Is This A Problem For Arknights?

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@tiliaoliveri6066 7 ай бұрын
still waiting for Durin Alter or Durin The Destroyer of Worlds.
@Herib104 7 ай бұрын
Durin alter talent 1 : when deployed generates 99dp then retreats
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
@Nagizak1 7 ай бұрын
Pozemka wet dream
@sw4gsmile595 7 ай бұрын
Durin in destiny 2 collab: I have become death the destroyer of world
@JustSmileyFace... 7 ай бұрын
Eckogen's desires in a nutshell
@tornic531 7 ай бұрын
Personally I quite love alters. It's a way to see old favorites grow, new niches be built, incentivises not letting characters just die in obscurity somewhere (Looking at you Deep Color), and its not like it stops new characters from being made. Dunno, it just never bothers me cause it just means I get to see more of my favorite characters story and I don't have to worry about losing them to power creep.
@haikalokta6706 7 ай бұрын
TBH I don't even realize how much alter we have here😅 All I know is, more unit = more ways to clear a stage
@abrahamwijaya6631 7 ай бұрын
No man it was like more unit: most of them trash Like HG make them then realized wow we make Garbages.... I see carmilla and Sesa and broca and tsukinogi and others that never been used since their whole kit and base skill are useless even as useless as tequila as operator but base operator he is op as heck
@Rattanagonthrkub007 7 ай бұрын
Mountain alter 😔
@moze705 7 ай бұрын
he became lion
@eazyeziaprilo9414 7 ай бұрын
I cant imagine if he will became big gentle healer 😩❤️ hehehehe special treatment
@velaxibaldy932 7 ай бұрын
​@@eazyeziaprilo9414He heals just to beat them again.
@yspear_ 7 ай бұрын
Honestly this would all be fixed if they release lappland alter
@killimo7990 7 ай бұрын
Yo! It's my Guy Yspear! Just subbed to you XD
@therealfart8131 7 ай бұрын
@totsukabladez369 7 ай бұрын
Personally, I want a projekt red alter, but seeing as eyja and swire had a double alter banner, we could get both in the next Siracusa event.
@yspear_ 7 ай бұрын
@@totsukabladez369 that would be sick, i would pull that banner
@Asaki9013 7 ай бұрын
In my opinion, it's good to refresh an old character that has been out of the meta after a few years. Also, thanks to the fact that these events focus on these characters, we can develop the story of these characters. I'm looking forward to Blaze alter next year.
@retrobot2549 7 ай бұрын
I'm looking forward to Grani alter.....
@BotanVal 7 ай бұрын
I was around during the ch'en alter controversy, and I think it boiled down to a few factors that all came together to make the general community mad: 1.) ch'en alter was the first unit released since launch that truly warped the meta. Prior to chalter, all of the best damage dealers had some drawback that you had to play around: silverash and eyja had very long skill charge times, surtr gradually killed herself when using her skill, etc. chalter's skill 3 offered the best damage source in the game with none of the drawbacks found in previous units - insane damage, large range, def shred, reliable CC, ability to turn on and off, and a comparatively short charge time for that level of power. her only real downside was her dp cost, and flagpipe made this barely an issue. 2.) Prior to chalter, limited units typically were decent units that did something unique at the time, but were never seen as meta units. Like Nian was the first block count buffer, W was the first "trapmaster" before the trapmaster class existed, Rosmontis was the first and only flinger for a long time, etc. Skadi alter was the first truly meta limited unit, but even she was only a support unit, and you still needed to fit her around a team. Starting the AK powercreep with a limited unit in chalter rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, because the community was worried that this was be the standard moving forward. Additionally, while chalter did game-breaking damage, her kit was really boring compared to other limited units - there wasn't something you could point to that made her unique. She was basically just a way stronger Executor. 3.) Most of the other limited units had a reason for existing that was already established in the lore. For instance, skadi's story prior to skalters event hinted that she wasn't fully human, and her alter form and side story expanded on this storyline. nearl alter and gavial alter also followed this, where their alter forms gave them a role that fit more in line with their character stories. People were really upset because ch'en was one of the main characters of the story, and that the swimsuit fanservice didn't fit her character at all. People thought that this was the moment the AK lore would completely tank. It's interesting to look in hindsight at the chalter controversy, because a lot of the fears were things that didn't end up coming true. AK didn't release another meta warping unit until mlynar over a year later, and went back to making limited units that were strong but not meta-breaking, with unique kits that made sense storywise. It was sort of the perfect storm of factors that caused the chalter hate to be by far the most pronounced, and it looks like HG/yostar learned from that experience.
@dking986 7 ай бұрын
To preface on this issue i'm probably biased because I was playing during the "Chen Alter" controversy and I did not understand what the big deal was. Her design was fine and I had no issues with the character. Still don't. So take this with a grain of salt. 1.) The gacha model is the gacha model. As much as yostar and hypergrpyh want to please the fanbase this is a business. To run and to keep producing content and to exist they need money. With the game being free to play they need to tempt people into rolling consistently. To do that the idea seems pretty consistent across gacha games and is probably backed by the numbers. Beautiful female characters that also have massive DPS. That is what the demographic that usually pays money wants most of them time. The demographic is also predominanetly male so no one should be surprised by swim suit skins or fanservice. Its a tactic as old as time 2.) Tying into what gets people to roll and spend money. The idea of alters is a great idea. You have established characters people already love. What better way to cash in on that is to give them an alter. You revamp their appearance, give them a new class, or simply make them way stronger than before. You dont have to do the extra work of trying to get people to care about a completely new character through the story. It makes too much sense not to do it. Personally I enjoy the way Arknights does alters because they also show a mental progression through time of the character. They show character growth and progression. It makes the world seem like time is passing inside of it. With Ejya alter i eould have had an issue if she was another DPS that power crept the original eyja that would have been ridiculous. 3.) I don't know what is about tryhards in other words people who crave challenging gameplay to the detremit of everything else. When a broken character comes out they cant just not use character and proceed to clear every map with 4 stars planning each move to the seconds like everything is contingency contract. They dont even want people who arent tryhards to have the option of using a broken character to brute force maps. Those people i have no sympathy for. The fanbase deserves to have the option of choice. Whether that is to use broken ops or nail bite their way to victory. Nobody cares outside of other tryhards about your triple s medal or other stuff on your profile. Some people just wanna have fun and blow shit up. Personally if im spending money on a game i will do as i damn well please with the characters i bought. I got them im going to use them. Nobody's opinion matters much at that point. 4.) The only time alters will cease in arknights is when the cease to be profitable and that doesnt look to be happening. 5.) The issue i want harped on more than the alters is why they keep making bad characters with terrible kits and amazing designs. Ho'ol and Vigil look way to good to be trash. Mostima needed a ton of work to be functional. Eunectes and Aurora and Cements whole archetype needs work. Crusher guards arent good. Spuria is damn near unusable. Wants the point in pushing out characters who are objectively bad. Honest question i dont get it at all. At least make them decent. You can hope for modules but when your rolling for characters its a smack in the face for them to be garbage and your spending money. At least global we have hindsight. The other server goes in blind. Thats my biggest issue with Arknights personally
@ian59 7 ай бұрын
Agree on all points though I think some examples used in point 5 are more community rhetoric than objectively true. The point still stands though. I will say that I think they've put out 300 operators and they should be allowed to occasionally make mistakes, it's just more noticeable when it happens to be a 6*. Another point I would add, point 6 if you will, is that it's not any less work to make an alter than a normal character. I totally don't understand the argument that it's a "lazy cash grab". They still have to do all the mechanical design, art design, the same amount of text for the biography. Arguably it's even harder because they can't just make shit up about them like a new character, they actually have to make it tie into the existing text and make sure there's no contradictions. Their mechanics also tend to have something in common with the previous character but still make sense for the new class. Now there are some exceptions like Specter Alter S2, Ch'en Alter art allegedly, though that had nothing to do with her being an alter because the "laziness" was from a completely separate character. I would argue that some specific facets of some specific characters happened to be lazy but alters aren't inherently lazy.
