Japanese Battleship "Izumo" Review - World of Warships Blitz

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Fun and Games with Terry

Fun and Games with Terry

Күн бұрын

Not too long ago, I skipped over the Izumo on my personal account. She's got quite the reputation of being one of the worst T9 ships, but what if I had spent the blueprints to fully upgrade? Let's try if she's really as bad as her reputation suggests.
00:00 Intro
01:30 History
05:51 Stats
10:52 Build
13:43 Battle 1
21:55 Battle 2
28:24 Conclusion

Пікірлер: 69
@hattrick8684 Жыл бұрын
I’m at Amagi now… I was looking forward to it but I’m disappointed. Also I have gotten citadel crisis medals off of Izumo with Seattle. I know Seattle is good, and US CL AP is good, but to citadel a BB like that lol
@aminrodriguez4707 Жыл бұрын
1.46 minute, the blueprint, good God man, you are sooo nerdy I could love you lol. Digging out such documentation, just for a game, that is awesomness at its best.
@tedridout2541 Жыл бұрын
I had a gentleman in the world chat the other day asking if he should skip Amagi, and my answer was this: "Nah bro grind out Amagi cause she's actually playable and is very good when played right. Save your free exp to skip the Izumo because the Izumo is a sailing dumpster fire."
@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
I'm actually gonna try to finish both their battle honors. It may take an absurd amount of battles though...
@nlimit453 Жыл бұрын
U can't skip tho because it says to research the previous ship
@tedridout2541 Жыл бұрын
@nlimit you can skip tho lmao. You research the Amagi legitimately through playing the Nagato (which is super easy to do cause the Nagato rocks. Then once you research the Amagi just use free exp to research the Izumo to open the way up to the Yamato.
@tedridout2541 Жыл бұрын
@@ju-yuanchueh8444 You have my respect. Not many players are willing to deal with the Izumos appalling stats and performance.
@Evilship994 Жыл бұрын
Izumo guns are as precise as it can really enjoyed by playing at range and not to show full broadside is mandatory for long survival and i like her guns so much 💪 Btw nice video as always
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
I found that ship nowhere near as bad as her reputation. Yes, it's a highly specialised role, so I'm not expecting her to work every game, since she can't compensate for team derp, but as a pure artillery, she works pretty well. Yamato then becomes slightly more capable at medium ranges as well, and is overall worth it imo. I find Izumo easier to play than Amagi.
@richardberner6170 Жыл бұрын
Happy whenever Thanksgiving! Throw an emu on the barbie and enjoy mate! 👍🍺🦃
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
We got bush turkeys in the garden, those little buggers I wouldn't mind seeing on the grill
@kentlindal5422 Жыл бұрын
Beware the Emu, when it comes to war they are 1-0.
@asiaargento785 Жыл бұрын
It's actually good ship, but when any players see these ship, they just say "let's focus on Izumo it's free damage and exp"
@jasonjiao7881 Жыл бұрын
Much appreciated terry it helped me although I still have a 33% win chance on her and I still get punched by Colombo it helps Thanks bro
@nlimit453 Жыл бұрын
Funny thing is that I thought this was some regular old video because not a lot of people play blitz any more.
@kronosmond Жыл бұрын
Epic video as usual. My friend has the Amagi, but stopped grinding because reasons. As a former T9 Minnesota player, I can agree that T9 is the hardest spot in the game, with the many times we're fighting top-tier instead of same tier. Off-topic, but damn, your mic is so damn good - which brand lolz Also Terry, just asking, any chance of Azuma's video? I have her by some luck from 1 crate pull, and she was my first T9 which I thought was very epic, until I realize how hard it is to play her. She's basically like Zieten, but a cruiser and no torps. Hoping you'd do a vid on Azuma one day, so I can learn.
@worldofwarshipsblitzwithde1559 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the Japanese designers screwed us, it looks like they could’ve fixed the C turret, but didn’t. I’ve taken a break from Izumo because I just can’t with her, and getting Montana. Happy Thanksgiving Terry, hope y’all have some great Turkey 🦃
@AnitreaSadi Жыл бұрын
Happy turkey day.... or dingo day there.... lol. Hope you are feeling better. I've had a lingering cough since I got the vid for the 3rd time about 6 months ago. Lungs don't seem to be what they were anymore. It's crazy.
@romaint5608 Жыл бұрын
Hello. Yes, the blueprints for T9 is one of the big problems. Because play T9 BB (DD is OK, cruiser yes or not) is complicated. And play one T9 who are not elite is a big disadvantage... But in the same time, if we don't have, after, the blueprints for the T10... 😂 Currently, I want unlock Yamato, Conqueror and the new German (I have all the other T10 BB)...but without play the T9 on each line. So complicated to have the free experience :D But I prefer take my time and not loose time and blueprints with T9...or only play in T9 resapaw with big booster experience. But T9 resapaw, it's 3 or 6 days by year. :D Happy Thanksgiving.
@knockitdown20 Жыл бұрын
