How wonderful to live in and enjoy the beauty of Nature every day. I can only imagine the energy it gives you and the love you give back allowing it to thrive and grow. ... a friend in Wyoming USA
@kati-ana3 күн бұрын
Your patience, resilience and determination are impressive and desirable. Awesome qualities I wish I had. You're doing such a great job. I am so glad this old home built by hardworking hands 150 yrs ago, protecting it's occupants throughout the many decades is now once again being cared for by another set of hardworking hands as it will continue to thrive and care for you as well. Your parents must be so proud of the fine man you are. Wishing you a Happy New Year. May 2025 bring you continued strong health, a heart filled with happiness and a peaceful soul.
@Celeste777893 күн бұрын
Your video's never ceases to amaze me! It's so good ❤ I'm addicted to your works 🤍 I want to thank you in every possible way 😍your videos are so relaxing and fun. I love the front yard 🥰 Thank you so much, hope you keep staying safe and well ❤️
@yudaikawase3 күн бұрын
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the video. 🙂
@reddsun64273 күн бұрын
even though its a lot of work, i can feel his happiness and contentment, and excitement. That weed clearing, i bet those beautiful trees and flowers appreciated it.
@yudaikawase3 күн бұрын
Yes, it’s a lot of work, but very rewarding.
@machi9663 күн бұрын
大掃除で疲れた身体と心に 癒しをくれるyudai さん 今年もお世話になりました! ありがとう!
@yudaikawase3 күн бұрын
こちらこそです☺︎ 今年もお世話になりました。良いお年を〜
@AYB333 күн бұрын
Surrounded by the greens (garden) is always and forever be a great idea! It gives life to a property. Keep going Yudai! Cheers mate!
I bought my house here in New Zealand because of a tree, so I completely understand ... ☺️
@yudaikawase3 күн бұрын
I would like to go to New Zealand. Nature is so rich and beautiful.
@SmithCaro3 күн бұрын
@yudaikawase hopefully one day you can visit New Zealand. I would like to visit Japan one day as well ☺️
@elisendasegura80123 күн бұрын
El millor per tenir un jardí sempre en condicions óptimes és fer un pla de manteniment setmanal per zones. No calen zones molt grans, ans al contrari, sino anar fent cada dia una petita porció del jardí però de manera constant. Potser només hi dedicaràs mitja hora cada dia, però els resultats són espectaculars i t'estalviaras aquests grans esforços. T'ho hauries de plantejar com la neteja de la casa: si fas cada dia manteniment, no et cal fer neteges a fons cada mes. Espero haver-te ajudat. Bon Any 2025.
@alainlusson98113 күн бұрын
Votre idée est merveilleuse, merci pour lui
@alainlusson98113 күн бұрын
Merci de vos,vidéos, beaucoup de gentillesse et d'humour , prenez soin de vous et de vos proches, vivez dans la paix et la joie de votre coeur, bravo pour tout ce travail déjà réalisé , utiliser la fin de l’année pour vous ressourcer, amusez vous aussi , 2025 arrive , vivez chaque instant pleinement cordialement vôtre , un papy Français
@yudaikawase3 күн бұрын
@rick50783 күн бұрын
Placing down an anti-root cloth under the topsoil can help prevent weeds from growing as much. If you later decide to grow food in the vacant lot, you can use a knife to make small opening for seedlings.
Na, das sieht doch schon gut aus, Yudai!! Ich an deiner Stelle würde den Garten an einigen Stellen aber ziemlich wild lassen; da hätten dann viele Insekten und Kleintiere Platz zum Leben, wäre also ökologisch wertvoll! Ansonsten viele Bodendecker pflanzen, wie du selbst ja schon erkannt hast! Dabei ist jeweils der Standort und der Boden zu berücksichtigen! Im Vorgarten hast du volle Sonne und wie es aussieht, trockenen und eher sandigen Boden! Dafür gibt es Bodendeckerpflanzen, die diese Bedingungen lieben! Für den Schattenbereich brauchst du dann Schattenpflanzen! Auch einige Steinhaufen wären gut! Sie sehen interessant aus und bieten vielen Lebewesen Lebensraum! Und es wächst kein Unkraut! An Stellen, die sich nicht für Bodendeckerpflanzen eignen, kannst du den Boden mit Rindenmulch abdecken. Ich wünsche dir ein wunderbares, erfolgreiches und glückliches Neues Jahr in deinem schönen Heim, Yudai!