@dking986 7 ай бұрын
@@ian59 I agree. Yostar/Hypergrph are just human and will make some mistakes. Its just hard to stare at Vigil and Ho'ol in my roster and know they are going to have limited usage for me even though I like their designs, voices, backstory, and everything so much. I don't need them broken just more usable but alas. I am a victim of using the community and gamepress when it comes to selecting which operators are worth investment. Some characters i like enough to use regardless what anyone says Vigil and Ho'ol. But characters like Spuria i hesitant to invest anything and its sad because I like the art and I like sankta characters but if she is gonna stun my team and be a hindrance more than a help i question why HG made this character. They balanced on a knife edge with Aak in risk vs reward in usage with proper set up by Spuria is iffy imo. But Arknights as a whole does way more things right than he does wrong which is why I stick around. Also I agree. I dont think churning out alters is lazy work especially with the way Arknights does it. Its very detailed and thought out. You run the risk of potentially narratively messing the character up if you write it wrong so you have less margin for error and you have more scrutiny on these characters if everything is not done right and it is not cohesive. I think they learned from the Chen Alter criticism and alters moving forward have been done much better. Nearl Alter and Specter Alter specifically to me were not just cash grabs but exclamation points in the story and for both of those character which i feel was done very nicely. Plus the designs are gorgeous.
@hiddenbruh 7 ай бұрын
I honestly dont understand the dislike of alters in this game, all gacha games do it, i would honestly find it weird that they dont have summer/holiday units in arknights. What i do find weird is the fact that you can used both version of the units at the same time, that's funny to look at. But i resonate with finding it dumb to push out bad units but i guess its to prevent a power scaling issue or its just easier to push out a crap unit now and again over having to come up with ideas for decent kits for every new unit(without it being a copy of a old unit).
@kevinseraphin5456 7 ай бұрын
I was agreeng with you until point 4. Then point 5 came and this question: "Wants the point in pushing out characters who are objectively bad. Honest question i dont get it at all. At least make them decent." And IMO you already answered your question yourself in your point 3: "The fanbase deserves to have the option of choice." What if there's peoples (like me) who love to use literaly every unit you mentioned as "objetively bad" PRECISELY because they are considered to be so? I don't like to restrict how many operator I can use , this game having a 12operator squad is actualy an important point for me, I've played too many games that restrict your team to 4/5 when you have raised dozen, if not hundread of them. And I don't perticulary like playing niche either, I tried 5star only at some point but I don't like stoping using 6* I pulled for/built, I just try to reduce their usage. But I do love my "bad" units, because I like the challenge of having to work around their weaknesses, Yes, even Vigil, wich I have used every event since his release, My Ho'oheylak is M9, and I also do use Spuria and Windchime, or the mushas, and I use Eunectes fucking S2 over her S3...
@dking986 7 ай бұрын
​@@kevinseraphin5456 i don't really see what point your making. If you like using objectively bad units I don't care thats your perogative. However. I'm never gonna support HG/Yostar making objectively bad characters with terrible kits. Espcially because some people are spending money on rolling for these characters. Again with global with get advanced notice so we know who to roll for and how to spend accordingly. If didn't have advanced notice and I rolled for Ho'ol only to find she was objectivetly bad i would be pissed. Now I don't know if you are 100% but if your insuinating that HG should keep making characters with bad kits to support your "niche" interest of trying to beat stages with characters despite their flawed kits I think thats stupid. It does a disservice to the character and people who spent money rolling on them and I would imagine the amount of "tryhards" who have this very specific enjoyment of beating stages with bad kit operators is a fairly small part of the community. So it doesn't make sense to try appeal to that small subset of the community by making "bad" ops if HG was ever to go public and say they make some operators bad on purpose so people can try to beat stages in spite of the character being shitty they would be flamed and rightlfully so especially charging money for that crap. They would have to come out front and say the character is bad so people could make an informed the decision and when the banner inevitably bombs because of the 12 people who want to use the characters soecifically because they are "bad" they wouldnt do it anymore. Its not a sustainable thing to do on purpose. If your gonna make bad ops for that reason you cant fool people or not tell people they arent good or constantly push characters with the caveat they always have a chance to be terrible and expect people to keep spending money. Thats absurd. We get to know some of the kit upfront but we never truly know how the op will work out until we see the numbers and use them currently so i would need the numbers upfront if they were always gonna mix in bad ops for it to be fair and business wise that wouldn't work thats obvious. Aak is like the only op whose risk vs reward is balanced enough he can be very good or very detrimental should you choose to him and work around his disadvantages. Theres a reason there isn't a bunch of the Aak class characters. Spuria does not pull this off at all. Besides as far as choice for the people who want self imposed handicaps you have contigency contract and you have to some extent integrated strategies for that where your at the mercy of RNG. A mode for that is far better sabotaging the character and leaving them like that. Since modules are togglable anyway they could just make the character substantially better with module and not good without. Its annoying but people willing to do extra work if they like a character enough could make them decent or better than decent with some work I would be fine with that. But some characters even with module are trash so again HG screws up there. As far as my "choice" i dont have an option to have a better Ho'ol or Spuria im stuck with the bad kit even with masteries so that sucks. But you have the option to use characters with or without module. So optionally as backwards as that would be you can use a bad op with the worst module if you want your not forced to keep modules on. So you have that option. No option for mastery but you could simply not do it. Hell you could not upgrade the skills if you want go crazy. You want masochism you have a ton of options outside of blatantly sabotaging the characters kit. Every stage is beatable with 4 star or lower star tier ops so youve had that option from the beginning. You dont need the best units for certain stages so your not locked out of anything. Again all this to say. Theres no good reason to make objectively bad operators. I sure as hell wouldn't take the excuse its to appeal to the part of the fanbase who want "bad" characters with terrible kits. Hypothetically, not necessarily saying you, if someone was to say I want bad ops in the game because I personally like using bad ops to clear stages and everyone else should just deal that is bullshit. Imo and personal experience tryhards always want to impose their "challenge" fetish on everyone else and its beyond annoying. Some people dont like their games challenging as possible and tryhards never seen to comprehend that. I do use bad ops but personally I integrate them into my team by trying to find what they excel at and what role they can perform on certain stages bad kit or not because I like the character as a whole. Ho'ol, Eunectes, Aurora, Mostima to some extent, Nightmare etc. I will use them but i don't like they only see limited usage because the way they were made gets too frustrating to deal with. I dont do self imposed handicap because that doesn't interest me personally.
