John Piper - Can We Trust The 66 Books Of The Bible?

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The Gospel Coalition

The Gospel Coalition

16 жыл бұрын

Questions answered.

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@thegospelcoalition 9 жыл бұрын
John Piper - Can We Trust The 66 Books Of The Bible?
@annhalaseh 12 жыл бұрын
Amazing. Praise Jesus
@StefanJato 10 жыл бұрын
that's a logical fallacy bro. just because you didn't experience X, doesn't mean X is a cause. You need both the present cause without the effect and the effect without cause. That being said, my life HAS been radically changed by reading the Bible. Gods existence WAS made known to me, and I DID have that "sense data"(if you'd like to call it that) revealed to me. God bless, and read the scripture with a sense of belief.
@abdulshahidalajev115 3 жыл бұрын
Only logical fallacy is contradiction
@Drtruman 14 жыл бұрын
Because from the start to finish is the Who, What, Why and How of Christ! And he is the only truth that you need know!
@ningreingamkamei6323 5 жыл бұрын
Should we considered an inspiration or just a book of literature (about the books of 66 in the Bible )?
@sinsionismo 13 жыл бұрын
Great explanation!!...
@cowboy57hutch1 15 жыл бұрын
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God.....
@ahsl 15 жыл бұрын
Way to Go Pastor John :D
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
The 1st written OT that we know of was wrote about 400BC.In the British Museum in London there is an ancient Eygptian scroll that is known as 'The Teachings of Amen-em-ope'.It was rote about 1580BC.Title 'How to live'. It contains most of the psalms and proverbs now found in the bible. The length of the papyrus is12ft and it is10inches wide.The text is set in 27 columns and is a copy made by a scribe named Senu.The age of the original is unknown.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
I think KZbin is an xellent place to discuss any subject. I like the fact that it is an open forum and anyone can xpress an opinion.
@amthatis07 13 жыл бұрын
@StrumstickJoe Hey man. Please share what it is that leads you to believe The Bible promotes vindictive behavior rather than love and grace. It appears as though you're claiming the Bible to be false, on what grounds? Thanks for sharing!
@patrickimrie7155 2 жыл бұрын
Also John Piper: "All human beings are spiritually blind to the superior value of the glory of God. Which means that left to ourselves, we will see the Gospel, see Christ, see Scripture, but not see it (or see him) for what it truely is, namely the most beautiful, valuable reality in the world. So we can see, but there’s something wrong with our spiritual capacities to discern the beauty and value of what we see."
@patrickimrie7155 5 ай бұрын
@constance875heck yeah brother
@JourneyWithinAwakenMinds 4 жыл бұрын
@NVRAMboi Жыл бұрын
That's well explained by Bro. Piper. In the current social madness of 2023 (and several years before) what would I do without the Truth that is Jesus Christ. Truth in this temporal/secular world is hated, avoided, twisted and perverted. Jesus Christ is Lord.
@imjustsomeguy72 13 жыл бұрын
@max2right ..And in terms of oral tradition (particularly for the gospels), passing on of material was well in the lifetime of eyewitnesses, and as the gospels and period literature make clear, people expected careful stewardship of oral teaching and history, not chaotic communal fiction making. That was just the nature of education at the time - rehearsal of oral and written texts, but in ways to enhance accuracy and recall.
@HDell1994 14 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns Are you saying that Judaism was founded on pagan religions?
@Drtruman 14 жыл бұрын
Would you have said that to your dad had she told you to come home at 9pm sharp? Why not the being that brought all life into exsistence?
@HDell1994 14 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns My bad, I was just kinda confused on what you were trying to say.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 free thought. in the sense of being able to decide whether to worship or not.
@KingsMan007 11 жыл бұрын
Now mind you that they're aren't any text that differ severely from the discovered manuscripts. If these text were corrupted, there would definitely be writings that verify the changes.
@imjustsomeguy72 13 жыл бұрын
@max2right Sure, many of the books of the New Testament were indeed written (as far as can be demonstrated) decades after Jesus death (Paul's letters, for example, are mostly dated to the 50s AD, so around 20 years post), but that's by no means problematic. Show me any extant copy of a document from antiquity that demonstrably does any better than a couple of decades from the source events.
