Jung, UFOs, Ancient Civilizations, & Transcendence in a Secular World - Dr Bernardo Kastrup

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The Weekend University

The Weekend University

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@jenmdawg Ай бұрын
6:47 as a kid I decided Christ didnt die for our sins, so we would be forgiven by God but so we’d forgive God for his world including our suffering. I mean if we can forgive a creator for making us able to suffer - we can forgive anything. This made so much more sense to me I forget it’s the other way around in Christianity
@Whatsthisabout69 Ай бұрын
That's interesting to ponder, never thought of it that way!
@Ripred0219 Ай бұрын
As a kid, how did this conclusion come to you?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
The main Eastern philosophies posit that there is no creator. There is mass of energies, this includes emotions, that are in constant flux trying to find the best balance possible. They posit mischieveous force called Mara, equivalent to Loki or satan etc, that is monkey/rascal and likes to trick creatures into attributing blame. This is why the advice is not to judge(or thus blame) stuff is just happening. Karma. Once one creature gets angry then it takes it out on one of the others, once the cycle has started it's v difficult to stop. That's why when Jesus is asked how many blows should he take. I am sure that in the original saying it would be the equivalent to there is no limit but sayings ( words) just like everything else decay. and so has that one. reincarnation means that you have to keep coming back till you learn not to react violently to perceived injustice because the injustice is something you have previously visited on other. Now that doesnt mean you should just let people hit you or harm you, because in doing so they only harm themselves too because until the fighting stops neither of you will be able to get out of Samsara, the state of ignorence ie forgetfulness.
@jenmdawg Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 yes. Creation, maintenance and destruction. If you look at life from this perspective there are only these 3 forces at work in everything.
@chrismullin8304 28 күн бұрын
“Beliefs are just Decisions”. -D.B.
@kp6735 Ай бұрын
Very good stuff. First time I'm hearing about Kastrup. His open-minded philosophical approach is very thoughtful and intriguing. He seems to be a very cool dude. Thanks for that.
@ToddCrosby-e2s Ай бұрын
Absolutely agree. Esp if you've been raised in a more classical christian tradition, Answer to Job is an absolute game changer... I read it at age 29....i had rejected my previous upbringing but this book helped me recover my faith in a broader, deeper and more meaningful way.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
There is another equally rewarding way of perceiving Job. Job is just someone doing his Job. He is someone who does what he does blindly. I'm just doing my Job! We've ll done that no? It's what Satan/Lucifer is getting us all to do. It's how to get folk to destroy their own world. It's no good just doing your Job. You need to engage. To not just be an order follower, but to Wake up and become an active agent. It you are paying attention you start to be able to predict more accurately how this will pan out. Intuition we call it.
@mitchellking4988 Ай бұрын
This is some of bernado's best. Thank you.
@notexactlyrocketscience Ай бұрын
I've been following him for years. This is another weak branching out into uncertain grounds, like the UAP and pro-seance takes. Btw, it's "Silurian Hypothesis" not one of the "Pan-Illyrian hypotheses" another one the weaker arguments. I worry slightly about how he's going to keep this uncertainty together but his core argument seems as solid as ever.
@_WeDontKnow_ Ай бұрын
Really great interview, awesome questions. Lots of passion in Bernardo's answers here.
@MichaelJones-ek3vx Ай бұрын
I need more than meditation!. For someone like me, the ability to fully integrate intellectually idealism was crucial to further spiritual development. I spent my life working applied science; critical care medicine. That world is wholly about the scientific method and😅 skepticism Is the ground state for effectively vetting the myriad theories that emerge in Science, including "medicine" . Analytic idealism describes reality in a way that is so coherent and logical, it is beautiful. My heart, my psyche changed when I got it! Meaning was restored and Now I understood my place in all of this. Eastern philosophy and spiritual practices never provided the surety that I needed. They call the problem, the " explanatory Gap". Perhaps we westerners are crippled by rational thinking and require a complete story to progress further.
@aprilyoung1234 Ай бұрын
Wholly agree. Bernardo himself, though, does say that the Upanishads (Hinduism) got it right way before Idealism did!
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
uhuh. And a major part of the of completing the story is the respecting and integrating of the feminine dimension into our engagement with explorations of Existence and it's nature. This means emotional intelligence is AT LEAST as important as intellectual. So that upsets mr Kasrups final analysis here that you dont need meditation or rather self observation.
@francesco5581 17 күн бұрын
yes of course there are different paths , and probably no one is wrong if at the core there is a positive skepticism (there is a false skepticism that is a tool to deny every experience for the sake of materialism). From time to time i make a balance of my beliefs, to see how much i changed... and for me each part of them is a tool to grow... right now i would say i am 15% agnostic, 15% religious, 20% idealist and 50% deist. And the more i go deep into science, the more i go deep into philosophy the more i am reassured about the meaning and purpose of life.
@bassk1000o Ай бұрын
bernardo is the best mix of intellectual without the smugness + openminded unattached to ideology. All that was so based
@wildeevolution Ай бұрын
This is too interesting! I’m going to have to listen to it over and over. Or just read all the recommended books. 😅 Answer to Job, Carl Jung
@Luxcanum 2 күн бұрын
'God' is the one that needs our help. That is the hidden gnosis. This has been known for some time. But Bernardo and Jung are both brilliant to so eloquently discuss this. I also applaud the bravery.
