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Is the Universe Created from Nothing? The Big Bang Reinterpreted

  Рет қаралды 32,091

Rupert Spira

Rupert Spira

Күн бұрын

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@nsbd90now Жыл бұрын
It is so wild that Rupert Spira seems able to talk about the human experience of reality in such a clear and modern way. I imagine this is what it must be like in the ancient past when people listened to "saints" and "mystics" and "buddhas" talk about the topic.
@markimel4947 2 жыл бұрын
Rupert is a good man.
@Meditation409 2 жыл бұрын
Rupert is also telling us what Mainstream Science refuses to tell us....he is telling us what Science and Mainstream religion avoids at all costs....Rupert in essence is telling us the truth....
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
@@Meditation409 He IS the Truth, so can't tell other than the Truth!
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 No thing
@florianbitterlin3989 2 жыл бұрын
Mark is a good man too.
@pequod4557 3 ай бұрын
He's a cat.
@rheasnehmoy 2 жыл бұрын
No amount of explanation or analogies will give us an idea of what reality exactly is and how it manifested everything we experience. Because everything we know is only through our mind and beyond mind is only nothingness. Whatever we will try to imagine using words will only create more ideas which are still part of our mind. Spiritual teaching becomes addiction after a while. Reading and listening to something or somebody which makes us feel better but real goal is to leave everything. Stay in nothingness without taking any external support no matter how uncomfortable it gets. That’s why Shri Ramana Said, Silence is the Truth and Stillness is the God.
@santhoshgopinath816 Жыл бұрын
. Namaste ! What you say would find much resonance among the Yogis (followers of raja yoga / kriya yoga). They have a comment about jnanayogis ( advaitins / non dualists) - "they know a lot, but have very less experience". They are not wrong as they did choose what is good for them and succeeded in their seeking. Jnanayogis on the other hand would say - "the experience of Ultimate Reality is right here, you are going through it every moment, yet you dont recognise it, why? because of ignorance about Ultimate Reality. How can you remove this ignorance? By gaining knowledge about the Ultimate Reality. Jnanayoga does not teach anything new which you have not experienced so far. It only points out what you are missing, due to ignoracne. What is the benefit of jnanayoga ? In the words of the jnana yogi - you gain what you always had, and you lose which you never had". They are not wrong as they did choose what is good for them and succeeded in their seeking. Ramana maharshi was a mystic, born jnani. Another would be the "uneducated" Mata Amritanandamayi, whose words are pure jnana, but goes the path of bhakti and karma yoga. They didn’t need to seek. For ordinary seekers, Knowledge is the base for non-dualism. Once you choose to gain knowledge, you become a non dualist seeker mumukshu. You follow the pedagogy and get the epistemology, by listening, understanding and be absorbed and established in the understanding, you become jnani. And it is all good. IMHO, for ordinary seekers, what you are saying is more valid post the knowledge phase. As the joke goes - "money is not everything but dont say such things before you have made your million". Mystics are born millionaires in jnana. Seekers can shake off the learning after you have learned. The pole vaulter needs the pole to make the vault, he just cannot avoid it; but he has to necessarily let go off the pole once he is past the bar. IMHO, this is what happened to JK’s followers. JK himself used the pole to become one of the greatest pole vaulters, but his followers look at him after he has crossed the bar and say “look, no pole”, and imagine they can do pole vault without the pole and get into claims and delusions and never get there. IMHO only. .
@rheasnehmoy Жыл бұрын
@@santhoshgopinath816 thank you 😊
@simonhitchenk9 2 жыл бұрын
As ever Rupert makes the inexplicable a little less inexplicable. Truly a great teacher
@jorgetfreitas3167 2 жыл бұрын
In the universe everything seems to be a dream and in the dream everything seems to be a universe. In the absence of any thought, Being exists as the infinite, and in the absence of mind itself, non-dual Being remains as the void of the infinite, which is the essence of finite existence itself. Thank you Rupert for opening my understanding more and more.