@PinkPantera9185eR 27 күн бұрын
You can trust that that only kept 66 books in 6 sections for a reason.
@jefflow1986 13 жыл бұрын
@Notharah aye, the difficulty is that when it ceases to be a circular argument, the Bible ceases to be the Word of God. no one has the authority to authenticate the Bible except God Himself through the Holy Spirit. i'm surprised that you felt that in about paul. In Romans, he has established the the whole world testifies of God and in Corinthians, he was beseeching them to hear him. his desire was for them to be reconciled to God through Christ crucified. and that's profound love. =)
@StrumstickJoe 13 жыл бұрын
@amthatis07 3) ..then pray: Dear God, almighty, all-powerful, all-loving creator of the universe, we pray to you to cure every case of cancer on this planet tonight. We pray in faith, knowing you will bless us as you describe in Matthew 7:7, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, John 14:12-14, Matthew 18:19 and James 5:15-16. In Jesus' name we pray that you cure them all, Amen. Let me know if it works.
@men_of_god7 13 жыл бұрын
@HDell1994 14 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns Wait, I was just asking a question...
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 Luke, whose primary sources are unknown, admits to having 'investigated everything carefuly'.He makes no pretense at being a witness.He says that 'many have taken a hand in setting out the things in which we believe'.And.' delivered them to us'.He does not say that those earlier writers are the 12 apostles.We do not have the 'earlier' scripts that he speaks of.We cannot know then who wrote these scripts. Which scripts by what writers did he 'investigate'? Not his friend Pauls.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
Qoute from the book, The Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe. Lecky 19. Cyprian ,Epis,book i ep 11
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
Matt18:15.Talks about pre-xistant church."...If thy brother shall trespass against thee.....tell it to the CHURCH,but if he neglect to hear the CHURCH, let him be unto thee an heathen..." Matt5;3."Blessed are the poor in spirit,for theirs is the kindom of heaven."was also a principle of the ancient Eygptian Theraputae, and as such was known and taught for ages b4 the time assigned to the 1st publication of the gospel. Theraputae had many CHURCHES and followers in ancient Eygpt, Rome, Greece.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
St Augustine. Much qouted early Christian theologian."What should be done with the non-believer?" said "Neither let those who refuse to obey their bishops and priests think within themselves that they are in the way of life and of salvation. For the Lord God says in Duet,"Whoever will act presumptuously, and will not hear the priest or the judge,whoever he may be in those days,he shaldie,and the people will hear and fear, and dono more presumptuously." Theological authrization for persecution.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
Gospel according to Luke.1.1-4. Were the writer admits to having recieved the info that he writes about from previous it carefuly."1. For as much as many have taken a hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are surely believed among us.2. Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word." Delivered, meaning passed on. whoever passed on the info claim to be witnesses. The writer was not. He recieved.
@Lion3Lamb 15 жыл бұрын
What? Do basically all the commenters here want apologetics? From John Piper? He does briefly mention historical proofs at the end, but his point is that at the individual level, trusting the Scriptures moves beyond looking at arguments of scholars and moving into a knowledge of God and a realization of the grace of Jesus Christ.
@BozoTheBear 13 жыл бұрын
If your opinion of this book is that Jesus speaks these words, you only have to find one point at which the words contradict each other to realise that "Jesus" is not being truthful. Does 800,000 equal 1,100,000? If so, then we are in more trouble than the rest of the bible tells us.
@Machelle3200 14 жыл бұрын
i'm skeptical....6 is the devil's anything with that number on it is a big red flag for me....
