Jews need to reframe POLAND and HOLOCAUST

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Michael Rubenfeld

Michael Rubenfeld

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@leszekleszek773 10 ай бұрын
I don't know if it still happens but I remember how we (Polish people) were shocked when Israeli school trips started to come to Cracow in big number and we were noticing they actually had armed bodyguards! Then few incidents happened - for instance those bodyguards put in handcuffs some Italian cook who tried to explain them in a very "Sicilian" manner not to block his business with their coach. So in Poland when somebody is armed this is considered really scary and simply strage as it is safe coutry. I do not even know anyone who has a license for gun.. They come with their middle east mindset here and people were degusted they had special rights for the guns in public. I have no idea how it ended and if they still do it, but I hope not, because it is hugh reputational loss.
@evka_esgie 10 ай бұрын
Teraz póki co nie przyjeżdżają, wojna komplikuje Ale i tak były kontrowersje co do uzbrojenia i nasz rząd proponował im polskich ochroniarzy, co nie spotkało się z akceptację
@kiaaurora 10 ай бұрын
No, this was banned and they can’t do it anymore. That was a whole big issue between Polish and Israeli governments. They come here and act as if they own the place. I actually dislike all the Israeli or American Jewish youth trips, their behaviour is scandalous and disruptive. Absolutely horrible
@Dx-ep8hm 10 ай бұрын
PIS banned it few years ago. They can't have guns.
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
@@kiaaurora I agree, they are terrible. Jews coming to Poland are arrogant, confrontational, disrespectful and they break the law. They tell their children Poles killed Jews in WWII. No mention of Germans. So Poles tell them get the hell out, Jews, and the next morning there are big headlines in NYT about antisemitism in Poland.
@empe3332 10 ай бұрын
@HelenA-fd8vl 10 ай бұрын
For some reason, Poland is an easy target. Compare it with Sweden for example. They collaborated with the Nazis in WW2, supplied them with iron ore, and I heard they even allowed their troops to cross their country to attack Norway. The Nazis didn’t occupy them so after WW2 their country was intact, whereas the rest of Europe was devastated. But do you ever hear a bad word about Sweden? No. Their image is squeaky clean. Whereas with Poland - it’s one mud slinging after another. Anyway, Poland might have the last laugh …. Who knows?
@azerenatka 10 ай бұрын
I think, Russia pays journos, all over the world, to smear Poland. One example: do you remember hysterical articles all over the western media about racism in Poland, before the 2012 European Football Championship, that was co-hosted by Poland and Ukraine? Now, bc of the war in Ukraine, we know about the toxic influence of the western media by dirty Russian money. It's interesting to look back and see WHEN exactly most articles about antisemitism in Poland appeared and by whom they were written, and which newspapers are most pro Russia NOW etc. I remember plenty articles about antisemitism in Poland in the times of Solidarność, Poland joining NATO & EU, and getting friendly with Ukraine (Orange Revolution, Maidan Revoution)
@sukayna7026 10 ай бұрын
Because the scapegoat is always the most vulnerable one. People connect it to the land not to the nation.
@danhubert-hx4ss 10 ай бұрын
Look at the contemporary map and you will know why Sweden exchanged ore for coal.
@HelenA-fd8vl 10 ай бұрын
@@danhubert-hx4ss You mean they were trying to avoid invasion. I get that. But why does Sweden never get any flak for that? The Ukrainians were so desperate to get rid of the Soviets (who had caused a famine in their country in the 1930s) and thought that the Nazis would help them with that, so they collaborated. But no understanding is shown to them.
@danhubert-hx4ss 10 ай бұрын
Why should Sweden get flak for trying to save herself? Because they successfully did so? Besides, without Swedish ball-bearings and precision components RAF would never get off the ground. And all these Bofors guns that were illegally made by the USA, no royalties to Sweden. Is that OK?@@HelenA-fd8vl
@CDA138ek 10 ай бұрын
During the WW2 Germans and Russians murdered about 6 mln of the Polish citizens. Half of them Jewish and half Christians. In North America propaganda made people think that only Jews were murdered in Europe by some mythical nazis. In Poland almost every family lost someone during that war. I don't know how many Germans were members of the socialist party, but it doesn't matter. Poland was invaded be the German state and not by the German socialist party. What is curious is that Jews don't blame Germans. They have to blame someone, so they picked Poles and mythical nazis. Makes you wonder why.
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
The reason is that Poles are an easy target. Germans are too strong to be bothered, so Poles are the ideal candidate for a scapegoat.
@MarkS-j5v 10 ай бұрын
@@bogusawwierzynski2789 Poland is growing rapidly both economically and militarily, so watch out Germany! Give us another 20 years and we'll match and surpass you....unless of course...
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
@@MarkS-j5v The point is that they don`t want us to have another 20 years.
@graywolf3000 10 ай бұрын
I am Polish. I so much agree with your voice. We need this new narrative. We need to move on from the war. If you notice - Polish people also have a trauma. For Poland a relatively small nation, we fought a 1000 year war with German colonization through which big part of Polish tribes were fully destroyed. Only toponyms remain. WW II was the culmination of this process which was to end not only with Jewish destuction. My point is: Poles have also a trauma, a huge unhealed wound. Poles also lost their homeland more then once...
@januszskubacz1472 10 ай бұрын
I largely agree with your words. However, I have doubts whether the word reconciliation is necessary here. Of course, our common history had painful moments, but if we reject fairy tale writers like Gross, it turns out that our history was not so bad that we had to reconcile. In my opinion, a great task lies ahead for Jews who have focused on the Holocaust. When young Jews come to Poland, they only visit Auschwitz, and so far they have come with their own security, as if someone was going to - I don't know - shoot at them? And then they return to Israel, convinced that Poland is dangerous for them. Meanwhile - as you rightly said - the history of Jews in Poland is much more extensive. By not learning about it, Jews deprive themselves of the opportunity to learn about their own history and thus their own identity. First of all, we must face the truth. And this is very difficult. The example of the failed exhumation in Jedwabne - blocked by the Jewish side - is a significant example here.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Prawda, tylko Im nie chodzi o zgodę, pojednanie...chcą być ofiarą tym opiera się ich istnienie i finansowanie państwa.
@terierirlandzki7 10 ай бұрын
Bo złodzieje zza oceanu chcą od Polski wytargać 300 mld dolarów za free. To ich stara metoda, kompletnie nielegalna, polega na roszczeniach obcych ludzi w stosunku do majątku obcych, łączy ich tylko do narodu żydowskiego.
@januszskubacz1472 10 ай бұрын
No nie chciałem z grubej rury - autorowi powoli otwierają się oczy, zwłaszcza, że miał chyba do czynienia z tzw. amerykańskimi Żydami. To w dużej mierze ci, którzy Aszkenazyjczyków mieli w głębokim poważaniu, a teraz próbują zrobić dobry interes na byciu "spadkobiercami". Temat syjonizmu też jest skomplikowany i to nawet wewnątrz samej żydowskiej społeczności. I oczywiście masz rację, że Holocaust stanowi istotną podstawę i uzasadnienie istnienia tego państwa.
