"Is this an ADHD thing?" | Dr. K Subreddit Review Stream

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5 ай бұрын

Dr. K’s Guide to Mental Health explores Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, and Meditation
with 150+ video chapters in a Final Fantasy-inspired skilltree: bit.ly/3GaubzI
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@dameanvil 5 ай бұрын
22:26 🧠 "Stuff blindness" or forgetting items in plain sight can be a common experience for those with ADHD due to difficulties in regulating sensory input. 24:33 🚦 In ADHD, there's a weakened top-down processing in the brain, making individuals more susceptible to distractions from environmental stimuli. 27:23 🌀 ADHD individuals tend to adapt by suppressing stimuli to compensate for their distractibility, leading to potential instances of overlooking or ignoring things in their surroundings. 28:29 🧹 Suppressing external stimuli is a common ADHD coping mechanism, leading to a messy environment due to ignoring surroundings. 30:02 🧠 Suppressing emotions and external stimuli in ADHD consumes significant cognitive resources, weakening the brain's focusing capability. 32:12 🧽 A messy environment burdens cognitive resources, weakening frontal lobes and making it harder to focus for individuals with ADHD. 33:22 🧹 Cleaning a space can improve study capacity in ADHD individuals by reducing the cognitive load caused by suppressing sensory inputs. 34:17 🧼 Cleaning a room helps flag new stimuli, aiding ADHD individuals in focusing by reducing distractions in their environment. 39:20 🧩 Having ADHD features doesn't necessarily mean one has ADHD; it's about impairment in daily life due to those features. 47:23 🧠 Self-diagnosis lacks differential diagnosis, essential for accurate assessment of ADHD, trauma, or other conditions. 51:36 🎯 Trauma's coercive control diminishes focus on the future, impacting planning and, subsequently, the need to focus for individuals growing up in such environments. 54:59 🧠 Trauma's impact on focus: Trauma can affect focus, making it hard to sacrifice today for tomorrow due to past experiences linking future benefits to negative consequences. 56:22 🤔 Mental health vs. diagnoses: Mental health symptoms and their causes (ideologies) often overlap; self-diagnosing based on symptoms alone can be misleading. 57:52 🎯 Focus as a skill: Lack of focus doesn't always mean ADHD; it might result from not being taught how to focus, a skill historically taught in ancient practices. 59:13 🔀 ADHD and trauma overlap: Childhood ADHD often involves trauma due to societal differences in behavior, leading to social isolation and self-esteem issues. 01:01:07 💔 Self-esteem and ADHD: ADHD can lead to self-esteem problems as children attribute their struggles to personal flaws, impacting their identity and self-worth. 01:03:45 🛠 Identity and action: Actions define who we are; self-fulfilling prophecies shape our beliefs and capabilities, impacting the control we perceive over our lives. 01:05:10 🌟 Power dynamics in trauma: Trauma often involves a sense of powerlessness; reclaiming agency is essential to regain control and influence over one's life. 01:09:45 👩‍🏫 ADHD and authority: ADHD-related emotional regulation deficits can lead to defiance towards authority figures, impacting social standing and relationships. 01:16:17 😡 Emotional reaction to tasks: People with ADHD may resist tasks not due to logic but because they anticipate failure, leading to frustration and avoidance of authority demands. 01:19:44 🚸 Childhood struggles with authority may not solely indicate ADHD. Various reasons can lead to problems with authority. 01:21:43 🌍 Frequent changes in friendships and environments might not directly signify ADHD. Wanderlust or personality traits could be involved, not just ADHD. 01:22:55 🧠 Having a penchant for starting over isn't exclusive to ADHD. Wanderlust, the need for change, or certain personality traits can drive this behavior. 01:23:36 🧬 Ayurveda's viewpoint of individual differences contrasts Western medicine's standardized approach, emphasizing tailored treatments based on unique constitutions. 01:25:27 🌬 Vata personality traits likenedto the wind - cold, dry, strong, and inconsistent. These traits reflect the tendency for excitement, novelty, and frequent shifts of focus. 01:28:18 🎭 Embracing variety and balancing multiple interests can fuel productivity for individuals with a Vata personality or ADHD traits. 01:30:38 🔄 The cycle of returning to past interests maintains excitement and aids consistency, a technique beneficial for those prone to getting bored easily. 01:34:03 🚀 Harnessing excitement and variety can heighten productivity, turning excitement into a consistent force rather than sporadic bursts. 01:36:37 🧩 Embrace your unique traits instead of trying to fit into a standard mold, creating a life that aligns with who you are can lead to sustained productivity and fulfillment. 01:50:00 🔄 Menstrual cycle impacts ADHD differently throughout its phases. 01:51:22 🌊 ADHD symptoms fluctuate based on hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle. 01:54:07 🔄 Estrogen and progesterone levels affect ADHD symptoms uniquely. 01:55:21 ⚠ Increased impulsivity and risk-taking behavior align with specific menstrual cycle phases. 01:56:30 💡 Women with ADHD need to be cautious about impulsive behavior during ovulation. 01:57:01 📉 Negative emotions and avoidance peak around menstruation for those with ADHD. 01:59:15 🎢 ADHD symptoms during the menstrual cycle involve mood changes, impulsivity, and avoidance. 02:00:26 🚦 Women with ADHD need to anticipate changes in mood and behavior during specific cycle phases. 02:03:41 🩺 Birth control can impact ADHD symptoms, necessitating discussion with a doctor. 02:07:28 🧠 Psychiatrists specializing in women's health can offer guidance on ADHD and menstruation. 02:11:53 🩺 Medication's effects vary with menstrual cycle: Stimulant meds can be more effective during the follicular phase (after menstruation) due to higher estrogen levels, impacting their efficacy differently. 02:16:29 🧠 ADHD and menstrual cycle considerations: Medication responses can differ across the menstrual cycle phases, suggesting potential for tailored prescribing patterns based on this cycle. 02:18:48 📊 Bipolar disorder rarity: Bipolar disorder's lifetime prevalence is around 1-3%, significantly rarer compared to major depressive disorder, which ranges around 10-30%. 02:21:22 🌿 ADHD meds and weed: Combining ADHD meds with weed can counteract each other's effects, potentially reducing the effectiveness of stimulant medication. 02:22:41 💊 Medication and self-medication: Weed can help manage ADHD med side effects, while ADHD meds could counter weed's calming effects, complicating the interaction between the two. 02:24:16 🧪 Addictions and medication: Stimulant meds may affect dopamine circuitry but might decrease addiction risk later in life by enhancing frontal lobes that protect against addiction. 02:29:36 🚫 Substance counteractions: Using one substance to counteract another's effects might not be the healthiest approach, potentially leading to less desirable outcomes than using neither. 02:35:43 🧠 ADHD management: While ADHD might not be "cured," self-improvement can significantly mitigate its negative impact on one's life.
