Why Powercreep in Honkai Star Rail isn't Real (yet)

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@Iyoverse 3 ай бұрын
So with the conversation revolved around Power creep, what do you guys think about the new end game modes like Divergent Universe, Apocalyptic Shadow, and Memory of Chaos? Is it truly unbeatable for you without specific characters or are you better equipped at building teams and creating strategies after watching this video? Let me know!
@rdr.erased 3 ай бұрын
Even saying that about Blade I think this is the right direction, if we could do everything in the game with any character it would be boring.
@ishiyu 3 ай бұрын
I've been playing since day 1, and ever since I first cleared moc back in the day I have never struggled with anything in the game, I have the characters I like and I have everything I need to challenge any Gamemode, if you play the game in a smart way there's nothing you can't do, ppl have this weird idea of trying to get every character that releases, when in reality you should choose one or 2 teams you really enjoy and just focus on that, for me in the beginning that was mono quantum, after that I saved for dot team, then went for acheron as I had every single nihility character, then saved for firefly as I basically already had her team ready to go, I got some other characters along the way but never dipped too much into other teams and archetypes as it's just not worth it if your not fully committed to it, when pure fiction released I was completely unprepared but then I leveled up my erudition characters, learned how to play herta and himeko, and boom cleared it, didn't need argenti or other limited 5* dps, for apocaliptic shadow it's the first time I tackle a new Gamemode with my teams fully built, and it was a breeze, acheron team and firefly team just steam rolled it, simulated universe stuff has always been extremely easy to clear, there's 500 different strategies you can use, lots of them with 4* only, I get that majority of players are casual but man if you just stop and think, plan your pulls etc, you will be able to get everything done with little to no effort, even with bad relics, the whole talk about Powercreep shouldn't exist, the only thing this game has is that newer characters have a higher pull value, but that doesn't mean older ones are useless, my advice is build your 2 favorite team archetypes and then just go for fan service, or a new archetype that you may enjoy
@0shadowstar0 3 ай бұрын
If there's no powercreep, then pulling Seele vs pulling Acheron holds the same value then, both being the main dps in their respective comps. While yes the game has been going into more specific archetypes of composition building (break, dot, fua, class specific, element specific, etc), that actually doesn't really negate that powercreep isn't happening.
@ishiyu 3 ай бұрын
@@0shadowstar0 that's pull value not Powercreep, ofc the new character is more worth pulling then the old one, but the argument is not that, is if the old unit is obsolete (Wich it isn't), and as long as it's not, that character hasn't been truly Powercrept, unless you want to make the argument that Powercreep means something else in Wich case then maybe it makes sense
@0shadowstar0 3 ай бұрын
@@ishiyu And why exactly is one more valuable than another? why is one unit "better" to pull for than another? maybe there's a "power difference" ??? or a standardized bar to measure units with that has been exceeded????? And yes, you can clear things with older units, but that doesnt mean that [Powercreep is not Real]. which is literally the thumbnail of the video, is that's not an indicator of what the topic is???
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
"Wuwa sucks because it punishes me for stylizing" 🤓☝️☝️ Goofy ahh go play tekken
@heavensdevil9831 2 ай бұрын
You know he's 🗑️ when he's caring about styling in a gacha game 😂😂😂
@dreamof_endless 2 ай бұрын
Funny thing is he said game is wasting his time Ofc mf game would waste your time if you juggle any mob and try juggle bosses😂
@choochoo3041 2 ай бұрын
​@@dreamof_endlessBased. I found these Juggling Techs found by him and his Delusional ZZZ fans LAME AF. While me, I rather press couple buttons, play correct rotation and wipe the Stage faster than these mfs who take HRS JUGGLING 1-2 enemies at a a time😂😂😂.
@CoffeeAddictGuy 2 ай бұрын
"The Wuthering Waves Community, the NeO-GeNsHin Community....DOES NOT HAVE A ME" - Iyap
@alexandrem798 3 ай бұрын
It's the classic cycle of Tectone losing interest in a game therefore blaming the game for alleged issues, when really it's just him not giving a damn. Now, I think there is a level of powercreep in HSR... but it's fine. I'm glad there is some powercreep: imagine if 14 months after release Seele still were the best DPS in the game. The meta stagnancy would have made everyone go away because of boredom.
@SpydeR5K 3 ай бұрын
Honestly yeah. The only powercreep I’ve seen is in sustain. Aventurine is just so much better and does more things than huo huo, who already powercrept loucha. But this seems more like an exception. I will say, the definition of powercreep we’ve been using doesn’t take into account builds or other available characters. It will be easier to clear with Acheron than Seele but you can still clear with Seele, that doesn’t mean no powercreep though. I think there is some elements of power creep(Dhil released and became the best, Jingliu did similar damage but easier, Acheron did more than both, then firefly does similar damage but not in one burst aka more potential to do more damage) that is powercreep.
@koko-hh2bq 3 ай бұрын
I'd much rather have an ever-changing meta than a meta that's just stuck with one character at the top (cough Neuvillette cough). It's honestly great that HSR meta is not just stuck with standard hypercarry.
@blake4693 3 ай бұрын
@@SpydeR5K honestly, huohuo, luocha, and aventurine all have specific teams they shine in, but sustains have always been generally interchangeable depending on ur needs
@xXzman9000Xx 3 ай бұрын
honestly think i'm starting to actually SEE the tectone cycle. seems to start to repeat every one and a half years with a new gacha. once we reach year two of star rail, he will be very much hating it and will quit mid year two.
@RSatoshi 3 ай бұрын
​@@blake4693Agreed, HuoHuo more suitable with DoT team because of her Attack buff, and her Cleanse AoE healing, Aventurine were damn good on FuA team but Also debuff team mainly Acheron.