@m_imran7957 7 ай бұрын
Alter is fine as long as it have a good story and reason why they get alter. Chen alter get a huge backlash because not much about her even in her event plus her e2 art feels cashgrab. I know some people don't like alter but it is the only way to tell character story and development while also expand world build. We have 250+ operator that have their own problem and lore need to uncovered. I think the newest summer event is a good example: -we have eyja try to move on from her parent death -Bison become mature and independent after his side story along with Swire no longer part of LGD or support from her family - Snowsant finally get the happiness she deserve - We get update on siesta after volcano eruption - infected finally have place for them - we even get update on Big Bob But I just like other people I also wish for new character or playable NPC
@Luxo-tm9mp 7 ай бұрын
No its not chen literally is a big part in main story to justify that an alter version in which she use a water gun is neccesary
@Z_04_Q 7 ай бұрын
I have not read the story, what was the update on Big Bob?
@m_imran7957 7 ай бұрын
@@Z_04_Q We find out that big bob start his brew shop in siesta. The angelina manga also cover up how he move from colombia to siesta along with his infected employees.
@sablibratoski7622 7 ай бұрын
I still don't have chen alter 💀 and any of the dragon Sisters/Brother💀 I've been playing for almost 2 years now💀
@spiderinbathroom4771 7 ай бұрын
Same man and i have been playing for almost 4 years now. Stay strong
@luigiye6243 7 ай бұрын
to me, back then, what upset me about chen alter was that there was no deep lore backing her switching to the gun, lava kroos and hibiscus alter are the a1 squad grow up, skadi is for infliltration/alternative future of is3, nearl is because her defender equipment was holding her back, spectre is because she is the real laurentina and so on, each one has lore reason to back the alter, while chen became an alter just because she wanted switch to a gun because why not, no deep reason, i think back then it would been more aceptable if she mastered her sword and start to deal splash damage.
@taros789 7 ай бұрын
You can make it that Chen Alter wanted to leave her old self behind and do her own thing, without being constricted to just being the former Chief of LGD and only being known as that. She wanted to have a vacation as a break from everything that happened and as a way to find herself. And she didnt want to kill the people she fought cause they were in a competition at first, thats why she uses a water gun. I think people jump too fast on the "summer skin= lazy" and dont pay attention to whats not spoken so outright.
@manyblock4192 7 ай бұрын
Water Gun is stronger than Legendary Sword, Truly Lore Accurate
@taros789 7 ай бұрын
@@manyblock4192 That has nothing to do with the lore of her using a water gun. Her being broken is just her stats in the game. If she was worse than her sword version would that have been better? How many would have complained then that she is a cash grab cause she sucks? Wasnt saying thats how it should be, just said the reasoning for why she uses the water gun.
@Luxo-tm9mp 7 ай бұрын
You know how else she would be accepted the skin that she has now is actually good if that was the base version MAYBE it would be barelt accepted but still a version that you describe is better
@Ak4set 7 ай бұрын
​@@taros789I really feel sad for chen if ppl thinks going to a beach to get out of her workaholic self really warrants an alter. What ppl wants is lore heavy with foreshadowing not someone that changes their mood a lil bit then decides to become a new operator
@sassysushiroll 7 ай бұрын
I'm probably biased since I came from fgo and started AK really late but imo alters with the current frequency are fine, main point is that they have to be distinct and different from their original. I also don't see the problem as long as we don't get multiple alters of one character. making some alters limited+OP is just a business move that I can somewhat get behind. you still mostly need multiple ops to clear a stage so none of them are THE solution to everything.
@salre_9852 7 ай бұрын
I am very surprised in your video there wasn’t mention about how eyja developed as a character if you read her story. Her caster version profile entry vs medic version profile entry. Her having this medic alter makes so much sense and is welcomed. Destruction and rebirth.. it is a beautiful story. Also how swirl got her promotion compared to her old self is also a great read on her profile entry. I really encourage a read.
@trellyv8826 7 ай бұрын
As a person who genuinely enjoys reading the main story and the side events I love alters because it shows the characters grown up, or practicing a new style, or are in a different place of mind. I also goes along with my favorite alter Reed. Alters put a visual to the character growth a character has. That's also why I like ayja's alter because it makes scene with her new state of mind. Also it is cool when a not so good character gets a stronger alter so i can use them more. Side note why do people not like summer skins they are optional like come on. I like swires character and that she is a better unit.
@enforcerr 7 ай бұрын
We need Executor's 2nd alter
@jo-ri-oh8950 7 ай бұрын
I'm still waiting for a lore accurate Gladiia alter that will be a executioner specialist for the next Anniversary event. Like that, it should trigger the entire community by being another AH event, another AH alter and a broken alter and specialist one. Joke aside, Ch'en still today the most obvious cash grab banner of the history of the game. Before that, she one if not the most popular character besides Amiya. The idea of making a absurdly broken alter during a summer event speaks by itself. Let's be honest, Ch'en would definitely get an alter due to her massive popularity, but wasting this chance for such a blatant cash grab is... I don't have the words to describe it
@Emulysse 7 ай бұрын
Lets calm the community down by introducing Ulpian
@ChuongDang185 7 ай бұрын
The amount of alts that exist in Arknights is extremely low compared to the amount of non alts that exist so no, it's not a problem.
