Levels Of Health For Enneagram Type NINE - Part 2

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Jennifer Brave

Jennifer Brave

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@shellialexander9387 4 жыл бұрын
Great info and insight...thank u!! (9 here)...I typically wouldn't comment (just stay in background) and I would talk myself outta saying the cockroach comment 2x didn't land great 4 ME. No positive connotation on this earth, 4 ME, of cockroaches. One of the insights I would love to contribute is how sensitive (tender) we 9's can be. While we're holding up the world, we are often wanting the most tender of words or comments to be spoken to us. I am considered by others to be a MIGHTY being, yet very few know that a lil birdie level of sweetness is nectar to my soul. Dunno, may be true 4 some other 9s. God bless you and your strength + self love in discovering yourself, after such abhorrent circumstances in your childhood. U are so perfect, and loved beyond measure. We need your voice. Deep bow.🙏💜
@samsheppard8957 4 жыл бұрын
15:00 Wow, it's as simple as that. Nines just need to be present in the moment because no matter what has happened or what will happen, in the end it will all be ok.
@lorirees4248 4 жыл бұрын
I am a 9 who is married to a 9. We are are non-demanding of one another. There is harmony and ease. Although our sloth and lack of goals and dreams keeps us in the status-quo. I have been at higher levels of health - When I’m in this state I am a people magnet. I attract people. I have devolved a bit since Covid isolation and my lack of yoga or I don’t know what. I was probably triggered by something and I start to fall.
@crystalwaters9059 7 жыл бұрын
Hey Lady. I've been studying your videos along with others who focus on Enneagram stuff. Thank you for making all this information digestable and realistic, rather than esoteric and macroscopically theoretical. I'm a 9 with a 1wing and I was so worried that I'd be at an unhealthy level, even though I've spent years (my entire life) self-processing as honestly as I could each step of the way...because of all the negative traits I've heard about the type 9, i.e. the unaware/suppressed anger. I thought maybe I was so far gone that I didn't even know that I was angry because if the emotion has been practiced being suppressed for years, how could I know if I truly was angry. I digress, your video has welled up so much gratitude and emotion for how much my determination to be a genuine human has really moved me in a healthy direction. It's a pleasure to watch you go through your process of learning. I hope your husband and friends appreciate how much love and effort you put into understanding them!
@maggiesue8460 5 жыл бұрын
This video provided me with new and helpful lens to understand myself (9w8 & XNFP & ADHD). I feel like I go up and down a lot, day to day, but when I zoom out I can see the progress. I have always had jobs that require me to counsel others and have great communication. It feels like having to channel those level 3 skills at work sometimes makes me more emotionally stingy in other areas of life. I related to what you said about feeling like I HAVE TO focus on myself to be okay and I can't extend to others. This video gives me hope that as I continue to grow, my capacity to cope with conflict and difficult emotions will naturally increase. I've been operating under the belief that I only have so much emotional energy and I use it mostly at work and then refuel through rest and self care. Now I am seeing that perhaps I am limiting myself and I'm wondering how to learn to cope with work in ways that are less emotionally and mentally taxing for me. I want to learn more about the levels so I can really catch the vision for who I want to be and what my best self would look like (and how to get there). Thanks!
@jaredalbin5658 5 жыл бұрын
Great talk...I'm a type 9, hearing this stuff is helping me a lot. Its like zooming out of your life and looking and understanding. Thank you for this video.
@theoldaccountthatiusedtous6767 2 жыл бұрын
I love that this shows a healthier version of myself/Type Nines in general... I'd been reading a lot about healing trauma and coming out of the freeze response and all that, and I understood what I wanted to leave behind but I didn't know what would replace it. I've been trying to cross my fingers and take it on faith that something else exists for me... there have been so many times when I've put in a lot of effort to heal and move forward, and ended up just playing whack-a-mole with my distractions. I don't know how to conceptualize a life where I'm present most of the time and feel life is fulfilling and enjoy things like coffee and TV and youtube but am not just cruising for some way to get a break from being human. Part of me keeps stopping me from taking the emotional risks to make a change, when no one can tell me what it'll be like when I'm more healed. Or when I don't believe that I could deal with anything more than my small little life. But watching these 2 videos, I see that someone just like me can become more healthy and have more wellbeing in their life. But also that I can engage with life at whatever level I am at.