@bronwynegan896 Ай бұрын
Please write a book on Swedenborg's philosophies: where they link to analytic idealism and where they clash. Your insights into the book of Job are enlightening.
@jasonshapiro9469 Ай бұрын
Thank you for asking him about his paper on uaps..his hypothesis is my favorite that I've ever heard
@healingplaces Ай бұрын
Yep. This Gentleman can think. Cheers to all involved, much enjoyed.
@daniellemorley3953 Ай бұрын
love the way Dr Bernardo expresses himself so clearly so easy to understand his own understanding and exploration of the meaning of life, thank you what I love is all these different understandings , ways of perceiving the truth , insights on the meaning of life , from so many wonderful beings, they all ring true , they bring such lightness of being and a full heart. Gratitude to all Beings of Light and Truth in Service to the One.
@Liciablyth Ай бұрын
Kastrup makes me no longer feel alone. Of course that is because I agree with him. Thank you Dr Kastrup for sharing your ideas here and in your books. I agree too, that anthropomorphic hubris is rampant among our species. Would we live more safely and comfortably if we chose an attitude of openness to learning? I suspect so. But we remain human animals in the majority - flinging from one fight-flight- moment to the next. This is not negative to my mind, as the value of those such as Dr Kastrup who are not in human animal mode, will increase.
@corlisscrabtree3647 Ай бұрын
Thank you 🙏🏼
@waynzwhirled6181 Ай бұрын
This is fantastic stuff. Thank you.
@AndreaDunnett-zf7fl 27 күн бұрын
wow! this really helped to explain so many things I felt I was on the edge of, but not quite there. Thank you Dr. Kastrop.
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Ай бұрын
Bernardo is the GOAT 💪.
@natashakharitonova 28 күн бұрын
Such a brilliant guest! Thank you!
@gmk2222 Ай бұрын
He had morals, was a true gent and a great man.
@lauramullen4702 Ай бұрын
We are divine eternal spiritual beings, choosing lives as mortal human beings.... The grandest of adventures and immense mysteries unfolding through our collective experience.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
My understanding about this thing about us CHOOSING is rather than some kind of premeditated choice in a Heavenly realm as it is often posited. It's more that each action we take automatically makes the next outcome. there for our actions can be seen as us making the choice. However, this is usually in quite reactive rather than informed manner. So it's rather that our "choices" CAUSE the future outcome, which is more in keeping with most people's experience I think. Meditation brings about greater clarity as to what is going on, and expands on the field of awareness increasing our likelihood of making better decisions for long term sustained relief from the worst Samsara has to offer.
@DavidTizzard 22 күн бұрын
A wonderful video. Thank you again for giving Bernardo the room to breathe, sitting back and simply prompting when necessary. Expert stuff. For those interested in the idea of the dreamer emerging inside their own room, I would draw your attention to a short story by Jorge Luis Borges called The Circular Ruins. It should be freely available online. It's something I hope to discuss with Bernardo in the future.
@lesrobinson2510 13 күн бұрын
Fascinating like the way this very inspiring individual is thinking.We are entities experiencing reality for the whole.
@rodolforesende2048 Ай бұрын
10:10 In The Future of an Illusion, Freud does not specifically mention kenosis, but he broadly condemns religious doctrines as irrational and potentially harmful, which would include concepts like kenosis under his critique of religious "madness."
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
Someone who makes their money/wage from being scientific is going to be very afraid of something irrational. After all It threatens their sense of superiority and their place in a pretty callous hierarchy and of course their wage.
@garyheller8704 Ай бұрын
Hi there. I wholly disagree that the meaning if life can be fulfilled without some sort of intensive spiritual practice. This is because the psychological development of the infant into a person - without exception - includes perceptual distortions, wrong beliefs, negative emotions, etc... which reside in the mind and therefore hopelessly distort ones experience of Nature, including ones own self - of "God's creation". To be a more accurate and therefore useful meta cognitive element in and of Nature one must become an an accurate and precise experiencer. One would need to clarify wrong beliefs and purify negative emotions. This is is the point of spiritual practice. So, even if all we can perceive is the "dashboard" (which I would debate), until one is clarified one cannot experience even that with the clarity needed to fulfill the meaning of life - as Bernardo sees it. This is true even if one wholeheartedly accepts Jung's and Bernardo's view. This is because accepting it as an idea, even if the truth of it touches ones heart, will not reach the depths of ones psychological predicament. For that precise and targeted intervention is needed. Best wishes to all. Pray for peace
@steveflorida5849 Ай бұрын
If spirit is immaterial, then human personality will surely benefit in a relationship with living Spirit -- the spiritual experiences.
@garyheller8704 Ай бұрын
@@steveflorida5849 Agreed
@lindaraereneau484 Ай бұрын
Understanding is not the same as experience from the inside, being it. Being it from the inside is very, very different from "understanding."
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@steveflorida5849 that's part of the problematic either/or paradigm thinking that is at the root of most of our issues. As in QM's Existence is not subject to either/or paradigm. ,So life can be material and immaterial or it can also be a refined materiality, only discernible to the refined sensitivity which is what meditation does, refines one's sensitivity whilst consolidating one's equanimity
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@lindaraereneau484 language is quite complicated though especially in conventional use. I recently had a disagreement with someone about understanding and knowledge. Like you for me Knowledge is internal and felt and understanding was comprehension intellectually. However, for the other person the reverse was true. However, s we continued our discussion, it became cler that although we both understood the issue we both stuck rigidly to our own initial preferences and couldnt really arrive at a happy compromise. And that's because we are essentially creatures of habit who massively overuse our intellect. The intellect is only really meant for crisis management but our current modus operandi ensures that we most of us feel we are under constant threat .and the rules change so regularly that we have to massively overuse the intellect . The converstion couldnt really flow because we both keep using our own terminology. I suppose over longer period way could be found round that.