@sandycarter5300 2 жыл бұрын
There is no void, except in belief. There is, instead, the infinite indivisible ocean of Love, in which there are no reference points because there is no subject/object. This infinite indivisible ocean of Love is the only Life, Intelligence, Being there is. It is the only Reality. Everything "else" is illusory, a dream arising from the belief in subject/object.
@DavidDW 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandycarter5300 In quantum mechanics and Dzogchen this is known as the ground state. Unlike a void which is an expanse the ground state is dimensionless.
@plumeria66 2 жыл бұрын
@@sandycarter5300 Have you been there? People didn’t believe the Pacific Ocean existed until they crossed it. I’ve been to the void in out of body experiences. Others have as well. It’s our true selves. Our origins. Empty nothingness full of peace and wonder. Maybe one day you will go there too and finally know who you are…maybe after death.
@consideredwhisper 2 жыл бұрын
I had a similar realisation a few weeks ago in Oxford: I felt Time collapse. I’m a creative type, but been engrossed in trying to get my head around basic astrophysics for the last 3 weeks: this very morning I was listening to the latest BATGAP, Rick Archer’s brilliant interview with the astrophysicist Prof Bernard Carr. Bernard elaborates on what Rupert is referring to here from a Scientific pov, perfect synchronicity! It’s as if the Ourobouros has connected. As Rupert says elsewhere there are ‘no gaps’ at this stage. I recommend Bernard’s interview if anyone is interested. He mentions Rupert by name as a great teacher btw. Also Carlo Ravelli being interviewed by Jim Alkalili on BBC The Life Scientific where he also refers to these dimensionless dimensions along with Quantum Gravity. So fascinating to bring spirituality and science together.
@KEG242 2 жыл бұрын
Hi thanks for the info. I've had a similar experience of time collapse. Things change.
@anandakumarsanthinathan4740 2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful, Rupert. In the movie 'Contact', Dr.Arroway (played by Jodie Foster) travels in a spaceship and lands back again on earth after 4 hours. She insists that she met her father who had passed away a long time ago and spent around 40 hours with him having a very joyful time by the shore, in the garden, etc. The scientists say she is crazy as she has only been away for 4 hours and that her theory of having spent 40 hours with her father is not possible. As the movie is about to end, a scientist walks in and says "Yes, I can't believe what she is saying. But remember the tape we fixed in the satellite to record the events happening? It played for 40 hours". 🙏🙏
@szucsyp 2 жыл бұрын
Was it four hours? I remembered she just fell down as if nothing had happened.
@anandakumarsanthinathan4740 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 me too.
@anandakumarsanthinathan4740 2 жыл бұрын
@@szucsyp could be. I saw the movie just once more than 20 years ago and somehow it left a deep impression on me. I don't remember the exact details, but just the outline. What you said is probably what happened. The 4 / 40 hours just came to my mind as I was writing the comment.
@anandakumarsanthinathan4740 2 жыл бұрын
@@r3b3lvegan89 , great to know this. I have faint memory of the movie which I saw just once in the late '90s. But somehow I was greatly moved by the movie. I am now inspired to watch it again, Machew Durbin. You take care and have a great weekend ahead.