@killimo7990 7 ай бұрын
I have Yato and Texas both on P6 M6 max Module. Texas is better because arts damage only falls off if enemies have high res. Yato falls off if enemies have high def, which is more common. I still just use both in my squad and profit. Definetly these two are the best Alters imo. Followed by Skalter
@mrhades113 7 ай бұрын
As a new Arknights player, the alters i like the most are the ones which are an evolution of the previous character (Lava, Hibiscus, Greyy, Texas), having that said, the only alter i actually dislike is Chen alter, it's literally just Chen in a bikini, with a water gun, that could be a skin and i wouldn't even give it the time of the day, but as an alter, i think it's dumb and silly. To be fair, i haven't read Dossoles holiday yet, so maybe there is a actuall lore reason for it? i'm not counting on it though.
@reimondo3329 7 ай бұрын
But some players just could not resist to pull for the meta limited characters, if you could self-control when you don't have the orundum and do not pull, problem solved?
@yukawelkynd4576 7 ай бұрын
As f2p i pull only for limited i have currently 330k orudum and 1.1k originite
@rufflebottom704 7 ай бұрын
they don't pull meta operators, ch'en alter and surtr come for free to bomb your account. and then players power creep their other characters because it's not fun to leave them at level 1. players don't need to "self-control" because of hypergryph poor balance.
@reimondo3329 7 ай бұрын
@@rufflebottom704 well, that is your own thinking...., although some does power creep, but every operator is playable and useable, eventually it is own play style to see which suit best. After all, it is a gacha game....
@rufflebottom704 7 ай бұрын
@@reimondo3329 if you pull eyja alter / swire banner and fail then you get rate up ch'en alter pot 2 you can't "resist" pulling, you will get meta operators.
@sw4gsmile595 7 ай бұрын
Im a f2p but i always grab any limited i get even if its not meta
@xpeke1234 7 ай бұрын
Buff ho holyeak
@shiromirai2014 7 ай бұрын
Actually main hate in chen is that she look like blaze in her summer alter and lel alter making is better since its bring back older ops that slowly being forgotten and getting there new storyup ps: i think why they hate strong unit cause they want many other to suffer alot to to finish stuff
@GydeonZ 7 ай бұрын
If HG is using limited/alter operator banner as a way to cashgrab I think its normal for me, cuz they have employee and server to get paid, game maintenance cost money aswell. so If a player don't want to spend money on the gacha game then its okay too cuz HG didn't force their player to be a whaler. They even give a free 24 pull for every limited banner beside collab banner and a free primo mine and some originite prime from event stage aswell. Its gacha game after all it meant to spend some money to get character that you like but if you didnt spend a single penny you still can get it
@kevinseraphin5456 7 ай бұрын
I don't have a problem with alters, I have a problem with peoples that bitch about alters tho, cause you have no idea how many of them I saw being hypocrits who whine about Surtr still not having lore all the time, and just complain about the chosen alters because they are NOT SURTR, they would literaly eat shit if it meant surtr would get an alt and the aditional lore that come with it. And as someone who love OG Skadi, Reed, Executor and Noir Corne, this hypocrisy pisses me off. And personaly I DO love having more alt that develope the existing character rather than adding more and more ones we'll never see in the story like in the early days. I also find it pathetic when some peoples try to pretend it's allway popular character that get alters (these MF probably don't even remember OG Grey or Reed are in the fucking game), yes it's a real "argument" I've seen thrown around, and more than once, but at least they usualy get clowned on.
@keinsatzohnetippfehler9656 7 ай бұрын
Since I'm a relatively new player, the alter problem did not even occur to me. I'm used to having at least one alter for each unit in all other games I play. I like alters if they are for units that are not used much or have fallen out of meta for quite some time. Yato & Noir Corne are great examples. Having alters for starter units is actually a really nice idea. Eyja is the opposite. Eyja in her normal form is still used often and did not need an alter at all. I don't mind all that much though. I'm not a fan of summer skins/alters in any game. They are alwas more boring than the original design. I was a little tempted to buy the goldenglow skin because of the cute 2d animation but I really dislike her ingame skin. The most prominent feature is that horrible pair of sunglasses. Also I really enjoy the particle effects of her skills and would hate to replace them.
@OliverPeregrine 7 ай бұрын
I don't mind alters at all. In fact, I quite like the alter system, it's cool to see another side of the characters I like. All gachas are cashgrabs by definition so I don't really care if they are broken or not in a PvE game.
@riku7243 7 ай бұрын
Honestly more alters the better. We already have over 200+ characters in the game already, and many already feel thin personality wise. Each alter adds some depth, growth, and variety to a character's story and abilities. Keep giving us alters (ideally prioritizing 1-4 star units first), alongside story established characters we're familiar with. As long as they avoid another Chen alter scenario, this is the best practice for a long running game to ensure their roster doesn't end up with 1000 bland shallow jpegs and a meaningless story.
@AVIN_KEKE 7 ай бұрын
lappland alter when 🥲
@aryayustisia1191 7 ай бұрын
I'm just gonna say they fucked up with chen cuz we still don't know the full potential of her sword chi'xiao unless they making another chen alter
@rielyyy 7 ай бұрын
maybe im biased cause lots of my faves are ones with alters but i don’t see the problem with alters and gacha games always gotta bring in money somehow but i can see a problem with just how many new alters we get in such short periods of time between banners
@UsernameBoxFiller 7 ай бұрын
Hear me out: Event with Tequila alter, Windflit alter, and Bryophyta alter
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
Now that is an idea I can get behind, Tequila Alter must come
@mammothmk3355 7 ай бұрын
This is normal. Due to the very nature of Free to Play game ( Which depend on constant influx of content for revenue), problem will arrive when developer struggle to make new content more attractive for player. Balance is one of them. ( And always part of revenue making) This is the exact problem happen to Wargaming title ( I'm a veteran of World of Tanks here, both PC and Mobile version). World of Tanks see more a more ridiculous tank line that completely outclass old tank line in game ( The Old line aren't bad, mind you. They are still fun to play. But why grind old line when new line is better?). And the less talk about premium tank, the better.