@DaiYana 2 ай бұрын
where did your wuwa video go? oh no
@ShineDair 2 ай бұрын
Dude keeps using fighting game terms like negative edge, plinking and kara cancels to describe "tech" in gacha games where they have no relevance whatsoever, and he doesn't even realize he uses all those terms incorrectly while trying to tout himself as the fighting game guy LOL. From someone who plays a lot of fighting games, you make the FGC look bad bro.
@adrianmarcelleno2471 2 ай бұрын
why he ply hsr too? i thot he exclusive zzz
@Zero_Li24 2 ай бұрын
Bro is the slime of ZZZ
@latitude990 3 ай бұрын
Your definition of power creep is just incredibly harsh, it definitely exists but obv not bad enough where you have to pull for a character every patch. Just look at where all the older units are situated on the tier list (with Kafka being the only real outlier). Power creep isn't bad as long as it's not excessive. Also consider how many characters you mentioned in your examples section.... who can afford to build 30 different characters? I've been farming relics for Acheron since she came out, mainly because I have to take 4-day breaks to upgrade other characters as I build out my teams. Maybe the argument could be better framed around how necessary light cones are? Either way, you can objectively see how newer characters are more powerful than the older ones, which is the definition of power creep...
@Headpat07 3 ай бұрын
tier lists do not matter its just for copium addicts that wanna complain about their waifu not hitting 9000000000 each auto
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
its not harsh, its incorrect
@latitude990 3 ай бұрын
@@Headpat07 Well tier lists usually depict the power level of characters. Idk bro yall can cope all you want but the new characters are stronger than the old ones
@RubyPanicked 2 ай бұрын
Mix of bad takes and mid takes
@ez4127 2 ай бұрын
Honestly yea
@FederalBureauOfInvestigation- 2 ай бұрын
Bad take iyo at it again this guy never learns from his peers
@salierisensei 2 ай бұрын
did mrpokke negative edge your ego
@GodofGoblins 3 ай бұрын
So I do think power creep exists, just not in an extreme way. Can people still clear hardest content and max rewards without the meta stuff? Yes, I do it all the time. The problem is how it feels. Moc has mechanics that obviously benefit the flavor of the month, but hardly anyone complains. Many feel it's very duable without the exact mechanic abuse meta stuff. But pure fiction...apart from herta and himeko spam, many would argue feels more restrictive and feels necessary to run the meta stuff, which is by design. Again, it's possible to do it without the meta stuff, but boy will it be way more challenging. It's more apparent in that mode than moc according to many people's sentiments online. I can't comment on apocalyptic shadow since I haven't don't it yet. But look, are there characters strictly better versions of others? Yes. That's power creep. Does it matter? I would argue not too much right now, but that's why many see it's starting to head to that direction, which is standard for a lot of gachas. And I won't comment on leaks, but holy hell a character coming soon is straight up 100% power creep of another. It's inevitable. But we will see if it matters or not. Time will tell
@jo0rd73 2 ай бұрын
@@GodofGoblins Yeah I don’t like this defence by people of “it isn’t powercreep if the older units can still do it”. What matters is the difference in investment, RNG and cycles taken. Sure there are 4 star only clears but like good luck to 99% of players going through the pain of trying to replicate that…being turn based it’s an absolute headache to try runs like this and there is clearly a big difference between the floor and ceilings of units released today compared to last year. Mix that in with how much more niche and overpowered the buffs are getting and yeah people notice a massive difference and it doesn’t feel good for most using the older units and praying for godlike runs versus having fun stomping it more easily with the newer characters.
@LordStrell 2 ай бұрын
This is sorta the situation i fell into. I started right when Kafka was rerunning. It was just rather convenient that swan and acheron ran close to her rerun. While initially i had the idea to run dot and acheron separately, i actually enjoyed running the three together with Gallagher/aventurine sustain. After i grabbed robin i run dr ratio on the second team and i am likely going to go fei xiao march 7th hunt robin and aventurine.
@yoursTroller 2 ай бұрын
The neo genshin and wuwa community doesn't have ME. 😂😂😂😂
@Heliotropic95 2 ай бұрын
Imagine this scenario for a minute... There's a new player who's done the first few quests and wants a 5* dps for his acc as his current starter units are finding it difficult to progress in the game. So he looks at the banners and there's 2 characters on - Seele and Acheron... How many of you can say with a straight face that he should pull for Seele? (taking out the usual obnoxious "pull for whoever u like") Not many right? Even if the banners were JY and Acheron... Not many would tell the poor guy to go for JY as a long term prospect. This proves that powercreep does exist and is very much not a lie.
@Osaaamaaa 2 ай бұрын
Bro no point in writing such a long comment. Iyo will never admit his take is wrong and If he gets major backlash he will just pay wall the video. Dude has a massive ego and is not open to criticism at all even if it's coming from a good place.
@chinnakritnaree3905 2 ай бұрын
Teach me to juggle enemies in HSR pls. Or negative edge in HSR too
@tienvu1282 3 ай бұрын
While CC have proven that even 4* can clear MoC/PF (Idk about the new mode), the biggest gripe about the game for me is the trash gear system (the specific ascension/traces material is a bother as well, but I can live with that). You have THREE, I repeat, THREE fking layers of RNG when it come to gear in the game. You have main stat rng (which sure can be remedy by just farm enough or just use Resin) BUT the others two are definitely deliberated, sub stat rng AND enhance rng, seriously the game need a farmable shuffle for substat or a guarantee result for enhance.
