Omg. Not letting kids read books makes me wanna cry. My kids are special needs and love books. When kids have trouble with interpersonal communication, books become very important for emotional regulation and other learning. My son is autistic and can’t speak directly to people very well and will use phrases from books to fill in when he can’t come up with the words on his own. These people talk about freedom, then go act like fascists. Shouldn’t it be up to the parents what their kids read?
@angelaholmes8888 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you parents should decided what their children read
@ms-abominable Жыл бұрын
because if a democrat governer banned matt walsh or ann coulter books you know they would be screaming persecution to high heaven, it's bonkers. and the fact that they're working to ban books instead of doing something about the epidemic of school shootings really begs belief like what are these fucking priorities man
@danijones8314 Жыл бұрын
i’m autistic and can confidently say i would not be where i am today without books. you’re 100% right; they’re so useful for learning how to interact with others and regulate emotions when those aren’t things that come naturally to you. i remember not seeing people like me represented positively or at all (queer, autistic, disabled). now that there are so many more books for people like me, they’re being taken away. it’s disgusting. (p.s. if anyone’s interested a couple great middle grade books with great autistic representation are “a kind of spark” and “like a charm” both by elle mcnicoll)
@moustik31 Жыл бұрын
It is but only for them, other parents (that dont align with the political right) have to be told by the state, what they can and cannot read to their children. And the irony of it all isnt lost of them: Fundie nationalism is the final goal.
@lip124 Жыл бұрын
What is interesting is that AP studies for France AP have pronouns and gender studies. The same studies are there as AP black studies, so if you're gonna ban black studies, then ban AF franch, then. America is getting DUMBER no surprise, I would rather my kids' history now.
@SadDevin Жыл бұрын
I took a U.S. Women's History and African-American Literature in college and let me just say that I have learned SO MUCH from those classes compared to public grade school history classes where it seems they just wash rinse and repeat the same shit over and over again. It was baffling when I took those classes in college to learn that there was so much more crucial and important historical information out there that was not being taught in public schools.
@MoriMementa Жыл бұрын
Jess did NOT mince words in this video and it blew my socks right off. Hearing about the Florida shenanigans always makes me fear the future, but this video is a good antidote.
@mglarson5936 Жыл бұрын
I work at an indie bookstore and we have a “banned books” section. A disturbing number of them have been banned for being “anti-American” (A People’s History of the United States) or “inaccurately depicting history” (Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You) or having “gender propaganda” (Gender Queer, And Tango Makes Three). It’s super frustrating, sad, and disturbing.
@shadowolfstorm Жыл бұрын
As a parent, even if a book being banned makes me want to buy it so I know my kids can have access to it, I can't afford to buy them all. My kids not having access to books in the future (Texas) worries me. My kids are mixed, my daughter is brown like her dad and my son is white like me, but with a Spanish name. I know books with characters my daughter might be able to see herself in are going to get canned.
@witheringpages Жыл бұрын
set an amazon wishlist and promote it either on twitter or tiktok. a lot of people, especially in the book and writing community, will be more than happy to gift those books.
@kimberlybea2885 Жыл бұрын
The authors not reading their reviews advice falls into the intersection of professionalism and self-care, I think. As a pre-published author (trying to think positive here), I have already asked some trusted friends to read through my reviews and share any positive feedback (when I need to hear it) or gently break any recurring issues to me I might want to work for later books. Because I understand reviews are not for me, they are for readers,. Some authors say they appreciate the feedback they get from their reviews, but I have beta readers, critique partners, my agent, editors etc. to help with that . And if I should slip up and read my reviews, those same trusted friends, along with critique partners, group chats etc. will be there to help me PRIVATELY vent my hurt feelings. It is cringe to see authors bemoaning negative reviews publicly, especially given that they/we are public figures, this has been known to send minions after the reviewers (in the example you cited, the 1-star review got reported for no reason), and there is an imbalance of power there. Reviewer spaces should be reviewer/reader spaces, and writers should stay away.
