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Silicon Curtain

Silicon Curtain

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@Conclusius68 Ай бұрын
Perhaps we in the Netherlands should inform the Americans that the F-16s we want to give to Ukraine were built under licence in the Netherlands (by Fokker) and not in the US and that we can do with our F-16s whatever the hell we want.
@dss2mtm Ай бұрын
Then wouldnt the Licence be at risk? Block software updates too etc.
@Discus1948 Ай бұрын
Under license, get it, the Netherlands and the US work together not apart.
@lomotil3370 Ай бұрын
That would be foolish. The US would never license Netherlands again. In all likelihood, nobody would want to deal with you after that.
@gerryhouska2859 Ай бұрын
@@lomotil3370 Wo will want to buy arms from US in the future, if they can only use them if the US (unpredictable, unreliable, recalcitrant "ally") allows it?
@stefansekulic7903 Ай бұрын
It's still US technology though, isn't it?
@2russo.phobic4u Ай бұрын
Glad to see you reached 100k. Totally deserved!
@SiliconCurtain Ай бұрын
Thanks so much!
@migproductions4045 Ай бұрын
😀 ☝
@indigo2ks Ай бұрын
While I am distressed about the US's response to Ukraine, it is irresponsible and suicidal to think that it can't be worse. Have you forgotten that Republicans held up aid to Ukraine for almost 9 months? Get real.
@RidleyHolmes-sr2tw Ай бұрын
Yes. To get support for the border which they never got. Democrats only care about the Ukrainian border but if you are a farmer on the Texas border nobody cares.
@FrontLinePub Ай бұрын
You clearly have forgotten how Biden abandoned Afghanistan, abandoned the Kurds in Syria and Iraq, and the Iraqi people to Iran. Biden is the one who is slow dripping the aid to Ukraine and the reason they are losing. Yet you blame Trump? He isn't the president. Biden is. Hold the man who is in charge responsible and stop pretending Trump is the one calling the shot. Biden is still president
@buffalo11919 Ай бұрын
Trump was impeached for blocking aid too. He bragged abiut telling zelenskyto surrender because its futile against the Kremlin war machine.
@aelphacom Ай бұрын
Biden had 4 billion in funds directly under him, also there is an executive order in his hands, and what stops Biden now from sending 4000 tanks and 6000 planes and 2000 apache helicopters 20000 artillery pieces before the boogieman Trump gets into office. You have TDS, the real butcher is Biden, all talk, no action. 30 tanks in 3 years of biggest war in Europe since WWII and 0 planes or helicopters. Trump 2024. Get those weak leftist globalists out of office, Biden is directly responsible for allowing putin to create this massacre. All words, no action. If Trump will give Ukraine 32 tanks in the next 3 years of this butchery he will be the best of the best friends of Ukraine by stupid globalists logic. You would speak German right now if you had the people like Biden or Harris in office during WWII.
@Mikkseeblopbloopwogwog Ай бұрын
Yeah America let’s let tRUMP demolish democracy, he will fix his fascist ways in America so no one will vote again, EVER! Yeah let’s take away SS from all Americans & give to the 1%. Just like your saying America does not care about Ukraine how bout lets do what you are suggesting to screw America to help Ukraine & once that’s done & America becomes a 3rd world country Ukraine could be like, aww to bad so sad. tRUMP loves Putin! DICTATORS! I’M FOR DEMOCRACY PERIOD & NEVER FASCISM! 💙💙💙
@cgaud1n69 Ай бұрын
I've been saying this for 18 months. There is no reason to save weapons in storage that are not likely to be needed in a naval engagement. Ukraine needs 200 tanks, 1000 M2 BFV's, and 300 artillery pieces, along with corresponding ammo to outfit these units. If the US does this, the war is over in 4 months from the time that kit makes it to the front. Ukraine needs to mak a push into Belgorod to be able to trade land for land. There should be no restrictions to operate any western weapons as long as Ukranians dont make a push for Moscow itself.
@StepDub Ай бұрын
Let Ukrainians be the judges of the limits of their advancement. They’re the ones paying the price for all this. The restrictions have to end. Otherwise Russia will pivot again to take advantage.
@mats8375 Ай бұрын
Here are two points to consider: 1. As long as Russians are engaged in Ukraine, it's highly unlikely they'll pursue another target. It's even less likely if they lose. 2. NATO build armies to oppose the army that is currently trying to get Kharkiv, not Berlin or Paris. Moving equipment from NATO storages to Ukraine seems like a logical step. Like a no-brainer really.
@TonyHobbs Ай бұрын
Apparently there's 300 Jordanian challenger tanks sitting around. It's disgusting and history will judge our pitiful response
@aelphacom Ай бұрын
300 won’t be enough. Google how many tanks, planes, helicopters did allies use to destroy the army of Iraq and take into account that Iraq was a generation or two behind in equipment quality, had little to no experience. Now we are talking about russia, that has the technology, experience, and industry that alone outproduces the West, plus they get It done for cheaper than the West. You are really wrong if you think +300 tanks would make a difference, at the beginning of 2022 maybe, but in 2024 it’s an amount russia looses in 1-2 months. russia lost over 8000 tanks to take that territory, having advantage in air, planes and helicopters, but Ukraine somehow magically should take it all back with 300 tanks and no planes or helicopters and being outgunned in artillery and shells for the artillery. It makes no sense at all. Fairytale
@BubnHubn Ай бұрын
US does not want victory for Ukraine, they just want to have some kind of equilibrium on the front. They still hope that Russians will retreat at some point if they see they do not reach their goals. A big illusion. It has become crystal clear over time.
@parslowpongbert1566 Ай бұрын
I feel guilty that Ukraine has been left alone to hold the frontline against fascism.