@DinahMacKenziePeers 8 күн бұрын
Quite convincing. Hadn’t heard of the Silurian hypothesis. Could crop circles be another way of showing us the dashboard isn’t the sky ?
@canucksaram 21 күн бұрын
What is the "semi-psychological control system" that Bernardo mentions around 48:00? Some good pointers on reading about that would be appreciated. I recall Jacques Vallee speaking about something similar and I don't really understand the idea.
@ejenkins4711 Ай бұрын
His contact with the THING reminds me of the movie Navigator
@susannaemmerich1166 Ай бұрын
Thank you!!!🙃🙏💕
@heleen313 5 күн бұрын
Hi it seems KZbin has incorrectly named the discussed UAP hypothesis as “Illyrian hypothesis”. Can you clarify the actual name, I did not get this from listening. The subtitle and transcript say “solarian hypothesis” but that does not seem right either?
@HighCountryStudio Ай бұрын
Loved this! Thanks so much.
@edwinkui Ай бұрын
Isn't Bernardo talking about the “Silurian Hypothesis” and not the "The Illyrian hypothesis"? (as is written in section titles of this video) (check his essay on UAP's on his website).
@innosanto Ай бұрын
There is no way it epuld be Illyrian hypothesis hshs
@mauricepowers3804 Ай бұрын
I left christianity 38 years ago...the concept of a god that would allow lucifer to rain peril on anyone is sickening. The problem is i was raised in a christian cult that believed this story actually happened! I walked away from it and embraced non-duality. And now christian beliefs are even weirder than before!!!!!
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
We have free will, if not what is the point.? Free will means the freedom (though not without struggle, there are forces acting on us and within us) to choose right or wrong, good or evil. If God did not allow anything evil to exist we would be no better than mindless drones. We couldn't sin, no suffering, no choice, no point.
@ProjectMoff Ай бұрын
@@titaniumquarrion9838The Christian free will argument is so weak. Not only did God decide to create us when he didn’t have to he also created us with incomplete knowledge/awareness, so how are we free exactly? How can we make any kind of efficient choices in a world that is full of uncertainty, and how can we then be judged?
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
@@ProjectMoff Where did I claim our thinking was "efficient"? Where I say there wasn't "uncertainty" and how does free will preclude being judged on our decisions, taking into consideration all factors that led to them. Do you actually understand how Christians are supposed to be judged by God? clearly not. You tried to come across as edgy and clever but made yoursef look foolish. I never said there weren't other factors at play influencing us. Maybe go and think about it and come up with an attempt at an argument that is actually valid. I'll wait Champ.
@ProjectMoff Ай бұрын
@@titaniumquarrion9838 if our choices aren’t efficient they aren’t free. Perhaps efficient wasn’t the right choice of word. Our choice is rendered equivalent to a random action when we don’t have the full picture, that’s what I mean by efficiency.
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
​@@ProjectMoff Freedom to choose in no way shape or form implies or is dependent on having the full picture. People seem to have difficulties understanding that freedom is a spectrum dependent on external and internal influences and ones ability to understand and mitigate them. No where should it be implied that freedom means universal freedom. Free will can be demonstrated as a free agent deciding on a course of action unrelated to a prior causal chain. It relies on reason not causality. By way of example "Oh if you had free will you could decide to not obey the laws of physics and walk through that wall or fly". It's absurd at that level but in reality no different to the other arguments. It's like saying well a prisoner incarcerated doesn't have free will to leave ergo humans don't have free will. Completely unrestrained physical freedom is not the same as free thinking. Will is in mind/thought (Soul) not merely physical. A conscious decision to do something is not random merely because external factors are at play or considered. Richard Taylor makes a strong case for free will by pointing out two universal empirical facts: (1) sometimes I deliberate, and (2) sometimes it is up to me what I do. Given these two ‘facts’ the will must be free. Deliberation is inconsistent with determinism because if my actions are determined, why would I deliberate? I'll finish with this from Mortimer Adler: "Fee choice does not mean uncaused, even if such actions are unpredictable. After all science relies on statistical and probabilistic formulations, but this does not mean events in the universe are uncaused. Actions of will are outside the domain of the science of physical phenomena. Will is intellectual not sensuous, and not a faculty of pure desire, memory, or imagination all of which may follow scientific laws; rather will and intellect are non-material and are governed by laws of their own. Metaphysically then, events can be caused by either antecedent events or by free agents, and empirically humans are free agents.
@GiedriusMisiukas 28 күн бұрын
15:10 Bernardo says "there can be no greater meaning". Why? (according to him) 37:30 Donald Hoffman mentioned
@chargersina Ай бұрын
Dear friend, this may explain some things, but it doesn’t explain nature’s grace. Meaning can only be grasped with the emotions, Intellect is only able to explain to ourselves what we have felt.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
I think it's not ONLY with the emotions but primarily so. But essentially I agree it's about developing the mind. But that's not going to go down to well in a Patriarchy as the Heart is predominantly the feminine strength
@lynnequity7296 Ай бұрын
Unnerving. "We are the ONLY game in town."