@officialnarcissco4533 3 жыл бұрын
same here
@Drooblemeister 13 жыл бұрын
The emotions one feels are not a confirmation of the truthfulness of any book or historical document (like the Bible), in order for one to discover the truth (if it is in any holy book such as the Bible), they cannot accept something w/ their heart they are not ready to accept w/ their mind, but on the other hand, it would not be life-changing if they only accept in their mind 'the Bible is true' but it did nothing to change the heart also. Anyways, maybe this makes sense =) Peace
@jefflow1986 13 жыл бұрын
@Notharah if Scripture had to be authenticated by other sources or authority, it would cease to be the Word of God, for that is an admission that there's is a higher authority above the Word of God. when we're dealing with ultimates, it has to be a circular argument. and of course, that, as Paul puts it beautifully in 1 Corinthians 1:21-25, is foolishness to the all who don't believe.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@MegaVenom777 All the writings about Jesus are basically scripts that where circulating at about the time that Paul was writing his letters.This is before any of the gospels where written. The gospels of Matt, Mark, Luke, copied from these scripts.John was much later.He copied an ancient pagan script about "The Word", which was in xistence at least 250BC. This xplains the similarities in the gospels.The actual writters are unknown. Date of writing later than Paul.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 I do not know what Zietgiest is.I have not read Da Vinci Code. Waste of time.I do not believe in the God of the bible, but I do read it, daily, in my search for Truth. If one is forced to believe something then there is no Truth in it .Deut 21:21.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 Christianity has 2 roots. The OT and Paganism.The God of the OT is an intolerent God who hates people who do not worship Him. Ex34:14.Paul, the former persecuting Pharisee, ditches this God and adopts the Pagan Idea that God had sent down His Son to teach mankind to live right.Is the Son just like His Father?If I don't have 'faith' in the Father, why should I havefaith in the Son? In fact, what is required here is 'faith' in Pauls vision,the man who rote the NT.A persecuting Jew.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns The verses in Isaiah are not refering to Jesus. They refer to the political situation that Isreal was in then. Their captivity was Gods punishment on them for not being religeous enough.The faithful servant still has faith. Meaning, even though they are being punished, their faith in Gods Mercy stands firm. Not actualy talking about Jesus. Isaiah did not have Jesus in mind. None of it is predicting Jesus. Ask any Jew, he'll tell you.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns There was little Roman persecution of Christianity. Paul,one of the founders ofthe faith was a persecutor. persecution was recomended by St Augustine and many other later Christians.We know this because we have the history of this religeon tostudy.We should look at all religeons and see their behaviour and then look at their scriptures and find out what they say about 'Loving thy non-believing nieghbour'. Let us not make the same mistakes again. Perhaps that is the purpose of History
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 The Da Vinci Code is a work of fiction, not unlike the bible. I have no idea what the Zietgiest Movie is about, though I have heard its mention a few times in comments. I am not much interested in either. I do read the bible and also other books. I asked my self the question, years ago, 'How can believersof a so called God of Love have such a terrible history?' I have been reading up on the subject looking for the answer and so far have come to that one verse, Exodus 20:5.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 what is the difference between command and demand. Not much if any.What is the difference between a God of Love and and a God of Jealousy.(Mood Swings.) Secular history is not always something to be proud of admittedly.But the bloody History of the believers in this God must be recognized for what it is.It is a history of Divinely Inspired Violent Intolerence, authorized by Holy Scripture. And it still continues to this day. In1 form or another. God save us from the deluded.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
3John9.10."I wrote unto the Church, but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the pre-eminence among them, recieveth us not.Werefore,if I come,I will remember his deeds which he doeth,prating against us with malicious words, and not content therewith, neither doth he recieve the 'frairs', and not content therewith,forbiddeth them that would,and casteth them out of the church." John is here trying to put another scripture into an already xisting church system, which is not acepted by the church leader.
@bradleyjenks 15 жыл бұрын
So we should trust it because it says to? That's pretty flimsy.
@bertschmert 14 жыл бұрын
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Machelle3200 On the 6th day, God saw that it was very good. And the evening and the morning where the 6th day. and on the 7th day God Rested.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 I see the middle east and I have read revelation. A very interesting book. Although I don't believe in prophecy. " Prophecy! The language of fools!" one of my favourite qoutes. I forget who said it.
@xxxTHENIGHTMAN 7 жыл бұрын
Yeah ok. I "met" Jesus through the Bible, just like I "met" Holden Caulfield through the Catcher in the Rye. Me and Holden are great friends now. Wait no, that would just be a deceptive and absurd way to explain how a reader relates to a character in a book.
@suryaraj7645 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, man.. How does he talk like that??
@StrumstickJoe 13 жыл бұрын
@RecoveringPharisee I wasn't praying ole son! Prayer is answered only according to coincidence; I was suggesting that a few of you faithful people pray. "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." a totally unambiguous statement - so go for it! And those people deserved that wrath of god, did they? What rot! Who created them, then? I think bad temper is a very low & despicable emotion. (Very human, in fact!) Keep smilin.