@Steve-gx9ot Ай бұрын
Putin chose it and Ukraine e is Not alone! What are you talking about. Get out from under your rock...
@tombrazy12hunnit Ай бұрын
@@Steve-gx9otafter Trump is in office, Ukraine won’t have a choice, Zelenskyy already thinking of negotiation while at a very Weak hand.
@VajrahahaShunyata Ай бұрын
@@tombrazy12hunnit Unless Trump goes all out against ruZZia... he is a wild card and wants to be remembered and loved. What then?
@davidl.7317 Ай бұрын
I really hope all able bodied Ukrainian citizens and foreigners who happen to be in Ukraine are volunteering free time in order to assist in building robust defensive lines including underground, strongly reinforced bunkers, barracks, command centers, communications, generators, medical triage areas with supplies, pumps to prevent flooding and then of course underground means to physically get from one line to the next. They should also have very strongly reinforced pill boxes, drone operating centers, sandbags, closed circuit cameras night vision and thermal capabilities. I know I am rambling but Russia proved the importance of such defensive lines and it seems that Ukraine has not kept up, even after over 2 and a half years.
@ninemoonplanet Ай бұрын
There ARE some who are or have been doing everything they can. Brandon Mitchell, Operator Starsky, Big Mac's Battle Blog, The Flashback is run by an injured Ukranian commander. All of these are on KZbin, most are on Instagram. From these you can find others. Ukraine Matters is a channel completely backing Ukraine, has links to a bunch of organizations.
@alvarobarcala Ай бұрын
As I see it, the strategy of NATO, EU and US is very clear and concese. It is not about supporting Ukraine "as long as it takes for Ukraine to win" BUT "as long as it takes for Russia to collapse". And I do think it is tje best strategy, because a win of Ukraine doesn't guaranty at all the fall of the regime, nor an agressive response. Instead, the collapse of Russia does. We have to be patience, and obviously for Ukrainians it's really hard, but the strategy shows that NATO knows Russia won't be able to remain not collapsing for very long. Actually this weeks there are clear signs of it. Even Russian media is talking about bad economy and catastrophic demography.
@kogorun Ай бұрын
@alvarobarcala Russia has it in the tank to fight till 2027. Does NATO, EU and US? I doubt so, they are way too eager to bury Ukraine and make a lot of noise over the sanctions that are easily bypassed by Russia to nobody's surprise. Recently New Yorker has published a *paid* article about the scope and the scale of this smuggling - around 6000 firms took part in it, and Russia has spent 4 billion dollars since 2022 to procure the microchips for its' missiles, IFVs, tanks, and artillery. In the first year of the war, the analyst Kamil Galleev already talked about Rheinmetall AG shipping to Arsenal AO, a very transparent shell company for the Rostec, which is basically the Russian MIC conglomerate. Similarly, he outlined how easy it would be to remotely brick the German, Swiss, Italian and Japanese CNC machines and other tools Russian MIC depends on - it hasn't been even discussed, much less done. The West watched Ukraine fight Russia on its' own for 2 and a half months. It seems that beneath all the speeches it hates the outcome of the russian Kyiv offensive and would much rather go back to the world of the spheres of influence.
@PeterA650 Ай бұрын
The collapse of Russia does not guarantee a better outcome either. For all we know worse factions will emerge and they will be nuclear armed. Russians do not want any kind of western-style democracy and it's patently clear unless you wear blinders.
@Mike-br8zt Ай бұрын
Your views have merit. The West does not want Ukraine to win by their own actions but by Russian action.
@mikefallwell1301 Ай бұрын
The Russians should wake up and remove the FSB and they will when they run out of oil.
@williewonka6694 Ай бұрын
I think you have the US strategy exactly right. It's designed to slowly cripple the Russian economy, destroy the remaining Soviet hardware in Russia and strangle its military production capabilities, while keeping Ukraine a viable State. When this war does end, Russia will be incapable of further causing trouble for an extended period.
@bjrnhjjakobsen2174 Ай бұрын
The European politicians must step up their game - the voters did not ask to become dependent on the US and they want Ukraine to win so we get peace again. Selfies, nice intentions and words does not do the trick 😡
@ShireLeaf Ай бұрын
Who is the pendant upon the United States and how did they get there?Is it their own fault?
@tomaskinoshta7589 Ай бұрын
You don't understand the ball game. All of Western Europe are vassal states of the American Empire. The USA orders and Western Europe obeys its master. European sovereignty is only an illusion.
@henriikkak2091 Ай бұрын
The USA needs to stop blocking European initiatives in NATO
@henriikkak2091 Ай бұрын
We're trying. Why does the USA not allow Poland to close the skies over West Ukraine?
@user-lz5fm8km4i Ай бұрын
@@ShireLeafafter the end of the cold War as everyone spent less on defence, there was a massive consolidation of the military industrial complex. Both in Europe ans in the USA. The production capasity to arm large scale near Peer conflict simpley dosent exist anymore. The us military industrial complex as a whole has more capasity than its european counterpart. If we Want to supply gear now then we are all dependant on the US.
@susanacton5007 Ай бұрын
I am beyond frustrated and have no right to be so, living in a safe country like Canada. I believed that all civilized nations after WWII wished they had done something more to prevent the holocaust and ethnic cleansing - hence the, now toothless, UN. The US was a latecomer to both World Wars, but that seemed to have changed with Ukraine - at the start. The US has the military capability to make a real difference here, but continue to tie Ukraine's hands with ridiculous restrictions and drip feeding support. Yes, Europe needs to do more, but is not capable at the moment of moving fast enough and is being shackled by the US with long range permissions etc with what they can do. Freedom is not free - no-one is suffering more than Ukraine and her courageous people. What will it take for the some of the so-called allies to step up and make a real difference here?!
