Mary Sues Are Getting Even Worse!

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Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion ⚡Knight Errant⚡ Available only for new players Hopefully this will be the last time I ever talk about Mary Sues, I won't make another one for at least a year. Check out KaiserTrigger's new video: Smae video but with the Robot Voice: I also would like to thank everyone who gave me 2$ or more on Patreon. Odd Emerald Zone Mega man vs metal sonic sweep Cortez Prop Bandit of the East Pekoni Hectorial Infection Person McPersonface Bear. net SpeedyFoxDraws CopyRite Specter Pedro Trezzi GamingNightcores Katt Chatt gypsygeekfreak17 the new 2$ or more will be added in starting next month.
@HarmonyBunny Жыл бұрын
N o .
@@HarmonyBunny Y E S .
@HarmonyBunny Жыл бұрын
@Mr.No-One Жыл бұрын
I thought you didn't want Raid Shadow legends to let sponsor you?
@@HarmonyBunny OKAY
@OfficialToxicCat Жыл бұрын
People claim “Mary Sue” is a overused and sexist term but, didn’t a female writer come up with the term?
@TheNeoVariable Жыл бұрын
From Star trek iirc
@Ankhtowe Жыл бұрын
Yes, in a Star Trek fan magazine as a character specifically made to mock this trope as it was common in fanfiction at the time, but didn't have a name. The full text is: ""Gee, golly, gosh, gloriosky," thought Mary Sue as she stepped on the bridge of the Enterprise. "Here I am, the youngest lieutenant in the fleet-only fifteen and a half years old." Captain Kirk came up to her. "Oh, Lieutenant, I love you madly. Will you come to bed with me?" "Captain! I am not that kind of girl!" "You're right, and I respect you for it. Here, take over the ship for a minute while I go get some coffee for us." Mr. Spock came onto the bridge. "What are you doing in the command seat, Lieutenant?" "The Captain told me to." "Flawlessly logical. I admire your mind." Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Mr. Scott beamed down with Lt. Mary Sue to Rigel XXXVII. They were attacked by green androids and thrown into prison. In a moment of weakness Lt. Mary Sue revealed to Mr. Spock that she too was half Vulcan. Recovering quickly, she sprung the lock with her hairpin and they all got away back to the ship. But back on board, Dr. McCoy and Lt. Mary Sue found out that the men who had beamed down were seriously stricken by the jumping cold robbies, Mary Sue less so. While the four officers languished in Sick Bay, Lt. Mary Sue ran the ship, and ran it so well she received the Nobel Peace Prize, the Vulcan Order of Gallantry and the Tralfamadorian Order of Good Guyhood. However the disease finally got to her and she fell fatally ill. In the Sick Bay as she breathed her last, she was surrounded by Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, and Mr. Scott, all weeping unashamedly at the loss of her beautiful youth and youthful beauty, intelligence, capability and all around niceness. Even to this day her birthday is a national holiday on the Enterprise."
@NoahGooder Жыл бұрын
@@Ankhtowe thats disturbingly apt for current year mary sues.
@GearShotgun Жыл бұрын
@@Ankhtowe it was “A Trekkies Tale” if I’m not mistaken
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
Who fucking cares that a female came up with the term? That changes nothing.
@tapuchris-cb9jy Жыл бұрын
Hollywood: Men hate strong female characters! Men: Nah, we hate bad writing.
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
Right... Its that why male led bad writing media recieve a fraction of malicious backlash compared to female lead media?
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
The problem there is that the general audience of right-wing men is that all writing with a female character in it in bad writing. Basically if the character has a penis they can do whatever and its fine, if they don't they better be a love interest, damnsel in distress, or helpless victim and nothing else. Anything else according to you lot is bad writing. You all must hate Alien and Aliens so much.
@cjanpiel Жыл бұрын
And That's probably reason why Writers Guild of America strike of this year is actually a thing.
@Thatguyyoudontknow594 Жыл бұрын
Nah cuz its really annoying to see a man train for 500 years only to be defeated in one minute by some random woman
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
@@Thatguyyoudontknow594 The question is why? For example, we are told and shown Naru (Prey) training and that she has been all her life. And yet you had people who called her a mary sue because she was a capable fighter. Even though we know and see her training she was still called Mary Sue who was only some rando who won because she was a woman. Do you see why more and more no one listens to you when you cry Mary Sue? Because even when a character is established, shown to be skilled, and still struggles in the fight you lot call them a mary sue so long as they are a woman. This is why I have said again and again if Alien and Aliens came out today Ripley would be called a Mary Sue. People like to say "I only want good writing" but you are calling someone a mary sue without having even seen the movie or anything other than an announcement that a female is in the lead.