@drtslim 7 жыл бұрын
Your description of 9's through the levels of development sounds eerily similar to my own life at various stages of my life. The thing that I notice when I'm going down in levels is a need to disengage in order to protect the balance and peace that I feel (or want to feel) within myself. Your comment about 9's in lower average levels not really wanting to deal with extreme emotions (be they positive or negative) goes along with this. It feels much safer to stay even-keeled because when you get too high, there's nowhere to go but down.
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
Wow! "When you get so high, there's nowhere to go but down." THAT EXPLAINS IT! Thank you so much for sharing this! I always say...There's nothing like hearing it straight from the horse's mouth. I can't thank you enough providing that additional insight. I have always thought it was so odd how they would avoid even the positive things. Your explanation has done wonders to explain that.
@aina3387 6 жыл бұрын
Type 9 is my brother spot on. It always amazes me how everyone comes to him with their problems. He's very gentle and non-judgmental. I'm also a type 9, and my close friends do the same with me, but I'm way more reserved than my brother and don't make friends as easily. I think there are differences between introverts and extroverts in each type, and he's an extrovert and I'm an introvert. I'm also a little more assertive (in most areas) than most 9s. I see various levels of health in my own life, depending on the area. So I think I'm at level 2 or 3 in my career-life. I'm getting a Ph.D in a difficult subject after spending some years working, and I am pursuing my dreams in that area. However, I still have a lot of work to do in other areas, such as my relationships with people. For instance, I'm terrible at showing interest in the opposite sex, or even choosing who to be interested in, and I have a hard time "being present" when interacting with people.
@misszoo8891 6 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best videos I've watched on the Enneagram Type 9. Bravo!
@fo4urm640 5 жыл бұрын
After watching the "making it work.." & these two parts i was beginning to think we type 9's were real bad at relationships, but i can relate a lot to the level 1-3 so that makes me feel a lot better. Thanks, this Enneagram stuff is very interesting.
@EmilyYTheKiwi 6 жыл бұрын
You've explained type 9 in such a tangible and descriptive way! I was able to identify with so much of what you were sharing. Do you have advice, or perhaps a pre-existent video, on how to get out of the 9 funk? I feel so distatched sometimes that I don't have enough clarity to self-reflect and pick myself back up. As an extravert, finding myself becoming less interested in socialization can be so disheartening and quickly lead down to depression and spirals from there. I'd love any personal experience you've had or thoughts!
@420ubersoldat 6 жыл бұрын
Spot on! I’ve experienced feelings from all the levels but It’s more of a reaction depending on the circumstances that push me down the levels and I need to fight back to keep my homeostasis. I’ve also noticed that the more unhealthy I feel is a result from burying my anger and feelings. But the more I embraced it and let it out to the surface, I would exhibit more healthy traits; not keeping everything bottled up. Pulling from this video and your others I would say you know your 9’s and it shows. Bravo!
@ronningabbard3072 6 жыл бұрын
Wow! I just found out I was a Nine and I’m so amazed! I have felt so guilty when I’m in my more unhealthy state because I basically can’t deal with regular routine life, so I stay at home. My husband tries to shake me out, but I just don’t understand what he’s talking about. It seems like a complete exaggeration!! A few months ago we had a house fire that has sent me down to probably a 6. I’ve neglected myself! I feel ashamed, but no motivation to get better. I still am as advisor to many and am asked to speak publicly, but inside I feel like I am hiding. What can I do to pull out? Is it just about finding my emotions and confronting them. I’m very comfortable at home, but I feel like I’m missing out on life. I want to pursue public speaking and writing but I can’t seem to pick myself up.
@cindypope4238 7 жыл бұрын
Well done as usual! My son, 27, is an infp 9 probably at a level 7 of health, checked out, anxious and depressed. But getting tired of his state of procrastination and seeing the need to move toward a healthier place. I can see how he would be a great counselor/mediator at a healthier level. Great listener.
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching! That's awesome that he recognizes his need for development. The hardest part about personal growth for NINEs in general seems to be in even acknowledging that they have a problem in the first place. It sounds like he is leaps and bounds ahead of most others simply in his recognition of his need.
@cindypope4238 7 жыл бұрын
Facets Relational Care, I agree competely. You really hit the nail on the head. I am an infp 6 and really appreciate your work in making these very helpful videos. Watching the 6 videos now!
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
Bless you. I shutter at the SIX series. Hardest ones for me to watch. Because I am one.
@cindypope4238 7 жыл бұрын
Facets Relational Care, I am a 6 too and you are so spot on. I too am a Christian so I can relate to you from that aspect as well. Keep up the great work!
