Is time on Putin's side? A Geopolitics with Alex Q&A

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We get a lot of questions and comments about what's discussed in Geopolitics with Alex. In this episode, Alex Stubb delves into some of the most burning issues.
A big thank you, Alex appreciates your feedback. Subscribe now for more insights on the war in Ukraine and its impact on global politics.
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@masterchinese28 Жыл бұрын
Any day in which Alex has a video drop is a better day. I especially like that his recent videos have frequently brought up the perspective of the Global South. We should all pay attention to how they see what the bigger powers are doing. In many ways, they are the tie-breaker vote in international politics.
@toncoumans6985 Жыл бұрын
Go on youtube and find the press conferences in which Macron and other western leaders are talked down to by African leaders. It's to late for Alex's "dignified foreign policy".
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
@@toncoumans6985 Alex is a literal CIA agent and a shill. He is paid money to push the pro US line on social media. That's literally his job. But they dont have to try very hard because they know the peasants, that's you lot, don't have much in the way of critical thinking or media literacy. You just need basically social credits to fit in and feel like you belong and you will clap along right to your own demise or enslavement.
@anonnimus Жыл бұрын
It's never too late. The Wetern Values based economics will always have more to offer, however it may take bypassing the "leaders" of those countries and appealing directly to the people. Helping them directly even if the leaders are not aligned...yet. As for first world countries having to eat some humble pie in the short term, let's just say it's well deserved and will pay off in the long-term.
@jaarneal Жыл бұрын
@@anonnimus I want to believe this, and in many ways I am optimistic about the long term. But I suspect that in many cases the people themselves are the problem. I was just reading about the Egyptian revolution in 2011. Protesters were demanding things like the resignation of the repressive President Mubarak, new wage laws, release of political prisoners. After weeks of protests, many of the demands were met, an election was held to decide the successor, and the election itself appeared fair. All great news. And then Egyptians voted. They selected Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate. This wasn't much of a surprise... the secular movement within the 2011 revolution was significant, but they were outnumbered 2:1 by people who supported political Islam. And sure enough, over the next several months, the government progressively became more and more authoritarian. Egypt went from a secular authoritarian government to a religious authoritarian government. Within a year, more protests. And then Egypt's military deposed Morsi, and Field Marshal el-Sisi, the highest military official previously, became President. Back to a secular authoritarian government, arguably worse now than under Mubarak. Among many people in this world, there is a toxic desire to be ruled with an iron fist. Even in a democratic environment, an electorate dominated by such people invariably produces dangerous leaders. Kind of a rant, sorry.
@anonnimus Жыл бұрын
@@jaarneal I don't think you're completely wrong. Western style institutions are difficult to implement and sustain without several elements. #1 Education enough to know what's in you're own self-interests. (The general populace is not well educated in most countries under authoritarianregimes) As a proxy, a well educated, large, and prosperous middle class will defend it own prosperity and fight for opportunity for their children. #2 A history with effective representative government. (See UK Magna Carta and post Napolanic France) #3 Sufficient skepticism of religious or political authority to keep the powerful on a tight leash.
@JMM33RanMA Жыл бұрын
What better way would it be to Welcome Finland into NATO, than to welcome Prof. Stubb as Mr. Stoltenberg's successor. Of course, Prof. Stubb and his subscribers might not want the interruption to these lectures.
@Oskardinho Жыл бұрын
I wholeheartedly support this suggestion! He is the ideal candidate
@canadianmarauder1923 Жыл бұрын
Always interesting. Thank you Alex.
@winmyint793 Жыл бұрын
thanks a lot for your giving news and knowledge
@tekannon7803 Жыл бұрын
You are a great analyst and I have learned a lot listening to your videocasts.
@paolomarri1227 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Alex, very much clear! A small question: will the election in Finland, change something?
@ursodermatt8809 Жыл бұрын
yes, finland will hjoin russia
@Delheru Жыл бұрын
Not vis-a-vis Ukraine & Russia. If anything, the parties that gained in the election are more anti-Russia than Sanna Marins SDP (which also gained some, but not enough given their allies lost a lot)
@pio4362 Жыл бұрын
Alex, can give us your assessment of the Finnish general election? I notice your National Coalition party came in first place.
@tomek5513. Жыл бұрын
Alex, as always a very well constructed presentation. Look forward to the next one and more to come. Thank you.
@Aussie-Mocha Жыл бұрын
Too short 😢!!!! 😅 I wanted to hear more. Good points about how the global south. Is viewing this situation 🤔
@JuliusDaily Жыл бұрын
Kiitos Alex 😎
@pansepot1490 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Alex. About on whose side time is, analysts I listen to say that time seems to be on Ukraine’s side. Russia is using up ammunition and equipment faster than they can replace/repair them while Ukraine has been able to stall Russia winter offense while building up capabilities. Tanks and all sorts of equipment are slowly but steadily been delivered by allies and thousands of soldiers are being trained to learn to use those modern equipment.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
You should stop allowing yourself to come to conclusions until you learn basic literacy and critical thinking skills. It's quite clear you lack basic media literacy. But like most who waste time to engage in areas they have no business, your only motivation is likely to fit in socially. Doubtful you're actually interested in getting to what is real or what isn't. You just want to join in the social festivities. Which is normal.
@jtre5387 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffhicks8428 What a pompous and ironic reply.
@larsjrgensen4740 Жыл бұрын
@ Jeff Hicks: You certainly jumped to conclusions there yoorself buddy. Stay in your corner and yell….
@barrylane1055 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffhicks8428 Idiot or troll, or both. Take your pick Jeff!!!
@thestigisme2349 Жыл бұрын
​@@jeffhicks8428 🇷🇺🤡
@joeengel397 Жыл бұрын
Hello Mr. Prime Minister, Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the rest of us. I have been following the consequences of the Ukraine invasion since I was born about 2km. from Ukraine, on the rumanian side. The town is where ellie wiesel was born as well. Regarding the turkish/hungarian axis of rejection Sweden's application for nato membership, what is stopping the other 29 members from entering into bilateral treaties with Sweden, mimicking the duties and obligations of a nato membership. This way we have a way of giving Sweden what it needs without compromising nato's nations' principles. Kind regards, Joe Engel, Philadelphia, USA
@phoeniximperator Жыл бұрын
Putin is stalling until the US election and hoping that the next President will push for a negotiation
@peterpan7903 Жыл бұрын
But Putin does not have that much time left. Russia will collapse economically before then.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
@@peterpan7903 Yes Indeed. Country I cant find on a map will collapse any day now. Hopefully before my next shift at Wendys. The serfs are getting so smart these days. Ruzzians eat aborted fetuses for Easter. Give me my social credits and upvotes.
@jaarneal Жыл бұрын
@@peterpan7903 I am hopeful that economic pressure will eventually force some people around Putin to do something... but there are some observers who suspect that Russia can go another year like this w/o anything major happening to the economy. It's just not clear. What does seem pretty clear is that the way this war has gone is not at all what Putin was expecting. That by itself is encouraging. Western support so far has also been impressive. But Putin's failure doesn't seem complete yet. There needs to be more commitments of military/economic aid, or more Ukrainian battlefield success, or some sign of something changing in Russia. I'm hoping all 3 happen soon, but if none of them happen, I do believe Putin could realistically find himself in a position to get territory through negotiation.
@anonnimus Жыл бұрын
It is important that the "Collective West" set itself up to defend it's values even if one or more of its members (perhaps even major members) periodically can't or won't be able to support those values. (Temporarily, we hope.). Every great team has many great players that can step in to pick up the slack if one or more key players get taken off the playing field . (For whatever reason) Also, great teammates support each other both on and off the field and help their teammates get back in the game, if that teammate is struggling.
@ahmedakhan1 Жыл бұрын
What are these so callled "western values" that are so important to defend? Use of power against weak countries, genocides, colonialism, racism, hypocrisy, exploitation, constant war? No thank you the world has had enough of these "values!"
