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ひとしずく×やま△ (Hitoshizuku_Yamasankakkei)

ひとしずく×やま△ (Hitoshizuku_Yamasankakkei)

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Пікірлер: 418
@だっつ-o2p 4 жыл бұрын
@rinematics 4 жыл бұрын
I think I could speak for everyone: we wouldn't have mind if Len died in this song for once.
@lovelyluna5133 4 жыл бұрын
@cinahh-35 4 жыл бұрын
@lillias1211 3 жыл бұрын
You said it for me
@perlasaraisanchezrovira2513 3 жыл бұрын
Of course
@tohpingtiang4878 3 жыл бұрын
So the other 1 is Sean Penn?
@零壱-w6h 2 жыл бұрын
これCDではMEIKOさんとルカさんが歌っててすごく驚いた。 ミクちゃんとリンちゃんは幼いながらの純情から恋心にまとわりつく嫉妬に気づいていくストーリーに聴こえるのに対して、MEIKOさんとルカさんだと声が前者2人よりも大人っぽい声色だから、幼くても大人びた部分があるから嫉妬とか劣情を知りながらも恋に落ちるストーリーに聴こえて、同じだけど違う曲として楽しめる。 冬コミでひとしずくさんのグッズ全買いしてほんと良かった。
@Oishi-Omochi 2 жыл бұрын
1:20辺りのミクの上には椿、リンの上には梅?が描かれていて、椿の花言葉は気取らない優美さ、控えめな素晴らしさ。梅の花言葉は気品、忠実、忍耐等があります。 2人が花魁になった時などに当てはまると思うし、椿の花は花ごとポトリと落ちるため、首が落ちて亡くなるようだと怖がられたりしてたから、ミクが死ぬのを暗示してる?リンは約束を大人になっても覚えて待ってる一人の男と親友の関係を知ってなお強気な振る舞いをしているから忍耐強さもあり、関係ありそうだなと個人的に思いました。長文失礼しました。
@dovelovelyn 4 жыл бұрын
In the wiki the story is told like this: A song about two courtesans, a girl that lived as an orphan (Rin) and the daughter of a former samurai (Miku) in pre-modern Japan. As children, they promised to be together forever, however they are now working in different brothels as rivals. A man (Len) comes along and enters a relationship with them both, going behind their backs and promising both girls that he loves them. But one of them (Rin) discovers the truth and is heartbroken. He then leaves them and promises to return, but the other woman (Miku) grows ill with heartbreak once she realizes her love hasn't returned and dies, leaving her friend all alone. The lonely woman decides to wait for the man to return to free her no matter how long it takes, yet she wishes it all had been a dream.
@今北産業-f4v 5 жыл бұрын
吉原ラメントもいいがこっちは女の子同士の友情 泣ける
@おまめ-z2v Жыл бұрын
@melanieeverglen Жыл бұрын
Same here! What are your other favourite vocaloid songs?
@おまめ-z2v Жыл бұрын
⁠@@melanieeverglen I'm glad to hear you say that! I like “Himitsu ~Kuro no chikai~(Secret〜Black Oath〜)” and ”Shikiori no Hane(Feathers across the Seasons )” ,too. I love the tunes they compose❣️ (I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry if I'm rude.)
@melanieeverglen Жыл бұрын
@@おまめ-z2v dont worry, your English is fine!! I love Kuro no Chikai too, it’s been one of my favourite songs for over 6 years I believe😅 and thanks a lot for mentioning Shikiori no Hane, I’ve heard people talking about it before, but for some reason I never actually listened to the song. It’s amazing!
