 and 18., and observe the chronology of the fall of Babylon." WMAD 30.2 (Pages 28-30 of the pdf found at: archive.org/details/william-millers-apology-and-defence-august-1) m.egwwritings.org/en/book/1427.131#173 ...... Fellow Adventists, please do not complain about feeling misrepresented, because as a lifelong SDA, I am saddened by how our SDA ministries often misrepresent Bible writers to teach our own Eisegetical Doctrines. And those very teachings are indeed cultish. Sadly.
@ProjectLatterRain 3 ай бұрын
The interpretation of 1844 being the ending date of the 2300 days is correct. Daniel 9:25 gives the correct beginning which was 457 BC which takes you to 1844. Daniel 8 and 9 are companion chapters. So the real question is, is 1844 correct? Most definitely! Rev. 1 and 4 has Christ and the Father in front of the 7 branched candlestick which is found in the first apartment which shows that Christ went through the first veil and began His High Priestly ministration in fulfillment of the type as mentioned in Heb. 8:5 and 9:1-7 which foreshadowed Christ's holy place and most holy place ministry. So there's no contradiction.
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
@@ProjectLatterRain i like how short and to the point you were. Here are longer details: You: "The interpretation of 1844 being the ending date of the 2300 days is correct." Me: No it's not. Daniel 8:1-14 alone proves it. And Daniel 8:15-27 when the Angel gave the interpretation, saying nothing about an investigative judgment in heaven starting in 1844, nor was there a vision of Christ moving from the Holy To Most Holy Place. These questions can help: (1)In Daniel 8:13, Did the angel ask the question: (a)"How long before the Investigative Judgment starts?" (b) "How long before Jesus moves from the heavenly Holy Place to the Most Holy Place?" Or did the angel ask: "How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation to give the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under feet?" Which is the correct question? Wouldn't the right question determine the correct answer in Daniel 8:14? (2)When Daniel had the vision in symbolic form, wasn't the angel commanded to give Daniel the interpretation of the vision in literal words, starting from Daniel 8:16? What was the interpretation starting from Daniel 8:16? Did the angel say that "Jesus would move from the heavenly Holy Place to the Most Holy Place?" Did the angel say anything about "a day for a year principle"? Did the angel say anything about an "investigative judgment starting in 1844?" Is the angel's explanation of the vision enough? (3)Have you had a look at sources outside of the Bible like how the Jews understood Daniel 8? For example Josephus understood Daniel 8 as having been fulfilled during the Hellenistic period. Alfred Edersheim, a Messianic Jewish Scholar, who Ellen White used as a reference in her books, "Desire of Ages," "Patriarchs and Prophets," and other books, understood Daniel 8:14 to have been fulfilled, between 170 BC and 164 BC, roughly about 2300 literal days. He, taught in his book, which was in Ellen White's Library, that the celebration of Hanukkah 🕎, was a celebration of Daniel 8:14. They have been celebrating that for close to 2200 years. Is it possible that Adventism have hijacked a portion of Jewish history to apply it to themselves? You said: "Daniel 9:25 gives the correct beginning which was 457 BC which takes you to 1844." Me: If you properly read the context of Daniel 8:1-27, you'd get a different picture. You'd realize that the Sanctuary mentioned in Daniel 8:14 was one on earth in Jerusalem, and not the heavenly sanctuary. You'd realize that the start of 2300 days could not start in 457 BC which was during the Media and Persian Kingdom, when the 2300 days had to do with the offences of the little horn who rises years after 331 BC. How could you start the count of 2300 days before the little horn of Daniel 8:9-14? Its obvious that the count of 490 years starts during the Media and Persian kingdom, because that is exactly what we get in context. Your implied suggestion that both the 2300 day prophecy and 70 week prophecy start at the same 457BC is unfounded by common sense and actual history. Common sense suggests that Daniel 9 was a foretelling of the rebuilding of the earthly sanctuary. (A count towards its building up) The 2300 day prophecy is the count of days of how long the sanctuary is