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
Lots of flaws in that, 1) I think you have to pretty disingenuous to not perceive, if you give them any attention at all, that dolphins and whales are at least as wise as humans. 2) That Patriarchy is a mental illness that leads to the diminuation of human capacity for transcendence and attainment of wisdom, both of which demand high levels of emotional intelligence. The intellect is the drive but the emotions are the car and the fuel. By 'we' I take it to mean males and intellectuals rather than humans as a whole..
@bennguyen1313 17 күн бұрын
Regarding how we are diamonds, Sadhguru has a similar analogy that we're like bubbles that have captured a certain amount of life, and that it is our contribution to the universe so that it learns about itself. Aliens aside, Sadhguru also suggests we are unique from other animals in that our brains allow us to not react impulsively. However this doesn't seem to explain the range of paranormal data that exists.. like reincarnation, telepathy/precognition/astral-projection/remote-viewing, witchcraft/occult. For example, ghosts appear to be among us, and can often communicate through physical-mediums/EVP or trance mediumship/channeling. Why does it seem that you still exist (albeit in ghost form) after you've died? I agree with Jeffrey Mishlove, that suggests until until we accept that there exists paranormal phenomena, we can't begin to make headway into what consciousness is.
@CS2tipsnclips Ай бұрын
48:53 Greetings earthlings has a whole new meaning. WOW haha the problem is we have been looking out when we could have been looking in. Maybe someone can help me understand what 0 is?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
Zero is a mathematical concept brought into play when negative numbers became a thing. I believe it is an Arab construct? And signifies a neutral point on an axis rather than a possible state. But Mara or the matrix or whatever you wish to call it is a clever thing and it has generated a conceptual mirage for us to quail from. So it's not that old a phantom at all really. Very Emperor's new clothes though. Once you realise you feel pretty silly but what can you do. We've all fell for it
@raoultesla2292 Ай бұрын
What does bacteria, mold, or ant project onto an Experiment Lab Needle to give it understanding for the incursion from outside of known reality?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
depends if it's open minded or not. I'm guessing their is variation of perception on the insect or microbial level of existence as there is in humans. So if the ant or whatever doesnt WANT to see the needle it wont and vice versa. Depends how much it gets paid and how much pride in it's position in the hierarchy it stands to lose I guess. If people are going to laugh at you cos u said there is no needle and ur funding will be stopped and you'll be kicked out of the gravy train then u r less likely to see it, stands to reason
@JessicaCooper-m4i Ай бұрын
Great insights! 😊
@soultraveler2103 Ай бұрын
Love Bernardo❤️👍
@Corteum Ай бұрын
Linderman: "There comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness, or a life of meaning." Tate: "Yeah, I think I'll take both." Linderman: "Not possible. Two very different paths. To be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present, with no thought of what's gone before and no thought of what lies ahead. But a life of meaning; a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future."
@steveflorida5849 Ай бұрын
One can live in the presence and be content, and explore the meaning of Life 's future.
@goodsirknight Ай бұрын
definitely not mutuall exclusive. Be in the present, appreciate the miracle of being alive, enjoy your family and friends, everything has meaning. I don't undestand the need to wallow in the past or obsess about the future in order to find meaning
@Corteum Ай бұрын
@@goodsirknight Yes. More like a synthesis. Presence and meaning.
@Corteum Ай бұрын
​@@steveflorida5849 Exactly. We're in the presence now. there's nowhere where the presence is not. recognition is key.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
That's part of the problematic either/or paradigm thinking. It is possible for things to be more than one thing at a time. It is possible to be happy and sad at the same time but we are so conditioned by the societal structure we exist in that it is difficult to challenge it's mores.
@denistremblay8029 Ай бұрын
Jung reading of Job dont exhaust the book of Job meaning at all. Read René Girard perspective. I am panentheist by the way not analytic idealist, then so much i admire Kastrup it lack from some spiritual christian deep insight. For example Pseudo-Dionysius is so more deep that he is the greatest thinker succeeding Plato and Aristotle and Plotinus.
@sxsmith44 Ай бұрын
BK is a “panentheist”. I’ve heard him state it, at least once but I think twice.
@musiqtee Ай бұрын
With all respect, I don’t get the impression that anything Kastrup says here is “exhaustive”. To me that notion goes against his whole eh, ‘idea’ of idealism. Is there an absolute metric to ontology? I do hear Kastrup say that Jung’s take is _accessible_ to a broad readership, though. If that can open someone’s door, it shouldn’t immediately close yours - I hope. Nothing is “taken” from you nor me here…
@denistremblay8029 Ай бұрын
@@musiqtee I only suggest to read Girard take on Job book not only Jung. And panentheism is not analytic idealism but more.
@musiqtee Ай бұрын
@@denistremblay8029 Agree, and I will take up on Girard. As you may have noticed, I didn’t mention panenteism. Whether you (or I) may have any “deeper” insights, was not my point, but simply that Jung’s work was _accesible_ to others. I’d like to appreciate that as an invitation from Kastrup, rather than an imperative towards achievement. Life as a journey, not as a destination - everything moves and changes. 👍
@sxsmith44 Ай бұрын
@@denistremblay8029 I didn’t say that panentheism is analytic idealism. I said that BK stated that he is a panentheist!
