How can we tell if Genesis is a historical narrative? - Douglas Kelly

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Is Genesis History?

Is Genesis History?

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Taken from "Beyond Is Genesis History? Vol 3 : Bible & Stars." Available in full here:
You will explore the universe, the tower of Babel, the Hebrew text, and the history of interpretation of Genesis (plus much more) in these 12 new videos featuring scientists and scholars from the documentary.
Douglas Kelly talks about the reasons Genesis is a historical text and why other views of Genesis do not accurately represent its genre.
☞ Purchase all three in the series here:
Dr. Kelly received his BA from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Diploma from the University of Lyon, his BD from the Union Theological Seminary, and his PhD from the University of Edinburgh. He is serving with David Wright of the University of Edinburgh as a general editor for a revision of Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. Before joining the faculty at Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte), Dr. Kelly traveled extensively throughout the world preaching and teaching. He was also enlisted to serve on the Jurisprudence project of The Christian Legal Society and serves on the Credentials Committee of the Central Carolina Presbytery. Dr. Kelly is the Professor of Theology Emeritus at RTS.
For more information on Dr. Kelly, please go to
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@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
Funny that, when I was new to the faith, I found a book at Books A Million that explained how the Bible wasn’t actually written in a “historical narrative format”. I started reading it and fell under the conviction that I needed to believe that the entire Bible is the Word of God and that it means what it states. Never turned back!
@htos1av 4 жыл бұрын
I like that forensic sciences was gonna burn it all down, and "oops!" "Hehe, never mind....." This movie and series is the definitive END of the entire argument IMHO. Not judging, either! Just a Biblical fact like Genesis. Share this link if you've ever shared one.
@silversilk8438 4 жыл бұрын
@@htos1av Share what link; the link to this current video?
@davidduran3802 4 жыл бұрын
Hello! Could you please name the book? Thanks
@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
David Duran, I don’t remember the title so I’ll try and find it. I’ll let you know when I do!
@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
David Duran, honestly, I think I tossed it-that’s how un-inspired I felt it was. Sorry. I’m trying to get into contact with a lady I know that works at BAM. She can probably help me.
@fyrerayne8882 4 жыл бұрын
Michael Behe is a PhD biologist who has good arguments refuting the theory of evolution. He wrote a book called Darwin’s Black Box.
@mariojuarez6914 4 жыл бұрын
I have but one word to say, wow! In many ways COVID is a blessing, because it has slow down my lifestyle and ran into this interview. I'm now curious, again.
@paulwong2427 4 жыл бұрын
"He worketh all things after the council of His own will," then it surely is not difficult to believe that He over-rules all evil for good; in fact this must be so, for it is only on this ground, viz., that all evil tends to good in the end, that we can harmonize the existence of evil at all with the existence of The Most High.
@phillo1818 4 жыл бұрын
I very much enjoyed this frank and honest discussion. I do not believe in forcing Scripture to my understanding. Rather studying Scripture until my heart and mind are at peace with the text. I do read, write and speak Hebrew yet Greek is Greek to me. But with all the scholastic tools available it is very easy to delve into the depths of all Scripture, as one ought do. Not to mention the Holy Spirit is always there to willingly teach the quizzical. Thank you gentlemen.
@phillo1818 4 жыл бұрын
By what right do you claim “all Christians...” say or do so and so? The privilege of every Christian is to delve into the Word of GOD Almighty and to study it well. One part of why we learn to understand the Word is to pray it back to the Father and when the Hoy Spirit teaches us His leading Must line up with Scripture. If not then we know there is something wrong either with our own theology or perhaps a selfish desire or whatever. What we do absolutely know and understand is that the Holy Spirit and the Holy Word of GOD is without error. Christians and nonbelievers are NOT perfect. The difference is that Christians are through the Sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross, Who rose by the power of the Father on the third day have accepted that by faith and/or by a supernatural experience accepted Him as our personal Saviour. A nonbeliever in Jesus Christ cannot understand these things easily, it’s like looking into a room whose windows are heavily tinted. If you are sincerely seeking an answer and willing to pay the cost, then directly challenge GOD the Father of mankind to show you His Truth. If you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour I can guarantee your life will become supernaturally significant. The Bible is the most significant supernatural book the world has known. If your up for the challenge read the Book of John. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and your heart and read it until you suddenly have that aha moment.
