Ep. 006 | What YOUNG & DUMB John DIDN'T Know | JLS

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Warrior Poet Society

Warrior Poet Society

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@timothyvandenhoek4326 Жыл бұрын
I’m only 17 so I’m here to learn for those who have been there and don’t that. Thank you for your great videos I’ve learned a lot from you!
@not.jake1 Жыл бұрын
You're in the right place, amigo.
@justsomeguyontheinternet5331 Жыл бұрын
Good timing kid. I'm almost 40 and I'm here to get some dad advice from John too😂
@isaachouston3899 Жыл бұрын
Work hard, think long term and make peace with Heaven. the best is almost never the easy way.
@jamesstacey529 Жыл бұрын
I'm almost 50 and have small child. So I'm here for the Dad advice and life advice. Never too young or old to learn. God Bless The Warrior poet🙏🇺🇲
@infidel24 Жыл бұрын
The biggest piece of advice I could ever give anyone, take care of your body. If you fail your body, it will inevitably fail you. Take care of your back. Exercise smart. And don't stop exercising. When you stop, your body will change. Secondly, follow your dreams and have faith in yourself. If you want something bad enough, you can achieve it.
@badmammajamma777 Жыл бұрын
"The grass is greenest where you water it." Heard that a wedding once and it really resonated.
@Yhl3x5 Жыл бұрын
1) Be deliberate and thoughtful about your future regarding your education. Do more now and it will pay off for you later. 2) Be deliberate and thoughtful about your relationships. Figure out who you are and what you want in a partner, what you want for your kids, your religion and then go after those things. Don’t just be passive in them and let things happen. These are big concepts. Spend time thinking about these issues. Write them down and regularly come back to them. 3) Cultivate friendships and be the type of person you would want to be friends with. 4) Read a lot, especially classical literature and history. Become a well versed person in those areas. It will make you a better person to be around. 5) Show gratitude for everything you have both materially and opportunity-wise.
@peterruiz6117 Жыл бұрын
100 %
@WyoRaider Жыл бұрын
Well said.
@HereThereBackAgain Жыл бұрын
Focus on Faith, and be financially responsible. 36 yrs old, celebrating my 11 years of marriage, and welcoming our 6th child this summer! Can't wait to listen to what the guys have.
@PeterDeuth Жыл бұрын
As another young person, (19), I appreciate you guys doing this vid. So much wisdom shared, love it. My piece of advice: - Instead of focusing so much on what not to do, a bad habit or thought pattern, focus on what do. If you fill yourself with the right thoughts and habits the bad ones won't have the room to cause problems.
@jk.smalls Жыл бұрын
1. Discipline isn't just about willpower, it's about putting systems in place to help you make good decisions with minimal thought. 2. Don't waste your time or money on things that aren't quality, the things you invest in should improve your life or help you grow. 3. Read philosophy, especially stoic philosophy. 4. Cultivate a hobby, something that you're passionate about that takes time to master. 5. The right woman will help you reach your goals, not make you want to rethink them.
@jaimiebrown4055 Жыл бұрын
As a 23 year old male. I'd tell my younger self one thing. " Look man, I know we have a disability and we feel like we have to keep up all the time with everyone else because we feel inadequate. Trust me on this and just Slow down, we aren't missing much, and it ain't all sunshine like we thought it was. Take your time, slow down, pay attention to yourself , and relax. Life's a little more bearable that way" As a 23 year old guy with a disability trying to find his way in life. This channel helps me out alot so thanks WPS for all the help and God bless ✊🏿🔥
@mattkennedy9732 Жыл бұрын
Be that dad that is out in the front yard playing lightsabers with all neighborhood kids and encouraging other parents to come play. Sing every name and phrase you want your kids to learn first. Melodies will always help memory stick. Guide them, do not choose for them. This will take a lot of time and exposure to things even you don't know. Conduct yourself as if all the children in your area can see you every second of the day. You will stay honorable. And last, make sure that when you finally are forced to choose violence, you better know how, and be REALLY good at it. Love y'all.
@dant1239 Жыл бұрын
I'm kinda in the same boat with my father, except he calls a few times a year, he's never really bothered with me even when I was little, I wanted him to play with me or play catch and he never did and when we do talk it's only for a few minutes, he lives pretty far away now, he moved when I was in elementary school to be with his new wife....but I have kids and wish he was closer so he could be in their life, I have a 11 month old daughter that he hasn't even met yet, and my other daughters he's only seen maybe half a dozen times in 8-10 years
@WallabieMcDee Жыл бұрын
Beagles are better than doorbells
@The_John_Galt Жыл бұрын
1) make your bed and clean your room. 2) eat good and make your food. Learn how to eat and why. 3) workout no longer than an hour six days a week. Learn how and why 4) study and get certifications in your field and push yourself 5) find a hobby and do it on weekends. Do all of these consistently. Learning to control yourself is impossibly hard and these teach you how to control yourself. You’ll find amazing opportunities that have no side effect to not follow through. Don’t fall for it. You’re learning to control yourself! Control yourself! You can’t control anything else.