defiled (the length of oppression). How can the count start from 457bc while there was no sanctuary during the count? That makes no sense. Read Daniel 8:9-14 and see that this defiling starts only after the 1st king of the goat kingdom is dead and 4 comes up, and one out of one of the 4 kingdoms. This is obviously after 300BC. A 457BC start for a 2300 day defilement is therefore historically impossible and theologically heretical. You said: "Daniel 8 and 9 are companion chapters." Me: They are companion chapters only in the sense that Daniel would now understand that for thr temple of Daniel 8:9-14 to be defiled, it had to be built. Daniel 9 made it clear when it was to be built. You: "So the real question is, is 1844 correct? Most definitely!" Me: Is it correct? Absolutely not. Its historically impossible. You said: "Rev. 1 and 4 has Christ and the Father in front of the 7 branched candlestick which is found in the first apartment which shows that Christ went through the first veil and began His High Priestly ministration in fulfillment of the type as mentioned in Heb. 8:5 and 9:1-7 which foreshadowed Christ's holy place and most holy place ministry. So there's no contradiction." Me: The hebrew sanctuary contained a number of different pieces of furniture. ONE OF THEM is seen in Exodus 25:31-40. ONE OF THE FURNITURE PIECES was called "A CANDLESTICK" (Exodus 25:31) which appeared as ONE VERTICAL SHAFT with six (6) branches proceeding from it's sides which was meant to give light to the sanctuary. In Revelation 1, John saw Jesus walking in BETWEEN the SEVEN CANDLE STICKS, meaning that the 7 Candlesticks seen in heaven was different to the 1 candlestick seen on earth. God's sanctuary in heaven doesn't need light, but you know who needs light? The world. Therefore the Seven Golden Candlesticks SEEN IN HEAVEN, represented the SEVEN CHURCHES giving Light to the world according to Revelation 1:20. (Point: Revelation's Candlesticks are SYMBOLIC. Christ walking in the midst of the candlesticks represents Christ walking in the midsts of His churches. This is not Christ in the first apartment) Ellen White teaches that Daniel 8:14 is all about the cleansing of a sanctuary in heaven… while they also claim that God gave the answer for the start of the 2300 days in Daniel 9. Yet, a simple read of Daniel 9 reveals that Daniel’s burden was about the EARTHLY SANCTUARY IN EARTHLY JERUSALEM. Therefore God’s answer to prayer was in relation to a EARTHLY SANCTUARY, IN EARTHLY JERUSALEM, AND THE PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP THEREIN. It also shows that the cleansing of the SANCTUARY IN DANIEL 8 WAS THE CLEANSING OF AN EARTHLY SANCTUARY, IN EARTHLY JERUSALEM. The prayers and supplications we don't see in Daniel 9 is: 1. "O God, help me to understand when the 2300 days start..." 2. "O God, give me understanding about when the 2300 years would end so that the "Investigative Judgment" starts..." 3. "O God, give me understanding about the Heavenly Jerusalem, the Heavenly Sanctuary, and the jews and gentiles who believes the gospel." 4. "O God, explain to me why Enoch, Elijah, and Moses were rewarded with a heavenly dwelling before the 1844 Investigative Judgment even started.." That is because, he was praying about an (1) EARTHLY SANCTUARY, (2) GENETIC HEBREWS OF JERUSALEM, (3) EARTHLY CITY OF JERUSALEM, (4) THE SINS, INIQUITY, AND TRANSGRESSIONS THESE JEWS WERE GUILTY OF, (5) THE DESOLATIONS THAT EXISTED DURING THAT TIME, (6) THE CURSES OF THE LAW THAT THEY SUFFERED AS A RESULT OF THEIR SINS (7) HIS BURDEN WAS FOR THE SANCTUARY WHICH CARRIED GOD'S NAME, THE PEOPLE, AND THE CITY WHICH ALL CARRIED GOD'S NAME.. IT WAS ALL FOR GOD'S GLORY.
@ProjectLatterRain 3 ай бұрын
@@kylontobias I respect your right to be wrong.
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
@@ProjectLatterRain its your right to keep cherry-picking scripture, ignoring context, to uphold 1844 doctrinal biases. 😉
@niknatpattywack4293 3 ай бұрын
Revelation 19:10 KJV And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. This we will not refute… Jesus is the Sprit of Prophecy and EGW writings are clearly reflecting of this prophecy… Cult we are not and Biblical we are.
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
If the book contained ordinances nailed to the cross why dors adventism subscribe to clean and unclean foods found in thé so called in cérémonial Law nailed to the cross?