@KaimWelcher 5 ай бұрын
not all heroes wear capes👏🏽
@juraj5277 5 ай бұрын
thank you for this, and the emojis make it perfect. Dr. K should pay you to make one like this for every video and put it in description or pinned comment :D
@beetsinmyhouse5988 5 ай бұрын
@williamk6605 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!!!
@harrymu148 5 ай бұрын
You are a fucken god I was about to skip this because i mean *checks notes* THREE HOURS
@NiSE_Rafter 5 ай бұрын
09:45 is when he anouncements finish up and the topic begins
@Pikawarps 5 ай бұрын
Hero we need but don’t deserve
@musicmaggs 27 күн бұрын
Bless your soul 🙏🏼
@kaybrarian 5 ай бұрын
1:49:54 Menstruation and ADHD 41:32 ADHD, ASD, trauma differential diagnosis 1:08:41 Oppositional Defiant Disorder 2:21:02 ADHD meds + weed 20:34 The thing about the bunny (stuff blindness)
@jirapatthaenphromrat2910 5 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, I was little short on time. But was afraid I may forget to watch this later.
@ExiomTV 5 ай бұрын
Not in chronical order. Maybe it's order of importance?
@eggjewla 5 ай бұрын
@@ExiomTVmaybe in ADHD order 😂
@herbertscott9575 5 ай бұрын
@JustAutistic 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. This was what I wanted to ask Dr K for.
@ellairax 5 ай бұрын
As someone who has both ADHD and really disabling PMDD, it is really validating to hear that the hormonal rollercoaster I feel like I’m on sometimes does in fact have an effect on ADHD and other parts of my health. I feel like PMDD is really minimized or not understood by a lot of healthcare professionals despite it having such an impact on my life. My mental health treatment wasn’t entirely effective until I started hormonal medication in addition to antidepressants and I’d really love to hear more about how hormonal fluctuations can affect mental health. I was lucky to have a psychiatrist who considered that, but I feel like most wouldn’t think of it.
@hikariunmei1141 5 ай бұрын
Well nice timing, I had a very bad appointment with my local psychiatrist that basically said she doesn't believe ADHD is a thing in adults. Gotta love my country's mental healthcare system. At least I got my refill, but jfc, who gave this person a degree? This will wash away the frustration and invalidation, I'm sure.
@erickpalacios8904 5 ай бұрын
Huh?! What country is that?
@VioletEmerald 5 ай бұрын
Almost any country in the world has doctors who believe that, sadly
@cybergarrett 5 ай бұрын
In the US you could just report them to their licensing board
@asaventurasderobson 5 ай бұрын
To be honest, stupid people get degrees in a greater proportion, in my opinion.
@conbon3564 5 ай бұрын
Doctors don’t learn enough about adhd in university
@zachh6868 Ай бұрын
Woah. I always denied having ADHD because I've always had self control and didn't have the ADHD energy, but Dr. K has just been describing my life completely with these ADHD videos! I always skimmed past the ADHD videos and watched the rest of Dr. K's stuff, but wow, even if it's not ADHD like he points out in the video, it's wild he's connecting the dots to the thoughts i've had for as long as I can remeber
@carmenhendriks 4 ай бұрын
'People think that what you do is determined by who you are. It's the other way around: What you do determines who you are.' This actually helped me a lot. A lot of behavior is based on assumptions about ourselves and others. Letting go of labels and assumptions is essential for growth
@noidea176 5 ай бұрын
“If i have SHIT all over my bathroom COUNTER I’m not going to NOTICE my rabbit VIBRATOR. Y’all get that?” - Dr.K
@zachh6868 Ай бұрын
Hahaha, this has me laughing waayy too hard
@GregorVDub 5 ай бұрын
The rabbit thing was so perfectly timed.
@TiaTeachman 4 ай бұрын
Well while i was rotfl, it occurred to me he was not amused in the slightest lol. Some people have no appreciation for comedy. Perhaps thats what happens when yer dad smashes yer playstation.
@flawlix 5 ай бұрын
My menstrual cycle is the biggest debuff in my fucking life.
@sailor15galaxy10 5 ай бұрын
Dr.K randomly having a rabbit pop up in his adhd lecture notes is the best representation of an ahdh mind 30:36
@silviab9810 4 ай бұрын
Wasn't randomly
@bobbybushwhacker 7 күн бұрын
I loved it haha
@tiffanybazemore3058 5 ай бұрын
I love the long lecture’s more than the short videos personally. I like the in depth explanations. All the content is great in my opinion, thanks for all y’all do.
@space_pirate_calamity 5 ай бұрын
I can't wait for the asexuality video!! It's the sexuality that has gotten most left behind/forgotten about in the greater cultural discussion of sexual orientation. (Unsurprisingly so, as American culture in particular is highly sexualized.) I realized I am asexual almost ten years ago, and I'm eager to hear what insights you have on the topic!
@EnabiSeira 5 ай бұрын
Yeah! I'm also interested (fellow ace here). Many people say it is "just a disorder" and I'd like to know what dr. K knows about it or if he knows about any studies in the matter. I've read one that found some correlation between asexuality and agernderness.
@justinrosado5177 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't "asexuality" just simply be low levels of libido?
@Jhawk_2k 5 ай бұрын
How did you discover this? I had a period of a few weeks where I was convinced I was asexual, but I have since convinced myself otherwise. Social anxiety leading to a total lack of romantic relationships has made it quite difficult for me to truly test myself in this regard...
@EnabiSeira 5 ай бұрын
​@@Jhawk_2k I've always felt different than my friends talking about crushes and "hot" people. I wasn't interested in anybody, even when my llibido had a mind on its own, it wasn't directed to anybody (like when you skin is itchy but you don't know why, it just itches). Being with someone naked and not feeling an ounce of attraction made me say "definitely ace, no doubts". But you don't have to put yourself in a situation like that. You can look at your feelings towards others. Have you ever have a crush on anybody? Have you felt attration towards others? What kind of attraction? Looking up types of attraction also helped me (sexual and romantic are not the only types)
@asaventurasderobson 5 ай бұрын
Just started watching. Read the title, goes automatically to my playlist. I wish I could be diagnosed early, instead of at 33 yo. But then I would not be me. I have struggled with ADHD for a lifetime, through extreme poverty, depression and failure. But we'll, now I know the problems and I am in the path of the solutions. Thank you Dr. K, for your advices have been really helpful and a guide in my caotic path to improve my quality of life. For the first time in my life I truly have hope for my future. And hope that my 10 yo son will not have to suffer the same problems that I had (probably will have to conquer his own biology too). It is astonishing how much the world changes when you only changes the lens that you see the world thru.