@ordovicianinnova Жыл бұрын
Being a "Strong Female" character doesn't mean being practically untouchable and over powered and prefect just because they are female, it also doesn't mean being to harsh on others especially men. Because the frustrating thing about these Mary sues which you mentioned is that there are actually good and well written Strong female characters in fiction which are actually liked and not annoyed by. These examples are: Leia Hermione Granger Kim Possible Carmen Sandiego Lara Croft Chell Johnson Mulan Helen Parr Sarah Connor Xena. Arcee (TFP)
@jurassicarkjordanisgreat1778 Жыл бұрын
this girl boss trend is honestly having a negative effect. anytime a female character pops in a movie you already know that they will be a flawless, sarcastic prick that makes everyone around them look like idiots. Every female character in the last 10 years has been written this way and im so sick of it. they can't be any other character type then that. Why do they do this? Its simply because the people writing this are scared that if they dare to give female characters any sorta of flaws or struggle in afraid of offended certain crowds of people. I gotta say I am surprised women don't find this girl boss trope to be offensive because its pretty much saying that everything else has to be dumbed down for the character, in order for them to succeed. They are too focused on writing female characters, when they should be focusing on the character itself and not the fact its a woman. That is the main problem and thats why all the characters you listed, are good characters. Because they have flaws, an story and an arc that the character grows from. Another good example for that would be cortana from halo. Despite being an AI and showing venerability. she still is a important character that helps drive the plot forward and does many things to help masterchief (she is the controlling the space stations weapons in halo 2, She is blowing up 1000s of covenant, that killcount must be big.)
@strategicperson95 Жыл бұрын
Kim Possible is interesting because on the surface level she'd be a Mary Sue. But she works really well because the writers made her actually likeable, and even had problems and flaws to overcome on occasion. Meanwhile characters like Rey have nothing likeable. Sure she has traits to give sympathy, but considering people unironically are sympathetic to Thanos I don't consider it a viable trait as it's easy the sympathize a character. It's another to actually care about them though. Male example, Kira Yamato from Gundam SEED and Destiny. I can sympathize with him not wanting to kill. However, especially in Destiny, I don't like him when he is doing actions fighting against everyone just because they don't conform to his and his idol girlfriend's world view. Oh and he survived scenarios that would have absolutely ended him 3 Times. If a male character from an anime isn't getting any slack from me, why would a female lead that is portrayed in a similar manner to the male Mary Sue example get a pass?
@usarhabilidade2697 Жыл бұрын
Man even Azula, from Avatar who is the most overpowered character for half the show is a incredible example of a strong character having weakness And she's loved by a lot of the fanbase
@arakemi1080 Жыл бұрын
@@strategicperson95 "because women cant be mary sues, and anyone that says otherwise is a misogynistic pig that doesnt know any better" this is satiric
@professorsponge1554 Жыл бұрын
Its because the people writing it think in terms of stereotypes. They think that being a woman is 'being meek, weak, and submissive' so they go the full 180 and have them act like complete pricks to everyone, and have everyone else be incompetent, bigoted, or pathetic to prop these 'strong women' up. Its the same mindset that thinks that gay characters can't just be gay, they have to be flaming gay stereotypes who set off gaydars clear over in china.
@devildog768 Жыл бұрын
A couple things about the Witch King and why Éowyn was able to slay him. The line about no man being able to slay him wasn't really some rule or power the Witch King had, it was an elven prophecy that was foretelling his death. The Witch King convinced himself he was practically invincible with this prophecy, so Éowyn's line was more or less slapping him in the face before she killed him. Second, Éowyn couldn't have killed the Witch King without Merry's help. In single combat she was getting her ass kicked and would have died if Merry hadn't stabbed him in the back of the knee with a dagger made to kill the undead. That dagger undid the spell that would allow him to reform after that form had been slain, so in the end it took both a hobbit and a woman to fulfill the prophecy. Third, Éowyn isn't a Mary Sue. She had a little training with a sword, but wasn't shown to be nearly as proficient as someone like Aragorn. Also like I said before, she didn't beat the Witch King through skill, and in fact the whole encounter scarred her so much that she never wanted to fight again. And she didn't. That was the first and last time she ever participated in a battle. Lastly one of the major themes throughout The Lord of the Rings is that great things can come from the most unexpected places. Merry and Éowyn both were fulfilling their part in that theme by showing that Théoden was wrong to dismiss them (something he only did because he fully believed every Rohirrim to die, and he didn't want to be responsible for either of their deaths)
@Dalieday Жыл бұрын
That’s what makes her character so inspiring. She’s not a bad fighter but she has no experience on the battlefield. She is out of her element and terrified the entire time, and yet shows great valor. The author does not shy away from the trauma of war either. The battle is horrific, she is already pretty desperate to begin with, but she also watches her uncle die, she fights the main enemy knowing she can’t win and gets horribly wounded. She only overcome her trauma after meeting a kindred soul and deciding to “take care” of people instead of rushing ahead in battle towards certain death. Girlbossing (or boybossing) by slicing people up and basking in the glory of violence is never portrayed as a good thing not because Tolkien is a woman-hater as some assume but because you have to be a psychopath to wish this type of existence upon anyone.
@devildog768 Жыл бұрын
@@Dalieday She is without a doubt one of my favorite characters in the series because of these things you mentioned. I'd honestly extend that to all of the Rohirrim characters, as they're all inspiring in their own ways. My favorite example is The Battle of the Pelennor Fields. Sauron's forces are more or less used to spreading fear through death and that's kinda what gives them their strength. When the Rohirrim show up, accept their death and charge to meet it, it shatters the orcs and terrifies them. Similarly, Éowyn revealing herself also terrified the Witch King, because it made him second guess himself and if he had interpreted the prophecy wrong (Spoiler, he did)
@nota13xxsweaponsupplier7 Жыл бұрын
Guys I have a question that’s completely unrelated to the video, what is the hardest genre to ever pull in any forms of media?