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
@@BarbaraBarbara81010 Jakby było pojednanie to by nie było już mowy o odszkodowaniach prawda?
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@bogusawwierzynski2789 Tak Ci się tyko wydaje. My nie mamy za co płacić a żądania są...chociaż bezpodstawne. Tu chodzi o kasę i miejsce do życia...nie wspólnego jak widać w Palestynie.
@bartoszkantoch8126 10 ай бұрын
A very much needed comment, thank you. Your channel does a lot of good so keep up the good work. There is so much history between our two nations that you surely have your work cut our for you ;-) (in a positive way, since educating yourself and others is yet another step to understand more/better and to pass that knowledge to younger generations). I am happy that you feel safe in Poland and glad that you simply decided to talk about it. שלום!
@jacekchmielewski6372 9 ай бұрын
Michael, thank you very much for your great work. I myself grew up in Africa, Japan, of course Poland, United Kingdom, and now US and I always feel most at home in Poland. I always feel at peace in Poland, I always feel in touch with history, I always feel like that is a place on earth that needs to be Seen as more of a leader, especially now that humanity is going through some major evolutionary changes.
@lukaszpiotrowski1541 10 ай бұрын
Great job on explaining all those difficult issues ! Thanks
@robertciesluk7207 10 ай бұрын
Mój ukochany Julian Tuwim był Żydem...i Marian Hemar. I tysiące, tysiące innych ludzi kultury, medycyny, nauki....W moim małym miasteczku nie ma ani jednego Żyda, ale są groby żydowskie i wspomnienia starych ludzi.
@AK-cj6yu 10 ай бұрын
Moj jezyk polski, to jezyk Tuwima. Moja tozsamosc tez - jestem Polakiem, bo tak mi sie podoba.
@fandzejka9540 10 ай бұрын
I Boleslaw Leśmian, mistrz języka polskiego 🫡
@mark-howgh 10 ай бұрын
Pozwól, że spytam - Jak ci starzy ludzie wspominają swoich dawnych żydowskich sąsiadów?
@mark-howgh 10 ай бұрын
@@AK-cj6yu A ja myślę, że język Tuwima i mój to ten sam język, ale nie jest to ani jidisz, ani hebrajski. Sądzę, że Tuwim był Polakiem pochodzenia żydowskiego
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
Julian Tuwim to kiepskie odniesienie, bo on się swej nacji wypierał...
@wielebna444 10 ай бұрын
Exactly, even though Christianity has been always a dominating religion in Poland, Jews have been an integral of Poland from the very beginning of it's history, and especially in XVI century when so many Jews fled to Poland. Jewish heritage is a part of polish DNA. Pity that it is so much forgotten today.
@sebastianjunski6047 10 ай бұрын
From the very beginning? Polska istnieje od 8.Wieku skarbie😘
@evka_esgie 10 ай бұрын
​@@sebastianjunski6047skąd ten 8 wiek? Chyba X
@sebastianjunski6047 10 ай бұрын
@@evka_esgie masz racie.. Oficjalnie państwo Polskie dopiero od 966 roku pod Królem Mieszko.. Ale Słowianie I później Polacy żyją na tych ziemiach przynajmniej od migracji ludów około 5. lub 6. wiek.. Bardzo dobrze że pilnujesz😉
@Bzhydack 10 ай бұрын
Pierwsze osady żydowskie na ziemiach polskich to wiek XIII, zatem nie aż tak długo od początków państwa 😉
@Watcher4111 10 ай бұрын
Dokładnie. Mieszkam niedaleko miasteczka gdzie przed wojną większość ludności to byli Żydzi. Polacy i Żydzi mieszkali obok siebie i wszystko było ok. Aż do wojny niestety
@kubon101 4 ай бұрын
Love this! I've always felt really sad about the loss of Jewish culture from modern Polish culture. Thank you for trying to bring us back together. As you said, we were one people for almost 1000yrs.
@marekfalda95 10 ай бұрын
I’ve always visited synagogue in Tykocin, when I was at vacation in Podlasie with my patents. In this town, which used to have lively Jewish community, I’ve always felt the feeling of loss. Not loss of something foreign, but something very close, familiar and MINE. You’ve said in one video, that many Polish people nowadays get obsessed with Jewish history here to reconnect better with their Polishness and I can’t put it better. We’re tormented with a constant feeling of cultural loss. We’ve lost our inteligensia in Katyń, we’ve literally lost our capital city, buried down to the ground. We’ve lost almost all of You, Jews. For me, discovering Jewish heritage here is simply discovering the old Poland, criminally taken away from us by foreign powers.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Halo, bredzisz o utracie polskości pisząc w języku angielskim. Jestem często w Tykocinie i niczego tu nie brakuje...jest fajnie, czysto, swojsko...podlaskie klimaty. Zasuwaj do I--aela, tam się nasycisz :)
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
@@BarbaraBarbara81010 Niektórym się wydaje, że jak się będą podlizywać Żydom to ich pogłaszczą po główce i dostaną cukierka. Nic z tego, oni gardzą gojami, którzy się im podlizują. Niemcy, to innego, duży respekt. Wiedzą, że z nimi nie ma żartów.
@kiaaurora 10 ай бұрын
No offence but we don’t need Jews to connect to our Polishness. If anything it’s the Jews/Israelis that want to connect to Poland. And no offence I’d rather not have hordes of Hasidic in Poland
@athag1 10 ай бұрын
Przeczytawszy wiersz Antoniego Słonimskiego, p.t. Elegia Żydowskich Miasteczek, doznałam poczucia straty... że, jako Polka, straciłam coś, czego nigdy nie znałam...
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@athag1 Rozum... z całą pewnością.
@zbigniewzbigniew7789 10 ай бұрын
Mam nadzieje, iż translator działa w obie strony i niemusze się zastanawiać czy mam przetłumaczyć na Angielski, czy na Hebrajski. Jestem Polakiem od 4 pokolenia. Jako Polak muszę podziękować wszystkim Żydom oraz Ukraińcom. Zarówno Żydzi, jak i obecnie Ukraińcy daliście nam wspaniała lekcje jak mamy się zachowywać jako naród, wobec innych narodów. Bez względu co by się działo na świecie, nawet jak by następnego dnia miał nastąpić koniec Świata. Teraz wiem i mam nadzieje, iż i wszyscy Polacy zrozumieją, iż nie wolno zachowywać się inaczej jak zachowują się sąsiednie narody. To niebyt jakiś przypadek, iż Polacy w czasie 2 wojny światowej byli jedynym narodem , który był rozstrzeliwany za pomoc Żydom. Ponadto określenie Polskie obozy koncentracyjne nie wymyślili Niemcy, aby zniekształcić historię , Ponadto do Auschwitz-Birkenau pierwszy transport z jeńcami jaki przyjechał nie składał się z Żydów ale Polaków . I tu kolejny raz muszę podziękować Żydom iż postanowili datę pierwszego transportu uczcić , mimo iż to byli Polacy.Myślę również iż to z szacunku dla Polaków na tablicy upamiętniającej pomordowanych w Oświęcimiu , która powstała na życzenie żydów jest napisane, iż zginęli w Oświęcimiu na pierwszym miejscu Żydzi , później są wymienieni obywatele wszystkich państw w tym Niemieccy anty Hitlerowcy , a na przedostatnim miejscu są wymienieni homoseksualiści a Polacy jako ostatni naród. Szacunek polegał na tym, iż Polacy byli kiedyś w większości Katolikami a katolicy wieża, iż ostatni będą pierwszymi . Tylko jak to wytłumaczyć ateistom Polakom.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Dobre... bardzo dobre.
