John MacArthur: "It Happened in an Instant..." | RC Sproul, G3 Ministries, Eschatology, End Times

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Preaching for God's Glory

Preaching for God's Glory

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@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
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@jenniferrobertson2542 Жыл бұрын
I don't know why people aren't allowed to disagree on anything anymore and if they do disagree they have to be enemies. That is a sad way of being. I know this was a talk meant for pastors. But from a lay persons perspective.. all that matters is that Jesus has not come back yet. We are all screwed until he does. We have to get through this life the same way regardless of the details or sequence of events of what's going to happen in the end times. They are terrible, we are going to suffer, we are going to die, we need to to get through. Just like life. The arguments of theologians regarding sequence of events will make zero difference to the reality we are faced with. We must love Him and trust Him. We have no control.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
It certainly is terrible when people are enemies because of non-essential issues. That's what probably made this video so encouraging. To see just how close of a friendship John MacArthur and RC Sproul had, despite their differences. They saw things very differently when it came to end times but had a very close and meaningful friendship. That's definitely what I find encouraging. We should focus on the main thing - the Gospel of Jesus Christ. P.S. - If that wasn't your takeaway from the video, then you should definitely watch it again. God bless!
@ajdolphin7 Ай бұрын
100% and no MacArthur isn't correct on all his eschatology.
@chaplainscott8387 5 күн бұрын
It is easy to understand. But it’s hard to believe. But if you’ll believe it, you’ll definitely understand it!
@boaz63 7 ай бұрын
I love the example of brotherly love between MacArthur and Sproul. They were great friends who deeply loved each other and fought for the gospel side by side. The fact that they could also have vigorous debates and disagreements over secondary (but still important) doctrines like baptism, eschatology, covenant/dispensational hermeneutics, is a great testimony and example to the Church. 🙏
@WORDversesWORLD Жыл бұрын
No man is right, and it's faith we live by not eschatology.
@WORDversesWORLD 9 ай бұрын
@@rhondae8222 How do you figure that when the part of theology concerning death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind? Christian hope is concerned with eschatology, or the science of last things concerning the end of this age, but it doesn't give us a clue of the end because no man including Christ Himself knows the hour or the day.
@chaplainscott8387 5 күн бұрын
This statement doesn’t even make sense.
@WORDversesWORLD 5 күн бұрын
@chaplainscott8387 Don't see why not! There's no man on earth that is right concerning God's Truth. And we live by faith in Christ, not a religion or a science.
@franciscoavila8724 5 ай бұрын
McArthur is right, if scripture doesn't mean what is says then scripture will be interpreted by your own opinions
@Ditchdiggerpewsitter Жыл бұрын
and please do not forget us preterists. R.C. was a moderate or partial preterist as he confessed in his "The End Times According to Jesus" video series. R.C. was also gracious and generous in his relationships with other Christians; especially those who took different views. However, on the essentials - Faith in Christ for our salvation and trusting He was raised for our justification were front and centre, were they not? Love br. David - Canada.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
Yes, partial preterism is among the orthodox eschatological stances that I named. Sproul and MacArthur uniting in the essentials (justification by faith alone) is definitely the right takeaway from the video. That's the priority above all else. We must unite in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, despite other theological differences. God bless!
@Ditchdiggerpewsitter Жыл бұрын
I agree. Also, I do not believe that R.C. would have written-off the full preterists. He wrote a favourable foreward in The reprint of the book 'The Parousia' back in the 90's. He was friendly to those who espoused FP at that time and I never heard him back track or accuse of heresy in later years. I know FP is not considered orthodox and against the Creeds etc. That's what I loved about R.C.. He was clear in his take yet magnanimous towards other confessing Christians, Baptistic and Charismatic alike.@@PreachingforGodsGlory
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
@@Ditchdiggerpewsitter I sure hope he didn't embrace those who believe that the Second Coming already happened!! That's concerning if it seemed like he did. I've never followed him closely enough to know whether he was cozy with them or not. I sure hope he wasn't. We unite in truth not error.