@PSMobs 7 ай бұрын
beside Chen alter and Yato alter, Alters are fine cause they make sense in the scope of the story
@bimoaditya7548 7 ай бұрын
Anyone still using noir alter? YES I AM! LVL 80 E2 AND LVL 3 MODULE MAX MASTERY! also I USE MAX LVL E2 VIGIL WITH MAX MASTERY than using MUELSYSE that still E0 LVL 1 !! I ALSO USE PHANTOM ALL MAX than using TEXAS THE OMERTOSA still LVL1 E0 IS THAT A PROBLEM?? every player in arknights have their different playstyle so dont judge people who dont find meta operator interesting, please give them some little repect thank you.
@milk3782 7 ай бұрын
Ayy I use Noir Corne alter all the time 😭 don’t hate on my man
@RuuryM 7 ай бұрын
Chalter is a chash grab because It's broken af, super limited and you can only get her her after 300 pulls in some banners. Still don't have her because I'm F2P but even when I have borrow her it didn't help me clear lvls just with her. The idea of a broken af operator doesn't exist because even the most powerful operator is useless if you don't know how to use them efficiently (timing, team building, etc).
@skylergaming6265 7 ай бұрын
The best way for f2p is to not pull for standard banner unless their meta or strong like mlynar or surtr but for me I only pull limited banner that's why6i normally would have enough to pull for them but it also depends on luck
@sheppei.sangatsu 7 ай бұрын
At the end of the day, Yostar/Hypergryph needs to make money and it's very easy to do so by making Alters of existing characters. Tried and tested model for all gacha games. What's good about Arknights is that no real meta exists. We do not need the next new shiny Alter to clear the new story/event maps, we don't have a PvP system, and there are even specific enemies and debuffs that counter the skillset of any unit claimed to be 'meta'. What you need is to learn to either use guides or strategize, and to also familiarize yourself with the units you choose to build. I mean, come on, what's the point of playing a TD game if you don't use braincells? Personally I did pull on the Chen Alter banner but I went in wanting Mizuki because he was cute, not that I would use him regularly. I never got Chen Alter, but she was never needed for me. And on personal principle and as a cheeky personal challenge, I wouldn't use the emergency nukes like Texalter, Yato Alter or Surtr. It's really all about preference and if the Alter unit (or just generally a new unit) would fit into your playstyle. The summer skins are nice, but I don't get all of it, only the ones I really like. It's not like the skins offer stat boosts, which I am very thankful for and that I hope Hypergryph keeps that way. God only knows the backlash that will come when they introduce that.
@solar2804 7 ай бұрын
swire the unkillable my beloved🙏
@Kyle81290 7 ай бұрын
I swear to god, this has to be the only game where people cry so much about alters, Jesus Christ.
@Walter_White_From_Arknights 7 ай бұрын
I don't mind 6* alters if they're male operators
@artygs1 7 ай бұрын
for me personally i actually dont mind alter at all, its show the character growth and is probably the only way to show that especially for people who dont read. skins and module are at best a additional lore, but the character themselves dont goes through any change, while alters actually goes through change, which is why i dont like Chen alter. A big part of chen story is revolve heavily around her sword, but she just throw that away for a water gun? and also trying to make it seems like chen is trying to get into gun but still is better with sword with flavor text in the character file? but tbf i havent read the event and i probably never will, from what i know chen alter have no reason to exist.
@yang8271 7 ай бұрын
I don't feel like alters are the real problem, but rather the frequency and picks. As you said, Eyja was already a good unit, why not give that spot for someone else? Well, at least they were cool and actually have lore, so I can't complain. But if we think a bit, there are alters done right, like Silence The Paradigmatic, Specter the Unchained, Jessica The Liberated. So, alters are not bad, they just have to be done right
@skylergaming6265 7 ай бұрын
Tbh they hate chen alter cos her skin looks like blaze that's was like the main issue 😂 but her new skin is cool Also those who complain the limited op are too powerful are just brain dead like who doesn't want strong op cos some alot of us players need strong one in order to complete future harder stages Tbh alot of there limited op overall are specialist and supporter I want more limited op for dps and defence Finally some one talk about this past few banner to many alters like I love them but man there were too many all at once... I wanna see new face limited op like shu the new ones is awesome I'm f2p and I only pull for limited banner so the only ones I don't have are nian, rosmontis and specter alter.... I wanted specter but she a doll keeper I barely use doll keeper plus legit I see nor heard anyone talking about her anymore.... After 280 pull still no specter alter
@bluebutterfly6394 7 ай бұрын
I got a dejavu , have seen this before?
@okima1911 5 ай бұрын
ME! I am using Rathalos!
@godo2712 7 ай бұрын
Tequilla mains, unite!
@godo2712 7 ай бұрын
we shall sit before HG studio in 0-block positio and strike them when they leat expect!
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
We will make this happen, Tequila alter will be the future! 😆@@godo2712
@nothin3972 7 ай бұрын
One thing that really annoys me is repetetive content in games... I am really getting bored with same cycle of events, having same amount of stages and simple bosses that are not challenging and neither using non overpowered operator makes them interesting and challenging, just staring at screen for a longer time with boring, repetitive animations like "activate melantha's skill" and yup... It's getting boring,.. they really have a lot of space to create interesting and creative content... But they choose to just create same thing over and over again and it even makes the gacha pointless, because where are we even going to use the operators and get entertained with them? We can just download their art and look at it. Like... Can't we at least have 2 bosses somewhere... Or maybe 15 stages instead of 9?
@hartoramasenju4012 7 ай бұрын
That's why I really like Hortus de Escapismo event, this event mechanic is so different and the boss isn't a big ooga booga statstick. Even with powerful operator (in my case the entire Abyssal Hunter squad) I still need to use my brain, unlike the recent event where I just bruteforce everything
@hellnickyable 7 ай бұрын
i get what you mean and let's face it, the interesting stages in everty event is basically stages from XX-6 to XX-9, then the EX stages are dependent, but some EX-1 to 3 are cakewalk as well even to new. But what makes a new event interesting always has been the "mechanics", and it's inevitable that some events has terrible mechanics like those monastary inhabitants. persoanlly, Arknights to me is already at a point whr i don't have to login everyday anymore after playing for 4 years. and the things that interests me are permanent gamemodes like IS or RA.
