Is the Catholic Church Hiding the Book of Enoch? Tim Staples on CA Focus

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@azeb8 3 жыл бұрын
As an Eritrean Catholic I'm glad you mention about what Ethiopian orthodox and eritrean orthodox believes are..You guys are Great may God bless you both.
@Merih98614 3 жыл бұрын
At least they are talking about GOD'S KINGDOM, not Earthly. So, if anybody is GLAD, let him or her be glad ONLY and exclusively because THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST is mentioned. It shouldn't matter what country they mention, as long as they mention THE BIBLE or Christ Jesus. Our COUNTRY is in Heaven, and from it we await A Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord, Philippians 3:20. This is what it means SOLA! SOLA Scriptura, SOLA Gratia, SOLA fide.... and if I am dare to add one more, it would be SOLA GLORIA. All these come from ONE Source, The Head, SOLO CRISTO. We are in the Olympic period, and it's absolutely fair to be glad if our country is mentioned in the Olympic Venue though. 👍ERITREA ተባረኺ።
@francophone. 3 жыл бұрын
@@Merih98614 Please tell me where _Sola Scriptura_ is found in the Bible.
@Merih98614 3 жыл бұрын
@@francophone. Just as The Lord Jesus Christ answered the Pharisees' question with a question, thus: "Jesus answered them, "I also will ask you one question, and if you tell me the answer, then I also will tell you by what authority I do these things." (Matthew 21:24, ESV), it won't benefit going into endless arguments, if I will answer your question with my question to you thus: " Please show me where the word TRINITY is found in the Bible?". By saying this, what i am actually doing is that your question is more fundamentally right, in a sense if we keep playing on words. However, Biblical believes are always THE SUM TOTAL OF WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES, and therefore as Moses wrote in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:6 saying, "NOT TO GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN" and John in Revelation 22:18-19, the SUM TOTAL of what they are teaching us is, SOLELY THE SCRIPTURES YOU HAVE RECEIVED. And even if I am not an expert in Latin, by the little Italian that I know, SOLELY THE SCRIPTURES is translated into SOLA SCRIPTURA. However, the legitimate question anybody should ask is," Show me where The Bible TEACHES such and such or what Christ COMMANDS such as such in The Bible." God bless you!
@francophone. 3 жыл бұрын
@@Merih98614 ​ @Merih Tikue I will answer your question, even though we both know the answer to it. Regarding the word Trinity, it is indeed a word used later to express a biblical reality. I will not try to prove that reality, that would be tantamount to changing the subject, and there are many useful resources online (and I do not even know if you have trinitarian or non-trinitarian beliefs). What I said about the Trinity, and you knew that I would say that, does not, however, contradict my beliefs. The meaning of my question is not to play on words, but look at the notion of Sola Sriptura, and to see if it contradicts itself. And it does. To say that Sola Scriptura is not in the Bible, and that it simply expresses Biblical truths, contradicts the whole idea of Sola Scriptura, given that it would therefore be a summary of one's beliefs based on one's interpretation of what the Bible says, even though the canon of the Bible is not itself defined in the Bible, and so one would have to use such a summary (though I disagree that that it is that), which would be an exclusive formula (only scripture either means that one cannot rely on such summaries, and so the notion of sola scripture falls outside of its own purview). Otherwise, if one can realy on such a summary if it doesn't add any new information not found in the Bible, one would have to expect that everyone agrees on what the Bible means. Deut. 4:2 This refers to the Mosaic law, which Jesus fulfils. But it you want to understand it literally, you should follow all 613 commandments. 1 Corinthians 4:6 If you read this in context (in which case you should also read chapter 3), perhaps you will see that Paul is calling Christians to be humble, and that when spreading Jesus' Gospel, it is He who matters ; we are His workers, but it is really God who matters, God working through us. Revelation 22:18-19 If you want to use this to support Sola Scriptura, then you should ask yourself why the Protestants "reformers" removed books from the accepted biblical canon (it only needed to be defined because they tried to change it). That being said, the canon of the Bible is not defined within the Bible. Does this verse only apply to the Book of Revelation, then, or to the whole Bible? Even if it were to apply to the whole Bible, it would not contradict the Catholic idea of Tradition (with a capital T, which you should appreciate, since you are so fond of capital letters. If you want to emphasize text in the comment section, you can use asterisks. *That is how you write bold text* on KZbin). The Bible is actually a part of that Tradition, it is the written part, but there is a non-written part. If this verse applies to the whole Bible, logically, it would not apply to the non-written part of Tradition. However, if it were proof of Sola Scripture, one could expect that everyone, or at least everyone who holds by the precepts of Sola Scripture, etc., would interpret and understand the Bible the same exact way. That is not the case, which means that outside information, or opinions, or points of view, affect how the Bible is understood. Your last question, while it may seem to be pertinent, is not really on topic, as to fully address it, one would need to comment various things taught in the Bible compared to things taught today that would seem to be absent from the Bible, which is too vague. I specifically asked about Sola Scriptura. If we were to talk about divorce, for example, which the Bible prohibits, we could say that divorce is contrary to God's law, but that it does not contradict itself, in that it does not, by its very nature, call itself into question. It is an example of how people may understand the Bible in different ways, but that topic is not about how one should go about understanding the Bible, in part or in whole, it is just a small example of how people understand the same passage in different ways. Furthmore, it doesn't have anything to do with whether or not an unwritten Tradition exists, as the Catholc Church posits, and which is at least in part, the topic we are discussing, if we are truly talking about Sola Scriptura, as that is what my initial question referred to.
@Merih98614 3 жыл бұрын
@@francophone. Reply Just to make some remarks first: 1. I am not fond of CAPITAL LETTERS, here again I did it😃. Writing *capital* in capital letters doesn't make it any holier a word nor more authoritative, though Spirit and spirit or God and god may refer two distinct words. In that case, I am fond of capital starters, as you did in *Tradition*. Capitalizing a whole sentence or phrase was meant only to emphasize my thoughts. I really appreciate the lesson you gave me on asterisk though, I didn't know it before. 2. I believe that God is A Triune God. 3. I am a christian who don't agree with much of Catholic beliefs in *Tradition*. Back to our discussion: 1. *Sola* *Scriptura* *doesn't* *mean* *Sola* *Interpretatione* . Scripture is the thing and interpretation is its meaning or application. Scripture is always true but our interpretation of it can be false. If then you treat them as one entity, you are having true and false at the same time. Here The Lord told the pharisees," You search the Scriptures and they all testify about Me." They had The Scripture in their hands but they always *interpreted them wrongly* , thus they missed The Christ Who was to come. Scripture is the Word given by God, interpretation is man's understanding of its mystery. Proverbs 25:2 says," It's the Glory of God to conceal things and the glory of man to search things out." The searching is the understanding, the insight, the interpretation of the mystery of the Word of God. Acts 17:11. So, I totally disagree *your given* of what Sola Scriptura means. 2. Deut. 4:2. I simply understand this verse, and I think the Jews should have to, as saying," Don't add any other commandments or *Traditions* of your own." And we know they did. Jesus told them, " You leave the commandment of God and hold to the *Tradition* of men." Mark 7:8. 3. 1 Corinthians 4:6 As you said, in its whole context, Paul is warning them to look up to God alone. However, in saying this, he is telling them and us too *to set aside any other human ways ( 3:4) and human wisdom* (3:18-19) in order to build themselves and ourselves on the foundation , (Let each one take care how he builds up on It, 3:11). He is not saying," Don't misinterpret but don't come up with your own wise ideas. Just stick to *what is given to you, that's, the Scriptures."* 4. The book of Revelation. The reference I made applies to The Bible as a whole too. You said that the protestants removed books from the Bible (from the Old Testament). Here again, Sola Scriptura prevails for me. Where did The Old Testament come from? From the Hebrew Bible. How many books does the Hebrew Bible consist? 24, equivalent to 39 modern compilation (nothing added, nothing subtracted). Accordingly, my answer to what the protestants removed books from the biblical canon is that the books presumably removed were not in the canon to begin with. They were added. The Hebrew Bible is the answer to that to this date. That being said, we all have 27 books of the New Covenant, which is the fulfillment of any number of books we can subscribe to in the Old Testament. We agree in this. Yet, the New Covenant books never put the blessed Mary in any position or authority, nor do they put the pope infallible or any authority. Even with the same 27 New Covenant books that we share, it is Only these 27 books that matter. That's what it means SOLA SCRIPTURA to me. God bless you.
@WashingtonDC99 Жыл бұрын
Lately I have been intrigued by the book of Enoch. I recently bought a big book that has a lot of books not included in The Bible. The Bible is my most favourite book. I have different types of it. Thank you for this episode. I have been Catholic my whole life. I love my beloved faith. Viva Cristo Rey. Ave Maria Purisima gratia plena help us to be better followers of Christ The King of kings and The Lord of lords.
@serwaddapeter1378 Жыл бұрын
People wake up and read your Bible carefully to no wat is coming Jesus Christ is coming soon people wake up and repent before our Lord Jesus Christ comes
@crusaderACR Жыл бұрын
​@@serwaddapeter1378 We have to be ready but there's no need to panic. May God find us doing what we ought and not slacking, whether the Son comes in our lifetimes or not, matters not. May God bless you and give you peace in His bosom.
@healhands5760 8 ай бұрын
just remember that the Catholic assembled the scriptures and called it Bible. anything thay diverts the teaching of scriptures will not be included. So book of enoch is questionable.