@taramunroe8796 3 ай бұрын
Because the cleanliness and uncleanliness of meat isn’t an ordinance. It’s literally related to health. Those were laws specific to health preservation. It was in God’s care for us why He stated the demarcation. Ask any health specialist today and they will still tell u abt the uncleanliness of all the animals God deemed unclean, and how those same meats/animals when consumed are found to have impurities and can challenge our health.
@elijahrodgers416 3 ай бұрын
Isaiah 66:16-17 For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many. (17) They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the LORD.
@michellejefferson9232 3 ай бұрын
Because clean and unclean foods were identified from the beginning, hundreds of years before ordinances were given at Sinai. Gen 7:2 Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female: and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female. Can we agree with that?
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
The sabbath was a feast day. Only the oriests in the temole offered double animal sacrifices food and grain offerings on thé SABBATH. Numbers 28 9
@taramunroe8796 3 ай бұрын
The Bible speaks about ‘a sabbath’ and ‘The Sabbath day.’ You are referring to feast day sabbaths. The Sabbath was not a feast day. The Sabbath is God’s holy day of rest which He blessed and hallowed.
@IjeomaMenkiti 3 ай бұрын
@@taramunroe8796Give verse where going to the synagogues weren’t a fest/festival.
@elijahrodgers416 3 ай бұрын
No. It is the fourth commandment.
@IjeomaMenkiti 3 ай бұрын
@@elijahrodgers416 I said give verse not your opinion
@Quintori 3 ай бұрын
@@IjeomaMenkiti Exodus 20:8-11 Genesis 2:1-3 Take your pick.
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
The 1844 Investigative Judgment is a false teaching. Daniel 8:14 is taken out of context for that to be seen as starting in October 22nd 1844.
@ProjectLatterRain 3 ай бұрын
It's a true teaching.
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
@@ProjectLatterRain really? How? 📝
@kylontobias 3 ай бұрын
​@@ProjectLatterRainIt certainly does not feel good to be misrepresented by other people of influence. What would Jesus do if He was misrepresented? How do we think the Angel Gabriel felt when from 1844 to 2024 many Millerites have and SDAs continue to misrepresent the angelic interpretation given in Daniel 8:15-27 to explain Daniel 8:9-14? In 1844 when the churches who rejected the false date setting of the Millerite Movement, those churches were misrepresented by being called Babylon. They were also misrepresented as having no more salvation by a "shut door." Why? Because they believed Jesus' words which said: “¶But of that DAY and that HOUR KNOWETH NO MAN, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark 13:32, KJV) And when nothing happened on October 22nd 1844, how did God feel when Ellen White seemed to suggest that God was the Author of Mistakes and Lies? "I have SEEN that the 1843 chart was DIRECTED BY THE HAND OF THE LORD, and that it should not be altered; that the FIGURES WERE AS HE WANTED THEM; that HIS HAND was over and HID A MISTAKE in some of the figures, so that none could see it, until His hand was removed." {Early Writings, 74.1} EGW was saying that she saw in vision, that God directed false dates, and hid those false dates with His hand. According to the Bible narrative, was God ever the Author of Lies? Or is He always the Author of truth? “That by two immutable things, in which it was IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that WITHIN THE VEIL; Whither the forerunner IS FOR US ENTERED, even Jesus, made an HIGH PRIEST for ever after the order of Melchisedec.” (Hebrews 6:18-20, KJV) If one claims to believe the Bible narrative, then one would definitely have to admit that long before 1844, the Bible writer of Hebrews was teaching that Messiah entered the Most Holy Place "within the veil" before 70AD, which is over 1774 years before 1844 AD. Which means that God has been misrepresented from 1844 to 1915 and by Ellen White and by her followers from 1844 to 2024. Some repented of the misrepresentations. The person who first wrote out the 1844 Shut Door, Investigative Judgment teaching, ORL Crozier, HUMBLY discarded his old teachings and admitted: "On account of our ignorance of the scriptures my argument was more fully and more widely accepted than it deserved to be." The 1844 Investigative Judgment prophetess said: "William Miller had no sympathy with those influences that led to fanaticism." GC 396.2 What did Miller have to say which showed that he clearly rejected Ellen White and all the so called "light" that they taught? On August 1st, 1845, Miller confessed: "We expected the personal coming of Christ at that time; and now to contend that we were not (1)MISTAKEN, is DISHONEST. We should never be ashamed FRANKLY to confess our (1)ERRORS. I have no confidence in any of the new theories that grew out of that movement, namely, that (2)Christ then came as the BRIDEGROOM, (3)that the DOOR OF MERCY WAS CLOSED, (4)that there is NO SALVATION FOR SINNERS, (5)that the seventh trumpet then sounded, or that it was a (6)FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY IN ANY SENSE." WMAD 28-30 "The *CALLING OF ALL CHURCHES* , that do not embrace the doctrine of the advent, *BABYLON,* I before remarked, was the means of our not being listened to with candor; and also, that I regarded it as *A PERVERSION OF SCRIPTURE.* This I think all will see who compare Revelation 14 and 18., and observe the chronology of the fall of Babylon." WMAD 30.2 (Pages 28-30 of the pdf found at: archive.org/details/william-millers-apology-and-defence-august-1) m.egwwritings.org/en/book/1427.131#173 ...... Fellow Adventists, please do not complain about feeling misrepresented, because as a lifelong SDA, I am saddened by how our SDA ministries often misrepresent Bible writers to teach our own Eisegetical Doctrines. And those very teachings are indeed cultish. Sadly.