@azhar4049 Ай бұрын
I know Bernardo said he is not promoting this idea but I think it’s premature to assume UAPs could be physical craft that could be technology of some ancient civilization (perhaps a re-imagination of Nephilim/Jinn or something like that). Until we have material evidence of craft (not just in U.S. hangars - curious it’s mostly U.S. personnel who are reporting this) I think the explanation that they are non-physical or personal imaginal constructs that have insignificant physical markers (possibly only as light orbs like at Skinwalker for example) that appear as craft (or whatever cultural/environmental-personally relatable meaning-making image) to some observers is sufficient. Hope that makes sense :)
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
I think the important point is the term insignificant. Mr K mentions Einstein's arrival on the science scene but doesnt really push the truth through further, that once he did, if the public hadnt been bamboozled by his work being translated into techno-jargon, Empirical perspectives of Existence should really have been jettisonned, But of course so many 'experts' would lose not only their jobs but also their prestige and wages that his stuff was essentially clouded over by experts rather than clarified. He was luckier than Galileo. Atomic science is ie QMs is in the same state now that Astrophysics ws in Galileo's time And for the same reason there is an inbuilt misapprehension within the overall paradigm. It is clear from his, Einstein's, work that there are no insignificant events. I think inconvenient is a better term than insignificant. Also it's quite funny, in some ways, that you say we need material evidence, because what Mr K is essentially saying, though he doesnt actually use the clearest wording, is that you see what you are open minded enough to see. What he doesnt go into in too much detail is the role will power plays in things. So what this means is that if enough people with strong will power dont want to see something, they wont see it. So I guess Mr K doesnt have too much will power, or perhaps he let his guard down, when he saw the micro-spaceship.
@azhar4049 Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 Sorry but I definitely didn't mean insignificant from the perspective of the observer. I meant insignificant from a certain 3rd party materialist observation perspective. Their may be a material aspect to the phenomenon however, speculating only, currently I can only limit it to some type of light apparition appearing (photons lighting up in a quantum field like lite-brite) as a result of maybe some sort of entanglement/spooky action at a distance initiated by quantum microtubule phenomena in the brain but the observer renders in the imaginal as autonomous nuts and bolts craft. This would mean there are no nuts and bolts craft in U.S. hangars... if anyone is claiming this, they could be co-opting the phenomenon for cold-war type move (like how religions are co-opted)
@Kers-o9k Ай бұрын
@1SpudderR 6 күн бұрын
A Priori .... The vision, is dependant on realising that You are “Essence” Which Is Before Being Conditioned By Opinions Into Your Perceived Personality, Of Which you Are not the Original But manufactured by Human Conditioning Systems!?
@charliecheah4177 13 күн бұрын
Your are talking on your view only, doesn't mean for everyone.You doesn't know yourself, if you know you don't have doubt and question.
@MilushevGeorgi Ай бұрын
Meaning of life is being a moral agent
@gmw3083 Ай бұрын
Way too many ads
@GM-qz9fo 28 күн бұрын
So.. All you need is.. Love?
@PromoMIAR Ай бұрын
@alkeryn1700 Ай бұрын
36:15 i kinda disagree, our childrens being grown ups does not mean we do not matter anymore from a natural selection perspective. as still being there for your chidlrens even once they are grown up is advantageous for survival.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
If I subscribed to natural selection being solely predicated on survival, I'd totlly agree but I dont, so only partially agree..
@alkeryn1700 Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 i never said i did either lol.
@christopherhyne Ай бұрын
Question: Is the real world/universe mathematical or do we use mathematics to create the world within?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
mathematics is like numerical time, one of it's subsidiaries. Numbers are like fish hooks on long line of entangled fishing line. You through it into the sea of existence and those who get caught up in it, suffer horribly. Though some mange to not wriggle about too much and suffer less.
@clarkeridge 10 күн бұрын
Did he say Job was Christian? Wasn’t this Old Testament?
@chuckjones9159 25 күн бұрын
I wonder if he knows that esoteric mystic practices like lucid dreaming exist specifically for the reasons he talked about in the video. This set of core practices for spiritual development mimic those the universe itself is performing. The purpose of all is to learn. Pieces or variations of this set appear in every spiritual tradition. This existence we find ourselves in is called Life Manifest. The universe as we know it possesses an instinctive Inherent Awareness therefore it is Predatory. This awareness cannot learn until it begins to wake up. The Kingdoms of Nature possess Evolving Awareness. This was the reason for adopting the life philosophy of a spiritual warrior . To learn just as the divine itself does. This is our battle ground and here we are tested. Every challenge that comes our way is an opportunity to learn. Worship is not needed. Reverence is. We are Evolving awareness. Every single piece of matter, even ones making up other planes/realms is permeated with this instinctive Inherent Awareness in this dreamscape in the mind of the Divine. All types of awareness depend on form for their spectral bandwidth. . The Kingdom of Heaven lay within.
@netsurfer3655 Ай бұрын
Who's theory is mention at around 35:25? I can't make out the name but the transcript shows it as "vet's theory"?
@netsurfer3655 Ай бұрын
Thank you to the person who clarified this. JACQUES VALLÉE
@clivejenkins4033 Ай бұрын
So if job made God self reflect, then God must have been meta conscious?