Жыл бұрын
@@nota13xxsweaponsupplier7 it depends really on what you want to take on that genre. For example, mechas can have very dinamic battles and you can add technology that is nearly magical because "Two thousand years of the modern times", But as always, if you want to make a good world, the actions its in the backburner and the interpersonal and political scenarios need to be fleshed out, things that in most genres is difficult but arent in themselves a Genre. Politic has been tried to made a genre, but to be honest, so few people achieve it well done that its more to say "Noble's drama" more than politics
@mariawhite7337 Жыл бұрын
@@Dalieday What those types of people forget is that those are PEOPLE that are dying. Tolkien literally watched and participated in WAR. He watched people die. He killed people. All these people who sit there and have that kind of trope of slicing up people have lived extremely sheltered lives. You can't watch someone DIE like that and then go on your merry way. That is why Tolkien was the best.
@BloodyEclipse756 Жыл бұрын
Me: Maybe have the female protagonist have flaws so that way people can relate to the protagonist in the story. Hollywood writers: Naw we good.
I hate it when the only falw is being bad at cooking.
@HarmonyBunny Жыл бұрын
@me1un317 Жыл бұрын
@BMCKINN7 Жыл бұрын
You misspelled... "flawless" there buddy 🤔
@DangerDan64 Жыл бұрын
@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JAR Is it so wrong to make your self insert the villain? Because it's corny and Cringe to make yourself the Hero, so you can accomplish two things while making your "Villain-sue" you can have all of your shitty talking points in said movie. At the same time, you can low-key have people at least think what the villain had to say in the sense of, "well I guess they're not wrong about everything." As well as have to be as overpowered as you want for them to be, because plot. Hilariously enough a good example of a female villain that is written basically like Mary Sue character is Esdeath. She is in her early 20s learned from a Young age that only the Strongest will survive and only believe to be the right way of living, no matter who tells her otherwise even the one she loves. Everyone fears and respects her, and those who don't are labeled as criminals. She beaten an army that was said that no Kingdom can rule over, and she did that and made their main general her bitch. She even convinced a gay teacher to be straight for her. (By implications) She has Ice abilities that can freeze people within an instant and her power can cover an entire continent. If that wasn't enough, if her opponent is faster or is about to get a good hit on her she can "Freeze time". Yeah, I could care less she lost in the end, she made her appearance clear and made it clear you won't win without loosing something in return. She is the definition of a "GirlBoss". The only thing some will say she dosen't with the "woke crowd" is the fact she likes a man, yeah one she personally like. She had her own list on what type of men appeal to her. (Aka, most modern female writers) Two, she literally on occasion referred some men as pigs. (Yeah says enough)
@tajultra6947 Жыл бұрын
I actually appreciate this era of Mary sues bc It shows the future generations of directors and script writers of what not to do.
@lautarogomez9711 Жыл бұрын
And nobody will do anything because we dont have anything and we're happy
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
No, here is how you can tell if a character is a mary sue or not. If that character was MALE would you care? So lets look at Captain Marvel, if it was Carl Danver doing it you wouldn't have a problem because to you a male character being compotent at what they do and capable just would normally play out as it done with any other male character. You just hate women.
@stainedclassv0114 Жыл бұрын
​@@TheLastSane1 I smell bait. In all seriousness, I probably would be just as frustrated and bored with a male Captain Marvel if you kept all of the flawless attributes, no genuine character development or even struggles, and the very unlikable and / or boring personality.
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
@@stainedclassv0114 What are the flaws and such from the other characters that you do like that are shown and made a point of in the movies?
@kedrprao Жыл бұрын
that future generation is never coming
@darktigersharkmax4432 Жыл бұрын
The Mary Sue saga continues and I'm all for it.
So is hollywood ):
@darktigersharkmax4432 Жыл бұрын
​@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JARUnfortunately ture smh
@sloanewalker42 Жыл бұрын
@Spongeboyking Жыл бұрын
@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JAR soon just a robot everything will flop and they will continue to blame everyone soon Disney will be buy by apple or Universal Studios and everyone will not learn the lesson
@Slash10clips Жыл бұрын
Me too😆
@Ramsey276one Жыл бұрын
Mary had a little Sue Her power level was OOF Most audiences went BOO So her popularity went *POOF!*
@Ramsey276one Жыл бұрын
0:01 ;-)
@M.Aggron_23 10 ай бұрын
Love it 👍🏻
@Aestheticchickennugget 6 ай бұрын
As a feminist myself, it pisses me off to no end when this happens. Everyone preaches equality but it’s not equal when we take power from everyone else because it looks good
@TrueReverse74 Жыл бұрын
guess disney doesn't know the definition of insanity
They invented it
@kyrtuck Жыл бұрын
then explain to me why the live action remakes keep being profitable.
@alexandreturcotte6411 Жыл бұрын
@@kyrtuck Nostalgic Disney Adults money and their kids... And Americans who probably have the Hays code (mainly the "Gay = bad" sentiments emaining from it) graved in their brain.
@ryangosling8962 Жыл бұрын
Better Call Vaas.
@dannydanny865 Жыл бұрын
​@@kyrtuck They aren't though, atleast not profitable enough to justify cost.
@KayronTheFifth Жыл бұрын
Imagine you had an overpowered character that hardly (not didn't) suffered any problems and at some point in the mid-late story it's revealed they literally made a deal with the devil. Importantly, they would need to finally die/lose their powers for this idea to work (as opposed to using the 'Power of Friendship' to escape it), but then you could have the MC and co. work to undo the effects of that deal upon the world.