@nebuchadness 2 ай бұрын
First, Mrpokke accepted you're challenge & button smashed Blindfolded Shiyu Defense with S-Rating. Second, Steparu & Wallenstein just Juggled the Lv100 Hologram Boss for you. Just admit that you have bad takes, you were wrong and make an apology bro, it's not embarrassing and it's not too late to admit it.
@20ferst Ай бұрын
Can he do it now blindfold
@TemplarianYT 2 ай бұрын
We negative edging with this one ☝️ 🤓
@chS.x3 2 ай бұрын
I really like this video. I even think you could be harsher, I am a very light spender as i only get the 30 day and bp. My only sig lc is boothill and i have acheron, premium dot, ruan mei, and aven. I full cleared apoc shadow first try both halves simply because i have good speed tuning and i actually took the time to read the modifiers. This game is incredibly easy if you just have 2 types of teams with even half investment.
@tylerdrummond4078 3 ай бұрын
I really feel like Teccy was able to brute force everything for so long with Jingliu and then Acheron and then got so invested in WuWa that he never paid attention to the game changing and learned other ways to play then just click button and ice girl does damage. Knowing how to play, how to build teams (which helps you create more unique teams as well) and vertically investing in your characters makes power creep way less relevant
@_xadrnx_6371 3 ай бұрын
Hoyo taught me a valuable lessons after discovering Genshin and as an F2P, I learned to save and prioritize what I need and want, plan in advance, weirdly it also help me improve in real life 😅
@Gratago 2 ай бұрын
Ueehhhhh everyone bully me mama ueehhhh I'mma lock my video for top tier member only ueehhhh 😂 I'm not even tried wuwa yet, but because of your video make me want to play as soon as this weekend, you make us fighting game enjoyer look like sh*t
@tino5212 2 ай бұрын
Lately I have the most fun min maxing random teams to 0-1 cycle moc , the feeling when you get a relic that fits perfectly for the team. I gave up maxing out every single stat and the games a lot more fun with each of my characters having 3 builds. Misha sustain is super fun and break teams are fun too
@PixelMin 3 ай бұрын
As a waifu hunter who builds teams around them I feel called out and not at the same time 😤
@Yenrei 3 ай бұрын
Knowing what your chosen characters need to shine, and also knowing when they're good enough to stop investing in so you can start working on something else, means you're not who he's taking about here. You're fine.
@liquid_cheese9930 3 ай бұрын
I usually go for 2 meta teams then pull for collection. DHIL lasted me until FF and Mono Quantum with QQ lasted me until Acheron. The only MoC I struggled in was 2.3 MoC, it was really hard to complete with my DHIL, Argenti was taking me 6 to 7 cycles to kill
@EverandAnon 2 ай бұрын
As a low spender I don't think the power creep is too significant in HSR, but also it's just not true to say you have a skill issue or wasted resources if you can't clear every endgame mode. That stuff just takes time to master - I could understand if you're talking about a day one player who still can't pull it off, but otherwise some things are just hard enough to require you to build a different team, which could take more than a month in a game where energy refills are pretty scarce.
@plenbautista3241 3 ай бұрын
You should be clear on the definition of terms first. What is a powercreep? Powercreep refers to a situation in games, especially those with collectible elements or ongoing updates, where new additions become progressively more powerful than older ones. Are the new characters in HSR more powerful than the old ones? Yes Are the old characters now unusable in clearing content? No So, is there a powercreep in HSR? By definition, there is.
@gilpauloabracia 3 ай бұрын
This is a really nice video. Very mind opening and great info for every hsr players. Kudos for making this.
@Pulseman 2 ай бұрын
3/26 actually i built pity on ruan mei banner, lost a 50/50 and got yanqing, but actually i was okay with that cause i got hard pity Jade just after so i don't see how that is a problem
@biscy03 3 ай бұрын
Saying powercreep is real with the newest MOC 12, PF & Apocalyptic Shadow is so insanely hilarious to me cos I've FINALLY reached the point where I can full star clear content in HSR. I could fully clear PF last 3 times now, the newest MOC is the first time I ever full star cleared MOC & I could beat AS as well. And this wasn't even because I pulled FF. I beat PF & MOC with Clara & Himeko + Acheron well before FF released. I just finally started building my characters decently (still have bad relic luck) & I started understanding some game mechanics better. So it's comedy for me that the time I was finally able to clear all the content is when ppl complain about powercreep xD I don't have any limited 5*LC & no eidolons. Just finally built things right.
@GreaterSociety 2 ай бұрын
Hows this L taste??
@jordyn-vb3cf 2 ай бұрын
Bro you’re a grown man hating on other people on the internet over a GACHA game😂😂 that’s crazy
@swayitocarl 3 ай бұрын
I beat this new Apoc Shadow without Firefly, HMC, and RM used at all. Tectone has skills issues, but we all know this is we've been around. I just know what im doing and know to break the boss in order to move forward in this content. Also sir, you cooked with this HSR is a game where you need to plan. If you dont, the Genshin hand holding isnt here and you CAN brick yourself.