@RainForest-kq6rn 7 ай бұрын
bro, people are complaining that sheeps are trash 😂. and even people are already complaining about RA2 when it's not released in EN yet. You think this player base have the capacity to do harder modes?
@mochalatte8362 7 ай бұрын
​​@@RainForest-kq6rn Nope 💀 Because I fully think that most of AK players are more horny-pilled than strategic-minded. Not saying that being attracted to the operators as a whole is wrong (Mountain and Muelsyse my beloved), it's that HG have literally no idea who their audience is for. The ads they promote keeps going back and forth from 'ooohh dystopian pre-apocalyptic world with politics to rock cancer weather' to 'look at this big booba/twelve-pack hot person in this definitely-not-strategic-based game', which is literally the main reason why the player base is divided in the first place 🤦‍♂️
@HappyLovesNymph 7 ай бұрын
10:07 I do
@RaphaelMustang 7 ай бұрын
people really need to understand Arknights is not an F2P gacha, at all, in fact it's one of the worst gacha games ever, now you want to say take away the gacha forget about the existence of gacha part of the game, it is free to play and most of the time you can clear the content yes correct remove the gacha part completely only get 3 stars and play with 3 stars only and it is very F2P, but who are you kidding with this kind of thinking? it's a gacha game people play it to collect characters, so yeah in general it is one of the worst possible gacha games ever created, basically only whale friendly.
@kaiamir12 7 ай бұрын
mmm booba
@milk3782 7 ай бұрын
Not a fan of summer skins simply because we never get male ops summer skins… like they can make weird swimsuit skins for Myrtle and other ‘kids’ characters but not for male ops??? please …
@reversal3628 7 ай бұрын
Chen is my waifu, I don't care she's cash grab or they gonna alter her over and over like FGO. I will have her.
@poshito99 7 ай бұрын
Everyone waiting for super popular operators alters and here I am still waiting for Gravel Alter 🥲
@VividVirid 7 ай бұрын
I don’t see the argument for hating summer skins when they literally have multiple options. Chen has a more traditional outfit if you’re not wanting a bikini babe in the lobby
@ian59 7 ай бұрын
I'm not a particularly big fan of summer skins but I don't hate them. I just like more immersive skins where the operators I'm sending into combat don't look like they're going to get gunned down in their bathing suits. For this reason I am also not a fan of the fancy dresses or even the modern clothing skins, so it's not that I'm just picking on summer skins. If I want to look at hot girls there's literally an infinite source of that on the internet already (including of the Arknights operators), I don't need it to have any overlap with other things I enjoy like video games.
@Luxo-tm9mp 7 ай бұрын
The summer skins are a bland short many gachas at least try to be more original with their summer skins the ones in the 2023 I think the one with Jaye, proyect red etc.. were the best
@humano2178 7 ай бұрын
Concuerdo con el desconocido ​@@ian59
@MrDrainBramaged 7 ай бұрын
who wouldnt want a bikini bae in their lobby though Summer skins are my favorite skins in gacha games lol
@MrDrainBramaged 7 ай бұрын
@@Luxo-tm9mp L take
@Dr.GojoKun 7 ай бұрын
Tequila alter😎
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
The dream that must come true
@ian59 7 ай бұрын
Personally I love alters and prefer them to new characters for all the reasons that you stated in your video. I prefer alters for weak/underplayed characters to alters for characters that were already strong but I don't hate Eyja alter for example, I just wish they would've done Frostleaf alter instead. After alters my 2nd favorite characters are the ones we've seen in the story before. I don't care if I miss out on any character (alter or otherwise) if they're not limited because I can eventually get them no matter what from the yellow cert store. I have 100% of the limited and collab characters because I prioritize my pulls and save for them. For this reason I don't care if they put 1,000 alters on 1 banner as long as there's not more than 1 limited and I still have a 35% chance to get it. I did want to mention that a lot of the Ch'en Alter controversy had nothing to do with the fact that she was an alter.
@hartoramasenju4012 7 ай бұрын
TBH I rather have an entirely new character than an alter, but I can respect people want to see their favorite operator get an alter
@abrahamwijaya6631 7 ай бұрын
I actually more agree with yours than most people say need alt I mean if they already revealed then why but if just like example Chen alt, eyja alt appreance just once and it was in their event and they became that operator is it kinda lazy and Chen probably the worst because most alter is represented the future of that character whether it's just 3 months like reed or 5 years like any A teams like lava and Kroos. But if I want to be valid, I don't mind alt or not if they bring new things to the game and not just DPS Nuker like most of the operators now recent.... I would never considered alter is a problem
@hartoramasenju4012 7 ай бұрын
@@abrahamwijaya6631 Agreed, the only alter I actually like are the matured version of the character (Kroos, Lava, Hibiscus) or some unique one like Skalter. All summer alter except Gavial sucks. And then there is Yato alter who actually destroy an existing lore (her lore stated she have a very sensitive skin and eyes and she actively avoid sunlight, then her alter leave her with only bra and panties)
@abrahamwijaya6631 7 ай бұрын
@@hartoramasenju4012 um it's because MH lore armour You see kirin armor has property that protect user from harm especially light based since kirin is ancient dragon of thunder
@hartoramasenju4012 7 ай бұрын
@@abrahamwijaya6631 yeah I know that (I have MHW and Iceborne, it's stated kirin armor protect you from weather ailments), I just feel she is better with another set (I like her better to use nargacuga armor, it fits her better to be a stealth assassin)
@abrahamwijaya6631 7 ай бұрын
@@hartoramasenju4012 blame HG why?🤣
@RamundHallgrimsson 7 ай бұрын
After you put it in perspective... me getting Texalter, Penance, Chongyue, Reed Alter, Qiubai and Yato Alter all F2P on their release banners on about a 3.5 month period has been my luckiest pulling stretch in this game to date. After that, Ines took me about 200 rolls and I started buying monthly passes to recoup my Orundum reserves and finally was not F2P anymore.
@PlatinumKrown 7 ай бұрын
While it is impressive for a F2P, the monthly pass is so good compared to other gacha's that I've had it the whole time.
@miggymigz9242 7 ай бұрын
All I can say us that we need more alters for 3*/4* operators. Like, when is OrchidAlter, PopukarAlter, and HazeAlter coming?
@rocohh7349 7 ай бұрын
I think Arknights does a pretty good job at not over sexualicing their characters. The amount of ,,hot girl in swimsuit skins" isnt that high considering the age of the game. Furthermore i dont dislike Alters from popular characters as long as they are needed. Normal Chen and Skadi were some of the weaker 6 Stars. Eya tho is diferent. Swire, Gavial, Executer aren six stars at all. I dont min using Alters in that case at all as long as they dont push it ..... which tbh thye are kinda doing now.