Hey Terry I just saw the tech tree ship discount on the game being refreshed to another, exact same ship discount lol. Previously WG would switch from ship discount to xp discount during black Friday deals period.. did they screw up again?
@gleamingcolt Жыл бұрын
It was so hellish I used 350k free XP to get the Yamato. WORTH IT
@firemedic105ns Жыл бұрын
Same here. What a poor ship.
@wheels-n-tires1846 Жыл бұрын
Maybe part of the bad rep is from the early days of the game...(??) Havent climbed any Japanese line except DDs, but back before there were 833 different lines, Zao and Izumo were constantly the bots in game, and I hardly paid them much attention, and was suprised when they actually had human captains!!🤔🤣
@COMMANDER-wm9vr Жыл бұрын
Izumo can hurt a lot, but it can't take it in return. If I take a BB for a spin, and see an Izumo, I know I can farm that thing lol
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Yes, but if you had a fully broadside Monty at 8km, vs an angle-reversing Izumo at 14km, would you still disable lock-on, or just go for the more inviting target? That's kind of what I was getting at. Izumo needs the team to take shots and dominate caps, while she's busy dealing damage from range. If that works, she can be quite successful. Of course, if your DDs don't want to cap, there's bugger all you can do about it, but such is the fate of specialist ships.
@COMMANDER-wm9vr Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry Valid point. Yea Izumo is meant to be support. In my Iowa, I do shoot at bow in Izumos which I can still hurt them. Although Iowa despises getting shot at. I still respect the Izumo and what it can do
@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry matches where the izumo is the only battleship sucks against literally everything.
@danestewart2539 Жыл бұрын
I play WOWS blitz on my iPhone, how do I set the National languages for the different nations?
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
settings -> other -> voice messages = "national"
@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
Funny that when I'm in the Izumo and I see an izumo, I know its time to farm some damage.
@bozomaster69420 Жыл бұрын
Where do you find the statistics for armor thickness?
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
sites.google.com/view/wowsbcic/home although that's not official, and for some newer ships, might be estimated rather than datamined
@bozomaster69420 Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry tysm
@BackToBeDumb 7 ай бұрын
When i come back on this account (my other account is V1N0MI) i forgotted that i grinded the Kōngo (this is my original btw, the user is "KenshinSmiley") so while i was checking the line, i finally saw Izumo.. a familiar design.. then something clicks, i realized im getting flashbacks from the Rodney in my other accounts and those Rodney flashback's arent great lets say... I completely messed up using it because i keep forcing myself to use all three main guns but i always die, that's also how i got PTSD from Epicenter Arctic map. Everytime i see a Nelson class BB i always get nightmares from the 13 Lose streak of my Rodney... Now after watching Ep 4 of your "Road to Montana" im still hesitant about stopping at T5 Kōngo and start the USN BB line... Watcha think Terry?
@BackToBeDumb 7 ай бұрын
forgot to mention that I can buy Fuso with 22k free xp and 11k exp I think? (I only have 17k XP so I know it's a big loss if I buy it like that) and I'm also having lose streaks in my Kōngo no matter how good I play.. I see nothing wrong with how I play or maybe I'm just a suicidal bomber that keeps rushing BB at close range.. no I don't rush them, it's my teammates fault for not supporting me aye? I always blame my teammates although I be the 1st or 2nd to die in the game... it's just doesn't feel right cuz everytime I play I always get no support from them.. I hate T5 players.
@not_fatman Жыл бұрын
I don't know how but I am grinding with Izumo and I somehow have 120k ship xp rn so I hope that I can get the Yamato soon
@Musik2Huhn Жыл бұрын
When i look through the comments it seems lime im one of the few people who likes this ship. It is a weird ship yes but its good.the gun placement provides better precision and allows you to stay bow in. Also it has good range and fits the sniping style. I never had problems with the 3rd turret in this ship (in amagi it was very bad)
@Musik2Huhn Жыл бұрын
There definitly are worse ships at T9 (like Seattle and yugum8)
@conamer6738 Жыл бұрын
I did the Izumo grind.I feel so dirty, and ashamed! I did have some success. The guns are pretty sharp. What is a Sigma?? BTW I sold that thing.
@justanobody121 Жыл бұрын
The bot carrier is no threat, he says…most accurate, un-dodgable bombers in the game. They are great practice for staying unseen as a dd player
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Bot CVs target by proximity, and don't re-target their torpedoes in fight. You don't have to be unspotted, just don't be the closest spotted target to the CV 😁 Which is actually a good practice for player CVs as well.
@nachtheil2829 Жыл бұрын
I have a totally unrelated question about ww1 Era battleship modernization for ww2 like doesn't such a modernization make the ship like overweight like they are throwing so much stuff on there would that not make such a ship too heavy?