@ossa333 10 ай бұрын
Najlepszy był i tak, z rok temu, jakiś wysoki rangą polityk z USA, który Polaków w ogóle nie wymienił. Ale za to gejów, Romów :)
@pawelzielinski1398 9 ай бұрын
przy okazji warto też przypomnieć, że pierwszymi więźniami pierwszego obozu koncentracyjnego w Dachau byli Niemcy - komuniści i socjaliści (ci normalni, nie "narodowi"). Warto pamiętać historię, zanim odda się głos na tyrana... Czasem mam wrażenie, że mieszkam w Republice Weimarskiej w latach 30-tych...
@tomm9387 10 ай бұрын
Pamiętam wypowiedź amerykańskiej żydówki jak to Polacy zabili jej ojca, a przecież służył Polsce bo był oficerem SB (służba bezpieczeństwa). Przypomnę że to była zbrodnicza organizacja współpracująca z zsrr.
@mirosawanon2862 10 ай бұрын
A o Jedwabnem albo Radziłowie to słyszałeś?
@kola158 10 ай бұрын
​@@mirosawanon2862no tak propaganda żydowska a sbecy to niewinne dzieci, które tylko rozmawiały o nowej Polsce.
@michalpanakamanana1048 10 ай бұрын
O tym Jedwabnem gdzie rabin Schudrich przerwał ekshumację bo zaczęli odkopywać dowody na to, że to jednak nie Polacy mordowali w Jedwabnem?
@ramzesxiii7165 10 ай бұрын
Nie tyle Schudrich przerwał co Lech Kaczyński który był w tamtym czasie prokuratorem generalnym, ale oczywiście zrobił to na żądanie Schudricha.
@ramzesxiii7165 10 ай бұрын
​@@mirosawanon2862 Nie zastanawiałaś sie nigdy dlaczego w historii narodu żydowskiego zawsze byli wypędzani niemal z każdego państwa w europie? Pierwsze co udało sie odkopać w masowym grobie w Jedwabnem to popiersie lenina, następnie powoli odkopywali kości wraz ze złotą biżuterią co już przeczy temu że zostali zamordowani i okradzeni ,wtedy wkroczył Schudrich i sprawa jest nie wyjaśniona do dziś.
@irve81 10 ай бұрын
I can say that the most frequent complaint about Jews from Polish people was that they are anti-polish and they distort History and we Poles are really sensitive about it. Also unaccpetble behaviors of Israelis school trips were noticed.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Na kłamstwo wszyscy są wrażliwi. Mylić się można lecz celowe kłamstwa w określonym celu zniekształcają rzeczywistość i są obrzydliwoiścią.
@mzam0 10 ай бұрын
You voiced what I've always thought. I do believe that there are far more antipolonic (?) Jewish ppl than there are antisemitic Polish ppl. Interesting that the people who suffered so much from prejudice somehow think that being outright antipolonic is ok. But they don't seem to hold the same grudges against Germans nor other western European countries whose behavior towards them during the II WW (and before) was more questionable than that of Poland as a whole. And yet I always excuse them in my head, that they just don't know history well 😪
@manitoo1058 10 ай бұрын
Maybe Stockholm syndrome...?
@toydemon6265 10 ай бұрын
I really enjoy your channel. I wish it has some attention of Jewish people. I am Pole leaving in US 20+ years. I did remember one of my Jewish friends saying generously that he didn't blame me for crimes of my ancestors. I asked him what he means and after some arguing he answered that all of this is documented in "literature". I started digging myself to have my own opinion. I discovered that what they thought me in schools about heroism of poles rescuing Jews is exaggerated but on the other hand there is some kind of propaganda against poles in the west. Example is Tomasz Gross that originally did a good job about describing Jedwabne pogrom but in his next novels he decided to be prosecutor of polish nation instead of historian. It could not skip my attention that his novels were written in US where there are some expectations about Polish-Jewish issue if you want to sell it. I also traced live of Jerzy Kosinski, and noticed that before his suicide he was rejected by NY Jewish society because he tried to de-monsterize polish people after some facts about "Painted Bird" was revealed (well , we all know novel "Painted Bird" was a sick fantasy, not a fact but still work of art) .Some time ago I read Art Spiegelman comic book "Maus". My gut feeling is that this is that most accurate description what happened in Poland during German occupation. There are no heroes there but just fight for survival and different shades of gray.
@jekubos 10 ай бұрын
It is always nice to hear when you say that you feel safe and good here. Good luck to you, your family and all good people all around the world!
@marcelmarceli8238 10 ай бұрын
What kind of trauma do you think Poles have had after World War II?
@MrGreg771 10 ай бұрын
They pay no attention to our trauma !!!They consider us as second quality fertelizer and do their best to make us guilty of "crimes" we haven,t had commited.
@teresaz1692 10 ай бұрын
Widzę, że nie ma odzewu!
@MrMorgorot 10 ай бұрын
Ciesze się że nagrałeś ten film. Wszystkim zachwyconym twoją osobą nieco popsuje on humor. Właśnie przyznałeś się między wierszami, że Polski nie znasz i wcale nie lubisz. Oficjalnie dołączyłeś tym samym do stada fajnopolaków.
@ragnargrabson1287 10 ай бұрын
Nie musisz Micheala ogladać. Włacz jakiś tvn lub coś takiego i będzie cacy, przejedzie ci.
@zozole7164 10 ай бұрын
Przykro i ciężko zrozumieć jak sami żydzi pozwalają tak oczerniać Polaków. Bardzo pana lubię i cenie, zastanawiam się czy dociera do Pana wiedza jak niżej. Pozdrawiam kzbin.info080t3lDbFNs?si=1K_HvIMTnFVGdCSM
@maciejossowski8317 10 ай бұрын
Ty weź przestań chłopie…..Jeszcze do niedawna tak wielu ludzi z różnych krajów oskarżało nas tu w Polsce o anysemityzmu. A nagle okazało się że PL znowu okazała się najbezpieczniejszym miejscem dla Żydów w europie. Powiem z mojego prywatnego punku widzenia……nie musimy się kochać, mamy do tego prawo, nikt nie może zmusić nikogo do lubienia, ale siebie na wzajem szanujemy. I obdarzamy szacunkiem. Jesteśmy dla siebie "per Pan" i to jest OK. Kultura osobista zobowiązuje.
@Swarzec_Swarzewski 10 ай бұрын
Przestali obrażać, bo czas Izraela się kończy i szukają nowego żywiciela. ;) Z Ukrainą im raczej nie wyjdzie, więc zostaje im się przesiedlić do nowiuteńkich osiedli np. we Wrocławiu.