@julietran9999 4 жыл бұрын
Good info. Thank you. I need to call you out for calling us “cockroaches”. It’s condescending. You wouldn’t call number 4 cockroaches, would you? And yes, I am a 9.
@riyajacob2909 11 ай бұрын
Looks like she was frustrated with an ex who is unhealthy level of type 9.
@JanaKay 6 жыл бұрын
This is so interesting and helpful to me. I'm a type 9 w1, and I feel the enneagram has helped me understand myself better. I'm not sure I'm at a healthy level yet, but I most certainly would like to be. If I feel safe around someone I'm much more likely to share my own opinion, especially if I think they aren't going to try and argue with me. However if I come across and very headstrong confrontational person I am VERY unwilling to share my own thoughts and emotions and that 'wall' gets put up. Or even if I come across someone who I know maybe isn't going to 'fight' with me, but simply disagrees. And a discussion where disagreement arises FEELS very uncomfortable for me, and I want to just agree with them and move on so I don't have to deal with it. I still often say yes to things I don't wanna do, but I am trying to get out of that and become more aware when i start using those behaviors.
@alonsorios5097 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Jen ! I am a 9 and your videos are fantastic! Thank you.
@nator53 7 жыл бұрын
So I have watched (actually listened to) every single one of your videos and have anxiously awaited this one!! You have helped me understand the Enneagram more any website by making it real and using real life example, so thanks very much for these videos!! I was turned on to the Enneagram a little over a year ago when my boss suggested I might be a 9w8 and he was so right but it's been a journey of discovery ever since! I live between levels 4 and 1 and it's amazing how I can't be pigeon-holed into just one level. My question at long last...do you offer counseling over the phone? I don't think I need a tremendous amount of time but need to work out some hangups that hold me back! I look forward to your response and God bless you!!
@beardookeashley3946 5 жыл бұрын
Hi! I'm a 9 with an 8 wing. Here's some self actualization for you and a sincere thanks for the way you shared this information. By my own assessment, I am hovering between a level 5 and a level 7. At age 45, I have in the past been a level 1 and quite frankly in my darker times, I have been a level 8 with some characteristics of level 9. This may be a deep and involved question, so brace yourself, as a 6 you love questions and as a disintegrated 9 I can't stand the uncertainty of all of my questioning. I am aware of the concept that integrating into a 3 helps the 9 set aside the personal "comforts" found behind the wall to find their levels of success . I remember how it felt when I was a level 1 health and in my better times I am able to put myself in situations, like at work, where "autopilot" kicks in and remnants of the level 1 become a direct contradiction to how I am consciously in my "daily living". I am told there are 4 basic emotions; happy, sad, angry and scared. I am significantly in touch with 3 of those emotions and struggle daily to find the 4th. So, here is the question, how does a 9 find room behind the wall for happy? It has quite literally been long enough since I was happy about ANYTHING that I consciously have no room to believe it exists in me. As sick as it is, I'm pretty sure I am no longer able to see it's potential for others, such as wife and kids. What a horrible thought that life sucks so bad that you feel guilt for bringing another life into this world. For your clear understanding, I also am dealing with bipolar mood disorder, which I know is its own ball of wax. I am under the impression that the bipolar problems coincide with my level of health being a 5 or less. I'm ridiculous levels of smart and practiced as a chiropractor for 15 years before my emotional health took a shit.🤤 I feel it fair to say I am already in counselling on and off, as well as medical care. I just wonder about your insights on rising up the levels of health in a constructive way. My counsellor is helpful but has no working knowledge of the enneagram and I find it helpful. Okay. That's enough. I hope to hear some encouraging insights! Although it's okay if you tell me to "get lost you bipolar freak!" 😁😁😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm such a 9!
@khadraLuula 4 жыл бұрын
Beautiful content , Thank you so much.
@kasparrott 6 жыл бұрын
Love the level three mediator example. I'm gonna guess I'm probably a 4 but I've had moments of a 3 by that example. Most of my friends have given me the role of safe listener in their lives. When I've found myself in that level 3 stability where I can meditate well between others or between myself an another, it's just an amazingly healthy feeling! But it's just moments, not consistent. I can see myself having moments of disengaging more than a level 4 though, depending on the situation. I can relate to pieces of levels 3-6 based on what you've shared. Still learning though which is why I'm guessing in somewhere in the middle. I remember that feeling of being as low as a level 8 when I had my son. I was a teenager and completely not there anymore. I just sat there, staring into space. A blocked a lot out because I spent my time in my own little world, just surviving.