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Interesting question. Refits can go from slapping some additional AA onto the deck to changing funnels, machinery and superstructure. Weight gains would result in slower speed, usually, but take for example HMS Warspite, her '37 refit ended with the ship being lighter than before, after changing her funnels and internal machinery. E.g. coal storage going into oil would end up with a weight loss, or if you did things like remove underwater torpedo launchers
@nachtheil2829 Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry ah thx I needed to know that so they did think it trough
@nachtheil2829 Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry also the warspite was the ship I had in mind when asking the question because they completely alter its superstructere and the torpedo bulges make the ship look pretty and also really heavy
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Yeah, Warspite was almost a rebuild, similar to what the Japanese did to Kongo. Different ship afterwards
@nachtheil2829 Жыл бұрын
@@FunandGameswithTerry True very True but warspite already had oil boilers in ww1
@user-iw4tz1bg5i 7 ай бұрын
How did you get so much gold?
@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
You know its the izumo when you sail behind the carrier
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Yup. Anything with even medium-sized guns gets closer than max range, it's time for a Sir Robin impression
@BenTheTiger131 Жыл бұрын
The ugly and drunk Nelson, glad I’m done grinding that ship.
@kentlindal5422 Жыл бұрын
I think, like Nuremberg, her reputation is her biggest weaknesses. Everyone thinks "OH boy, free XP." and focuses her down.
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
Nürnberg is still one of my favourite ships, but works best among general mid-tier derpery. Izumo can work by not being an inviting target. Always keep the enemy at max range, and ideally, have a teammate to hide behind.
@mikaminskas Жыл бұрын
I haven’t seen anyone saying that about Nuremberg, I guess most of people consider her as one of the most powerful t6 cruiser
@firemedic105ns Жыл бұрын
The armour really does suck. I remember using a T9 cruiser that I actually citadeled an Izumo. I think it exists only to frustrate ppl.
@Tyler-qy7fp Жыл бұрын
Terry, in regards to the Yamato, what skill would you recommend taking on a regular commander: citadel strike or horizontal protection expert? Just wondering, thanks
@Musik2Huhn Жыл бұрын
Cit strike increases cit damage. Cits are rng. A flat protection increase is good against cvs. I would always prefer that over cit strike. Unless you want to meme something
@mailstorminurbox Жыл бұрын
overpenetrations should cause flooding
@woodchips908 Жыл бұрын
"There are no t11" Let's hope not until they find a way to balance those things
@aminrodriguez4707 Жыл бұрын
These opinions take me back to Zieten, not a bad ship, if if if if if if....ad nauseam, I am so sick of it, I even kept the mackensen and want the rupprecht.
@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
Zieten is a pure battlecruiser, an izumo that can do its duty at close range.
@michaelkovacic2608 Жыл бұрын
I belong to the minority of people who actually like the Izumo. Yes, she has a lot of weaknesses, but the unique turret placement plus the already good dispersion allows for very tight shell groupings. But the thing is that it's still a T9 ship, and the matchmaking is brutal. T8 is just so much more fun to play in divisions. I feel bad for ships like Black Izumo - which was in the shipyard a few days ago for a somewhat reasonable price - or Black FdG because people will always choose ships like Black Bismarck or Black Monarch, which are simply better tier for tier.
@FunandGameswithTerry Жыл бұрын
The better sigma and PA definitely help. Unlike Amagi, she doesn't need to get into midrange to hit anything, she's a true base camper / arty. At that, she's actually pretty good, but she can't compensate for derp teammates, that's why I picked the two games - I've been doing good damage, but if the team doesn't cap or your CV plays wonky, there's not a thing you can do to compensate. I get a lot of Roon feels tbh. Not a bad ship per se, but the T10 is so much better
@nicenslowx9223 Жыл бұрын
i like the izumo. decent guns(at least for me)(comparing to KGV). but bad armor. i just max the gun and firecontrol for the blueprints.
@liudonghuang7611 9 ай бұрын
Ppl, please take note: this is a pure long range artillery support ship. NEVER push in an Izumo. You just never win in this one. I would soon write a Reddit post on how you should not play in an Izumo. Long story short, in one game I faced off two pushing Izumo almost single handedly in my Lion. Sank both of them within 3 minutes. They made multiple mistakes which eventually led to their fate.
@Musik2Huhn Жыл бұрын
Placing your cv in the edge of the map is never the right thing to do!
@Musik2Huhn Жыл бұрын
I think you played to much on range in the first game. You had So many HP left at the end
@daruma56563 Жыл бұрын
Never trust player with dirty names.
@enzoluisasuncion3621 Жыл бұрын
This ship is meant to be shot at it's a massive sponge for tier 10 bbs and it always will be the worse ship in the game
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