@ねこ-g2z 6 жыл бұрын
( 'ω'o[ 歌詞です! ]o 儚い言葉ね 「迎えに行くよ…待っていて」 時を重ね 季節が巡っても、まだ 信じて 待ってる はらり 雪が舞う夜空 綻びた着物を着て 震える肩を寄せ合う 貧しい孤独な幼子 明るく笑う瞳は 俯き憂う瞳は 互いの傷を映して 生きることを誓った 宵闇に誘うは 花魁草おいらんぞう 甘い蜜に舞う 夜の蝶 綺麗な着物 なびかせて 乱れて (咲かせて) 誰より輝く華になって 魅せる ねえ、儚い言葉ね 「ずっと、一緒にいようね」 季節が巡って、大人になっても まだ 信じていいの? あの日から全て、始まった 夕暮れに染まる 約束 寂しい心、気付かれぬように 醒めない夢に 溺れてる 黄昏に染まる街で 人知れずに恋をした 想いを告げることさえ 叶わずに ただ見つめる 優しく笑う瞳の先に 微笑むその華 密やかな恋心は 音をたてて 崩れた 想い 想われが 常夜の調べ 色なき闇の幻想よ “ 愛サレル” のが “ シアワセ” ならば ワタシは… (アナタは…) 誰よりずっと 幸せなはずなのに ああ 儚い言葉ね 「迎えに行くよ…待っていて」 「アイシテイル」と 言われる度に 生きる価値、確かめて 「でも、それなら何故 今すぐに 攫っていってくれないの…?」 込み上げてきた 虚しい叫びは 言葉にできず 消えていった 夜明けとともに消えてく (偽物の愛の骸) 全てが夢だったなら (泣かないでいられたのに) 「いつまでも待ってるから」 (宵闇に誓った約束は) 儚い華とともに 消えた 遠い日の夕暮れ 約束 覚えてる? 「二人で並んで歩こうね」 きっと、いつか ああ 儚く消えてった 可憐な華と 初恋よ 季節が巡って 大人になっても 治らない傷跡 残して 夕暮れの夏の日 叶わない約束を今 私は独り たった独りで 宛てもなく 待ち続ける 夕暮れに誓ったまま 全てが夢だったなら…
@メガネ-q2p 6 жыл бұрын
@kikuchiyoCV313 7 жыл бұрын
この曲は何度聴いてもいいな。 ボーカロイド系の曲あんまり聴いた事なかったけれど、この曲には遊郭で生きる女の悲しさが描かれているね。
@葭谷唯 6 жыл бұрын
数年前の曲なんだ... もちろんまだ見てるよね?(威圧)
@ぴよんぴよよん 6 жыл бұрын
ねこめ石 もちろんです
@ぷよぷよ-m6x 6 жыл бұрын
もちろん!ボカロはやっぱりひとしずく様!( ☆∀☆)
@月夜-s9q6x 5 жыл бұрын
@user-suzumetobitatsu 5 жыл бұрын
ねこめ石 もちろん!!…あなたも聞いてますよね?((
@みちぃお 9 ай бұрын
@altcard1002 Жыл бұрын
@きんちゃく-c6y 2 жыл бұрын
@はむはむこ-z3z 9 жыл бұрын
@梨里杏地藍 8 жыл бұрын
@はむはむこ-z3z 8 жыл бұрын
@梨里杏地藍 8 жыл бұрын
kokesi ゆっくり ほんとです(*^^*)
@はむはむこ-z3z 8 жыл бұрын
@鈴乃-t1e 8 жыл бұрын
本当そうですよね! どの曲もかっこ良くてって✨
@brunaf.1842 7 жыл бұрын
Miku didn't betrayed Rin, she died, Len never came back.
@asahinahuto0707 6 жыл бұрын
※長文・捏造注意※ 恋闇楼視聴、Pさんのブログを見てからのこの曲に関するストーリー(という名のメモ) 貧しい村に産まれたリンとミクは食い扶持を減らすために吉原へ売り飛ばされる。己の絶望を互いの瞳に映らぬように、2人は「ずっと一緒にいようね」と間接的に「決してお互いを1人にしない」=「何があっても生きていこう」と夕焼けに誓った。 遊郭に入った2人は強く、気高く、妓楼のトップである花魁になるべく己を磨きつづけた。その甲斐あってミクとリンは各々の見世で花魁になることが叶う。 ミクは一見世の看板花魁を背負っている身。「他の見世の花魁と馴れ合っては示しがつかない」と、いつしかリンを避けるようになる。 花魁同士、ライバル関係になってしまった2人。夕焼けに誓ったあの言葉。リンはそれでもミクを友と信じていたが、あまりに避けられ続ける日々。次第に幼い日に交わした「ずっと一緒」というあの約束が心を縛り付けるようになる。 ある朝、リンが馴染みの見送りを終えるとふと、見慣れた男(レン)が目に入った。レンは以前リンの見世に足繁く通っていた馴染みだ。端正な顔に透き通った声。決して安くはない揚げ代を惜しまず通い続け、毎晩愛を囁かれれば… どんな女郎も恋に落ちてしまうだろう。リンも例に漏れず、そのうちの一人であった。リンは彼の想いになんとか応えたかったが、女郎の愛の言葉程軽いものは無い。しかし。そこは彼も察してくれていたようだった。彼は最後に登楼した際に「迎えに行くよ、待っていて」とリンに約束をした。 アレから彼の登楼は無く、リンも「好きだ」と気持ちを告げることは出来ないままではあったが、健気にも彼の言葉を信じて待ち続けていた。 「そんな彼が何故ここに?」 見世が開くには早すぎるこの時間に楼前にいるということは…と 彼の視線の先を辿ると。 そこには奇しくも親友であったミクがなんとも艶やかに微笑んでいた。 実はこのレンという男。 "馴染み替え"を繰り返しては金で揉み消すという仰高を繰り返す破天荒な男であった。 しかし、彼も最初からこんな屑の様な男ではなかったのだ。 レンには昔、心に決めた町娘(MEIKO)がいた。豪商家の三男に産まれ、兄達に比べれば家業や跡継ぎ問題もなく自由に暮らしていたレンはひょんな事からMEIKOと出会い、彼女に恋をした。