@rayfighter Ай бұрын
it's only a mythology, after all
@soultraveler2103 Ай бұрын
Consciousness is fundamental
@rayfighter Ай бұрын
@@soultraveler2103 how on earth can something which emerged much later on, be also the fundament of everything before it?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@rayfighter You have to step out of linear time thinking to go with that. It's part of Quantum mech's that time does not have a fixed direction. We insist on it. But it is possible that time is going backwards as we perceive it now or that it is moving backwards and forwards and our minds are just making sense of things by picking out random stuff and creating a narrative to fit it. So we can make everything seem good or bad just by adjusting our inner settings. this what meditation allows you to move towards perceiving, if you can let go of enough preprogramming
@rayfighter Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 you have to read Carroll's From Eternity to Here
@seabud6408 Ай бұрын
I wonder if Bernardo has ever considered that he could have been abducted by aliens . I’m serious , in the sense that his loss of memory at the point he was approaching the UAP .. is what people who later remember their abduction (whatever that is)
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
it's also possible that what happened next he didnt want to remember, happens a lot in the science field
@lauraflint18 Ай бұрын
@WD528Hz Ай бұрын
Plenty of civilizations left remnants. Gobleki, Petra, the Sphinx..Younger Dryas wiped that slate clean
@huahindan Ай бұрын
Thank you for this. Yes.
@DJKurdziolek Ай бұрын
Whoa it’s Sinbad! Sup Simbad? Yoooo!
@alkeryn1700 Ай бұрын
42:40 wouldn't we still find evidence of previous civilisations in space like the moon or satellites ?
@jotcw81 14 күн бұрын
That’s my counter argument also.
@alkeryn1700 14 күн бұрын
@@jotcw81 i mean, it was an open ended question, 200 million years is more than enough for sattelites to fall back down. i'd still expect to find some equipment on the moon though.
@Boris29311 Ай бұрын
dashboard malfunction ?
@christianlingurar7085 Ай бұрын
55:28 ff - I don't really agree. to stay in your model: if goethe had a mobile phone, he would very well recognise the basic handling, find the phonebook, recognise that it's a directory, combine that the numbers must correspond something like addresses, and would then presume that by selecting the code number you could probably make a connection to the respective person, presumably in TEXT, as the gadget is too small to display a full person and is apparently text and symbol-based... he certainly would have problems identifying youtube or facebook, but instagram he would immediately understand... to get to the point: if the "alien" is somewhat related to us - and i believe there is no other way - we would be able to identify and recognise their technology as long as it is still "regular" matter (not "dark") and regular physics (4d / c-limited) based. if it is not, we'd have no chance, far lesser than goethe. insofar, no, I absolutely do not agree to those 99,99 %, imho we ARE much futher, like, in your mobile phone model, we DO understand that we'd first need a big infrastructure to make SENSE of that mobile phone, to be able to fulle use it, but what it is and how it basically works we found out rather quickly. imho we DO understand how a "ufo" works and flies, but it doesn't help us, we can't turn it on.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
I think he meant if you took the phone back in time, not brought goethe forward in time. Then the phone would just appear like a ingenious artwork, with no other reference points to give more than that. It's not true that we would recognise their technology. I know myself from practical experience that stones have a life force in them. After I sat a mediation course I could feel it I lost the ability after a while but I know that that is possible so it is possible tthat they have other properties too but we are so novelty preoccupied that we dont STAY with anything long enough to find out anything.
@rickmcentee9204 Ай бұрын
There's a big difference between nature being in God and God being nature. No Christian would swallow that.
@sbenkimmie9579 Ай бұрын
what do you experience/perceive as nature? it's kinda weird when you use words like God to describe things you have extremely blurry imagination of...
@titaniumquarrion9838 Ай бұрын
In, of, from...all have different connotations in this sense. I like the word "of". We and everything are of God. If everything s metal, everything is mind and God is The All we are of that All.
@alkeryn1700 Ай бұрын
who cares about what christians would swallow
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@titaniumquarrion9838 I prefer the older perspective that what we are talking about is way beyond word to handle, so ancient texts just left gap where what we now call God was. Unfortunately something that was just meant to aide understanding was misunderstood by later more aggressive societies and the use of a word in place of the empty space was then punished something the originators would surely have been horrified by. In less hasty times it's ok to take the time to say that which is in the realm beyond words or some such thing
@jasonshapiro9469 Ай бұрын
I wish jung would of written some original myths...they probably would of been the most beautiful, scary, human, universal fairy tales ever
@PRAR1966 27 күн бұрын
@edwardhillenaar3303 Ай бұрын
Still, Carl Jung's metaphysical view on consciousness in based on prima materia, which is wrong in my view. So, actually, Jung was a materialist. I wonder if Kastrup realizes this.....
@rayfighter Ай бұрын
and I wonder if they both realised that he equated Christianity with other myths, giving Aborigines as an example.
@LunaticAstrology 28 күн бұрын
Nature here can simply by the algorithm of the matrix. This creation is like a simulation.