@roberturbanczyk204 10 ай бұрын
I think Jews mostly don't know about their herritage in Poland. Plenty of small towns in present eastern Poland were mostly inhabited by Jews. Jewish herritage was mostly lost during 50 years of german and russian occupations. Even the pieces that survived are interesting and impressive. The problem is that Israel doesn't care about Jewish herritage. Synagogs and cementaries are being cared by local communities or being forgoten.
@nawgra8455 10 ай бұрын
I always wondered why they dont care?
@kiaaurora 10 ай бұрын
Oh they know, and they want to claim it
@aureus1381 4 ай бұрын
Ale z drugiej strony polskie cmentarze (groby) też są rozkopywane jeśli już nie ma rodziny i nikt się grobem nie interesuje. Gdzieś nieboszczyków trzeba chować. Dobrze żeby zachować kilka historycznych cmentarzy, ale nie wszystkie bo i po co.
@RCSVirginia 10 ай бұрын
I have never agreed with the concepts that people "need" or "must.' However, if people are going to be able to coexist and work together on this planet, 'tis important not to demonize groups of individuals and set them against each other. Here in the United States, if children learn anything about Poland--and a great many children in our country scarcely learn anything about anything at all--what they do learn is the Holocaust, laced with a great deal of anti-German and anti-Polish bigotry. They will learn that three million Jews died in Poland in World War II, but not that three million Poles died, as well. They are taught nothing of the Soviet massacre of Polish officers at Katyn Forest or that Stalin urged the Poles in Warsaw to revolt against the Nazis and, then, held his troops back so that the Nazis could crush the Polish fighters. This sort of prejudice is typical of how all Eastern Europeans are presented, if they are presented at all. One can talk to young people who have been through the American school system who if they were taught anything about Eastern Europe, it was that it was inhabited by a bunch of backward anti-Semites who all supported Adolph Hitler. If they think differently, it is usually because they came from families from that area or from families of conservative intellectuals, or they did the research on their own.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Masz rację...naszą historię ktoś pisze od nowa..niedługo może się okazać, że nas nigdy nie było.
@ala-ef3sw 10 ай бұрын
Ciekawe, dlaczego Żydzi żywią jakiś gniew i agresję wobec Polaków, zamiast bezgranicznej wdzięczności za ogromne poświęcenie Polaków, nierzadko za cenę życia, w ratowaniu Żydów w czasie II w. św. ? No i w związku z powyższym - czy to co Pan proponuje ze szczerego serca - jest na pewno dla Polaków bezpieczne ?
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Ktoś powiedział, że gdyby to Żydzi mieli ratować Polaków, to nie ocalałby ani jeden Polak.
@Malcriada115 10 ай бұрын
Nieznajomość historii jest najbardziej niebezpieczna. Niezdolność do stawienia czoła ciemnym kartom własnego narodu jest zawstydzająca. Może czytaj trochę więcej, zobaczysz obraz swojego narodu w jego złożoności i pełni, zamiast opowiadać bajki o tym, że Żydów od niektórych Polaków nie spotkało nic złego, bo wszyscy byli zajęci ratowaniem.
@Malcriada115 10 ай бұрын
@@BarbaraBarbara81010 Ludzie często mówią głupstwa, ktosiu.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@Malcriada115 Racja, niektórych Polaków..tacy zapewne byli. Taka Stella Kübler na przykład, ojej pomyliłam się nie Polka. A takich przykładów jest trochę.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@Malcriada115 Zgadzam się, ę ludzie często mówią głupstwa ( to powiedziała Żydówka)
@bartoszbuszko4270 9 ай бұрын
Ws share same long history Man. Jewish people lived in Poland with us much longer than in all countries combined (including Israel). It's time to understand this. Jewish people and also Poles should understand this.I totally agree with You. Best
@piotrstaszewski6980 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Michael for being in Poland. I just would like to recommend very good book to you about Jews in Poland:"Hasidism in the Kingdom of Poland, 1815-1867:Historical Sources in the Polish State Archives", wydawnictwo Austeria, Krakow-Budapest 2011 it is fascinating lecture. Greetings.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Masz na myśli dysocjacyjną osobowość wieloraką?
@heniakonas9439 10 ай бұрын
Funny how these same Israelis stand in line trying to reclaim German citizenship while reviling Poles.
@unHombreMayor 10 ай бұрын
Tak ... różniliśmy się, różnimy się, oby przyszłość pokazała coś lepszego ... W każdym razie relacje polsko-żydowskie od dłuższego czasu mnie interesują, powiedziałbym interesują mnie od lat 80-tych ubiegłego wieku.
@unHombreMayor 10 ай бұрын
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Cofnij się jeszcze o 1 wiek, tam też są ciekawe sprawy.
@unHombreMayor 10 ай бұрын
Jeden wiek? A dlaczego nie od początku? Tak daleko jednak nie będę sięgał, nie mam takich aspiracji.
@alinab6021 10 ай бұрын
mnie zydzi przestali obchodzic jak powiedzeli ze "my Polacy mamy antysemityztm z mlekiem matki wyssany " ale nie mylic z Polskimi zydami, bo ci sa inni. Mimo iz tylu polakow pomagalo zydom w wojnie . A najgorsi sa z izraela i usa , oni niemaja pojecia o naszej kulturze i historii a swoje farmazony wyglaszaja !! A teraz dokladnie postepuja w stosunku do Palestynczykow jak hitleroskie niemcy przed 2 wojna swiatowa ! Co do niego to on po prostu ucieka przed ospowiedzialnoscia i nagonka na zydow w Europie i Usa , Kanadzie za to co robia zydzi w gazie !
@radsec 10 ай бұрын
Michał you're a great gift to Poland. I'm glad you're there, explaining that Jews have nothing to fear from Poles!
@teresaz1692 10 ай бұрын
Ja jak mam nieżyczliwego sąsiada to omijam go szerokim łukiem i nie chcę mieć z nim nic do czynienia!!! Tłumaczenie się, że nie jest się winnym przynosi odwrotny skutek!!!
@gt7507 10 ай бұрын
Mike, you are so deep and so right at the same time. Greg
@qwertzxcvb7724 10 ай бұрын
pozdrawiam serdecznie ! cieszę się że jesteś zadowolony 😊
@wiesawbak4039 10 ай бұрын
Fantastic a bit controversial observation. I found anty Polish behavior mostly in American Jews. When I meet Israelis or South African Jews they don't have it as much.
@mehow357 10 ай бұрын
It's great to see you talking about the future. Also I loved your point on wholeness of the history ❤ You have also raised extremely valid question: why Jews chose to live in Poland? IMHO, this might be the door opener to thinking about whole past (not only holocaust) and the future ...