しかし、彼女はとある事情から遊女へとその身を落としてしまう。その後もレンはMEIKOの元へ通い、自らの思いを告白し続けた。MEIKO自身もレンに好意を寄せていたが、レンが何度も身請けを申し込んでも決して首を縦には振る事はなかった。遊女を妻にしたなんて、商家にとって「あまり聞こえが宜しくないだろう」とMEIKOがレンを想うからこその決断だった。しかし度重なる身請けを断り続けるあまり、見世側に「無理にMEIKOに迫っている」と誤解され、レンはMEIKOの見世に出入り禁止を喰らってしまった。 最愛の人に会えない寂しさや悲しみから、レンは他の見世の女郎をオトしたら馴染み替えをするという歪んだ遊びを覚えてしまったのだ。 女を抱く時はいつでも女郎にMEIKOを重ねていたレンをミクは鋭く見抜いていた。 そんなレンを時に優しく愉し、時に厳しく叱咤するミクにレンは「ようやく自分自信に気付いて貰えた」と、ミクに恋をした。 「やっと出逢えた運命の人」「愛しているよ」「君に逢う度に魂が震えるんだ」と愛の言葉を囁くも、ミクには伝わらず「ほかの女に向けた愛の言葉なんて、いくら遊郭でも野暮ったらしいわ。それとも、貴方はそういうプレイがお好きなのかしら?」なんて妖艶に笑ってかわされてしまう。 ある朝、ミクに見送りをしてもらった際にうっかり口を滑らせて「このまま君を攫ってしまえたら」とこぼしてしまうレン。 それを聞いてミクは「できるもんならやってみなさいな」と鼻で笑ってみせた。 その胸の内はレンへの愛情を募らせ、「なら今すぐに攫って言って」と。言葉に漏れそうな感情を抑えて必死に余裕に見える作り笑いを浮かべてみせた。 そう、ミクもいつからかレンに惹かれてしまっていたのだ。しかし、この男は女をオトせたら馴染み替えをしてしまうような男だ。このまま私も好きだなんて伝えればこの男はもう二度と私に逢いに来てはくれなくなるだろう、と。 ミクは強がりにも似た発言でレンを挑発してみせた。オトされない限り、貴方は私に会いに来てくれるでしょう?そんな望みをかけて。 一方で愛を伝えても伝えてもかわされ続け、繰り返し申し出る身請け話も「冗談ならそんな事言わないで頂戴。本気にするわよ。なんて、あなたみたいなちんちくりん、こっちから願い下げだけどね」なんて振られ続ける日々。 「あぁ、僕が悪かった。今までの行いを見ればそう捉えられてしまっても無理はない」「どうすれば君に伝わるんだい?」「どうか振り向いておくれ、いとしい人。」 レンが思いを募らせる一方で、ミクは日に日にやつれ、お客を取らなくなっていった。 当時遊女の間ではさほど珍しくない病気にかかってしまったのだ。 日に日に衰弱していく中で、思い出す風景にはいつだって大切な人がいた。愛するレン、親切な楼主様、厳しかった姉女郎、そして、リン。 疎遠になった彼女は今何をしているだろうか。避けてしまった自分のことを嫌ってしまっただろうか。 病床で思うのはいつだって彼女のことだった。あぁ、リンに会いたい。仲直りをして、幼い頃の約束を2人で叶えるんだ。年季が明けたら、2人で大門を出て、並んで吉原にサヨナラを言うんだ。そうしてお互いの旦那の自慢し合って、愚痴を言い合って、普通の女の子に戻るんだ。そう、リンと交わしたあの約束を。叶えなければ、私は、死ねない。 でもまだ待っているのであった。
@asahinahuto0707 6 жыл бұрын
ミクの姿を見なくなって数日。 ある文がレンの元に届いた。 そこには体調が悪くて見世に出られない事と私もあなたが好きだと言うこと。そして私が傍にいない間に浮気をしないで欲しい旨が記載されたミクからの恋文だった。 レンは嬉しくて舞い上がったが、文にはまだ続きがあった。 それは見世を出るのは年季明けまで待って欲しいという内容だった。 「嬉しい。君が望むのならなんだってするよ。君が僕だけのものになってくれるなら。僕は何年でも待っているよ」と、短い返答を文に返した。しかし、レンの気持ちを乗せたその文がミクに届くことは無かった。 同じ日の夕方、リンのもとにも文が届けられた。 ミクの妓楼の前でレンを見かけて以来、彼女は毎晩枕を涙で濡らしていた。時にはミクを恨みもしたが、それでもやはり、ミクを嫌いになることは出来なかった。しかし、ショックが大きかったことは確かで、リン自体もミクを避けてしまっていた為、こんなふうに文が来ることは思いもよらない出来事だった。 ミクは怒っているのだろうかと、内心不安な気持ちで文を開く。そこには震える字でいままでの比例を詫びる言葉と、幼い頃に交わしたあの約束のことが書かれていた。 「リンが許してくれるなら、もう一度約束してほしい。ずっと一緒に。2人で並んで歩きたい。」 「病を治して頑張って、年季が明けるその時は…迎えに行くから待っていて」と。 読み終えたリンの頬には悲しみとは違う涙が流れて止まなかった。 嫌われたわけではなかった。あの約束も、忘れられていなかったのだと。 リンはとびきり上等な紙にありったけの思いを込めて「いつまでも待ってるから」としたため、ミクへ送り返した。 それから日を待たずに、リンの妓楼へミクの訃報が届いた。 あれから数年が経った夏の日の夕方、リンは大門の前に1人で立っていた。 あと数時間でリンは年季明けを迎える。 雨粒がパラパラと番傘を打ち付ける音に混じり、「リン」と、懐かしい声に呼ばれた気がして隣を見やる。 青い髪をした、たった一人の私の親友が、そこにいるはずだったのに。 来ない親友と叶わない約束を、私はここで宛もなく待ち続けている。 今ならこの涙で濡れた顔も、傘が隠してくれるだろう。 あの晩からずっと、願わずにいられない。これが夢ならいいのに、と。 こんな悪い夢、早く覚めて欲しいのに。 結局迎えは来ないまま、交わした約束を信じ続けて、彼女は今でもずっと待ち続けているのであった。
@橋本ぱん奈 5 жыл бұрын
藤城りのん ミクは死んでしまったということですか?レンの短文はなぜミクには届かなかったのでしょうか? レンとミクは両想いだったということですか?
