As salaamu aliakum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. I pray to Allah to bless you and your family this world and the hereafter.
@gujjarareus24555 ай бұрын
Subhan Allah Alhamdolillah Wa Li ilaha ilalah Wa Allah Hu Akbar ♥️☝🏼 Peace and blessings of Allah SWT be upon all the prophets Messangers Companions Ra and the Sunni Muslim Ummah Ameen Yah Rabbul Aalameen ❤️ Ma'shallah taberek Allah SWT a beautiful teaching of the religion of Allah SWT Alhamdolillah ♥️ Jzk ♥️👍🏼 Salaam from your brother in islam ♥️👍🏼 From UK ♥️🇵🇸♥️🇵🇰♥️👍🏼