@tjjones621 3 жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1 Simple... you can't always tell when a human is lying and we all have done it. There are those who think they are receiving guidance from the Spirit and those who are only hearing their own heart (and surely a mix of both.) The heart is desperately deceptive and Yahweh wants us to relinquish control of it... He is after our hearts. The way one knows if they are receiving guidance (or the lack of guidance) from the Spirit of Yahweh is to study the words of and about the Master Yahushua. He clearly states that if you take His yoke upon you and LEARN OF HIM, you will see that His burden is not heavy, and it will bring peace to your soul. After which He says He WILL send the Spirit of Yahweh to you and you WILL be reminded of His words. I have experience this. It's not so much that one "hears a voice". It's more like a reminding of information and instructions that pop into your head when an issue of life arises. But, one must learn of Him if that is to happen. The more we relinquish the selfish desires of our own heart, we can know better how to navigate life. As for Genesis... nobody can claim that they know 100% for sure what every verse means. If they do, their own texts say they are a liar.
@tjjones621 3 жыл бұрын
@@velkyn1 Every human has lied. Unless you are talking about yourself. Have you lied before? Why would you call me a fraud? I clearly agree with you that anyone who claims they can interpret the Bible with 100% accuracy is a liar. I am literally agreeing with you. If you are looking for proof of God, you won't find it. Such proof would remove the entire reason for all of it... to CHOOSE to do the will of another. I answered your question and you attacked. If you don't like the answer, don't agree with it. It seems YOU are guilty of the same thing... thinking you are 100% correct. Hypocrite much?
@richieevans8617 4 жыл бұрын
@funtimesthatsit4260 4 жыл бұрын
Me too!
@htos1av 4 жыл бұрын
Once you get a taste of the Real Truth, and you know it, you want more! Just a word of advice: You CAN'T go back to a "comfort" zone. :)
@kimboylecaricatures6358 4 жыл бұрын
@@htos1av agreed.. accept Ray COMFORT will never lead you astray 🤗👏 lol
@silversilk8438 4 жыл бұрын
@@htos1av YES YES YES! If you thirst for truth and righteousness, you'll have that satiated by God.
@captblackeagle 4 жыл бұрын
As a Scientist the Bible means exactly what it says. People have many questions that requires God to speak directly to them in order for it to be true. The "Seeing is Believing" mantra. Step off the high dive at the pool. You can't see it, but gravity is there. Thanks for this series of videos and science.
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as the Fake Masonic Newtonian Theory of Gravity. Gravity still cannot be explained today, this very second! No, what we have is Density & Buoyancy. Anything lighter than air goes up, anything more dense than the air goes down. Before the Masonic Newton got hit on his head with an apple and had a "Eureeka" moment, all there was for thousands of years was density & buoyancy, thats because thats all there is.
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
@ReligionlessFAITH Ah! ok! thx for clearing that up for me turd brain! man, you are thick!
@trackinggod8087 4 жыл бұрын
Brilliant discussion. Thanks!
@chuckvanhaelst7682 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Professor Dell Tackett for these videos. So good to see God raising up His voice through Spirit led true scientists. False evolutionary dogma has infiltrated our schools, and sadly many Churches. Our couny desperately needs the voice of Bible believing scientists to explain how and why scripture can be accepted as a reliable historical account of what really happened. So refreshing.
@ScottWConvid19 4 жыл бұрын
The same executive officers of corporations that are labeled "churches" that claim to believe every word of God is literal and can only be considered metaphorical when the context establishes it, will do the exact opposite when teaching on "tithes and offerings," as if the tithes and offerings could possibly be money that should end up in their accounts to fill their budgetary wants. As this astute theologian admitted "This isn't much work" sums it up
@GizmoFromPizmo 3 жыл бұрын
Well said. The clergy sets itself up as the gatekeepers of the word of God. "Day means 24-hours here and not there." Controlling the masses is an ugly job but some find it necessary. I'm glad that the New Testament eliminates the need for the gatekeeping controllers. "And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying, 'Know the LORD', for all shall know me - from the least to the greatest." Thank God for the Holy Ghost who guides our hearts and minds in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We seek and He reveals.
@lorgaraurelian4076 4 жыл бұрын
Great upload. This is exactly the kind of content I look forward too!.
@aluminumchew 4 жыл бұрын
I am still on the fence about old vs young earth as I think arguing over the length of the days completely misses the point and is only a discussion forced by materialists to divide the church But I don't know if a direct correlation of Hebrew and Greek nouns is proper for a word study based argument. Also as I understand it evolution is dependent upon an old earth but an old earth is not dependent upon evolution.
@richieevans8617 4 жыл бұрын
@Dulc3B00kbyBrant0n 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday!!!
@MiuMiuKoo 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Birthday for the 8th 🎂🍰😆💕
@sarahtonen6266 4 жыл бұрын
Happy birthday to you!