@edwinkui Ай бұрын
Bernardo Kastrup and Donald Hoffman know each other well. Interesting connecting between this talk and another Weekend University talk by Donald Hoffman called 'Consciousness, Mysteries Beyond Spacetime, and Waking up from the Dream of Life'. Kastrup referring to the human species as 'monkeys' (in the eyes of the more advanced earthlings). Donald Hoffman referring to the human species 'as being an avatar that is really really low on the totem pole of avatars' (and look at his face when he is saying that). kzbin.info/www/bejne/r6Kyh6hoa5iCic0si=1n-hmRZkZf9jRcR6&t=3558
@marybarker4925 Ай бұрын
Huh. This one seems to have started out very serious (the meaning of life!) and then transitioned into wild speculation (about the remnants of civilizations previous to ours somehow living among us, undetected), that was then kind of treated as if it weren't speculation. Did I miss something? Then, it ended on humility. I love Dr. Kastrup, but this one baffles me a bit.
@sxsmith44 Ай бұрын
He answered the questions as they were given to him!
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
I think for you it is wild speculation but for him it's is eminently possible as a logical progression from having experienced some kind of supernatural/spaceship. There is an inconsistency in your position. If you credit him with being credible then you have to accept his 'visitation', If not then his whole presentation is questionable. I think what makes him so remarkable is that he is an established figure in scientific circle and has come out and admitted ufo/supernatural event in his life. this pretty much kills him off in mainstream science. That is a massive step, for anyone, in any walk of life.
@sxsmith44 Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly up until “this pretty much kills him off in mainstream science”. I don’t think BK can be killed off by mainstream science… he’s just getting started!
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@sxsmith44 To be honest I'm not too familiar with his stuff only just listened to the posting and like most of it and it comes from a place I was at for a long time but he's a lot less sneery than I was. But I hope you are right. Things do change and I'm only making comment on past experience.
@marybarker4925 Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 Those are kind words. Bernardo is a great gift. I have listened to a lot of his online presentations. But there is a difference between his rational arguments and his personal experiences. The latter are interesting but subjective. Lots of people have wild experiences. People from my religious tradition have really wild ones that contradict those of Bernardo, and they think theirs are the true ones. I doubt we would want to call every subjective experience prophetic. I would like to recommend Bernardo to folks. But presentations like this one make me hold back.
@bogdy72000 Ай бұрын
this ain't the bernardo i used to know
@emilyperreault Ай бұрын
Job was actually a Jewish man, not a Christian man.
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Ай бұрын
Jesus was thoroughly Jewish 😅.
@davidjohnzenocollins Ай бұрын
@emilyperrault No, actually the setting of the story was in the East, not the kingdom of Judah or Israel. So, Job was a pagan.
@bryanutility9609 24 күн бұрын
UAPs either exist or not, we can measure or not… the part about being in our mind is irrelevant
@alant1045 19 күн бұрын
This analysis seems to depend on the perception of god having a narcissistic temper tantrum, like an unconscious auto piloted human being. But my reading of Job shows a god who simply points out, a great length, all the many limitations of the human mind....pointing out the Job is really not in the position to know the mind of God and/or the explanations are beyond the mind of someone with a high class monkey brain. My memory may be wrong, but it seems to me that you have made a very similar argument against narcissistic materialist who have a self-aggrandizing estimation of the power of the human brain....but if I have that wrong I apologize.
@kkrenken895 Ай бұрын
So, dragons=ufos
@WD528Hz Ай бұрын
The monkeys are planting bombs in the cellar 😢
@black_eagle 23 күн бұрын
In other words, God needed to get some skin in the game he created, and we're the skin. Interesting, but absurdly anthropocentric. The universe doesn't have to be about us.
@Dingo-Blurps 14 күн бұрын
No. You’re anthropomorphising God as a being that makes choices. That’s not what Bernardo is saying at all. God is another name for the unfolding of nature - the movement of consciousness. It’s not making decisions.
@FaradayStanford-y4m 2 күн бұрын
Harris Jeffrey Rodriguez Margaret Hernandez Frank
@joannagiblin5964 Ай бұрын
Bernardo, how can you say the meta c’ness is a ‘good’ thing ? So much so that even such learned people as Jung and yourself are citing it as the real meaning of our lives ? This idea of “God’s spies” is totally contradictory to the understanding of God or Nature being self aware or self illuminating ( as Rupert would say ). I think this idea is a desperate attempt to try to pin the meaning of life on to the very thing that ensured our fall from Grace in the first place 1.e our (evolved) ability to be meta conizant, to know what we are doing enough to judge it good or bad etc. Surely meta c’nes is a by product of the development of the human ego and as such has resulted in the destruction of all life around us because we judge it inferior to ours. Isn’t it batter to be a simple, natural non meta conscious (at the human, not animal level) being ? To elevate ourselves to be seen as the only ones that can show God or Nature its own real nature seems incredibly arrogant to me… not to mention simply nonsensical
@milesurbi5570 Ай бұрын
Shit up haha. There is no god stop lying to yourself. Provide evidence or real proof and all these scientists will drop their work for you. Seriously. Just consider that there’s never been a god for 30 seconds. What actual reason do you have to believe that.