@TheOnlyKujoe 3 ай бұрын
I started playing about 6 weeks ago, so im pretty new. I know for a fact that until i managed to pull a new dps the enemies in penacony MESSED me up, so that aspect of the conversation i think is absolutely true. Mostly came here to say digimon world 3 music is so goated
@PaulHofreiter 3 ай бұрын
I mostly agree with the points you're making, though the title and main point I disagree with (and I think thats just semantics). There is definitely power creep, but it just doesn't really matter (yet) because it's not "hard" power creep. If someone knows what they're doing they won’t have any issues and if you were to compare this to something like HI3 (same company and shares the name as well) it is MILES better. HI3 has hard power creep, where characters are straight up replaced roughly 1 year after release.We have more of a soft power creep here, where the power level is obviously going up but it isn't invalidating older characters, especially if you keep old characters good by getting new gear or team members for them. I totally agree with you that people just pull because they can’t *not* pull. No self control and then they expect full rewards as f2p after haphazardly planning their accounts and building characters poorly. That said, while I could use current examples, I think Yunli is probably the best example that is almost impossible to argue against about if there is power creep. I don’t see an issue with that either, though, since I'll just get Yunli's LC for Clara lol (no abandoning Clara and she deserves the best). I love the new game modes and if anything they *extend* the life of older units. Not sure how people see that as an example of power creep when QQ (launch 4 star) and Seele (launch 5 star) can full clear AS and on top of that *you don’t even need to build characters* for DU. That is incredibly player friendly. Himeko, as you said, is not only still relevant but BETTER than she was at launch. Harsh but true - people are lazy and bad at the game and want everything handed to them because Genshin is so easy they think every gacha should be like that.
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
the powercreep is gradual. Even the additional 3 endgame modes is a form of powercreep as it req you to have a larger roster of characters as each mode req something different putting more pressure on peoples accounts.
@tianyouzhang4301 3 ай бұрын
I'm actually probably one of the few in the f2p category who goes "I still clear everything on auto anyway." 😂 But anyways on a serious note, even as an f2p if people are wise with their savings and have good self control, they should be able to clear everything in the game. the newest apocalyptic shadow, one side I had Acheron, SW, Kafka and Otto (luocha) and on the other I had Himeko, Asta, RM, and Natasha. One "meta" character on each team and it's still clears on auto.
@hvcskmagyar 2 ай бұрын
The fact that a goodly builded Seele and jingyuan can clear all 3 end game content shows how powercreep has the wrong meaning nowdays, sure, you won't clear anything with them thats not Quantum/lightning but if its, you can
@rninja3332 3 ай бұрын
So what you’re telling me is I haven’t been doing anything wrong, thank you for the reassurance
@Rastaboulotte 3 ай бұрын
The real powercreep is mecanics that more or less forces you in a certain direction. In the current MOC for instance, the buff is outragiously in Firefly's favor(and Acheron because... she's Acheron), and as a side effect, to Boothill and Himeko. This makes Firefly feel a lot more powerfull than she truly is. I don't think there's been a buff that crazy since the beggining of the game.
@JohnDoe-si4eg 3 ай бұрын
Bro literally every on element dps can use the trotter. The other buffs are genuinely stuff relics can compensate for. There’s a reason tec’s vid focused on AS, which is more dps specific, than MoC. MoC’s only real hardlocking was Acheron’s where they added the dino and Aven (whose only true counter is Acheron).
@miyonacleo 3 ай бұрын
yes! this is what ive been saying. the meta changes and it just so happens that newer character such as boothill and firefly were spoonfed with this meta (it happens almost every single time as well). they're so extremely good right now because the current content is so catered to break! affecting even a character that was seemingly so weak before such as himeko, to be usable and even great. older characters like seele r still very good and can very much still be used comfortably.
@Idkyolo762 3 ай бұрын
This MOC is also useful for Dr.Ratio and Jingyuan in FuA teams.
@Rastaboulotte 3 ай бұрын
@@JohnDoe-si4eg For the trotter to be of any real use, you need aoe of the right color or but ideally and scale with break effet, very few unit make use of it and the dps difference is massive, actually THE biggest in the history of HSR, combine with the biggest health pool a boss has ever had, more or less making superbreak or Acheron mandatory for this boss. This is so true, that Himeko went from bottom tier for MoC to like the second or third best DPS for this MoC alone.
@Rastaboulotte 3 ай бұрын
@@miyonacleo No Seele sucks ass in this MoC, she never sucked as much ass before, she was consistently the best clearer before this MoC, she's not even close this time around, I don't even know if there is a single 0 cycle with her.
@GreatLordKelvin 2 ай бұрын
Fire Emblem Heroes mentioned!! I loved that game for a long time but damn it devolved into some of the worst sell a problem and then sell a solution to that problem 1 month later game design after a while.
@straga2416 2 ай бұрын
Im negative edging rn, iyo ill kara cancel my swap back swap back in ur comments be ready, ima cooming
@joshsolders5543 3 ай бұрын
This is all pretty true. It just feels wrong because relics suck most of the time. I find it more likely that the few relics that meet the most basic requirements I can get always invest into the one or two stats that is irrelevant. Maybe one point into actually important stats. Most people probably feel its meta or bust since a lot of the relics they have are bad and they rarely get an upgrade. The units feel they aren't keeping up because the realms aren't catered around them unlike before, so what you feel is the unit itself and not the buffed unit they are comparing it to. Their units with bad relics are still bad. The one thing I wish was that relics could be less rng or something. With the new Super Break set out, regearing at least half a dozen units sucks, especially when its rare to see the good relics roll well.
@larrywoolfolk8224 3 ай бұрын
Also i love how you were nice at the start but got to the meat by saying "you're bad at the game and just greedy", sometimes the truth hurts.
@Lumiphatom 3 ай бұрын
The only character thats has been powercrept was blade. Other than that, HSR has been handling it pretty well. Im still clearing content with v1 characters.
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
but the fact is older characters are clearing it slower than newer ones. That literally is the definition of powercreep cuz the content got harder over time and will continue to do so.
@Lumiphatom 3 ай бұрын
@dante19890 No, if try out a character on banner it's going to seem more powerful than the rest. Firefly is on banner, so alot of the buffs are geared towards break right now. Once those buffs leave, it will level out the character. For example, My Jingliu was able to beat Acheron in AC. Not by much, but it goes to show, as long as you have a dps with their best supports you can still keep up with the meta.