@ErikPehrsson 4 жыл бұрын
Happy Belated Birthday! God bless you!
@htos1av 4 жыл бұрын
That's WHY we're HERE IN America! We DON'T compromise on the Word! There's an explanation for time. Christ is Risen!
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe some people don't compromise on creation but I would say a bulk of Christians definitely do. They don't seem to understand that Genesis is the foundation of their entire faith. Most are not "ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;" That's sad.
@johnmichaelson9173 7 ай бұрын
Well America does have the separation of church and state enshrined in law & thank God for that compromise. You can't have people who believe that the Universe was created in one day by someone in whose image we have been created running the country.
@seankennedy4284 4 жыл бұрын
Production: The hand-held camera motion effect is both unnecessary and distracting. The content of the interview needs no enhancement, imho.
@silversilk8438 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha yeah, yeah, but I frankly love knowing that the cameraman was having some fun :)
@emenem6131 3 жыл бұрын
I respect this man.....he shows you can be humble but stand firm in the faith. Of course he is a very intelligent man with probably an embarrassment of credentials. Someone who can communicate the point without rambling😏....I only say that because I do wish I could express in words what I know from the Spirit to the unbeliever without trailing off down other roads away from the point. The point of course being....Christ.
@MidgardEntertainment 4 жыл бұрын
Bravo such an amazing talk
@samuelcaufman4738 4 жыл бұрын
My understanding is that "IF" Genesis was from Elohim then there should be a reflection of what is said throughout scripture, which there is, the example being Cain and Abel, while most christian pastors nearly always focus on that being the first murder there is actually a more interesting side to the story that is almost always ignored through lack of knowledge, and that being the particular feast that was being observed, and when considered it seems to be a reflection of the Passover, which Moses later observed and finally the Lord fulfilled, though in all honesty it is not provable, due to a lack of information, yet it was a blood sacrifice being observed and the Passover required a Blood sacrifice, and Abel offered up what was required, while Cain offered up what is referred to as "First Fruits" and strangely enough on the third day of the observance of Passover a sacrifice of "First Fruits" is also required , which would seem to indicate that Cain thought it acceptable since it was also something needed, but Elohim rejected it - HE being the one teaching directly
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
God rejected Cain because Cain was carnal, a man of the flesh. Abel understood he wasn't justified by his sacrifice. By contrast, nothing Cain did was acceptable to God because Cain was godless in his heart. Cain believed his sacrifice was excellent because he toiled to get it out of the ground. Rather than seeking the goodness that only comes from God He believed that his works made him good independent of God. Had Cain known God, he would have searched his heart to determine why God was correcting him and would have repented of the evil in his heart, instead he despised God's correction and murdered his brother, demonstrating the works he insisted were good were evil. That's the message to us today. Judge yourself, 'good' works from a dark heart are evil and may justify before man, but not before holy God. Repent, don't despise God's correction, don't seek your own goodness, you're not good, put on the true goodness of Christ.
@donphillips5957 4 жыл бұрын
Wow talk about reading into the text. The reason more isn't there is because more isn't needed. Cain brought what was right in his own eyes, not what God required. Was there more going on? Doubtless. Abel was probably a jerk, giving Cain a hard time about the whole thing. That's my take on the account. But even taking your perspective, would G_d accept a grain offering instead of the Pascal lamb? Or on the Day of Atonement? Wave and grain offerings have their place. Clearly not here.
@skinnyandshort7108 4 жыл бұрын
@@donphillips5957 Just curious why can't you say God? Instead you say G_d.
@donphillips5957 4 жыл бұрын
@@skinnyandshort7108 Jewish custom, although I'm gentile, I didn't know about the guy I was responding to
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
@@skinnyandshort7108 because saying gods names aloud is an OT death sentence
@philtanics1082 4 жыл бұрын
The Bible is God's word and the only important truth in this world. If your ideas or views contradict anything it says, you have been fooled by the lies of man.
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
What about when bible contradicts itself?
@GizmoFromPizmo 3 жыл бұрын
Nobody has ever said (that I know of) that the word "day" ALWAYS means "age" but I have heard many people say that every time the word "day" is used in the bible that it is referring to a 24-hour period. No straw men, please. It's not helpful.