@CynRamirez Жыл бұрын
My favorite classes have been Black history classes. I actually refer back to those textbooks a lot in my other classes, it’s helped me in various studies like English, Journalism, Sustainability, Fashion, Politics, Health and Nutrition. Black history is literally in everything we do. It cannot be separated.
@RaetheSaint Жыл бұрын
Floridian here 🤚🏾 I’m about to graduate with my masters degree and I was planning on becoming an English teacher but the level of book banning and anti-anything that doesn’t uphold the racist norms has me second guessing whether I can be in a classroom without getting fired for teaching my students any semblance of truth. The teacher shortage is terrible here and it’s because of how much the governor hates us
@Rebecca.42 Жыл бұрын
While listening to Jess, I thought this must be rough on the staff at the institutions. And I bet there's a lot of people rethinking career choices 😔 Good luck.
@RaetheSaint Жыл бұрын
@@Rebecca.42 I know a lot of people who are leaving the field but I also have friends who are just starting and I'm hopeful for them
@lip124 Жыл бұрын
I wish you the best. It's not easy being an educator with clowns like this around, thinking they know what's best😮💨😮💨. Good luck, don't get discouraged by this guy.
@madison1196 Жыл бұрын
You said “sorry this is all I can do” as if this video was not exactly what we need to hear! Thank you for coming in and speaking the truth. Sometimes it feels crazy to just keep on keeping on and you being real about how tiring it is made me feel so seen! Thank you ❤
@khaosreads1785 Жыл бұрын
I live in Florida and I hate it here. Hope to move next year because I just can't.
@ivesphillips Жыл бұрын
I know that no city or state is perfect, but please come to Minneapolis! We'd love to have you!
@Crybaby_26 Жыл бұрын
Most of those books removed from those libraries ARE NOT EVEN HIGHLIGHTING FEMINIST TOPICS! The characters just happen to be Black or happen to be Gay or happen to be Hispanic. This is so disgusting
@moniqueloomis9772 Жыл бұрын
Hispanic isn't a race. It refers to ethnic groups that speak Spanish though.
@HuckleberryCyn Жыл бұрын
My wife works for a r*pe crisis team at a university and this directly affects her because reproductive health is automatically placed under DEI. DeSantis’s initiatives will also force all employees of DEI to register their information, down to their social media profiles. That means that people could look up who exactly they want to attack, especially if that person is a college aged offender. People always give Florida ish, but we’re fighting for our lives down here. It’s real scary.
@Puffypancakes12 Жыл бұрын
As a teacher in Texas, I am scared for the future. I can't imagine taking books away from my students.
@michellescott1128 Жыл бұрын
HarperCollins parent company is News Corp that explains everything. News Corp is Rupert Murdoch ie. Fox News, The New York Post and The Wall Street journal.
@chelsbells27 Жыл бұрын
Hey Jess - just want to say that by just making this video you are doing something. You are informing us about these unfortunate (and sometimes despicable) events. Hang in there - good people will win out in the end.
@faithhammond10 Жыл бұрын
I'm 100percent with you on the depression and hopelessness. I literally cannot read the news anymore because I get so anxious and upset. It's awful. I live in the UK and things are really not good here. If you want someone to sit in companionable glumness in a gloomy cave of despair with, I'm your gal!
