However, in reality, it is true that the cost of owning a house is lower in the United States when compared to Taiwan. You will see many Taiwanese people making efforts to learn English with the goal of moving to the United States, but you won't see many Americans making efforts to learn Chinese in order to buy a house in Taiwan.
喜歡這次美國版的看房,節奏很明快,第一集就介紹condo vs house,兩個完全不同風格,希望可以多點介紹美國房地產的特色、區域、畢竟台灣house房子比較少,庭院怎麼維護、裝潢風格跟台灣不同的地方。第一間的house傢俱看起來很有質感,如果也可以介紹傢具的品牌就更好了,女生喜歡看。也期待Joeman到世界各地拍更多的房地產,幫大家做個比較整理。謝謝Joeman。
@damon3828 Жыл бұрын
現在人在國外 發現了太多國家差距了 台灣房價物價消費真的不是人待的
@lisali4019 Жыл бұрын
这栋公寓就是西雅图城里顶顶有名的Insignia, 设施具备,因为有很多公寓单位所以HOA1200美金不算贵,我住在它附近四星级酒店式的公寓,配套设施还没有它这么俱全,主要是没有游泳池,但管理费按平均居住面积来说要比它贵三分之一。孩子没搬出前我也住在和视频里介绍差不多的Bellevue 那幢独立别墅,我的就在我两个孩子从五年级一直到12年级就读的Bellevue 国际学校隔壁。现作为出租房。最近Bellevue 的治安也不太好了。有很多孩子不住家以后也喜欢这种娱乐设施具备,生活便利的公寓,我们这里也住了些名人。Paul Allen 就是这里的开发商,所以他去世前还持有一些下面的商业大楼。
27:38 - what LiuPei said here is partly true. The old way was to put the laundry room in or next to the garage. The new trend now is to put the laundry room next to the bedrooms. If you have to do laundry, why do you want to carry your dirty clothes all the way through the house and then carry it again when it is done? It makes more sense to put it close to where the bedrooms are. However, this makes the design quite different so it's something to contend with but a lot of buyers are looking for this now. 😎
24:51 - in the instance of the condo, a lot of times the seller will leave the appliances there and be included as part of the selling price. Most buyers of condos are expecting a "turn key" solution where it's similar to a hotel. They don't want to do any renovations and just expect to walk-in upon receiving the keys. 😁
True, income is about three times of Taipei, but the cost of living is about three times of Taipei as well. And most importantly, if you have kid / kids, check out the college four year tuitions versus Taiwan's, you would need to start saving for it from kid's elementary school days.