@mariawhite7337 Жыл бұрын
You know what would make for a fun light novel. Have that overpowered character but they make a deal with the devil to take all their powers away so they could go out and live a normal life. ((I'm pretty sure this is already a light novel)) Or something like MetroMan from Megamind, where they give up on doing all the hero or supervillain work just to have a normal life.
@wilberwhateley7569 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like “End of Cycle” from “Stellaris.”
@323starlight Жыл бұрын
Personally, I feel like Rey is less insufferable as a Mary Sue cause she wasn't a arrogant holier than thou bitch. Probably thanks in part to Daisy Ridley doing her best with the material she was given.
@magolor152 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I feel like if she wasn't given a shitty script then not nearly as many people would hate Rey so much
@ArnoldFrost Жыл бұрын
The hate was also from butchering the characters of the OG trilogy + the writing primarily (also effectively removing the one thing Anakin did good as Darth Vader, as if turning Luke into a non-combatant hobo isn't enough)
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
"arrogant holier than thou bitch" Yeah unlike *insert countless of beloved male protagonist here*
@SergioLeonardoCornejo Жыл бұрын
The worst part is people keep writing them.
And I keep fighting them.
@Underworlddream Жыл бұрын
Yeah, like I saw mutiple people suggest that a character could be made better if they removed all the flaws and basically suggested making them into a Mary Sue with out saying Mary Sue.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
The worst part is male adults refuse to grow up and not get triggered by what comic book movies do or say. Must be lonely in your mother's basement.
@SergioLeonardoCornejo Жыл бұрын
@@dhenderson1810 stop projecting. I'm always comfy at my bedroom/office. Love working from home as a novelist and translator. Gives me time to spend online instead of commuting.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
@@SergioLeonardoCornejo You mean, being a nerd. Being a writer is the ultimate bludger job.
@shiranuiprestonsaga8867 Жыл бұрын
People don't hate strong women we hate bad writing
@lautarogomez9711 Жыл бұрын
Fanfiction at his massive expression
@c.lineofficial Жыл бұрын
@Unapologeticweeb Жыл бұрын
There are plenty of say strong female anime characters that people love indeed it's the writing that makes modern female characters in movies aka marry sues so bad
@Unapologeticweeb Жыл бұрын
Also mission impossible dead reckoning had like 4 female characters and none are marry sues and are actually good characters
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
Right.... Is that why badly written male narratives recieve a fraction of the malicious backlash compared to women led media?
@joshuasmyth3115 Жыл бұрын
The thing that annoys me about She-hulk is that Hulk spent a large amount of his life being actively hunted while facing mental issues as a result of that. He only finds peace when he merges with the hulk, symbolising that the two have realised eachother importance for the others existance. But She-hulk just immediately gets powers, is stronger than the original hulk and makes him look like wimp. Banner was actively fighting for his fucking life, and she gets cat-called.
@MetaGiga Жыл бұрын
I’m a 26 year old woman... And I find these characters downright offensive beyond belief. We don’t have to be the best to be strong. Like everyone else, we have our own weaknesses. For example, I have the stamina of a Pallas cat, more anxiety than Piglet from Winnie the Pooh; I can’t run for shit, I’m constantly worried about things that I don’t even have to worry about, and if I were in the place of Indie in Raiders of the Lost Arc, the movie itself would be about ten minutes long. (“Sorry, but I’m not going in there. I probably already have malaria from the jungle mosquitos and I’d rather die from something I can’t help rather than having someone explain to my family how stupidly I died trying to get through a trap-infested temple.” [DIRECTED BY STEVEN SPIELBERG]) But even though I have those flaws, I’ve been told that I’m amazing with children, I write really good stories and revisions of shitty scripts, and I do amazing with mental gymnastics. The kicker? Even though I get told these things, I can’t bring myself to agree. I don’t want to be even remotely seeming like I’m trying to be like one of the ‘strong female characters’. Mary Sues haven’t made me feel empowered, but instead have made me not want to admit my own strengths at all at risk of being called self absorbed. I literally spent ten minutes debating whether or not to include the strength that I’m told that I have... I just don’t want to give off the impression of trying to be superior like the Mary Sues, even more so because they’re almost always assholes that have the personality of a plank of wood and the guys around them are oh so incompetent compared to the goddesses that are the women. With every good thing I say about myself, I want to say two flaws in order to balance it out (I’m a little more curvier than I want to be and I still live with my mom). I don’t want to be like these characters in any way whatsoever because of just how mean, overly talented, and bland they are. Nobody in the world is like that and to make them have such awful personalities and morals on top of everything just makes women look bad in general.
@CloudyWolf713 Жыл бұрын
Hey. Is everything alright?