@juditrotter5176 Жыл бұрын
I grew up in the Episcopal church and became a liberal Christian. When my oldest son decided to go to a Catholic High School I picked up two of the required Bibles. That was thirty years ago and I have continued to use that Bible. Rabbi Tovia Singer is in Israel and teaches Jewish young people Torah and Tanak. Sometimes he will mention a Christian interpretation and more often than not my “Catholic” Bible matches the Jewish “Old Testament “ and the Bible’s used by other denominations are way off.
@jacobnash9755 Жыл бұрын
​@Bouncer, how do you know that the line you quoted for proof isn't the part that is false? Just because the book controlled by a currupt venue of man cannot be questioned due to them proclaiming it to be divinely protected and guided? If that was true then many newer/modern translations would not exist as they are often flawed compared to the King James. Clearly leaving out important meanings or aspects of consideration that completley change rhe context and therefore the message being presented. Even Jesus taught to question your teachings and to not just believe what others tell you. That doesn't mean to second guess God but it does mean to question if it's really God that is providing the message, even when presented in the Bible. Those new versions of the Bible are proof that humans can promote a false book, have it called "The Bible" and have it believed to be the divine message of the Lord. I received the spirit at a young age, and it has been there for me in my darkest times without me even looking for it to lift me up or shield/comfort me. I know it to be real. That said, the true spirit and the "god" of many different versions of Christian faith are not compatible at all with the Spirit that has proven to be love, which the Bible defines God as. God is love. 1st John 4 whomever does not love does not know God for God is love. The true spirit isn't as limited as the god that is angered by the ignorance of man like some ignorant god taken by suprise... and isn't vengful like the god on record of killing people for balking at commands to commit immoral behavior. The god that would ignore sin being "wrong" to promote genetic plans among people as if he had to rely on humans mating at his command instead of being all powerful. What actual record do we have that the Bible is 100% the inspired reword of God when again... it seems to be written around two different gods that clearly contradict on fundamental levels? Something that is absolute does not contradict itself. Is God not absolute? One God is love and all powerful with clear advanced knowledge of all of existence. The other is petty and self serving, utilizing the ideology that anything god wants is good and therefor not sin, until the same act happens in a random way that does not benifit god... then it is sin again. Raping a woman in the street is sin... unless you are of a bloodline that god wanted to be mated to her bloodline and gods first two choices didn't work out... as if he seemingly didn't know they would fail. There would have been no reason for God to kill his second choice if he knew the rapist drunk uncle would come through and drunkenly mistake the identity of the victim one night. Why not just make him the first choice to begin with? This entrie event shows a deep understanding of genetics, but not of God level understanding. >.> if God's plan is beyond our understanding then that wasn't God (as the Bible claims) because I can understand that easily. The god described is suffering from frustration that stems from both lack of omnipotence and lack of ability. There is a difference between "beyond comprehension" and within comprehension but trying to justify using "beyond comprehension" as a crutch. So how did that god make it into the Bible when the Bible is suposed to be about the true God? While I could see this as divinely guided, I see it as a clear warning through example of why not to trust the bible over the Spirit of God. I full well understand the "deeper" sin used to justify god killing Onan. The point is this god allowed evil (and rewarded it) to solve a problem he faced. Why not just have a far better plan? If he didn't see it coming then he isn't god. Obey or die isn't freedom at all and undermines the belief that God wanted us to have free will. Love isn't that way and God is love. Yet somehow this god clearly is either not of love... or isnt all powerful/all knowing. That is a major contradiction. I could believe in either but there's not a way for God t to o be what God isnt without destroying any importance behind staying true to God unless our choices decide how God will become.* *The only theory that provides any importance in that context would be the theory that God created existence out of himself in order to experience what he isn't through his creation in order to have a full understanding of himself. If somehow maybe we retain who we become, that will influence God's growth. Or as he absorbs our experiences. Old saying is you cant know how you will react until you face a situation. Meaning you can't truely know yourself until you have experiences. It's easy to be good or noble when you have never faced a hard choice. To say you would never steal when you have never faced starvation with someone you love. If in the begining there was only God, then God couldn't have the perspective of t.hings that never existed through experience. Existence solves that
@crusaderACR Жыл бұрын
​@@Bouncer83I'm not reading all that. But the first sentence is wrong I think, Idk what part you're quoting. Elijah and Moses went to Heaven and came to see Christ. Catholics didn't add books. This is a historical fact, you may say we didn't make the Bible right when we literally compiled the entire thing... but that's a dangerous position, because if the Canon is open for changes your theology can completely fall apart.
@alexanderthegreat2678 11 ай бұрын
They go by the talmud, it’s an blasphemous, evil, racially supremacist book.
@conniepowell2013 6 ай бұрын
Toviah Singer absolutely hates and despises Christians and Messianic Jews. He teaches that Jesus (Yeshua) was a false messiah and that the real messiah will come soon and bring world-wide peace. (Can anybody say antichrist?) I personally know several people who have now turned their backs on Christ and converted to Judaism because of him. They were people who seemed very grounded in their faith, and I would never in a million years have thought they could be turned like that. He teaches Old Testsment and Hebrew meanings of words. But he is dangerous. There are plenty of Messianic Rabbis who are actual Jews and now believe in and follow Christ. They can give you the original meanings of words and passages and show how those things actually point to Christ. It is important to study Torah and Tanach (Old Testament) in order to get the full meaning of the New Testament. Doing so will only strengthen your faith. But stay away from the Talmud, the Mishnah, Kabbalah, and Toviah Singer.
@treyburton1469 6 ай бұрын
@@conniepowell2013 karite jews
@raulrovelo5544 3 жыл бұрын
I remember the video Cy references about Tim talking about the Book of Enoch! I don't know if something similar happened to others that have watched that video, but it somehow moved me closer to the Church. I was following a Non-Catholic Christian which was talking about the Book of Enoch, and questioning why it wasn't in the Bible when it was quoted various times in the New Testament. I remember watching Catholic Answers' video on it and havign a rebellious attitude towards it. I started thinking about how the Catholic Church might have been wrong in establishing the Biblical cannon, and I remember so vividly the most shocking moment I have ever experienced in my life. I remember being seated in my room, having these thoughts while watching this video, and the thought came to mind "the Bible is wrong. Enoch should be in it", and a voice from behind, that I know 100% did not come from my mind or from my imagination (because of how it even reverberated) just said "No." in the most masculine and authoritative way. I immediately felt chills down my spine, and all of the thoughts I entertained were gone in an instant. I just started praying erratically asking God to forgive me for doubting His Word and His Church. I have never been able to say that God has audibly spoken to me before, but I cannot explain in any other way what happened that day.
@amyblount4332 3 жыл бұрын
Peace be with you Raul Rogelio! Thank you for your testimony. I’ve also heard a voice talk to me in a very harsh tone saying “you will not” when I considered bowing down to the statue in the Book of Daniel, thinking that God knows my heart! I’m pretty sure that it was my Guardian Angel! Jesus left us His One, Holy Catholic Apostolic Church so the fallen angels can’t deceive us because they are way smarter then us! Immanuel!
@iammsmorales 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard that voice before too! Only for me I felt it in my heart, or deep inside of myself. He asked me to give Him my heart and when I doubted, He called for it again, only more commanding and used my full name! So I gave it to Him and He gave me PERFECT peace, perfect happiness, and perfect joy! I had been sitting, wallowing in my own self pity (like hagar was in genesis) for a while outside, but then I decided I wanted to say thank you to Him, because I began to look at the trees He made, the sky, the birds and I felt just so grateful, so grateful to be alive, then BAM, the voice! I'm so happy to be able to share that with someone else who's experienced it too! Deeply masculine and immensely powerful... He commanded my heart to Himself that day, and gave me back such beautiful peace and joy... but only after I made the effort to empty myself of my own self pity and give praises to Him for the beautiful world of His creation! It was amazing, it felt like cool water in my heart, just limitless! It was just the one time, but sometimes I remember how it felt and I try harder to live a life worthy of His love
@joannamupalouw5979 Жыл бұрын
For Azazel to be mentioned in Leviticus 16 I believe the book of Enoch is more fundamental than the Torah.
@6nosis Жыл бұрын
@@amyblount4332 "❌they are way smarter THEN US". Then us what? ✅They are way smarter THAN us. Or: they are way more smart than us. For future paragraphs and to cause no more aneurysms in freaks like me. I read everything; if people take THERE precious time to write out THERE thoughts the very least i can do is read them. 🤔 🤨
@EKitchenTV 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this, I have been trying not to read the Book of Enoch without guidance. This podcast helped. May the Spirit of God continue to inspire your conversations.
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
Enoch is not the writer of the “Book of Enoch.” This is an uninspired, apocryphal book written many centuries later, probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E. The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal and pseudepigraphic text. It is falsely ascribed to Enoch. Produced probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E., it is a collection of extravagant and unhistorical Jewish myths, evidently the product of exegetical elaborations on the brief Genesis reference to Enoch. This alone is sufficient for lovers of God’s inspired Word to dismiss it. In the Bible, only the book of Jude contains Enoch’s prophetic words: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Many scholars contend that Enoch’s prophecy against his ungodly contemporaries is quoted directly from the Book of Enoch. Is it possible that Jude used an unreliable apocryphal book as his source? How Jude knew of Enoch’s prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. He may simply have quoted a common source, a reliable tradition handed down from remote antiquity. Paul evidently did something similar when he named Jannes and Jambres as the otherwise anonymous magicians of Pharaoh’s court who opposed Moses. If the writer of the Book of Enoch had access to an ancient source of this kind, why should we deny it to Jude?-Exodus 7:11, 22; 2 Timothy 3:8. How Jude received the information about Enoch’s message to the ungodly is a minor matter. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. (2 Timothy 3:16) God’s holy spirit guarded him from stating anything that was not true.