@marystrongrodriguez6937 2 ай бұрын
This thunder Pastor sounds like a disgruntled person. That obviously has a beef with the leaders in Jamaica. The problem I have with all these ministries that say sda’s has it wrong, Why aren’t they focusing on attacking Adventist’s rather than on teach the truth that they say we are not teaching? Jesus only taught the truth, and that’s what drew the people of His time in His day. If they are being inspired by God, why aren’t they doing the same thing.
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
The atonement was complèted AT calvary Romans 5 11 WE Joy in thé Lord Jésus Christ by whom WE have now Received thé atonement.
@niknatpattywack4293 3 ай бұрын
So when I have communion, am I not atoning for my sins??… Didn’t stop at Calvary. What was stopped was all festivities, sabbaths that were nailed to the cross and not the Sabbath
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
In Colossains 2 15, 16 feasts days were already mentioned why is the author repeating himself according to Ur interprétation ?ur in trouble
@nathaliec7330 3 ай бұрын
Friend Jesus kept the Sabbath and the apostles and disciples and gentiles what is your issues with the 4th commandment? It tells us to remember the Sabbath and to keep it Holy it’s a reminder that Jesus is the creator and deserve worship on the day he has made Holy 🙏🏻
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
Jésus kept thé entre Law perfectly do u do circumc​ision?
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
For when thé Time had fully Come God sent his son born of a woman under thé Law To redeem those under thé Law Galatians 4 4
@niknatpattywack4293 3 ай бұрын
@@charnelallan7159why would we need to be circumcised when we’re told to circumcise our hearts and be cleansed…Remember the Sabbath day to keep holy…
@carolynhouston8845 3 ай бұрын
Dr. O, I don't know if you look at your comments, but if you do, here is something for you to think about. "Good Friday" isn't when Christ died. Why is it even called "good" Friday? Easter is a pagan festival that was also instituted by the papacy! Jesus died at the time of Passover... that year it just happened to fall Thursday evening... commonly known as Wednesday evening... aka sunset on Wednesday. Jesus was arrested around midnight on Thursday, tried all of Thursday, condemned on Thursday, spent the night in a dungeon and crucified at 9am on Friday. 9am being the 3rd hour. At noon the sun was darkened, and He died at 3pm... the 9th hour. They removed His body from the cross and buried Him before the Sabbath came on. Passover falls every year on a full moon. Rome understands this and brings Easter close to Passover, but never at the same time. You take the new moon after the 21st March, the spring equinox... and that represents the beginning of the new year (the new moon)... 14 days after that... at sunset, which is the 15th day... which is a full moon is Passover. Christ died on the Friday because He had to rise on the Sunday which was the day to present the first fruits... He being the first fruits of those which slept. He assented before the Father to present Himself and took up a multitude with Him. You can check out Leviticus 23 to confirm what I'm saying. But Passover could fall at anytime during the week every year... Not only from Friday to Sunday. Why is Friday good, why is Saturday glorious and why is Sunday holy? Friday is a holy day, Sunday is a holy day, but Saturday is an ordinary working day. Something to think about!