@RPenta 13 жыл бұрын
We can trust the 72 books of the Bible to be more accurate about it.
@Dusty341 14 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns I'm sure he had time to tell us why the Bible is so trustworthy. He makes claims and kind of blathers on for the rest of the video. You're right though, suppose I expected too much.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
John the Baptist was Jesus cousin.They would most probly have known each other b4 the baptismal story.Matt3.13. Posible even played together as children, if Jesus was areal person.Mary, the Blessed Virgin,Mother of the Lord and Saviour of the human race, Jesus Christ, goes to see her cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John.Luke1.39-45. "Blessed art thou among women, and Blessed is the fruit of your womb" .Where is the Blessed Virgin Mary now? Surely in heaven with Jesus and his Father?
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
John 1. 'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was...' The origin of this text is Pagan, rote about 250BC. It originaly was a part of the Platonic philosophy applicable to the Logos. or Mercury, the Word.It tells of the Sonof God named Mercury coming 2 earth 2 show humans how to be civilised.He performed many wonderous things,curing blind sickness xpelling demons.After his death Mercury was diefied Back in paradise with his heavenly Father. His follwers had 'Faith'in him. He never xisted
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@HeavenBound2323. The stories that you read in the bible are scripts from an ancient mystery play.There is no firm historical evidence for the xistence of the Jesus of the bible. There is mention, vaguely, about some sort of revolutionary figure perhaps xisting about the time ascribed to Jesus, but it does not confirm the xistence of the Jesus of the bible.Who was born of a Virgin, did many wonderous things, died and rose again on the third day. That Jesus is Mythology.
@Dusty341 14 жыл бұрын
Notice that he make alot of claims and never backs them up:P
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 Luke the Theraputea, or Healer.Perhaps from that ancient school of the Theraputea at Alexandria,Eygpt. Which I am of the opinion is the real root of Christianity.Those 'many who have taken a hand to set forth in order a declaration of things believed', where probly his teachers, at the then world famous College of Religeous and Medicial Education.The 2 went together.
@deltaalphacharlie 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 i once heard if we fought for our rights and were given them, we would all be dead right now. accursed forever.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 Martin Luther did not have faith in the established religeon of his day. He was a man who thought for himself. He is 1 of the reasons that Christianity has disintegrated into so many cults and sects. He helped to disarm Christianity. When it was 1 faith it was strong and intolerent.And just look at what a mess it produced.The pain inflicted,blood spilled, in the name of the Lord and Saviour of the human race,Jesus Christ. The disintegration continues. Long live Free Thought.
@ksartin86 12 жыл бұрын
@victorseay You will have a hard time finding any serious scientist or historian to agree with you. Even the most atheist historians affirm that the people of the NT existed and were dynamic characters, though they doubt the supernatural aspects. There is overwhelming evidence that Jesus of Nazareth did exist, evidence from outside of Christian circles to validate it. You do not have to place your faith in Jesus, but it is only foolish to not believe in him.
@HeavenBound2323 13 жыл бұрын
@GARYWERSLEY To say there is no evidence of Jesus is just ignorant. Please do research before you make dumb comments. If you don't believe in Jesus go somewhere else. But you know Jesus is God, but your here trying to convice yourself that he is not. I don't know why Atheists are always on religous videos. I am not always watching unicorn videos or harrassing people who believe in santa.
@StrumstickJoe 13 жыл бұрын
@RecoveringPharisee Thank you anyway, but I am really, truly, not hurting. If you quote the bible to me, then obviously, it is futile - if I quote it, then I should take a look at what I'm doing, because I am pointing out the contradictions and the racism and the incitements to murder. Try praying, as I suggested 4 days ago. Despite the promises in the bible - and in accordance with common sense - it doesn't work. Try it - come back to me on that if you want to come back at all. Peace.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
The story of Jesus is probly a mixture of various pagan Son of God stories.Jesus brought nothing new to mankind that pagans did not already believe in,xcept that he was the son of the Jewish God JHVH.This is why Paul was called a babbler by the philoshophers.Acts 17:18. They had heard the same story but other versions before and did not believe in them either.Same story, different Diety. The God JHVH was a Jealous God who hated non-belief more than anything else. EXodus 20.5.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@guitaristmichael I do try to stick to the facts according to Brewers Myth and Legends and other books. I am not an athiest, nor a fanatic.I do not believe in the God of the ancient Isrealites, or Jesus. Psalm 14:1. Psalms probly of ancient Eygptian origin, not wrote by David. Older than Judaism. Spelling is not important just so long as we know wht we mean. I am not ashamed of being wrong, if I am wrong. To err is human, someone once said.