@video-bv3sj Жыл бұрын
You’re right! Just owning yourself and your actions is so incredibly difficult. Talk is easy but just following through on those simple things like making your bed is impossible.
@zs_grizzz Жыл бұрын
17 soon to be 18, already in adulthood this is why im here.if i could give my younger self a list it would be this. 1. Prioritize family, You don’t know when they’ll go. 2. Put yourself first when it comes to what you want, not others opinions (big one for me). 3. Know the difference between kindness and niceness. 4. Read. The word itself says a lot 5. Get active, put yourself out there, workout weekly 5-6x. bonuses. 6. Take care of your surroundings and have responsibility. 7. Don’t have too much pride in yourself. There’s always someone more successful, richer, stronger, & smarter than you. keep ya head up if you read this far!
@BroScience710 Жыл бұрын
Just keep watching young man, good on you.
@robertpickardjr9239 Жыл бұрын
At 50 I wish I had your wisdom at your age.
@zs_grizzz Жыл бұрын
@@robertpickardjr9239 makes me feel a lot better man!, dont mind my rant👍 i lost 2 of my brothers just this year. (1 older and the other was younger..) , (guess thats where my wisdom comes from..) & soon as i lost them both horrible rumours have been spreading about me in my hometown.. people (my gen specifically ..) think i like to hit girls and drink when im nowhere near close to an alcoholic, (theres no evidence against me & the local police are on my side thankfully🙏) appreciate your words man also congrats not many make it to 50 where im from🙏❤️
@robertpickardjr9239 Жыл бұрын
I'm very sorry for your loss. I lost my older daughter to a brain aneurysm about 7.5 years ago. The lies and rumors started less than a week later. People suck. You are an eagle. Don't let the turkeys hold you down.
@johnhansen8272 Жыл бұрын
Insightful and shows you are beginning on the right tract. When you revisit your list at 25 you will learn great things about your 18 yo self and your 25 yo self.
@maximusjoseppi5904 Жыл бұрын
I would tell myself to get off social media about 10 years earlier than I did. Get my CFI 10 years earlier than I did. Don't lift too heavy in the gym. Move to FL 10 years earlier than I did. Oh and an important one... Don't chase people for friendship or relationship. Sincere people will put effort into being around and you won't have to chase them. Put effort into the relationship and if it isn't reciprocated, let it go.
@haiwes2662 Жыл бұрын
I’m in my twenties so can’t really give advice to younger self but advice I’d give to others is 1. Stand by your beliefs and let your actions reflect the values you hold 2. It’s never too late to try again 3. Always try new thing and gain new experiences as that’s the key to growth as a person
@vinniejudilla3921 Жыл бұрын
At 49 and a father of two in their early 20s, now realizing how fast time goes by the older we get. I would tell my younger self to not waste time and to stop procrastinating. Also to place priority of needs before wants. God bless you my brothers
@matthewashworth6530 Жыл бұрын
The whole “spend time with your parents” hits a little deeper right now and also brings up a question for my own life now. My wife just lost her dad last week. My mom and I have a good relationship but my father has never been in my life save a few phone calls when I was really young. He’s never tried to contact me but I have an avenue to contact him for the past few years but not sure if I should or even if I want to. It’s something my wife and I have discussed before and even more so since her dad passed.
@clamum9648 Жыл бұрын
I think it's up to you. He doesn't sound like someone to spend time on, from an outside point of view. Then again maybe it's worth reaching out, as long as you realize you might be disappointed or hurt. My dad passed away unexpectedly last fall (pancreatic cancer); he was only 72. God I miss him so much.
@torchedcustomwoodflagsllc4718 Жыл бұрын
You'll probably regret it if you don't.
@g54b95 Жыл бұрын
I haven't had a relationship or talked to my dad in about half my life and I'm 52. He provided for us, but was never engaged with me as a parent. I sent him a letter 24 years ago and told him how I felt. He sent a 2 sentence letter back that basically said "Sorry, I'm not perfect.". That was it for me. It was healthier to move on from a dysfunctional relationship with him than to try to reconcile his behavior in the context of a typical parent / child relationship. If he dies first, I won't be at his funeral.