@ただの通行人-s2y 5 жыл бұрын
ああ ミクは死んでしまったという事とレンとミクが両思いだという事は合っていると思いますよ。 レンの文がミクに届かなかったというのは、多分ですが、文が届く前にミクが死んでしまったからではないかと思います。 私が答えてしまい、すみません。 長文、失礼しました。
@橋本ぱん奈 5 жыл бұрын
彩葉:通行人F なるほどそういうことですか!ほんと切ないですね...😢 有難うございます!
@valeriagg3811 5 жыл бұрын
Jajaj no entendí pero bueno, nunca había visto tanto kanji junto, y eso me gustó.
@smiley6149 8 жыл бұрын
this story is about two homeless little girls (rin and miku) who made a promise to stay with each other forever and had to become prostitutes, (in the second picture of the video) each one of the girls had a flower on their hair to represent how beautiful they are on the inside (so as rin had the bigger more bloomed flower and miku had the smaller plain flower). one day rin meets this man (len) and falls for him (and he falls for her), but instead of rin he chose the, so called prettier one, miku, so when rin found out all she could do was watch and cry as those to dance the night (in bed) away. later on he and miku makes a deal that she'd be his for...well...a while. even though he prefers miku (because she's prettier) he still loved rin and did some...stuff with her as well, after that he tells her to stay put and that he'd come back for her, but instead runs off with miku. As for rin's and miku's promise, it was then broken. after a long, long long , rin is still waiting for her "friend" and "lover" hoping they'd come back...
@elizavetahendervary4155 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the explanation!
@smiley6149 8 жыл бұрын
(part I left out) there's a picture or scene in the video where the small flower (miku's flower) is attached onto a stick. the flower is to represent miku and the stick is to represent her promise with rin. as you saw or heard the stick broke.
@nancyhuynh1645 8 жыл бұрын
Fuck you Len fuck you miku.....(T ^ T)my poor rin..
@CymbelineNata 8 жыл бұрын
+Yarumi Chan Actually, a man can buy an Oiran's (courtesan) freedom if he had enough money, as what happened to Rin in "Crimson and White Spiderlily". But Len played a part in that because he wanted to be the highly desired Oiran; the last line stated, "And with that, finally this nuisance is done with at last!!" while cutting the symbol on the back of his neck that connected him to Rin.
@concepcionmartinez1847 8 жыл бұрын
Ikr, I would do anything to make her happy
@inr6422 7 жыл бұрын
@unkown1256 3 жыл бұрын
@深海魚-e3c 5 жыл бұрын
@Hopeful_Pancake 7 жыл бұрын
Adds to fuckboi Len playlist
@Vera_Nguyen 5 жыл бұрын
Hi I'd love to watch the playlist lol
@adriirland5078 5 жыл бұрын
@@Vera_Nguyen id like to watch that playlist too
@SoybeanInTheMilk 4 жыл бұрын
I made my own \(//∇//)\ Hello inspiration, forgot you were here😂
@K4ng37 4 жыл бұрын
*_Here's another song you can put on the playlist _**_kzbin.info/www/bejne/j6ndnqamg7uIsLuT*
@碧波咲蘭 8 жыл бұрын
@まみむめも-d8m 7 жыл бұрын
@putikuro6266 6 жыл бұрын
間宮美桜 や、本当その通りだと思います。
@待雪草-c8f 6 жыл бұрын
でも遊郭の外に出ることは出来ないから、遊郭に来る男の人にしか恋できませんよね…(´・ω・`) 連れ出してくれる可能性があるのも遊郭に来る男の人だけですし… まさに籠の鳥ですね
@user-vw4yb4oh3o 6 жыл бұрын
遊亭は確かにそうだけど寝るんじゃなくて芸を見るとこもあるけどね まぁ、本当に約束をするなら小指切って髪まきつけて?みたいなのがあるみたいだけど...
@弧爪のん 5 жыл бұрын
@@user-vw4yb4oh3o 小指を切る…!? 髪を1本切って小指に巻き付けるの 間違いでは………!?!?
@user-vw4yb4oh3o 5 жыл бұрын
@@弧爪のん 調べてみてください!第1関節まで切って上げる(それで約束事を決める)ってらしいです!!(とても激痛が走るため、それほどの愛を誓うって意味でもあるらしいでけど!)
@マッシブーン天丼 7 жыл бұрын
@arkitaliwenar7378 5 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand a single thing of what they’re saying and what’s happening, but I must say, the artwork and the melody itself is just beautiful.