@baraamar4525 9 ай бұрын
Polish and Jews are brothers. On the outside both had suspicious (or anti-) attitude, but by heart are very similar and share same values and history and even the experience of diaspora and many more. In Polish culture people like Korczak, Baczyński, Brzechwa, Kiepura, Leśmian were considered as great Poles. Polish people just didn't like financial elites which were called "żydokomuna", and often didn't have much in common with ethnic Jewish people, but related to all financial elites and communists. Many Poles were war orphans, and don't even know their identity and would be surprised to have some of Jewish bloodline. You are talking wisely, L'chaim :-)
@pawelzielinski1398 9 ай бұрын
I think it is important to distinguish antisemitism from criticizing the state of Israel and its policies. This line seems to be completely blurred or non-existent in the US of A now. Anyone who dares to criticize Israel for what it is - an apartheid state trying to displace locals for over 70 years to make more Lebensraum for the colonizers is labeled as antisemite. Israel is not a holy cow that should be immune from criticism. As long as you can criticize North Korea, Russia, China, US of A, India, Poland, whatever you ARE allowed to criticize Israel. Criticizing India is not anti-Hinduist, criticizing Poland is not anti-catholic. Not every Jew lives or is connected to Israel. Many Jews are very critical of the endeavors of Israel and its leaders.
@grzegorzbernacki7682 10 ай бұрын
80% of Jews in the whole World came from Poland at some time in the history of Jewish nation. Jewish history has been part of Poland's history for a 1000 years. Before World War 2 Poland accepted 1 mln of Jewish refugees from 3rd Reich and Soviet Union and gave them Polish passports as Poland could not afford to have another million of people who were not loyal to the Polish state like Ukrainians, Belarusians, Germans . Surrounded by enemies from The West, North, East, and South it was not possible to protect Polish citizens from the horrors of war.
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
nie wiem, skad wy wyjmujecie te 1000 lat. to, ze jakis handlarz niewolnikow odwiedzil 1000 lat temu Prage, nie znaczy, ze tu mieszkali jego wspolwyznawcy, ktorzy na te ziemie zaczeli przybywac w wiekszej liczbie dopiero ok. XIV wieku. to tak jakby pisac o wspolnej 1000 letniej historii Arabów i wikingow, tylko na podstawie tego, ze na polnoc trafil jakis muzulmanski handlarz czy niewolnik... douczcie sie
@sgebert 10 ай бұрын
As an actual Polish Jew I find it hard to listen to you. You didnt move "because you felt Jewish people need to reconnect to Poland", you moved for personal reasons. That might have played a part, but to say that was the sole reason is undoubtedly a lie. All my life I've heard Israelis and Americans say their presence in Poland equals a reconnection with history. How do you suppose I feel, as one of very few actual Polish Jews, when I hear that? I know what you are trying to do here and I support your cause, but you are perpetuating a lie here with your choise of words. Jewish history in Poland might have discontinued for you, it certainly did not for me. One way to avoid that would be to stop pretending you are representing global Jewry and speak as an individual. I follow your videos and support what you do, but I also hope you will either find it in you to be inclusive towards other perspectives, or at least stop pretending you represent us all.
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for the comment. I thought it was implicit that I was speaking from my experience as a Jew who grew up in North America, but I will try to be more sensitive in how I am using language.
@sgebert 10 ай бұрын
I mean, you are literally doing the opposite of that, when you say "Jews think this...", "Jews think that...". Im being an ass, I know, but seriously, you don't get to "reconnect with history", when your first step is literally stepping over those, who never left. I think you're doing a good job, I just hope you'll find it in you to not be so... well, American-centric. 85% of US Jews have Polish origins, and up until the Shoah Poland was THE Jewish capital of the world for centuries. Some of us are still here, despite Americans claiming they're the new Polish Jews. Its a lot to unpack, and it feels weird to even attempt this conversation without vodka. So to cut to the chase: (in my view) you're doing good, could do better.@@lerubenfeld
@sgebert 10 ай бұрын
I might have come off too strongly, for which I apologize. It's a whole big issue you might simply not be aware of. I read a paper once by a JAP from NC, where she - after spending a couple of years in Poland - called it "neocolinisation" by American Jews, and I find it fitting. @@lerubenfeld
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
You’re right. I try to clarify things like North American Jews when I offer vast perspective, but I may not always be as careful. I do know the differences and certainly when I speak about the relationship that most Jews have to Poland I am not speaking about Jews who live here.
@sgebert 10 ай бұрын
I realized I have no beef with you once I heard you say you "moved back" to Poland in of your videos. As long as you're here to help build up, but not to "start anew", were gonna do just fine ;) All the best M, sorry for giving you a hard time and thanks for finding the time to respond here @@lerubenfeld
@olganesterowicz2112 10 ай бұрын
I wish Jewish people were a bit more understanding towards Polish traumas. That's all.
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
Greetings from California! 😀🖖
@CzerwonyTub 10 ай бұрын
Algorithm feeding.
@Housemusicsouldierz 10 ай бұрын
Greetings from Poland Brother, much Respect ❤
@Grace080808 10 ай бұрын
Hmm, I listened a few vlogs, you created here, and I'm curious on what kind of mission you are right now in Poland?
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
Let’s try to be kind to each other :) I am here in order to reframe and reconcile my own relationship to Poland and my identity as a Polish Jew.
@teresaz1692 10 ай бұрын
​@@lerubenfeldTo sobie akurat zły czas wybrałeś, bo naród polski jest bardzo wrażliwy na cudzą krzywdę a szczególnie jak jeden naród odbiera innemu wolność a zawłaszcza terytorium!!!
@Malcriada115 10 ай бұрын
@@teresaz1692 Zdaje się, że twoja wrażliwość jest bardzo selektywna. Może nie mów w imieniu całego narodu.
@teresaz1692 10 ай бұрын
@@Malcriada115 Widzę, że wolność Ukrainy i jej terytorium jest ważniejsze od tego samego w Palestynie???!!! Ty nie bądź hipokrytką, bo w przypadku Ukrainy każdy najmniejszy atak na cywilów był nagłaśniany, wywieszano flagi ukraińskie a teraz mamy uwierzyć w to, że Palestyńczycy sobie zasłużyli na holokaust???!!!
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@Malcriada115 ..chyba w imieniu większości .
@Anna-tz3nl 10 ай бұрын
What would you say to adding hashtags in Hebrew? This video would really help the relations with Israelis
@anitapieko1605 10 ай бұрын
Pełna zgoda niestety po stronie tzw żydowskiej nie ma dobrej woli a po polskiej jest niechęć i zawód oraz swego rodzaju dystans ponieważ usłyszeliśmy zbyt wiele słów krzywdzących nas ze strony tzw nowych żydów 😞
@mateuszwesoowski9583 10 ай бұрын
Forwarded to Jewish people in Israel i talk to. I hope your experience continues being pleasant. Take care. P.S. Funny thing - according to ADL 2023 study Poland is the second most antisemitic country in Europe after Hungary...
@michalpanakamanana1048 10 ай бұрын
Damn... Again second place... Sarcasm off.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
ADL (od ang. Anti-Defamation League) - amerykańska organizacja, jedna z najstarszych i najważniejszych organizacji żydowskich na świecie, której celem jest walka z nienawiścią i uprzedzeniami wobec Żydów. Jak myślisz...jakie wyniki będzie przedstawi ta skala...tylko odpowiednie i oczekiwane dla twórców...jest to jedno z narzędzi.