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
So true in my country news are rusians war every day every desicion of rusian dictator how our country would bee affected our stupid politics and their fight for power the prices are rising by the hours i am sick of this so dont watch news anymore
@Lorie336 Жыл бұрын
A bit of good news for you, Jess, at least for now (Northeast Ohio) is doing something right in my kids' school. My oldest (11 and in 5th grade) told me yesterday they read a book about how racism is hurtful. It started with the white boy calling the black boy a racist slur, my son it wasn't mentioned in the book, and the black boy calling the white boy a racist slur, again my son said it wasn't mentioned what slur was used. He said by the end of the book they learned how it was hurtful and promoted hate and discrimination because of the color of someone's skin and that by the end the boys forgave each other and became friends. I was excited to hear that! I have been teaching my boys about racism since each of them were three years old and how you treat everyone the same no matter their color, heritage, gender, and sexual orientation or if they have disabilities. You don't discriminate, you treat people with kindness and friendliness. This is how I was raised, to treat people kindly no matter who they are. However, treat me like garbage and disrespect me and I will treat you back the same no matter who you are. I am tired of this Wayback Machine trajectory our country seems to be on and I feel like no matter how many letters, emails, texts, threats, etc., we won't be heard because I feel a lot of these government fools are narcissist bastards and bitches. Tired of these fools and if it's so easy to be an idiot to get into the House of Representatives then somebody vote for me, I live in Ohio, I will probably do better than these people. I mean seriously, that's how I feel.
@KatieColson Жыл бұрын
Every sentence. No, every word of this is worth everyone’s time. This is accurate and heart breaking. It really hurts to see so many people and companies and organizations not have a single ounce of compassion or give a dmn about populations of people. It breaks you down day by day and then they have the audacity to say that younger generations have it easy. Where?????
@bookishvlogs3102 Жыл бұрын
you are amazing at what you do jess! I have been watching these videos for years and its EXHAUSTING that you're talking about the same stuff as you were at the beginning, your stamina is so impressive and ability to continue spreading awareness about all these issues that seem never ending. you are making a difference with your platform, and i hope you know that :)
@WildeBookGarden Жыл бұрын
OOF, I relate so much to what you said at the end. 💔 I'm really struggling with balancing being informed, with not getting completely overwhelmed. And yes!!! the world is falling apart but yet we still have to go to work?!
@finsfables Жыл бұрын
I talked to one of my old teachers and she said they already sent out a list of books they can’t have out. This state is so horrendous
@YarnGeek Жыл бұрын
I understand feeling the hopelessness. I had to step away from twitter because all the bad news is just too much
@gordonburroughs2474 Жыл бұрын
Recently developed Carpel Tunnel myself, waking up at night with numb hands. Night wrist stabilizers have been a godsend. I hope things improve for you
@jonnie7891 Жыл бұрын
I can’t believe authors are still invading reader spaces in 2023 and making public comments about it. It doesn’t end well for anyone.
@angelaholmes8888 Жыл бұрын
Yep exactly but I'm not surprised
@Rebecca.42 Жыл бұрын
It's so cringe. They need an intervention from friends.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
@@Rebecca.42 agree
@writenowdream3882 Жыл бұрын
Jessica is coming for the jugular. What crazy times we are living in 😢
@stephg.380 Жыл бұрын
I love these videos so much! Thank you for making them and making me laugh in the face of the dumpster fire that is life/Florida.
@lip124 Жыл бұрын
Do they know this racism in its entirety? Of course not, it's Florida and DeSantis.
@Silly0pup0girl333 Жыл бұрын
I was preparing to take my nursing boards when the Florida nurse news came out, really helped me feel confident in my chances of passing!
@linds1122 Жыл бұрын
When I was studying history in college, so many non-history major students learned to love to learn about history for the first time because it was the first time that they were taught a broad history of this country that was not just a watered down version about rich, white men. Students deserve to learn the whole story of the country they live in. DeSantis defunding education on diversity and banning hundreds of books, many of which spoke to previous generations and helped them through a variety of circumstances, is nothing more than white supremacy, as the congresswoman stated in the tweet, and a move to keep his constituents ignorant and gullible to his future policies. Politicians that thrive on their voters being uneducated and uninformed should not be the ones leading this country.
@nonstoptalkingwvivianlu3455 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, thank you for talking about Florida
@nikkismith2858 Жыл бұрын
In the U.K. in the 90s it was compulsory to teach about Britain and the black slave trade/route. I’m glad it was compulsory as it reflects what happened in history and explains the makeup/ethnicities of the U.K. and ex/ current colonies. The lessons were taught in a straightforward, calm way. British history involves black history, the British “found America” starting the slave trade & invaded many other countries. A lot of World history Involves/caused by Britain.