@stephaniescarlett7887 4 жыл бұрын
i have but 4 words...amen and thank you
@richardfenner3673 4 жыл бұрын
I have a question , “in the beginning” in Genesis is accepted by many as the true beginning, God being timeless has no beginning, so was genesis creation the beginning of mankind only? Gen 1:28 says God blessed mankind and sent them out to “replenish the earth”. Supposition here is that man has existed before, wiped out (not out of Gods character) and started over. Archeological finds suggest humans on earth dating far before the chronological retracing of generations back to Adam and Eve. Would like your view
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
'Replinish' in early English means, 'supply abundantly' and is better translated in modern English as 'fill greatly.' it's usually a bad idea to develop a whole doctrine from a single verse, or worse a single word. Jesus tells us, 'in the BEGINNING there was one man and one woman.' Gen 1:1 tells us 'in the BEGINNING God created' John tells us 'in the BEGINNING was the Word. Sounds like God is saying genesis is the beginning of our reality.
@richardfenner3673 4 жыл бұрын
@@leroybrown9143 thank you for your comment, not building any doctrine other than the pure inerrant Word of God. Having said that, it’s difficult to justify the inerrant Word by saying “ it really does not mean that, but this”. I have no concept of Gods beginning because there wasn’t one. God always was and always will be. How long did God exist before Genesis? The answer is infinite time. Interesting your final statement, “ the beginning of our reality”. This I believe wholeheartedly. Another thing about the Living Word that I love is that it can speak to anyone who has no theological qualifications but just possesses a desire for Gods voice. I agree that we are influenced by our own experiences, language and knowledge base. I also agree some historical knowledge of the time when parts were written do influence some understandings. The statement of “In the beginning “ can carry many values, like when I began to write this. We understand Jesus to be with God from the beginning of anything which has no time reference. In fact in the genesis account God created time for our reality to give us reference points. Time is interesting, in that, you can have too much of it and to little of it at the same time. Other realities? Who can say? There certainly has been enough time for such things. I don’t have a need to know things that are not relevant to my calling or my current duties set forth by God. All truth will be revealed in its own time, but you got to love a mystery! It can provide hunger to know more. I discovered the more I learn the less I know, how amazing is that? Jesus is my love, my rock and my salvation, my life belongs to Him. Blessings
@paradigmbuster 3 ай бұрын
There was no rain after the earth was created and was dry. The mist created the ocean that covered the earth before the third day when dry land appeared when the ocean drained into newly opening ocean basins. The first day was when that ocean was shallow enough over the continents for the sun to get through to the bottom.
@BCFalls1 4 жыл бұрын
I as senior branch of the Normans as well as the Dalriada and all senior branches of all senior branches globally, have the genealogies and my self with the help of a dozen branches working together with the head genealogist of the Canadian Empire Loyalist Association were on the verge of fully completing the tree on Geni after 3 solid years of work when a Freemasonic friend of mine told me a high ranking Freemason took the site over and plans to tear it apart, then did before the end of 2012. It had formed in to a diamond shape, with Noah at the top and Prince William at the bottom with the widest point in the time just prior to William the Conqueror who tied it all back together again so it could grow no wider but narrow back down to a single heir and we are there with William under Diana, 2 halves merging. Now, not only did it prove creationism, but it literally cross referenced itself and the fault with the geni ancestry site came when merging those that inbred and those that had multiple partners, and at the beginning with Noah there was no choice but to inbreed even several generations later.
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
Lol. What a load of nonsense...tbf - however princess di did have 7 first cousins for g grand parents... so that parts certainly possible
@lessmorley2091 4 жыл бұрын
Ask- in faith,the Almighty Lord God if genesis is real. Expecting one of the offspring of HIS creation several+ generations and 5500 yrs.down the line who wasn't there when it happened seems kind of pointless dont it?but I digress.Christ is coming!
@BaitulUlum-id 4 жыл бұрын
bagus videonya moga bisa lanjut berkarya bosque
@teresasperry6996 Жыл бұрын
How can we know the truth of anything written in the Book of Genesis or elsewhere? The Scholars and Kings of the past are known to have looked to those who were witness to the presence of The Lord. >Understand what it truly means to be a 'Witness' and follower of Christ the Lord: It is to be a witness to the Holy Ghost and have awareness of the presence of Christ, The Lord, which is to have the truth and Word of God present with us; and this means we're enabled to receive the understanding and discernment of the Word of God, or be given understanding for clarity of whatever was written earlier by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to those who were made able to hear Him.
@FriendOfChrist 4 жыл бұрын
I don't hold to theistic evolution, but if there was no death before the fall then why did Adam name some of the animals with Hebrew words that describe how they killed their prey?
@stephaniescarlett7887 4 жыл бұрын
i had no idea some names had their origin stemming from this root...Fascinating...Which animals? Im so curious now!