@vinny-lp5qv 2 жыл бұрын
@@szucsyp it was seconds the round ship dropped into the net but the video recording missed i forget howlong it was
@katrinacerise6221 2 жыл бұрын
I love Ruperts Spirality more and more ☀️
@latiffabdul 2 жыл бұрын
My experiences is similar. But it’s a bit more complicated which I hope I can adequately convey in the following. In a dream, everything that appears, the world and the body, are all dream stuff. The real dreamer can never be found in it. Similarly, if this waking world is an appearance in our awareness, we can never find the actual source of the awareness in it. One of the fundamental nature of awareness is that it is always here. In other words the appearance of the world is always from the perspective of here, no matter where we are. But the source of awareness can never be found in the world (as in the dream analogy). Thus the world that appears to us seems to emanate from a singularity (an infinitely small point). It’s quite similar to the Big Bang in which the universe comes out into existence from a singularity. The different is that the world that appears to us in our awareness seems to emanate from a singularity within the body and not somewhere out there. Another fundamental nature of awareness is it is always now. That means the appearance of the world in our awareness is not continuous. It’s really similar to a movie. The movie appears continuous but in actual fact it is made up a limited number of frames per second. The world appears then disappears but a rate big enough to give it a sense of continuity to us. Ibn Arabi, the great Sufi master, called this the Breath of God. In the out-breath the world appears. In the in-breath it disappears. So this Big Bang analogy of the appearance of the world to us is not happening just once. It is happening moment to moment. Another fundamental nature of awareness is that it is always I, the self. In other words it’s 100% subjective. This would mean that this moment to moment appearance of the universe must be happening to each sentient being in the universe. If there are 1 trillion sentient beings in the world, there will be 1 trillion versions of this moment byto moment appearance of the universe. It’s really mind boggling to try to image all of this. It reminds me of the expression used by Nisargadatta, an infinitude of infinities. But there is an analogy that I find useful. What I have described is actually quite similar to the so called first person multiple player internet video games. The first person perspective is analogous to the “here” nature of awareness. The video game is frame by frame like a movie. This corresponds to the “now” nature of awareness. If there are 10 persons playing the game, there will be also be 10 versions of the game, each on the computer of the person playing the game. This would correspond to the subjective nature of awareness.
@rinarina5799 2 жыл бұрын
Good god is dreaming.
@rinarina5799 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 awareness knows itself, it is aware of itself. that’s why it is called awareness or love or god. it knows nothing else. No?
@lindaross783 2 жыл бұрын
I wish I had made all that walking around Paris a little less serious.
@petervansteen4595 Жыл бұрын
When you are fully awake you will forget Paris and will be heaven!
@yinooyang7757 2 жыл бұрын
Live has the striving to live and experience itself as diverse as possible, no matter if as matter, never mind if as mind or whatever.
@helixreggae 2 жыл бұрын
What we consider as nothing is and is not 1 and 0.We as humans can only perceive that which our brains can process. If we can't perceive something does it mean that it does not exist.
@tuficek 2 жыл бұрын
I is not consicousness or awareness, I is the life in you, which is you, you can be conscious but this belongs to the body also and will dissapear, what will alway stay is the esence of life, after death will transfer to the soul, after death of soul will transwer to the universe, you are just a piece of wholeness, just separate ego does problems which seems you are separate from this. Do no let you be fooled you are consiousness, you are not, you are that invisible which moves your body. You are life!!!
@santhoshgopinath816 Жыл бұрын
. To those who are interested, it might be useful to go to Mandukya Upanishad, from which the contents of this video seem to have been inspired. Some viewers might say - "but there is also the deep sleep state where there is no thoughts, ideas, memory, imagination, intellect, ego identity....How do you approach that ?” This Q is not invalid because modern psychologists do define 3 states of being - waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Mandukya will answer this. It studies these 3 states in detail and then shows "The Fourth" state, which is a sort of waking from waking state into what RS has mentioned as “consciousness" in this video. The Upanishads also show a correspondence of these 3 states and fourth with the 3 states of the universe itself and the fourth as Ultimate Reality, from which the universe appears. Thus the universe also experiences the 3 states and its ultimate reality is also the fourth state, which is no different from the fourth of the individual. The 4 states we study here is just the individual experience in microcosm of the aggregate’s experience. And, as both Mandukya and RS cautions, do not dismiss the waking state as being simply false. What we have to understand is that the happenings of the waking state is valid in the waking state - hence the big bang of 13 billion years ago is very much valid in waking state. The happenings of the dream state is valid in the dream state - hence that lady's experience of time and space used up in Paris is valid in her dream state. In The Fourth state, you come to realize that there is an Ultimate Reality which transcends the 3 states of deep sleep, dreaming and waking. Deep sleep is studied in detail in the Upanishad and its study also helps to show that “The Fourth” is not really any fourth state, but the inherent “substantial reality” that runs through the 3 states like a string runs through pearls and holds the 3 states together and affords continuity and identity to the person enabling her to say “ I woke up” / “ I dreamt” / “I slept so deeply that I knew nothing” etc. Also as Spira said in another video, “Now is not a moment in time, Now is the eternal because whenever you check time, it is Now”. Thus you could say that “Time is a moment in Now”. This could be perceived as a big bang now. The 3 dimensions - space, time, causality are emergent properties. Then there should be “something substantial” from which the dimensions emerge. This is one way to show that the Ultimate Reality is not a Void. Now coming to the dualists among Hindus, they also strongly support the experience of the dimensionless. For example, they say that the pious will be “taken to Vaikunth in Vimaana”. Now a literal translation of this could be - “taken to heaven in a spaceship”. But the implied meaning says “taken to a place of no worries in a dimensionless travel”. Because kunth means sorrow and vaikunth means no worries, maana means dimensions and vimaana means dimensionless. Thus when you transcend the dimensions, you reach a place of no sorrow. Namaste ! .