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 You got that right Bouncer
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@alexshatner3907 people will still follow their cult of satan no matter how much we type truth it's sad to see.
@iikwoodii5565 Жыл бұрын
​@@Bouncer83Catholics didn't add books to the Bible. Martin Luther took them out because he didn't agree with them. He also wanted to do the same with 7 more books in the new testament, but his contemporaries would let his hypocrisy only go so far. He even spoke of throwing little Jimmy (the book of James) into the oven.
@alexshatner3907 11 ай бұрын
@@EasternRomeOrthodoxy Jude’s letter contains some information not found elsewhere in the Bible. It alone mentions the archangel Michael’s dispute with the Devil over Moses’ body and the prophecy uttered centuries earlier by Enoch. (Jude 9, 14, 15) Whether Jude received this information through direct revelation or by reliable transmission (either oral or written) is not known. If the latter was the case, this may explain the presence of a similar reference to Enoch’s prophesying in the apocryphal book of Enoch (thought to have been written probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E.). A common source could have furnished the basis for the statement in the inspired letter as well as in the apocryphal book.
@emiliepoirier6093 2 жыл бұрын
I read many apocryph text that are not in the Catholic bible including the book of Enoch and it actually strenghted my faith, and Marys Dormition as helped me to convert to Catholicism from the protestant church.
@pharmerdavid1432 2 жыл бұрын
So you converted from Christian to anti-Christian? How sad. You should learn from Prof/Pastor Walter Veith, who used to be Catholic, then got into New Age for awhile, finally ended-up as a "Seventh-day Adventist" - although the official "adventist" church was corrupted by the Vatican, as was every other Protestant denomination. "Clash of Minds" might set your mind free..?
@kylar8671 2 жыл бұрын
@@pharmerdavid1432 anti-Christ? The very church Jesus himself established is anti-Christ?????! Honey, you may have your beliefs but the Catholic Church is the one true church, the other Christian denominations were made by man for the needs of man. May God have mercy on you and guide your mind to the one true church, God so save you!
@kylar8671 2 жыл бұрын
@@pharmerdavid1432 anti-Christ? The very church Jesus himself established is anti-Christ?????! Honey, you may have your beliefs but the Catholic Church is the one true church, the other Christian denominations were made by man for the needs of man. May God have mercy on you and guide your mind to the one true church, God so save you!
@ChamberedMaiden Жыл бұрын
And so you're now talking with the dead-Necromancy. And praying to idols. Please pray for discernment. 1 Timothy 2:5- *For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;* Matthew 7:16-20 *"Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them."* 🍃⚖🙏🏿⚖🍃
@ChamberedMaiden Жыл бұрын
@@kylar8671 Show where in the Bible you read that Jesus Christ established the "Catholic" church? It's not there. Nor is the position of the Vicar of Christ: Jesus Christ said: Matthew 24:26 *Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.* And: 1 Timothy 2:5- *For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;* Not a pope, not a man, not a woman, Jesus Christ alone is our only mediator. Our only advocate.
@pff1974 2 ай бұрын
Already 30 seconds in and what an introduction, subscribed!
@superradness 2 жыл бұрын
I’m not Catholic, but God has been putting this book on my mind/heart lately. It’s definitely a book Christians of all denominations need to at least read once.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@I'll be damned if I ain't handsome You are athiest then not catholic. It's not any better but at least it's better for you than openly being part of a cult.
@mintfree Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 Did Catholics add books or did Protestants remove books? How come Eastern Orthodox use most of those additional books? Did they also add to the Bible?
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@mintfree catholics had the original but they have modified them to suit their religion. Protestants removed books but didn't remove the modifications from the books that are in it. Most protestants still follow the Catholic beliefs minus the Eucharists and praying to idols. They still believe in the trinity and the unforgivable sin bs that is in both. I ordered this book and the rest of the ones that were removed and will have them next week so I'll know more then. The messianic Jewish Bible is what you want to get or the Cepher you you can check translations against all the ones that are available online. I could have been wrong about this book in my original post and am open to correction always but from Yah not from man.
@a.t.6322 Жыл бұрын
@@tomthx5804it’s just a book that wasn’t accepted into canon. And that’s a tricky issue because what is canon is different to different denominations.
@crusaderACR Жыл бұрын
​​@@Bouncer83 Catholics didn't modify anything in the Bible. This isnt even a matter of opinion, this is a historical fact. Protestants relabeled 7 books as "apocrypha" around 500 years ago and later removed them around 200 years ago. Before that there's no instance of Bibles being written without Maccabees, Wisdom, Baruch, etc. The only person doubting their legitimacy was Jerome, who later in life has still used as scripture anyway. And from there pure silence until Martin Luther, who doubted them in the same breath he doubted James and Revelation. I'm not arguing whether these books should be in the Bible, all I'm saying is the simple fact they were in the first Bibles and have been there for almost exactly 1000 years with no contest.
@janestclair3650 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for covering this. You and Tim work well together!
@reznet2 3 жыл бұрын
I'm actually really glad you decided to cover this topic! Thanks 😊
@joolz5747 3 жыл бұрын
I believe zillions of things in earliest time are awesome mysteries. Nothing has to be approved by the Catholic Church in my mind….these are not proven. This helps me delve into God…GOD IS NOT IN A BOX. At Creation and in the beginning there was a huge war between satan and God The ultimate Creator. So what if we do not get it…? Who cares. Why should we? Our little minds cannot ever comprehend God. I LOVE reading about this and no one at all really knows the details. The Holy Spirit will guide us and we can have great times exploring deep in our selves! THX FOR THIS! Bring in other publications. Do we really truly know when the FALL happened? Just because the Catholic Church disagrees….so what? I am a cradle Catholic and I do not put everything in a box of Catholic info. THANKS!
@Bugsthefarmer 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful, just absolutely beautiful. God bless both of you and I can’t thank you guys enough for answering the questions that have turned me away from being officially confirmed.
@virginiahansen320 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this. The different versions of the book of Enoch are very interesting from a historical standpoint, and contain good stuff, but they also contain a lot of things that make it obvious why they aren't in the Canon. The good stuff honestly isn't unique. The Mormons have probably the least crazy version (I know, right), it's like a cleaned-up version of Enoch, but there's nothing really earth-shattering in any of the versions. The Canon we have is good enough.
@Jeffp2k5 2 жыл бұрын
Book of Enoch helps make some sense of the symbolism in Revelation. It’s essential reading for any Christian in my humble opinion.
@gabolujan3109 2 жыл бұрын
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
Enoch is not the writer of the “Book of Enoch.” This is an uninspired, apocryphal book written many centuries later, probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E. The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal and pseudepigraphic text. It is falsely ascribed to Enoch. Produced probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E., it is a collection of extravagant and unhistorical Jewish myths, evidently the product of exegetical elaborations on the brief Genesis reference to Enoch. This alone is sufficient for lovers of God’s inspired Word to dismiss it. In the Bible, only the book of Jude contains Enoch’s prophetic words: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Many scholars contend that Enoch’s prophecy against his ungodly contemporaries is quoted directly from the Book of Enoch. Is it possible that Jude used an unreliable apocryphal book as his source? How Jude knew of Enoch’s prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. He may simply have quoted a common source, a reliable tradition handed down from remote antiquity. Paul evidently did something similar when he named Jannes and Jambres as the otherwise anonymous magicians of Pharaoh’s court who opposed Moses. If the writer of the Book of Enoch had access to an ancient source of this kind, why should we deny it to Jude?-Exodus 7:11, 22; 2 Timothy 3:8. How Jude received the information about Enoch’s message to the ungodly is a minor matter. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. (2 Timothy 3:16) God’s holy spirit guarded him from stating anything that was not true.
@InhabitantOfOddworld Жыл бұрын
​@@alexshatner3907 Same time period as most of the New Testament then.
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
@@InhabitantOfOddworld Your response has nothing to with something being around with another thing. A tree near down down our city, is just as old as the book of Enoch should I go there at night and cut it down?
@InhabitantOfOddworld Жыл бұрын
@Alex Shatner Your point is that it is written in the first or second century BC Might I remind you that the Gospels were written during this same time, so your logic is moot Uninspired, based on what? The fourth lateran council? The council of chalcedon? Your basis for rejecting it comes from after the first millennium. Truly ironic.
@Richard-oo6pc Жыл бұрын
I have the Book of Enoch in my library. If the CC is hiding it, they're doing a terrible job.
@catholiccom Жыл бұрын
*dials Vatican *
@kimw309 7 ай бұрын
As we see now what’s true and what’s not.. The book of Enoch is absolutely a true book. How can one debunk what’s happening NOW in this Information Age…
@hildegard4563 6 ай бұрын
@@catholiccom 😂
@jattebaleyos116 3 жыл бұрын
The video quality was superb!!! It feels like I'm watching a movie
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
We need to be cautious in the applying of scriptures so that they correctly present God’s Word in their preaching and teaching activity. As an example, take the statement that is sometimes made that one of the names given to Satan the Devil is Lucifer. Reference may be made by some to Isaiah 14:12-16. According to the Authorized Version (King James), verse twelve says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” The word “Lucifer” is a translation of the Hebrew word heh•lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh•lelʹ, as here used, is not a personal name or a title, but, rather, a term describing the brilliant position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings in the line of Nebuchadnezzar. It would not be correct to say that Satan the Devil is the one here called Lucifer as though it were one of his names. The expression here refers primarily to the king of Babylon, for, according to verse four, this is a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Also, verses fifteen and sixteen of this chapter fourteen say that this “shining one” (Lucifer) is to be brought down to Sheol, which is mankind’s common grave, not an abiding place for Satan the Devil. Furthermore, the fact is that those seeing this “shining one” brought into this condition say: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth, that was making kingdoms rock?” Satan is not a man but an invisible spirit creature. Thus, while the king of Babylon reflected the attitude of his father, the Devil, still the word Lucifer was not a name given to Satan the Devil. By “handling the word of the truth aright” we are prepared to speak the clear sayings of God as we have them on the printed pages of the Bible.