@LiteratureScienceAlliance Жыл бұрын
10/10 recap of the disaster that is 2023 so far
@Marie45610 Жыл бұрын
And it's only the beginning of February. 💀
@valkeakuulas Жыл бұрын
As a librarian this is too infuriating but also sad. Where is the freedom to decide? Where is the research to back up for the total annihilation of school libraries? (I know there isn't one, it's the opinion of the few...few?) No child was ever harmed from reading a book. No child. Especially if they have a reliable adult to resonate the things they have read from "difficult" books.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Agree librarys are safe place for children who are often bullied by other children it keept me sane in the darkest moments when everything araund me was mess it was my hiding place from tormentors who liked to hurt me for fun it showed me that there is other good people not only my family it gave me friends thank you so much for all your hard and amazing job best wishes to you and your family
@madnabox6499 Жыл бұрын
I work in a big Texas school district. It's happening right now here. It's not directly from the district. However, the district is allowing parents to object to books on the catalogue and it gets pulled. They have changed how the librarian can add books quite a few times this year already. We had a whole 2 hour training on it at the beginning of the year and it's been changed since. I haven't heard of any parents taking things off the catalogue, yet. But that's only because I don't get to go talk to the librarian often.
@angryotter9129 Жыл бұрын
Can we vote Florida off the continent?
@silvertongue231 Жыл бұрын
I had a play idea a couple months ago about a group of diverse students protecting the last library in New York I'm beginning to wonder if I kinda sorta predicted the future this could affect public libraries as much as school libraries it's bonkers
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Agree librarys should bee protected it is heart of community and safe place
@noelanikaanana Жыл бұрын
Tea ☕️🔥 I'm so glad I do not live in Florida... but I so wish I could help donate Band books to little libraries in every neighborhood 📚
@Sarah-hc6kj Жыл бұрын
Last minute of this video sounded like the end to “Hit ‘Em Up” lol and all very appropriate
@StephanieSlumdog Жыл бұрын
Remember when Arizona did what Point of Sale Ronny D is trying to do, but with Mexican American Studies and a federal judge said it was not only a violation of students' constitutional rights, but also was motivated by racial animus????
@booknerdcatlady Жыл бұрын
I’m in Florida and it’s even more nightmarish in person.
@twilighterification Жыл бұрын
Jess, I just have to say your skin looks flawless!
@whataprilreads Жыл бұрын
The frustration in the video was DEEP rooted because your voice did the thing that our voice does as Black women, and I wish I could elaborate but I know you know what I mean. 😭
@ohladysamantha Жыл бұрын
Appreciate seeing you on here. Wish we didn’t live on this timeline that requires this level of outrage and disgust from us.
@andeeharry Жыл бұрын
welcome back gorgeous... love your jumper.
@Elizabeth-uu5tv Жыл бұрын
Love the fit, love the attitude, love the tea. Have a nice weekend, Jess! Hugs to Nigel!
@caitlyn.m.t9618 Жыл бұрын
Honestly, at the very end of this video, I am with you there. Looking into the future now, it is all very bleak. I don't live in American, and with our last election where I am we got a lot of progressive and independent parties in, which gives me a little hope. But it feels like I am going to live through the crumbling society of society and the arts. There was a stage last year, and to be fair I was writing an honours thesis and dealing with unemployment and some medical stuff and I did not have a good 2022, where my brain noped out of it all. I had to make two more appointments and my brain just stopped and I didn't get out of bed for like a week. And part of the reason why was also because the world is like *gestures vaguely* like this. So I get it because I am with you there.