@UZUCXXL 3 ай бұрын
Build 2 teams and clear end game is just genshin mentality, people don’t want to expand their roster and complain about powercreep
@winc2408 2 ай бұрын
Wow after mrpokke blindfold his ZZZ game that ez than wuwa he kinda quiet now huh 😂😂😂
@johnnydeez6953 2 ай бұрын
To me its funny wen peeps be like “power creep aint real cause i still clear with my seele” then u see there seele is like e-6 / r-5 with 95 crit rate to 300 crit dmg lol, jokes aside, imo i think the power creep is like ease of use, my firefly e-0 /s-0 competes with my acheron e-1 / s-1 with 80 crit rate to 255 crit dmg, its like firefly is still half baked & pretty much out performing acheron, its like super break is kinda ruining it imo, kinda like how dendro ruined genshin.
@kennethyoung7457 2 ай бұрын
Play E0S0 Blade with 4 star supports in current MOC and than you will see true powercreep. Man needs 10 cycles to clear his side.
@lorens210 2 ай бұрын
​@@kennethyoung7457Not like it changed, trust me. E1S1, and normally takes a little less than that. It used to be manageable (~5/6 cycles), but now it's almost 8/9 cycles, which basically forces you to speedrun either the first or second side depending on which team Blade is in. With him, it's either E6 or nothing now, and even then, he's still shit for time-based content. Ffs, he got so bad that now people have started classifying him as a _SUB-Dps_ when the guy was explicitly marketed as a damage dealer back in 1.X, and did a fantastic job, even after Jingliu and Lunae debuted. This is the actual definition of power creep, which a certain side of the HSR community seems to have selective blindness to. It's power creep, because it creeps up. You don't just start the game and now half the roster is useless, that's just when it has finalised. Poweecreep itself is the process that leads to that.
@kennethyoung7457 2 ай бұрын
@@lorens210 Never thought I'd see the day 4 star only teams are clearing content faster than Blade. Hoyo just abandoned hp scaling dps and have seems to have no intentions to make one anytime soon. They'd rather buff Acheron than make hp scaling support lmao. I was using an E6S5 Blade with 101 crit rate and 190 crit dmg to farm some calyxes and the highest he hit was like 202k with Robin and Sparkle buffing him. Absolutely insane how underpowered Blade is.
@torax5400 3 ай бұрын
I have been playing since day, and I would consider myself a moderate spender. I 100% agree with you. My relics on Acheron are dog water with only ruin mai, pela, and hou hou. She can comfortably clear any content the game throws at me. Seele who is probably my second favorite character can still easily clear any content in the game. I do not believe any character got power crept into unplayability.
@nathanchaffin6380 3 ай бұрын
Iyo out here cooking. My dude cook and 3 course meal. Dayum!
@itsmantras 3 ай бұрын
I already respected you ALOT but this video just puts you up there with some of the best creators in this space. Thanks for this man
@limhx-6734 3 ай бұрын
Could you drop a Seele guide with your gameplay pls 😭😭 even though I think have a decently invested Seele I’m just not able to get those 0 and 1 cycle clears in MOC and ApoShadow. Hell even 2 cycles is hard
@ri-ok4df 3 ай бұрын
I lost 50/50 then give my prebuild Firefly break relics to Himeko and surprised that I can 3300+ the Argenti stage. Then I got E1 Firefly with 7 pulls from bird event
@geetendrakumar2724 2 ай бұрын
Wait .. what will happened if i loose 50/50 im new ,im trying for rue mai
@kennethyoung7457 2 ай бұрын
If you lose 50/50 you get a standard character like Clara, Bronya, Welt, Himeko, Yanqing, Gepard or Bailu and the next 5 star will be the limited character.
@daddysempaichan 2 ай бұрын
So from what I'm getting at, with what I'm reading from the comment section, is that Tectone is just DSP. Bad at games and say's the game is bad when it's their own fault that they suck, but Tectone sometimes makes good points, that's why he's popular. It's also why he's hated, because his bad takes about game design and balance makes it easy to clown on him.
@arcangel6384 3 ай бұрын
i have lots of great units, my issue is my super bad luck on relics... no joke i have been farming the follow up set for over a month and have yet to get a good piece to use for Hemiko or any of my follow up characters this is the same problem i have in genshin everyone keeps saying just keep farming your bound to get what you need sooner or later but my question always is what about those people like me who just have shit luck im at the point where i dont even want to pull any more because what good is another character i cant build properly... i have no idea how every streamer seems to get good rolls on new characters and is able to move on and build other units i have yet to 36 star any content i have good units good teams but the power is just not there not sure what to even do to get my account straightened out
@LetterSequence. 3 ай бұрын
Power creep is when I can't clear the new game mode with Pitch Dark Hook the Great
@ventus_2nd_channel 2 ай бұрын
@@LetterSequence. Skill issue tho, with mono-fire hook team she can still slap argenti
@kitten8962 2 ай бұрын
@Niddy_Gritty 2 ай бұрын
You made your recent video about Wuthering Waves' private I guess you couldn't handle what you started crybaby 😂
@CeKoneR15 2 ай бұрын
What happened bro? where did all that arrogance and entitlement go? deleting the video? should have kept it up, stand on business. As a member of the FGC let me tell you.. we dont care. What a coward
@Jackie_Tikki_Tavi 3 ай бұрын
For context about Tectone, he ignored the way the new Apocalyptic Shadow prompts you to play - break the enemy first, specifically the minions, then target the boss. He just went head first against Argenti and disregarded the summons, so he took way too long to achieve full points. Reading comprehension. You can't pull that on a banner.