@MetaGiga Жыл бұрын
@CloudyWolf713 Thanks for the concern! It really made my day. Honestly, I used to be way worse, but I’m learning to stop being so negative about myself a little at a time... But these characters are genuinely making me not want to say anything talented about myself because they’re just such awful people. It gives off the impression to me that the more talented you are, the more you can be a complete ass to others or people see you as an ass for telling about your own strengths. The newest Indiana Jones especially made the work towards my self confidence in talking about my talents do a 180 because of just how much of an insufferable bitch Helena was about showing off the encyclopedia of things she was awesome at all the while taking pleasure in undermining others. I’m the kind of person that hates to hurt others. I never make fun of others who aren’t good at one thing compared to me. Sure, it feels good to know that I’m not terrible at something, but it also means that I can give them tips about how they can do even better! It isn’t just the new Indiana Jones making my progress in my confidence shrivel away either. Countless other self centered good-at-everything Sues have been making it even harder for me to admit what I’m good at with a good majority of them being from Disney. I miss when female characters could actually be strong by having a gentle personality with their own flaws while succeeding against all odds. That’s how I’d truly feel represented positively.
@CloudyWolf713 Жыл бұрын
@@MetaGiga I hear you. After reading about how negatively they impacted you, and what your negative thoughts are like, I thought I should say something. Also, as someone who also has to put up with negative voices in my head, too, I’m so sorry you had to experience that. I’m also sorry that those characters made things worse for you. Even so, I’m glad you’re doing better. ^_^
@CloudyWolf713 Жыл бұрын
@@MetaGiga And also as someone who had self-esteem issues, I can certainly say that I think your talents are cool and awesome! ^_^
@CloudyWolf713 Жыл бұрын
@@MetaGiga And another thing. In case you ever wanted to hear it. You’re you. You never have to follow an example you don’t like or agree to have it represent you. (In this case, the whole characters-you-despise thing). There’s certainly no shame in being proud of your talents and accomplishments. And you clearly show that you can do that and lift others up, too. And you matter. ^_^
@blackchibisan8116 Жыл бұрын
Trauma isn’t a character flaw unless it makes you behave poorly.
@wolfiegirlxox Жыл бұрын
The thing that annoys me the most about just how common Mary Sues are these days is that it feels like Hollywood has just found a new way to objectify women. Now we are expected be perfect girlbosses who don't need no man and can do no wrong.
@AnnStyle Жыл бұрын
@AllenTheAnimator004 11 ай бұрын
Like seriously,what kind of lesson do these Hollywood people teach to young girls?! That they're always right despite being wrong and they don't need a man to reproduce for the future generation all because they are *FEMALE*?! I understand the misogyny back then,but think about it... Women are a really vital component to a country. We won't be here if these women aren't protected when war breaks out. That's why men had to defend for the country and women are only looked at as housekeepers. We are afraid of going extinct in our country when all of our women were taken away or killed at war. But now,girls can rejoice for the fact that they can apply for jobs,learn in schools and even live a life without their parents forcing them to marry a guy they don't even know. But what happened? Power...Greed for power...Just because they were now given the rights,they begin to think high of themselves and abuse the rights that was made for them(I'm looking at you,Karens!). They shove mindsets that "you don't need man, we're better than them now" to even the young girls. And do you know what happens? Our population will decrease if 68% of all girls in the world refuse to reproduce one day. I don't wanna look back on the fact that we're all gonna go extinct because people who promote these things think of nothing but themselves high on a pedestal...
@SomeWeirdNinjaToon Жыл бұрын
I like to imagine that there is REALLY a person named Mary Sue and either she doesn't understand why people seem to hate her name, or why the media seem to add to the hate by making bad Mary Sue characters XD XD
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
The same as women actually named Karen.
@Arexion5293 Жыл бұрын
I like OP characters, but ones that are interesting or entertaining in some way. The story properly addressing the OP-ness is what makes it work, or if it builds up towards it in a satisfying way, or if the character still has other issues the OP-ness cannot solve or might even be the main cause for. Or just make the character fun or interesting, that alone also works.
As I've said before being OP isn't a bad thing, it's how you wright the character.
@kinghoodofmousekind2906 Жыл бұрын
Exactly: give them some different kind of struggle, even if just a comedic one...heck, it could be a way to help one be grateful for what little he/she has in her life, realising there's no need to be petty about certain issues, etc. Or even to create a despicable character to later subvert how one sees that particular individual by a sudden 'rug-pulling'. But too often they are not only perfect but boooooringly so.
@usarhabilidade2697 Жыл бұрын
Azula from Avara is an excellent example of this!
@Deconstruction_Administrator Жыл бұрын
Saitama. Mash Burnedead.
@lukeskywalker9507 Жыл бұрын
@AspieMemoires Жыл бұрын
The male version of Mary sue is becoming more prominent in the manga/webcomic sphere as well.
@namkia205 Жыл бұрын
I think it's the fanfic writers more and more people sadly take them serious now :(
@ziephel-6780 Жыл бұрын
That only makes actual good stories more significant to find.
@RachelNichols-writer Жыл бұрын
The Witch King being told, "I am no man," is like the scene in MacBeth. MacDuff reveals to MacBeth (as the latter boasts) that he was not "born" normally so the Weird Women's prophecy did not apply. This takes the wind out of MacBeth's sails just like Eowyn's revelation shocks the Witch King before she and Merry the hobbit, take him down as a team. Tolkien called Shakespeare overrated but knew his share of myths and legends with similar prophecies and twists.
@verindictus3639 Жыл бұрын
This is also why he had a literal traveling forest attack the orcs at Helm's Deep. He wanted a more literal translation of a walking forest.
@cerulee Жыл бұрын
The scene in She-Hulk when the women helped Jen after her CAR ACCIDENT was so stupid. Like she was in a car accident. Even if she wasn't visibly injured she could have had internal injuries and needed to go to the hospital. But the show was like "omg makeoverrrrr!" Also I hope Ahsoka's line about leaving Anakin is just her feeling guilty and believing she abandoned him and not her blaming him for the trial.