@hikariunmei1141 5 ай бұрын
Best of lucks on your journey, from a felow late diagnosed, longterm depressed 32 yo. I'm barely starting too, but ever since I started taking my ND seriously and into account, and became kinder to myself, even the scariest life decisions like divorce stopped being so daunting. It was the right move, even if it made life harder. It won't be like that forever, and things will improve thanks to a more solid foundation. It truly makes a different to find the right prism to look through and finally see clearly.
@MunchMeisterVT 5 ай бұрын
Mrs. K and the rabbit vibrator bit absolutely made my day LMFAO
@VimDoozy 5 ай бұрын
@pqr590 5 ай бұрын
I gotta stop reading the comments first
@gamayunov 5 ай бұрын
@samsprague3158 5 ай бұрын
Alok was really not ready for that, felt kinda bad for her.
@Ephemeral_Inspiration 5 ай бұрын
Starts at 4:19
@joshuachesney7552 5 ай бұрын
@herbertscott9575 5 ай бұрын
@shafiq_ramli 5 ай бұрын
You're a life saver 😊
@kukui79 5 ай бұрын
@lolmaker 5 ай бұрын
Kruti is such a troll 😂 Even though Dr.K was taken by surprise, it was kinda wholesome that she was in the audience
@KxNOxUTA 5 ай бұрын
I loved that she came in to be accountable for trolling! :'D That was so sweet!
@lolmaker 5 ай бұрын
@@KxNOxUTA ikr! She realized how creeped out drk was lmao
@milos-7712 5 ай бұрын
Alouk Thank you. 1:22:30 - 1:40:50 The value you provide here is outstanding. I think it should be a standalone video so people can consume it easier for how much value it can bring someone.
@AdamGMakes 14 күн бұрын
My favorite part. Really resonated!
@NiSE_Rafter 5 ай бұрын
Dr. K getting frustrated with file management on a mobile apple device is why I like android. Being able to open up a file explorer and see folders is a godsend.
@lolmaker 5 ай бұрын
There’s files in iPad, it just works slightly differently
@UnhingedFerretEnergy 3 ай бұрын
There is literally a standard build in “files” app, that works exactly the same as android’s one. Just because one person doesnt know how it works doesnt mean it doesnt exist at all💀 All my friends use android and are annoyed constantly due to crashes etc, while meanwhile i have had zero issues or annoyances with my last 2 iphones🙌🏻 Android users somehow are programmed to think apple sucks lmao, same goes the other way around tho 2 different use cases, Apple has less customization options due to security and stability. Android allows more freedom but that comes with the price of system and stability issues.
@lolmaker 3 ай бұрын
@@UnhingedFerretEnergy I’ve been an android user my whole life and recently switched to iPhone. Trust me it’s not the same.
@McGrubbers4 5 ай бұрын
Dr. K getting creeped out and annoyed by the rabbit picture is cracking me up
@SynaTek240 5 ай бұрын
Yea his reply was a bit less zen than I would've expected, I would've expected him to just find it funny lol
@majestictrain 4 ай бұрын
​@@SynaTek240I think his wife was also expecting a more zen reaction
@BernardoPatino 4 ай бұрын
What the heck is a rabbit v¡brator
@dblackout1107 20 күн бұрын
Lol “ok well can we get rid of that because I’m trying to talk about adhd and blindness”
@DMetaMonty 5 ай бұрын
Two things. One: You are not a narcissist, but you are an amazing troll. Two: You need some merch that says "Ya'll get that?"
@timefortee 5 ай бұрын
And "I know it sounds weird..."
@seekingfinding6204 5 ай бұрын
@mandyschwartzberg3849 5 ай бұрын
👍 Y’all get that? ☺️
@LFanimes333 5 ай бұрын
“Can I have a minute to think about it?”
@stephenieolson8535 5 ай бұрын
I feel that I grew up with sub clinical ADHD, which caused depression. In my mid 20s, I developed cPTSD (not related to my childhood at all). Now, my “ADHD” symptoms are unmanageable and I fully fit diagnostic criteria. It feels like trauma affected my capacity for ADHD compensatory strategies, and now I’m significantly affected/disabled by it in a way I wasn’t before. If I didn’t NEED stimulants before, does that mean I shouldn’t need them now? Or maybe that I’ll only need them until I’ve resolved my trauma in therapy and can pick up my old compensatory strategies again? Can trauma-related cognitive deficits (inattention, impulsivity, etc) be helped with stimulants?
@Lamapanty 5 ай бұрын
I was so happy, and felt comfort to see him rage about the file/ app stuff, because it's very relatable
@chefsweaty6744 5 ай бұрын
lol yeah I hate how difficult Apple can make things. I was trying to do something simple like upload a video onto my iPhone and it took like 30 minutes of research
@adrianastoica9542 5 ай бұрын
In my town (I live in Romania) I couldn't find a psychiatrist that believes in adult ADHD. I had to go to the capital for my diagnosis and I am in medical school with psychiatrists as teachers and even they told me it doesn't exist and it is a debatable subject.
@captainChernihiv 4 ай бұрын
Psych I went to for my depresh said the adhd does not exist at all 🙃👍
@jetgorilla2 5 ай бұрын
5:30 - Just came over from the Iced Coffee Hour episode - absolute joy to watch. Would love to see you back on for chapter 2 or for either of them to guest on your channel for more long-form content. Looking forward to the rest of this vod.
@xavierxavier3610 5 ай бұрын
I really hope he does come back for part 2. That was my favorite episode of the iced coffee hour
@luizbertoneto Күн бұрын
I've just realized one of the reasons my adhd diagnosis was so late is bc I was always a teacher's pet, so they were more complacent at my behavior (not paying attention, walking around, finishing the tasks "too quickly" )and not give the feedback to my parents. I managed my own PR so that my parents didn't know how hard it was for me to achieve good grades. It didn't help me with friends, though.
@graceanderson8553 4 ай бұрын
The cleaning your room thing resonates so much and my sister's and I are all neat Freaks (slite hyperbole) as adults we have figured out that we probably have ADHD and we have all expressed that we literally cannot see things if it is cluttered.
@nuggy9556 5 ай бұрын
Love the longer vids, thank you dr. K!!!
@Jhawk_2k 5 ай бұрын
It's really interesting reflecting on listening to this talk compared to when I first started getting into Dr. K's content. I've made so many of the adaptations that he talks about and don't feel that same level of anxiety and despair when others share their struggles. Change is possible, it does take time and effort though.