@carllofgren5599 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Alex for insights. Finland and Sweden know very well what Russia is capable of since more than 500 years. Until early 1800:s Finland was "The eastern half of Sweden" when Russia in a peace agreement made Finland to a Russian Duchess. During WW2 Russia, sorry "Soviet" landgrabbed ten percent of Finland. The Soviet era was really nothing more than the Russian bear dressed in a red costume! It seems like the average Russian Ivan and Olga believes in the Russian Empire to expand forever.
@peterpan7903 Жыл бұрын
No, time is working against Putin. If the national deficit continues to rise, Russia will be insolvent in half a year and will then have the problem of getting money from abroad. Now that everyone knows how Putin deals with contracts, Russia might get money only from China, but only if China gets collateral like Manchuria. So time is working against Putin.
@ahmedakhan1 Жыл бұрын
For your information Manchuria is part of China and not Russia as you seem to believe.
@QualeQualeson Жыл бұрын
I wish more people understood that Ukraine is nowhere near the end goal for Russia, and that this is not just talk aimed at scaring people with characterizations of an unpredictable power-crazed dictator. Ukraine is a step in expanding the Russian borders towards it's former USSR strategical constellation. If you want to know what Russia wants exactly, all you need to do is look at a historical map of the USSR at the height of its power. Maybe you think that surely the idea of expanding empires by military might is outdated and no one could think like that in 2023, but you'd be wrong and that's where the crux of this problem lies. This is why it's imperative that Russia loses in Ukraine. If Putin makes any kind of headway there, his plans will proceed accordingly and the conflict with the west will only sharpen and become more dangerous still. More dangerous not only because some of the former satellite states are now NATO countries, but also because after Stalin, USSR was governed by several voices, not just a single one. Russia has had several good opportunities to democratize since the fall of the USSR, but she has thoroughly rejected these opportunities. Now there's only one option left, and that is to somehow see her be forcefully reformed. This reformation starts with a Russian loss in Ukraine. It's horrible and senseless, but Putin's feverish mind and the support he gets from his minions have left us no choice. Either Russia rudely wakes up, or this nightmare keeps getting bigger and bigger to the point where we're looking at a potential WW3 scenario. WW2 we could get through, WW3 we will probably not. And *that's* how important Ukraine is now.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
Left "us" no choice? Dude you work at Wendys for minimum wage. Did you finish high school? Sit down. Take a breather. In partaking in this social convention, you have become inflicted with delusions of grandeur. You aren't anyone. The only reason anyone wants to know what you think is to measure how well our influence mechanisms are working on you. Good day.
@chrishooge3442 Жыл бұрын
Agree. The Baltics, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Slovakia are all on the table. I suspect Putin's plan was to destabilize and reorient the governments of all these countries before reabsorbing them. He miscalculated badly in Ukraine. His political machinations failed and then he compounded the miscalculation by thinking he could seize Kyiv and the country without much of a fight. His grand strategy is a failure. NATO and the EU are resolved. Putin's energy blackmail failed. Finland is now a NATO member and Sweden is waiting for Turkey to allow them membership. All of these are surprising developments but for me the most surprising is the state of the Russian military.
@daniellarson3068 Жыл бұрын
No denying this. The Russians actually come out and state what you said in your first paragraph.
@paulzx5034 Жыл бұрын
I like how Putin fall from grace. From "brilliant chessmaster who never lose war" to "power-crazed dictator". --- Ukraine is ours. Poland not. Baltic States are not. And Finland too. Thats why we do not say a word when all of them join NATO etc. Ukraine is a totally different thing. You see we not afraid to jump on global hegemon to not let him swallow Ukraine. Do you know why? No you dont.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
@@paulzx5034 The US elite are highly cynical. The issue is generations of cynicism has given birth to new generations of true believers. These serfs who comment on youtube blow whichever the wind blows. They're just peasants, they don't have thoughts. The only reason anyone wishes to know their thought is to measure how well trained they are. The elites in the US are high on their own supply of lies. Nobody with an IQ above room temperature actually thinks Russia poses any threat to Finland. By joining NATO Finland not only be giving up it's national sovereignty but both Finland and the world become less secure. Finland went from neutral to now a legitimate target in the case of war. Sheer idiocy for a captured European elite serving US interests. These geniuses in the comments can not fathom concepts like balance of power or how/why that is a benefit to the Western masses. They don't understand the difference between their own interests, as serfs and peasants, from the interests of the elites who control the media they consume.
@user-gi5iy4kf7g Жыл бұрын
Time is not on Putin's side as the outcome of the war will be decided on the battlefield where Russia now has fewer and more outdated weapons than at the start of the war. Take tanks as an example. For Ukraine, the opposite applies. More weapons and significantly more modern. Add to that the likely coming internal problem in Russia of justifying the war with the large number of losses that they have. Time is not on Putin's side.
@miroslavdusin4325 Жыл бұрын
We do not know the Ukrainian losses which are probably very high and their economy is more or less ruined so I would be more careful.
@user-gi5iy4kf7g Жыл бұрын
@@miroslavdusin4325 Absolutely so that Ukraine has high losses. That includes many of the western trained officers so now Ukraine has to start using older Russian trained officers...But the people want to fight unlike the Russian. There are many "ifs" ahead to speculate on. But in order to weigh different arguments, good knowledge is required. A simple event to understand going forward is the US election.
@user-gi5iy4kf7g Жыл бұрын
@@miroslavdusin4325 Ukraine does not lack men who want to fight, but lacks sufficient capacity to train everyone who wants to fight. Unlike Russia where people don't want to fight at all.
@miroslavdusin4325 Жыл бұрын
@@user-gi5iy4kf7g You are probably right. On the other hand Putin is not interested in number of deaths on any side including Russian side. He is a little careful with men from Moscow and other large cities in european part but that is just politics. Internally he does not care at all, people are there for his imperium not vice versa.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
@@user-gi5iy4kf7g Sir, half of Ukraine has already gone abroad. And I'm sure that Putin also has flying saucers, he just saves them for real customers.
@Ranbo5 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the interesting video; especially the soviet defense doctrine. I think these ruzzian generals may get a rude awakening. ("Welcome to the 21st century!")
@sugarly69 Жыл бұрын
Thanks prof Alex, that was very insightful and informative. I learnt so much from your 5 succinct points. As someone from the global south, I am really heartened to know that you get it and that we don't see this power play the way some western nations do as a culture clash between democracy vs autocracy. It's more about practicalities and live and let live. Please keep doing this, and congrats on Finland being part of NATO. Always look forward to your online lectures.
@thusspokezarathustra Жыл бұрын
As a South African (part of BRICS - "the global south), I can assure Alex that the productive population (which is a small minority) within my country are not keen on either Russia or China gaining excessive influence within our politics or the economy. There are sufficient examples both in Africa north of SA and other developing countries that any 'largess' from China or Russia comes with a price. Sri Lanka being a typical case in point. South Africa's predominant trade desitinations being the EU and USA - not Russia or China. South Africa has much greater fish to fry; i.e. looting of state owned enterprises (SOE's); massive unemployment; plummeting educational standards and disinvestment due to policy missteps and general miss-trust by capital markets: i.e. the recent grey listing of South Africa as an investment opportunity. Not a pretty picture at all. I do not see South Africa's participation within BRICS and neither its recently announced aim to back an alternative reserve currency as very positive signals to our major export partners. This is not the time to stick your neck out and thumb your nose to the still dominant western powerhouses!
@ahmedakhan1 Жыл бұрын
Who is this "productive" population that is in a minority? Why are they against "excessive influence" of Russia and China but are unconcerned by the excessive influence and exploitation by US and Europe? Seems to me that this so called "productive minority" is a code for the whites! The black population remember well the support they received against the odious apartheid regime by China and Russia, and they very much appreciate the economic investments that China is making in South Africa! West dominance is unravelling fast and the Ukraine war will only accelerate this process!