@carolechapman7857 Ай бұрын
I so agree … from here in NZ … I thought after WW2 , that we , the west , would never allow a democratic country to be trampled by an aggressor….it could have been so cut and dried … a combined US / EUROPEAN offensive to remove Russian soldiers from the soil of Ukraine…. what’s so hard to understand? Putin needs to be told … we don’t tolerate his aggressive attempted takeover of Ukraine!!! Sooo frustrating!!!🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿
@badddkattt Ай бұрын
It’s been *so* frustrating to watch this war/attemped genocide unfold as aid has dripped into Ukraine, allowing Putin to build up defenses in depth, and mobilize hundreds of thousands of new troops. If the West and particularly US had given the weapons and permissions that use them from the beginning as the Ukraines asked, begged for from the beginning, the Russians would probably be gone.
@adequatedrainage6380 Ай бұрын
NATO was not prepared for this war and oddly Russia was not prepared for this war. Ironically Ukrainians were the best prepared for this war (at least mentally). Time is not on Russia's side if Ukraine can slog thru this war of attrition. Russians are not the same people they were 100 years ago nor are Ukrainians. Who has the will to endure? Ukrainians are my bet.
@bullerfnis1961 Ай бұрын
Let’s hope that Sullivan is going to be exchanged to a much more positive help for Ukraine because he has been a ‘stopper’!
@bigbearsandbenjamins Ай бұрын
As an American, this was difficult to listen to. Whenever I learn of dysfunction in our aid to Ukraine, I tell myself there’s a deeper, more nuanced reason for what’s happening(except for the maga 8 month blocking of aid). To say that we are slowly letting Ukraine lose the war is infuriating. There are a lot geopolitical balls in the air right now and I have to trust that there is a larger picture that is determining these seemingly counterproductive decisions from people like Jake Sullivan. We (Americans) have soo much to gain from a decisive Ukrainian victory 💪🇺🇦
@manxman5825 Ай бұрын
Cui bono? Both Europe and Russia will be poorer and weaker as a result of the war. Ukraine is permanently destroyed as a nation. Of the countries involved only america benefits.
@CynthiaBlair Ай бұрын
I'm still angry about the F-16s. Too few, too late. Swedish Gripens are amazing and probably just as good as F-16s.
@viliusr.8792 Ай бұрын
Grippen does not take much of natos muni
@lorenzozampighi3646 Ай бұрын
​@viliusr.8792 pretty sure Gripens are NATO complient.
@edhopkins6589 Ай бұрын
...well well ...send them
@abcdeabcde4877 Ай бұрын
Iskander-1000 is operational. There's nowhere left to hide for hohol aircraft.
@williamlavallee8916 Ай бұрын
@@viliusr.8792 Not true, it's entirely compatible.
@jackherrer9090 Ай бұрын
I think that unfortunately our western societies/leaders will only wake up when the b...s start falling on our homes. It is so sad. I posted a personal video on facebook I was so happy about from the 77th brigade that I received as a thank you for supporting Ukraine and providing vehicles, I got 9 likes... When I upload a video of an activity with my dog I get over 60. It is so frustrating, nobody in my entourage seems to really care. I hope every day that we the west start supporting this brave nation the way they deserve it, time is running out.
@opodobed Ай бұрын
Thank you for your help! 🙏🏻❤
@emilen2 Ай бұрын
Make a third video where you explain your grievance and hopes regarding which video you think deserves more likes.
@PavUnq Ай бұрын
The best interview. Thanks for supporting Ukraine 🙏
@olena- Ай бұрын
That was so witty at the end. America will feel good again by helping Ukraine win over russia. MAFGA. Make America feel good again. )
@jplindsley Ай бұрын
thanks )) I think it's exactly what America needs: to feel good again!
@ninemoonplanet Ай бұрын
I can't believe the USA has become so feckless when it comes to supporting democracy in other countries. My own country is showing this same attitude, when there are millions of people who are descendants of Ukranian heritage, including some in my own family. Pete would make a far better Secretary of State for the Ukranian people, the world and all the US allies. I can only do so much to support Ukraine so I can contact my MP and ask some pointed questions. Vance is definitely not aware of many other people, countries, the need for international cooperation. He's said Ukraine doesn't matter. What?? We, the people, outside of the US can use OUR voices to get allies to get serious about defending democracy.
@kogorun Ай бұрын
@ninemoonplanet Seems he struck gold. Putin and Biden and Orban are all a part of the untouchables, this fetid global elite, and so they cannot allow each other to come to harm. Sickeningly reminiscent of the medieval aristocracy.
@yidiandianpang Ай бұрын
Middle America is too far from the conflict
@stephenhill545 Ай бұрын
The weakness of having a country so far from Europe being so important to European defense, and that of the free world more generally. None of the disruptor powers are close to the US, so it does not feel the same sense of urgency.
@moe_bee Ай бұрын
I think this is where Biden failed to continue to make the case to the American people. His poor communication of American values and interests has let the issue of Ukraine be taken by the right-wing isolationists.
@Ollies2CentsWardill Ай бұрын
@@stephenhill545 A war with China would not just be local. It would be affected by global logistics routes and the US would need allies. A Russia in control of Ukraine would be much stronger and leave the US with two major enemies to worry about instead of one.
@mariachychula2880 Ай бұрын
Thank You, Silicon Curtain, for interviewing Joe Lindsley....Thank You, both, again, and God's Blessings to both of you
@bahramkishi3018 Ай бұрын
It is a wrong to assume the USA knows what its doing.