@keeysOST Жыл бұрын
Damn I remember back in the day, Mary Sues were just overpowered female characters with rainbow hair and abusive pasts made by 12 year old kids on DeviantArt. What happened?
@frostreaper1607 Жыл бұрын
The kids got into art college and then got jobs in the industry.
@gagejoseph91 Жыл бұрын
One of the other ways to make a Mary Sue character work well is if they are bound by some form of rule that restricts them from guiding the plot, even if they kind of already do. For example, a powerful, seemingly-omnicient character who pips in and out of the narrative at "random" to drop cryptic hints and such to the main cast, but is later revealed to be a time traveler with their own goals that limits their ability to mess with the timestream. They are objectively the smartest, strongest, most capable.member of the plot, and can be a legitimate driving force of the narrative, but the rules of time travel, or the specific conditions that need to be met for their goal (e.g. "I can easily explode the planet, but that doesn't get me the information I am after."), cause them to, willfully or otherwise, limit themselves. Even in terms of putting the above in the place of the protagonist, look at Doctor Who. The Doctor is regularly the smartest person in whatever galactic zip code he is currently in, and the mere mention of his name can start or end wars on a dime. The dude is, categorically, the definition of overpowered in his own universe AND everyone in his universe knows this fact. And yet he isn't treated like a Mary Sue until recent seasons. I think this topic would make an amazing video, if Just A Robot is interested in the series.
@NoahGooder Жыл бұрын
I love dr who but it really messed the bed with the whole timeless children episode.
@ErrorNamenotfound-mx7bv Жыл бұрын
I imagined a Mary Sue twist character that is actually only like that because their universe is so fucking frail that it linked itself to one person to survive and is retconning itself and bending its own rules to protect its existence... too bad all of the threats are from other worlds that disregards most rules of their reality. Leading to some mayhem with the universe not being fully able to protect them.
@SkyQueenDragon Жыл бұрын
Something about humanity I've figured out us that our society is like a pendulum. We over correct all our issues just like how gravity pulls a pendulum down so hard it swings the other way instead of staying down. Hopefully one day that pendulum will stop swing and we will reach a true equilibrium but I doubt it will be in my life time.
@pker22999 Жыл бұрын
From what I've heard the witch king dying is mainly due to the hobbits special sword obtained from the Barrow downs. This part was skipped in the movie. It was made in the first age and is very powerful
@OlivierMunir Жыл бұрын
It didn’t kill the lich king it heavily weakened him though, allowing Eowin to finish him off. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure this is the case
@Dalieday Жыл бұрын
It was a combination of both. The dagger allowed the Witch King to be hurt by regular weapons. But not only did Eowyn finish him off, she is also the only person to not flee in front of the Witch King and stand her ground to defend the King of Rohan (her uncle) in spite of his sorcery and the wounds she suffers. Her courage inspires Merry to take a stab at the Witch King while he is busy trying to get past Eowyn. So it’s really a collaborative effort. They killed the Witch King together.
@fbiagent.. Жыл бұрын
Man hollywood just loves the opposite of there work environment and there movies. Flaw’s at every point and just trash
LOL I got to use that joke sometime.
@addison_v_ertisement1678 Жыл бұрын
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
No its just people like you consider anything thats not a straight white man doing it is inferior and bad. Straight White Men need to get over the fact that they are not in fact all powerful or even represent the majority of the planet. In 2045 (about 23 years) non-hispanic whites will not be the ethnic majority in the US, they will be matched with the other minorities of the country as equals. Do you wanna know why writers and directors in hollywood are not only putting forward white male actors anymore? Because they don't just make movies for you and your neo-nazi besties. That would be people like Shapiro and those right far media groups that make like 200$ in theaters.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
Why wouldn't they? Why should movies be like my workplace? I work hard all week, I see a movie to forget my life and problems, not see it on the screen. Movies should be escapism. It should take you to different words, different times zones. I don't want to think about the report due Monday, but if the hero will defuse the bomb in time. The real world sucks. Why do I want to see "realism" on screen? I want the opposite to that. I don't care about character flaws, and I don't want to be reminded of mine. All I want is two hours to "forget" to chill out, relax. I don't want to learn lessons, I don't want realism. I want to be entertained, and that's all I ask from a movie. A good plot, good acting and interesting characters. I don't care if I can relate to them, as long as they entertain me. I think a lot of you have forgotten what movies are all about.
@ShaneDouglas713 Жыл бұрын
7:25 This part digusted me...thats when i knew she's not the Wendy we all know and loved...
@reverbthevocal421 Жыл бұрын
I'd say a good way to make a Mary Sue interesting is to make them feel unhappy to be one, whether it's that they feel like their perfect life is stale or that they feel horrible about something bad they did and hates that no one is bothered by it.
@ThunderBeam707 Жыл бұрын
Like One Punch Man?
@reverbthevocal421 Жыл бұрын
@@ThunderBeam707 Huh, I guess so.
@hailey857 Жыл бұрын
@@ThunderBeam707he’s the only “gary sue” I’ve seen that’s interesting to me. Not only in power, but because he has emotional struggles too
@Blizz3112 Жыл бұрын
See? This is why I laugh at that writer's strike... and move on to movies like Oppenheimer...