@niknatpattywack4293 3 ай бұрын
Sis, we’re not emphasizing about Good Friday to determine if the Sabbath is the day of worship… Sabbath is part of Creation Week.. Sanctified, made holy told to be remembered, if you love me keep my commandments. It’s not a suggestion. It’s not a opinion. It’s a commandment a commandment. Sabbath was changed to Sunday worship you can go look it up, Catholics changed it. If you love me, keep my commandments. We’re not to Cherry-pick which ones we want to keep, and exclude the fourth. When you exclude one, you transgress all the commandments.
@BrookDesHarnais 3 ай бұрын
Sda = modern jews. We 'have the truth'; we are the 'chosen people', and we are proud. (pride = sin) Jesus Christ has somewhat against us as sda's because we have strayed far, far from our first Love; the trinity is catholic. The Comforter is Jesus' Spirit; not a 3rd Individual/Spirit that is not Father/Son's Spirit. Sda membership is NOT the definition of the remnant either so our baptismal vows were corrupted with lies. Like the Jew’s of Jesus’ first advent, Seventh-day Adventists have greater access to Truth and Divine blessings than every other religion on the planet. Along with the right arm of the gospel; the Bible (vegan) health message, in their keeping, by God's authority, are the words of the God of heaven for today's last-day generation; the very Testimony of Jesus Christ Himself through a modern day messenger of the LORD: Ellen Gould White. Is it any wonder that satan's greatest deployment of wolfish troops in sheep's sabbath-suits will be where the Light of God has shined most in the world? Make no mistake, the greatest works and efforts and agents of satan are aimed to smother, obscure, and counterfeit the Light of adventism. The leadership, doctrine, spirit, and God of today's roman sda church, and that of 1844, are not the same. Today’s papal and sda leaders worship the same trinitarian god, and openly collaborate in fraternal alliance; in unity of spirit. Sda doctrine breaks the first commandment by worshiping a ‘third Person’ in the catholic trinitarian God. This is spiritualism; even teaching from the pulpit to pray to Another than the Father; even Another than the Son; a “Ghost” (satan). Sda universities are overrun with jesuits. Jesuts are catholic trained priests appointed to pastoral positions to purge pure Protestantism. The sda quarterly is carefully crafted by the spirit and leadership of jesuitism. Sda leaders constantly meet not only with the papacy, but also with world religions, the UN, and world leaders; signing contracts and strengthening many decades of alliance with them. Sda doctrine makes excuses for sacrificing to Baal newly conceived babies, and getting vaccines designed from their body parts. The sda church breaks the command of God to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together - in order to be politically correct and obey worldly fear propaganda. Sda authority tramples on freedom of conscience by persecuting those who are convicted to not get covid injections. The sda church funnels tithe to the papacy. The sda church has a tax contract (501c3) with the government. The sda church is a ‘safe space’ for lgbt proponents. The sda church allows proud lgbt promoters in the pulpit, and in leadership positions. The sda conference has approved of sunday-promoting books and other wicked ‘entertainment’ being sold under the sda name. The sda bookshelf is filled with books that have Ellen White's name on them that other men wrote after Ellen White died. Not a few of these books were written by catholic agents. The pride of the church, cloaked in a profession of humility, adamantly clings to her baptismal vow "The sda church is the remnant.", while worldly popular apostasy is sweeping every proud member into the abyss of eternal loss.
@sophiajohnson4755 3 ай бұрын
Pastor the devil is a liar. We will see the old times come back when God’s people will face persecution by these people.
@piggyacres 3 ай бұрын
I am glad you pointed out that E. G. White is NOT a devotional writer as some are saying in our church. She spoke the truth and confirms Scripture.
@The_Word_Is_The_Way 2 ай бұрын
You pretty much confirm the accusation. If White must be the ones in which you receive "truth" then there is a problem.
@charnelallan7159 3 ай бұрын
Patriarchs & Prophets pg 357 The blood of Christ while it was to release the repentant sinner from condemnation of the law Was Not To Cancel Sin. It will go on record in the sanctuary until The Final Atonement. ( Ellen G white) 1st John 1, 7 And the blood of Jésus Christ cleanes us from all our sins. Ephesians 1, 7 In him we have rédemption through his blood the forgiveness of our sins according to his riches of his grace. Romans 5 11 WE Joy in thé Lord in whom WE have now Received thé atonement ( past tense) Who is correct Good old ellen or the scriptures Ellen G white IS Not the spirit of prophecy. Her Writings r contrary to what scriptures teachings .
@christianskylark 3 ай бұрын
Just go on the pod
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