@Ditchdiggerpewsitter Жыл бұрын
@@PreachingforGodsGlory Sproul wrote his recommend to the reprint of James Stuart Russell's book, The Parousia. See Brian Martin preterist and his involvement with the reprinting etc. Also, in the original version of The Last Days According to Jesus by RC Sproul. Sproul writes a dedication to his friend Garret (who was a preterist and involved in the reprint) - Can't find it as I do not have a copy but have seen it in a copy from a friend. There is a new version from Ligonier and I do not know whether they have omitted that dedication. Anyways, we shall have to carry on. You might see Zach Davis and or Travis Drum who have a Baptist church in Jonesborough AS. Their YT channel cover this material and it will remain to be seen whether FP will hold or go by the wayside. For me it has been very helpful in understanding much more of the bible. But that is my subjective opinion (I do attend church and profess faith in Christ and His imputed righteousness to me by His works alone, He was raised etc.(all orthodox except the credal futurist understanding of the Apostles Creed etc.) which - my full preterist perspective - you may dismiss out of hand at this stage. Love br. David - Canada
@armscar2002 Жыл бұрын
@@PreachingforGodsGlory no he did not & none of his writing indicated that!
@L5player Жыл бұрын
Oh, dear. Mac seems to think it's all just so clear. Well, it isn't, or there wouldn't be a wide spectrum of beliefs by responsible and seasoned theologians and scholars on the subject. The fact is, every viewpoint cheats a little here or there, or assigns meanings to words that might be taken another way, or assumes two passages are talking about two different things, or the same thing, or brings one presupposition to a passage that someone else doesn't, or vice versa. Is Israel still owed anything from God, or did they disqualify themselves via sin? Is the Church the new Israel, or are they still distinct? Is the cross in Daniel 9, or not? Depends on how you see the two "princes." Are they the same person, or two? How do you know? Is the 70th week future, or already fulfilled? Was the list of things Daniel said had to happen within the 70 weeks accomplished? Are you sure? The prophecies of Christ's first advent were quite cryptic, and so are the ones having to do with His return. Mac should know better than to be so dogmatic. It's a very difficult subject, and also NOT central to salvation. So why get so exercised about it?
@johnmarkharris Жыл бұрын
“You almost have to go to school to get that unraveled” Except, most Christians (through history) haven’t had his view. 🤷🏼‍♂️
@tedprice5828 Жыл бұрын
He does not understand apocalyptic language and vision. If it is historical then how does that help first century Christians who were under great tribulation that they were going through.
@albertglover2574 8 күн бұрын
RC Sproul was very exact in his interpretation of scripture. I can't unfortunately say the same of MacArthurs. Sproul did not consider the pre-tribulation rapture as supported by scripture. Sorry MacArthur that is misrepresenting Sproul.
@kgmail7364 Жыл бұрын
Sproul walked the line of apostasy for the sake of propagating his pseudo intellectual interpretation of scripture.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
Can you be more specific? What heresy do you believe he come close to falling into?
@gabrielnelson3400 Жыл бұрын
Well, I'll say this: yes AND there aren't many true and knowledgeable teachers out there. Many churches in MOST towns feature pastors that have very little to no clue to false theology (that's a spectrum upon which many fall at some point on) surrounding the eschatological truth. A couple things to consider where millenialism is concerned: 1. If God so wills that the Son have a 1000 year reign upon earth, then the Son will indeed have a 1000 year reign. 2. If anyone believes that this has already taken place at some point in the past, please delve back into the Word of God (esp. the Gospels) and examine the manifestations through Christ of God's glory. Because regardless of how you twist and bend any 1000 year period in recorded history, no such time has existed to this point that reflects such a glorious reign of Christ upon the Earth. If you believe it has you fundamentally discredit the Gloriousness of God's power to exercise sovereignty over Satan, Sin, Man, and Earth. Pray that more eschatologically sound pastors would attend and graduate from sound seminaries and be sent to congregations that desperately need them.