@shelfaddiction Жыл бұрын
That situation in Florida is a hot MESS. Regarding book reviews, I 1000% agree. Regardless if my comments are positive or negative, I never tag an author, period.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Spot on
@jessicadoneganreads Жыл бұрын
Lol, why would an author be heartbroken someone didn't like their book? Obviously SOMEONE is gonna hate your book. Like pretend they're a terrible person with no taste if you gotta and just keep on doing your thing. People need to stay in their lane and understand they should not respond because a person is reviewing a book and not them personally 🤣
@angryotter9129 Жыл бұрын
As a writer, I expect everyone to hate my writing so I can be pleasantly surprised when someone doesn’t. Sometimes pessimism works in your favor lol
@jessicadoneganreads Жыл бұрын
@@angryotter9129 That's how I think about my fashion style. I wear what I like and tend to assume people won't like it. I'm actually a little weirded out when people compliment me. You don't have to go that far when setting expectations but it feels almost entitled to me that you'd share a story and expect only positive feedback.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
@@jessicadoneganreads agree
@katiemetzroth907 Жыл бұрын
I'm not yet published and so far, I look at reviews (in response to my newsletter short stories) as I'd rather hear a bad review than silence. It's hard to know if I will feel the same way when I've published a book. I expect that like other things (my social media), I'll be excited by a bad review because that means that I reached one person who didn't know what they were signing up for. I won't contact them or quote tweet them or anything. I will secretly be gleeful that my marketing is working and will feel like I've arrived when I get my first genuine bad review. I'm thinking about marking that as one of my goals for success. :) Looks like I've made it!!!! :)
@Madam_Vader_Reads Жыл бұрын
Just ordered two book/reading related shirts!
@reallyblxndes Жыл бұрын
i don’t think i’ve ever been this early ever!!
@the_broken_spine Жыл бұрын
Gurl, as former educator how I had to back off making a video about DeSatan and his shenanigans. Y’all would have seen a different side of me.
@savfromsopn Жыл бұрын
You give me life in the midst of all this mess.
@leahharlann Жыл бұрын
Responses like Stephen King's ("just go to your local bookstore if it gets banned out of your school") are also so FRUSTRATING because no, that isn't a solution Mr. King. That is relying on capitalism to deal with the problem, and capitalism does not have a great track record for prioritizing human interests. Not everyone can afford to buy the books being taken out of the places we are supposed to be able to access freely. And efforts to get books removed from schools and public libraries are much more coordinated and widespread that ever before. I BEG parents who have kids in school to look into who might be trying to get books removed from their libraries and FIGHT IT, because librarians are confined to a system that was not built to handle this level of concentrated challenging and it is hard for them to fight back alone. They need the support of their administrations, and those people will only listen to the loudest voices. Make sure yours drowns out the bigots.
@CandaceDesignedStore Жыл бұрын
You could literally talk about spoiled milk, dirt and dead bugs and I would be LMAO!!! You are so hilarious about your passion for whatever you are talking about. "Stay in your lane" LOL! "I'm on the struggle bus - mentally!"
@ms-abominable Жыл бұрын
no because can we talk about it???? these people are tryna take us back to the stone age while burning the world to the ground and telling us it's snowing and i can barely handle it myself most days. noT to mention personal problems that got nothing to do with politics bro I FEEL YOU, I AM ALSO SO VERY TIRED
@anjar6483 Жыл бұрын
Just wanted to recommend that maybe you try an ergonomic mouse to help with your wrist pain. I have one and it's really helped!
@scalesandtales6021 Жыл бұрын
I wish I received all news in the form of Jess speaking in funny voices and screaming in outrage
@Ektambo Жыл бұрын
Every day I live in Florida is 10 days too long. I need to get out of here 😭😭😭
@heatherbeaton Жыл бұрын
In Canada we have 2 publicly funded school systems, one is Catholic and one is secular (plus private, but can’t speak to private schools) even if the CATHOLIC schools acted like the American school system is, there is would be a mutiny. What is going on south of the border??