@moe_bee Ай бұрын
Yes it is, Have you seen our president? .. Biden has good intentions but has been so slow to act and so cautious to escalate it has led to a plan to slow defeat instead of victory.
@RidleyHolmes-sr2tw Ай бұрын
Well the President is brain dead and the VP is a cackling idiot.
@aelphacom Ай бұрын
Globalists know what they are doing. They are sacrificing people if Ukraine.
@Savadais Ай бұрын
USA lives in their own world far away from the rest of their world problems. Also speaking from experience is to some extent true in Russia. I believe that this is the reason great nations fail. The bigger they get the more blind and deaf they become. Here in Latvia we from time to time wonder how we managed to survive living under occupation for 700 years from Germanic Teutonic order to the USSR. I believe it's because we always have to be vigilant. We even know more about our enemies then we know about ourselves, which is not the best mindset for prosperity but is perfect for survival. Americans no longer study both their allies and enemies and instead are obsessed with themselves. That's why they make massive blunders any time they try to intervene into any conflicts outside their borders.
@edhopkins6589 Ай бұрын
​​@@Savadaisget a job, get off mum's sofa
@andersgrassman6583 Ай бұрын
Someone stopped Sweden from sending Gripen fighters. All Swedish politicians and all (well, 97% actually) Swedish people want to send them. But suddenly all politicians have stopped talking about it, giving some rather blurred and half hearted argument, referring to NATO allies, that "it would be too much for Ukraine to handle yet another fighter jet system besides F16". Of course Ukraine can handle it - and it's just a matter of time before Ukraine will have to handle other modern western fighters besides F16. Because obviously F16 is not going to be "the final" and only fighter type for Ukraine. And Ukraine still sayes they want Swedish Gripen. (They are more modern than F16.) I feel very frustrated. And I'm sure many other Swedes feel the same. I want to know what is going on behind the scenes here. Pressure is beeing put on Sweden not to send Gripen fighters. I want some good sound substantial reasons. Like if it was stated that available fighters are needed to defend the Baltic states and Finland, or something.
@RBoales Ай бұрын
I think Gripen will be in Ukraine after F16. Way more F16s are available so more support/parts available and easier to operate and learn than the more advanced Gripen. F16 also has greater range and air to ground capabilities than the Gripen I believe. Think the goal is to make F16 Ukraines default fighter and then they will be sold F35/F22s in the future. Gripen better air to air fighter. Glad to see the F16s have arrived.
@1971VoiceoftheMummy Ай бұрын
🙏🕊🌻🔱 Excellent Analysis! Ukraine is Stronger with F16s, GMLRS, ATACMS, GLSDB, SCALP EG and Storm Shadow! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes! The World Needs to Stand Unwaveringly Committed with Ukraine's Quest for Democracy and Retribution! 🔱🌻🕊🙏
@RidleyHolmes-sr2tw Ай бұрын
What Ukraine needs is those machines at the beginning of "The Empire Strikes Back." Maybe 100 at a cost of $500 Billion to the American taxpayer. We can get a loan from the Chinese.
@anabelleharvey9342 Ай бұрын
How we deal with the Ukraine War is not a right/left divide in the same way the Gaza siege is. The divide here is pro or against liberal democracy, both internationally AND domestically.
@davidmangs6111 Ай бұрын
Russia threatens to send its long range weapons to its allies and proxies including the Houthis ( disrupt Red Sea shipping), Nicaragua ( which splits the land bridge between North and South America close to the Panama Canal), Cuba ( only 90 miles from Miami), and Venezuela ( which has the largest petroleum reserve on the Planet while it is now threatening an invasion of oil rich Guyana using Russian supplied weapons). These threats have resulted in NATO's continuing refusal to allow unlimited Ukrainian strikes on the Russian airbases and planes launching devastating GLIDE BOMBS that can not be stopped once launched. Glide Bombs completely destroy any bunker or building leaving Ukrainian soldiers, civilians and critical infrastructure defenseless. Capitulation by the use of threats is a successful strategy by Russian and its AXIS allies and proxies to give them a significant military advantage by playing on the "fear and trembling" of the western democracies. Capitulation in response to the threats of the totalitarian aggressor has never led to peace, and will result in more death, destruction and ultimately defeat for the defenders of freedom and democracy. Dave Mangs Ph.D.
@MrBudgiejoe Ай бұрын
Great discussion. Thank you 🙏 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
@tetianavarvynska2125 Ай бұрын
Thanks Joe and Jonathan. Rare voices of clarity and decency.
@abcabc-xm4um Ай бұрын
Following up on the 10 Russian banks sanction waivers, I could only find one on-line press report with two vague paragraphs from Reuters: "US extends authorization for some energy transactions otherwise subject to Russia sanctions".
@catherineandpaulfuters2523 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your coverage and insights 🇪🇺🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦🇬🇧
@NormanDubowitz 24 күн бұрын
Jonathan your program is excellent accurate truthfull journalism . That is because you are a humanist a man with a moral civilized ethic
@user-gf7kc5fc5m Ай бұрын
Thanks, Jonathan and Joe! I must admit that the reality of aid to Ukraine not being enough is so clear. Our Politicians need a push from the people, but it seems that most people don't have the will.
@MikeEngland-u5x Ай бұрын
Great to see Joe again, miss him from TVP world, still don't understand what happened and why Rock Rachon and team silenced by Polish government, it was the best newscast in the world = Legend status😊
@toaster2400 Ай бұрын
So true and so frustrating
@standbyukrain Ай бұрын
Freedom is priceless
@smb123211 Ай бұрын
If that is the case (and I don't accept it or understand the "logic" behind it) then other NATO countries can - at any time - step up and supply all the weapons they need. The reason I find this so doubtful is that officials have to know what that will bring - almost surely Poland, Japan, Korea and Taiwan will develop nuclear weapsons if they are no longer under the US umbrella,.