@noellerecoskie3008 Ай бұрын
This is so true. In high school I loved science and music. I love playing piano, writing music, poetry, but also love sciences like chemistry, environmental science, earth science, etc. I am in college right now for environmental science program, but find that after about a week of classes, I want to do music, play piano, write music again, but feel I don't have the time. I get bored a little. But then a few weeks later I can work for so long and catch up on all my lectures
@dinkin_flicka14 5 ай бұрын
I'm so confused right now. It's been almost a year now since i was diagnosed with ADHD, Depression and Anxiety. So this year i was sure that i have ADHD and i was finally relieved that i know what's wrong with me, but now I'm not sure anymore. It's because i grew up in a dysfunctional house, where my dad was alcoholic and verbally abusive towards my mom a lot and also towards me and my brother. I remember being terrified of my father growing up when he used to come home. I was terrified whenever i heard the doorbell. and at school, the teachers have physically and verbally abused me for many years. I grew up with zero confidence and my mom didn't help my case either. Whenever i failed a test, mom always called me, "lazy and useless." My dad was non existent emotionally throughout my childhood and my mom, forget motivating, infact has demotivated me. Whenever i tried studying, i just couldn't concentrate. No matter how harder i tried, i couldn't so i gave up trying to study so hard at high school. I have a bachelor's degree and i think it's useless. I tried master's, although the exposure i got with meeting new people, trying new things, pushing myself out of the comfort zone with every chance i got, i couldn't concentrate when i tried to study. So i dropped out of masters. it's very weird because, i had a hard time trying to concentrate when i tried to study, but whenever i used to listen to the lectures, my concentration was at 100% and i could easily predict what word the teacher/lecturer was gonna say next. I loved listening to lectures and answering questions but i hated studying. I want to revisit my psychiatrist to clarify whether it's ADHD or trauma but I'm broke rn. How i wish mental health was included in my health insurance and therapy is so expensive.
@RolloRoo 5 ай бұрын
I hope you can get the support you need soon. It sounds like your brain disassociates when you are under pressure to succeed. I think Dr. k, or at least others, have videos on that. Nice Buck dog btw
@whofromwanto 5 ай бұрын
Our paths are nearly identical. I was diagnosed with adhd and anxiety this year. I paid for therapy. Very worth it. With regard to lectures and uni- i was the same. I hyperfocused my way through it and got my degree. I also learned that i disassociate thanks to being anxious when young due to tempers. Having nowhere to run to and being too young to fight the mind disassociates in an attempt to save itself. If you can id stay away from pharma and try therapy first as it truly helped so much. Im not perfect now but its like being given glasses to see clearly and makes it much easier to manage. Mention emdr if you do seek therapy, its very fast and effective. You can also have trauma and adhd.
@fikamonster2564 5 ай бұрын
I think you have the diagnoses AND trauma. That can exacerbate the other diagnoses symptoms, and make it even harder to manage and live with yourself. Try to be kind and patient to yourself. Its ok to be confused. I have autism and adhd myself, and i learned that i have a ton of trauma that often gets increadibly in the way. The way that i make progress is not by going “oh im normal i just have trauma and need to X” or “oh i have autism and adhd, i need to Y”, Its by accepting both and managing it. Its tough, but better then sorting yourself into a box that doesnt fit you.
@NelleShadowblue 5 ай бұрын
This feels relatable even though I am not in an 100% identical case. Trying to see a psychiatrist for adhd and things costs me a whole month's salary and half an year of waiting, and I grew up in a family that super demotivated whatever I wanted to do seriously and blaming me for not being successful. With seeing how my life goes so far, I don't think I would ever get any supports I would appreciate and then die alone. But I am still alive and I can't really change that, gotta just ponder what suffering I have to go through while missing all the things I wish I could really try hard at in my life, enduring depression that comes along with it. Hope you get a support. It's gonna be like winning a lottery but... that's the best thing I can wish.
@dinkin_flicka14 5 ай бұрын
@@NelleShadowblue thank you so much for sharing your story. It does help that I'm not alone and I hope you get the support you need. All my life I have been harsh to myself. It's time to unlearn a few things and learn new things. Let's move with kindness and strength. 💜
@spicnspan981 22 күн бұрын
I’ve been watching all these videos from Dr K recently and I have to say. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to see a doctor that can explain things the way he dose. I’ve seen many doctors over the years and yet to find one that seems to understand what’s in my head day and night. He explains it as if he has looked inside my mind, it gives me goosebumps it’s that accurate!!!
@MarkusWolff 5 ай бұрын
Okay, so a clean environment helps taking off cognitive load. Plausbile. Would love to try it. But what if there are 4 people all having ADHD living in the same house, 2 of them being kids, everyone is distracted, everyone just leaves things lying around once they no longer need them in this moment, just to quickly turn to the next thing and can't be bothered with putting them away in a proper place (if there even is such a thing)... in a matter of days, the place will look as if a bomb had dropped. How does one prevent this from happening in this environment? And once the damage is done, how to even begin getting a grip on it? How to stay motivated cleaning up all the shit when even after an hour or more of cleaning, you don't see much success because everything else still looks messy and/or someone else (or even yourself) already has made a new mess somewhere else? It seems like an impossible task...
@xXx_Regulus_xXx 5 ай бұрын
the women's health stuff was really interesting. I didn't know about the increased risk-taking after ovulation, but I suppose it makes sense
@jordanramsey5763 Ай бұрын
Growing up a missionary kid and have a rough couple years and now researching to understand complex trauma. So thoroughly convinced I have ADHD, got diagnosed with BPD, bipolar, mania, idefk but I really gotta explore this. Been binging these vids and taking notes recently.
@Hakasuma 3 ай бұрын
Yup, 1:30:00. I did this for boxing, long boarding, rockclimbing, dragonboating. Each time i got back into it, I was refreshed and was better in one way or another because I incorporated skills I had learned in my break to add a new way of improving.
@brendanpetrie233 5 ай бұрын
I have had the same exact thought of feeling "cursed" with ADHD. Especially when I was younger I really struggled to figure out what was wrong with me.
@leilap2495 5 ай бұрын
I noticed Yaz being mentioned for PMDD. I take it for that too, as well as for repeated episodes of hemorrhagic ovarian cysts 😅. I noticed that it improves my ADHD symptoms, helping my stimulant work better during PMS (that I feel any effect). I also need to take a very low dose snri that is highly noradrenegic to not cancel out the effect of my stimulant like I have experienced with serotonergic antidepressants. It’s so complicated and individualized. I did find it valuable to have gene-drug interaction testing, as I had multiple paradoxical reactions to meds before. Turns out that I have multiple mutations affecting the metabolism of many meds.