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
According to secular sources. Hebrew was first spoken in the 2nd century bc. So Adam didn't give animals Hebrew names, Moses did. using the common names of the animals as they were at the time he recorded Adam's works. I hope this clears your confusion.
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
We ask ourselves if a literal day and night is possible without a sun ... as the bible asserts....on day 1.
@slingslang2934 4 жыл бұрын
True it says god made day & night on day 1. But the sun on day 4
@robertmitchell8728 4 жыл бұрын
We track a day from sun rise, to sun rise. But, in truth a day is one rotation of the earth on it's axis.
@martinpattison8916 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertmitchell8728 Not really. The Earth rotates 366.24 times in a year, but the number of days is one less than that.
@Gabe-0 9 ай бұрын
Do you think God needs the sun or moon to keep track of time?
@rahowherox1177 9 ай бұрын
@@Gabe-0 kind of. You see literal day and night do not exist without the sun. As the sun part defines day and night. So even God needs a sun before he can invent day and night... If only he knew.
@lewiscarey1593 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so very much for this upload!!! I believe the Holy Bible, KJV. is THE WORD OF GOD, and the world shall know it!!! And SEE it!!! HOW? Hereby shall they know, that YE are MY diaciples, in that YE LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
@Rick081808 4 жыл бұрын
If u can’t wrap ur mind around the fact hat Genesis 1-11 year s not actual history then u have problems!!
@robertmitchell8728 4 жыл бұрын
What is it then?
@alanthompson8515 3 жыл бұрын
@@robertmitchell8728 A set of redacted myths. most of them etiological in nature.
@ivanuribe 4 жыл бұрын
Other evolutionists (like Michael Jones from Inspiring Philosophy) have implied that the verse where God gives the command to humans to have dominion over the animals as proof that there was death before the fall. I wonder what you guys think of this...?
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
Dominion just means to rule over. Adam was to rule over the earth and take care of it. I don't understand how this person gets animal death because Adam was commanded to rule the earth. It makes no sense. We are clearly given the first animal deaths after sin. They have a desperate and foolish argument if that is their case against the Bible. That's what I think at least. Most evolutionists have never read the Bible and have no understanding of what a creationist actually believes. I believed and studied evolution for 20 something years and I would just ignore anything that went against it until I was shown how inconsistent and foolish I was for believing that garbage. You only have to follow evolution to its logical end before you realize how messy and foolish it is.
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 yeah no problem, but can you wait till tomorrow when I'm at my laptop because typing on my phone is a pain.
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 If you are an unbeleiever, why do you keep coming to these video's and promoting your Theory of Evolution that everyone is laughing at?
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 Oh no, don't get it twisted (like athiests do) you're not funny in the slightest. However your Theory of evolution that is *OUT* by the power of 10 to the 120th is Hilarious!!
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
@@hansdemos6510 *!I would encourage you to go and watch some videos with content you don't agree with your self. Try out your own arguments in the comments and see how you fare."* You assume far too much. Has it never occurred to you that we already know the Athiests spin, and already have the information that you are clinging to more religiously than those with faith? We have already disected the Big Bang Theory and Evolution and it fails miserably, and is quite mentally retarded.
@GizmoFromPizmo 3 жыл бұрын
Genesis 2:4 - These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, The earth was created in a day. The bible says it, I believe it and that settles it.
@cptrikester2671 4 жыл бұрын
I accept the authority of God. I have issues with people's "absolute" interpretation. Mankind has demonstrated constant changes of that interpretation or a locking onto one perspective and never applying any other observed information. I bet a detailed discussion / debate with Hugh Ross (Reasons to Believe) would be interesting. If God rested the seventh day (24 hrs), did Adam / Eve sin on Monday morning (using current terminology)? Did that start the genealogy time line? Why did Cane have a mark placed upon him? Who was out there to notice? He just killed his only sibling.
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
The jew day runs from sunset to sunset, so day 1 is sat sunset till sun sunset, with Monday morning bring day 2 (sun sunset till mon sunset... and of course day 7 - the sabbath is friday sunset till Saturday sunset. The bible states 1 sentence before god creates a man (Adam) in his image, that god makes men in our image... making Adam at best 3rd person ever. These other folk and their descendants are whom Cain is referring to. Tis amazing how many folk whom "accept the authority of god" haven't even bothered to read page 1!!!
@cptrikester2671 4 жыл бұрын
@@rahowherox1177 Not sure what you are implying with the last paragraph there, but I was using the modern calendar days as an example. Your response demonstrates my original statement about people's own "absolute" interpretation.
@CreativeYousername 4 жыл бұрын
By arguing over the historicity of Genesis, you're missing the point of the text. Apologetics is not about the content of the Bible, but about the vain pursuit of proving that you're right and someone else is wrong.