@ginapotter3424 6 жыл бұрын
I just learned about the Enneagram and found out I'm a 9w6. You're very insightful. I really enjoy your videos. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Now if you could teach us how to get ourselves in the healthier levels of psychological health. 🙂
@Stoffendous 3 жыл бұрын
A 9w6....facepalm
@laylarose4162 5 жыл бұрын
So how do you get to a lower number state of health? How does a person work on that?
@tarar297 5 жыл бұрын
Could you do a video on how 9's can find themselves again?
@denisehall5145 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. You are very wise and understanding. I am sorry you had a bad childhood. I am not sure where I fit in the Enneagram yet but I could be a nine.
@DanMark7094 5 жыл бұрын
Very insightful. Thanks!
@APFOE 7 жыл бұрын
does these levels of health fluctuate pretty frequently?
@entpgirl8174 6 жыл бұрын
From how I understand it for some people it can fluctuate regularly and others not as often, and I think it depends on what season in your life you're in. My boyfriend is a 9 and he says that his levels tend to fluctuate all throughout the course of the day, whereas me as a 3 I tend to stay consistently at a 4, I rarely go into a 5 or a 3. So I think it's possible it just depends on who it is and where they are in life.
@sadielhernandez1488 5 жыл бұрын
she explained them in other video as a spectrum, not a stage. So then, if you're really good at asserting yourself at work -for instance- it won't necessarily translate to being at a higher level when you might being pretty unhealthy in other areas
@hilarykey8189 6 жыл бұрын
I am 9w1, married a 4 who apparently picked me as a rescuer. I have become the one who “does everything” , though of course he DOES do a lot, but I am forced to lead. Our entire marriage feels like a game of chicken, with dishes piling up, and the garage going to hell, until I cave and then do it. No wonder I get frustrated! My 9 tendency is to hang back and let others organize (clean, discipline, structure) this life. Moving toward the 3, I start to shine, and always feel my melancholy, moody 4 is holding me back. 25 years later, I am pretty fed up, but don’t want to divorce bc I fear the effect on my dramatic 8 son (I don’t worry about my 9 son). So I brood quietly and avoid people. I’m also stuck. Been years since we had a vacation. No one will plan it.
@Dani-jo9yr 5 жыл бұрын
Hilary Key You are amazing! Stay strong! You can do it💪💪💪
@pinchyh 7 жыл бұрын
Bishop Heahmund from Vikings seems like a Type 9. At his healthiest he has a strong sense of morality, dutiful, a leader. At his worse he is despondent, lost and gives into his vices without care.
@nickbaldi5198 7 жыл бұрын
Excellent videos! Right now I'm learning that I can get through incredible hard emotions and difficulty with people without cutting them off. It's hard, I'm always angry beneath the surface it seems, but I'm acting and challenging with gentleness, with the help of some great mentors, and prayer lol. I had to laugh about the part on lying. I would say I would lie, but generally just avoid and literally say nothing, because if I did say something it would be so hurtful.
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
Nick Baldi Thank you for watching! I love this journey that you’re on about learning that you can survive hard and extreme and prolonged emotions! I wish all the NINES I know would be brave enough to explore that. You sound like you’re great. Awareness is half the battle.
@nickbaldi5198 7 жыл бұрын
Facets Relational Care thank you!
@jaeelise9369 6 жыл бұрын
I've been watching a lot of your videos and they're so insightful and helpful! But with that said, it was very difficult for me to watch these videos about the health levels of 9 (as a 9). I don't think I've been at a healthy level for years, and at one point I think I was at a 7 or 8 level of health. Now I'm probably at like 6. I always feel so stressed out and so pressured even by really little things, and I have major issues procrastinating, minimizing problems, and trying to escape from them. I've shut out most of my friends and I don't really leave the house much anymore since even little activities (esp. socializing) feel like they drain all my energy. I really want to get out of this rut and get to a healthier level, but I don't know how. Right now it feels like I'll never be able to connect with new people or socialize without feeling so stressed and overwhelmed, or be both responsible and happy at the same time. Do you know how I can get to a healthier place?
@stanskavronsky6821 5 жыл бұрын
Just when I listen to you I realized, what is the difference between been stubborn on lower level and being able to tell no on a healthier level?