@georgeindestructible 5 ай бұрын
I really wish the world had more open minded and curious but also balanced people like Dr.K.
@anco7124 5 ай бұрын
ADHD minds
@Chaosqueenngami 5 ай бұрын
Nice prank from Mrs K. And no a rabbit vibe isn’t shaped like a rabbit but it does have two small protrusions that resemble rabbit ears, hence the name.
@Appleloucious 4 күн бұрын
One Love! Always forward, never ever backward!! ☀☀☀ 💚💛❤ 🙏🏿🙏🙏🏼
@danielleboon1543 5 ай бұрын
Ok, so the “rabbit dildo” thing… The story I heard, probably from a toy dealer at a bachelorette party, some of the countries where dildos are manufactured/distributed have laws against creating sex toys and phallic symbols. To get around this, they make them into vibrating animal toys. You know, because it’s not actually a dildo, it’s just a vibrating rabbit. What you do with it when you get home is none of their business It’s not just cute fluffy animals. There’s ones that look like people too. It’s not a sex toy, it’s just a totally innocent, conveniently sized David Beckham statue 🤷‍♀️
@5kN9 5 ай бұрын
wtf why is there a law against that
@samsprague3158 5 ай бұрын
This is way more interesting than what I was imagining 😮😂
@EnabiSeira 5 ай бұрын
I thought it was because that model has two flaps that kinda resembles a bunny ears (two flaps or two "arms")
@darkshadowrule2952 5 ай бұрын
@@5kN9 I mean there's at least one state in the US that has more of a legal limit on toys than guns, so... People just have some really weird hangups. Think if their partner actually figures out what an O is they'll leave them or something, idk
@darkshadowrule2952 5 ай бұрын
​@@EnabiSeirathat's always what I assumed as well
@wodenpwn 4 ай бұрын
The section about having multiple projects/subjects to switch around to when you get bored really helped me!
@cjbabalos7188 2 ай бұрын
1:16:59 This is the first time, really, that what you're saying doesn't feel like what i experienced. In first and second grade, i was distinctly reading novels with my mom and discussing them, being made to ask questions and follow the reasonings of the plot. She would have me "state my case" against her rules. Id won a few; she would explain back why her rule was better when it was. Children definitely use logic from a small age... Possibly it was more meant that in a situation with underlying worry/ fear, thats what a young person is mainly influenced by? Most adults are making anxiety choices too though 😅😅
@KxNOxUTA 5 ай бұрын
I found a study that looked at women with ADHD increased risk for depression when taking contraceptives!! "HC" = Hormonal Contraceptives. Results: Women with ADHD had a 3-fold higher risk of developing depression, irrespective of HC use (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 3.69, 95% CI = 3.60-3.78). Oral combined HC users with ADHD had a 5 times higher risk of depression compared with women without ADHD who were not using oral combined HC (aHR = 5.19, 95% CI = 4.94-5.47), and a 6 times higher risk in comparison with women without ADHD who were on oral combined HC (aHR = 6.10 (95% CI = 5.79-6.43). The corresponding risk of depression in women with ADHD who used a progestogen-only pill (aHR = 5.00, 95% CI = 4.56-5.49). The risk of developing depression when using non-oral HC was similarly moderately increased in both groups. Conclusion Girls and young women with ADHD have an increased risk of developing depression when using oral HC compared with their unaffected peers. Information on risks with HCs as well as potential benefits with long-acting reversible contraceptives needs to be an integrated part of the shared decision making and contraception counseling for young women with ADHD. Source Study is called: "Hormonal Contraceptive Use and Risk of Depression Among Young Women With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" by Cecilia Lundin, MD, PhD, Anna Wikman, PhD, Per Wikman, PhD, Helena Kopp Kallner, MD, PhD , Inger Sundstrom-Poromaa, MD, PhD, Charlotte Skoglund, MD, PhD
@xXx_Regulus_xXx 5 ай бұрын
thanks for the info!
@jennadee6761 5 ай бұрын
17:24 & 17:56 -😂 Dr K’s narcissist question & answers - literally my favourite Dr K moment ever 😂
@flawlix 5 ай бұрын
Things I’m surprised about: how many people in these comments don’t know what a rabbit vibrator is. It’s a vibrator with little protrusions on it to stimulate the clit. They look like bunny ears. For some of them, the protrusion itself looks like a little bunny. Thus, “rabbit” vibrator
@xXx_Regulus_xXx 5 ай бұрын
yep, rabbits look roughly like rabbits, bullets look more or less like bullets, etc.
@JohnSmith-kw6be 5 ай бұрын
Dear Dr K, to be honest, from the previous stream about HG goals and mission, I was a little worried that you were possibly too much responsibility onto yourself. But I am glad to hear from this stream that you may have it way more into control that I may realize. Juggling 4 big projects indeed feel the right number for some reason. 3 Feels like too little and 5 feels like one is starting to loose track of one of them. I will take a page out that since I do feel like I am juggling way too many things at once at the moment. Thanks About the growing vs not growing thing, I think that this may be a false dilemma. I get the hunch that the more correct answer may be a little of neither and a little of both. I think that what may be wanted is to spread the wisdom of life people are more equipped to go through life (hence growing). But I get the feeling that a trap that one may be falling is to grow larger to be able to interact with things of larger stages like the governments and institutions. Because once one grows that large, certain things get lost and one gets dragged into other responsibilities like trying to ensure that you are providing the livelihood of the employees of that institution you grew. I get the feeling that what could be needed is instead somewhat of a small model that can easily replicated and adapted to various circumstances. And because it is so small and adaptable, it can be done without the budget of large corporations and penetrate to places these large institutions get bogged down with.
@sammckenzie6760 5 ай бұрын
Adhdeez nuts
@abcdefzhij 5 ай бұрын
@funygameur 23 күн бұрын
💧 01:00:00 - Reminiscing on what I thought about myself all my life. I've been wrong and know I know. It's painful but I need to grieve that, it's much more freeing to *finally* understand.