@mateuszwesoowski9583 10 ай бұрын
@@BarbaraBarbara81010 Zdecydowanie tych ludzi nie popieram. To wariaci, internet sobie z nich jaja robi. ADL uznało że znak "OK" palcami i docipny obrazek żaby to symbole nazizmu. Nie żartuje można wejść na stronę ADL i sprawdzić. To kompletni wariaci. Napisałem o tym nie dlatego że ich popieram tylko dlatego że nawiązuje to do tego video - gdzie autor wspomina o tym że w szczególności w zachodnich środowiskach żydowskich jest dużo Polonofobii. To się nazywa "uprzedzenie obserwatora" jak ktoś jest organizacją antydefamacyjną to wszystko wygląda jak defamacja. Jak by się defamacja skończyła to oni straciliby pracę.
@Pyraman 10 ай бұрын
I support you overall message
@Jarocool78 10 ай бұрын
Kup lepszy zestaw audio video proszę ;)
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
Will you pay? :)
@Jarocool78 10 ай бұрын
@@lerubenfeld rozumiem KZbin nie płaci?
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
Tak ale mało. Może wiecej póżniej ale na razie nie tak duzo.
@rapramix 9 ай бұрын
We need to recreate the Polish Jewish connection and community. And I am an Israeli of Polish descent and when I came to Warsaw I felt more at home than in Israel
@lerubenfeld 9 ай бұрын
I agree
@mayaniebieska8425 10 ай бұрын
So much gratitude for what you do
@solaris2015 10 ай бұрын
Poland is becoming second biggest Diaspora population all over the world.
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
co sie w tych chorych glowach plęgnie ech
@solaris2015 10 ай бұрын
Informacja powszechnie znana na świecie.@@adboroutdoor..7662
@marek7641 10 ай бұрын
Algorithm help
@zbytkoscielny992 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this point of view.
@zozole7164 10 ай бұрын
@LMB222 10 ай бұрын
Correction: When foreign Jews think about Poland, they think of the Holocaust. Polish Jews very often mention centuries of collaboration - right after the rightfully mention Jedwabne. Jedwabne aside, many, very many Polish Jews achieved such a high status that was hardly possible elsewhere: monisters, theatre directors, famous artists, writers and so on.
@osina13 10 ай бұрын
@3ChunkyPL 10 ай бұрын
According to historian Jan T. Gross, "the undisputed bosses of life and death in Jedwabne were the Germans," who were "the only ones who could decide the fate of the Jews." ~ English Wikipedia "Jedwabnem"
@3ChunkyPL 10 ай бұрын
and what about Volhynia where Ukrainians were killing Poles and Jews? Lithuania, Hungarians, Slovaks, and Franch (Vichy) killing Jews. And it was widely accepted by their government and society.
@bartosznaswiecie1179 10 ай бұрын
@@3ChunkyPL Stop the whataboutism. What on earth do French-Jewish relations to do with Polish-Jewish relations? Whats next, you gonna excuse your bs with the relations of China and Burkina Faso?
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
the truth lies in the ground, let's dig it out, like recently in Brest, where there was no problem with it. You are afraid of this.
@peceed 9 ай бұрын
It should be noted that the deliberate policy of the Israeli authoritiesa, for whom the fall of communism in Poland was a mortal threat. Poland was an ideal place of return for Jews, who could once again find their true Promised Land here, also having, at least at the beginning of the transition, a huge economic leverage due to the extremely low prices of everything in Poland.Therefore, from the very beginning of the "pilgrimages to Auschwitz," the new generations of Jews were strictly isolated from their Polish peers by armed security agents and fed propaganda. Indoctrination was aided by the ubiquitous "death to Jews" signs around Krakow, which actually referred to Cracovia soccer fans, called Jews, and were created by fans of Wisla, the other Krakow club.
@jasiek36 9 ай бұрын
Good job, keep it up! What is most important Jews are separating themselfs from Poles on their own. It is ridiculous, these people were Poles & also Jews. Most of them were born here so they were Polish people. If I would say that I am catolic instead of Polish man it would be ridiculous in the same way. Also, would be nice if somebody would notice that Poland was the only country in which germans were killing people for hiding jews or just not cooperating. In other countries people were punished as well but not that hard and in such scale. Not that they needed such excuse, they were killing not jewish poles without a reason as well, but it was a thing. My own great grandpa was shot in head by germans like a lot of people here just because some other guy in village was hiding these people and no one wanted to snitch about it to germans so they were killing random one by one until someone will want to snitch, yet I am listening to ridiculous accusations about poles from a jewish government. Also, jews that are still in Poland are making ridiculous cinema movies about Poles snitching on jews. Yea, it happened too, but maybe add some context to that. It is very unfair and painful. If you will not stop this ridiculous propaganda it will become true. It is slowly but surely already becoming true, because it is soo unfair and painful that it is kinda hard to like you. We were fighting and hating germans for killing us ALL without a reason and now somehow poles are the bad ones and jewish poles are the opresed ones while the only bad ones were actually germans. ridiculous.
@ZombieCorp999 10 ай бұрын
The sins of the past placed upon the innocent of the present will breed hate for the future.
@stevemangino 10 ай бұрын
Michael Rubenfeld : another great video. I regret we don’t see any comments from the Jewish perspective, it seems only from Gentiles. I wonder if this message is reaching the Jewish population around the world.
@rozaliaroyale 10 ай бұрын
jeżeli wy żydzi przestaniecie uprawiać antypolonizm , my nie będziemy mieli powodu was oceniać - piłka jest po waszej stronie
@slawekwojtowicz Ай бұрын
Did you ever hear tell of an ancient spiritual contraption so finely tuned it could suss out and banish sins and ailments from human body? Well, it's as true as the Holy Book it comes from. Up to you you to believe it or not. Now, this here oil, when slathered on parts of a hale and hearty body, sits there calm as a toad on a log, just givin' off a pleasant whiff. But, Lord help you, if it touches a patch that’s hiding sins or sickness, it sets to workin’ something fierce. First, you'll feel a burn like the devil’s own fire, a sensation that only lasts a few minutes, though it feels like an eternity. If it gets to be too much, you can scrub it off with soap and cold water. As the hours tick by, the treated area may get all flushed and itchy, and by the morrow, you'll likely be sporting a rash that looks for all the world like poison oak. You can treat that rash with the usual remedies, but take heed: let it heal good and proper before you go applying more oil, else you’ll end up with bleeding and open sores. This here sacred oil, the mightiest Cannabis concoction known to Humanity and the most sacred substance on Earth, demands utmost respect and caution in its use due to its potent effects. Exodus 30, verses 22-33 **Chrism Oil Recipe:** Ingredients: - Olive oil: 4 ml - Cannabis resin: 4 g - Essential oils: - Cassia: 8 g - Myrrh: 8 g - Cinnamon: 4 g Here's Exodus 30:22-33 from the Bible, English Standard Version (ESV): **The Anointing Oil and Incense** 22. The Lord said to Moses, 23. "Take the finest spices: of liquid myrrh 500 shekels, and of sweet-smelling cinnamon half as much, that is, 250, and 250 of Cannabis concentrate, 24. and 500 of cassia, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil. 25. And you shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. 26. With it you shall anoint the tent of meeting and the ark of the testimony, 27. and the table and all its utensils, and the lampstand and its utensils, and the altar of incense, 28. and the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils and the basin and its stand. 29. You shall consecrate them, that they may be most holy. Whatever touches them will become holy. 30. You shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may serve me as priests. 31. And you shall say to the people of Israel, ‘This shall be my holy anointing oil throughout your generations. 32. It shall not be poured on the body of an ordinary person, and you shall make no other like it in composition. It is holy, and it shall be holy to you. 33. Whoever compounds any like it or whoever puts any of it on an outsider shall be cut off from his people.’" My book details how to handle it safely.