@cathyf.1234 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately, most of the weapons that the other NATO countries and allies have ... were built by the U.S. And the U.S. would have to give permission. Other countries need to develop their own weapons systems to be free to do with them as they think best, without constraints from our overbearing White House.
@smb123211 Ай бұрын
@@cathyf.1234 No, once the sale is complete a nation has control over their use. It's why Ukraine is using French and British missiles in Crimea for months.
@JanFWeh Ай бұрын
​@@smb123211You are ill informed. The UK doesn't allow Ukraine to use their weapons against military targets inside Russia. Also military sales in most cases need approval by the original manufacturer country if you want to give it to a third party. Countries like Poland were not allowed to give American or German weapons to Ukraine without American or German approval.
@cathyf.1234 Ай бұрын
@@smb123211 The buyer nation still cannot transfer U.S. weapons to a third country. They must get U.S. approval first.
@judithcampbell1705 Ай бұрын
Thanks for having Joe back on. Great questions and Joe's knowledge was a pleasure to listen to. Thank you 💛 for podcast! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
@Andres_1970 Ай бұрын
So ... let me get this right, The US has a Strategy to lose "the war" against Russia !? How does he know there is such "Strategy"? Whose war is him referring to? US's vs Russia ? Look, we are all very angry and fed up with all that has been happening there and would like a much more robust globally coordinated armed response against the aggressor, but to make such statements is another whole different thing.
@2112jonr Ай бұрын
Yet that is what the evidence in front of our eyes states. I'd rather believe that than cowardly Jake Sullivan.
@davidbulman2889 Ай бұрын
Elephant in the room. It needed saying. If its not an intentional strategy then the only other explanation is that America has no balls. Your choice. We were first on everything putting our balls on the line. Come on my friend push your government to do it.
@Conclusius68 Ай бұрын
The evidence is indeed not overwhelming, but it does make some sense. However, not allowing Ukraine to collapse is different from slowly making Ukraine lose the war. I tend to believe the former rather than the latter policy.
@kogorun Ай бұрын
@StatetrooperBillyBill It's remarkable how people are not getting sick and tired of the same nuke scare bullshit we heard for TWO FUCKING YEARS each time the West did anything to aid Ukraine. Are you nuked yet, Billy? Is the world outside your house looking like Fallout yet? No? Then what's your actual arguement?
@PeterA650 Ай бұрын
@@Conclusius68 I see no difference. They both lead to the same outcome.
@prepper_nation_h Ай бұрын
Great interview! I just started following Joe Lindsley about a month ago, and he is great in his ability to drive home a cogent and compassionate message of support for Ukraine. He has his finger on the political pulse here in the US, too, and really speaks freely about policy shortcomings on both sides of the aisle.
@andyreznick Ай бұрын
Well, an extended comment, let's see if it gets deleted. I respectfully disagree with Mr. Lindsley about Ohio's pivotal role in the election or as an indicative bell weather. I agree this was true in the past, even the recent past, but I see it now as firmly for the MAGA party. (Yes, I'm one of those who feel there is no longer a Republican party since the Trump sell-out) Most political commentators seem to feel similarly. Like Florida, it was a swing state, but no longer. I agree Ohio folks need to know more about Ukraine, but I'm very concerned about the performative, opportunistic politicians doing the explaining. So far that message is, Put up the walls, Close out the world, Cut off the aid, I want cheap gas.
@robertsmuggles6871 Ай бұрын
A sobering listen. Prophetic words. Not available on MSM. Support what Jonathan is doing - it is important.
@deanejoyce5393 Ай бұрын
Cheer up Joe! Do not despair… Remember for a person who is able to create something from nothing momentum does not exist. You occur for me (and many, many others) as indefatigable. Take the case that you might have become a world expert on Ukraine in the English speaking world and you are a leader… Not just any leader, but a leader who loves his people and the people who are led love their leader. You constantly create ideas that have impact with velocity. These ideas have power because they get in touch with who ordinary people are and what they are about. Scratch any Ukrainian and you will find freedom. Scratch any American ( remove the politics, meaning you might have to scratch a little harder) and you will find the same. Keep being you. Keep being relentless, indefatigable, unstoppable in your quest to show the world the truth. The “what’s really going on in the universe “that Ukraine is worth fighting for because it is pure, unadulterated essence of freedom… The freedom that creates ideas like a field of wheat and each seed in every bushel creates wealth, prosperity and betterment of humanity. The kind of freedom that humanity requires to have a future and why humanity needs Ukraine…
@LR-jk2jk Ай бұрын
That's sickening. Similar to betrayal of Poland by the west in 1939, just in slow motion. Who needs enemies when you have friends like the US.
@a5cent Ай бұрын
Yeah. Things can still change, but this US administration did not uphold their promise to protect Ukraine in exchange for their nukes.
@ThisHandleWasTheOnly1Available Ай бұрын
The Poles had only themselves to blame. Poland should have never collaborated with the Germans and participated in the partitioning and annexation of Czechoslovakia in 1938.
@Andres_1970 Ай бұрын
Bringing up historical issues between Ukraine or the EU and Poland is what the Kremlin has been working on lately , you know ?
@2112jonr Ай бұрын
@@ThisHandleWasTheOnly1Available No one cares. Sure we can learn from the past, but this i just playing into the Kremlin's blood soaked hands. WAKE UP.
@davidbulman2889 Ай бұрын
Yes churchills open hearted greatest regret. Lets not be a sad churchill.