@jackmanleblanc2518 3 ай бұрын
It's because he doesn't read. And I'm not even just saying that to be a dick or anything. I love Tectone. But he wears his lack of reading comprehension (or maybe just laziness?) like a badge of honor.
not only that, he straight up doesnt know how HMC works, hes/shes literally the backbone for the super break firefly team
@kenkaneki3873 3 ай бұрын
​@@SUIPIHOSHIYOMIHe doesn't know that HMC enables Superbreak lol.
@vermilion6966 3 ай бұрын
Yeah only one little problem. People with cracked FF and Boothill dont give a sht about minions and summons, they target artgenti and kill him in seconds anyway. Or kill summons in one e And people with more of a f2p accounts often cant deal enough damage for various reasons fast enough to kill those resulting in argenti swallowing them and buffing himself which also leads to many trying to target him first anyway. So even if you dont want to call it power creep (which it definitely is) it pushes you to 1. build chars you have no business playing like mc and gallagher 2. pull for ff and boothill Considering cracked dps can sht on those criteria like DHIL e2 with e1 ruan mei yeah id say its power creep. It means that new units reach potential at e0 that older ones reach under supports with eidolons only Its obvious A. shadow caters WAY too much to the most broken units like ff and ... acheron. Why? Well, why not? You gotta make money, they aint gonna sell themselves
@oli201 3 ай бұрын
@@vermilion6966 I couldn't even CLEAR it with 0 star before I got Firefly.
@PythonDelta 2 ай бұрын
please take the vid off members only so we can negative edge to it
@Skyeeee03 2 ай бұрын
he remove the members only 😂😂😂
@KamiGemaGaming 2 ай бұрын
Nah, locking your channel behind a paywall after a bad take backlash is an easy unsub.
@vance4172 2 ай бұрын
Is that what he did? Bro is corny, FGC doesn’t claim him 😭
@speedrunner3312 2 ай бұрын
Bro's ego is so fragile, it's pathetic..
@Lordzesu7 2 ай бұрын
coward actually locked his video lmao. 💀
@sigu9274 2 ай бұрын
i mean shi he was gettting cooked left n right, in a way even if he's wrong about the takes, it does makes sense locking the video
@saltedonion 2 ай бұрын
it's time to retire dawg lmao, why'd you even care about hsr, it's not a *FIGHTING* game anyway lmao
@LegendsOfSushi 2 ай бұрын
Iyo. This is not the first time you've made awful takes. Why don't you just commit to them? They're funny.
@senobag 2 ай бұрын
aeon of bad takes
@KhoaLýMinh-m3l 2 ай бұрын
lmao I can't
@Lecliss-om1zx 2 ай бұрын
finish holo 6s first man
@lmd_mh1242 2 ай бұрын
Karacanceling the video is wild
@Aicy2008 2 ай бұрын
This is the guy that the WuWa community didnt have?, there is a reason why there isnt
@1234sanad 2 ай бұрын
@@Aicy2008 i dont think any community should have this mfer, he got 10 mins of fame and discussion in tectone interview at ZZZ release and his head got inflated so hard he made that interview his whole personality and content, my guy thought he was cooking smth😂😂 what a joke
@siege_sensei 2 ай бұрын
Because wuwa players aren't as dumb or full of themself as this mintpicker.
@-LostforWords 2 ай бұрын
enviosity 2.0 LMAO!
@lalilola3770 2 ай бұрын
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
The most out of touch, so far up his own azzz, egotistical, and the worst takes in all of gacha lmao
@raypalmer5125 2 ай бұрын
Yup Tectone is legit the worst.😆
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
@@raypalmer5125 true Iyo is truly the only MF getting PRAISED for having god awful takes
@siege_sensei 2 ай бұрын
@raypalmer5125 Bad take Lyo
@mr.edelweiss 2 ай бұрын
​Yup Tectone is the worst, and Lyo is the only mdfkr should be praised because there's a Me in Hoyoverse ​@@raypalmer5125
@choochoo3041 2 ай бұрын
Next time, think Twice before voicing Opinions. Still cant believe Bruh double down on one of his Objectively Worst Takes as if bruh were God and everything said Were Fact. P.s: Are U Envi 2.0?😂😂😂
@ez4127 2 ай бұрын
Idk why u said rexlent aint a primary cc (basically focus on 1 certain game) of wuthering waves while trying to credit urself as like a only wuthering waves focused cc meanwhile having vids on other gacha game.... Ur words not mines literally in the vid u said (that u taken down to only memberships only)
@ez4127 2 ай бұрын
Also saying that each community doesnt have a me like as if ur vid is any original thing that hasnt been done.. Basically saying "I should be the only mf to be praised" Note: this isnt to be mean but the way u try to say things seems to not make much sense 😅
@totsukakatsu 3 ай бұрын
The real powercreep was the friends we made along the way. But all jokes aside as long as I'm still able to clear content with older characters, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
@stefancamillus5024 3 ай бұрын
I wish we had coop to do stuff with them 😔
@jdcd25 3 ай бұрын
I agree, since the release of hsr until now, i still use my seele in moc
@xehanort04 3 ай бұрын
I agree, old units are very much viable so there should be no concern
@xehanort04 3 ай бұрын
@@dubzybc5457 your acheron doesnt need to be e6 for you to 0 cycle one half in some endgame content btw
@Iluvatar196 3 ай бұрын
Define "still able" tho.. cuz there's so many video of clearing the whole HSR with just the free beginner character (Phys TB, Dan Heng, March 7th, and Serval)
@xMomoee 2 ай бұрын
This is why you should just keep your opinion to your self when they svck.
@darkcastle85 2 ай бұрын
Removing your latest video is such a coward move
@yamihime9386 2 ай бұрын
i love how you just locked your wuthering waves discussion so only your yes man audience can only agree with you.