@shayleenmeyer3175 4 жыл бұрын
They added English subs! 😃... 😭
@arisu5489 7 жыл бұрын
@hisgatashiracyan 7 жыл бұрын
@あいさきお 6 жыл бұрын
kawayupomupomu 偽物の愛っていうフレーズも出てくるから見受けはないかも。。 まあ、感じ方は人それぞれですけど。
@アイス-y7q 3 жыл бұрын
ごめん、ネタバレだけど… ミクは最後死にます
@monokurodayo 5 жыл бұрын
@hina942 6 жыл бұрын
@Kurokaminorin Жыл бұрын
4:57 made me cry
@ボンタン飴-e5m 9 жыл бұрын
@しの-h7b 3 жыл бұрын
小さい頃何もわかんなくてちょっと高い着物きた子達がレンくんに恋して丁度ミクちゃんもリンちゃんも好きな人が被ってミクちゃんとレンくんが結ばれて結局死んだって物語だと思ってたけどこんな悲しくて辛いものだったなんて……… 色んなご事情があるんだと思うけれど女性の方は大人に甘い言葉に誘われて籠の中に入れられて痛い思いしたり変な病かかったり辛くて逃げ出して殺されたり辛かっただろうな
@setsunaQWCE_00178 4 жыл бұрын
@Kirbv 2 ай бұрын
Happy anniversary to this song!🎶🎂🩷 / この曲の記念日おめでとう!🎶🎂🩷。
@刹那-O97N 5 жыл бұрын
好きでもない人、愛してない人に抱かれ続けるって只只、苦しくて虚しくて辛くて悲しくて 抱いてるその人と、想いの人と重ねてしまう…。
@user-ig7gl3kz1s 6 жыл бұрын
こういうちょっと、悲しくてエロい感じの曲好き そして和風な曲調も好き。 つまり花魁とかそういう系の設定の曲が好きです。
@黒曜姫鶴 5 жыл бұрын
@弧爪のん 5 жыл бұрын
@Hana-qw2bb 5 жыл бұрын
@散-y6g 4 жыл бұрын
@ちりあくた-z4x 2 жыл бұрын
@マシュミヤ 7 жыл бұрын
自分なりの解説です⤵ ︎ミクとリンは小さい頃遊郭に売り飛ばされ、大人になって言ったがミクとレンが出会い、リンはレンに恋をする。が、ミクが病気でなくなりレンも他の女にいってしまう。リンだけ残されてしまうというお話では?と思います ミクが亡くなったのは4:00の「儚い花と共に消えた」という所だと... リンはミクの帰りをずっとまっているのかなと思います
@さ糖-y2k 6 жыл бұрын
AI MIR なるほど!ありがとうございます!
@美流姫楽橆萌池 8 жыл бұрын
自己解釈です。 リンとミクはなんらかの理由で遊郭に売り飛ばされました。それでもなお、二人一緒に生きようと違って。吉原で最も高い身分、つまり花魁になるために毎晩毎晩男の相手をしました。ある日、リンは男(多分レン)に恋しました。でも男と一緒にいたのはミクで、多分夜のお相手だったのだと思います。男は思わせぶりなことを言いますが、歌詞の でも、それならなぜ今すぐに攫っていってくれないの? という所は、昔吉原はお客に買って貰えば20年という檻から出られるということでした。 まさに籠の中の鳥状態です。 リンの初恋。その相手を相手しているのはミク。最後の 全てが夢だったなら… というところでバッドエンドなのだと思います。わかりにくくてすみません。
@まふそら-i6y 8 жыл бұрын
美流姫楽橆萌池 違って?
@fukiya_ 7 жыл бұрын
誓って の打ち間違いだと
@まふそら-i6y 7 жыл бұрын
早坂咲 ありがとうございます!
@user-asahina_hiragi 3 жыл бұрын
@loreleifriedriech9090 7 жыл бұрын
Gahh even after a long time, i still love the melodies, and really love the artstyle tho! Its too beautiful
@藤原-u2w 5 жыл бұрын
花魁って設定いいよねー リンちゃんぎゅっ!ってしてあげたい
@Theorymaker925 Жыл бұрын
This song deserves WAY more attention than it gets
@mosuthra4563 8 жыл бұрын
It's mostly Len who tricked miku but what if this is all acted out like a play and the end it's like Rin: lol you wouldn't actually leave me for Len right miku Miku: I wouldn't he's too weird lol Len: I'm glad I always die because I don't have deal with any of their bullshit for 10 seconds
@jasperdoofenschmirtze832 8 жыл бұрын
I wanted to say that Len didn't trick Miku, Len simply seduced her Miku fell in love with him in her free will, her own doing : P
@rainycloud7328 7 жыл бұрын
pull the trigger end me x
@nouharachoudi974 5 жыл бұрын
hahaah you made my day
@catherinehu2739 4 жыл бұрын
IF ONLY it had been just a play.