@SoulWhiteAngel 7 ай бұрын
Honestly the animation and the ost shaowing Guard Amiya was amazing.
@dekadenze 7 ай бұрын
to be honest, i wasn't really bothered about chen alter's E2 art. but i can totally understand that she didn't have any meaningful story to back up the reason why she got that gun, tho i skip stories and don't read lore that much lol what i was bothered is how she powercrept her entire branch, and can say the same for texalter & yato alter 💀
@salre_9852 7 ай бұрын
I am very surprised in your video there wasn’t mention about how eyja developed as a character if you read her story. Her caster version profile entry vs medic version profile entry. Her having this medic alter makes so much sense and is welcomed. Destruction and rebirth.. it is a beautiful story. Also how swirl got her promotion compared to her old self is also a great read on her profile entry. I really encourage a read.
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
Unfortunately I have not played through any of the story for Arknights, but I have heard a similar sentiment from others. I'm sure if your a lore enjoyer you can enjoy the characters more and if I end up ever reading through at least Eyja's story it would be intresting! Heck maybe I would like her more then 😄
@HyperGirl81 7 ай бұрын
I like Rathalos and I have used him in the past however I haven't promoted him to an Elite yet I am trying to figure out how to get his potential increased first. There should be some more love given to male operators in Arknights! I would like to see alternate operators of them!
@Youngryoo 7 ай бұрын
Oh yeah definitely agree with more love for male operators ideally!
@eltondutra7345 7 ай бұрын
Texas alter is really very cool and useful, I did not play for long and came back now, i'm wondering If i should save for sparkling her or go for Mylnar Joint Banner (which i don't have any of the ops)
@frostlytic 7 ай бұрын
if you consider not randomly get lucky on virtuosa banner to get texalter, sparking her would take a lot, the limited banner itself is okay, not good enough for me to pulls tho. Value wise, i'd go for JO banner, mlynar has 25% chance so yeah, pretty cool
@rendyalexander2651 7 ай бұрын
Hmm I don’t see any problem
@nguyenviethung9162 7 ай бұрын
I started a massive saving stint between Mlynar and Yato because I like a lot of the operators during this period. To be honest, the amount of strong operators during this was insane. Right before Texas was Mlynar, who we all know is just absurd and dude costed me 120 rolls, and then Texas, and Reed alter, and then Chongyue who is not overpowered but he's my favorite Sui, and Yato.
@anman1_ 7 ай бұрын
Thanks @YoungRyo for the video and especially the parts where you defeated Skullshatterer on CN. That's massive! :) Can't wait for the next CN stream :) I think alter operators are pretty important for a game as the story continues because.. the story continues 😅 My first six star (apart from the guaranteed one at the start of the account) was actually Yato alter because the banner came 1-2 weeks after I started. I heard about the controversy regarding alters and that it started with Chen. Chen alters design was not for everyone. And I totally get that. But in general Hypergryph and Yostar are doing a great job regarding the design. For me it has one of the best character designs overall :)
@RuneCarterCh 7 ай бұрын
personally, arknight already have so much character, adding more character is feel like too much. and making alter from the character i already exist is much better for me, will be recognized much easier by community. especially an alter from character that rarely to be used, like yato. there's two things that I find it to get more excited. an alter character and npc character become playable character like MuMu n Degen.
@abrahamwijaya6631 7 ай бұрын
10:07 🖐️ To answer why so many alt it all started from omertosa patches, now for global we have advantage where we know what alt will come right? Now HG make system where if you bought a skin of operators that gonna be alt you will get skin ticket to trade it with 15-18 op skin at shop which huge reward for us like wasted 15-18 to get two skins we want hello that's huge until that update yes.... And now we see a lot of alter included Jessica now why i mentioned Jessica? SHE HAS 4 SKIN IN TOTAL IF YOU BOUGHT ALL HER SKIN AND GET FREE ONE FROM CC SHOP!? YOU WILL GET 4 TICKETS AND HG OR YOSTAR TRY TO PREVENT THAT AND EVENTUALLY MAKE THEIR WHOLE SKIN BUSINESS DOESN'T WORTH ANYMORE 👏
@nanashiNSH 7 ай бұрын
People like to complain. The game has over 200+ ops and they still go "oh, its just a lazy cash grab". What's justified about complaining at something you can ignore? Is it because they're very powerful ops? I have 2 accounts and 1 of it only has thorns, kalsit and surtr as 6* plus the free ones like lumen and recruitable ops and that account is doing just fine. The only BS thing about it is having to practically always need to spark a limited op if you miss the debut banner but their existence should not matter to people since if you hate them then ignore them. Its not like HG stopped releasing non-limited, non-alter characters. We have typhon, virtuosa, degen, the crusher guy, the sniper one, the musha one and more in the future. So just in case I wasn't clear, no, their complaining (btching) aren't justified.
@nikolamatasin3877 7 ай бұрын
I love the idea of alters, but I think they've been missused a lot. Yato was quite often used as budget FR unit, so that made sense, but most others that switched classes didn't. Additionally, characters like Eyja and Ch'en (and most other 6*s that got alters) didn't need them either. I think that arknights has many great designs on many... kinda useless characters, so would it if we got altars of those. Like... I'd love Astesia and Whisperain alters. I'd also love 6* variant of Platinum, I still use regular one, so I'd alter to stay ST Sniper too.
@Vasharan 7 ай бұрын
I actually prefer alters to all-new characters, because it's a good way to hint at the story and growth of a pre-existing character that the community already knows and loves. I also love both Eyjaberry and Swalter, both design and mechanics wise. Edit: I've also noticed that Alters especially tend to be more experimental with their mechanics and archetypes, so they are often very interesting units to play with. eg Yatalter's speen, Ch'en Alter's slowing zone, Swalter's champagne bottles, and I'm looking forward to playing around with Jessica Alter's deployable shield.
