In this video we test out the iTechworld battery box inverter cable and run it through it's paces.
Пікірлер: 18
@AndyM...23 күн бұрын
Nothing like an off-grid coffee and a hot summers day, the humidity has been a killer in FNQ of late ! 😂🤠😎
@reddyman691523 күн бұрын
Yep I am old enough to remember when every thing was in Imperial - 100F we used to go home from school lol !!
@arthur357823 күн бұрын
Another Excellent Video. Glen have a look at Kmart $15 microwave toasty maker and for your van when camping their $39 1.2 litre air fryer
@TheSimpleLivingAussie22 күн бұрын
Yes I bought the little air fryer Wednesday and it blew up on it's first use so that is going back to Kmart for a refund when I'm in town next. I also have their mini rice cooker and waffle maker which works well.
@craigtomkinson283723 күн бұрын
Lovely Ep and upgrade Glen,
@damodoesall624023 күн бұрын
@67hr7423 күн бұрын
That's a decent upgrade with the cable Glen, do you crimp or flood solder those lugs. Just got home from Perth and we had a top 42.7 here @ midday.......Phew. Who said the Great Southern was cool..
@TheSimpleLivingAussie23 күн бұрын
I crimp the lugs 👍
@benmoore891123 күн бұрын
Thanks Glen, another informative video. Do you reckon I could run a 2000w inverter off a 160a/h itechworld lithium battery?
@TheSimpleLivingAussie23 күн бұрын
Their specs on that battery say continuous discharge is at 150A (175A 5 mins) so that equates to around the 2,000 watt mark, so you would be running it at it's limit. But as long as you run a little below the inverters continuous power ratting and have extra large cables from the battery to the inverter, you should be fine. I want to get my hands on one of the iTechworld batteries but iTechworld's pricing structure is at a premium.
@benmoore891123 күн бұрын
@ thanks for the info Glen. 👍🏻
@Solar-4223 күн бұрын
Cables seem pricey for what you get. I suspect they make more on them than the inverter. 39 over in the east last couple of days also.
@TheSimpleLivingAussie23 күн бұрын
I wouldn't call $59 pricey considering the price of copper, then the cost of the Anderson plug, cables, lugs, fuse holder and fuse. I think you may have been looking at different cable. This cable is designed for the iTechworld battery box, link below.
@Solar-4223 күн бұрын
@@TheSimpleLivingAussie I was just looking at the Kings 1000W inverter and remote for $119 today and yes I couldn't see how they could justify $59 for just a cable fuse and connector. Really a big profit in that cable I suspect.
@TheSimpleLivingAussie23 күн бұрын
@@Solar-42 I paid $140 for the inverter and remote unit in a combo package. $119 is not a bad today only price 😄
@Solar-4223 күн бұрын
Although it’s it is and it isn’t off topic it is worth knowing prices are so variable. I purchased my power stations for less than 50% of retail max just by waiting until Xmas/new year specials. I’m talking $1500. Buys a lot of other stuff, like energy security in storms, that kind of money.
@TheSimpleLivingAussie23 күн бұрын
@@Solar-42 yeah I am keeping an eye on prices and deals. I wanna grab a Bluetti and runs some tests on them as an alternative to home built systems. Just waiting for prices to come down.