@helengrunow5094 Ай бұрын
Yes,it is disgusting the way Ukraine is being treated! These ‘restrictions’ are cruel and absurd.Thankyou Joe and Jonathan,you always report with facts and truth. Slava Ukraini!💙💛
@5ty717 Ай бұрын
Having been to Kharkiv many times before and since 2014 I recognize much of the cohesiveness of Ukraine society resembling the civic landscape to which your guest alludes. Excellent choice Jon. Deeply and repeatedly impressed by your informative articulation.
@jeremygibbs7342 Ай бұрын
Absolutely wonderful interview. Great queations and dialogue. Yes, why are we allowing the banks to be exempt?
@jberkeley1195 Ай бұрын
Thanks Jonathan 👍 unfortunately we have got weak " leaders" at a dangerous time when we NEED strong leaders 🤷 Slava ukraini 🔱💪🇺🇦🇨🇵🇵🇱🇬🇧✌️🥰
@HaveHappiness 25 күн бұрын
I miss seeing Joe on Rockon 💙💛
@nurseSean Ай бұрын
55:18 “as long as you think like that, there’s good reason to be afraid “ Good point. Разом ми переможемо
@opodobed Ай бұрын
Oh, thats me, I'm on the 18th floor, so happy we have more electricity this week. And the heat wave is over.
@frankshifreen Ай бұрын
thanks, like Joseph , love all your streams
@henriikkak2091 Ай бұрын
Finally someone is talking about this. I've been wanting to since the NATO summit but critical comments get deleted by the YT algorithm.
@DarkestAlice Ай бұрын
Congratulations on the 100K subscribers, Jonathan! Wonderful to see your reach. Thanks to you and Joe Lindsley for another very good conversation. 🇺🇦 Перемоги та миру всім українцям! 🇺🇦
@bobjohnbowles Ай бұрын
Thanks Joe and Jonathan, two of my favourite Ukraine bloggers.
@donaldberry4181 Ай бұрын
Thank you for keeping this story going.
@edharma1069 Ай бұрын
So much here, need to re-watch this a couple of times ---
@TauchTobi Ай бұрын
I am most likely one of the strongest ukraine supporter from all my relatives and friends but even i am getting to a point, where i cannot see Ukraine winning. At least not if the west keeps giving you enough weapons so you don't loose immediately, but not enough to win. And sadly it is also because of all the Ukrainesupporters who only speak out online. Where are the rallys in front of government buildings? Where are the masses who demand more aid for ukraine? Where are the protests? I would love to do it myself but unfortunately i am living in a neutral country which will never rethink this status... Trust me on this one... My people are too selfish. So in fact i would appreciate a capitulation only for the rest of the world to see, that putin will continue in a few years like everybody is saying since the beginning of this war... But we do not want to escalate... Well who escalates? The aggressor or the bystander? Would you be cursed too, if you step in to protect a child from a bully? No. You are considered a hero. Why is the US expensively scrapping Bradleys, Missles, F16 and Abrahams instead of giving them to Ukraine????
@davidbulman2889 Ай бұрын
Spot on
@CynthiaBlair Ай бұрын
I'm a US citizen and I know Joe Lindsley is right. I was saddened and angry by the NATO summit. No, I'm furious, actually. I have looked at the original Treaties at the end of the Cold War. We OWE UKRAINE, because we allies engineered this, Ukraine is meant to be the counterbalance, as a free, democratic country, against Russia's imperialism. We knew all those years ago this VERY scenario could happen to Ukraine. And we failed them, after they gave up their nukes, we failed to help them build up their defense and in 2008, include them in NATO.
@JanFWeh Ай бұрын
The countries that persuaded Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons were the *United States,* Russia, and the *United Kingdom.* In exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear arsenal, these countries provided security assurances to respect Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and existing borders.
@allanminnell4127 Ай бұрын
My thanks to both of you for such an insightful interview
@ralphmchenry5410 Ай бұрын
I have a question, what difference do you think that if Jake Sullivan was to be replaced with Ben Hodges would the results on the ground in Ukraine and in Israel and Gaza turn into peace or all out world War 3 ?
@lilUrso11 Ай бұрын
Thank you, Joseph- for your direct support to the Ukrainian People.
@MrTommispilot Ай бұрын
I think this interview partner comes as close to the truth as is possible.
@stephenhill545 Ай бұрын
Ohio is no longer a bellweather. That's Pennsylvania these days.
@mindbomb9341 Ай бұрын
The Ukrainians lived through the Renaissance. Lviv was a key center. Russians did not. This shows in their folklore of freedom and the value of the individual that Mr. Lindsley refers to.
@Alister222222 Ай бұрын
I disagree that this is a strategy to 'slowly lose'. There are several ways to 'win' the war, but I think the one the US wants to avoid is one in which the victory appears to be the direct result of US intervention, and I think they have good reasons not to want this kind of victory. They would much rather see the version in which Russia collapses internally - basically, Russia defeats itself. In the first version, where the US has 'defeated' Russia, Russia continues to be a belligerent enemy toward the US. In the second, Russia could transform into something new and better, as the blame and consequences of the defeat turn inward.
@davidbulman2889 Ай бұрын
Have you thought of a career in propaganda ? People are dying for U S of A to look the good guy. Shout it loud USA USA USA. Spineless and creepy.
@kogorun Ай бұрын
@Alister222222 Inside Russia, the USA has been made out to be the great enemy of Russia for almost 30 years straight with barely 4 years of a pause in the 2000s. A lot of the russian war supporters' views orbit around that one axiom. Even now, the Russian propaganda is talking about the hordes of "NATO mercenaries" and "their American puppeteers" fighting in Ukraine. And, of course, Russians are way too comfortable with their prejudiced view of the Ukrainians as a bunch of gullible hicks to ever admit they were defeated by Ukrainians. And so they already talk about this war as "the war that USA has resolved to wage against us till the last Ukrainian is dead". Remarkably, forcing a smaller country with less resources into an attrition war with a bigger country with more resources is likely to produce exactly that outcome: the smaller country is bled out and forced to surrender. That's how the "mercenaries" being present is described - Ukraine is already too weak to fight its' own war and is only propped up by the slow drip of US aid and soldiers. So your strategy of drip feeding Ukraine is doing nothing to change the perception of the war inside Russia - actually, it may be strengthening the propagandist talking points.