@mindfulkayaker7737 2 жыл бұрын
Similarly How is it possible that a line segment limited by a precise dimension can be formed by infinite numbers of dimensionless points devoid of length width or volume? And yet it is a scientific fact! The universe give us many subtle hints to know the reality of all existence.
@catalinul1461 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 Nothingness is what the mind perceives, when you are aware of being aware, when looking back at this experience the mind sees nothingness.. is it not so? So with deep sleep, same thing, nothingness, there are no objects to perceive, just awareness of awareness and so the mind when looking back at this experience calls it an experience of nothingness.
@catalinul1461 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 When the thoughts, feelings, perceptions, sensations, and so on, when all these objects are not there anymore, the mind sees this as nothingness and yet from this nothingness all those thoughts, feelings, perceptions, sensations arise. So is this nothingness or is it just how the mind sees the absence of these objects? If it is nothingness, then nothing can ever arise from there, which is not the way it is, clearly there's something there and this something is awareness, consciousness, the field of potentiality, the Self, God, whatever the name. It's not interesting how the mind perceives this as nothingness and ends up calling it consciousness while knowing it is itself consciousness? And the mind as a separate entity can not ever grasp it, unless it unwinds, it opens, it merges, it collapses back into this nothingness and this is what we call death, either physical or deep sleep or when we meditate resting in awareness or when unconscious. These experiences are exactly the same, nothingness, from the perspective of mind. Clearly not what it really is, we have tons of documented NDEs and spiritual experiences giving glimpses of an expanded perspective upon the nature of reality. I myself have had a few NDEs and many other experiences. From a finite perspective, yes, there's nothingness, but while the perspective expands, clearly there's something there.
@carlospedraja9039 2 жыл бұрын
Is talking in whispers part of being enlightened ?
@cinematicvoid1334 2 жыл бұрын
Nope just the way he talks lol
@usmanfayyaz2399 2 жыл бұрын
@usmanfayyaz2399 2 жыл бұрын
Thats so fkin funny 😭😭😭😭
@markimel4947 2 жыл бұрын
Well he could scream.
@SusanHopkinson 2 жыл бұрын
😁 there is a feeling of “softness” or calm that follows a lot of meditation (this is a retreat) and it’s quite common to not want to spoil that energy. It’s like the way people often want to stay quiet or speak quietly first thing in the morning. It feels harsh and disruptive to do otherwise 🙏🏻
@micronda 2 жыл бұрын
The point is, if space was a piece of yarn, time would be motionless within it. Only when it is threaded through the eye of a needle does time pass.
@KEG242 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Michael, is each individual an eye of the needle ? The conduit (the eye) which the yarn passes through?
@micronda 2 жыл бұрын
@@KEG242 Yes, each individual. A man, a dog, a camera, a quark; each thread time at their own unique rate.