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Ай бұрын
Speaking of the hubris of others 😅 the irony 😊 lol
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@bernardofitzpatrick5403 To be hypocritical is to be half right.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
Ah, I have been seeking my tribe. This is my are of interest philosophy of science. It is my understanding that Existence is a bit of a joker and does enjoy a good laugh. This is what Umberto Eco's name of the Rose is ll about. It's ironic and funny that that Mr Kastrups did not want the little silver ship there when he was kid, that he starts off the dialogue talking about. nd my instinct is that it is to do with what he says in the end, that you don't need god to come down and confront you with the universal truths...hahaha. Do you know what was in the silver flying tube? I'll leave you with that, I'm sure some of you bright sparks can fathom what was in that tube, Hahaha. I also find it funny when the interviewer asks who or what does he think could verify the presence of supernatural forces in Existence? He's seen a flipping micro spaceship, that most of the people on this planet would dismiss automatically as a sign of mental instability, so fair play to him for not denying his own experience. I know the feeling, i regularly run the gauntlet of micro-supernatural events in my life. Deservedly so because I used to mock those who believed in that stuff, more fool me. But then Kastrups says " I have no proof" haha. Mad. He has no proof other than his own experience. And there are thousands of people ll over the world who also have had encounters with apparent aliens but they too get dismissed. Why? Because we just don't want to believe it!. There's too much kudos and credit to be won by being scientist. And the irony raises it's laughing head, because He, Kastrups, says himself there are enormous rewards for being a scientist. And that's why it has to continue, money and fame. And that is also why Kastrups ws sooo narked when the little silvership turned up because he had his life all planned out and wanted to be a scientist/Dr and if he connected with the spaceship he wouldnt get to be scientist/Dr because it's contents it would have prevented him from becoming one because it was message from....ah, yeah, you have to work that one out. Fair play to him for at least laying out the status quo quite rationally as it gives me something solid to dissolve. If he had read a bit of the spiritual texts he might have come to realise that, as someone further down the comments writes, the transcendence is gained through marrying up the heart with the mind. It is wisdom not intelligence that carries the day and requires the feminine dimension of existence to be given slightly more weight than the intellect and that through an equitable marriage, wisdom is the child that enables transcendence to occur.
@GiftigeBalspuwer 13 күн бұрын
Pseudo science will not change my life !
@jennifersilves4195 Ай бұрын
Not Lucifer. The Satan.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
What is does Satan mean to you? For me Lucifer is the time we are living in. Our society champions light. Lucifer is the light bringing. but somethings need shade and shadow. You dont want light s such, it is a relative value but is used by our society as a fixed desirable. That is Lucifer-ian
@leometa6706 Ай бұрын
BK doesn't know at all whats going on. He has a mental construct that sounds plausible but life is not about being saturated with meaning, it is about leaving the cycle of karma and suffering for good. I would recomment him not to ridicule the spiritual path and the people who choose it. Just because he has no inner connection to it doesn't make it worthless.
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
But Mara is sooo clever. It gets someone to say something like that then draws you into criticising them. It's tough thing to deal with. You become what you despise. I now that sooo well but constantly get drawn in myself
@alexandergramirez Ай бұрын
It's sad that Bernardo pushes, what he needs to believe in order to live in this world, as truth...but I guess the worst part is all the people that believe the lies...
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Ай бұрын
@davidjohnzenocollins Ай бұрын
@alexandergramirez Would you mind telling us what you need to believe in order to live in the world?
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
@@davidjohnzenocollins I can answer that one. You dont want to be beliving, which always leaves you with an element of doubt, for after all it is only belief. But if it is deeply considered and attention paid to one;s actions for long enough it becomes apparent that belief is like a blanket over knowledge. Underneath belief is knowledge. Belief can lead to many many atrocities. Knowledge, true deep knowledge doesnt do this.
@infinitygame18 Ай бұрын
Mind of humanity is fooling other mind on earth in the name of consciousness, as you cannot understand anything beyond mind, so all your study on conciousness is not more than the study of your own mind, dear intelectual of this planet 🌏 are wandering like dogs after its own tail ❤DEAR GODDESSES AND GODS, WELCOME TO THE PLANET OF GODDESSES AND GODS FROM THE PLANET OF APES
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Ай бұрын
😂 lol
@sandystuff1827 Ай бұрын
underlying perceived reality is the intuitive felt reality nd on this level science does not hold sway, There humans are not apes, What makes us different from all other animals is our capacity to work fire. This is a God-like capacity and it doesnt really seem that most of us are really psychologically disposed to handle the responsibility that should come with that.
@infinitygame18 Ай бұрын
@@sandystuff1827 the knowledge for which maximum humanity is wandering, There is many times more real knowledge already here but hidden from mass, by those who want to over rule your time, space, power, mind and reality, letting you to work for them and in return they provide few new drops of knowledge, for you to time pass till you leave this space, there is a well organized systwm working behind the curtains of reality, in reality nothing can be stolen, just some one can hide it in front of your mind and knowing, to show there magic for the price of your awareness and resources
@Matt-tg8oc Ай бұрын
Why would an omniscient God need to experience something from another perspective to grasp it? No need for spies. It's easy to reframe the Bible in a way that fits preferred narratives.Theres a number of difficult statements and concepts that get thrown out in order to do so. Jesus said no one comes to the Father but through me. Paul, in Roman's 10:9-10 states what we must do to be saved. These don't sound like the designs of a being simply emptying himself so he can have a new experience or insight into his creation. If we are going to source the Bible, then I don't think it's intellectually honest to derive our understanding of Jesus without first acknowledging who he himself claimed to be. He claimed to be the savior... what does that mean in Jung's paradigm? What is salvation, and what do we do with Jesus's claim that it's found only in him?
@jeremyhardy4996 26 күн бұрын
Jesus died for gods sins
@thisutuber Ай бұрын
We're always looking for the great closure..like climax & denouement...🫥
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