AI came for their jobs and they are keeping them.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, you would like "Oppenheimer". A strong male who makes a destruction weapon and sleeps with multiple women, who exist to be his sexual plaything. Right up your alley.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
How do you all feel about the "Barbie" movie? Lots of feminist empowerment messages in that. But then, it isn't a Disney movie, so you don't get to lop a tall poppy.
@donttalktomeyoureannoying8736 11 ай бұрын
@@dhenderson1810according to the movie the chick he was messing around with he wanted to marry her and she kept saying no, so he moved on and she became a sidechick
@ContendCreators 10 ай бұрын
@DarknessProphet Жыл бұрын
"Do you guys remember that movie, Terminator Dark fate?" No, because I stopped going to the movies after the second Star Wars movie of the new trilogy. I value my brain cells.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I mean, you have so few to spare.
@Horse_of_Babylon Жыл бұрын
Fun Fact: Zelda is more consistently made into a simple damsel in distress than Peach is.
@EatWave Жыл бұрын
That "People die when they are killed" line was meant to be sarcastic in its original context while there is no context that redeems Wendy's declaration.
@riotkitty Жыл бұрын
The plague of Mary Sues basically will make everything go backwards instead of forwards
@Prototype-357 Жыл бұрын
I'm all for more girl warriors, it's just that you also have to give them personality and motivation or their characters will just. feel. flat. Look at Mako Mori in the first Pacific Rim movie: she's smart and she can keep up with the main character in a martial fight, she also has a deeply personal motivation as to why she wants to fight the kaiju that puts her at odds with her superior commander/father figure and not in a way that makes he look like he's putting her down because she's a girl and she can't keep up with a man, it's because he's genuinely concerned for her safety and believes the path she's taking won't lead her to happiness, it's because of *their* relationship to each other and because of *her* backstory, he opposes her fighting the Kaiju because of something specific about Mako, not because of the nebulous reason that she is a girl. The first time she disobeys her father and gets into a robot to fight *she fails*. Her trauma is a obstacle that she has to get through in order to fulfill her goals and she does that with the help of the MALE main character. She straight up says that her willingness to comply with her commander's orders doesn't come from obedience but from respect, and throughout the whole movie you can tell that no matter how much they disagree they also deeply care and respect each other. Mako's relationship with her father has the type of nuance I want to see more often with these strong female characters, when she disobeyed him any of these Disney Remakes would have her succeed on first try to show her father was wrong the whole time, it's almost like they are afraid to show their heroines being weak cause "that's sexist" or something, I can't relate to people who succeed all the time, I always make mistakes and when I do I hope there's understanding people around me like the Main character and Mako's father, people who won't think less of me because I failed and will help pick myself up, it's not *fair* to hold woman to such a high standard and rob them of this humanity.
@alexandreturcotte6411 Жыл бұрын
My problem with Uprising isn't John Boyega's character (wasn't necessery, but he was alright), or Mako in a coma (Still a bummer and quite bad for the concerned ladies who had her as a model, but still), it's that they could have made it more about Jeagers VS Jeagers without broughting back Kaijus in the last act... I don't care it would have ment they wouldn't have a "Twist to made the story more exciting/less previsible" beside "Newt became a bad guy due to his relation with a Kaiju brain", it would have gived the title way more sense in my opininon. Like, independant Jeagers vs corporation/betraying governement jeagers; an oldy but still entertaining in the mecha space.
@Prototype-357 Жыл бұрын
@@alexandreturcotte6411 I don't even plan to watch Uprising cause it seems like one of those sequels that just ruins everything the characters stood for in the previous movie, from what you said it almost sounds like it's a happy ending override, no thank you. I also heard the CGI in the Robots makes them look weightless compared to the first one, like they move too fast now while in the first one they moved slow cause there was so much power behind their movement, I only saw one clip but from what I saw I agree.
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
"I'm all for more girl warriors" And that is why you should unsubscribe from the mary sue idea immediately. It fundumentally opposes that.
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
At least the Shirou line does mean something serious and is memeable, so much so that there's been copycat lines in like every piece of Fate media since.
Also it's not only about girl power.
@ArnoldFrost Жыл бұрын
In-context "people die if they are killed" is pretty deep because Shirou was gonna give up the thing that made him functionally immortal for a higher chance to beat the big bad (which, mind you, will disappear after the battle is over; so he sacrifices the one thing keeping him safe from other mages)
@osteohiveporosis6882 Жыл бұрын
"Is that like, a personal attack or something?" -Brie Larson Edit: This is also a product of a big writing strike partially
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
Well, she did get death threats, so some are personally targeting her.
@osteohiveporosis6882 Жыл бұрын
@@dhenderson1810 Everyone on the internet has gotten death threats. Modern celebs wouldn't survive a CoD lobby.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
@@osteohiveporosis6882 That doesn't make it right.
@mattphillips3537 Жыл бұрын
If She-Hulk turned out to be the One-Below-All, that would be the most masterful reveal in MCU history.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
How would you have felt if they had done the original "She-Hulk" TV Series in the 70s, which would have been the same as the "Incredible Hulk" TV series in tone, except with a female Hulk instead. Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno were set to appear in it.
@mattphillips3537 Жыл бұрын
@@dhenderson1810 that would be kinda pointless which is pretty much the reason Lee and Kirby created their version of She-Hulk.