@Janna-lg1sy 2 жыл бұрын
Why the book of Enoch is very important: 1. As said in the video, the book of Enoch was quoted in the OT as well as the NT (by some apostles) It is even possible that the specific meanings of the very frequent references to Jesus in the NT, as the ‘Son of Man’, both by Himself as by others, are referencing the description that Enoch gave of this person. Enoch describes the Son of Man as pre-existent. "_[46.1-4] And there I saw the One to Whom belongs the time before time, and His head was white like wool. With Him was another being, whose countenance had the appearance of a man, and his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels. I asked the angel who went with me [...] concerning that *son of* and who he was, and whence he was, and why he went with the One to Whom belongs the time before time. He answered and said to me: 'This is the *son of man* who has righteousness, with whom dwells righteousness, and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden, because the Lord of the spirits has chosen him, and whose lot has the pre-eminence before the Lord of the spirits in uprightness for ever. This *son of man* whom you have seen shall raise up the kings and the mighty from their seats and the strong from their thrones, and shall loosen the reins of the strong and break the teeth of the sinners.' [48.2-10] And at that hour that *Son of Man* was named in the presence of the Lord of the spirits, and his name before the the One to Whom belongs the time before time. Yes, before the sun and the signs were created, before the stars of the heaven were made, his name was named before the Lord of the spirits. He shall be a *staff to the righteous* whereon to stay themselves and not fall, and he shall be the *light of the gentiles* and the hope of those who are troubled of heart. All who dwell on earth shall *fall down and worship* before him, and will praise and bless and celebrate with song the Lord of the spirits. For this reason has he been chosen and hidden before Him, *before the creation of the world* and for ever more. The wisdom of the Lord of the spirits has revealed him to the holy and righteous; for he has preserved the lot of the righteous, because they have hated and despised this world of unrighteousness, and have hated all its works and ways in the name of the Lord of the spirits: for *in his name they are saved*, and according to his good pleasure has it been in regard to their life. In these days downcast in countenance shall the kings of the earth have become, and the strong who possess the land because of the works of their hands, for on the day of their anguish and affliction they shall not be able to save themselves. And I will give them over into the hands of My elect: as straw in the fire so shall they burn before the face of the holy, as lead in the water shall they sink before the face of the righteous, and no trace of them shall any more be found. And on the day of their affliction there shall be rest on the earth, and before them they shall fall and not rise again. There shall be no one to take them with his hands and raise them, for they have denied the Lord of the spirits and *His Messiah*. The name of the Lord of the spirits be blessed._ " 2. As also mentioned in the video, the Book of Enoch was considered as scripture by many of the early Church Fathers, such as Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus and Tertullian, who wrote c. 200 that the Book of Enoch had been rejected by the Jews *because it contained prophecies pertaining to Christ* and in the Epistle of Barnabas (4:3). The book was also quoted in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs 3. As said by Tim Staples in the video, it was from the beginning part of the canon of the church in some Eritrean and Ethiopian orthodox denominations, as well as canonical for Jewish Ethiopans (Beta Israel) who kept it in their liturgical language that plays a central role in their liturgy and worship! Is it unthinkable, in my opinion, that during 2000 years *‘fanfiction’* would have been part of liturgy in these churches.. 4. Although it was not declared canonical in other regions, it also was not condemned or warned against in long lists of scriptural titles, issued by later magisterial documents (as f.e. : *Decretum Gelasianum*). 5. A comparison with quotations by St. Paul of texts of heathen origin, for reason of ‘enculturation’, forms a weak argument, because the book of Enoch is not a pagan book of gentiles, but another source of Jewish religious scripture, which is quoted in the same manner as other Jewish prophets like f.e. Jeremiah or Isaiah! 6. Moreover, the book of Enoch itself indicates that it would be meant by God for the last generations of mankind to read. _"The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed. And he took up his parable and said -Enoch a righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I understood as I saw, but *not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come.*" 7. The recent discoveries of Aramaic, as well as Koine Greek and Latin, fragments in Qumram, in the Dead Sea scrolls are proof that it was known by Jews an Christians in the early Near East, but the timing of these discoveries could be a sign of divine providence. The fact that translations of the Ethiopian text were lost since antiquity, and that copies of these translations also didn’t reach the Western world again, untill 1773, could be significant for this matter. 8. It is not stated in the book that the (leader of) the Watchers caused *all* the sins of humans, only new, very severe ones that demand more skills and knowledge (technological as well as occult magic, scientific, etc.) 9. The text in the constitution of the 4th Lateran Council does not seem to mention at all *_what time_* the devil and other demons became evil, nor does it explicitly exclude the possibility that part of the angels fell later than others, or for other reasons. It is only said that they were created with the beginning of time, and before humans….! And that the humans sinned at the suggestion of the devil (Lucifer/Satan). *"….Who by His omnipotent power, together with the beginning of time, formed from nothing both kinds of creature, the spiritual and the corporeal, the angelic, that is, and the sensible; and then the human, constituted of spirit and body as if common to both. For the devil and other demons have indeed been created by God as good by nature; but they, of themselves, became evil. Man, however, sinned at the suggestion of the devil."* Maybe only the first fall of the angels (with Lucifer, the *_highest_* of the angels, near God, maybe even a seraphim, as their leader) was mentioned here, in order to emphasize that the angels sinned out of pride and rebellion, out of complete free choice and without influcence of others, while later this fallen Lucifer/Satan played a role in the fall of man. (Which could btw make our ancestral parents a bit less accountable for their choice and form a further reason for God’s later offer of redemption to humans, which is said to be denied to the fallen angels in the book of Enoch?) A later ‘second fall’ of *_(lower)_* angels could have been facilitated by the fact that these watchers were part of angelic choirs that lived near the *earthly time-space, material realm*, because of their task to protect humans. It even is theoretically possible that they got this task right after, or a while after, the fall of Adam & Eve and their being expelled out of the garden of Eden…? As for the lust they felt, and having intercourse with human beings: there are more stories in the Bible, wherein angels seem to have materialized and appeared as humans to humans (like Tobias, or Lot, etc.).
@ellamae6360 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Very informative
@andrear.4864 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for these informative responses! You bring up a number of points related to questions I've had since I recently dove into a study of that book, through impressive videos produced and narrated by Trey Smith, (accessible on his God In A Nutshell website) , which appear to reinforce and shed more light on topics only briefly mentioned in the Bible, such as Nephilim and giants.
@lastchance8142 Жыл бұрын
Excellent exposition! No doubt you are well studied in this.. Unfortunately, the catholic position was no doubt skewed by certain theologies in Enoch, not the least that the evildoers of humanity will be anhillilated, rather than suffer eternal concious torment.
@lastchance8142 Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 if no man ascended into heaven, how do we explain the transformation of Enoch, Elijah and Paul's journey to the 3rd heaven...not to mention John being called up in Revelation? Maybe our LORD means no man ascended 'by his own power', which harmonizes these scriptures.
@lastchance8142 Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 What do you mean "You believe doctrines of men"? What doctrines of men did I reference? BTW here is scripture of Paul's third heaven experience... 2Cor 12: 1-7
@amourah3132 2 жыл бұрын
I'm protestant, but I enjoyed your informative presentation. Thanks for the intelligent discussion.
@jessiemayonela7307 Жыл бұрын
Thank you the clarification, God bless you brother Tim.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@ruelcedo6462 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Tim for one of the best clarifications that I heard regarding this book. More power and God bless.
@KyleInOklahoma 3 жыл бұрын
My brother is a wacko. He only believes in the book of Enoch while ignoring the Bible. And he gets his interpretation from different people on KZbin. My mother & i have learned how to respond to every question put to us Catholics but as a fallen-away Catholic, none of this matters to him since he doesn't believe in the Bible. I point out how "watchers" are not only angels but also humans who would be on the wall during wartime. Also, the so-called giants are, in his mind, 30 feet men & he believes these still live in Kandahar. I told him i was in Kandahar when this rumor started & it was all fun & games. But when i got home i heard on a creepypasta show, this same story of marines fighting a giant in Kandahar. I told my brother if there was a battle like this, i would have known. And creepypasta is fictional stories. My bro also came to me with a show about how Mermaids have been caught on TV. Many other idiots also believed this so PBS put out a show, "The making of The Mermaids" & my bro was devastated that it was not real. I'm shocked at how dumb this man can be, how ignorant. HE ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO LOOK INTO SCRIPTURE HIMSELF IN ORDER TO REALIZE HOW AMAZING IT IS. Haydock's Catholic Bible commentary said this book is rejected because it is so "fantastical."
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@MultiArchangel 3 жыл бұрын
I am no catholic, but I have to say: I love how open minded you all are about this book. Enoch was once a part of the official canon. I am glad people are waking up to this reality.
@MultiArchangel 2 жыл бұрын
@@nosuchthing8 Doubtful. The book doesn't match up with modern day scientism and it breaks "tradition". You know how "Christians" are all about tradition. People want to keep the Bible the way they have always known it, even if it isn't right.
@MrTagahuron 2 жыл бұрын
Official canon of who?
@MultiArchangel 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrTagahuron Ancient Levites.
@iammsmorales 2 жыл бұрын
@@MultiArchangel oh the levites 🙄 that makes 100% sense lol
@MultiArchangel 2 жыл бұрын
@@iammsmorales It does.