@BoostedPastime Жыл бұрын
Oh yeah
@nospam3409 Жыл бұрын
I've been thinking about this for a while now. Most of my advice was covered in the video. There are 2 additional things I would tell my 19 yo self. First - You're worth a lot more than you think you are both professionally and personally. Second - No matter what your job title is, or what field of employment you are working in, your primary goal is to help people, NOT to be right about something. When you're focused on doing things the right way, it's easy to get frustrated and discouraged when your management team ignores your advice and goes in the "wrong" direction. When your primary objective it to help someone, you realize that THEY are responsible for the final outcome and YOU are simply trying to help them be successful. If you really are good at what you do, and they ignore your advice, there WILL be plenty of opportunities to help them again in the near future and that help will go a LONG way in convincing them to give your advice more consideration the next time around. Also, when you focus on helping people, your focused on the relationship instead of the material possessions. People will want you on their team, will give you more grace when you do make a mistake, and will give you more latitude to speak freely on important matters. In regards to the work force, and interacting with superiors, I'd also offer a 3rd piece of advice. You MAY know a lot about certain things, but you your superior will always have considerably more information about a project than you do. You may know the best way to do something, but your superiors knows when it really needs to completed, what the budget is, and why. He/she has more things to take into consideration than just your input. So if your advice isn't followed, it isn't always because they think you are wrong, or don't value your contribution. More often than not, there are extenuating circumstances that you were not aware of and those circumstances determined the final decision.
@TinyTJ04 Жыл бұрын
Here are mine (paused at 5:12) to add: Travel now and do it outside your comfort zone. Be as debt free as you can be - its true freedom. Say I love you and celebrate life, before the funerals. Be purposeful about the values you hold and stand by them even when it's not popular. Chasing tail is fun but really doesn't get you anywhere.
@Sumitso Жыл бұрын
Additionally one more item that is necessary as a young person. Everyone needs a mentor/coach/sensei which they can trust, someone who can offer guidance and wisdom. If there is no mentor available, a good friend who will tell you the truth, especially when you do not want to hear it. In either case, having someone to discuss ideas who can give you good feedback to help you to proceed in the direction you need.
@ofpmarine Жыл бұрын
1) You don’t need to drink to socialize 2) Don’t stop reading 3) Asking for help isn’t a weakness 4) Don’t give up on yourself 5) Trust in yourself and your skills
@trentm9372 Жыл бұрын
Ben was maligned at the beginning of the video for not doing the homework but his first 3 pieces of advice are gold and spoke to me.
@ryanwhite2739 Жыл бұрын
This podcast is what this world needs right now more than anything. Iron sharpening iron.
@surprisevulcan Жыл бұрын
1-Save money early and for a long time (e.g. put away for rainy days, as there will be many and retirement) 2-Keep your relationships strong with good people 3-Keep your integrity intact forever 4-Get education, but be aware of all opinions and respect that others have their opinions-never stop learning 5-Family is forever, acquaintances are not
@raynyday1101 Жыл бұрын
1)Inform yourself about the things you get told (if possible from your pov and their pov). Be Informed. 2)If you want to change someones pov, you will have to start discussions in territory that is unfamiliar, and probably scary at times. Be brave. 3)You really need to become better at letting people go, that have hurt you. Be responsible. 4)Dont be afraid to tell the person you love that you do because of some notion of losing what you have, cause you lost 'em anyway by drifting apart. Take action. 5)Find a way to lighten up. I know this life seems for the most part very serious and because of it I think you have too. And if its just faking a smile to make someone elses day brighter. You being happy about it might make your fake smile real. Shine.
@kevinkubelka3873 Жыл бұрын
26 years old, just married, not a ton of life experience yet but this is what I’d share. 1) Start from a place of humility- not the lowly “I suck so much” crap that you think it is, but rather, learn who God made you to be, know your weaknesses and strengths, and act from those pieces of knowledge. 2) Embrace opportunities to learn. Don’t be afraid to fail. You can learn so much from your mistakes. Just start running in a direction and then correct your course later. It’s better to be moving than stagnant. 3) Learn how to admit you were wrong without beating yourself up. This will play right into learning about yourself and other people. Get back up again after you’ve fallen and moving on with your new knowledge. Don’t dilly dally and screw around wallowing in self pity. 4) Set high goals. You can do a hell of a lot more than you think you can with the grit you haven’t touched yet. 5) spend a lot of time building high quality friendships. Not just video games and movies. The time that you have with “just the guys” is limited and worth the investment.