@PinkyBar374 5 ай бұрын
So hilarious, that bunny rabbit and the innocence. It’s so funny I spat my coffee out! 😂😂😂😂
@WARPAINTandUnicorns 5 ай бұрын
I think you just described why I love making costumes... I usually pick projects that usually have 1 or 2 new skill sets or techniques to learn but the whole project goes over skills I've learned in the past but in a different format to complete the whole thing. lol I still mald a little over the drafting stage because fitting clothes takes more time on fine-tuning but then I make props, I go *Burrr* on props 😅just need to know the size and away I go! But the clothing drafting part is fiddly and I want to get to the "fun" fancy beads and adornments that go over the "foundations" of a costume. Also our menstrual cycle effect A Lot more things you don't think of... When you gain and lose weight and how much food you can or should take in per week based on these fluctuations and how our bodies react to it. For me also, how my body puts out blood sugar and responds to insulin is also affected wildly differently depending on the week I'm on as a type-1 diabetic as an adult-onset vs a younger kid becoming type-1 might see changes.
@hikariunmei1141 5 ай бұрын
...so THAT is why I became a cosplayer in my 20s! The social side was also super fun to me, meeting people who know the character you're dressed up as makes it easier to find who has similar tastes. But you're right, it involves a lot of skills in different things, making it rarely the same. Huh. I just realized that then, I do have experience being consistent at doing something. Just, the thing is super changing, unlike most hobbies or jobs. Thank you!
@WARPAINTandUnicorns 5 ай бұрын
@@hikariunmei1141 Yep also in the year of 2003 when I started with thrift store cosplays. I say costume maker now because the definition of cosplayer is just anyone that cosplayer... whereas when we started being a cosplayer it meant You or someone else usually close to you HAD to make the cosplays (and I was the one back then making them for me and friends). There were no Temu/Ebay/Aliexpress options back then. The market is now Huge and varied in terms of cosplay quality from budget Halloween trow aways to factory production models with better details for people, but options in stock cosplaying is almost limitless inside of "fashion" wear (you can buy actual armor or mascots for example)... Weirdly the trend back 20 years ago was shaming people for being a cosplayer if you ever let it slip to a co-worker or having your boss's Husband complain about their coworker being a cosplayer when you are one yourself. 🤣 Now it's a thing on TikTok people are shaming cosplay makers for making their cosplays... Pretty wild that making "things" in general is looked down upon by the public at large. But I guess those people don't know the feeling of compliments, is worth the time investment to making things.
@ProblematicHuman 5 ай бұрын
This was a great vid. Thanks Dr K
@dericflairmultiverse4952 5 ай бұрын
"the rabbit type one" aww Dr K is too innocent for the internet hahahaha
@cholm2070 2 ай бұрын
That was the most intentional bunny I’ve ever seen. I thought it was supposed to be an ADHD joke about getting distracted by things lol
@rxeii8224 2 ай бұрын
33:16 Maybe that's why I can't study when my table is messy. But sometimes, I can when I am studying something more distractable. Also it happens when I go to study and I haven't taken a bath yet. I can start studying after I take a bath.
@tede9921 5 ай бұрын
I have trouble figuring out where to put stuff that makes sense. Like I have an idea like where clothes go but what to do with the objects that are like wires for the computer or the phone?
@dericflairmultiverse4952 5 ай бұрын
i have severe ADHD, academic trauma and low academic self esteem, GG for real, thank god for Dr K helping us be aware of it at least
@nananoname3089 5 ай бұрын
Hahahaha the thing with the beta glucan in fish farms at the end 😂😂 I'm an undergrad in biochem and I 100% relate to how Dr.K's eyes light up with that :D science is awesome. The body is so complex and we know so little. So much to explore ~ (Thanks Dr.K I really enjoyed the deep dives here ^-^)
@jlppjo 5 ай бұрын
🕉namaste. i love that you begin these with a meditation. have you considered a gentle transition from the music to the episode to bring us out of the meditation (for those of us that appreciate this opportunity)☯
@AphidCell Ай бұрын
I need the music you guys put at the beginning, I always find it so relaxing, credits at the description would help
@AG-up7kx 5 ай бұрын
I highly recommend Alexander Avila's video "TikTok Gave me Autism: The Politics of Self Diagnosis" Because honestly the harm of people on the internet thinking they might have ADHD is really overstated and often misconstrued. For one thing, most of the time it doesnt happen the way people like Dr. K describe it, as "oh one person said xyz means i have adhd!! so im gonna go telling everyone i have adhd now :3" Honestly presenting it like that feels so condescending. I'm not saying that's never happened, but that's not the case MOST of the time, so as a result its kind of misrepresenting people and making them out like theyre foolish little kids. (And by the way, this just results in a lot of ppl w adhd- especially women- being treated like shit when they actually finally go to get that evaluation. Lost count of how many stories I've heard of ppl saying their psychiatrist gave them some patronizing spiel or passive aggressive remarks about 'TikTok Kids These Days' and how 'Everyone Thinks Theyre ADHD Now' and not actually taking them seriously from the start. And then this makes ppl even MORE reluctant to go out and get an evaluation, as if potentially ADHD ppl needed MORE obstacles than they typically already have.) A lot of the times, people will hear what the ADHD experience is ACTUALLY like for the first time (many adhd ppl cannot relate to the bullet point list of symptoms ppl are typically given when they look into what it is, because thats a clinical outsiders perspective), and may find they relate to that an awful lot, so it helps them get started, and for people who are privileged enough to have the money and opportunity, it's what helps them on the path to eventually getting an evaluation. Which may involve the diagnosis of ADHD or may involve another diagnosis. But whatever it is, now they know. For people who can't afford such things, at least they have a community and maybe some better language to describe their experiences, and they could benefit from some of the resources and information about ADHD that's out there, whether or not they have it. I dont think I have to tell you that ADHD treatments involve a wide variety of things, many of which are things like organizational systems, which can potentially benefit anyone. The idea that "PPL W/O ADHD ARE STEALING RESOURCES AAAH" is just dumb fear mongering bullshit. I know Dr.K here isnt going that far, but some people do. I want people to get the support that helps them, the support they need. I dont give a shit if they "count" as whatever label or if they are "dysfunctional" enough. Overall as I said, the harm is overstated. I think more good has come from ppl talking about ADHD more, even if amongst that is some misconceptions. Most people understand that these things arent black and white. Most people are not even saying "if you do this than you have adhd" theyre saying, in more or less words, "this is a symptom of adhd, so if you do this you might have it, and its worth looking into" So please stop treating people like theyre stupid.
