Last year Pandemic Covid19,stay @home n enjoy music...since that time, I known Cantonese song...really n merely is d best. Thanks for Hacken Lee, he is the Best.
@kitko2829 жыл бұрын
@lostleave56936 жыл бұрын
Kit Ko 当你在一个那样的环境 一个纯音乐的氛围 你也会忍不住去和一首触动你心的歌曲产生共鸣 身体自觉的做出某些显得夸张的动作 类似于在酒吧夜店 你也会去身体摇晃 四肢抖动 其实这个很正常
遙遠的她 , this song said a girl died due to cancer and her boy friend missed her so much. May those has no girl friend or his heart is hard as Rock. You die, I go the find another girl. We, a group of 60++ ladies understand the song and went along with him and almost 80 % tears rowed down. 李克勤/ Jacken Lee, we support you ! Since you sing 红日, we always keep an eye on your songs ! Keep it up. There are lots of fans love you !
James Chow 係咪誤會左我意思?諷刺緊最後果兩個觀眾,唔係講緊張學友的歌大陸無人識,大陸隨街都播吻別你估我唔知?左右為難,咖啡,你最珍貴,我真的受傷了等等國語歌。你話張學友的遙遠的她大陸好多人識,從何得知?遙遠的她好舊,大陸年輕人會知?咁佢地會唔會聽返崔健,鄭鈞,鄧麗君?不如你講下大陸邊個年輕人聽遙遠的她,太陽星晨,輕撫你的臉,真情流露個d