@PeterA650 Ай бұрын
This is utter bullshit. This White House DOES NOT WANT Russia to collapse. Their strategy is to weaken them, not defeat them.
@APW-ry2ok Ай бұрын
What about enforcing the 1994 memo Russia signed ? This would be within international law ,doing this years ago would of been the right way to act .
@Alister222222 Ай бұрын
@@APW-ry2ok I actually agree with you - I would want to have seen every country come together and send forces to Ukraine right from the start. They should have done this - we cannot live in a world in which countries can just decide to randomly invade other countries, because that's not a safe world for anyone.
@henriikkak2091 Ай бұрын
I always knew that Ukraine's biggest challenge was setting a historical precedent -- not by surviving Russian aggression as an independent country because that's been done by Finland before and can certainly be achieved by Ukraine, but seeing this through without its democratic allies abandoning it. I've talked about this for two and a half years now. People thought I was crazy because the support at the beginning of the full-scale invasion was so strong, but we've been there. We've seen how this ends. The sentiment here in the so-called frontline states is that repeating the same mistakes over and over is not an option.
@henriikkak2091 Ай бұрын
Finland was neutral. Ukraine is neutral. Technically, neutral countries don't have allies, but Ukraine was supposed to have the security provided by the US nuclear umbrella. If its ideological allies fail it, it's going to start looking around for less savory partnerships. Trust me -- like I said, we've been there.
@betterdonotanswer Ай бұрын
Finland did not survive the Muscovite aggression and was not an independent country but a Muscovite protectorate. Moreover, so called finlandization was exactly what Muscovy wanted from, for or in Ukraine before the invasion of 2022.
@adequatedrainage6380 Ай бұрын
Oil&gas usually are long-term infrastructure investments that inside Russia most likely have western investment banking interests.
@anneallen5207 Ай бұрын
Thank you Jonathan and Joe for exposing the truth.Congrats on your 1000,000 followers,all the more to hear your wonderful conversations with informed guests.
@SiliconCurtain Ай бұрын
Thank you! 🙏
@joshuaholder6818 Ай бұрын
Great interview! Like hearing different perspectives.
@HDR422 Ай бұрын
Thank you I so agree I have thought this also
@genbure9908 Ай бұрын
Thank you Johnathon, please, what are the names of 10 ruzsi@ banks that US hasn't sanctioned... so can name and shame & pass/share on. Joe, also please when you're on Mriya Report again, mention these 10 banks there too👍 Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava, Razom do Peremohy... hold tight all brave-heart Ukrainian Warriors 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🔱💙💛💙🪬
@dianetourje1359 Ай бұрын
Biden DID say he would be focusing on Ukraine
@CeBePuH Ай бұрын
The best understanding of the Ukrainian psyche that I've yet seen
@malki737 Ай бұрын
This is the first Pearson speaking the truth about this,when Zelenskyy came back from America he looked dejected and started talking about peace,the penny has dropped they aren’t even hiding it anymore
@petershutak5573 Ай бұрын
To beat Muskovy, we need to learn from Turkey. It gained Muskovy's respect by shooting down their fighter jet. Jake Sullivan's strategy is doomed to fail
@margareturquhart5641 Ай бұрын
Thank you, once again an excellent interview.
@danielhargreaves5992 Ай бұрын
Excellent analysis
@friendlylaser Ай бұрын
>ok what's about this political circumstance? >well you know Ukrainians are basically angelic superhumans - there are no murders, no robbery. They resolve their conflicts by telepathically sending good vibes and blessings to each other Amazing analytics.
@astarodub Ай бұрын
I’m Vance’s constituents, and the guy is not listening to voters at all. He doesn’t have staff to take calls from voters like other senators do. He listens to his big sponsors like Peter Thiel and trump. Even if Vance is convinced to support Ukraine, once they are in WH, they’ll do whatever they want - their word is worthless. trump talked big on Syria and what came out in the end when he moved to WH? Yeah.
@kogorun Ай бұрын
How the hell did Vance get to be representative? Did y'all vote against your own interest?
@astarodub Ай бұрын
@@kogorun I didn’t vote for him. I’m in shock myself. This tech mogul, Peter Thiel (Elon’s business partner) for whom Vance worked in tech industry, donated $15 mill to Vance’s campaign in Ohio and singlehandedly bought him a senate seat. This Vance came out of nowhere but republicans don’t care, they just vote for whoever is on the republican side. They don’t question anything. Thiel bought him insane amount of advertisement and that’s how vance got to be a senator from Ohio.
@YT2024Hayward Ай бұрын
Proverbial boiling the frog effect? Edit: let me add that in my opinion the strategy is to slowly win.
@Dada_ism Ай бұрын
While I root heavily for most of your guests, Joe is by far my favourite. Kudos to you both, and Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦✌️ Edit: Also, congrats on the 100k mark, hope it grows exponentially from now on - your bet against the short attention span might eventually prove quite right.