@sennnia Жыл бұрын
I live in Florida. I work in youth services in a Floridian library. I was given an "approved" list of books for our black history month display and told that we can no longer display LGBTQ books because we want to keep them in the collection but they're afraid that if they're displayed, the city I work for will take them out of the collection. So... That is my life rn...
@thebooknook2219 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you about tagging an author. Even if it’s a great review I don’t tag the author because my review isn’t for them it’s for other readers
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Spot on
@appleoatmeal4634 Жыл бұрын
I'm in Tuscaloosa Al we haven't done this at schools or public library also work in second hand book store dont ban books wtf is wrong with these people😮🙋♀️
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
@uzumaki3755 Жыл бұрын
You were on fiyah!
@allgirlreview433 Жыл бұрын
I've been struggling to even get out of bed for the last two weeks. :hugs: I just can't with America and I don't see it getting better. :(
@wonderfulkitty Жыл бұрын
I personally didn’t mind A Child Called It. It’s a hard read but necessary, and I feel like teens can handle it.
@andreadodson2817 Жыл бұрын
I wanted to move to Florida to help my mom retire with some caregiving ease, but I just can't. I can't take her there knowing what's going on. I teach reading, and I can't police what the kids read when I all want is for them to read in the first place. They'll read more when they're actually interested in what they read. Also, a possible law impacting girls' report their menstruation cycles before they can participate in sports is just utter bullshit meant to keep trans youth out of athletics. I live in Arkansas where it's not that much better, but it's better than there.
@saraackerman8019 Жыл бұрын
sorry your wrist is hurting! I have tendinitis in my wrists so I def can relate. Def recommend PT and a vertical mouse. Ironically, I got into reading and watching youtube because I needed an outlet that didn't hurt my wrists.
@saraackerman8019 Жыл бұрын
Also f*** Desantis!!
@melodiclaine Жыл бұрын
Nigel knows the facts
@WonderWmnBB Жыл бұрын
We are not OK here in Florida….Ronnie D has us captive 😅
@hollyc4624 Жыл бұрын
❤ Love you Jess! You are such a breath of fresh air that we need. F’ing DeSantis kills me. I went to university at FSU and would have loved for one of my kids to follow the tradition but damn. I’m not sure I could stomach how much has changed. My friends from school are/were all shades and sexuality and we learned from each other and love each other even now, years later. I have my kids in public school where they aren’t the majority as white kids. It’s much more diverse and my youngest best friends are all different races and religions than her. They all want to go to college together. Our town has also just advertised a Black history book club starting with The 1619 Project. I’m sure Florida has banned it but wow. Everyone, regardless of race or political affiliation should read this work. It’s incredible. DeSantis is a authoritarian POS who is trying to one-up Trumpism. Such a pathetic ploy. Such a sad situation and I feel the same way you do. We have to keep fighting it.
@cakt1991 Жыл бұрын
Piper CJ’s book was originally self published, I believe. It got picked up by EL James’ imprint with Sourcebooks, Bloom, and they seem to have done little to no work on it before reprinting it. And given what I’ve heard about how EL James has responded to criticism, I wouldn’t be shocked if she endorses Piper’s behavior.
@bdet313 Жыл бұрын
The irony of DeSantis coming out with a book. Clearly, it’s going to be bland as hell.
@moniqueloomis9772 Жыл бұрын
He'll most likely use a ghost writer because this fool can't write.