@danieleslava115 2 жыл бұрын
yes , (in the dream) third density is collapsing , yellow ray going into potentiation , green ray going into activation , what a tone poem ....
@davidnicholls100 2 жыл бұрын
this reminds me of a story in the Upanishads, but I can't remember. Does anybody know it?
@thomasbrouwer2771 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing talk and direct pointing
@helixreggae 2 жыл бұрын
The principle 1 and its attribute therefore the fibonacci sequence
@mobiustrip1400 2 жыл бұрын
I'm teetering on the edge of solipsism...oh, you mean?...OMG! It's just me! Welcome home 🏠 😁😀
@warmrainofficial 2 жыл бұрын
Gratitude & appreciation for the awareness of Rupert & his work
@sandycarter5300 2 жыл бұрын
The "big bang" is the introduction into consciousness of the thought of "subject/object". This is the single thought that produces, instantly, the "experience" of "location", "borders" and "boundaries"/a "reference point"/ "divisibility"/"finitude", i.e., the sense of a "me"/"ownership". In other words, this one thought of subject/object "creates" the illusion of a world, of time and space. This never occurred "in time". It is right now.
@limeros88 2 жыл бұрын
Ty for the recommendation, I am going to watch it.
@outisnemo8443 2 жыл бұрын
Except it never happened at all, and none of what you just said is how it works at all. See _The Big Bang Never Happened_ by Lerner.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
"very interesting" INTERESTING?! This is a massive Truth of existence.. One of the higher concepts of man kind haha! Think she may have got it or "will get it", how utterly mindblowingly profound, and yet simple, that which Spira said was/is.
@rathodnarendra5255 2 жыл бұрын
our dream gives us hints about us And this universe. When we fall a sleep at night our mind generates the new universe but when we wackup that universe disappears as same this bodymind and world is nothing but projection or appearance in consciousness. Whatever we experienced it is all in consciousness but consciousness have consciousness only in itself so then who's projecting this so called bodymind and world? Consciousness alone and who's experienced it consciousness alone because there's nothing otherthan this consciousness. So consciousness itself projecting this universe within itself without any doing as your mind do nothing for the dreaming. And it is called nature or power of the consciousness.
@karnpooni4281 2 жыл бұрын
Wow I never thought about it this way!! Thank you Rupert and Team!
@helixreggae 2 жыл бұрын
Perceivable universe can be explained through big bang and other theories however how does one define the infinite or describe it, in what did the big bang occur.?
@outisnemo8443 2 жыл бұрын
No, nothing whatsoever can be explained that way, it's a totally faulty hypothesis that should have been discarded decades ago. See _The Big Bang Never Happened_ by Lerner.
@helixreggae 2 жыл бұрын
Regards thank you
@sandycarter5300 Жыл бұрын
The "big bang" is just the thought of subject/object that arises each instant. That is all there is to time and space.
@heathnmore 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder in every satsang why people can't talk in normal tone and speed. Rupert or Eckhart has their style in public forum but i an sure they speak normal in front of their family and friends 💖 World came from awareness 🙏 simple. Ask what is relevant to you and not some intellectually stimulating question 🙏
@bansurivala Жыл бұрын
Is the meditation that Rupert refers to in this discussion, available on KZbin? Can someone post a link to it?
@kennethwilliams4169 2 жыл бұрын
This is like Alan Guth’s Inflationary Model
@markusbieler5384 2 жыл бұрын
@RamSamudrala 3 ай бұрын
What is interesting about nonduality is that it makes humans again the center of the universe. While materialism has gone away from this view, it's basically saying everything is centered around the human experience. Otherwise how aliens fit into this? Is Infinite Consciousness dreaming up aliens?
@jinlancera Жыл бұрын
Not from nothing but from undefined energy.
@JohnSmith-zi7dh 3 ай бұрын
I've never dreamed I was someone else.
@CelebratingLife01 Жыл бұрын
Thank u
@awakenotwoke7949 2 жыл бұрын
NOW is so illusive, because it is NOT necessarily exciting, nor interesting, nor satisfying. The Mind/ Ego is bound to evaluate and say "not enough"....keep searching.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
What is Here Now is the one thing that is NOT elusive. All else is "dream", illusion.