@zetristan4525 Жыл бұрын
This is a stub. Can you please expand it? 🙏
@kevinmaccallum336 Жыл бұрын
When values are aligned, a relationship can last forever. Ukraine, a peaceful democratic state, is facing a blood thirsty and ruthless dictator, a war criminal to be precise, and Russian imperialism. Ukraine can always count on Western aid. Not only is the support aligned with our values, it is also in the 'West's' interests to prevent further Russian expansionism.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
Who lied to you, Ukraine has become a Nazi genocidal creation. And NATO cannot count on it, you sent them cannons, when they used up the ammunition you said they would arrive in two and a half years. Now you are sending them German tanks, but on the condition that they do not export them to the front. Well, you're funny.
@paulcoffey359 Жыл бұрын
I thought he said, "when i was in divorce"
@anakinskywalkerii4350 Жыл бұрын
Yes. 😂😂
@kevinmaccallum336 Жыл бұрын
Zelensky holds the moral high ground. "If man is right, his world will be right."
@sumiland6445 Жыл бұрын
Well done, Alex!! Far too short, tho!! 😄 💛💙💜💙💛 100% support for Ukrainians defending themselves and their country!! GIVE THEM EVERYTHING THEY NEED TO DRIVE RUSSIANZ OUT OF UKRAINE .... ALL OF IT!! 🇺🇦 🌏 🇺🇸
@fvo911 Жыл бұрын
Question to Alex: what is needed for the EU to go in for a regime change in Russia, turning Russia into a prosperous democracy like Germany? This way, the EU can become more powerful and independent form the US.
@JMM33RanMA Жыл бұрын
The US is as, if not more, European than Russia. This is by history, culture, philosophy, governance and ethnicity.
@fvo911 Жыл бұрын
@@innocentiuslacrim2290 lol. so much independence, that the EU is free-riding on the US's taxpayers defending the EU. Also, so much dependence that Germany is silent about the its pipeline supply going up in the air. Clearly, it was an inside job. Whatever the US government deems necessary will be set a rule for the EU when it comes to the big picture. If you can choose between Grippen or Eurofighter it does not mean that you can choose a supplier that is no friends with the US. It is line here in Russia, you can vote but it is an elusion. In the EU you can vote on what colour your house can be but whose military base to be stationed - you can't, just like on Okinawa.
@user-ol1qm9ey7g Жыл бұрын
ประธานาธิบดี ท่านว่าฉันมีเงื่อนไขไม่มากมาคุยกันดูฉันเข้าใจสถานการณ์นี้
@Profielzondernaam Жыл бұрын
Whizkid Alex!
@VeikkoSomersalmi-oz2jx Жыл бұрын
@dominiccordova8347 Жыл бұрын
Mr. Stubb has been a valuable source of CREDIBLE European perspective for me. He always displays a clarity and honesty that is both enlightening and refreshing. Authoritative, nuanced and compelling info. I am always in possession of better data after listening to him. Hats off.
@arkadybelsky3150 Жыл бұрын
He has blood on his hands.
@barrylane1055 Жыл бұрын
I have just read an exceptional academic article which explains why Russia is so aggressive and unstable. It was written by Francisco Martinez in 2013 and is entitled, ON THE PERIPHERAL CHARACTER OF RUSSIA. It is free online. Martinez is an expert on post-soviet space and works in Estonia, among numerous other places. The basis of the issue has to do with the continued imperial role that Russia plays both within and outside its border.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
Russia is so aggressive. As you can see the Warsaw pact was not unilaterally dissolved by Russia, they expanded right into South America, and soon Mexico will join. So aggressive and irrational they are. I'm very smart for a McDonalds employee, you see.
@barrylane1055 Жыл бұрын
@@jeffhicks8428 Try harder troll! Your not earning your pay!!!
@barrykester Жыл бұрын
@@jeffhicks8428 Dear Russia, perhaps you could be much more critical of your language-based nationalism and deep seated drive for imperialism. Your attempt to dismiss the existence of Ukraine (on the basis that Ukraine and the Ukrainian language are simply variations on Russia and Russianness) looks disgusting from people outside your propaganda machine - cultural genocide does not make you look good. Understand that you, as a Russian, will carry this shame and guilt for your atrocities for generations. First step is to realise that Russian propaganda has caused you to have a narcissistic personality disorder and that you need to seek help. I realise that you are likely to feel angry and fearful about what I’m trying to tell you and you will want to find someone to blame - rather than externalising your blame, your salvation will involve looking at yourself.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
@@barrylane1055 Martinez working in Estonia? That's called a spy in my village. And they write what they pay him for. Let him sit on the Trans-Siberian railway, ride for 9 days, maybe he will understand that Russia cannot lose a single war.
@barrylane1055 Жыл бұрын
@@user-lf2jh2ru9f How many wars has Russia lost? Two hundred years of Mongol occupation, The Crimean War 1854 - 56, the war with Japan, 1903-05, the First World War, 1914-1917, the Polish Russian War of 1919, and of course the Ukrainian War of 2014-2023. There are many others.
@patrickbrooks6578 Жыл бұрын
So far in the course of this conflict I have found myself explaining to other Americans that there really is a global discussion of how the new world order will function. and not in some existential overt way perhaps but I see other Americans look at me strange when I try to explain that the more territory successfully annexed by Russia, the more likely others in the global community will be encouraged to again use warfare to shape boarders, and it helps renormalizes invasion and other acts of cultural genocide like deportation for the sake of economic as well as defense purposes.
@theasphole Жыл бұрын
Is it really any different than American imperialism? America uses warfare to bring "freedom" to countries it disagrees with and installs a loyal government. Only difference I see is America doesn't claim the territory in its own name.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
No. Nothing you said is accurate or reflects accurate understanding of how the world works. Other states can't do what Russia is doing even if they wanted to. There are very few legitimate regional much less world powers. You don't understand a thing. It's not a mystery what territory Russia will annex, or why. What you should be worried about is why chooses to not to escalate or respond to the myriad provocations on the part of the US and UK in ways they absolutely could if they wanted to and how dangerous that is for everyone. Americans look at you strange? 2/3 of the US can't read on a 5th grade level. I'd be surprised if more than 2% of the US could find Ukraine on a map. You have a very naive and distorted view of things.
@lawrenceralph7481 Жыл бұрын
Too much rationalizing. Not enough preparing for war. Europe are weak passive victims, not people who will shape their future. Si vis pacem parabellum
@Ef554rgcc Жыл бұрын
They look at you strange because they don't care and don't understand.
@chrishooge3442 Жыл бұрын
I would add that if Europe and the NATO don't support Ukraine's fight it puts doubt into the minds of other border nations. That doubt will then be mined by Russia to convince them they are better off aligned with Russia than the EU and NATO. I suspect this was the plan in Ukraine. When it failed Putin resorted to just seizing the country...and made a colossal mistake in assessing their willingness and capacity to resist.
@harrybaulz666 Жыл бұрын
Yes he does and 100 million more people
@thomasjgallagher924 Жыл бұрын
I'm still sceptical of the influence of the "global south" on the world. That's not because I wish it so, it has more to do with things like all of Sub-Saharan Africa having the same GDP as, say, Canada. It's also because I think the likes of Sri Lanka or South Africa or Venezuela are going to be too willing to get into bed with the partner who offers the quick fix at the expense of long-term outlooks. You don't want to get into a bidding war with China over who can, effectively, do more long-term damage to the South American economy, for example. It's a bit of a Romeo and Juliet plot; how are you going to stop it?
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
Incoherent babble. The contortions you lot engage to avoid common sense is really fascinating. You can't just apply simple common sense because the ideology doesn't allow for it, so you find incredibly obtuse contortions you fold yourself and your so called world view into to try to ram your square peg into the round hole and make it fit. The non white world doesn't believe anything the Anglo Americans or their neutered Euro lap dogs have to offer. It's the end of a cycle, they've seen it for themselves. The world beyond white Europe understands who is actually the aggressor in Ukraine. The world understands who are actually the belligerents fighting in Ukraine. Russia isn't at war with Ukraine any more than Assad is at war with Islam. Gladio in the 21st century and cyclone 2.0 called timber sycamore. Brought to you by the same folks who bankroll this channel.
