Hi, Arthur! Thank you for uploading great content for English learners. I love your content, mainly your talk with Austin. I would like you to create a playlist of conversations with Austin and you in only English because it's easy to find native content with subtitles. These are valuable content for everyone. And the playlist allowed us to download easily. Thank you for considering it. I'm looking forward to watching your content!
余程の古い家でもない限り断熱材は入ってるし、ここ20年くらいに建てられた家ならペアガラスも多いと思うな。ただサッシ(窓枠)がアルミなんでペアガラスの効果が発揮されないのは残念。先進国でアルミサッシが標準って日本くらいらしい。そんな事もあって日本の家は寒いというのは分かる。往来蒸し暑い夏仕様に作ってたからね。気密よりも通気。徒然草(Essays in Idleness: classical literature)でも「家は夏基準で建てな。冬はどうにかなるけど夏の暑いのは最悪だからね」って言ってる。温暖化の現代ではどんな家でも耐え難い暑さだけどw
@こけほい Жыл бұрын
@JimexJimex8 ай бұрын
1. 大陸性気候の米国北部の雨粒は、島国日本よりも小さい。 雨は霧雨状になり、風に吹かれて水平方向に空中に浮かび上がります。 このような雨にはフード付きのレインジャケットが便利です。 日本の雨は量が多く、水滴も大きいため、傘があると便利です 2. 米国北部は大陸性の乾燥した気候のため、濡れた衣服や髪がより早く乾きます。 防水性に優れた服を着て雨の中を歩くと、屋内に入ってから 5 分以内に布は乾きます。 3. 米国人は車で通勤することが多い。 駐車場から建物の入り口までの距離が短いです。 4. 先ほど述べた気候とその結果としての市場需要、また軍事技術と衣類の歴史的な余剰のおかげで、米国では防水、耐水性の衣類がはるかに入手可能で安価になっています。 (忘れないでください、イギリスの象徴的なトレンチ コートですら第一次世界大戦の余剰品でした。軍服は間違いなく民間のファッションに影響を与えています。) 1. The raindrops in continental-climate northern US is smaller than island nation japan. The rain appear in drizzle form, blown by the wind to float in the air in horizontal direction. A rain jacket with hood is more useful for this type of rain. Rain in Japan tend to be high volume, large drops, an umbrella is more useful. 2. The contiental, dry climate northern US makes wet clothing and hair dry much faster. Walking in the rain in good waterproof clothing, your cloth will dry within 5 minutes after walking indoors. 3. US people commute a lot by car. The distance between the car parking and the door of the building is short. 4. Due to the climate I mentioned and its consequential market demand, and also the historical surplus of military technology and clothing, Waterproof, water resistance clothing is much more available and cheaper in the US. (Don't forget, even the iconic British Trench Coat was a suplus item from WWI. Military clothing definitely has an impact on civilian fashion.)
アーサーは、" in Japanese houses, there is no insulation" 言い、相方も”none"と相槌を打っています。つまり、日本の家には断熱材が使われていないと決めつけています。彼の判断は、おかしいのでなく、間違っています。統計のありかは分かりませんが、北国以外の和風の民家にも断熱材が使われているのは常識だと思います。
Japanese houses are not really isolated. I'm Japanese, but I've lived in Europe for 40 years, so I feel this every time I go back to Japan. Here, if a house isn't isolated from the start, you can't get a building permit.
@Taka-yn4tf Жыл бұрын
やっぱり一般世間の対象にするときに、主語(代名詞)が「you」になるのがモヤモヤします。。 2:43~ So in Seattle, what do people do when it rains? 「You」 wear a raincoat. シアトルに住んでる人、住んでた自分を指すからWe とかTheyなら分かる。でもなぜYouなんだ…
@CabbageMackerel Жыл бұрын
02:29 You're not gonna catch a person from Seattle. 「君はシアトル出身の人を捕まえられない」が、なぜ「シアトル出身の人だったらみんなだよ」の意味になるんでしょうか?
I’ve been living in The States for 38 years, I’m so Americanized, I do not enjoy living in Japan. I don’t like anything about Japan which is kind of sad.
@l01o104 ай бұрын
@zoroarkwhite Жыл бұрын
I reacted strongly to the word "super dry." It is released from Asahi beverage.
”Uragasumi”is my favorite sake!! I was impressed for your love to 浦霞 or Miyagi pre. Cause you always faced that one’s label to the camera,Brilliant(^o^)丿 The content was absolutely informative & interesting. Cheers!!
hello Arther! i really really enjoyed thia topic!! Im living in Chiba Matsudo with my American husband . I really want you to see him coz he is from seattle. I laught my ass of to litsen you guys talk and if you could, meet my husband and share his story also! i will be waiting your touch! best regard,