@rahowherox1177 4 жыл бұрын
Shhhhh.. logic and "point" has no place here
@edanpearson3314 4 жыл бұрын
In Genesis the garden also has the tree of life, doesn't that mean they had to eat from it to have immortality?
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
In Rev it is said the tree is for 'the healing of the nations...' it appears to renew the flesh in order that it can contain the spirit, which is eternal.
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
The Bible doesn't say a lot about the tree of life in the garden so any answer would be an opinion. There are a few theories you can look up.
@treybarnes5549 4 жыл бұрын
it’s not the gaps in the Bible, but more likely the gaps between the ears of a modern day sceptic
@conradbulos6164 3 ай бұрын
Uh, guys, I have to espectfully disagree with Mr. Kelly in his attitude of accepting the Genesis as the creation story. To me the biblical creation account is a hastily concocted childish story by Moses when he wrote Genesis, his first of five books he wrote known as the Pentateuch. Set in a fantasy Garden of Eden as the setting for the first sin committed by Eve by eating the forbidden fruit in disobedience to God's command and offering it to Adam making him an accomplice and abettor all because a talking snake easily convinced her that the fruit would open her eyes
@LonskiBig 4 жыл бұрын
...I take issue with one thing. God made "time" relative to the observer. "Time" is different if someone is on a train...vs...someone watching the train from afar. This is what Einstein noticed in calculations and later verified by experimentation. When Genesis says "the evening and the morning were the 1st day"....What evening and morning ??...From who's perspective ??..There were no people on Earth yet !!...Very few pastors are educated on Einstein so they opine from an ignorant position
@silversilk8438 4 жыл бұрын
The first act was to create light and separate light from dark, so night and day have existed since the beginning, and whether it's God saying it, or us writing like human observers to explain evening and morning, that doesn't really matter so much. What matters is that time was passing from night to day, night to day, night to day. A camera in antarctica, madagascar, siberia, and the caribeean: all of these if you stuck a camera there will observe daylight and nighttime. Where you're observing from doesn't change that night and day are passing: I think the most important takeaway is that 24 hours are passing.
@RBLVentures 4 жыл бұрын
But here it is IF you get arrested on Saturday and spend Sunday in jai and you get let out Monday morning You have spend 3 days in jail according to USA law SO Jesus was day for 3 days...Even if you try to say it different
@BCFalls1 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus ended the daily sacrifice and the seventh day sabbath, so anyone practicing it today is a Pharisee or a Saducee. Jesus says seek the Spirit with all your heart, mind and soul, in other words every second of every waking hour you should be seeking the Spirit and no man comes to the Father except through Jesus, truth comes from the Mind of God, seekers of truth. Seek and ye shall find, Jesus chooses who is saved and can even fill a sinner with the Spirit if he so chooses. Men have been filled with the Spirit throughout time since the time of Jesus such as Caibre Riada and Lancelot du Lac with witnesses each time as well as myself with both Christian and pagan turned Christians after witnessing, witnesses. I have been filled with the Spirit alongside 2 men in Christ, we met and praised Jesus, then experienced Fear of God and all 3 ducked for fear of just the radiance of God shining through space and his awesome power that could crush us if not ready for it. We then praised God 3 times each after he said he would not give more energy than each of us could handle and I approached the Temple in an out of body way. Behind a dark matter/energy cloud.
@BCFalls1 4 жыл бұрын
a christian is to adopt technologies to lighten his workload so he can spend more time with God daily. Now if we get to a point where we only need to work 10 minutes per day loading a CNC program in to the machine, then we, who live by needs (food water shelter) and not wants (mammon) can seek the Spirit all the rest of the day. And by living by needs, one is mimicking the Spirit or the blood of Jesus, or the cornucopia of fruits, Jesus is food, Jesus is water, Jesus is warmth, Jesus is eternal life which was his eternal sacrifice he made on the cross.
@BCFalls1 4 жыл бұрын
where can work 10 minutes per day loading a CNC program? The humble Farming can. In fact now, once the program is loaded for the field and one does cash crops like soy bean, It only needs to be run during planting and again during harvest on its own, so once programmed could last for generations before a repair is needed.
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
Why are there likes before the video even started?
@georgebond7777 4 жыл бұрын
Because its been on before in its entirety. I have the video
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgebond7777 ahhhh...okay. Thanks for the response. It's usually a couple thumbs up and almost always 3 thumbs down before a new stream starts.