@bc-ps4wd 3 жыл бұрын
This is a great explanation to the Book of Enoch!
@sld7262 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys! You answered the questions I had about the book of Enoch. Awesome!
@danboyigomsuk2027 Жыл бұрын
The fact is: everything currently in the Holy Bible is enough for you to gain salvation, if you really want it! Reaching across to other books is just a waste of time. Millions of Saints all through the Ages had read the present Bible and had made use of the words there. So, why must people overstretch themselves over other things?
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
I agree, the Bible is a waste of time. It's a book about faantasy.
@danboyigomsuk2027 Жыл бұрын
@@TboneWTF You are not replying to what I say! I mean that the Bible is enough. So, why is it a waste of time or a book of fantasy. Please read, understand, before you reply
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
@@danboyigomsuk2027 lol
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
@@danboyigomsuk2027 god is not real.
@danboyigomsuk2027 Жыл бұрын
@@TboneWTF I pray that the Almighty God touch your heart, and everything about you and around you will change for the Glory of God. Some Saints had expressed the kind of doubt you express here but when God touched their hearts, they instantly became different persons. May God do the same to you. Your soul is very important to God and it must be saved!
@eskercurve 3 жыл бұрын
Wow this is great timing. I found the book of Enoch online and this makes me know how to read this book.
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
We need to be cautious in the applying of scriptures so that they correctly present God’s Word in their preaching and teaching activity. As an example, take the statement that is sometimes made that one of the names given to Satan the Devil is Lucifer. Reference may be made by some to Isaiah 14:12-16. According to the Authorized Version (King James), verse twelve says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” The word “Lucifer” is a translation of the Hebrew word heh•lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh•lelʹ, as here used, is not a personal name or a title, but, rather, a term describing the brilliant position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings in the line of Nebuchadnezzar. It would not be correct to say that Satan the Devil is the one here called Lucifer as though it were one of his names. The expression here refers primarily to the king of Babylon, for, according to verse four, this is a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Also, verses fifteen and sixteen of this chapter fourteen say that this “shining one” (Lucifer) is to be brought down to Sheol, which is mankind’s common grave, not an abiding place for Satan the Devil. Furthermore, the fact is that those seeing this “shining one” brought into this condition say: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth, that was making kingdoms rock?” Satan is not a man but an invisible spirit creature. Thus, while the king of Babylon reflected the attitude of his father, the Devil, still the word Lucifer was not a name given to Satan the Devil. By “handling the word of the truth aright” we are prepared to speak the clear sayings of God as we have them on the printed pages of the Bible.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@TheYorkie2 Жыл бұрын
​@@Bouncer83 Sadly you lack knowledge about the Catholic faith and should take the time to learn the truth😜😜
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@TheYorkie2 I know enough bro was one for too long. I prefer to take Gods word as truth not a religion.
@mrfixitusa6165 Жыл бұрын
@@TheYorkie2 so tell us what they got wrong then.
@YardenJZ 3 жыл бұрын
Without the authority of Holy Mother Church, the book of Enoch MUST be in the Bible! God gave it to the Church to declare the canon, and she has. But any protestant must concede that the way Jude quotes Enoch is very similar to how OT books are quoted. Without infallibility what consistent reasoning does a protestant have to reject 1 Enoch?
@jeremysmith7176 3 жыл бұрын
They would build a case similar to the one presented here and show how Enoch presents ideas contrary to there understanding of scripture. The same way Protestants attack the Deuterocanonical books we Catholics accept.
@YardenJZ 3 жыл бұрын
I think the difference is that "they are never quoted as scripture" is a major argument about the deuterocanonicals. Well, if that's your rule, you have to put 1 Enoch in the Bible.
@cinnamondan4984 3 жыл бұрын
Check out the Inspired Translation of Joseph Smith. Gives Enoch quite a role
@jeremysmith7176 3 жыл бұрын
@@cinnamondan4984 Joseph Smith? The guy who found some Egyptian papyrus then claimed he had writing from Abraham. Who claimed he could translate them. Whose translations was utter bolucks? Why should we trust that guy?
@cinnamondan4984 3 жыл бұрын
@@jeremysmith7176 you shouldn’t, but the fact that he wrote Enoch into Genesis, fleshing him out more as a character is kinda of interesting and unexpected.
@jessejb83 Жыл бұрын
Love the narrative Ryan. We’ll rendered. Good Job 👏🏻
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@legrandimmanuelescueta4633 Жыл бұрын
i love the other guy just listen and it made the whole thing more understanble for the audience, unlike other podcast, they just talk alot
@Ace_Bandido808 Жыл бұрын
There is a problem with their argument. I'm only speaking for 1st enoch since that's the only book that we have copies of BC. The whole "It's just an easter egg" makes no sense. I understand quotes from certain people don't necessarily mean that you agree with everything they said. But the way he says it is not like an Easter egg. He literally says "and Enoch prophesied saying...." meaning that he believed what was written was a prophesy, not just an easter egg. On the note of prophesy, Enoch literally prophesied about Jesus, is that not proof enough it's inspired by God? Or are we now too scared to pass off the masses?
@jendoe9436 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone anywhere else: **arguing about the validity of Enoch and it’s message** Me: Wait, ‘e-nik’? I always thought it was ‘e-knock’.
@ABB14-11 3 жыл бұрын
Now you're asking the REAL questions.
@AJanae. 3 жыл бұрын
Me too!! 🤣
@northerngothic 3 жыл бұрын
When I found out that it was pronounced E-nik I decided I hate it so I still say E-knock
@silverforest4682 2 жыл бұрын
E-Nok is right.
@duaneregister397 Жыл бұрын
You might research Serapis,Christus , and Iesous Christos ,their origions....
@Spiritof76Catholic Жыл бұрын
Fascinating subject. I notice the perpetually critical have lost their minds. Pray for them.
@tomlabooks3263 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent - very useful and informative.
@Sevenspent 5 ай бұрын
Wow that makes a lot of sense, thank you for saving me a read.
@praizejesus5772 2 жыл бұрын
"Bible fan fiction" is a good way to describe the gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, ect.
@isaakleillhikar8311 2 жыл бұрын
That’s too soft
@SparksForces 9 ай бұрын
Those are Gnostics Gospels they are totally different than True Gospels
@MundusTransit 5 ай бұрын
Those are heretical Gnostic writings completely contradicting Our Lord's message by promoting private secret knowledge as the path to salvation.
@johnsouthern1493 3 жыл бұрын
Could the angels not have fallen twice?! The original instance happening before the creation of man, led by Lucifer in an attempt to usurp God as is taught through Catholicism........a second act happening during the early days of man with the watchers lusting after women, led by Azazel as is written in the Books of Enoch: Two separate occasions of rebellion against God in completely different times, each with its own objective - power in one instance, lust in the other.
@ironymatt 2 жыл бұрын
No, they couldn't have fallen twice. Only an angel in an already fallen state could lust after women, or be able to commit any other sin for that matter. With the angels, once they made their choice either to be with God or apart from Him it was made for all eternity.
@mavrotv3409 2 жыл бұрын
Lucifer. Is ayayel he the leader of the fallen angels. That corrupted the whole Earth
@InhabitantOfOddworld Жыл бұрын
Both happen together - the reason the fallen angels rebelled is that 1) God had already made man 2) some angels hated the fact that men were treated by God as superior to angels despite being of lesser power 3) it was the contingent of angels devoted to the Son who rebelled, as they knew about the Incarnation So when they fell, the watchers fell too. Both take place after man is created.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@juanitolopez3043 Жыл бұрын
Let’s just imagine the book of Enoch was biblical at one time which I’m not 100% convinced at all having knowledge about the Giants or Angels and what not it won’t save us so what profit can we gain from it what will save us is doing the will of the father instead of getting lost in Novels
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
Enoch is not the writer of the “Book of Enoch.” This is an uninspired, apocryphal book written many centuries later, probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E. The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal and pseudepigraphic text. It is falsely ascribed to Enoch. Produced probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E., it is a collection of extravagant and unhistorical Jewish myths, evidently the product of exegetical elaborations on the brief Genesis reference to Enoch. This alone is sufficient for lovers of God’s inspired Word to dismiss it. In the Bible, only the book of Jude contains Enoch’s prophetic words: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Many scholars contend that Enoch’s prophecy against his ungodly contemporaries is quoted directly from the Book of Enoch. Is it possible that Jude used an unreliable apocryphal book as his source? How Jude knew of Enoch’s prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. He may simply have quoted a common source, a reliable tradition handed down from remote antiquity. Paul evidently did something similar when he named Jannes and Jambres as the otherwise anonymous magicians of Pharaoh’s court who opposed Moses. If the writer of the Book of Enoch had access to an ancient source of this kind, why should we deny it to Jude?-Exodus 7:11, 22; 2 Timothy 3:8. How Jude received the information about Enoch’s message to the ungodly is a minor matter. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. (2 Timothy 3:16) God’s holy spirit guarded him from stating anything that was not true.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@juanitolopez3043 Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 Very true statement
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@juanitolopez3043 I was agreeing with you btw that comment was for the people that came to argue their point rather than go see what GOD says.
@tinadavy3990 Жыл бұрын
Without the Magisterium ... there is no Roman Catholic Church ... there would be no New Testament, etc. Why should we go outside the books of the Bible, and, read Enoch if much is fanciful ... where would the diligent discernment be ... . ? (Whatever we want to think?).
@dynamic9016 Жыл бұрын
Thanks much for this video.