@harrywoods9784 Жыл бұрын
Just a thought, Alex, do you think Putin has time on this side ,if in the near future, he loses the crimean peninsula🤔
@lukasgza9655 Жыл бұрын
Welcome to NATO our baltic friends 🇵🇱🤝🏻🇫🇮
@m.walther6434 Жыл бұрын
The Siloviki will not give up, they can't, their live depends on staying in power whatever the cost.
@iusufovichnermin2665 Жыл бұрын
Alex, you and guys like you gave him 23 years. I guess he had enough time already.
@lexvangelder2525 Жыл бұрын
The global south is not one voice, it's a cacophony of self interest. Some will find support of their represive governments most important, while others will find prosperity by doing business more important. Repressive regimeswill turn east and business minded governments will turn west. There is no money to be made by doing business with the east.
@seanlander9321 Жыл бұрын
‘The Global South’ is one of those patronising European expressions that emanate from a colonial mindset. For instance, Australia and New Zealand are the worlds oldest continuous, complete democracies, that are historically far politically superior to Europe. Why Europe has had a trade embargoes on Australian exports for generations is anyone’s guess, but Europe needs friends, trade and backing, so to treat other democracies, and a continent too with continuous contempt is a strategic mistake.
@007nait Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the update. Even though , I do not agree about your Western supports for Ukraine and the proxy war waging against the Russia and the ar itself I do agree about your argument of dignified foreign policy for Global South. Hope cools heads prevail and we all live happily.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Ukraine asked for help and 50 countries donate very coordinated.
@oohhboy-funhouse Жыл бұрын
Democracy VS Authoritarianism and an inclusive foreign policy for the global south are not mutually exclusive. The former can be an aspiration, the latter being the enabler should they choose democracy. We need to give them a better offer than our competition. The problem is what does a better offer look like? If it is turning a blind eye on how it is used, that's trying to square a circle. The dilemma is if the primary reason loans/assistance taken from China were having fewer strings attached despite higher costs long term, what can we offer? We also have to break the Paris Club/China deadlock if we are to help. Taking a financial haircut is one thing, it's another level to lose Face. There isn't a 'Long game' or plan, it's Xi cornering himself, the chairman can never admit making mistake. China-West confrontation can't be dealt with until China move away from Face or something big breaks.
@Oikonomos12 Жыл бұрын
But why have you changed Sanna for Orpo? And that extreme right party slowly going foward...
@annehersey9895 Жыл бұрын
Alex, I probably say this every video but I am going to say it again-I am so glad that I found your channel. I am 74 and have been retired for 12 years. My mother was a teacher and I graduated University in San Diego California. I was a Social Worker for 35 years and loved every minute of it just like I love retirement The best thing about retirement is learning new things every day. Having the time to study subjects in depth and KZbin has really helped me once my eyes started acting up and reading-my favorite activity ever=became harder and harder. I am just so glad I found your series because it is one thing to passively watch a documentary but it is another thing to watch a presenter with a topic that makes one think about the subject long after the lecture is over and one that also makes you want to do more research on that topic to understand it so much better. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping my brain active and challenged!
@camillalundgren3485 Жыл бұрын
I read about dedollarisation, wonder what effect it will have
@bjornnilsson7982 Жыл бұрын
They should do a song "who is the western Baghdad Booob, , jens, biden boris and soooo oooon , tralalalala ballon and sooo oooon, lalalala" Yes, Russia have to learn the west to respect the rest of the world..we in the west are making folles uf ourselves in the world. We in sweden and finland was forced into nato, didn't even vote. All bad things we says about the east mirrors us in the west.. This is Baghdad Bob style
@LIV-FREE-VET Жыл бұрын
Love the last part of the new world order
@doughooper9918 Жыл бұрын
The big spring counterattack by the Ukraine is going to tell a lot about how this war is going to go. If they make a significant breakthrough and take back another huge chunk of land then Zhelensky can keep getting support and will keep going. If the counter offensive bogs down quickly and not much is gained then we will see a stalemate at which point the Ukraine is going to have to start thinking about giving land up for peace.
@daniellarson3068 Жыл бұрын
The thing is that Russia seems to have little to no interest in negotiating. It looks like they are perfectly willing to let their young people continue to die in this war. Ukraine may have no choice but to keep fighting the invaders.
@doughooper9918 Жыл бұрын
@@daniellarson3068 But we know what they want. They want the four regions plus crimea. They already stated that.
@daniellarson3068 Жыл бұрын
@@doughooper9918 Ha Ha - You think they would stop there? They have troops in Moldova. They have troops in Georgia. They want to get the empire back. If you ever see transcripts from their TV shows, they have stated this. Push them back. Any land they steal is a victory for them.
@doughooper9918 Жыл бұрын
@@daniellarson3068 Your not wrong but why do the Ukrainian people have to make this ultimate sacrifice for the good of these other countries? If Georgia wants to join in who's stopping them.
@daniellarson3068 Жыл бұрын
@@doughooper9918 Shit happens - Russia invaded. The world is not fair. There are Georgians fighting against Russia in Ukraine. There are Russians fighting against Russia in Ukraine. Georgia doesn't have a very powerful military. The population of the country is only 3.7 million. It would be dumb for them to attack Russia even in its weakened state. Likewise Moldova has a population of 2.6 million. Bullies like Russia can sometimes get their way. Putin has been getting his way for a while now. With his most current invasion, a blind eye was no longer taken by the world and aid is given to stop his invasion.
@fintonmainz7845 Жыл бұрын
The fact that Putin enjoys such public support in Russia is actually good for Ukraine. It means that Putin can claim a defeat in Ukraine as a victory and have that accepted by the Russian public.
@cathayview Жыл бұрын
vice versa in the west. just like ukraine is winning
@WormholeJim Жыл бұрын
I disagree somewhat with the conclusion of the analysis that lends to the vid's title. There's a different reason to why it is of decisive importance to the west that this conflict ends as soon as at all possible, hence why there are beneficial aspects to Putin of dragging the war out. It's simply the humanistic aspect of avoiding casualties that might rival past wars in scale. Putin's modern, hi-tech army element failed utterly in capturing Kiev and forcing a quick defeat on Ukraine. Instead it got crushed. Putin is oftentimes characterized by some to be emulating Stalin as a stetesman. Now we see Putin resorting to WWII red army doctrine of being an unstoppable force, an ocean of troops that will simply overwhelm and drown out the opposing force in endless waves of massed infantry assaults backed by intense, blind-fired artillery. Putin is going to pour on conscripts, raising his version of a 'the people's peasant army' to cleanse Kiev and Ukraine from what he claims (and has a high degree of succes in convinceing the russian paople is true) are nazi-backed regime that resides there, yearning to fullfill Hitler's plans for conquering Russia. Stalin went from being on his heels and almost depleted in late '43 to stand in Berlin with more than 4 million soldiers at the start of '46. This is what Putin looks to achieve victory in Ukraine by - and beyond. Possibly all the way to Berlin, once again. The west needs to enable Ukraine to end this conflict better yesterday than tomorrow. I guess an alternative way for me to voice this concern might be by posing a question: "is there a diplomatic possibility for Crimea to be handed back to Ukraine? And if so, what would it take to create those circumstances?" And outside the question, but giving context to the previously written: Because taking Crimea back in Ukrainian hands (as have been stated by Zelensky as being a prerequisite for peace with Russia) militarily is almost impossible without direct western involvement.