@bdet313 Жыл бұрын
@@moniqueloomis9772 😂
@TellingNotYou Жыл бұрын
There were lots of things I was shocked to learn happened in American history that I didn't hear about until college and I at least had some diversity in history & literature classes in my public schooling
@girlandhergames9091 Жыл бұрын
I live in Florida and truth be told I love all the things he has done for us, BUT I agree with you on this matter. I feel people/children should be allowed to read what they want to read. There are a lot of political things I don’t agree with but I am a firm believer that someone should be allowed to choose what they put in their life. It’s not my choice or right to tell someone what they are allowed to read, or believe. So as a supporter of his, I am not blind to what he does wrong and agree with you on this.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
@irenamcg Жыл бұрын
I use one of those mouse cussions for my wrist and it helps, because I also have the pain in my wrist, maybe you can try them if you haven't 😁
@msthornback7935 Жыл бұрын
Ugh reading the titles on that bookcart got me a little teary. Why are we taking reading away from children? To "own the libs"? Just short changing our future. Another thing, I have not found "counting my blessings" helpful when I'm depressed or really anxious. Finding things about MYSELF (abilities, traits, skills etc.) that I'm grateful has been more productive in coming to a better mind space.
@irenamcg Жыл бұрын
I remember seeing a video from some author saying we should post only 4 or 5 star reviews. people like that just push me to write even more negative reviews 🤣
@missyroberts8197 Жыл бұрын
I think Publishers like it when authors are drama because people will buy their books. Look at how the drama helped American Dirt. It's not how it should be, but I don't think Publishers care at all as long as books sell.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Agree depends on the genre if they write cozy mystery and then starting sex scenes in their books it bee bad
@HarvestLockwood Жыл бұрын
Re: your possible carpal tunnel - if that's what it is, man I am so sorry. I have carpal tunnel. It's no bueno.
@vamps_rock Жыл бұрын
The US is a scary place at the moment for anyone not of the 'dominant species', and I say that from the increasingly unhinged nature of the climate here in the UK... TFS 😊
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Same for us in easter europe such mess with rusian and ukrainian war every day only bleak news that can leave in the gutter from them i got severe nightmares so i dont watch them anymore read listen books / watch tv shows / go for long walks / work in garden / speak with friends / do samething positive and enjoy life
@justabookishreader Жыл бұрын
Yo I'm gonna be starting to apply to public school librarian positions in like. 6 months. I'm in New Mexico so I'm probably fine but fuck if its not still scary either way
@yallratripbye9570 Жыл бұрын
Can you do a communitea on that up and coming enemies-to-lovers book that has a Black woman falling in love with a hard right white man from her job
@briejeweled Жыл бұрын
That would make an interesting horror book. Unhinged author stalks a reviewer who left a bad review.
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
@cynthialovesbooks Жыл бұрын
The world really is on a downhill spiral and people do suck! What's the point of an AP African American course if you can't read from or about influential black people and movements? And defunding DEI for universities? I'm flabbergasted. Traditional publishers should be ashamed of themselves. I hate this for the employees - both those who are struggling and on strike and those who are temps just looking to make some money to survive. These corporate bigwigs are doing what they do best - taking advantage of the people who work for them. I agree with authors staying out of reviewer spaces and only engaging with reviewers when they've been invited. I am hoping to be a published author one day and will definitely stay out away from all reviews. Please take care of yourself, Jess. Hug Nigel and look for the light at the end of this tunnel.
@sassycatz4470 Жыл бұрын
More liberal and moderate states should be pushing back at the College Board. Florida and Texas have a lot of people, a lot of schools, but so does California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois.... Those throwbacks to the stone age should not be dictating educational opportunities for the entire nation.
@sarahlopod Жыл бұрын
god i am so tired of this country 😭
@thefriesofLockeLamora Жыл бұрын
Do such authors live in a vacuum? How do they not know that reviewers can sometimes hate a book
@martakavaliauskaite4566 Жыл бұрын
Agree real serious writters dont get involved in such nonsense they simply dont have time they are busy writing another book
@silvertongue231 Жыл бұрын
I loved Cemetery Boys
@ambriaashley3383 Жыл бұрын
De Scummy 😂 is very accurate tbh
@silvertongue231 Жыл бұрын
And that is why I call him Deathsantis
@CynRamirez Жыл бұрын
We call him Ron DeStinky, cause he’s full of shit.
@silvertongue231 Жыл бұрын
@@CynRamirez yup he's got a lot of junk in his trunk I hate him so much .