@thevillain9622 4 жыл бұрын
Yes...just YES
@takaokatoshiya 10 жыл бұрын
ひとしずくさん、やま△さん、こんにちは。雅やかで切ない、すてきな和風の歌ですね。コーラスにも哀愁がこもり、きれいです。  (^^♪
@user-omaekowai 2 жыл бұрын
@まろ-q7g 4 жыл бұрын
ミクとリンは昔は同じ立場だった。貧しい生活をして、愛に飢えてる。 大人になってもそれは変わらず。ミクは男と肌を重ねることが愛情という歪んだ倫理観を持ち始めた。 幼い頃の経験から精神を病んで、昔のリンとの約束も心の奥底にしまい、男と行為に走ることで愛情を確認する日々。 リンはというと、幼少期の経験を乗り越え、逞しく生きることが出来ている。遊郭で自らを磨く。そして何よりも普通の幸せを願っている。ふとある日見かけた男性に恋をするが、その男性の隣には懐かしき幼なじみの姿が。 リンは酷くショックを受ける。ようやくやってきた春がこうにも簡単に散ってしまうのかと。 ミクはミクで、その男性に弄ばれ続け元々ボロボロだった精神がさらに傷つけられていく。愛されていることが幸せのはずなのになんで私は、と自問自答を続けて、その度に昔の大切な友人、リンを思い出す。 リンは大人になった。今やあの愛しい人も過去となった。 すっごい適当だけどこんな感じかなあ?ミクが最後出てこないから死んじゃったとかないかな。
@maskedfoxx7173 5 жыл бұрын
What illusive words they are: “I’ll come for you … so please, wait for me.” Even as time passes and the seasons cycle by, I still Wait, believing in them. Wearing tattered kimono under the dancing snow, drifting down from the night sky, Two penniless, lonely orphans huddled, shivering, shoulder to shoulder. Their eyes that shone when they laughed, darkened when they grieved, Reflected each other’s hurts when they made a promise to survive. Courtesan flowers invite you into the night Like butterflies of the night dancing in sweet honey. As they flutter their beautiful kimono, Ravage them (Make them blossom) For they will become flowers brighter than anyone else, mesmerizing all who see. Aah, what illusive words they are: “Let’s be together, forever and ever.” Even as the seasons cycle by and we grow up, can I Still believe in them? On that day, everything was set into motion. With that promise dyed in sunset’s light. So I wouldn’t ever notice my lonely heart, I drowned myself in a never-ending dream. In a city stained in dusk’s hue, I fell into a secret love. With no way to even communicate my feelings, I could only watch from afar. The flower that laughed before those kindly smiling eyes... Her quietly budding love beat a loud throb, before it crumbled. Loving and being loved are nightly tunes, Fantasies in the dark, void of color.“ If this “being loved” will bring me so-called “happiness,” Then I… (Then you…) Should be happier than anyone else in the world. What illusive words they are: “I’ll come for you … so please, wait for me.” Every time someone utters the phrase “I love you," It’s a reconfirmation of your worth in life. “But, if so, then why don’t you Whisk me away this very moment…?" The empty cry, dredged up from the wells of my heart, Disappeared before a word was formed. Disappearing with the dawn, (that empty corpse that was once artificial love.) If only it were all a dream, (I would have been able to keep from crying.) “I will wait for you forever,” (That promise we made in the night) Vanished along with the illusive flower. Do you remember that promise we made that sunset long ago? “Let’s walk together, side by side" Perhaps, one day. Aah, they disappeared like illusions, Both the pitiful, sweet flower and the first love. Even as the seasons cycle by and I grow up Only this never-healing scar remains, left behind. Now, I - alone, all alone by myself -Continue waiting without any end in sight For the unfulfilled promise of that summer sunset. If everything, that oath we swore in the sunset, Were all a dream… Obligatory not my translation, I just copy-pasted from the wiki.
@jyujyu5851 6 жыл бұрын
ほんとこの曲すこ…ひとしずくさんだとBad ∞ End ∞ Nightとか有名だけど、実はこの曲でひとしずくさんに出会った←
@imogenoakland6007 7 жыл бұрын
Omg so glad I found this the English subtitled version is blocked and I thought I could never hear this again
@hafizahaziz3363 5 жыл бұрын
Omg can you telll what is this name of thing sing in english? If you dont know, tell me the video of this song that have english subtitles.
@みどさん-r3h 9 жыл бұрын
ふ、二人とも…美人ですこと(´・∀・`) オッホッホ
@CRV2_0217 2 жыл бұрын
@-aoi-8131 7 жыл бұрын
@ルゥルゥ-z5f 3 жыл бұрын
@youknowlikealiar1300 3 жыл бұрын
I don't care about what the actual explanation is, in my mind Rin is in love with Miku and that's it
@楪深月 3 жыл бұрын
この曲CDから知ったなぁ。懐かしい…… 小説化してくれないかな……
@fran6660409 Жыл бұрын
@meemdesu 6 жыл бұрын
Well Len, guess what? After reading people's comments, I hate you rn-- It should have end up as Rin X Miku. Beautiful song btw.
@zerokaname127 4 жыл бұрын
I have been waiting for someone to say that. HAHAHAHA 😂😂
@kenny-ek9ns 4 жыл бұрын
This is largely base on an opera called madame butterfly which speaks of a beautiful japanese geisha falling for an american man after ww2 and they do it and she gets pregnant and the man promises to come back soon but instead he leaves her alone forever. since she was also thrown out of geisha community she commits a special suicide ritual to become free. i might not be right about all of it but thats all i remember
@暧昧-u8e 4 жыл бұрын
Doesn't it go that dude's a diplomat and went to China then fell in love with a opera singer there who's actually a man. edit: nvm u were talking about the 1932 one.
@Bunheaven 4 жыл бұрын
@@暧昧-u8e wait, please say the name of that story, or just tell the story here :0 it sound interesting
@暧昧-u8e 4 жыл бұрын
@@Bunheaven i think Google can explain better than me
@SoybeanInTheMilk 3 жыл бұрын
@@暧昧-u8e or you could just say the name of the story…??? How the heck can they get google to tell the story if they don’t even know what to search?