@darkshadowrule2952 5 ай бұрын
I agree with like basically all of this. It's so important having those resources and experiences out there and available for those of us who can't go get diagnosed for a number of socioeconomic and political factors. And even when it does devolve into the silly, most the time it seems pretty obvious to me that the person is memeing, obviously there's always gonna be somebody out there blaming adhd for their shoe size or what have you, but there's stupid people in every community
@fikamonster2564 5 ай бұрын
41 minutes in, i have adhd and autism, i loved the “stuff blindness” section Gonna pause and sit and reflect on the knowledge i gained. Need to let it simmer in before i focused (Doing this because of the “i watch your videos and dont change” video, where it talks about not chain watching. A stream isnt exactly chain watching, but i feel that i need to treat it like such for myself)
@kaeleve-xs3vo 3 ай бұрын
Also regarding ADHD and the menstrual cycle... isn't it true that low estrogen effects the women's drive/motivation? So often, progesterone only 'pill' is given as a safer option, but reduces estrogen and adds to problem of motivation/drive? Thanks
@TheMookie1590 5 ай бұрын
the gut brain bacteria axis is important. yes, people have been saying diet forever. But we are starting to know why now. Bacteria do interface with the gut with serotonin directly. to exact precise control of signals. They produce most peptides, precursors and other needed things. not to mention brain growth factors. They can increase decrease specific systems in the brain through the vagus nerve. control over motivation, emotion, and most other things. Not to mention the sheer numbers of TLR and PPR that can do more than just detect pathogens, some are fond in the brain. Im starting to believe they, themselves are the subconisness itself. They would appear atleast with al the new knowledge. They control us more than them.
@Moto_Medics 5 ай бұрын
Holy shit this one is prime example of why I love this channel
@uragirichannel 4 ай бұрын
Holy shit, this was so useful. Particularly the bit with juggling between different tasks. I'm guilty of the "shiny object syndrome".
@everythingart7566 5 ай бұрын
I would ADORE a more detailed lecture on ayurveda and doshas and how to start incorporating it into how we design our life. I related to this so hard but I feel like I. Gonna forget to keep it in my life and I’ll only do it for a little bit and then forget
@Anna.Maria.Muller Ай бұрын
Thank You
@cheese-bg1xq 5 ай бұрын
As someone with autism, it's always interesting to learn about our ADHD sibs 😊
@AznDudeIsOn 5 ай бұрын
1:58:40 I believe Dr. K is slightly wrong here. My understanding was estrogen and its derivatives generally make people more risk seeking. This is why it increases right before ovulation, to promote pregnancy. And then it continues to persist and may have lingering effects during the luteal phase. While progesterone has more of that avoidant tinge to it as it tries to protect the egg during the luteal phase. Which tends to become more prevalent as an overarching feeling as the implantation windo wcloses and persits throughout the rest of the luteal phase. And the start of day 0, the menses section people are generally feeling comparative okay since progesterone is depleted and estrogen becomes the more dominant sexual tone. EDIT: Dr. K was in particular talking about the interaction between ADHD and the menstrual cycle. Which is why he described it differently. He was more so saying that the high progesterone lower estrogen levels exacerbate ADHD-type impulsivity in a way that makes them more vulnerable to both positive and negative affect, based on some preliminary research
@streakinthesky 21 күн бұрын
Funny he mentions that cleaning your room helps you study when you have ADHD. I always clean my room before studying or writing a paper, the problem is I'm doing it at 12am before the exam/on the due date.
@dragon6414 4 ай бұрын
@amarchhabra2175 5 ай бұрын
Stream starts at 4:22
@jacknowhere1140 5 ай бұрын
@deretti347 5 ай бұрын
Thanks again ❤
@HansBBJJ 5 ай бұрын
I love Dr K for the education and entertainment he offers, and even more so his big heart.
@mandyschwartzberg3849 5 ай бұрын
I don’t know how to deal with the burnout stuff when it’s completely necessary and mandatory for life. I can’t do less of it. I can’t do stuff I want, if the necessary stuff are not done. So I’m spending my whole life trying to do these necessary stuff, and failing miserably and it just keeps getting harder and harder. And I’m completely running out of steam. 😰😰😰
@gweedohatsis8404 5 ай бұрын
So you are saying that if I get rid of all the snakes in my house my ADHD will be cured? That's solid advice I can get behind.
@gweedohatsis8404 5 ай бұрын
meh, I'll probably start on that tomorrow.
@InvalidGoose 4 ай бұрын
30:00 Dr. K demonstrating adhd perfectly
@AnymMusic 5 ай бұрын
to me authority isn't necessarily the issue. It's unquestioning authority that drives me nuts. If I disagree with a rule, I want to know WHY that rule is why it is. If I can at least understand the why behind a rule, I'm more likely to be okay with it even whilst disagreeing. "just do as you're told" isn't gonna fly with me. "because I say so" isn't gonna fly with me
@iced2666 5 ай бұрын
This comment describes me so hard. I HATE it when people say “just do it”
@jlllx 5 ай бұрын
"cuz i said so" is an abuse tactic. if something doesn't make sense, someone other than you is benefitting.
@samsprague3158 5 ай бұрын
Yeeeeees dude, me to a t. Once i realized that I stopped worrying about having a “problem with authority”. Also, whenever I’m in a position of authority or leadership, I happily share my reasoning for literally everything. It shows respect and trust, and facilitates cooperation.
@xCCflierx 5 ай бұрын
Still sounds like trauma to me. And then it looks like logic was kinda glazed on top afterwards. Does the issue really only ever start after you ask "Why?" and the authority figure says "Because I say so!"? Do you get defensive and upset when authorities try to ask you to do something and that makes you ask "Why?", and "Because I say so!" throws you over the edge and you go nuts?
@AnymMusic 5 ай бұрын
@@xCCflierx nah it's just after why for me. Ofc I'll ask "why" or "how" or stuff if I'm curious about things I get asked to do, but if it's smth I disagree with, I won't take "that's just how it is" for an answer
@seekingfinding6204 5 ай бұрын
How does he not know about the rabbit vibe??? ...ok, the appearance of the mystery bunny was the best!!! (and I love how much he hates Apple file "structure", because I had to struggle with the same crap when I got an iPad for work.
@KxNOxUTA 5 ай бұрын
OMG the vibrator on the sink!!!! Why the hell so damn relatable 😂?!?! Yet, here I am, finding it utterly splendid that I'm not the only ADHD brained person out there, who has forgotten that specific thing in that specific place! And I'm seeing chat has more pplz with such stories. Lovely! Imagine going to the psychiatrist for evaluation and starting your chat with "I'm here for this evaluation cause I did the infamous vibrator thing and Dr.K and us concluded that, yes, that tends to be an ADHD thing! Oh, you don't know what this is about? Let me tell you....!" 😅
@luckyape 5 ай бұрын
Would love to hear about ADHD/autism in the olds, how age and neurodiversity develop together, i have my suspicions
@trangla5078 5 ай бұрын
46:00 Diagnose ADHD and differentiate symtoms and influence
@Tankitha 5 ай бұрын
Time stamp 1:32:00 - But what if my excitement wears off, I am bored, but I am mentally stuck, often unconsciously pushing forward...and then I'm worn out on that thing and don't want to do that again for weeks?...but the deadline is coming... TLDR I guess I'm asking, how can you learn to stop when you're bored and don't want to do something anymore so that you can come back fresh instead of killing your enthusiasm for the thing.