@ahmedakhan1 Жыл бұрын
Crimea was part of the Mongol empire and latter the Ottoman empire from the 13th century to the 18th century when it was taken over and became part of Russia under Catherine the Great. The population of Crimea were the Tatars until they were ethnically cleansed by Stalin. It was only in 1954 that Crimea was handed over by the Soviet government to Ukraine, a constituent part of USSR. So Ukraine control of Crimea was only for a brief period from 1954 to 2014, a period of 60 years. Ukraine's claim to Crimea is highly doubtful because of its short period of control and the population is 95 percent Russian speaking. The more legintimate claim to Crimea is that of the Crimean Tatars deported by Stalin! Turkiye, as a successor to the Ottoman Empire, has a more legitimate claim to Crimea than Ukraine!
@lukehua5989 Жыл бұрын
this war will last much longer than many expected
@annamedvedeva2296 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, yes. It remains to be seen what Putin would consider loss (likely nothing, just physical removal from the office), and politically disengaged population that could sustain losses in freedom, wealth and lifes...
@ursodermatt8809 Жыл бұрын
it certainly already lasted much longer than the russian war criminal expected.
@annamedvedeva2296 Жыл бұрын
​​@@ursodermatt8809 Yes, it is good that Putin's original plan failed, but that is not enough. Also, there is no "moral defeat" for the person with no morale, which Putin certainly is. So let's wish Putin the war criminal a real, profound defeat that would be clear even to him.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Putin expected it to be a ten day war.
@peterp5099 Жыл бұрын
I think one important point is to understand that Russia is not the enemy in the most important global conflict. The most important conflict is about the question if the USA can remain the leading global power or if that role will switch to China. And in this conflict, Russia is not the enemy, it’s one of the prices to be won. A price than apparently goes to China, making Chinas victory in the competition for staying or becoming the world’s leading power another bit more likely. Before Russia was forced to become Chinas junior partner, China had no food security and no energy security. Now it has both.
@thestigisme2349 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps, but with an ever aging demographic and no young people (due to 1 child/family, then later 2 child limit) to replace the dying, China is a nation in decay. Russia has same demographics, except they are accelerating their decline by sending young potential fathers to be killed in war and more educated younger families have left Russia creating a brain drain.
@peterp5099 Жыл бұрын
@@thestigisme2349 if you compare how many Russians have died so far in the Ukraine war, and how many of them are there in total, then it’s like one young man every small town or every few villages. Not exactly a danger to the population. The brain drain caused by young Russians fleeing from the possible mobilization causes probably more issues for the country than the Russians dying directly on the front. Especially considering that the ones fleeing from the war are likely to be smart, while the ones letting themselves be sent to the war aren’t likely to be the ones who would have made a major impact on their country’s development. In the case of the hardened criminals recruited from prisons, getting them shot by Ukrainians is probably even a net plus for Russia. As for China, the long term results of the one child policy of the past are probably a major issue. Not sure though if it’s big enough to hold China back. Other countries have issues much bigger than that. Patriarchates like shariah countries keep the female half of their population from contributing to their full potential. Countries with expensive private schooling and poor public schooling, like a.E. the USA, keep the poorer part of the population from contributing to their full potential. I see the better schooling opportunities available to an average young Chinese in comparison to an average young US-American as much more important in terms of long-term competitiveness of a country than the issues caused by an overaged and shrinking population.
@thestigisme2349 Жыл бұрын
@Peter P you still need low skilled labor to operate equipment to fuel the country's productivity and to father children. Russia now has about 100,000 fewer current or future fathers. This will lead to fewer births in the coming years and contraction of population growth especially if the war is lengthy leading to even more Russian men dying
@peterp5099 Жыл бұрын
@@thestigisme2349 the important number for creating children is the number of women, not the number of man. Just create policies that make being single mom more attractive than being a single woman without children, and the number of available men becomes nearly irrelevant for population growth. And yes, You need low skilled labor to operate equipment. But in most countries, including Russia, the supply of low skilled labor vastly exceeds the demand. People for skilled labor can become scarce, in many countries (including Russia, but also most EU countries) they currently are. But people for low skilled labor are almost never scarce. And in case it ever happens, You can just allow people from poorer countries to come working in your country for your’ countries’ wages, and the scarcity of people for low skilled labor is instantly gone. And, as much as dying or losing a son/husband/father is a tragedy for the immediately affected ones, for a country of 140.000.000, losing 100.000 means losing 1 in every 1.400 people, or about 0,07% of the population. Means, most people will know somebody who knows somebody who has lost someone, but most people will not have lost someone themselves, and not even know directly somebody who has lost someone. Hardly numbers capable of stunting population growth?
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
Russia is the open enemy, at this point. Putin is an extension of the people and what they allowed. Because it was previously acting like a spoiled brat - pushing buttons to see how much is allowed. Kids are pretty manipulative.
@GrahamLaight Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately, probably too complacent about support for Ukraine if the war becomes a long term stalemate. President Lula of Brazil has already come out and openly said that Ukraine should sacrifice Crimea - and it seems unlikely that he'll be the last to do that. France and Germany can barely conceal how desperate they are for the war to end. Unless Ukraine can make some big gains in their forthcoming offensive, they're actually in very serious trouble.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Dear Graham do you speak French or German? Have you ever lived there and actually talked to people living there? So how do you come to the conclusion of what Germany or France wants? Germany is one of 50 donors that keeps Ukraine fighting as they get supplied. They committed billions in material.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine's foreign minister recently said that if Ukraine drives Russia out of the Donetsk it will negotiate about Crimea. Ukraine can give up Crimea and still be the winner. Putin will save some semblance of face, which will avoid chaos in Russia.
@Captainbek2 Жыл бұрын
You could always be wrong at risk of Armageddon. If you were an American I would have understood your position. Since they have not much to lose.
@pestorpavel5480 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Alex. I wish to add on Putin loosing this war. If he is loosing, why does he continue to send his troops in Ukraine? I think, as an authoritarian ruler, he is very dependent on how he is viewed by the public. If he concede now, he will loose his public "success" face in the eyes of Russian people and elites. So he is forsed to continue this war, even if it is catastrophic for Russian state. He wishes to gain something of it. Something he can sell to Russian public as victory.
@chrishooge3442 Жыл бұрын
Also consider that Putin may not be getting good information. People tend not to bring bad news to dictators. So, what looks like resolve can actually be a mistake born of misinformation. It's clear to me he either ignored or wasn't told the true state of Ukraine's capacity or willingness to resist. Somebody served him some koolaid.
@ClementGreen Жыл бұрын
How can people talk so casually about the deaths of tens of thousands of people, as if it's just politics
@alexa.9446 Жыл бұрын
The Ruskies are going to field a 600,000 man army in the field by June. Of course they will be horrible soldiers with poor equipment. It’s going to be tough.
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
That's what they're already doing in Bakhmut - overloading the ground with huge amount of people in the open
@joeyfotofr Жыл бұрын
What will the election in Finland change in the world order?
@realdaybreaker8013 Жыл бұрын
Nothing, it's just another irrelevant country but white people
@joeyfotofr Жыл бұрын
@@virpipalmu8706 Reporting from Finland indicates that to be correct. Thank you...jt
@miroslavdusin4325 Жыл бұрын
Russia has not lost in my opinion. Or they might have lost as much as they did in the Winter war with Finland where the Russian losses were extreme, military perfomance disastrous but in the end they still took big part of Finnish territory and kept it. Human lives are counted differently in Russia than in the rest of Europe.
@johnforde7735 Жыл бұрын
No. Putin's original goals have not been achieved, he has lost. Unless he can replace Zelensky with a puppet, he has lost. Finland has just joined NATO, he has lost.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
@@johnforde7735 Turn your back of the Ukrainian war, look at what is happening around the world, in America. Perhaps you will understand that by prolonging the war, Putin is achieving exactly what he did not even hope for.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Putin lost a lot of Ukrainian territory he occupied and Russia showed how weak it is militarily. The main export of Russia are resources and weapons. As Russian weapons failed horribly who wants to buy them? Russia becomes China's servant.