@Prepare2Prosper Жыл бұрын
I have had a lot of tragedy in my life and have spent too much time wishing I could change things. I have cam to the conclusion that I shouldn't change my past if I could become I'm happy and don't want to change my life. I am working on making myself better but I don't what to change what got me here today.
@jakecease Жыл бұрын
Things that seem like seem like they suck in the moment are almost universally looked back upon favorably, especially when experienced with friends
@thomastorrey26 Жыл бұрын
Grade A content John and hats off to your team. What you’ve built is revolutionary and so desperately needed if I were to understate it.
@Vincemaster2007 Жыл бұрын
1) Surround yourself with positive people. You become who you associate with 2) Read positive books. Your mind hungers what you feed it so feed it good things
@dylanstutzman1144 Жыл бұрын
Have kids earlier in life. You will never have enough time or enough money, just do it! They are the purpose of life. Also, for number 2. Don’t go to college it is a waste of time and a corrupt institution get a trade make your money when you are young and use that trade to leverage your way into a office environment.
@Braekker19 Жыл бұрын
1. Remember what is in your control, and what is not. Focus on what you can control and let go of the rest. 2. Self-Discipline = freedom 3. Surrounded yourself with people who want the best for you and call you on your BS- chances are they are right. 4. Don't take things personal- it's not always about you. 5. It's okay to go to therapy and get help now, you'll only ask yourself later why you didn't do it sooner.
@twitterfree480 Жыл бұрын
The two biggest things I would tell myself is to go out of my way to spend as much time with my parents and siblings when possible, sharing my children with them...and number two: don't be unkind to anyone ever...you will regret every time you've been an idiot to someone.
@BenLowers Жыл бұрын
Ben (host), I totally agree - my Mom passed away from cancer when I was in my 1st week of High School. I regret so much of the missed opportunities to connect more with her when I was just a snotty-nosed Middle Schooler. I’ve grown from it, but I missed some real good chances,… Dangit. My Dad did a noble job during my High School years being “both the Dad and the Mom”, but this punk was very rebellious and missed so many chances to grow beyond my peers, but I failed to Love him as I should. Great point: 20-yr-old Ben (and younger): love your parents, for all the years up to and through when you are 20.
@AMGXB70 Жыл бұрын
Leadership is lonely at times. As a boat captain, those around you are not necessarily your friends. Thanks for these new shows.
@shrekshrekerson7524 Жыл бұрын
When I was 20 years and younger, I always wanted people to like me, growing up through the years taught me that no matter how sweet the honey is, someone will not like it. A lesson my father taught me was to let stupid things go, Like water on a ducks back, let it roll off. Boy was he right. 4 years in the military and my dad has never been so right.
@cs4870 Жыл бұрын
THESE ARE FANTASTIC. Thank you guys for doing these videos.
@ftcentrepreneur Жыл бұрын
1. Keep living. 2. The same things that make you laugh, make you cry. 3. Never give up. 4. Don't talk, just do. 5. Don't be a bush, become a Sierra Redwood.
@JenkinsStevenD Жыл бұрын
I have two regrets I'd tell myself to avoid. One is a girl who I would tell myself to never talk to. The second is that I was a straight A student until I got a B from an activist teacher my junior year of college (would not give males an A). I let that break my will in education and didn't pursue academics the same way after that and I think it continues to hurt me professionally. I did well, but not my best, and that is what still haunts me today. I even acquired a GAANN fellowship with a full-ride to graduate school for electrical engineering but squandered it. Echoes of failure from looking backwards rather than looking forward.
@josedorsaith5261 Жыл бұрын
.Practise being uncomfortable: do at least one thing per day that leaves you physically or mentally tired out. Helps build the discipline to rise to challenges you don't expect
@kellywalker8407 Жыл бұрын
Going back in time I would tell myself too.... 1. Listen to your dad. 2. Listen closely to your dad. 3. Your dad is probably right. Just one example, went three days starving, because we were "mountain men" and would live off the land. He told me to pack some food. HE WAS RIGHT! We caught one 6 inch brook trout. Talk about getting hungry.....lol
@stann6868 Жыл бұрын
@18- ppppsssshhhh.....you don't know what your talking about (head shaking) @50- man am I a dumbest. Haha
@stann6868 Жыл бұрын
Me @18, me @ 50 by the way. Not you.
@TriggerTactics1 Жыл бұрын
John, I’m 28 and appreciate every video your produce. I’ve needed your content right now in my life more than ever. I’ve been dying to find a way to offer to volunteer for warrior poet somehow. I’ve been through years of electrical school and am a handyman in north GA. Id love to give you a free education on electrical, it will expand so many opportunities in life.