@TheTenThousandThings 5 ай бұрын
the iPad saga was the content I'm here for
@TiaTeachman 4 ай бұрын
At approx 1:11:00, adhd and authority is discussed. As a 44yr old returning college student, grandmother and explorer of life, there have been a smol % of professors who act like juveniles, bipolar/dualistic, "this is my favorite, they are my best friend, i hate this and that, i hate it when this happens, i hate broccoli, etc." then they over share about personal experiences, preferences, and create a blurred distinction between their emotional opinions vs facts. So with these, one being a math teacher one being a psychology teacher, these kinds of behaviors and projections trigger me big time, to a noticeable extent of creating a counter balance effect. Its manipulative and seems to be unethical. Point is, as a child who had a defiant temperament, looking back, its quite possible that i was simply a child who had a trauma/fracture, and it triggered others around me who also had trauma/fractures, thus causing a domino effect and combativeness. There are plenty who are traumatized where we dont trigger one another and then there are those who are more stable who hold space. The ones who are not triggering it seems are different than the original wounder, often times is a parental figure or loved one. Thus perpetuating karma and the butterfly effect. I still have adhd moments, and rarely emotional instability, however when interacting with a deeply emotional person, i can hold space and or counter balance, however if its in a class setting, im finding that the only way to counter these attacks is to have at least one headphone in to diffuse the attack. Its a safety measure, when one is unable to fight for their lives and choose not to run away, they adapt to the circumstances and now have changed major from psychology to i.t./computer science, cause at least these processes make sense are are not intent on harming others due to their own flaws... yet... point is... there are plenty of other humans who do not elicit these kinda of behaviors. I can be a model student and learn and behave, without trying. So how many children are simply mirroring the trauma in their environment and adhd/bipolar are things which can be corrected when the lens's of perception are mended and traumas healed. What are those triggers? They are simply clues. And ya it takes alot of work, so much.. is worth it though. Final thought, as a child in a dominantly neurotypical environment, i was the oddball. Now as an adult in a different part of the world, here the culture is "unconscious" and dark... upstate NY. However it seems that many are healing their traumas and developing, which leads to the idea that much of the patriarchy was a wounded lot. Were now shifting into a different way of perceiving so neurodivergent individuals may be a form of evolution, so perhaps this is all training anyways and will settle itself out. Still sucks seeing broken harmful people teaching college classes. Ready for the upgrade.
@djcardwell Ай бұрын
I'm not a gamer but love this channel.
@stephenieolson8535 5 ай бұрын
I think parts of alexithymia are cognitive (my chest feels tight, I don’t really know what that means for my emotional state - how does my physical state translate to an emotional understanding of my experience?), and other parts of alexithymia are from reduced interoception (the fact that my chest feels tight doesn’t reach my conscious awareness), and still other parts of alexithymia ARE dissociation/numbness, which I think with ASD or ADHD can happen in the absence of trauma as a compensatory mechanism (my mind is so busy trying to deal with what is in front of me, I don’t have the mental capacity to address why my chest is tight or what I can do about it. All I can do is ignore it until I’m somewhere quieter where my coping skills aren’t judged (masking is dissociative)).
@amberfuchs398 5 ай бұрын
This is why yoga can help bc it increases interception.
@MrAlarine 3 ай бұрын
34:32 Is this why i find it hard to play the game of "its over there" friend points in general direction or thing I'm looking for. I turn around "where" Or if there's many things Infront of me and i look for the thing i want, i cant find it....including those stupid captchas.... also, If i have an A4 page Infront of me and someone says spot the mistake, i can pick it up straight away? not sure if thats adhd tho?
@MrAlarine 3 ай бұрын
Oh, he answered it straight after...nvm
@nerd26373 5 ай бұрын
We appreciate your insights. We will support you no matter what.
@Tashargh 29 күн бұрын
Is there any link between ADHD and anomic aphasia? I have diagnosed ADHD. I also have difficulty recalling nouns when I need them in conversation. I know the word/name, can describe what I mean, and can recall similar meaning words or synonyms. As an example, I once couldn't remember the the word 'calf' and so used the word 'gastrocnemius'. This makes expressing myself difficult and frustrating. I'd love a lecture on memory and ADHD
@lauraschleifer4721 4 ай бұрын
Also, now I am wondering how "stuff blindness" might relate to the impact of growing up in an unstable , unsafe, chaotic environment where you constantly had to invest a lot of cognitive resources into suppressing awareness of your external environment, aka dissociating, in order to survive. In other words, could growing up in such an environment cause someone to develop ADHD-like symptoms of overcompensating to block out external stimuli, not because they are naturally too hypersensitive to external stimuli, but because the type and level of external stimuli they were surrounded by during their developmental years needed to be blocked out?
@NCVluminati 5 ай бұрын
nice to listen to while working
@MauriceGucci 5 ай бұрын
my first dr. k adhd video after being officially diagnosed lol
@Alias_23 5 ай бұрын
Sadly the topic of copying peoples quirks and personality traits weren’t addressed in the video :(((
@akshatsingha3193 Ай бұрын
really bI clicked video specially for that
@fikamonster2564 5 ай бұрын
59 minutes in Trauma and ND section felt VERY interesting to me.
@bekasikorova2307 3 сағат бұрын
I wonder what is the mechanisms behind being "introverted" as in I have a problem, need to fix it somehow, but I will procrastinate on it for the longest time possible if it involves contact with other people. Could it be caused by trauma or is it just being introverted?
@captainpumpkinhead1512 5 ай бұрын
Dr. K, is there any correlation between ADHD and that corpus colosum inhibition? I relate a lot to what you've said about not recognizing my emotions until they're out of control, but I'm not sure I have any history that would count as trauma.
@hikariunmei1141 5 ай бұрын
Look up CPTSD, trauma is not only one big scary life event, it can be a slow but constant enough drip. And it even counts if you witnessed the traumatic situation, as long as it was someone you knew and were close to or cared for. Most people have been throught it, one way or another. Also, the brain sometimes hids things from us to protect us. You might be right and you haven't experienced trauma, but you might have experienced it without being fully aware of it. Even preverbal period trauma can leave a mark.
@DesoloSubHumus 5 ай бұрын
Bunny distraction in the part about how ADHD brains are easily distracted - good one
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