@borovik8714 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations from Poland to Finland on joining NATO ;-). Do you think that the threat of the German-Russian alliance has disappeared for Europe? Of course, it would be in Russia's interest, but do you not see any danger in Germany, especially in the context of movements like "Citizens of the Reich"
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
@Borovik - Talk to some Poles living in Germany. This might help.
@borovik8714 Жыл бұрын
@@TorianTammas Informations obtained in this way could not be equal to the expertise of the host of this channel, could they?
@MrJdsenior Жыл бұрын
The answer to your title is NO, at least it had better not be.
@olivier8264 Жыл бұрын
this opinion from the west is an exact mirror view from the "east", humbug. What will take place when it all ends, and how it will we do not know.
@RawLu. Жыл бұрын
Honored to have Finland join NATO 😇
@ssss8162 11 ай бұрын
Who bombed Nordstream 2?
@Azdroc96 7 ай бұрын
Probably Russia.
@ssss8162 7 ай бұрын
@@Azdroc96 why would anybody bomb their own pipe line when they could simply shut it off? you're making no sense.
@Azdroc96 7 ай бұрын
@@ssss8162 To show the West that the Russians can attack their infrastructure.
@djape1977 7 ай бұрын
@@Azdroc96 do you actually believe what you just wrote? 😂😂😂 Lay off whatever you're smoking
@djape1977 7 ай бұрын
@@ssss8162 Americans. Biden said it, Victoria Nuland said it, Seymour Hersh gave details
@hassanalam4573 Жыл бұрын
Your comment on Global South is right on. I hope the west is listening.
@chuckinterrante4986 Жыл бұрын
I'm not certain that the outcome of the war in Ukraine will matter with respect to determining the contours of the emerging international order. It seems clear that, at least in the near term, the world will be defined by the strategic competition between revisionist powers (China+Russian Federation) vs. status quo powers (U.S.+some form of coalition that includes the UK, Aus, Japan, EU, with a large number of non-aligned states engaging opportunistically based on interest. In essence, how different is this really from the bi-polar system we experienced from 1945-1991? History may not be repeating itself exactly, but it sure feels like it is rhyming.
@ahmedakhan1 Жыл бұрын
The difference is that the Global South is much more powerful economically and militarily, and China has a larger economy then the US (unlike the old Soviet Union). Western hegemony is coming to an end! Aside from US, Canada, Europe, colonial outposts like Australia and US dependencies like Japan and South Korea, the world understands that the war in Ukraine has been forced on Russia and is part of desperate US strategy to contain China!
@TraderJoe888 Жыл бұрын
Great analysis. However, I have to strongly disagree with you about the "Global South" deciding who the winner will be between "Global West" and "Global East". It is a very romantic notion that the poor third-world nations will finally gain enough power to decide ultimate winners. I do agree the Global South should be approached with respect and dignity and benefits by the Global West. But I have never seen the Global South determine any material issues in Modern history. They have leaned anti-capitalist and towards Marxist Leninist ideals of authoritarian rule (see Venezuela and numerous African countries), and looking at their history of the last hundred years, what they can be counted on is corruption, and inflicting suicidal policies to their populations. All to say, yes, try to persuade, but despite your delusional romantic notion, as always they will be immaterial to the ultimate outcome of the West vs. East.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
But you have overlooked India, which is still (barely) a democracy and has a growing economy.
@SardonicALLY Жыл бұрын
putler is doomed!
@anthonyhsiao4560 Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy these videos, I like to always listen to all kinds of perspectives. But I can't help but notice thst Alex is not truly a intellectual in a scientific sense. He'd never looking seriously at the different perspectives. Instead he's usually just lecturing on his version of the truth. So he's partisan so to say. Again totally fine for me I enjoy learning from his perspective. But it's never balanced or a deliberation of different views in the pursuit of "the truth". So he's more a multiplier of narrative than a pursuer of truth
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
So give us an insight on the other side.
@Diossvk Жыл бұрын
You are spot on. But do not call this a war in Ukraine or a conflict. This is a brutal Russian colonial war of aggresion and genocide. Words matter.
@eugenialkiseleva 7 ай бұрын
hello for from nov 2023. you mistaken)))
@dimarusanov6107 6 ай бұрын
Almost all in his analysis is wrong
@beiyamkaa9409 Жыл бұрын
😂😂😂 plz keep telling us what we wanna hear even if it's a lie.
@bjornnilsson7982 Жыл бұрын
This talks tooo slow, I usually pull up the speed on youtube, no wonder, he is politicans
@davep.7737 Жыл бұрын
Putin is dying of cancer.... so no, time is not on his side 😂
@strandpromenade Жыл бұрын
Wow! So much delusion, so much denial of reality....chapeau Alex! I would rather stick to the other Alex, that is: Alexander Mercouris and The Duran - they are spot on.
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
What are they spot on about?
@strandpromenade Жыл бұрын
@@user-yf2xi1tk3d Like a more realistic view on the matters at hand. E.g. Despite all rhetoric of the West, it is in deep trouble re energy supply, energy prices, supply chain interruptions, own manufacturing capacities re weapons, equipment, ammunition, and there is a structural crisis in the West because of poor leadership, divided populations, financial crisis, unemployment, inflation, rising poverty levels, internal battles. And, unlike Western rhetoric, Russia is by no means isolated in the world. It has strengthened its alliance with China, the most powerful country that can supply everything from FMCG to weapons, to high tech, as well as with India, Turkey, Iran, the Arab world, Africa. Time is on Russia's side in this conflict. The West is (unlike neocons & neoliberals and their followers want to make people believe) far away from being able to sustain their pressure or even step up. All this, just to name a few points. Geopolitics is a huuuuge topic... Cheers!
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
@@strandpromenade Turkeye? They play their own game. You misinform by saying they strengthen their ties already. Iran is in trouble of its own, considering how its neighbours are consolidating even more against it. So advising that the entire "Arab" world, for you have not provided specifics, is u united with Russia is muskie propaganda. Africa...which Africa again? Cause there's Northern Africa which is Arab and there's the rest. You talking like each of those sides are indifferent to the types of problems you mentioned. Can you tell me why only Eritrea voted against Ukraine? Being the only African country that did so. Again, a pretty one-sided rhetoric and already with misinformation (lies)
@strandpromenade Жыл бұрын
@@user-yf2xi1tk3d come on, you can do better than that! But anyway, I leave you in your delusion. The world moves on - and that is: away from Western dominance and Western narratives (=lies) - and I am happy about it. Let's shape a multipolar world with no aggressive hegemon like the US (and the West in general). Cheers!
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
​@@strandpromenade Yes Russia became China's servant. China seeks a market for their products and get a cheap supply for resources. Russia serves China.
@masteryap3169 Жыл бұрын
Do not understand your logic on the importance of the "global south." If Putin a d Russia has already lost its war with Zelensky and Ukraine. Then Red China stands alone in its rivalry with the United States, NATO, the wester democracies, Japan, south Korea, Australia. Remember because of China's expansionist policies in the South China seas, many countries in that region are rearming themselves to protect their territorial integrity. This holds true even for India. Eventually the "global south" will side with the west because of China's hubris, as was Russia's.
@realdaybreaker8013 Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah.. global south sides with their colonisers .... Sounds fine
@mikaelfiil3733 Жыл бұрын
I'm not impressed by this analysis, it is inconsistent in terminology to the degree, that the win or lose borders on wishful thinking when it comes to the battlefield and overlooking the tide of events when it comes to the unipolar vs. multipolar world. Short of a nuclear war, it's time to realize that the world has changed and our leaders in the west have a lot to answer for to their own populations and to the Ukrainians. This war should have been avoided, it's been avoidable for decades, but they wanted (US and UK) the confrontation or they mismanaged the alternatives (the rest of the west) in terms of cooperation and building trust. The war in Ukraine is the current peak of the "with us or against us" strategy ending neutrality and being "just another BRIC(s) in the wall" so to speak. The last part concerning the global perspectives with "the global south", is the part I can mostly agree with. Our practical arrangements and attitude will decide the outcome, not the fake "fighting for democracy" bs. The world has eyes and ears, the world sees and remembers the lies and hypocracy of our behaviour in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan and many other places.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Yes 143 countries oppose Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. These countries demanded the immediate retreat of the Russian invader. So we have a thief invading their neighbor and 143 countries demand the criminal to stop.
