No, it was a Jupiter 8. There’s no Jupiter 8 emulation for Cherry Audio so I doubled the Mercury-6
@nickelodeus3 ай бұрын
@@narfsounds ah cool. How’s using gig performer going for you compared to montages Nords etc?
@narfsounds3 ай бұрын
The programming workflow is so more flexible definitely easier to get things done. Using the Arturia and Cherry Audio synths have also made the 80’s sounds significantly more authentic sounding. I do still prefer an integrated self contained setup for live gigs that the dedicated hardware synths provide.
@nickelodeus3 ай бұрын
@@narfsounds cool - am just getting my head round whether to make the leap to a software setup. Bit fed up with programming on h/w and the amount of time it takes to find the right sounds to put patches together. Thanks for the insight into your setups 👌😎