Col Jason 川普父亲也是自己努力挣来的合法收入,在一个勤劳的家庭长大更加懂得如何挣钱。华人努力拿学位是对的,但是拿到学位是为了自己更好的劳动,并且学习的道路没有终点,不要和别人比,只能和自己比有学位更好,和别人比可能人家学位低到比你优秀很正常。你我心理都知道华人心底里的想法,就是拿到证书,过上凭资格不劳而获的生活,结果发现自由社会不吃这一套,到处骂娘,心理想着凭什么我有高学历还要幸苦工作?
i love VOA especially 焦点对话 but then i love trump. one issue that fail to address is how many ;lobbyist or interest group sponsor Cruz, rubio.? or are they just puppets president if they are voted in.we dont care if he scold vulgars languages , but he must be a man. talk like a real man!! GO TRUMP!!