@ez4127 2 ай бұрын
At this point he shouldve just stayed as a hoyo creator
@valentinjesus6213 2 ай бұрын
he is a coward
@rao6766 2 ай бұрын
I love how you think this is an actual issue, actually I don't that was a joke. Please find something that actually matter in your life
@FrostySnow1000 2 ай бұрын
⁠@@rao6766bro he locked in behind the 30$ membership 😂😂😂😂😂 he can’t even stand by his words. He called other creators trash and wuwa sucks because he isn’t part of it😂
@FrostySnow1000 2 ай бұрын
@@rao6766​​⁠”ALL CONTENT VIEWERS DONT THINK, THEYRE IDIOTS” “WUTHERING WAVES DOESNT HAVE A “ME” I am the only passionate convent creator, I am the honored one “CALLING OUT ALL WUWA CC FOR NOT PUTTING OUT QUALITY CONTENT AND CALL OUT TO REXLENT” Iyo says rexlent and other cc aren’t passionate as him. And the famous iyo vs pokke blindfold challenge.
@whoizrez 3 ай бұрын
When I saw teccy waste 2 basic attacks on an non-ulted firefly I was like ain’t no way anybody should be letting that slide if he’s going to complain about the end game. That’s a genuine lack of game knowledge
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
Tectone is right about the powercreep tho. Its not subjective, its objectively happening. We just need to look at the numbers
@MichaelCarnero-g5h 3 ай бұрын
@@dante19890 yea, this is happening, because maths doesnt lie. They are increasing almost every MOC rotation the hp from bosses.
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
@user-dc9ik4jw2l correct. Numbers don't lie but Iyo does Or he is just ignorant
@solace4366 3 ай бұрын
@@dante19890 Powercreep is in the foundation of any live service game whenever is a gacha or a MMO, it is bound to happen at any time, but in HSR it is yet to happen, and even if it happens, you just have to stop pull for wife/husband and start pull for meta, and regein to stability to clear the endgame and then start pulling for wife/husband characters again.
@NormalDude-kb5io 3 ай бұрын
@@dante19890 power creep is needed in live service games. If after an entire year, Seeley was still the best DPS, the game would just be boring. Some level of power creep is needed, but too much is bad.
@AnimeWorld-kf5jm 2 ай бұрын
Iyap is an amazing name
@nitrozombie2719 2 ай бұрын
@Iyo While I do not dislike you or your content, I have always felt "talked down to" when watching your videos. From the drama recently, it is obvious that I am not the only one who feels that way. It does not make for a very positive viewer experience. While some of the points you are getting attacked on may be overblown, I think you should try to take this as a teaching moment to raise the level of your content.
@TheOtherSideCh 2 ай бұрын
iyo: Nah I'd win Proceeds to be clapped and thrashed around for having an ego with nothing to back it up kek.
@speedrunner3312 2 ай бұрын
Can't even admit he's wrong for his terrible takes and instead deletes his video and locks his channel behind a paywall. Nah I'd Lose looking ahh coward.
@aslam622 2 ай бұрын
Narcissist negative edge
@YindigoYangMonk 3 ай бұрын
Thx god someone sane in this community. Tbh, you were the one who actually got me interested in playing HSR when the game released. By the time i had beef with Hoyo cuz of Genshin. I was ignoring HSR really hard, also, most content creators were saying a bunch of generic shit we see in the beginning of every new gacha (Like Tectone is doing with WuWa.) But you, Iyo, you were always the most sane one for me, you gave really good and realistic advices for F2P and new players, so they won't commit any big mistake to mess the account progression and stuff... That really lit it up for me to try HSR... now, here i am, i'm in love HSR as a F2P. Being F2P is a choice, and with that choice comes the understanding that i won't be getting every single character and LC. I gotta understand how the game works properly, so i can grab my favorite characters and fit them correctly into teams they will work. I like Tectone, i follow his content for ages now. But i couldn't for fuckn sake agree with his opinions because they are like a gigantic dumptruck of pure shit. He doesn't even try and blame the game for that. The worst part is that a lot of people agree with him because they are just as casual... if you are casual, open your hecking wallet and grab your E6s/S5s and play on Auto. Now if you want to actually play the game, you GOTTA understand what you are doing and how the mechanics work. I myself, am not a fan of Gacha, i'm a fan of GAMES, so i enjoy PLAYING HSR, not autoying my way through it like an addict. Anyway... Thx Iyo for enlightening the community. Someone gotta be sensible for a change.
@dante19890 3 ай бұрын
He is delusional for saying the powercreep isnt real. The endgame got harder and the new characters are stronger.
@dandyshark6094 3 ай бұрын
well said sir, i dont like Tec but i do respect him as CC. The thing is hes so loud and almost all his viewer is a kind of yes-man , agree everything he said. he has valid opinion on something but when something is wrong he shrug it off or try to shift the story to his liking. in the end this is just game , if u dont like it just dont play. u r not pro player or the developer and the game still fine as it is. HSR need some thinking unlike genshin that need endurance to reaction,etc.
@n00b-d3c 2 ай бұрын
@jpcraddle 2 ай бұрын
trying to make wuwa and zzz a fighting game is stupid take bad take IYAP: *its easy for fighting games player to understand this, its very difficult for gacha game players to understand this AND accept this! welcome to fighting games!*
@hoshimiya0312 2 ай бұрын
Doesn't matter if any games does not have a "you" in it. It really does not change a thing if you were playing that game or not. Locking/Removing your videos is a cowardly move, why not stand with your argument? Too much backlash I suppose Some Flashbacks we have here to a cc Back then..
@azeef4926 2 ай бұрын
Can’t stand this guy
@Rob.N. 3 ай бұрын
Power creep is real, but most people view it im the wrong way. It's not the ceilings one should look at but the floors.