@Notharah 13 жыл бұрын
@jefflow1986 So you concede it's a circular argument then. That's a step :) In any case it's trying to use the bible... as proof for the authenticity of god, and god as proof for the bible. Somewhere in that logic you have to 'step into the circle' as it were. As for Paul, I seldom come across a less compelling bible author. In Corinthians he strikes me as the equivalent of modern-day people who scream: "science has done nothing for the world!" If you see what I mean. But: to each their own :)
@OneStepToday 13 жыл бұрын
@GARYWERSLEY I am an indian, Krishna wasnt born of virgin and almost all you said about him is utter lie. Just the same way pple manipulate the story of Mithra being related to Jesus. but Mithra too is far different in his story, I think u were trying to mention Mithra rather than krishna. Plz dont be so ignorant and have blind faith in whatever rubbish you see by pple, do some good research
@Notharah 14 жыл бұрын
"self-authentication" Oh? Does the bible fall under any of the following categories? 1. Certified copy of public or business records; 2. Official publications of government agencies; 3. Newspaper articles; 4. Trade inscriptions, such as labels on products; 5. Acknowledged documents (wherein the signer also gets a paper notarized); 6. Commercial paper under the Uniform Commercial Code. If not, then it is NOT a self-authenticating document and it remains a circular argument.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
thanx for the info. Bit long but looks interesting. You seem to imply that I am trying to stop the xpansion of Christianity. I am actualy trying to stop the belief in the God of the ancient Isrealites, which has no more basis for belief than does the Great God Zeus, who brought order to Chaos, or so thought those who had 'faith' in Him. I will read thru the info you sent and see if I am enlightened further.
@PinkPantera9185eR 27 күн бұрын
Heathen hush.
@GARYWERSLEY 27 күн бұрын
There is no good reason to believe in Moses Jealous God or Allah, High god of the ancient Arabic pagan pantheon.
@redcommander27 15 жыл бұрын
A good sermon but not accurate. Basically all he is saying is that if you belive it to be true it will be. He never gave any valid authentication of the 66 books of the Bible other than saying he and you do or will fee that tehy are true.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 The problem with religeons that practice capital punishment.The death penalty is xtended to cover more 'crimes',such as non-belief,as can be seen by the number of people put to death in Islamic states for not being religeous enough.I see all such deaths as being human sacrifice to the God whose name is Jealous.Just as was the supposed death of Jesus.The God of the bible requires blood tobe spilt. There is no Love with such a God Such a religeon.There is only Theological Tyranny.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@aveyowyns The root of Christianity as we know it today is Roman Catholic. RC. Rome being the important word. Not Jerusalem. Which is the place where Christians would have liked their religeon to have started. The idea of 'Son of God' saviours of the human race was totally pagan. Such an idea could never be acceptable to any Jew.The pagans had had other versions of Son of God Saviours.This one was different because it said that this was the Son of the God of the Jews. And He was a Jealous God.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@MegaVenom777 Why should people believe in Pauls vision on the road to Damascas and not believe in the visions of the prophet Joseph Smith? Visions are impossible to prove. They have to be taken on faith.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
The 1st miracle of Jesus changing water into wine. An attempt to attract followers of the son of God Baachus.At the same time showing that Jesus took notice of wht his Mother said.Thus giving a female edge to the new faith so tht xpectant mothers could pray to her to help in childbirth.She was also in heaven with Jesus and his Father, Almighty God.This is were the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary came from. Paganism. As with most things Christian, she never actualy xisted. Paul did xist.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@HonestMan395 What you describe there sounds much like the ancient Indian Son of God Chrishna. Born of a virgin, evil tyrant king tries to kill him but he escapes. teaches while still a child, does many wonderous things,curing disease, blindness, raising the dead. Chrishna died & rises again after 3 days, ascends into heaven to sit at the right hand side of his father Almighty God. This probly also the first idea of a divine Trinity. There were other versions, much later in time.