@暧昧-u8e 3 жыл бұрын
@@SoybeanInTheMilk we were talking about Madame Butterfly?? 👀
@BaconEaterHBCError707 7 жыл бұрын
@melaniecastino6997 3 жыл бұрын
This MV was engraved in my heart
@disfattbidge002 8 жыл бұрын
well, at least Len didn't die... too much? sorry...
@awts7823 8 жыл бұрын
@eggthehotdog935 6 жыл бұрын
Len didnt die but, rin did, shes dead from the inside, feels bad man
@Evillious_Oracle 6 жыл бұрын
Aaron Travos He sure didn't die... But he's still quite the player like in some of his other songs...
@catherinehu2739 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I really wish he had in this song.
@purupuru12206 4 жыл бұрын
@@catherinehu2739 ikr man
@CsMsLady80 Жыл бұрын
@d.o.6646 4 жыл бұрын
people saw this as rin in love with len ? through the whole video i saw it as rin in love with miku and had been since they were kids, feeling heartbroken when miku fell in love with len instead and left ............
@imagarammain6480 3 жыл бұрын
From what I've read from other comments, Miku actually died of illnesses and Len left without a trace. So Miku actually didn't betray Rin.
@kaiilee9824 7 жыл бұрын
@xewa7951 3 жыл бұрын
HEADCANNON Miku and Rin are childhood friends, as they grow older Rin secretly falls in love with Miku, - She doesn’t reveal anything because their situation is hopeless. However she is heartbroken when she finds that Miku is being courted by Len. The heartbreak is not because Len is courting Miku - after all “loving and being loved are nightly tunes” for both of them - as courtesans, they are used to playing with love because their job to play out the male fantasy until the man moves on. The heartbreak is because Rin can see that Miku is pretending to be / or is genuinely / in love with Len. This has never happened before - it was always the two girls together against the world but now the love of her life and the only person she has ever had is planning to leave. Rin hopes that Miku will keep the promise they made as children - Rin hopes that she won’t abandon her. Miku breaks her promise, Rin watches as Miku eagerly begs Len to prove he loves her and take her away immediately - Seeing how quick she leaves Rin behind is a betrayal and breaks her heart further. “Disappearing with the Dawn (that empty corpse that was once artificial love.)” Rin loved Miku and believed they would stay together - but after seeing how easily Miku abandoned her, she now views Miku’s love as artificial and sees her as an empty being who doesn’t care for anyone or anything but her own survival. After all, how could you so easily leave someone who was practically your family & only support since childhood. But still, Rin cannot help but hold the hope that Miku, the pitiful flower & her first love, will one day return for her.
@a.c.e.-6316 3 жыл бұрын
Interesting theory!
@AnastasiaKorneva_fan Жыл бұрын
​@a.c.e.-6316 completely unrelated but omg are you a fellow ec fan?
@felsclarith3377 6 жыл бұрын
Hi I'm here to tell the world that I want an alternate ending where rin and miku ended up together uwu
@gabi-hp7ng 4 жыл бұрын
song hits different when u realized rin actually loves miku NOT len
@meruted Жыл бұрын
@sasanoko 7 жыл бұрын
@user-vw4yb4oh3o 2 жыл бұрын
最 & 高
@justsomeone1150 3 жыл бұрын
Everyone says that the one walking in the rain is rin... Some even say it's miku but it's actually len because he didn't die in this song so he had to leave
@イル-j6f 6 жыл бұрын
@駒鳥-p1b 6 жыл бұрын
これの線がアナログだなんて信じない!私は信じないぞ!こんなの人間に描ける訳が無い……と思いたい……( ´・ω・`)
@サキュバスバーチャル 4 жыл бұрын
この曲 一番好き CDも持ってる💗
@shadeofmidna-9897 4 жыл бұрын
Alright, I know that The DarkMisstress already explained it, but I'm going to explain it the way the Vocaloid Wiki did. Basically, there are these two girls who live on the streets; one is an orphan (Rin) and the other is the daughter of a former samurai (Miku). The two promise to stay together forever (as BFFs, not romantically). As they grow older, however, both girls bloom with impossible beauty and become courtesans/prostitutes at separate brothels, making them rivals. After a while, a handsome man (Len) begins to romance them, concealing such and promising both that he loves them. However, one day Rin discovers this and is utterly heartbroken. Some time after this, Len tells the two girls separately that he must take leave, but Miku realizes in his absence that he will never return, and grows ill and dies. Rin, as a last resort, waits for Len to return to "free her", all the while wishing that the whole occurrence had been but a dream.
@babypanda355 3 жыл бұрын
@@Lundlar they promised to be together forever and be there for each other
@lilyzuki4517 4 жыл бұрын
This song still being one of my favorite Vocaloid song....
@chupakabruhhh1613 5 жыл бұрын
put it on 2.00 speed and it sounds like madness…
@gaivso3366 4 жыл бұрын
Let me explain about the story because everyone is mistaken about it. There was never a love triangle ! And Rin didn't even know Len. This song is more about friendship than love. Miku and Rin made a promise when they were young to always stay together. But Miku fell in love with Len and Rin discovered it. So she break all relations with Miku because she betrayed her. The girl waiting alone in the rain is Miku because Len is truly a rich plaboy, making empty promises to all girls in the red districts and Miku was one of his victims and he never came back. So she waited for him and died of illness (losing her love and only true friend). Now I don't really remember the name of the song, but there's one about Len, explaining that he wanted to know love and so played with many girls. And he truly fell in love with Meiko. ( I will edit this comment if I found the name of the song). And I don't remember if there is a song about that but yeah after losing her friend, Rin finished with Gakupo. Edit: Dark tower love is the name.