@waynegore5291 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine is winning and winning bigly (Trump's word). A joke.
@bjornnilsson7982 Жыл бұрын
Alex stubb eui, former finnish primminister said that an election of nato with Finnish people would be to provocative for the russian. Hahahaha.. This guy is more for helping putin than Ukraine
@mikhailslipchenko744 Жыл бұрын
Neo-liberal position.
@E2024a Жыл бұрын
Completely disagree with must of what you said !
@fronabulax63 Жыл бұрын
The longer this goes the more expensive will be rebuilding Ucraine, there will be a point of total collapse for the ucrainien state.
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
Ask post Adolf Germani how much time it took to rebulid, and while Germani was one destroy country unlike Ukraine now.
@fronabulax63 Жыл бұрын
@@moxie_ST it's not comparable....everything is different.
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
@@fronabulax63 ooo yes IT is , destroy building is just destroy building, in USA in Germani or in Ukraine, you have to ask your self are People willng to rebulid .
@fronabulax63 Жыл бұрын
@@moxie_ST germany was one of the strongest economys on the planet, after the war they recovered quickly. Ucraine is on of the weakest and corruptest...
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
@@fronabulax63 germany was flat as see and broke as Greece, You do know how post WW2 germany look Like . But fact that I Will have to pay to rebuld post War Ukraine is not my problem , my problem is that I Will have to pay to rebuld post War Russia if I do not want Putin V2.0 to do lets play tenk really in our neighbour country in Like 20 yares from now.
@jeffhicks8428 Жыл бұрын
How do I get a job like you? If I build an a big audience pushing an critical line, will your pay masters pay me off to take a non critical line?
@chrishooge3442 Жыл бұрын
Putin fan?
@noowejoshua4699 Жыл бұрын
A liked your program but until I got to know you're a western propagandist
@jamesmiller2735 Жыл бұрын
We often discuss the people of eastern Ukraine as some kind of thing that can be traded like a piece of potato well that's not the case because the are people with dreams and aspirations and the last time we checked sovereignty belongs to the people,Why did Kiev choose to speak to them with fighter's jets bombs artillery and machine guns,Also why did the west fail to encourage the Ukrainian regime to opt for peace rather than Violence, when things finally fell apart the so called west finally remembered their usual horses in the global south who they expect to always follow without asking questions.
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
You could've asked Ukrainians this plenty of times - guess you still didn't. Is that cause we add russki kids to borshch?
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Russia invaded Ukraine.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
Sovereignty belongs to the people, but which people? Every subset of a nation? Do you expect Spain to grant independence to the Basques and the Catalans? Or Turkey and Iraq to the Kurds? Or the US to California? (I'm only half joking.)
@zvilender247 Жыл бұрын
Finland has made a huge mistake by joining NATO, while there was no immediate, nor foreseeable Russian threat aimed at Finnish sovereignty. Russian officials had time and again emphasized that Russia had no territorial nor political claims whatsoever towards Finland, and rightfully so. What better guarantees Russia's northwestern borders than an independent Finnish state with a powerful military that will ensure that no invading force crosses through Finland on their way to Russia. But now all of that has changed. The Russian army will surely strengthen its presence along the Finnish frontier by creating at least one new army corps (5 divisions of 70,000 men per corps). Furthermore, Finnish infrastructure and military installations will now become potential and legitimate targets for Russian conventional and non-conventional rocket attacks. Attacks against which Finland has currently no defensive (and very expensive) systems. In addition, it is true that NATO members are obliged to help each other in case any of its members is under attack. That article has not been tested yet in real life. I can't imagine, for instance, a British cabinet willing to risk the total destruction of London while attempting to save Helsinki. And, as previously mentioned, there's the cost. Finland will have to significantly increase its military budget. An increase that comes in the worst of times, as the Finnish economy is now starting to feel the massive negative impacts of: (a) the war in Ukraine; (b) its diminishing economic relations with Russia; and (c) its most dire problem - a rapid aging of its population, a demographic catastrophe caused by decades of lower birth rates. All in all, Finland's decision to join NATO will accelerate its already built-in immense problems, and could become a sort of a perfect storm for Finland and its people.
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
That's pretty one-sided...russkisided
@zvilender247 Жыл бұрын
@@virpipalmu8706 ""Nothing good has ever come from the east." -- Except words, not much has come so far from the West either. Finland should first protect Finnish interests before it protects American interests. Old common sense saying: "Better is a neighbor who is near than a brother who is far away".
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Dear Zvi, it is an interesting idea that China's servant Russia will be allowed to do that. China will take over more and more control over their gas station Russia. It will be China that decide what Russia will be allowed to do and what not.
@zvilender247 Жыл бұрын
​@@TorianTammas Dear Torian, That being said (Chine's in control) -- it is quite a mystery to me why the West would wish to destroy Russia. Would it be better to have the Chinese, Iranians and Turks at the gates of Kiev, Warsaw and Helsinki? I think the West should be sending flowers to the Kremlin on a weekly basis just for being there.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
What mistake? Russia has never and will never attack a member of NATO. It would be suicidal--and I'm talking about a war without nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons will never be used by a state, only by a terrorist group.
@geminiXXX Жыл бұрын
How many banks went bankrupt in the last month or two in Russia? And how many in the West?
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
How many private banks do Russia have?
@geminiXXX Жыл бұрын
@@moxie_ST And how many USA will have in 2 years? ;-) But my main point wasn't that Russian banks are not collapsing but that Western are... something is happening in the background and it is getting worse with time. And that was the main subject of the video, right? Who's having time on their side. Let's re-visit after Deutsche Bank goes under. ;-)
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
@@geminiXXX only time Will tell and time is not on Putin Russia side .
@geminiXXX Жыл бұрын
@@moxie_ST I hope you are right.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Petr - Russia is China's gas station.
@toncoumans6985 Жыл бұрын
Ukraine has already moraly won. Well why are they still fighting? Very silly commentary that ignores the fact that Ukraine is now bordering on being a broken force.
@jezalb2710 Жыл бұрын
You reckon?😂
@toncoumans6985 Жыл бұрын
The whole thing is very sad. Should never have happened. Still, Kissinger was right; stop fighting and look for a settlement. Stop the killing and destruction.
@anthony64632 Жыл бұрын
​@@toncoumans6985 ,what settlement. Plain answer is Russia pull out of Ukraine including Crimea and Donbass,Luhansk . If the Russian separatists are not happy in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia,then move to Russia
@pa6370 Жыл бұрын
@@toncoumans6985 How about someone comes into your front room and sets up shop. You'd just look for settlement right? And when they start eating the food in your kitchen, you'd still just look for settlement? What about when they throw you family photo album out the front on the street and tell you to go away and never return - settlement on Russian terms is fine for you?
@toncoumans6985 Жыл бұрын
For the 200.000 dead Ukraine soldiers a settlement would have been better. When you can not win, don't fight. Germany should have stopped in 1944. We all know that. Luckily Japan was wise enough to stop after just 2 A-boms. We are all Europeans. Time to stop killing each other.
@lawrenceralph7481 Жыл бұрын
Putin can easily redouble his effort each year for a few years. Instead of 300,000 inexperienced troops at the beginning he can have 1,500,000 experienced troops, officers and supply logistics in 2-3 years. When they reach settlement with Ukraine they are a short distance from Finland, the Baltics, Bulgaria, Romania and Poland. They will dominate Central European power politics, as do US forces in the Gulf. Meanwhile passive unprepared continental Europe cowers. They will be easy pickings for the big hungry bear.