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 Yes
@awakenotwoke7949 2 жыл бұрын
@@Koort1008 The mind is a habit. It resists the Reality of non duality. The "Real" is non conceptual, and thus worthless to the mind. The tendency of the mind is to reject what it sees as a void. When confronted with the ordinariness of beingness it becomes bored, a painful state that is usually treated with entertainment, even if the only entertainment is the never-ending stream of thoughts. Especially the one that says eventually, one day, I will end this pesky I.
@kimujin6 Жыл бұрын
thank you 😊
@KEG242 2 жыл бұрын
I'm coming back as a tree in my next life time. They seem to have got life and the universe all sorted out!
@sushimaster652 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, I had the very thought a few days ago. I thought, if I come back as a tree, I'll live for hundreds of years and see everyone come and go. What a thought!
@tammylewis9324 2 жыл бұрын
My grandson said “Nana, what are you coming back as next time? I said…a tree.
@db7610 Жыл бұрын
@@sushimaster652 That isn’t how a scaled reality works. A tree experiences human beings as a few very fast actions, like a fly buzzing around. The earth experiences the entire human existence as a second of its life.
@dennisvvugt 2 жыл бұрын
@kennethmalafy503 4 ай бұрын
Obviously human beings will never be able to come up with a concept that describes the universe. Just for fun: What if it is all happened right now? If you (as consciousness) was the focal point from which all of the universe expanded outward..... Sounds about right to me. The problem is that scientist are putting that "point" from which the universe sprung out there in space and time somewhere when it is really just you, here, now.... (as consciousness).
@bjsmith5444 2 жыл бұрын
The John Le Mesurier of non-dual philosophy is on form here. The unfulfilled middle class audience are desperate for some kind of understanding. More than just a bit of speculation from Rupert here with quite a lot of - "Could it be that..........?" Yes maybe the universe is like a dream, or alternatively maybe it's not. What's that got to do with clearing your head? Listen to it once but don't immerse yourself in it. Each time all you're doing is sitting in a different comfortable chair. He expresses the ancient teachings well but he really strings it out. Don't put him up on a pedestal. You either get it or you don't and you can't learn it gradually by hanging around some charismatic Englishman from the 1950's. I like Rupert but enough is enough. Does what he says hit home or not? Maybe you think, oh I just need another listen and then it'll all be clear. The kingdom of heaven is now and not next Tuesday.
@TatsumakiSenpuuKyaku 2 жыл бұрын
Good, I play football on Tuesday evenings.
@curtrod 2 жыл бұрын
there's no such thing as nothing haha
@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos 2 жыл бұрын
Eternal emptiness. Consiousness is empty, all else is empty imagination 💭
@outisnemo8443 2 жыл бұрын
_The essence of mind is emptiness._ _The nature of mind is awareness._ _The energy of mind is compassion._
@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos 2 жыл бұрын
@@outisnemo8443 the Source of mind is emptiness, all that arises out of emptiness is Maya, illusion. It is its Play to discover its original emptiness , bliss.✨️ Awareness of Awareness....
@outisnemo8443 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos: As I just said, the essence of mind is emptiness. The word "essence" is from Latin "essere", which means "to be"; in other words, when saying that the essence of mind is emptiness, that means that emptiness is what the mind is. There is no source for the mind itself, as emptiness it is itself the source of everything, the mind is fundamental. Awareness arises out of the emptiness of mind spontaneously, hence why it is described as the nature (from Latin "natura", meaning "birth") of mind.