@johnrodriguez3870 2 жыл бұрын
Now that I know the ROE ( Rules Of Engagement) for Catholic Answers SOP ( Standard Operations Procedure), " Permission to Speak, Sir"?! Hooah? Hooah! All that I wanted to tell that Former Sergeant of Marines, Tim Staples, is that I would like to own a copy of " The Book of Enoch" and " The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible". Amen and Roger Out!!🇺🇸🦅🌎⚓✝️
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@JudeMichaelPeterson 2 жыл бұрын
Noah was the best sci-fi, fantasy, biblical/apocryphal, action, horror film ever made. Largely on account of the fact that it's the only one ever made of those combined genres ever made.
@Chris-qg8ss Жыл бұрын
The book of Enoch was probably once more accurate, but became corrupted more and more over time and the older originals were lost or destroyed. Truth + lies together is more convincing than pure lies by itself.
@jacobweaver5691 Жыл бұрын
I don't recall ever reading anywhere in any Bible where it gave a specific time when the angels fell so i don't see how that would be relevant in deciding if the book of Enoch is divinely inspired. Than again I'm not Catholic either.
@314jph 3 жыл бұрын
@18:10 I keep thinking there needs to be much more exposition on WHY the 4th Latern Counsel comes up w the fall PRIOR to creation of man vs a 2nd fall. It seems like a miss or rather an argument from authority without the justification.
@chacehui6393 2 жыл бұрын
@@topshenanigans where does Christ quote Enoch?
@jjoseedlopez 2 жыл бұрын
@@topshenanigans the nephilim are giants they are also in the bible nephilim literally mean giant
@JosePerez-sy3xz 2 жыл бұрын
@@jjoseedlopez Goliath!!!! One "" Giant"
@creativecatproductions Жыл бұрын
The argument for this rejection of Enoch is pretty weak and raises new problems. Far be it from me to banish a text because it appears to contradict some other teaching.
@LIZZIE-lizzie Жыл бұрын
They didn't "hide" The Book of Enoch, they didn't consider that Book to be within the Gospels and preaching of JESUS. And they are a part of the Old Testament, not the New Testament of JESUS CHRIST. These are all Books in the Talmud, they are included in the DEAD SEA SCROLLS, which is the Old Testament. Today, these excellent Books are readily available. Not so in the past. One had take college classes to be made aware of and them and research on ones' own.
@bethanyann1060 3 жыл бұрын
You guys read my mind. Thanks for this!
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
We need to be cautious in the applying of scriptures so that they correctly present God’s Word in their preaching and teaching activity. As an example, take the statement that is sometimes made that one of the names given to Satan the Devil is Lucifer. Reference may be made by some to Isaiah 14:12-16. According to the Authorized Version (King James), verse twelve says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” The word “Lucifer” is a translation of the Hebrew word heh•lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh•lelʹ, as here used, is not a personal name or a title, but, rather, a term describing the brilliant position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings in the line of Nebuchadnezzar. It would not be correct to say that Satan the Devil is the one here called Lucifer as though it were one of his names. The expression here refers primarily to the king of Babylon, for, according to verse four, this is a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Also, verses fifteen and sixteen of this chapter fourteen say that this “shining one” (Lucifer) is to be brought down to Sheol, which is mankind’s common grave, not an abiding place for Satan the Devil. Furthermore, the fact is that those seeing this “shining one” brought into this condition say: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth, that was making kingdoms rock?” Satan is not a man but an invisible spirit creature. Thus, while the king of Babylon reflected the attitude of his father, the Devil, still the word Lucifer was not a name given to Satan the Devil. By “handling the word of the truth aright” we are prepared to speak the clear sayings of God as we have them on the printed pages of the Bible.
@exposure-qq2op Жыл бұрын
The apocrypha is not in the Bible either , aside from the Catholic Bible, with the exception of 2nd Endras , which is actually 2nd Ezra . Scholars agree that 2nd Ezra is the only book of the apocrapha, the should be considered hidden . As you probably well know , during the time Jerome was translating the Bible , that was dedicated to King James. Jerome wrote a letter of apology to the people , explaining that he could not capture the full meaning of every verse because he did not have words adequate to describe it properly. I feel , after reading his letter that the influences of the men and women from the pentecostal and whatever other denomination help with the translation , chose the book they didn't want to put in the Bible. As a matter of fact , why would they refer you to these other books , when they chose not to use them. Makes no sense to me. I do believe this Bible was inspired by GOD . I KNOW THAT IF A BEING AS GREAT AS GOD , CREATED EVERYTHING, THEN HE VERY WELL , KNOWS WHAT IT TAKES TO SUSTAIN HIS CREATION FOR AS LONG AS HE INTENTS IT TO BE. I have studied the Bible , the Greek and Hebrew dictionaries. All or most of the Churches doctrine , which I must admit I disagree with most of them on one thing or another. I could actually , probably write my version and have honest scholars agree with me. Trust is not rampant in a lot of the religions. There are and always have been scoffers. I have a mind of my own and I, myself would rather let the Holy Spirit guide me on my journey, because to me , life is just that , a journey , to another place in time. I feel like there truly is a time for an end , just as with anything. If there is a beginning , then there is an ending. The signs are all around us , but some can not see , some can only feel and some just don't care , right now anyway. Oh but just wait , there will come a time when every knee will bough and every eye will see , even those that pierced him . Such a terrible sight it will be , when those that have mocked him , shall be blinded by his glory. Those that have taken away from his word or added to his word , will reap , what they have sown . It will not be a good day for those that have deceived the children of GOD ! GOD WILL SHOW HIS PEOPLE'S WHAT IS TO COME , THROUGH HIS WORD ! HE WILL NOT FORSAKE HIS CHOSEN ONES. REPENT AND PRAY ! AMEN
@MartinTorrez-w1z 6 ай бұрын
The Catholic Church is not hiding the Book of Enoch. It was removed such as some others which are not considered Sacred Scripture. Many books were removed in 382 AD. I am a devote Catholic have read most of it and find that for some it may be problematic. It is not a sin to read these books nor will you be excommunicated As far as I can tell One day it may be proved to be Sacred Scripture but until it is; remember what Jesus says in the 4 gospels the best parts of the Bible.
@mattlestat2703 3 жыл бұрын
This is what the 4th lateran council papal encyclical says " The devil and other demons were created by God naturally good, but they became evil by their own doing. Man, however, sinned at the prompting of the devil. It does not say that lucifer and the watchers fell at the same time . So there is no conflict between Enoch and the 4th lateran council and the confession of faith.
@ABB14-11 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the info!
@jeremysmith7176 3 жыл бұрын
And this is why the church determines if a book is inspired before determining if a book is innearent.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@warrensmith9538 Жыл бұрын
The real trouble for me with the book of Enoch is the concept of the Watchers being angelic and how they ultimately corrupted humans. This would imply there was a second rebellion of the angels or they were demonic from the first (and only) fall.
@akagetobimaru1994 Жыл бұрын
I do believe it's the 2nd time the angels disobeys God... The 4 angels that was sealed in the euphrates river written in enoch and it was mention in Revelation too when the rivera dried up,those angels that was tied up in the euphrates rivers will be set loose....
@iankrog8 Жыл бұрын
The real trouble is how you interpret time into this story of angels falling. If angels fell once and, therefore, always from their beginning, what does that look like to the earth, which is bound to time that passes and is not infinite?
@lorenzobattista2530 3 жыл бұрын
The current book of Enoch is not the one mentioned in Genesis as it was originally in Aramaic and Aramaic didn't exist when Genesis was written.
@chrisdsouza23171 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Catholic Answers for this
@JamaaLS Жыл бұрын
I think it's kinda of arrogant to take an ancient religion and to remove books that people don't see fit. I think the Ethiopians have things right.
@froicabuling Жыл бұрын
I am a Catholic Christian but I do believe the book of Enoch. It should be included in the modern Bible. Why do the Catholic Church keep rejecting and ignoring it? I read it together with the book of Jubilees and the contents do not contradict the Torah or modern Bible nor confused my understanding of the Bible. So the speaker noted that it was among the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in Qumran together with the complete book of Isaiah. Whoever preserved those scrolls for future generation to discover were of no brainer just to confuse the faith of men in the belief of God the Creator.
@Car1Sagan Жыл бұрын
I thought The Book of Enoch says that Enoch was the Messiah prophesized (28:20), the Son of God. If so, that's another reason why the Book of Enoch must be rejected.
@lawrencemiller3081 Жыл бұрын
I disagree. 2Peter 2:4 and Jude 6 both quote from 1 Enoch. These 2 make 2 witnesses, which corroborate the truth of 1 Enoch. Catholicism is founded upon some principles first defined in Enoch.
@bbl361 Жыл бұрын
Jubilees 4 also confirms Enoch as the first scribe ever. Another witness, another book declared uninspired.
@dangelotringali7527 3 жыл бұрын
Rather than make a ridiculous argument about how Jude referenced Enoch but was only referencing it as somehow a pop-culture figure, please explain how the council of Chalcedon could possibly have been valid.
@angelicarr3997 3 жыл бұрын
good point
@littleone1656 Жыл бұрын
Am I missing something?
@e.witover4222 Жыл бұрын
So I agree with all this, BUT how did the giants get on the earth? Genesis says they were on the earth in those days AND after. Suggestions to their origin and how they appeared after the flood? Thank you! I'm writing a book on all this and appreciate all angles of information.
@OperationDx1 2 жыл бұрын
2:40 That is basically every person of faith I have ever met. All of them and I mean every single one do not follow their faith.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@nancylourose Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 Catholics did not add books. The protestant reformers Removed books
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@nancylourose added doctrine then that has nothing to do with Gods word and goes against it. I am reading the apocrypha at the moment I don't get why they were removed by the reformed Christians as some of them were referred to by Jesus even. Catholic is still a cult religion that leads you away from God and his son. Enoch is a great read and explains a lot.