@PinkPantera9185eR 27 күн бұрын
Blasphemy and mockery by you and Lucifer.
@StrumstickJoe 13 жыл бұрын
There's a lot of vindictiveness in "this book". I'm glad I don't believe it but I fear for those who do. Their delusion is dangerous to the world. Free yourself. Please.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
The God of the ancient Isrealites isa Jealous God.He hates non-believers.This is why Christianity has such a bloody history and why Islamic fundamentalists behave as they do.They all worship the same Jealous God,whose name,He tells us,is Jealous.Exodus 34:14.He tells the believer to destroy places of worship of those who do not worship Him.Followersof this God have been doing that and killing non-believers since Moses time. This is not a God of Love and Peace. This is a God of War.
@redeemingthetime5600 5 жыл бұрын
John Piper, modern version user.
@stevetucker5851 5 жыл бұрын
The Driver John Piper, more accurate version user.
@StrumstickJoe 13 жыл бұрын
@amthatis07 2) And yes - the bible is false alright - but don’t take my word - test it: Read:Mark 11:24:, the words of Jesus himself: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours… Then pray…
@djguttertrash 14 жыл бұрын
ha ha ha. you poor misguided people. Christianity is a hybrid religion made up of ancient egytian religion and old pagan religion that follow the zodiac. Both used to worship God's SUN in the sky where as christianity replaced the SUN with god's SON and adjusted the stories. If you truely want to know about religion, you should study all religions, especially the ones before christianity and look for a pattern. Google "how many religions use 25 december" and click the first link. HMMMMMM
@rennjadan2491 Жыл бұрын
Your channel may be non existent now, but yes what you said is what's accepted as the general understanding to why Jesus isn't credible. it's unfortunately just broad bias against him. The flood happened before all religions, and before the flood, lucifer was told about the Christ, just not when. need info? look at the "sudarium of oviedo" and the "shroud of Turin" it is Jesus' burial cloth marked by radiation of the resurrection. the information of the gospel is being suppressed to anyone not willing to find the truth, but rather would like to live as they want. When I mean suppressed, I'm talking about the ones who pay omag to satan today. these people are currently as well as in the past, the ones to present a scenario in lacking description so anyone who comes across such info is put off/not interested/"convinced Jesus was born in December". This is done on purpose. it's why we have translation issues of the bible, that if you contrast them, are corrected. contrasting bible translations has really only become common recently though. December 25th is a lie mixed in as a general notion of Jesus' birthday. I'm assuming you came across it though. the birthday is near September. some people also think that the menorah is the picture of how the days are set up. 7 posts that hold the candles (September from Jewish calendar) 22/23 nobs (22nd/23rd day of September) September is scripture- accurate, December is not. I hope this whole description is something that comes off a bit easier, since the revealing of the issues of 2020 are hard to miss. In short, we are being lied to based on how much info we are willing to look into and replace.
@raoskaos 15 жыл бұрын
How I HATE preaching...
@nagranoth_ 3 жыл бұрын
No. You can't.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@Passiflora101 When qouting psalms and proverbs 1 can never be sure which religeon is being qouted. Psalms/provbs probly Ancient Eygptian. As was the idea of the wieghing of the heart of the dead.After mumification the heart was placed in a jar. to be wieghed by the Lord of the underworld, Osiris. Who was 1 of those dying reviving Gods of ancient Eygpt. It was thought that the heart was where the soul resided.The origin of the idea of an after life was almost certainly Pagan Eygptian.
@GARYWERSLEY 13 жыл бұрын
@guitaristmichael CHRISHNA.The first ever Son of God story was about Chrishna.An ancient Hindu Sonof God,older than all other Sonof God stories. All other Sonof God stories are imitations of Chrishna, who was of divine origin, was threatened at birth by an evil tyrant,had to hide.As a child he did many wonderous things,(miracles) had many followers who had 'faith' in him.After death he went back to his heavenly father, and still even to this day he has many followers who have 'faith' in Him.
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