@isaachopefaithlove 4 жыл бұрын
Great videos and 100% agree on What the experts have said with regards to the Bible and creation, I do have a slight problem with the translation of the Sabbath's being changed to Sundays that is not biblical Christ didnt come to change his fathers laws but to fulfill prophecy, with that said here is some scripture and a quick overview on the subject. God changes NOT** so why did Mankind changed the day to the first day? Christ didn't came to change his fathers laws he came to fulfill moses sacrificial laws and to save us of course! Christ showed us how to keep his Sabbath's the Jews persecuted him for showing them the CORRECT way, Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and the FAITH OF JESUS. So who changed the day of worship? Was it Christ? God forbid Romans 3:20,31.. Do we then make VOID the LAW through FAITH? GOD FORBID: yea, we establish the LAW. 6:15,16 Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to OBEY, his servants ye are to whom ye OBEY; whether of SIN unto DEATH, or of OBEDIENCE unto RIGHTEOUSNESS. History shows us in the year 321 A.D emperor Constantine enforced Sunday worship in order to bring Christians and pagans togheter under Him* (Constantine). Before that event early day Christians during Christ time and all the way up to the year 321 A.D kept the Sabbath, that my friends is a FACT. NO arguing there....let's brake from tradition and get back to biblical TRUTH!!🙏
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
The Sabbath wasn't changed. Like the feast days, The Sabbath day was given to the jews to keep by command. The church, free from the law by the power of christ, keeps the Day of the Lord, not by command or ritual, but by tradition, a day of prayer and fellowship in remembrance of His death and resurrection.
@silversilk8438 4 жыл бұрын
Jesus is our Sabbath rest; and our passover lamb. Colossians 2:16-17. have a nice day
@interman7715 4 жыл бұрын
Just one question, where did Caines wife come from?
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
@interman7715 4 жыл бұрын
@@b14ksy17 Where does it say that in the Bible?And if so doesn't that mean the Bible is okay with incest ?
@stefan2222x 4 жыл бұрын
interman 77 at the start, incest was not a problem nor a bad thing. You can imagine that Adam and Eve had very good genes. So therefore it is not dangerous to have kids with your siblings because both got very good genes and this prevents the kids being born with just one arm, etc. This is my explanation.
@interman7715 4 жыл бұрын
@@stefan2222x Incest is never a good thing ! As for inbreeding you will usually start to see birth defects after the third generation regardless of the original "strong genes " . I think when you start to take the Bible literally the problems arise .
@KM-leons 4 жыл бұрын
Most people assume that Adam and Eve had only two sons. No, there were many children to them. Seth was “begotten when Adam was 130 years old.” After that, Adam “begot sons and daughters” [Genesis 5:3-4]. Obviously Cain married one of his sisters. Was it wrong ? No, because God allowed it and God's law was the prevailing law of the land then. It's wrong when we judge them with the customs and laws of the modern world. Until recently, in some parts of the the western world, it was not wrong to marry a first cousin. It's still an acceptable practice among Muslims and Hindus in many parts of Asia. Later, God forbid marrying a close relative in the laws given to Moses.
@seanregehr4921 4 жыл бұрын
When speaking of Genesis why do you exclude The Book of Jubilees which came earlier yet? That is like taking a second hand account as being more accurate than the original testimony.
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
Enoch 1 & Jasher too.
@JM-ot8ux 4 жыл бұрын
Sad to see so much delusion.
@RBLVentures 4 жыл бұрын
you are trying to tear bible apart NOT SO GOOD
@thomasehrlich8623 3 жыл бұрын
How can you believe the bible is history when God tells his people how to treat there slaves in it Exodus 21 .
@markusw.2690 4 ай бұрын
I don't see the problem. Please explain.
@PR-cq4zc 4 жыл бұрын
The six "days" of creation were not literal 24 periods. In reality, God used six long periods of time, using the laws of physics He created, to form the universe as we see it. today. God is not a God of confusion. Both science and the bible agree.
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
God is not a God of confusion, but you're definitely confused about the Bible. God created heaven and earth in six standard days, just like the text says. In revelation he will perform a yet greater miracle by recreating heaven and earth, will you say these too will unfold over billions of years in order to reconcile scripture to the opinions of atheist? Don't give what is holy to dogs, Matt 7:6. Is. 65:17, Is. 66:22, Rev 21:1
@k.w.7973 4 жыл бұрын
Leroy Brown Does scripture also state that one day to us, is a thousand years to God? His time and our time are not the same.