@CherylLogan-x9y Жыл бұрын
@sandrarealestateinc 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very insightful! Can you do an episode on astrology. I used to look into astrology for fun but have stayed away since living for Gods glory and I think it’s important to understand the context on why certain things tho maybe true aren’t of God.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@ethanjsc 3 жыл бұрын
Quick question about Catholic view of salvation; I am researching the subject but it seems contradictory to me. Why is it that catholics believe in salvation as a "process", but also believe that someone who is in a state of grace is saved? That sounds like assurance of salvation to me, but what I hear from other catholics is that its wrong to assume that you have assurance of salvation. But if you re in a state of grace, why can't you say that you believe you are saved for sure?
@atgred 3 жыл бұрын
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭4:3-5‬ ‭KJV “But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. For I know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.” ‬‬
@sheenahembrador5970 3 жыл бұрын
If you die in a state of grace, you are saved. Being in a state of grace means you are free of mortal sin. You are in a state of grace after having confessed those sins by the sacrament of reconciliation. Not everyone dies straight after confession, you can lose that grace if you commit a mortal sin so you cannot be assured you are saved. You must try and maintain that state of grace because those who persevere to the end are saved.
@Kitiwake 3 жыл бұрын
Lol... Don't you have to die first... Before you're saved I mean? So yeah, a state of grace will put you in the way of salvation upon your death but grace can be lost through mortal sin. So, don't die in a state of mortal sin Plus if you increase in holiness during your life the nearer to God you will be in the next. That's where the saints are. So "be a saint".
@Kitiwake 3 жыл бұрын
@@atgred look out! It's a trap! Here's the correct version from the standard revised edition Catholic bible. "But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. I do not even judge myself. 4 I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me".
@Valerie_Staples 3 жыл бұрын
@@atgred That's exactly the passage I was going to reference. Great job for being familiar with this very important text!
@gregoryferraro4009 2 жыл бұрын
If Enoch Walked With God And Noah Was His Great, Great etc, Grandson, Why Would It Not Be Considered "Inspired" By God As A Direct Teaching I'd God??? Greg🤔🙏👮
@LadTrad 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing. Always wondered about 1 peter 3:19, Alot of discussion whether the passage was pointing to enoch, Love the content
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
Enoch is not the writer of the “Book of Enoch.” This is an uninspired, apocryphal book written many centuries later, probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E. The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal and pseudepigraphic text. It is falsely ascribed to Enoch. Produced probably sometime during the second and first centuries B.C.E., it is a collection of extravagant and unhistorical Jewish myths, evidently the product of exegetical elaborations on the brief Genesis reference to Enoch. This alone is sufficient for lovers of God’s inspired Word to dismiss it. In the Bible, only the book of Jude contains Enoch’s prophetic words: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Many scholars contend that Enoch’s prophecy against his ungodly contemporaries is quoted directly from the Book of Enoch. Is it possible that Jude used an unreliable apocryphal book as his source? How Jude knew of Enoch’s prophecy is not revealed in the Scriptures. He may simply have quoted a common source, a reliable tradition handed down from remote antiquity. Paul evidently did something similar when he named Jannes and Jambres as the otherwise anonymous magicians of Pharaoh’s court who opposed Moses. If the writer of the Book of Enoch had access to an ancient source of this kind, why should we deny it to Jude?-Exodus 7:11, 22; 2 Timothy 3:8. How Jude received the information about Enoch’s message to the ungodly is a minor matter. Its reliability is attested to by the fact that Jude wrote under divine inspiration. (2 Timothy 3:16) God’s holy spirit guarded him from stating anything that was not true.
@LadTrad Жыл бұрын
@Alex Shatner that's crazy never knew all that thanks
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
@@LadTrad You are very welcomed Lad and if you have any questions regarding any bible subject don't hesitate to ask I am a graduate and scholar from the University of Oxford United Kingdom, ranking # 1 in the world as we speak, and I have a masters degree, and Professor in Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies for over 30 years, I understand the original Hebrew, also to include a scholarship in the Traditional Greek( KOINE) language in which Paul spoke and understood. Oxford is one of the oldest Universities that date back to the year 1096 after Christ.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@eggsbacon1538 Жыл бұрын
The Son of Man chapters are amazing in it’s prophetic detailing of Christ.
@cinnamondan4984 3 жыл бұрын
Believing that one of Jesus’s disciples was the author of the Epistle of St. Jude does take a leap of faith.
@steadyflow3790 Жыл бұрын
The biggest misunderstanding is "Lucifer". It's not a name, but the Catholic church made the error of accepting "Lucifer" to be the name of an angel. This is a well known error amongst real scholars.
@tsigereda-rose5534 Жыл бұрын
I am from Eritrea, we have book of Henok and other books that are really amazing in our Bible in the Tewahedo Orthodox Christian church . What Azazel introduced to the world we the tewahdo orthodox of Eritrea and Ethiopia try to remove from our life..including the makeup, shaving eyebrows, put tatoos etc. As it also says in the Bible our body is God's temple. For us it's real. Henok and Elias actually will be coming back according to the Bible (I think in the book of Barok) and be amongest us and we wouldn't recognize them..untill they get killed for telling the truth to save human kind before the end comes. I encourage you to read more and discuss with Ethiopian or Eritrean Tewahedo Orthodox Priests in your area and prepare for what's to come...thank you
@dadadadave100 Жыл бұрын
Were I’m confused is I didn’t think angels had the means to reproduce soo how did they have relations with humans and how were they able to reproduce
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
Do you really believe in fantasy and magic? Because that's what he Bible is.
@emmanuelcadelina1848 Жыл бұрын
Book of Enoch is not inspired books bcoz it contradict the canonical bible..
@laerwin1 3 жыл бұрын
YAAASSS!!! Thank you I’ve been asking for weeks about this! 🥰🥰
@alexshatner3907 Жыл бұрын
We need to be cautious in the applying of scriptures so that they correctly present God’s Word in their preaching and teaching activity. As an example, take the statement that is sometimes made that one of the names given to Satan the Devil is Lucifer. Reference may be made by some to Isaiah 14:12-16. According to the Authorized Version (King James), verse twelve says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” The word “Lucifer” is a translation of the Hebrew word heh•lelʹ, “shining one.” Heh•lelʹ, as here used, is not a personal name or a title, but, rather, a term describing the brilliant position taken by Babylon’s dynasty of kings in the line of Nebuchadnezzar. It would not be correct to say that Satan the Devil is the one here called Lucifer as though it were one of his names. The expression here refers primarily to the king of Babylon, for, according to verse four, this is a “proverbial saying against the king of Babylon.” Also, verses fifteen and sixteen of this chapter fourteen say that this “shining one” (Lucifer) is to be brought down to Sheol, which is mankind’s common grave, not an abiding place for Satan the Devil. Furthermore, the fact is that those seeing this “shining one” brought into this condition say: “Is this the man that was agitating the earth, that was making kingdoms rock?” Satan is not a man but an invisible spirit creature. Thus, while the king of Babylon reflected the attitude of his father, the Devil, still the word Lucifer was not a name given to Satan the Devil. By “handling the word of the truth aright” we are prepared to speak the clear sayings of God as we have them on the printed pages of the Bible.
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@SuperSaiyanScandinavian Жыл бұрын
I imagine this question I have is likely addressed at some point, but I don't have the time for this long of a video. Is there benefit to reading non canonical books closely related to the Bible? If the Vatican has no problems with Catholics reading something like the Book of Enoch so long as they don't confuse it with actual canon, i think it might be quite interesting to read, but I don't want to do anything that goes against the Vatican.
@danielcristancho3524 Жыл бұрын
The book of Enoch is not scripture. Like the Apocrypha, it was never been part of the original canon.
@YeshuaEvangelist. Жыл бұрын
I think this Book was Biblical, but the Book we have today is Unbiblical as it had error added to it later on, so the Original Book of Enoch would in my view be Biblical but the Book of Enoch we have today is not as it had Unbiblical stuff added to it on my view.
@agnespiramilaarokiasamy291 Жыл бұрын
It's nothing wrong hiding the book cz it's not giving any benefit to us.
@georgemalangmei1665 Жыл бұрын
Guy excellent conversation proud of catholic from George in india
@sirlottawin 2 жыл бұрын
Great video
@JamesDavis-dn3wo 11 ай бұрын
If you thought about including it in the Bible where would you put it. I've read that the book of Enoch was written between the old and new testament prior to Christ about 200 - 300 BC
@lastchance8142 Жыл бұрын
When Paul uses quotations from pagan philosophy to evangelize the gentiles, he never ascribes those sayings to the true God, or prophets. Poor analogy to Enoch, since Jude ascribes the teaching to "Enoch, the seventh from Adam". Clearly, Jude is giving credence to this book as originating with a Saint of God. Calling it "fan fiction" is over the top disrespect. Further, Peter mentions doctrine from Enoch which appears nowhere in the old testament: "For if God did not spare the angels having sinned, but having cast them down to Tartarus". The book of Enoch may not have made it into the cannon for several reasons, but it is clearly inspired in its doctrine and lays out truth not found anywhere else in scripture. Judge for yourself before simply falling back upon Catholic traditions.
@hunniebe6 Жыл бұрын
The book of Enoch exposes the pagan influence on Christianity. That is why it was rejected.
@tomcha75 Жыл бұрын
Is there a place where people can submit questions?
@yalnevatekofreedom5096 Жыл бұрын
Yes it teaches the son of God was with God before time! Note: the SON, not the son is god.
@michaelbranham5854 9 ай бұрын
When was the book of enoch written on the timeline compared to Moses book of law?
