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即興 ホンマタカシ
2023年10月6日(金)― 2024年1月21日
2011年から2012年にかけて、国内3ヵ所の美術館を巡回した大規模個展「ニュー・ドキュメンタリー」を開催。キャリア初期に手がけたイギリスのカルチャー誌『i-D』をはじめとするマガジン・ワークや、変わりゆく東京の風景とそこに暮らす一人の少女が成長する姿を写した〈Tokyo and my Daughter〉、写真家の中平卓馬をモチーフにした映像作品など、作家の写真・映像表現の広がりを概観する新旧作品が展示されました。
本展はホンマにとって日本の美術館で開かれる約10年ぶりの個展です。作家は建築物の一室をピンホールカメラに仕立て、世界各地の都市を撮影した、本展の中核をなす出品作品〈THE NARCISSISTIC CITY〉について、「都市によって都市を撮影する」と述べています。外に向かって開かれた小さな穴から差し込む光は、真っ暗な部屋の中に倒立した都市の風景を即興的に描き出します。
そして、この「即興」という言葉が本展では一つのキーワードとなります。作品や展覧会自体に偶然性を取り入れることに作家の現在の関心はあり、作品の中にも文字として現れる本展の英題「Revolution 9」は、イギリスのロックバンド、ビートルズが様々な音源を元にコラージュのように制作した、同名曲へのオマージュとして捧げられています。 本展では、この10年あまりに制作された作品を中心に、写真・映像表現にラディカルな問いを投げかける作家の今に迫ります。
Revolution 9: Homma Takashi
Oct. 6, 2023 - Jan. 21, 2024
Homma Takashi (born in Tokyo in 1962) received the 24th Kimura Ihei Award for his photo book Tokyo Suburbia (published by Korinsha) in 1999. The work was highly acclaimed for Homma’s way of maintaining a certain distance from his subjects - people and landscapes in the suburbs of Tokyo that were in the process of being developed - and a perspective that was free of lyricism.
In 2011 and 2012, Homma staged a large-scale solo show called New Documentary, which traveled to three museums in Japan. The exhibition consisted of both old and new works, providing an expansive overview of the artist’s photographs and videos. These included his early work for publications such as the cultural magazine i-D; Tokyo and My Daughter, a work that focused on scenes of Tokyo and a young girl growing up in the ever-changing city; and a video work based on the photographer Nakahira Takuma.
This exhibition, Homma’s first solo show at a Japanese museum in some ten years, focuses on series such as The Narcissistic City, which the artist has described as an attempt to “use the city to shoot the city” by shooting cities around the world using rooms as if they were pinhole cameras. The light that streams into through a small hole, open to the outside, spontaneously captures inverted urban landscapes inside the pitch-black room.
Improvisation is one of the keywords in the exhibition. Homma is currently interested incorporating chance into his works and exhibitions, and the English title of this exhibition, Revolution 9 (the letters of which also appear in one of the works on display), serves as an homage to the famous song of the same name by the English rock band the Beatles. The collage-like piece was made by combining a variety of sound sources.
The exhibition traces Homma’s radical approaches to photographic and video expression to the present day by introducing his works from the last decade.