@tedprice5828 Жыл бұрын
McArthur will know the difference when he gets to heaven and finds out that Sproul was right.
@WalkerJani Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be too sure.
@Ahtise Жыл бұрын
You are sooooo right. It's not even hard to understand that the church is still on earth when the Lord return in the skys with great glory when he will resurrect the deads in Christ then The ones alive in Christ will be caught up (raptured) to join the deads in the air of the atmosphere. Dispensationalism is a demonic doctrine
@jamestiffany3531 Жыл бұрын
I would be very careful with saying keep the main thing the main thing. That's a broad brush of a statement that is the foundation of ecumeniism.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
I abhor ecumenism. That's in reference to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul said the same thing in 1 Cor 15.
@jamestiffany3531 Жыл бұрын
@@PreachingforGodsGlory He didn't necessarily say the same thing in the sense of the broad statement, but I did assume you meant the fullness of the Gospel. I just would recommend to not use those choice in words due to possible ecumenical interpretation. Such as that as someone that would say.. yes they are Christian and they receive the Gospel, but they are in a same sex marriage. Reason being I'm simply keeps mg the main thing the main thing. False teachers such as Rick Warren use that slogan. I totally understood what you meant or I at least hoped for that, but it still is a broad statement that may lead many to not discern in an adequate manner.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
@@jamestiffany3531 Thanks for clarifying. I understand your concern if that's what those false teachers say... I don't know. I don't watch or read them. If every single statement had to be qualified, no preacher, including the Apostle Paul could ever say anything. I specifically said that after denouncing the false gospel of Roman Catholicism and talking about how Sproul and MacArthur stood together for the true gospel in opposition to it. I also used the language of Paul by saying that it is of "first priority." And it's clearly in reference to the gospel being an essential issue, not eschatology (since the video is about differing eschatological views). It's definitely not necessary to walk through an entire statement of faith and Christian ethics after making that statement. Thanks for sharing that you understood what I meant and that you're just concerned about buzz words / buzz slogans. I know some are very sensitive to whatever new slogan false teachers are using if they follow them or follow people that always talk about them. I still plan to refer to the Gospel as the main thing and that of first priority as it is clearly stated in 1 Cor 15. My statement of faith is available on my website (see About page) and there are 630+ videos on this page that should make things very clear that I am in complete opposition of uniting with those who hold to a false gospel.
@jamestiffany3531 Жыл бұрын
@@PreachingforGodsGlory I'll have to check your website out. You seem theologically sound considering you affirm reformed theology. This is coming from a non-calvinist. Trust me when I say I'm in full agreement of 1 Corinthians 15 and the Gospel. I would say that the words and phrases we use do matter and we definitely should be careful with our words, especially if we are teaching others. I would from my own personal preference not use that phrase for the sake of the Gospel. That's simply due to it's direct ties to ecumenical theology and the seeker sensitive movement that is led infamously by Rick Warren. Regardless I most certainly know that is not your intention. Also, this is off topic, but Ive been trying to talk with others about this even here with other KZbin with other creators and nobody wants to engage with me on this. But.. would you consider a oneness believer a brother in Christ? Not a trick question. Just being sincere and genuine. I hope to hear back.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
The Trinity is an essential doctrine. It's definitely heresy to deny the Trinity. So, no, I do not consider someone who believes in oneness theology that denies the Trinity a brother in Christ. I would leave some room for someone struggling with understanding the doctrine but a commitment to oneness theology is definitely outside of historic Christian orthodoxy and is a belief that needs repented of unto faith in Christ.
@sammcrae8892 Жыл бұрын
Just a suggestion, I clicked this video to see what the debaters had to say. I don't object to the producer of the video to make comments, but not every few sentences, please.