@chrishooge3442 Жыл бұрын
I think that's what Putin was thinking. Then he committed the most colossal intelligence failure since Germany invaded Russia. He's former KGB and he failed to assess the willingness and capacity of Ukraine to resist. Now Finland is in NATO and Sweden is awaiting membership. The energy blackmail of Europe failed. Sanctions landed immediately. NATO and the EU have awakened to the danger and are the most united in decades. Poland specifically knows what Russian domination feels like and are arming up. NATO know that abandoning Ukraine puts doubt in the minds of all the nations bordering Russia. That's what's really at stake.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
China will not allow their gas station Russia to do anything like that.
@chrisjan1703 Жыл бұрын
So far you have been wrong about a whole lot.
@ianthesiow3013 Жыл бұрын
😢👉🏻👉🏼👉🏽 America calls it "Liberation" instead of "Invasion". That was what US call it in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and the list goes on... Why the double standard? Confused... Please enlighten. Genuine question... Instances of the United States "liberated" or overthrowing, or attempting to overthrow, a foreign government since the Second World War. (* indicates successful ouster of a government) China 1949 to early 1960s Albania 1949-53 East Germany 1950s Iran 1953 * Guatemala 1954 * Costa Rica mid-1950s Syria 1956-7 Egypt 1957 Indonesia 1957-8 British Guiana 1953-64 * Iraq 1963 * North Vietnam 1945-73 Cambodia 1955-70 * Laos 1958 *, 1959 *, 1960 * Ecuador 1960-63 * Congo 1960 * France 1965 Brazil 1962-64 * Dominican Republic 1963 * Cuba 1959 to present Bolivia 1964 * Indonesia 1965 * Ghana 1966 * Chile 1964-73 * Greece 1967 * Costa Rica 1970-71 Bolivia 1971 * Australia 1973-75 * Angola 1975, 1980s Zaire 1975 Portugal 1974-76 * Jamaica 1976-80 * Seychelles 1979-81 Chad 1981-82 * Grenada 1983 * South Yemen 1982-84 Suriname 1982-84 Fiji 1987 * Libya 1980s Nicaragua 1981-90 * Panama 1989 * Bulgaria 1990 * Albania 1991 * Iraq 1991 Afghanistan 1980s * Somalia 1993 Yugoslavia 1999-2000 * Ecuador 2000 * Afghanistan 2001 * Venezuela 2002 * Iraq 2003 * Haiti 2004 * Somalia 2007 to present Honduras 2009 * Libya 2011 * Syria 2012 Ukraine 2014 * 2014 - 2022 - 6 countries yet to verify. Pakistan 2022 * Haiti 2022 *
@pa6370 Жыл бұрын
I would have thought the difference is obvious. The US hasn't annexed the territory it liberated, and all of the states you list are self governed.
@pio4362 Жыл бұрын
"Portugal 1974-7" was actually the Portuguese getting rid of their own dictatorship, you ignorant clown. A left-wing group of military officers caused the Carnation Revolution. "Albania 1949-53" You think the communist takeover was such a great thing, really? Have you ever even spoken with an Albanian? "China 1949 to early 1960s" That was the Chinese civil war. If the US hadn't armed the communist during WW2 so much ton fight Japan, they might not even have won. "East Germany 1950s". Wrong empire. The partition of Germany was the result of USSR interference, and like much of Central Europe they created a puppet government here. "France 1965". The American did nothing on this one. De Gaulle was elected by the French people. "Afghanistan 1980s". You want to tell us something about the USSR invasion first? Oh wait, that's too inconvenient for your anti-Western narrative. All the US did was arm the Mujahideen, which looks foolish in retrospect. "Bulgaria 1990". Do you want to tell us something about the puppet people's republic installed by the USSR after WW2? It had no legitimacy. The fall of the Berlin Wall sparked the end of these regimes in Europe. "Albania 1991". The collapse of the communist dictatorship that had been in power since 1945, hurdled by Albanian student protests. "Iraq 1991" was the legal, UN Security Council supported intervention on behalf of the Kuwaitis, who were illegally invaded by the Iraqi regime. "Yugoslavia 1999-2000". NATO intervened to stop the mass murder of the Bosnians and Kosovars. You should try reading up on the Serbian war criminals. Look at the tribunals for Milošević, Karadžić etc. "Libya 2011" was approved by the Security Council of the UN, whatever the messy result of it. It was lead by France and UK, not the US. Russia and China did not object. "Syria 2012". A civil war started by Arab protesters against their dictatorship. Russia has thrown petrol into that fire by backing the regime, while Turkey invaded on its own accord. The West targeted the Islamic State militants. "Ukraine 2014" was the Ukrainian revolution of dignity. The president fled after major protests by Ukrainians which was caused by the government reversing its word on a trade agreement with the EU (by Russian pressure). "Pakistan 2022" was when the Pakistanis ousted their own PM Khan, it is a conspiracy theory to charge the US with that. Look into the power of the military in that country, they are the real puppetmasters behind the scenes. "Haiti 2022". There is no evidence for this in the press.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
@@pa6370 No, all those countries were first looted and then put under democratic occupation. Thanks to the exceptions that have been released himself.
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
Dear Ian 143 countries condemned Russia's illegal invasion in Ukraine. 143 state demand that Russia retreats.
@user-lf2jh2ru9f Жыл бұрын
@@TorianTammas But there is only 196 countrys in world.
@anttiheikkila5491 Жыл бұрын
Typical wishful thinking
@MrClick4fun Жыл бұрын
2nd question, answer is not accurate as per me. Russia respected all international laws when invaded to help the independed dombass. Crimea is russia, dombass is russia. To properly answer the question “what is loss of putin”, it would be russia losing any of these areas, which is not possible. On the other side, loss for ukraine is losing these areas, becoming neutral indefinitely, and be denazified. Which is happening; russians control 80% of so called ukranian gtp, ukranian army is almost de nazified, and these areas will never be ukraine again. If anything, odessa will join them perhaps!
@user-yf2xi1tk3d Жыл бұрын
U really believe in Nazis here?😂
@TorianTammas Жыл бұрын
143 countries condemned Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. Russia broke international law and several treaties in which Russia guaranteed and accepted the Ukrainian borders of 1991.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
South Tyrol is Austrian, but Austria would not dream of trying to annex it.
@philzmusic8098 Жыл бұрын
Ideas about ethnicity and nationality matter, but one should always follow the money. Judging from his treatment of the Russian opposition, I don't think Putin cares about the inhabitants of the Donbas. It's the mineral wealth that he wants; that is also an important reason that Ukraine wants to keep it.
@kaanboztepe Жыл бұрын
Ukraine has already lost too much , happens when you elect comedians without government experience to conduct diplomacy. The longer this war continues the less chance there is for Ukraine to continue as a nation. they are losing way too much people , young people that are necessary for the future of a nation. those cannot be bought or replaced with anything you can buy or any penalties you impose on Russia after the war. The US of course doesnt care about that part and urges to continue to fight and anyone in europe who wants this to end regardless of how, is being judged or even cancelled
@marcosiebert4548 Жыл бұрын
bot. 😆
@JinKee Жыл бұрын
Better to be cancelled then to fall out of a Moscow window.
@moxie_ST Жыл бұрын
You do realize in this video he is talking about Russia not Ukraine? And you still Bring back Ukraine? Whay you so opsest with Ukraine?
@anthony64632 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely poppycock , Russia is the one who invaded Ukraine and should pull out of Ukraine including Crimea
@kaanboztepe Жыл бұрын
@@marcosiebert4548 nope
@Exodus26.13Pi Жыл бұрын
Why on Earth is Biden's voice in the intro? Sus
@emailofjamesw Жыл бұрын
Maybe because the US is one of the biggest players, and he's the president?
@toncoumans6985 Жыл бұрын
Before it also had Boris Johnsons voice but that is now out.
@emailofjamesw Жыл бұрын
@@toncoumans6985 Thank Christ for that
@jadeling-qp2zt Жыл бұрын
Short answer- no he fucking doesn't!
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