@_laurenolo_ 4 жыл бұрын
vocaloid.fandom.com/wiki/%E6%81%8B%E9%97%87%E6%A5%BC_(Koi_Yami_Rou) If you read the actual background story of The Dark Tower of Love it actually shows Len DID love Rin "Born as the third son of a wealthy merchant, he had spent most his days in his home with his brothers: the kind, older one (Gackpo) and the middle brother, who was a painter (KAITO). One day, his oldest brother brought home a friend of his (Luka) and the third son fell in love with her. After his brother grew up to marry her, he decides to set out and find his own love. Stumbling across two brothels he enters a relationship with the two most popular women of each and soon realizes his genuine love for one of them (Rin). Although he promises both women he'll return, he assures himself he'll come back for the one he truly loved, either because of the other one's (Miku) untimely death or just because he only cared for one of them." That's the full story.
@edwfelt7490 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you you two, I appreciate your comments!! 💞💞
@sophx8x 9 жыл бұрын
Words. Words to describe this song.
@whoschii5382 3 жыл бұрын
This really reminds me of Touhou vocal songs and eastern land vibes
@toodoon8240 3 жыл бұрын
i fell in love with this song at first hear
@gilgam7873 5 жыл бұрын
I think that Len and Miku got into a relationship first, but when Len saw Rin i guess that his feelings changed and he started to like Rin more than Miku, and Rin also like Len but can't because Len is her bestfriend's(Miku) boyfriend, i think.
@momo-zb3zd 6 жыл бұрын
@はるなあけみ Күн бұрын
@당신의유님 5 жыл бұрын
우리 린 또 맘아파해ㅠㅠ
@eviloverlady9162 5 жыл бұрын
The subtitles aren’t working so I don’t know what’s going on, but the art is really pretty
@Kei-yv2ds 7 жыл бұрын
I dont think that's len, I think it's Gakupo with yellow hair :)
@maybby5354 6 жыл бұрын
Nah its clearly Len XD Just listen to the singing voice
@naras9674 5 жыл бұрын
Unpopular opinion, lol
@kordact 4 жыл бұрын
@@maybby5354 len didn't sing
@maybby5354 4 жыл бұрын
@@kordact I didnt know I ever wrote this. Idk what was wrong with me 😂 You're right.
@ttrevina 4 жыл бұрын
@@kordact he did. A short sentence though, at 3:19
@brokenbl1ss 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds a bit like the Allurong Secrets- Also poor Rin Len’s a t h o t, Miku should go back and be with Rin-
@capydroid956 4 жыл бұрын
Thing is, Miku died
@Hoyeons7 3 жыл бұрын
이런 노래를 이제서야 알다니.. 사기리 일러스트 있는 24/7 애니곡 영상 아니었으면 평생 몰랐을듯
@clovereenzhu4651 4 жыл бұрын
I always think Komurasaki looks like Miku in the main illustration.
@ADRIANASORAYA-b5u Жыл бұрын
@ベルマーク-x6r 5 жыл бұрын
@AnastasiaKorneva_fan Жыл бұрын
Hi, here are some reasons i believe Rin's character wasn't in love with Len's character: The PV itself mentions Len maybe once? While Miku is a major character. She's present from the start, she's important. And Len? Even when Rin spies on the two, Len is turned away, all we get ti see is his back. He looks like set dressing for Miku, who is the center of the image. The song itself never shows interest in Len either. It's never about him, all he does is be with Miku and take her away. I'm not saying Rin likes Miku necessarily. It could also just be about losing a once dear friendship. "Love" in the english language is used for both caring about someone and feeling romantically attracted to them, and i dont know japanese well enough to be certain of what word is being used. What i know is that Len isn't a focus.
@AnastasiaKorneva_fan 10 ай бұрын
@ExoticBankai 2 жыл бұрын
Great song !
@catherinehu2739 4 жыл бұрын
The music literally broke my heart. It's so sad, I wanna punch Len in the face right now.
@youtube_fan0189 8 жыл бұрын
People are like fuck Len and Miku etc, but can I just say Fuck The Umbrella 🌂 its to cool for me 😭
@PianeDiane 8 жыл бұрын
KZbin_Fan01 So true XD
@youtube_fan0189 8 жыл бұрын
XDD I only speak the truth
@レン廃 9 жыл бұрын
@やまじきょうか 8 жыл бұрын
レン廃 レンきゅんも歌ってるよ リンとミクの恋してる相手として
@やまじきょうか 8 жыл бұрын
レン廃 レンきゅんも歌ってるよ リンとミクの恋してる相手として
@yuka_1110 2 жыл бұрын
@atsuneh516 8 жыл бұрын
At least Len didn't die this time lmao
@SZ6. Жыл бұрын
@fyneenshivire5750 3 жыл бұрын
Im nostalgic
@あかぬん-u3u 6 жыл бұрын
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