@kalblades Жыл бұрын
1) you don’t have to know everything 100% to get started. Just get started. 2) it’s not about being scared or not. It’s about showing it up and doing it anyways. 3) At the end of the day you have to make decisions that you are okay with, not let other tell you how to feel. 4) invest money in assets. Education is one asset too. 5) your family is most important. Work at staying connected. You’ll have friends come and go but family is forever. (Unless your family is bad bad people. Lol)
@PaperSlayer93 Жыл бұрын
I'll be turning 30 this year, here's my 5 1. Really dive into Gunsmithing, don't pussyfoot around with that career! 2. Reality is scary, but you got this! 3. Do your research and find a pistol that works for you and get a concealed carry license and train train train! 4. Don't give up your passion in life for anyone! 5. Keep your head up and keep pushing forwards to your goals and you will accomplish great things for yourself. 6.(bonus) Don't mess around with .22lr, buy a centerfire AR platform and again, train train train!
@Wastelander84 Жыл бұрын
My mother, unfortunately, isn’t safe to be around so the second my daughter was born I made the decision to break contact. However, I pray for her every day and hope that she gets the help she needs. When I was younger I was angry at her and all of that, but it’s something I have tried at and prayed on.
@tat-2-71 Жыл бұрын
I was already screwed up at 20 I'd have to go back a little further. To that me I'd say, "DO NOT go to the homecoming dance in 1989". Almost every problem I've experienced in my life are a direct result from the thing that happened that night.
@andrewromeril7978 Жыл бұрын
My younger self might not have listened, but here goes: 1) What's right is not always easy. What's easy is not always right. 2) The consequence of inaction (especially in politics) is that you will be ruled by lesser men. 3) Success will show you the woman that you want. Struggle will show you the woman that you need.
@JeffAndresWilliams Жыл бұрын
1. The best plan is the one that you will actually do. 2. Some things aren't your fault. Other things actually are your fault. 3. It's better to save money now than get a discount on something in the future. 4. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
@pseudosnark386 Жыл бұрын
I think my biggest problem as a kid was lack of direction. Because of that I made a lot of poor choices young. Then I found out that some of the choices I made 15-19 were etched in stone (not ink). So I'd tell myself to keep that in mind. And I'd explain to myself the problems with nihilism. Which I think can cause us to take a short view of life. Finally, I'd tell myself to let it fly. Be unapologetically you and meet people. I spent so many years afraid to let people see me. After the military, I opened up a lot and was less afraid to let my personality go. But I wish I had been more daring in my youth.
@CBRNpog Жыл бұрын
#1: Every bonus the army gives you, invest it. Do not spend it on dumb stuff. #2: Know what you want in a relationship, be clear and firm on what it is you want. Don't waste time on relationships that lead to nothing and have no life fulfilment. #3: Pick something you are truly passionate about and be obsessed about turning it into something of value so you aren't stuck doing something you don't care about. #4: Learn to be more tender with your loved ones. I am too hard of a guy and can't shake it. Weather it's pride or comfortability it would have saved me a lot of headaches if I was willing to be more open with my loved ones. #5: Don't worry about what others think. Do your own thing, if folks disagree tell them it's a them problem. Stick to what you believe but always be open to growth. My biggest regret was taking my dad to MEPS with me and I wanted so much to be a ranger or SF but he talked me out of it and my body ended up broken anyways. To this day I get down thinking about never becoming what I wanted to be for my ENTIRE life.
@jessetburg2413 Жыл бұрын
16 here but my two are 1: Think before you act 2: Remain calm in painful situations, panic doesn’t help
@wanderer3591 Жыл бұрын
I agree with Ben about relationship building. It is difficult for introverts. Reading, being a well-rounded person and being persistent to become a competent person is not enough to become successful. Unfortunately, psychopaths tend to be the most well-compensated people in our society. We need to evaluate what success means to you. I feel that having a positive impact on your community is my definition of success, and I hope that is the legacy that I leave behind.
@balasaashti3146 Жыл бұрын
25 here. I chicken out of the army last year, I wanted to keep studying to get a better score was one point off being accepted in the ranger but the sergeant was rushing me and I got a job offer to be a sales rip that paid really well so I took it. 1) biggest one learn to stop being a coward. 2) figure out how to stop letting the horrible stuff that happen to you as a child keep passive. 3) stop being a introvert to the point you can't look a single person in the eye. 4) don't lose contact with your colonel he's the only person that ever encouraged you and seemed to give a damn. 5) don't coup with your problems by becoming a workaholic, and don't drink on your off days so you can get more accomplished. 6) I know you have a obligation to take care of your family and siblings but you need to think about yourself as a person not as a tool. Edit. Thanks for the video.