@Bareego Ай бұрын
For the US this war has been a boon. A good amount of the war equipment sent to Ukraine was going to be retired anyway, and with most European countries trying to wean themselves off the Russian gas, there is a lot more demand now for LNG/LPG. For a while the gas in north america was at a very low price, almost considered just a waste product. Now they get a lot of money shipping that to Europe. Meanwhile all oil/gas that doesn't get transported on Russian's grey fleet can only be sold at a limited price, and often there is a discount under that price for countries that are willing to take it. Russia has one of the highest costs of extracting the oil, so relies a lot on a high price it gets for it's oil.
@c1v1c2v2 Ай бұрын
Freedom is just a buzz word to Americans. The US may be a democracy, but it's an oligarchy.
@DougWedel-wj2jl Ай бұрын
I’m curious if the US is prolonging the Ukraine war to keep Russia fighting. If Ukraine obliterated Russia within the Ukraine border, it would make sense for Russia to quit and they would keep their arms. Konstantin talked about the German chess situation they call zugzwang, where every move a player makes puts them in a worse position. He said that’s what Russia is experiencing in Ukraine. If the US knew the exact date Russia would invade Ukraine, chances are they are keeping tabs on what point Russia will stop fighting. And it could be they are toying with Russia, trying to convince them to expend the most military resources. As long as Russia keeps pushing themselves towards their own disadvantage, the US may feel they are using the right approach. Of course I could be wrong, it’s just a hunch, not a conspiracy theory. One thing I don’t want to see is Russia becomes completely isolated, like Cuba and Venezuela. In fact, my hope is these other countries join the world confederation of countries again. It can be very complicated to let Ukraine win and to win back Russia as well. Ukraine getting everything they want in their win including many Russians going before The Hague can help Russia rejoin international cooperation.
@chrisperrins8082 Ай бұрын
This is an abominable thought. If America has this thought then Europe certainly should not allow this crap to happen.
@pierrevanhalteren5733 Ай бұрын
The US partly signed their declaration of weakness when departing Afghanistan in such a chaotic way. Allowing such an old president to hold office didn't help as well. Giving the wrong signals all along.
@sandywells3011 Ай бұрын
Thankyou for your great update 👏👏👏
@shainemaine1268 Ай бұрын
Ive thought this exact thing for quite some time... they (Ukraine) was never "supposd to win", definitely not supposed to resist at the level which they've shown. And I LOVE that man's idea with a Kamela trial run!!! Of course Biden is far too proud for all that. Also I uphold my idea that anyone albe-bodied and of-age (the real age everywhere else not '26') who decided to flee the country in a time of extreme need should be persona-non-grata henceforth. Also anyone refusing to fight - deport em if necessary!
@davidpamely217 Ай бұрын
Despite the US position of appearing to deny Ukraine victory over the invader could it be the case that Russia's collapse economically is the only real victory. Otherwise the hot war could last at least a decade.😢
@Sarefsx Ай бұрын
Amazing conversation!!!
@dalegg66 Ай бұрын
Ohio is a pretty red state. It doesn’t really make sense for Trump to pick Vance to win Ohio because he would win Ohio even if Hillary Clinton was his running mate. Honestly the JD Vance pick is an enigma of sorts..I think Elon Musk has a personal interest in him and promised Trump campaign donations if he picked Vance.
@tunnakeech1702 Ай бұрын
a great conversation tonight,,,from ecosse,,,
@SiliconCurtain Ай бұрын
@keithwood2193 Ай бұрын
@Gary_OC Ай бұрын
Totally agree with him.
@EhEhEhEINSTEIN Ай бұрын
Almost thought that was Pat McAfee on the thumbnail for a moment. Congrats on 100k!
@mmurphy1533 Ай бұрын
Love it
@jeromeledeley9188 Ай бұрын
Howcome would any serious official claim openly how he's going to defeat Putin ? Why not give Putin the how-to-read what we're currently doing and aiming at ?
@TensionalityEFex Ай бұрын
Its like a giant by stander effect
@Curtis-ev3tz Ай бұрын
Congratulations on your high waters mark!
@doniphandiatribes Ай бұрын
Incredible revealing information about US recalcitrance
@johnwilliams2660 Ай бұрын
Thanks Jonathan and Joe, the fellow who frustrates me is Jake Sullivan. He says we are weakening Russia and I want to know is how many Ukrainians does he want to die while he is weakening Russia.
@timthetiny7538 Ай бұрын
As many as it takes. He's an American not a Ukrainian.
@ja1756 Ай бұрын
That's correct. I know from history. I often wondered. But this is correct. Wear Russia out and then NATO. Russia is totally doomed
@Gulroeg Ай бұрын
Ukraine/Russia are both not allowed to win OR lose. The strategy is executed perfectly as evidenced by the more and more dramatic implosion signs coming out of Moscow (no more money). Russia is supposed to give up and afterwards lose the peace and give back the territories in 5-20 years and allow Urkaine into the EU and NATO. Just like the Baltic states and East Germany. It is the last big battle of the Cold War. The imperium slowly, but very effectively crumbles. It does not matter how many children's hospitals are bombed. They do not factor into the calculation. We live in a very cruel new world. In the future historians are going to look back and say that this was genius (if it works), but it must have been horrible for the Ukrainians to live through. Which it absolutely is. On the other hand they will be able to say they won by scraping by with the bare minimum external help. The US could just give them all the weapons they need to win. They could have done that already. But then Russia will forever have a reason to attack the US for using their might unfairly. Nobody is helped by that. Especially not Europe. (It doesn't change that sometimes I can barely keep myself together knowing what crimes are committed against Ukraine and Ukranians). But Ukraine will win in the end. Everybody is going to be very exhausted, very soon. And nobody will have the feeling of a winner. Maybe one or two generations from now.
@opodobed Ай бұрын
That's so true... I try to imagine me after the war, my kids talking to theirs.
@geostawny 8 күн бұрын
Tha is a anti UKRANIAN genocidal policy
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