@PreachingforGodsGlory Жыл бұрын
Thank you for giving me permission to talk on my podcast. ;-)
@kgmail7364 Жыл бұрын
Sproul was an ecumenical apologist. His theology was inclusive and erroneous. I credit him for the demise of Coral Ridge Presbyterian church. I attended there when Billy Graham’s grandson had the pulpit. It was a circus. The garbage coming from that pulpit was shocking. And, of course, that ministry eventually blew up.
@theidolbabblerthedailydose33 Жыл бұрын
1 Corinthians 15:51-52 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. The resurrection hasn’t happened yet. So, to think that Sproul now has a new view is not correct.
@solideogloria5526 9 күн бұрын
We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord. 2 Cor. 5:8, the believer who died in Christ is conscious, awake in the presence of the Lord, though they are waiting for bodily resurrection, yet they are present in the Lord already
@ben.duffour Ай бұрын
well, "it seems pretty easy to see" Jesus came back as He said He would in Matthew 24. Does that make me a heretic?😆
@PreachingforGodsGlory Ай бұрын
That depends on whether you believe that He is still coming back again? Full preterism is outside of the bounds of Orthodox Christian Theology and is definitionally a declared heresy. What doesn’t make sense is why any Christian would find that funny!!!
@ben.duffour Ай бұрын
@PreachingforGodsGlory I'm not interested in being called names. The word "heresy" is so easy to throw around when you don't have exegetical proof against a theological position. The issue youd have to grapple with as a non-preterist is Jesus only spoke of one coming in the new testament. It was supposed to be within 40 years of the Olivet Discourse(Matthew 24:34). Jesus would return to give every man recompense before all the disciples died(Matthew 16:27-28) and in Revelation 22, He said that was coming up soon. Everything in Matthew 24 has already happened, just as Jesus predicted. Are you sure it's a good position to take, standing with "orthodoxy" while calling Jesus a liar? You cannot get around these .
@jamescrumbaker3169 Ай бұрын
@@ben.duffour Your first assertion about Matthew 24:34 is disqualified by the next two verses. Heaven and earth did not pass away, and we're not able to know the day or the hour.
@ben.duffour Ай бұрын
@jamescrumbaker3169 tell me you don't understand symbolic language😂tell me then, what does verse 34 mean?
@jamescrumbaker3169 Ай бұрын
@@ben.duffour When we read Matthew 24, it is important to understand what questions Jesus was answering. The disciples asked Jesus 3 questions on the mount of Olives: when would the temple be destroyed, when would He return, and when would the world end. From verse 4 to verse 22, Jesus is answering the first question. From verse 23 and on, Jesus is answering the second and third questions since they are the same event, but later on in the future. The Bible says that the earth is destroyed when Jesus returns. This is the problem that preterists and pre-trib believers have when they say the rapture comes before a period of time when people will have another chance to get right with God. I challenge you to find every instance of "that day" or "day of the Lord" and tell me if you don't find mention of the earth being destroyed alongside them. It's mentioned every time the day of the Lord is mentioned. That day hasn't happened yet because we're still here, and the earth hasn't been destroyed by fire (2 Peter 3:10).
@deangailwahl8270 5 ай бұрын
2:25 Yes John, I believe if you change the rules of eschatology your lost and can you please tell me how many years the belief in Dispensationalism pre-mil has been around?
@alexkelley385 4 ай бұрын
Since Christ told the Apostles I will not eat this supper with you until I meet with you in the kingdom.
@ryanhart3159 Жыл бұрын
Brother MacArthur, I love you and have learned a lot but strongly disagree with your eschatology! Please show me a secret rapture of the church in scripture? I think you need to listen to brother Kenneth Gentry’s breakdown, he is bang on:)
@solideogloria5526 9 күн бұрын
16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1Thess. 4:16-17
@johnmarkharris Жыл бұрын
Mac is a bit hard shell.
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