@anthonyalonso9794 Жыл бұрын
1. Be smarter with your money, plan things out, and use a monthly budget. 2. Do your homework before you vote, research the candidates yourself, view their websites, even for candidates you don't think you'd be interested in voting for. 3. Stay in shape, keep active, make it a priority, and build good fitness habits. 4. Maintain regular contact with your friends, and don't let time and space get in the way. 5. Keep setting goals for yourself, know where you want to go in the future, and build plans to get there.
@JRabbit28 Жыл бұрын
I'll be 40 in July and I look up to you as an "old wise man"lol. Thank you for the prayers and God bless you sir... I'd tell my younger self to save money, 10% from each paycheck so you don't need 20% later in life. 🙏
@KageOji77 Жыл бұрын
1) If you found love, don't hesitate to lock her down, details will work themselves out. 2) When someone offers you a charitable opportunity, take it. You won't owe them anything. 3) Practice training on your own, your brothers won't always be there to urge you on. 4) In discussions and arguments, take the adult "we-our" ego state not the child "I-me" or parent "you-you" ego state. 5) Don't dwell on obstacles people gave you in the past, put your head down and barrel through to your goals, short AND longterm alike. 6)You were right to not ever drink, I didn't either and I love it.
@MiddleOutdoorsman Жыл бұрын
At 49, here's mine: 1. The decisions you make when your younger, will effect you when your older. What goals you have will change when you get older as well. 2. Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The more of it you use, the faster it goes. Don't waste any of it. 3. There's three types of people your going to encounter in the military and the working world. Those who play the game well, but don't know their job for shit. Those who know their job well, but don't play the game for shit. The rare type that can both play the game, and do their job equally well. Try and be that rare type, and you'll go far. 4. Integrity is everything. Without it, you've nothing. Live by an honor code. Do not lie, cheat, steal, commit any act of intentional dishonest, or tolerate anyone who does. When things go wrong, your word is one of the most valuable things you will have. 5. Whatever you do today, you'll have to sleep with tonight. (metaphorically speaking)
@onionhead5780 Жыл бұрын
If you ever start a business treat every customer as you would family and friends. I’m retired now but I was a gun dealer. I was always truthful about a product if they asked my opinion. Positive or Negative. Customers know BS and honestly goes far in repeat business. I was honest, warm, lighthearted and treated customers as I would a family member or friend. I always stayed busy.
@nicorusso1526 Жыл бұрын
As someone who is 26, but still would change things, here they are. 1. Listen to people more and not go at everything alone. 2. Care less about what people think of me, but only where it matters. 3. Currently: be more open minded to other people’s perspectives, especially those that differ from mine.
@withoutfurtheradoforever Жыл бұрын
"Buy Apple stock. Buy a whole tree of it, if you can. Buy the whole orchard."
@a2ztacticalacademy Жыл бұрын
The irony of Doc Brown. He has a time machine, but he's always in a hurry
@matthewbattie1022 Жыл бұрын
The truth is that most people have to learn things for themselves and not just be told, especially when your twenty.
@matthewbattie1022 Жыл бұрын
1. 1984 is a documentary brought back from the future to warn us about communisms. 2. If someone shows up and says, I'm from the government and I'm here to help, Run! 3. The golden rule is the most important rule. 4. "Those without a morale code will have their lives coded for them." Matthew Battie 5. Don't pretend that pharmaceuticals are any better or less dangerous than other drugs. 6. Any lie you tell, you will one day regret. 7. "Hold the girl you love in a paper cup, drink it up, love her and she'll bring you luck." Kenny Loggins And sometimes woman like to be spanked!
@jamesmichaelwoods2930 Жыл бұрын
at 71 I enjoyed this segment. Good stuff.
@andrewp5945 Жыл бұрын
1. Most people, even people you love, don't think the same way you do. 2. People in power are rarely there due to their merit. 3. They WILL print more money.
@joeoliveira9745 Жыл бұрын
Stay in school. Don’t listen to negative family/friends join the Marines. Stand up for yourself,no matter what.
@martinfitzsimons9539 Жыл бұрын
hello from the Republic of Ireland and I'm 52 years old. My advice to my younger self would be: 1) Learn a language. 2) Travel and open your mind to different cultures. 3) Learn to cook from scratch. 4). Be a good listener. 5) Stop wasting time watching TV/Netflicks/KZbin and learn...another language/musical instrument.