@peted2783 7 ай бұрын
The most problematic alter that's been released is Chen the Holungday. There are a few patterns in the way Arknights makes most of their alters: 1. There has to be a good lore related justification for the alter version to exist in the presented format. 2. The original character has to be popular. 3. The original character has to be under utilised to some degree. The only exceptions to this pattern on release was Skadi alter, whose lore was not canon and went mostly unexplained until Stultifera Navis and IS3, and Swire alter + Chen alter, which still doesn't make much sense in the story. Out of these 3, the only alter that caused a massive outrage was Chen, who was limited, made little sense lorewise and was strong to a ridiculous degree, it's the combination of these factors that makes Chen the Holunday seem like a mindless cash grab and caused major backlash. The other 6* alters are either strong but backed by brilliant writing, or are balanced and/or not limited. No one cares much about 5* alters. Chalter is just *BALANS*
@w58461 7 ай бұрын
i dont understand the point, the question ur making actualy if it was ''alters'' yeah, i kinda like, they actualy make sense, one of the best gachas i ever seen done alters if it was ''so many alters in short period'' well, i started to play when textas the omertosa and the judge was release, and i manage to have lin, chongyun, and yato, (i didnt pull elyj or sweire cause i dont like/need), so i actually i dont know at first i was thinking it was low resource game, cause u manage to have lot of 5/4 stars, so the 6 was a luxury, but then i find ''ok, its normal, the game have 4 years, there is a lot of op already, its like if i started genshin nowdays plus i bring 12 op to a stage'' if it was ''alters are lot powerful then normal ones'' i would, yeah, they should right? cause its like the character growing their power, its the development through lore right?
@mainsterr2474 7 ай бұрын
I play F/GO. No This ain't a problem. I'm all for it. Plus even if they think alters are fast cash grabs for popular characters, they could still have genuine plot relevence and if not, if it looks cool, then isn't that fine? Plus, I'm sure a lot of us likes to see a certain other maybe darker version of some characters.
@bloodred255 7 ай бұрын
I mean, after they removed the alter restriction allowing you to use both units, the only difference gameplay wise is the alter starts with 200 trust from the base form, so you can get their module day 1. also you didn't mention silence alter, or the new R6S collab with Fuze, Doc, Ela and lana.
@carlomarzano2472 7 ай бұрын
the argument that alters are a cash grab makes no sense, as if they are more expensive than regular units... New banners with new operators will come out either way! So might as well revisit old characters, so that we can get more invested in their lore
@zyroberk 5 ай бұрын
complaining that limiteds are cash grabs is crazy for a very simple reason: you are already playing a cash grab game, there shouldn't be levels of acceptance of it
@jhonlhorbae9430 7 ай бұрын
Alters in Arknights makes no sense storywise but they help with the revenue. It is what it is for this game that has "rich story."
@crikeybaguette4564 7 ай бұрын
Interestingly enough, there hasn't been a new alter for a while on CN now, with currently only one that has yet to come to global.
@IKvASS 7 ай бұрын
There is too many limited caracters for sure. I lost interest in chasing them, and the game.
@meepsheep3151 7 ай бұрын
This is why i am excited with Shu and Zuo Le. Alters are too redundant
@Speeix 7 ай бұрын
Just make the alter make sense chen going to a beach is so half ass.
@Zapatote 7 ай бұрын
Specter Alter is a CC demon
@ames4805 7 ай бұрын
It used to be a problem in the community, especially Chen being busted and all. It is really unexpected back then since it`s only a few weeks after Skadi alter's banner. I mean both are limited and all, but Chen's kit is really a strong unit with most of the time are upsides like manual cancellation of her s3, and her defense debuff at all ranged with improved talent of her archetype that also shoots twice. In my opinion, the term "limited" to alters changed when Reed alter is released, since she could appear from the standard pool if your'e lucky enough. Then Executor alter and now Swire. There are some players who might've noticed Kroos and Lava alter, but I think most look at new 6 stars like me, unless it's a personal favorite like Kazemaru and April for me. Another thing I'm also interested in alters is the actual changes in their stories. By how Chen changed her mind after being in Rhodes, Amiya's yielding will as a leader and so on. I like how their own story expands as time goes on. It's just how gacha games work in general, and hypergrph really surprised me with the alter operators they intend to release. It would be a good idea to just put them in another skins, but they put others in a new archetype like Eyja, which is a refresher for me as I'm for her being a core caster. Also, their new looks are cool and cute. I don''t mind alters at all, but I also want Closure as an operator.
@Xcluxide 7 ай бұрын
0:05 "sWife the Elegant Wet" ICANT LMAO
@xZeke97 7 ай бұрын
I dont like summer skins so im SO GLAD chalter got that amazing skin, as for alters i dont care, i dont see the difference between a cool character and a cool alter, as long as they are cool ill get them
@Z_04_Q 7 ай бұрын
Noir user over here, he still remains my best unit to deal with aerial units on male enmity only (and the only one too)
@Where_would_I_go_without_you 7 ай бұрын
To answer you question, yes, someone does still use Rath Noir
@faeroxnight1675 7 ай бұрын
I am very happy about the new alter versions. I really liked Swier, and I was sad that she was weak enough, but I damn much wanted to see this character in my squad. Safe the situation back, I did not like her original character in terms of design (I would not have twisted her intentionally and, perhaps, I would have been upset if she had fallen to me by accident. While I really liked her alternative version. As soon as I heard about this banner, I started saving 300 rolls for the survival of both of them. Fortunately, I knocked them out (1 lamb and 6 tigresses) and was able to let selenium alter chen. I have a difficult relationship with Chen, I absolutely do not like summer skins. Completely. That's why I missed her banner at the time, but when I saw her skin, I immediately wanted her in this skin and I'm very happy with all the resources invested
@GranMaj 7 ай бұрын
Alter its fine. They need to changes which character eligible for alter form. For me, lower rarity, underused, or crucial to the story characters should get the priority. Because Chen and Eyja doesn't need alter. Executor, Swire and the monhun ops are the perfect alter.
@therebis0 7 ай бұрын
Always see people yapping about "alter problem", when I dont see that so called problem at all. And yeah, I personally dont like summer skins
@HeliPotter2000 7 ай бұрын
Skalter in question
@Sora0502 7 ай бұрын
The drama with Chalter was that limited banners were too close to each other and chalter looked like a quick cash grab. After backslash from the community, they agreed to have time in between limited banners.
@killimo7990 7 ай бұрын
@marubinmgd6838 7 ай бұрын
lmao getting mad over a free swimsuit jpeg is insane
@caseofzero 7 ай бұрын
me 3 years before: Oh god I hope it will not go like FGO me rn: FUCK I JINX IT
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NEW 6* Shu & Zuo Le, Chongyue Skin & More RECAP!!!
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Arknights has a BIG issue
Рет қаралды 73 М.