@aureus1381 4 ай бұрын
Beautifully said but it is sad (or not) that your auditorium is polish mostly. I presume Jewish are not interested in such a content. Am i right?
@lerubenfeld 4 ай бұрын
I think they are or would be but at the moment the algorithim feeds my content to people mostly in Poland or Poles outside of Poland. So I would have to figure out a way to put my content in front of my Jewish eyes :)
@aureus1381 4 ай бұрын
@@lerubenfeld I think that algorithms strongly support according to area you are linking to internet, so maybe useful would be trip to Israel. I noticed that , YT still proposing me youtubers that are currently in PL with visit. You are talking about important things so maybe it is worth it. Just to check but i think it will work.
@mroczneprzepowiednie 10 ай бұрын
You are the voice for Jewish people and at the same time the voice for Polish people to let the world know the truth! Since it's been so confusing and twisted. Now people can finally know that the polish people and Poland in general was the only place in the wolrd where Jews (and all nations) could feel safe and welcomed. After the war this image was twisted so that everyone thought that the polish people were evil and somehow backward... In fact We are some of the most noble nation ever existed on this planet... Finally someone is telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
@tomaszzur792 10 ай бұрын
Bardzo ważne słowa. Dziękuję.
@Malcriada115 10 ай бұрын
Wise words, Michael. Wise words. I do hope you feel at home in my country, and I stand with Israel today. Greetings from Warsaw.
@andrzejrozmus3919 10 ай бұрын
I don't think that it's because of the sympathy to the jewish people in particular, it is more likely due to the sympathy and empathy to the people in need. if you are honest and decent , and in need , you will finde help in poland regardles of beeing a jew , hindu, or whatever. Polish people , dont love jews, or eny other, nation. they love honesty, decency, modesty etc...
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Pewnie jeśli ktoś potrzebuje pomocy, jest uczciwy i nie okazuje się, że zaprosiłes do domu i nie masz gdzie mieszkać.
@krzysztofm8085 10 ай бұрын
Greetings from Warsaw
@Esterhazy1973 10 ай бұрын
I think you're doing a great job Michael. I was born in Lublin and our whole jewish community was destroyed during II WW. Obviously I can only speak for myself but I think we lost something important when we lost our jewish neighbours.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@teresaz1692 10 ай бұрын
Palestyńczyk by się pod tym nie podpisał!!!
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
@@teresaz1692 Polak raczej też nie. Jak można tęsknić za czymś tak obcym i nam Polakom nieżyczliwym.
@budyn1412 9 ай бұрын
The idea of holding grudges across generations is one that's always made me wonder. Seems like even the worst crimes committed by people who are no longer alive should be of historical interest only, even as we remember the victims and name the perpetrators. Jews should no more hold today's Poles complicit in whatever crimes Polish people committed against them during and after WWII (and nobody reasonable will deny that those happened) than they should blame today's Italians for the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans. As a Pole with some roots in the east, I think it is idiotic to blame today's Ukrainians for the slaughter of Poles in Volynhia, as some of us still seem to. To be clear, I'm not talking about erasing history - I'm all for getting the facts straight - but about the moral responsibility for past crimes.
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
Kończę czytać Szulchan aruch uzupełniony przez krakowskiego rabina M. Isserlesa zw. Remu w dziele Mapa (Obrus) tradycjami Żydów aszkenazyjskich. Taki kodeks prawa żydowskiego...rozumiem. Bardzo różnimy się między sobą...słów brak.
@evka_esgie 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video, I hope it will help rebuild relationship between our nations.
@evegannon5111 10 ай бұрын
My aunt used to to say that Poland was boring and grey without Jewish people. She was born in Drohiczyn a typical Jewish town in Podlasie and she remembered the time before the war. Jews were part of Polish culture. Greetings from London
@kiaaurora 10 ай бұрын
@solaris2015 10 ай бұрын
We would d rather hear "Jewish Man" not person, because political correctness has just ruined USA military and religions.
@mariusz5938 10 ай бұрын
God had given to Jews the land of Israel as a sacred and promised land to them, so Jews should obey their own God's orders and protect the Holy Land. If they don't, and they are running all around the globe by saying "aaa I'm a civilian I don't want to die" then they should NOT be considered as Jews hence they resisted THEIR OWN GOD's WILL. Period.
@solaris2015 10 ай бұрын
They got mentally "locked", because they had to give themselves a good reason to emigrate.
@tomaszbudnik2755 10 ай бұрын
Jestem w szoku usunęli mój komentarz niezwkle ważny teraz szefem KZbin nie jest Suzan Wójcicki i z polski więc nie pogadamy inwigilacja będzie jeszcze gorsza . Wierzę ze w powiadomienia zobaczyles mój komentarz a potem wszystko znika .
@paulizzs4720 10 ай бұрын
@BarbaraBarbara81010 10 ай бұрын
tak , jej mama Esther Wojcicki z domu Hochman
@frankgradus9474 10 ай бұрын
By the by, "'Bierzmy przykład z Izraela!' Ks. Dariusz Oko o demografii, migrantach i lawendowej mafii" Afirmacja TV
@lauraperlanska636 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. Jews and Poles have a lot in common. We have lived side by side for hundreds of years and have a similar mentality. We have different cultures, religions, but similar mentality. We live deep in our traumas and fears. We feel wronged and believe that God is on our side because we suffered. This is present in the mentality of Jews and Poles. We consider ourselves victims, and victims by nature are morally superior, they are better, they are holy. It's so Polish and so Jewish. I wish us to find each other and like each other. Each side should try to understand the other.
@kiaaurora 10 ай бұрын
We very much don't have similar mentality. have you even ever spoken to Jews?
@Tax-Immigration-Specialist 9 ай бұрын
@@kiaaurora 😀😀😀😀😀Very Funny. Most probably not.
@chicagoan1560 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Michael, means a lot
@alicjakijewski1012 10 ай бұрын
@talktomenowxbmc 10 ай бұрын
You are one of us.
@dorotaglebocka8614 10 ай бұрын
@marcinmalczewski7049 10 ай бұрын
Thank you Michael
@caregivergirlk 9 ай бұрын
@greg-jm7tm 10 ай бұрын
I am polish, over 50years old and I support Israel, cheers.
@Northerner-NotADoctor 10 ай бұрын
Ty się przestań tymi Polakami przejmować. Jedyne co w Polsce jest fajne, to język polski i przyroda. Za 100 lat nie będzie żadnej Polski i niemal żadnych Polaków. Obiecuję.