@jeffblackmon2167 Жыл бұрын
Be grateful, be kind, and show grace whenever possible. Never stop learning. Invest for the long haul. Don't be afraid of failure. Take care of your spirit, mind and body. Never seek violence but be capable if it finds you. Find one good woman, who loves the lord, and stick it out no matter what.
@joelnorman9294 Жыл бұрын
Before I listen to y'all's my advice to my younger self is about what to study in college (that I didn't know I was interested in until I was 30), not rushing into marriage until I was in a position of strength and independence, and that I wouldn't actually like the army life, so check out the other branches if I still wanted to experience the military life. Also, stay in TX. Also, pile up money and be ready to pounce on cheap housing in 2008.
@NoMercy4You2 Жыл бұрын
1) Things happen for a reason. Something that may suck now will make sense in the future. You won't see the good or the affects of it until years past. 2)Pay more attention to taking care of yourself. Pain and suffering magnify as you age with stupid decisions that are trivial when you are young.
@kaci7789 Жыл бұрын
I would tell my 20 yr old self 1️⃣ Stay at 1 job to build your retirement fund 2️⃣ Don’t get caught up in credit card debt, be financially smart. Save. 3️⃣ Buy a house early, don't waste money on apartments. 4️⃣ Take care of your body, mind, and spirit; make healthy habits and choices. 5️⃣ Dont stress over the little things, everything works out. 6️⃣ You WILL make mistakes but learn from them. 7️⃣ Listen to your mother, she is wise.
@williamcreel4051 Жыл бұрын
1) save for your future, start now it will payboff later 2) pray more 3) learn from and listen to others 4) go to school earlier 5) enjoy your time and don't be to serious
@Mark_Spivey Жыл бұрын
1) Don't give advice or opinion unless it's asked for. When you do, give it with thoughtfulness and kindness. 2) Don't be in any hurry to get into a lifetime commitment with anyone, especially if you are feeling pressured. 3) Do pursue Godly involvements/activities/relationships that brings you pleasure, growth, and fulfillment. 4) Invest wisely and don't spend frivolously (time and money). 5) Very few things get easier as you get older. Edit: This is coming from the 62 YO me.
@proctoroak6187 Жыл бұрын
24 turning 25 father of one and another on the way biggest thing I'd say. 1 Save your money it doesn't magically find its way back. 2 Work harder on the relationships/friendships that are healthy than focusing on nonhealthy relationships/friendships in the hopes of changing them. 3 Listen to what others have to say even more than what you think you do and rethink what you might think of the words you might say. 4 Forgive more Stress less Love abundantly. 5 Enjoy the years you are given with the people you are given time with because a year from now can be the same page setting and a month from now can be a whole new book. But that's just life Salud Compadres
@marshalltm3516 Жыл бұрын
I may be 20 myself but I'm still not quite as dumb as 16 year old me so my five are 1 however much you think you are working its probably not that much 2 keeping your world organized helps you stay focused, 3 doing hard shit should be the goal not something to avoid, and 5 don't let the world shape your opinions because you will be ideologically controlled by someone else.
@woodwarddlw Жыл бұрын
1. Strive to learn how to ask better questions. 2. Seek first to understand, then be understood
@guruthossindarin3563 Жыл бұрын
1) You can't make her love you, and you don't have a right to someone elses affection. 2) Grief lasts 2 years once you've accepted a loss 3) Get a people job, no matter how much you love science and technology. 4) You're more attractive than you realize. 5) Why the hell am I pouring my heart out to WPS?!!
@A.C.556 Жыл бұрын
Honor, Trust, and Respect are Earned. Not Inherited or Purchased
@troycummings5083 Жыл бұрын
1) don’t waste fear on what you think people think 2) be more proactively polite and serving 3) ask for more advice from smart people 4) sacrifice to invest $ 5) learn apologetics intensely
@november_victor9693 Жыл бұрын
1- I would be better person to everyone in my life. 2- Keep faith. 3- Buy a lot of guns and ammo. 4- Stay fit. 5- Tell myself what illness I have.
@that1scoutcollins851 Жыл бұрын
I turn 23 tomorrow. I’m glad I got to listen to these cats talk about stuff like that.
@n8jones418 Жыл бұрын
26:59 In case anyone is looking for the Bible reference, it is Ecclesiastes 11:6 [6] In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good.
@robertpickardjr9239 Жыл бұрын
JL it isn't horse crap. I was a tree climber for 30 years before changing careers to cdl driving. The work was physically difficult but rewarding. My new career is much harder to make myself do. It isn't literal but there's a lot of wisdom in that saying.
