Рет қаралды 104,292
There are several more words that could have been added.
Off the top of my head, eyelid, nape, butt, groin, skin, face and scar come to mind. Still, this video is loaded with vocabulary words.
We did our best to slow the pace down, and we'll try to slow the pacing down a bit more in the future. In the meantime, if you need to pause the video and back it up as you practice, we think that'll be a great idea.
We appreciate all the comments, but sadly are too stretched for time to read them. So we are not having comments on the videos. You can leave a comment at our channel if you'd like.
Thank you for watching.
Parti del carpo
head - testa
hair capelli
ears - orecchie
forehead - fronte
eyebrow - sopracciglio
eyelashes - cigli
eyes - occhi
nose - naso
nostril - narici
mouth - bocca
lips - il labbro le labbra
tongue - lingua
teeth - denti
gums - gengiva
cheek - guancia
chin - mento
neck - collo
shoulder - spalla
chest - petto
belly - pancia
arm - braccio
elbow - gomito
wrist - polso
hand - la mano le mani
finger - il dito le dita
fingernail - unghie
thumb - pollice
palm il palmo
belly button - navel/ombelico
hips - fianchi
leg - Coscia/gamba
knee - ginocchio
ankle - caviglia
heel - tallone
foot - piede
toe - dito del piede
sole - la pianta del piede