For many years, American companies hired Chinese fresh graduates because they were cheap labors. I had met many Chinese engineers working for American companies in the bay area can hardly speak English. Nowadays, it is getting difficulty for them to find jobs because all the hiring managers are Indian(not American Indian); they only hire Indians. They will hire experienced Chinese engineers when they can not find Indians to do the works.
Wenda Li 那你又是怎么知道他们的言论不受大多数中国百姓的支持?是中共开放了网路封锁了?还是现在有胆量让他们回去了?还是当政者敢于堂堂正正地在老百姓中作真正的调查?我一般不喜欢在网络上与别人辩论,因为只有真正想做人的才会讲真话,只要有些事没有摊在你我的头上,只要不说,不听,事不关己,高高挂起的心态来面对,我们也可以活得安然无恙,可那又有什么意义呢?