演算法帶咗我來看這條影片,一直都知big 4及ibank很恐怖,我唔係讀或者做呢行,亦很慶幸自己找到一份work life balance的工作,但係我諗起讀大學時同我亦師亦友的老師的講法,簡單來說,就是用錢換健康,頂得蒲就去馬,頂唔蒲就唔好去,柑柑今次上埋報,真厲害,祝福你身體健康,青春常駐,找到自己真正喜歡的生活
Algorithm brought me here :) I'm ex-big 4 in US office (and left as a senior manager). I heard about the horror stories in Asia office \T_T/ I always tell my team, nothing is more important than our lives and no one dies from our job . We aren't operating anyone, we aren't cutting anyone, we are just auditors checking everyone's work. lol. I'd rather send my team to hotel than risking them to get into car accidents on their way home (yes, there were big 4 staffs got into car accident during their drive to home after working 15-hour workday). I still don't know how I survived 10 busy seasons and even became a mom during that time. lol. After watching your sharing, I promise I will treat the analysts covering our company's stock better. haha :D
@阿流-e3v7 ай бұрын
有緣睇到呢條片(偶然在我公海出現), 好佩服能夠喺極端工作環境下生存到的人, 謝謝分享~
@kai1269 ай бұрын
@itsgumgum9 ай бұрын
@joashliu66238 ай бұрын
@kwcalvin8426 ай бұрын
@michaelkwok27469 ай бұрын
Equity research 其實寫一啲報告出嚟都係為水啲客戶買嘢,可能你啲報告都係俾咗銀行或者證券公司搵啲大粒佬幫你出報告 之後如果水都人哋買嗰啲股票嘅話咁佢哋賺錢其實啲報告價值好老實啊都冇咩用 。 同埋你頭先講啦聽我新聞之後再寫報告嗰啲劇個股票價格已經反映咗,所以其實係作用不大嘅(申利 I am a trader )