@ellamae6360 2 жыл бұрын
many exorcists say that the demons are ashamed because they coveted God’s power and are jealous of Man’s special place of God’s love. So my question is, doesn’t that make the Book of Enoch valid that the devil’s fall was after the creation of Man? I’m sure Adam and Eve lived long before their Fall.
@antboy42 2 жыл бұрын
Can someone explain what he means in this part? 24:30 about the sacrifices
@stormygayle9388 Жыл бұрын
I hate to be critical., but I’m going to be… in a kind way..I hope the guy explaining the Book of Enoch never takes a maths class., students wld be so confused as he gave one rule of working an algorithm and then saying.,, but don’t use this rule if this exists.. talk about confusing! he might mean well but this conversation was all over the place..! Maybe you cld structure your coverage., so that you just move through Enoch’s book.. without saying; oh but don’t believe that bcoz this applies. And stop cross-crossing between what Catholicism doesn’t allow throwing in different history of Vatican rulings., Catholics know what their beliefs are ..usually, If u are goi v to explain the Book of Enoch., explain the book of Enoch.., don’t contradict everything in it with what isn’t Catholic belief., The Book of Enoch is v enlightening in my levels .. it doesn’t mean that we are about to give up our faith and adopt another faith… it was really annoying and confusing ., and it didn’t need to be!
@jobo8143 Жыл бұрын
Question, Genesis 6:4 Refers to the Nephilium. That's what originally threw me, and its in 1 or 2 more places. The story of the giants, men of renown, the Book of Enoch being false doesn't explain that away.
@gabriellefrenchtuttle7832 3 жыл бұрын
Angels are non-corporeal, and don't live in our time. They can't lust.
@joselongo1601 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly, besides why they like women, since they aren't males or's nonsense.
@joselongo1601 2 жыл бұрын
@@nosuchthing8 according to Enoch
@bronsb345 Жыл бұрын
So we just put in the Bible what feels good to our narrative. Sounds about religious.
@TboneWTF Жыл бұрын
Religion is a scam.
@manny75586 Жыл бұрын
I recall decades ago hearing about the Book of Enoch after wondering about this Enoch guy being mentioned in the Bible. It's an interesting book. It wouldn't be out of place in the OT at all. It has been a long time since I've read it, but I don't recall it being wildly contrary to anything that was written in the Bible (any more than other books that have slight conflicts with one another). But the most important parts are mostly mentioned in the Bible by reference from what I recall. So I understand why they opted to just keep it out...the Bible is pretty long already haha. As far as the Church hiding it, you can buy it on Amazon. So they're doing a bad job hiding it haha.
@justinegarcia8771 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video I’m trying to get a better understanding of the flood and the corruption of earth I understood the Nephilim were on the earth and had a hand in the corruption of earth Where did they come from? What is a book that explains more about the earth before the time of the flood, that the Church accepts? Thank you
@archanakumar2174 Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@williamburych2136 2 жыл бұрын
Angels are SPIRITUAL beings...beings of light and messengers of God. They don't have human bodies so they could not have taken human wives.
@allebiramhtennek9943 2 жыл бұрын
Demons do.
@jacobweaver5691 Жыл бұрын
There are different instances in the bible where angels took human form. One I can think of was when they came to speak with Abraham and even ate a meal with him. Demons have to possess someone to gain a human form.
@whichypoohs Жыл бұрын
The Book of Enoch makes sense of the senseless. Enoch went up with GOD, that's how important it is.
@carlfernandes1275 Жыл бұрын
Where can I purchase the Ethiopian Bible please online
@TheGodSchema 2 жыл бұрын
What are the acceptance criteria for validating or confirming what is 'God inspired'? Also, is 'God inspired' a binary category? So then if so, something cannot be 'partially inspired' Is the truth value of the book hindered if it is not inspired? If something is not 'God inspired' does that mean then He does not have a message there?
@johnanthony8951 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, the church hides spiritual knowledge. The truth will prevail, the prophets spoke the truth, but the scribblers, priests, and Pharisees stole the works of the prophets and converted them into a belief system rather than a self responsibility system that the prophets taught.
@samabeka3023 Жыл бұрын
There're 336 Books of Enoch and the world isn't going to come to an end, until the faithful and believers in Christ JESUS has read them all. This is what Enoch himself promised to all those who truly believed in the True and Unique God of Jesus Christ. These Books,said Enoch,were written for the purpose of affirming and strengthening the faith and understanding of those who trust and believe in God,and they shall be revealed at the appropriate time and moment !
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
Jesus says the no man has ascended to heaven and came back to earth. That alone proves Enochs book to be false. Same as the extra books catholics added. Isiah has 66 chapters and each correlates with a book for example Isiah 40 and Matthew which is book 40 and Isiah 66 and Revelation which is the last book. I'm Irish born catholic and their doctrine and what they changed in the bible to suit their cult and make people worship demons. Also praying to Mary and saints that are dead and awaiting judgement day breaks the real 2nd commandment. To be a born again Christian is to receive baptism of the Holy Spirit and is something no man or religion can do for you only Jesus and asking him for forgiveness. You do not need to remember every sin you just have to mean that you are sorry for being a sinner as he already knows everything that we have done and you can't fake repent like priests make you do. If you do not have the Holy Spirit in you and it's a physical change you will not be going to heaven. There's no denying GOD when he sends you his spirit and you will know truth then too. Irish born catholic here and I know all about how they disobey our GOD and make a mockery of Jesus. He is the only mediator between us and the father don't be fooled by men that serve satan.
@samabeka3023 Жыл бұрын
The cynic knows the price of everything,without knowing their true value. As talking much does not necessarily prove ones innocence or that one is speaking the truth,l will simply ask you to just explain to me why does the Bible contain quotes of Enoch if no one has gone or descended from heaven,as you wrongly analyse ? Jude 1:6,14. No wonder you're or were a Catholic. Catholics normally don't read the Bible much. To them the Hail Mary,Rosary and the Confession to the priest,seems enough for their salvation. Most people make the error of thinking that they know and understand the Holy Bible,while they know nothing about it. Furthermore, the Bible never contradicts itself. If no one either ascended or came down from heaven,why then did Jesus Christ teach that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elias ? The misinterpretation of the Bible, can only lead to vague and vain imaginations. The Bible is specially designed and written in a way that whatever one have in mind and spirit before consulting the Bible,that is exactly what one is bound to find. As Jesus Christ is Our Lord and Saviour of this generation of Abraham,so also was Enoch the mediator between God and man,during the generation of Noah. If the Bible also teaches about Enoch,the Bible then according to you is unreliable because Enoch didn't come down from heaven as Christ said. The misunderstanding is not from the Bible,but rather it is your knowledge and comprehension of the Bible which are not right. The Books of Enoch are far older than the Bible itself,but were hidden to be revealed for a purpose. In this age of corruption and apostasy,imagine what ungodly and evil humans will do to corrupt those holy books,if they were not concealed ? To attain power,riches and domination,most men are capable of anything ! "And Enoch walked with God,and so he was not"! Try finding the meaning of that verse in the Book of Genesis !
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@samabeka3023 Jesus says this in nlt bible "No one has ever gone to heaven and returned. But the Son of Man has come down from heaven." you tell me where it says Enoch returned. You do know that if you knew GODS word and not let others tell you it you would know truth.
@samabeka3023 Жыл бұрын
@@Bouncer83 Some people tend to look at the finger,rather at the sun,that is pointing the sun to them ! Then tell me why Enoch is in the Bible,and not the Old but the NewTestament too,Jude 1:6,!4. Why don't you read it ? I didn't write the Bible,and don't pretend to be what you are not,because no one has the monopole of intelligence ! Why did John the Baptist come in the spirit of Elias,if no one came down from heaven except Jesus ? Every verse in the Bible,has seventy forms of interpretations,and there are esoteric,exoteric,anagogic,etc. forms of the interpretation of the Bible. You can not understand the Bible,just because you've read all the books from Genesis to Revelation a thousand times,and the Bible never contradicts itself !
@Bouncer83 Жыл бұрын
@@samabeka3023 I read it and read it daily. Jesus says that nobody other than he has done it. You need to not read catholic doctrine and other doctrine that isn't from GOD. Jesus says that so that we know what is real and what isn't like when it says in the Bible about the dead being dead and not being able to contact them. I do not pretend anything and if you were a Christian you would know because receiving the holy spirit is something that happens when we are born again and that's how we know that we are. It's confirmation from GOD that we are his. It's called the spirit of truth for a reason and will lead you to it. Try it seek Jesus and repent and ask him for forgiveness and if you really mean it as he knows our hearts and we cannot trick him he will send you the holy spirit as a gift. We should all have it if we are good with GOD and if you haven't you are not good. GOD is love and will let you know that he is there and you will feel it. Catholics all defend their religion rather than do what our Father says and it is the wrong path brother. Don't trust me trust Jesus as he is the only way to the Father. I was catholic and now I can see the deception of all religions and why they do what they do. Check the commandments and compare them. Catholic ones and the Jewish Torah ones and you will see.
@temauiojah 3 жыл бұрын
Regarding this book, is there a Masonic Solomon's Temple connection? Wikipedia mentions James Bruce 'the Abyssinian Traveller' returned to Europe with 3 copies of the Geez version. Also you have the Freemasonry 'Legend of Enoch'. All later references. Ethiopia, Sheba etc?'
@OperationDx1 2 жыл бұрын
So you are saying that angels AKA watchers take human wives? That through mating make giants and no doubt this is where the David and goliath story comes in??? I really don't think so or let's say I disagree. But in any case seems like a important book to leave out of the bible.
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