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
@@Rob.N. the floor doesn't change much just the ceiling lel
@kennethyoung7457 3 ай бұрын
@@toukoenriaze9870 The floor and the ceiling are going up Firefly at average investment is beating a lot of old dps at max investment and E2 Firefly powercreeps most old characters E6 performance.
@SerraAbyssAlisaris 3 ай бұрын
@@toukoenriaze9870 Actually the Floor is whats changed. The Floor on FF and Acheron are Crazy high. RM Also brought the Floor on DPS much higher by just existing.
@SerraAbyssAlisaris 3 ай бұрын
@@toukoenriaze9870 Seele's Ceiling is Still the Highest in the Game. The Ceilings have come down a Lot FF's Ceiling is absolute Garbage. 🦐
@toukoenriaze9870 3 ай бұрын
@@kennethyoung7457 the floor means the minimum requirements to beat content and get stuff ... It does not mean the minimum level of a specific char ... Like I said earlier ... POWERCREEP IS REAL ... No one is denying that it isn't ... What I'm saying is it hasn't done anything impactful to the baseline of the game ... Other than giving flex material to people who compare damage per screenshot and 0 cycles
@kaazma 3 ай бұрын
I feel like you're missing the point of what power creep is, no? Power creep doesn't mean that old characters aren't able to clear content, but that newer characters can do it easier. Let's say you need 500k damage to kill something (arbitrary number) and Seele does 600k, then she can clear that content, but Acheron does 800k. Sure, your Seele can clear it, but Acheron takes less time to do it. Is that relevant? Not really as long as you get it done within 10 cycles who cares. Is Acheron objectively stronger than Seele? I think so, yes. Also as a E0S0 Seele enjoyer without Silver Wolf, you're capping. She's unplayable against enemies that aren't quantum weak. But you included Silver Wolf in your must pulls so I think it's fair game to rate her as a good dps, if that's your perspective.
@kennethyoung7457 3 ай бұрын
Its all about supports at the end of the day even arlan can 0 cycle if you have premium supports. Old characters will simply suffer if they don't have premium supports right now and are off element.
@istick1636 2 ай бұрын
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
Steparu just juggled the hologram boss to the sky Iyo you're a fraud
@floee7949 3 ай бұрын
Powercreep is a thing. Although not as extreme, the best way to see it is looking at power budget and damage requirements. The power budget of characters in 1.0 is VASTLY lower than of 2.3, while the damage required to 36 star MOC has skyrocketed. The first ever 12 floor MOC had final boss health pools of 643k and ~1m, while the current MOC has 2.6m and 1.2m
@derb1809 2 ай бұрын
Man I almost negative edge and kara canceling with these takes
@hearts6169 2 ай бұрын
“I should be the only mfer being PRAISED” ahh era
@andrewcook4873 3 ай бұрын
Like. This is all true. I think for me the game strayed away from what I wanted it to be. I didn’t pull Silverwolf because I didn’t want a cheatcode character. I didn’t want to be faced with a battle and say to myself just use the quantum team because Silverwolf implants quantum weakness and Seele destroys them. I wanted to be faced with the weaknesses the enemy had and then have to think to myself ‘ok, how do I put together a team that covers those weaknesses?’ I was never really into Hypercarry but I think the way of thinking there is probably similar. See what the weakness is and bring a main dps to counter that weakness. And to do this you need horizontal investment because you need a dps to cover each weakness type and you need the support characters that are good to support them. I pulled Kafka in order to make a DoT team which I loved. If a fight had lightning weakness I’d break out the DoT team, and I could swap out sub-dps for whatever other weaknesses were present, Kafka/Sampo, Kafka/Luca, Kafka/Guin. But then I got Ruan Mei and Black Swan and now the DoT team is pretty much what I didn’t want to happen. The DoT team is always the same now Kafka/Black Swan/Ruan Mei, if a fight has lightning weakness bring DoT team, if a fight has wind weakness bring exactly the same DoT team. I pulled Ruan Mei because I really liked the idea of a break team and she was so enticing with her Break Efficency buff. And what could match what I wanted better than a break team where you had to match weaknesss types to break toughness? But now I have Firefly, she just gives fire weakness to everyone so she can break them regardless of their original element. So if I want to use break team it doesn’t really seem that important what the enemy weaknesses are. So I have a DoT team and a break team that no longer really embody what I wanted them to be. The game has changed as time went on but not in the direction I hoped. Though I’m not totally sure if it’s better this way or not. Though if I want to use the DoT team and the Break team I have the tricky decision of who gets Ruan Mei (I failed to pull Robin who might have substituted for Ruan Mei on DoT team).
@asafesseidonsapphire 2 ай бұрын
I mean there's still type Res though, as most bosses have a 20%-50% DMG resistance to elements they weren't originally weak to, neither Firefly nor Boothill takes away this resistance, only Silver wolf does it, but it's by 20%.
@FormerEmiliaBestWifi 3 ай бұрын
Players complaining when a strategy-centric game requires you to strategize:
@o0ugi860 3 ай бұрын
Literally. "Omg the game mode is centred around a specific mechanic so you need to build a team specifically for it, such awful power creep" like just use ur brain and properly invest in ur characters dawg
@DarkFay 24 күн бұрын
@@o0ugi860….. man you people are not that intelligent huh? “Just invest in your characters” Well then what if those characters can’t clear the content??? You ever though of that
@seigesensei2567 2 ай бұрын
I should be the only Mf'er getting praised for playing fighting games.
@skyMcWeeds 2 ай бұрын
From Iyo to Lyo. Hold that L for us bruh.
@soulk_11 2 ай бұрын
Bro pulled out the race card as if it's gonna save him from being cooked
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