@BAMN84 4 жыл бұрын
That dr. Kline was a Christian and an evolutionist how can that be and the lord Jesus Christ never needed a theologian to explain his word that's what's wrong that gives a reason to boast among each other you better tell us what chapter and verse in the holy scriptures or where Jesus said go forth and be Christian's you better get this right first off....I hope you dont believe in the trinity to save your soul I hope you dont !
@josemelendez1321 4 жыл бұрын
Can you explain???
@GizmoFromPizmo 3 жыл бұрын
The Book of Hebrew TELLS us that the 6-days are an allegory. It tells us that the Sabbath Day is an age (greater than 24-hours) and that God's rest is provided to His creation in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jesus says, in the Gospel of John, "My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." (See John 5). Jesus worked on the Sabbath Day not because He didn't believe Genesis but because He understood that the true work of God was still in operation. On the cross, therefore, we hear Jesus utter these words, "It is finished." What is finished? What did Jesus say he came to do? Jn. 4:23 - Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. In other words, the 6-days were still in process - they hadn't finished yet. The New Testament tells us that in a number of different ways. John's gospel is full of these references and the Book of Hebrews explains it MASTERFULLY. Jesus was allowed to work on the Sabbath Day (the seventh day of the calendar week) because He is THE Lord of the Sabbath (i.e. He came to FINISH the work of God). So, you see, we don't have to get hung up on "does it mean 24-hour days or is it an allegory" because BOTH are true. Creation took 6-days and then Jesus died and was raised from the dead. Now the Seventh Day can begin. And if you get hung up on any more or any less than that, you're going beyond what was written.
@seanregehr4921 4 жыл бұрын
If you have not seen all the poetry throughout the bible then you have not adequately read and comprehended what you read. All knowledge is contained within these texts. God never actually created law, He gave commands. Details matter when you care to understand what is being said. Just like how the cross was actually a cross beam for a door nailed to a tree. When people overlook the obvious facts so blatantly, one must consider what they are reading and with what mindset. One thing that you never did this whole time was prove creation was 6 days literal as in 24 hours each. Who recorded creation when things were not as yet created? If man and woman are created on the sixth day, than who can verify the length of creation of the first five days? Most people argue things they cannot prove and reprove, which is Truth and facts.
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
They have already been over that in another video. It's 6 literal days because the days are numbered and the words morning and evening accompanied the number. If you go through the entire Old Testament a day is literally 24hrs when it has a number or it says evening or morning. Genesis has both so you can't argue against it unless you do mental gymnastics. If I say "back in the day" you know I don't mean 1 24hr day but if I say I worked today from morning to night you know I'm speaking of 1 regular day. It's the same as the days of creation.
@bh7286 4 жыл бұрын
I hope they eventually get around to comparing the globe / heliocentric model to the text in Genesis. Unless I missed it.
@funtimesthatsit4260 4 жыл бұрын
I'm curious too!
@b14ksy17 4 жыл бұрын
The Bible is a Flat Earth book from cover to cover.
@georgebond7777 4 жыл бұрын
We still use "the 4 corners of the earth" today, does that mean we believe its flat? Btw the President of the flat earth society is an evolutionist. 🤣😁😄 Hindus and Buddhists believed the Earth was flat and if you sailed too far youd fall of the edge of the earth. It was carried on the back of a Turtle, an Elephant or a giant Cat Fish. The Bible however describes the earth as a circle/sphere hanging on "nothing", where did those goat herders get the concept of nothing?
@scottgarvin4411 4 жыл бұрын
Flat earth, really, debunked in 2 minutes, unbelievable
@seanregehr4921 4 жыл бұрын
@@b14ksy17 - Be accurate, a flat plane. It matters because they use "flat earth" for cannon fodder rightly so.
@scottgarvin4411 4 жыл бұрын
Pastor mike Hoggard pastor Lawson listen n learn, kjv bible believing pastors
@josephscala6707 4 жыл бұрын
Video is incoherent.
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
Only to a spiritual illiterate
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 exactly, atheist are feeble minded men and evolution is comic book fables and weak minded imagination.
@josephscala6707 4 жыл бұрын
@@mickhealy572 so sad.
@harrybond007 4 жыл бұрын
Genesis is a work of fiction
@leroybrown9143 4 жыл бұрын
the Origin of Species is a myth, and everything that rest upon it is a hoax. By dimwits, for dimwits.
@harrybond007 4 жыл бұрын
@@leroybrown9143 LOL
@pocadon 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, you said it so it must be true! DIMWIT! I'm joking I don't like insulting people, I just saw the other comment and laughed too.
@mikev4621 4 жыл бұрын
A good interview - however- Genesis may not be poetry- but it sure ain't historical fact
@chrisodonnell1480 4 жыл бұрын
It is!
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