@olganesterowicz2112 9 ай бұрын
To sarkazm?
@Krlowanigu-mg6eg 10 ай бұрын
When I see agression and genocide exerced on the people in Palestine, i would prefer that j they spread they culture far away from Poland. I understand that you personally have a peaceful pov but it seems that you are the exception while those who declares to be chosen ones excelled in atrocities they claim submitted. You the j have proven that have no mercy for the rightful habitants of their own land, it is scary to be your neighbour. You have proven that jews do not want to coexist peacefully with goim. As the solution, maybe buy some land in the middle of Australia and start your new country there before declaration of the new ww3. Shalom!
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
So why did Jews first come to Poland in the 10th c AD? What were they doing here? Do you know? Try to guess. There is a long history of Jews in Poland, yeah, sure, but how did it start? A very good question, isn`t it? Any guesses before I tell you?
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
I know the history well.
@bogusawwierzynski2789 10 ай бұрын
In a nutshell: the first Jews in Poland (or in what was to become Poland) were slave traders. That was at the turn of the 9th and 10 centuries. German military gangs (not yet the German state) began penetrating the vast forests of the Polish lands in search of slaves. Paragona (Prague) was a major slave trade hub. This was where the Germans (helped by Czechs) sold the abducted Polish villagers to the Jewish traders who in turn took them all the way to the Caliphate of Cordoba, where they were sold to the Arabs. Slave trade was so lucrative that the Czech state budget depended on it. More broadly, the entire western Europe in the 9th century built its economic foundations on slaves from central and eastern Europe. The words slavs and slaves are strikingly similar for a reason. This was precisely why Poland came into existence. Tribal chieftains in the lands around Gniezno united under the leadership of Mieszko I`s father to resist conquest. They built a number of fortified towns in the years 920-940. In 966 MIeszko took a strategic decision to adopt Christianity and set up church organization in his realm, so that the Germans would no longer have the excuse to enslave his people under the pretext of fighting the 'heathen'. This is how Poland began. A Jewish slave trader Ibrahim ibn Yacob in the service of the Caliph of Cordoba was sent to Prague on a mission to find out why the numbers of slaves dwindled so badly. Ibrahim ibn Yacob wrote to his master an extensive report and this is how we know slavery (in cental Europe) ended when Poland came into existence.
@Krlowanigu-mg6eg 10 ай бұрын
They want conviniently to forget that shameful reason.
@militia318 10 ай бұрын
@radeejko 10 ай бұрын
Poland is going through rapid depopulation at fhe moment, losing a whole town of people every month. There is enough room for everyone historically connected to that land. Even prior to the Russian aggression in Ukraine, the influx of Ukrainians and Belarusians started making Poland a lot more diverse, like it used to be through centuries. Now it might be the right time to rebuild Jewish community too.
@marcinwkurw3185 10 ай бұрын
maybe instead of migrants, let's focus on Poles multiplying xd.
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
niech odbudowują swą społeczność u siebie, chcieli ziemi obiecanej, to ja mają, a my tu morderców cywili nie chcemy, ani jednych, ani drugich,. ty zaś, synu, przestań bredzić
@wielebna444 10 ай бұрын
@@marcinwkurw3185 By forcing women to have children? ;) Let's just let people decide if they want to multiple or not, and accept refugees- there are so many civilians who need a safe space to live at the moment. Let's be kind.
@marcinwkurw3185 10 ай бұрын
@@wielebna444 Firstly, not by forcing, but by creating favorable conditions for it. Don't project. Secondly "Let's just let people decide if they want to multiple or not, and accept refugees" So maybe let's let people decide whether they want migrants, right? What does let's accept mean? XD So we don't have the right to choose? If you want it so much, take a few with you. Do you have any guests from Pakistan or Syria at your place? This is a rhetorical question. You certainly don't. Like 99% of people who want to let them in. You talk a lot but do nothing. A clash with reality will occur when a friend is raped or a friend is stabbed in the stomach. Third, simple math, 80 million people are born in Africa every year. As much as the entire population of Germany. How many do you want to let in? when will we say stop? Don't you understand that this wave will never end? We already have a wave of anti-Semitism in Western Europe. Security guards must stand outside Jewish schools and synagogues. There are thousands of incidents. There are no-go zones, gangs and an increase in organized crime. Is this what you want in Poland? Sometimes I think that people who prefer feelings over logical thinking should not have voting rights...
@radeejko 10 ай бұрын
@@marcinwkurw3185 I also wish the fertility rate was higher but it's not and it will take plenty of time to change that if at all possible. If we need migrants to sustain the country I much prefer people already connected to Poland in a way i.e. Ukrainians, Belarusians and Ashkenazi Jews.
@mateusz.w.nawrocki 10 ай бұрын
Great speech. You should run for an MP here in Poland. For once, when the antisemites would scrawl 'Żyd' on Your campaign billboard it would actually be true.
@lerubenfeld 10 ай бұрын
I somehow doubt I could be an MP without speaking better Polish :)
@Huk256 10 ай бұрын
@@lerubenfeld You may want to Google the phrase 'poseł John Godson'. His Polish wasn't perfect AND he was black... and yet people voted him in... twice, if I recall correctly, so... you know 😉
@chrissasin6676 10 ай бұрын
Polish people must confront past and present ubiquitous antisemitism.😢 Ask for forgiveness and forgive . just like towards germans (in 1965).
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
Jewish people must confront past and present ubiquitous anti-Polonism i wszelkie inne swoje anty-... także anypalestynizm and ask for forgiveness (Gaza), a ty jestes pajac. To stałe wytykanie innym antysemityzmu zrobiło się strasznie nudne, wręcz żałosne, zwłaszcza, że wytykający belek w swoich oczach nie widzą
@chrissasin6676 10 ай бұрын
@@adboroutdoor..7662 wiem ze prawda boli,ale jest warunkiem budowania przyszlosci.Najlepszym dowode nielogicznych argumenow sa ataki osobiste na ludzi ktorzy maja inne opinie. Przestanmy byc ofiarami. Prawda nas wyzwoli!🇺🇸🇵🇱🇺🇸
@kola158 10 ай бұрын
​@@chrissasin6676czyja prawda?😂 Bzdury totalne
@adboroutdoor..7662 10 ай бұрын
jesli twoja rodzina lub ty masz cos na sumieniu, to wylacznie wasz problem, a za reszte sie nie wypowiadaj, bo nic ci do tego prawa nie daje@@chrissasin6676
@bjelinski1 10 ай бұрын
"Polish people embrace Jewish people" - if you comment the situation today after Oct 7th, that is because Poles don't like Arabs, statistically. If you refer to a longer period - you have been lucky. Antisemitism in Poland is quite popular, we have open issues (property stolen by the state in the past), and we have unreconciled history (200k Jews killed by Poles with a spade during WW2, the country until 1939 was a purely antisemitic state). Just one explanation why antisemitism is popular - you remember what I wrote above? Many Jews who survived WW2 wanted to take revenge on their persecutors (I would do the same, make life miserable for nationalists, like PiS today), so we Poles accuse Jews for collaboration with communists.
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