@JohnOscar93 Жыл бұрын
"Never chase the approval of the crowd"
@Nick70603 Жыл бұрын
I don't need a time machine to talk to my 20 year old self, I just need a mirror.
@ShaminMike Жыл бұрын
1 everything is better sober, you know it just do it. 2 join the military. 3 find Jessica and marry her. 4 have kids earlier. 5 start saving money.
@HillBros06 Жыл бұрын
LOST was such a let down. Totally agree
@mortem-tyrannis Жыл бұрын
I would have started stocking up on food water ammo extra while getting my self as far off grid as possible, instead I've only been doing it for the past 7 years I'm 37 now.
@robscott553 Жыл бұрын
I would tell my younger self to pay attention to what’s best for me and to not go along just to avoid rocking the boat. I also would have joined the military which is what I wanted to do in high school but went a more traditional college/corporate job route because that’s what was expected of me.
@montana1ish Жыл бұрын
Trust is something that is given initially, you have to continually earn it from that point on
@briancrum1524 Жыл бұрын
I’m 20 so I’m glad I opened KZbin today
@MrSkinahh86 Жыл бұрын
I spent my whole summer when I was 16 in school binge watching lost on dvd and was like what the hell! Lol 😂 that was like 2007 hahaha funny times
@judahschmidt5241 Жыл бұрын
21 years old, thanks for the advice.
@michaelbrown1101 Жыл бұрын
1. Time is infinitely precious. Don't waste it. Even when "doing nothing"; do it intentionally, with purpose, and without regret. 2. Love and support others but expect similar in return, except from strangers. Sacrifice is noble but should be appreciated and not unnecessarily self destructive. All decent people deserve love and happiness. 3. Honorable mention: live for no regrets but acknowledge mistakes and learn from them while forgiving yourself and others.
@BadAtHunting Жыл бұрын
Super pumped to hear your thoughts,
@BadAtHunting Жыл бұрын
I appreciate the breadth of what you guys covered. It wasn't just, "love you wife more" and "work hard". Thanks guys.
@montana1ish Жыл бұрын
The grass is never greener somewhere else, it's just a different shade of green
@andrewalexander1615 Жыл бұрын
1. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. He will direct and protect your path! 2. Fear the Lord. You're either improving or degrading yourself. The devil doesn't sleep! 3. Those slow to anger are wise. The more you know the more frustrations come. 4. Read the Bible; the whole thing. There is so much about people and this planet you are clueless about. 5. The eyes are the lamp of the body. If your eyes see dark things, how much more your body. But if your eyes see another's eyes, light catches light.
@takoyaki_kasi Жыл бұрын
if I would have known what I do now, I would have told myself to tell all those people I wasted all that time, energy and money on to take a hike. Thanks for all that wasted everything. I was the kind that grew up reading all the time. Knew a massive amount, but I mixed in with the wrong people and stopped reading and everything. Lost all that knowledge and it is so much harder now to get back into that swing all these years later.
@TS-mt6rm Жыл бұрын
1. You will know once you meet her 2. Trust in what you do is the right thing. It will take you where you want to go.
@ronaldglover72 Жыл бұрын
This reaffirms alot of thing I live by great job
@davidpickar7614 Жыл бұрын
1. Don't worry. Ask for your daily bread, and git up to get it. 2. Service before self 3. Don't just read the books, experience the adventure yourself. 4. Even when you feel alone you're not. The King of the Universe loves you and sent his son to die for you and adopt you into his family. Live for him and for his kingdom. 5. Pain sucks, forgiveness is tough, but it frees you from bitterness. Walk through it and don't be afraid to be vulnerable.
@adamwarren5654 Жыл бұрын
1) Listen to the old men that gave you advise regarding investing. 2) care more about your physical health and continue to do physical activities. 3) Play football all 4 years of high school, and play baseball your senior year. 4) read more. Study history. Study the Bible. 5) Serve in the military and pay more attention to the politics of this country.
@Osprey1994 Жыл бұрын
I'm in my late 20's. I would have told myself to skip some of the women I dated in my early 20's. I would have told myself to spend more time with those I love, including my dogs who passed last year. As for other things, I would need to think longer on it.
@iandesjardins575 Жыл бұрын
Hey John and crew, great episode. I found it interesting your point of view on the expression “find a job you love, and you don’t work a day in your life.” I’m fortunate to have started a home inspection business with my wife, and I absolutely love what I do as an inspector and every aspect of the job. That’s not to say that it doesn’t get hard and stressful at times, but I feel it truly is the case, and not a load of crap. Is that not how you feel about working/creating content for this channel?
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