@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos 2 жыл бұрын
@@outisnemo8443 I know all that, but befóre it came in existence it was nót. This nót being is the Origin of all that seems to speak of mind when it already appeared. I speak of That before mind appeared. There exists no mind there, it is Silence. And mind is the vibration appearing out of Silence. Like a wave appears out of sea.sea always there, wave only a moment and lays down. Silence eternal, mind only a moment and dissolves. like in deep sleep silence is but NO MIND. That Thou Art.💭
@outisnemo8443 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheAmbamatamantrasvideos: Clearly you don't know any of it at all, because you keep repeating what's wrong. Again, there is no "before" the mind. The mind is fundamental and eternal. It has always been. The essence of mind is emptiness, it never appeared, it is within the mind appearances take place. Mind is not vibration at all, you're talking about the nature and the energy of the mind there, not its essence, i.e. what the mind is. The mind is that silent sea you are clumsily trying to describe, it is the nature and energy of mind which arise out of it like waves. In deep sleep there is only mind, i.e. emptiness; what's lacking there is awareness, its nature, not mind itself. So no, your misconceptions are precisely what I'm correcting.
@elizabethwinsor-strumpetqueen 2 жыл бұрын
Take some DMT - then you can see the universe in a completely new way - You will not be disappointed, you will be astounded beyond your wildest dreams
@kennethwilliams4169 2 жыл бұрын
True 😁
@AggroChip 2 жыл бұрын
Do you see the universe as it truly is?
@from-Texas 2 жыл бұрын
Lol... There is no beginning! It's all a continuous process of unfolding and folding. Wake up people!!
@AggroChip 2 жыл бұрын
What do you truly know?
@LucaS-fj2vh 2 жыл бұрын
@HialeahUnico 2 жыл бұрын
@groundofbeing9733 2 жыл бұрын
In the beginning was god. Then there was light, then god pretending the light was a universe filled with individual beings.
@Seanus32 2 жыл бұрын
6:18 - 6:54 is excellent but Rupert, one thing, I feel you may have fallen into a trap. Before I presuppose anything, how do you see of space? You claim it is not inherent nor part of the fabric of Reality. I drew my own conclusion thereof but hope you can elaborate as I have no wish to take you the wrong way. @Rupert Spira, kindly elaborate :) Thank you :)
@malabuha 2 жыл бұрын
It's not a trap. Conscience is a phenomenon, it's where the experience of yourself takes place
@Seanus32 2 жыл бұрын
@@malabuha I understand. I fully agree with you so let me clarify. Space, unlike time, in one key framing, is utterly central to that conscious experience. Time, in the most significant framing, is NOW. It is a human orientation marker in the broader sense. So whilst it exists, it is not real. Like unicorns. I believe Rupert fell into the trap of 'spacetime', i.e. putting the 2 together, but that would be erroneous IMHO. However, I have no wish to presuppose so would like his clarification. I hope that helps :)
@Seanus32 2 жыл бұрын
@Dean Mitchell Along this framing, time is an orientation marker to chart our progress through life. For example, via my silly 'ego', I could chart key steps in my life this way through reference to dates. However, space is undeniable. It is NOT the same as time. One is the container and the other is the flow. The container is ever present but the other is a flow observed by ego. I hope that helps :)
@Seanus32 2 жыл бұрын
@Dean Mitchell One does that. Feel free to put me right. One needs to be on the same page. Otherwise, we are instantly at loggerheads ;)
@malabuha 2 жыл бұрын
@@Seanus32 it helps, thanks 😀 The way i see it.. time as a dimension in our 4d universe. Everything i experience is real. Time as well, as a dimension. Only when we speak of time as past and future, memory or fantasy, of course that is a memory marker. I mean, we all use time in our daily lives. It's as real as it gets, when deadlines line up 🤣
@davidmickles5012 2 жыл бұрын
I like Rupert and his theoretical ideas but his audience of new age cultists....oh boy🙄
@JonasAnandaKristiansson 2 жыл бұрын
New age cultists? What do you know about that? Except from what is playing in the psychological mind, which cannot see things clearly or know anything. And, what he "spends his time" pointing humanity to, aren't mere "ideas". Hari Om
@TH-nx9vf 2 жыл бұрын
Disappointing maths skills there Rupert, Jane actually walked 900 miles in 6 months
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