@jodydiou Жыл бұрын
@pokibutterfli Жыл бұрын
I fucking LOVE you!!! ❤
@appleoatmeal4634 Жыл бұрын
Luv u girl and 🙋♀️🙋♀️🙋♀️
@moirad3504 Жыл бұрын
like ngl 'black conservatism' does sound like it could be a fascinating course of study
@curiositykilledthekat Жыл бұрын
oh i 100% agree that authors should stay as far away from any reviewer space bc this shit is ridiculous atp however i would have had some empathy for the author if they weren't so damn specific in their tweet about which review they were crying over like... they were short of putting down the exact date and time and reviewer's handle it was almost like screengrabbing and posting the whole thing. idk how big the author is and idk how amazon reviews work but if this was goodreads with a reply feature they were just asking for the reviewer to get harrassed. so ZERO empathy there!
@jodydiou Жыл бұрын
21:24 ✋🏻
@lestatsluv317 Жыл бұрын
Now damn it, Miss Jess, how dare you....Of course every author puts their heart and soul into their books.... Unfortunately, some people's hearts and souls (*cough* Stephanie Myers and E.L. James) ain't shit. That's all. 😂😂😂 I'm an author and I've certainly written reviews although many of them could hardly allow me to call myself a reviewer. I joined Goodreads over a decade ago when the only authors who ever talked to anyone were self-published like me and we were also reviewers and back then, even though we frequently commented on reviews, we told each other not to respond to bad reviews. What I have learned the past few months is that there are many many many authors who cannot handle any level of criticism and they should go no where near reviews of any kind for their books. Fucking De Santis truly ain't shit. He's a dumpster fire of a human. And I can't help but wonder how far the rest of this country is going to allow this banning of books to go because this will not end with Florida just like the quick stripping of human rights in this country did not stop with one state or one group of humans. I know what the right THINKS they are accomplishing. They believe they can indoctrinate these kids and make them the brainless sheep who are so proud of their imaginary superiority (either in race or gender) that they vote for whoever plays into that while ignoring that they are voting against their own interest. I mean, it's worked in the past. Look at Gen X. What they fail to realize is that many of the parents of these kids who will be voting for the first time in 2024 are millennials and we are overwhelmingly left leaning and hopefully, our influence over them will be greater than whatever indoctrination the right tries. Already, Gen Z has proven they will come out and vote and they do vote to the left. Also, as a millennial who has been protesting against war and for human rights (my own and the rights of others) since I was 18, I can say these kids are protesting in much better ways than we ever did. They get creative AND they make it go viral. lmao I think if push came to shove, unlike the older generations, millennials and Gen Z will shove right back. There's a line in a Doors song that says, "They got the guns but we got the numbers..." and I think that's true. One way or the other, although it sure as hell doesn't feel like it right now, we've already won. Gen Z is proof of that. The younger the generation, the more progressive the values. And the far-right knows it. I think they are terrified because they know their days are numbered and what we are going to see over the next couple of years is the dying gasp of the old guard, the far right doing anything and everything to strip human rights, re-write history, and subvert the population. But in the end? I truly do not think it will be long before whatever power they have is taken. In the meantime, where shit like book banning is happening, the parents will have to educate their children and get them the books they need and for the kids who have parents that vote for De Santis, hopefully their peers will point them in the right direction. Do you know the son of David Duke (the leader of the KKK) was deradicalized when he went to college, and not by the curriculum but by his peers? This is why they want to destroy high school and college curriculums but in true right-wing fashion, they fail to see that it's the more enlightened kids around their right wing children who are correcting the lies they teach their children...not the teachers.
@theturtlemoves9171 Жыл бұрын
"fuck everybody" ye- "who loves capitalism" yes. regarding not knowing what to do, i find connecting with my community really helps, being surrounded by other leftists who are actively fighting gives you hope. also, could you talk about cop city in atlanta? not many people know about it, and the media covering of it is horrendous.