@steveemrich84 5 жыл бұрын
That was a great video. Loved your examples. I'm a INFJ 9w1. And with this video a healthy 3. Everything you mentioned as a healthy Level 2 is what I am aspiring to be. Yes I still fall back into level 4/5 sometimes when I don't take care of my needs. I was wondering where I could find more info about this health levels for 9's? Mainly now that I know what a healthy level 2 looks like; what are the step for a 9 to proceed to a level 2? Make sense? I'm looking forward to watching your other vids, Just found you. Thanks and keep up the great job.
@shannonscully1203 5 жыл бұрын
what is your subtype as a 9w1?
@SirMoribund 7 жыл бұрын
The “Chaplin” effect you described is true! I've experienced it many times, and not only with friends/coworkers, but strangers as well. It is bizarre. And has led to many lunch invitations. I have stopped agreeing on just any place and instead offer 3 options and have them select one of them. I find that this gives me a measure of choice and leads me to my question for you. During 1 on 1 conversations, I find it very easy to get the other person to talk, so that I don't have to. I realize after the fact that I have done this, but it is as natural as breathing, and while in the moment I feel like I am part of the discussion, at the end of it, I have not really expressed my own opinions, just learned theirs very well. This is something I should probably work on. Do you have any recommendations? Or is this just normal for 9's and I should focus on other areas? Thank you. Videos are great!
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for watching! I love hearing people of the number I’m discussing give me their feedback. As an answer to your question... Whether or not you want to work on it depends on whether or not you see it as a problem. It is 100% a typical NINE thing to do, but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. It does mean that you will be less known and less understood by others, but if you are ok with that, then there’s no problem. Is that something that you want to change, or are you comfortable with that habit?
@SirMoribund 7 жыл бұрын
To be honest, I’m comfortable with it. I have a small, but very close set of friends that claim my social energy, so I’m fine with being a little less known or understood. Happy acquaintances are great. I thought by changing this habit, I would expose myself to more confrontation and become more secure expressing my opinions, which would lead me further down the path to a stage 2. I’m prone to be lazy however, so I didn’t want to NOT do the work, simply because it is easier, if it was a problem. Thank you for the reply. I’ll continue to look for other areas for improvement. It is boggling how easy it is for 3s to take ownership and lead, while it is so much work for me.
@furtivemix7129 5 жыл бұрын
18:10 I'm a 9 and my name is Peter, which means "stone" in greek. Funny coincidence or not....
@QTruns 7 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing!! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your content. Have you heard of the triads or the subtypes of the enneogram?
@jennywawa88 7 жыл бұрын
taylor kroese, I have. I am actually planning a series on both.
@wazabi09 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Jennifer, I only came across your channel a couple of days ago after my partner sent me a link about an enneagram test which I knew nothing about previously. I then watched a KZbin video describing the type 9 and was eerie. I then came across your channel wanting further information and descriptions about type 9 and my partners type 4. You have given me a lot to think about so thank you for that! After watching this video I have a question for you, is it possible for a type 9 to compartmentalise their wing to certain aspects of their lives and can be able to be lower on the scale on other aspects of their life? Thanks.
@Dani-jo9yr 5 жыл бұрын
Bravooo 👏👏👏👏🌸🌸🌸
@janaecruz3432 5 жыл бұрын
im a type nine annnnd a virgo so
@multieyedmyr 6 жыл бұрын
I get now why I felt I diddnt always fit what I thought a 9 was.
@MrFireman164 3 жыл бұрын
1-3= unicorn 🦄
@mahmoudyounis9276 7 жыл бұрын
can an ENFP be type 9 ?
@slayagecentral 7 жыл бұрын
the myers briggs and enneagram are totally different systems. so yes, thet can be. i myself am an infp, type 9w1.
@mahmoudyounis9276 7 жыл бұрын
slayagecentral but I feel like infp type 9 makes sense more both types have the same energy ... But enfps are enthusiastic and Jennifer was talking about the difference if I am having a behaviour related to my enneagram type or my cognitive function for example I like to do new stuff but I feel like it's related more to my Ne and not me being 7 because iam confused between 7 and 9
@Daaaaria 6 жыл бұрын
I've tested (on free short internet tests) as both INFP and ENFP, and I'm 9w8. Both the I and the E measurements are usually low, but yes I think the healthier a 9 is, and maybe having an 8 wing helps, you can be an ENFP.
@AliceMind 6 жыл бұрын
idem here!
@ronningabbard3072 6 жыл бұрын
I am a INFP and I’m definitely a 9
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