@Valkyreon Жыл бұрын
I agree with most of the sentiments in the video, except the Ahsoka line. It's absolutely true that SHE walked away from Anakin and the Jedi council, there's no feminist agenda in that. It was her decision to leave because they violated her trust and it also fits quite well into the "Anakin being abandoned by everbody"-narrative. I'm not saying they won't turn this show into another woke cliché, but so far, there's no sign for that.
@nappa1381 Жыл бұрын
Most writers go through a "Mary Sue" phase, I think. Hollywood writers never got past it.
@dragonturtle2703 Жыл бұрын
Still think OverlySarcastic Productions definition of the Marry Sue is the best, and the third qualifier is not only the most important, but arguably a stand alone for defining a Marry Sue.
@Prototype-357 Жыл бұрын
When I saw what they did to Mulan my mind went straight to that video and Wendy recently made all the PTSD come back, it's like the writers think we won't notice if they bend the plot over backwards to make the Main Character look as good as possible even when it doesn't make sense. They know pattern recognition is one of the strongest instincts of the human brain right? They know that we see them writing the same story with the same character archetype and with the same moral over and over again right? How long do they think this creativity stagnation can last?
@TheNecessaryEvil Жыл бұрын
The reason the Final Girl trope endures in horror films is because those females aren’t great at everything, aren’t impossibly strong, etc: they beat the monster by being plucky, lucky, and clever.
@TheHulkbuster13 Жыл бұрын
They do seem to be getting worse. in Star Wars Ep 7, aside from the writing, nothing was really wrong with Rey as a person, now more and more of these Marys seem to be self-righteous and borderline narcissist with them being proven right and not seeing the error of their ways or growing as a person.
@namkia205 Жыл бұрын
Rey also seemed narcissistic but she was so dry as a character it only sometimes came up
@IronDragon-2143 Жыл бұрын
The people who come out in defense of "Strong Female Characters" aka Mary Sues fail to see the cruel irony behind all of them. That they're saying that a woman can never be an interesting, relatable and compelling character in a story unless she's basically a man in everything but physical appearance. But the cruelest irony of them all is that even if these "Strong Female Characters" aka Mary Sues aren't defined by the men they love, marry or families they start, since they're all exactly the same person in personality she's still defined as the token girl character.
@dhenderson1810 Жыл бұрын
The people who are against the "Strong Female" are saying that women are best when they need to be rescued by a man (the damsel in distress trope), or sexual (revealing or flirting, like a Bond girl, to exist for the sexual pleasure of the male Alpha hero), or to be the dumb blonde (Marilyn Monroe) or the nerd girl loser. But the woman isn't allowed to be the main character, to drive the plot in any way. She isn't allowed to lead or have a brain. It's supposed to be a man's world, and she should be grateful to be part of it. Women are to be background players, an afterthought, there to show how important a man is, so you nerds can relate and think what it would be like if you could get any girl to come back to your mother's basement. You want the woman as the helpless damsel, the ditzy blonde, the sexual love interest who will provide some nudity or the villian. Anything but like the women who you can't get laid with.
@darthgamer9861 9 ай бұрын
⁠@@dhenderson1810did you tip your fedora and think “yass queen” while typing that?
@MajorSmurf Жыл бұрын
The only way to write an overpowered character whether that's male or female is to make sure they are likeable or have a cool side characters that work well alongside them. This is why one punch man is as loved as it is. It's partly the side characters that carry the show as well as the amazing world building that goes alongside it. If we followed too much of Saitama the premise would get boring rather quickly. So the writer cleverly gives all these other amazing heroes fighting for their life's and having their own story arcs. Saitama himself even has issues to overcome whereas a lot of current Hollywood Mary sues don't even have that. Outside of the boring be yourself arc... If this is your story arc for a character you don't even want a character. You want a piece of wood. A character needs to grow or improve. Sometimes they need to be put through the ringer and their face turned to mush. A journey is important. Yes some writers can write unchanging characters but this requires a lot more work put into worldbuilding and other things. Back to the point of current day Hollywood Mary sues they are unlikable and always get way too much screen time when other more interesting characters could and should be focused on. You can always feel the writer trying to force you to like them by giving them the most basic of character introductions. Once they've established the most basic of character writing including often narcissist personality traits and skills we suddenly go into hyperdrive and acquire skills out of nowhere at a rapid rate because plot needs it to happen. The personality never changes rather the story only ever enforce that she was right all along and every one else is a moron or misunderstood. We also have to have several characters just randomly falling in line or agreeing with this character because reasons. I use the word reasons because not even the writers know what they've done. It never helps when the main character talks down to or undermines other characters. You want powerful women Hollywood? Well Anime and Manga has always dominated this field with interesting powerful female characters. Hell we have shows like Kill la Kill, Black Lagoon, Jormungard or even Fairy tail does a better job with character writing with likeable badass women. Black Lagoon is all about criminals and mafias yet they're more likeable then any of the current Mary sues. I would 100% prefer to see characters like Ryuko, Revy, Valmet or Erza Scarlet over someone like Rey Palatine.
@nota13xxsweaponsupplier7 Жыл бұрын
I don’t know if there’s an anime adaptation already, but a manga called claymore is another good example of strong female characters having good writing.
@MajorSmurf Жыл бұрын
@@nota13xxsweaponsupplier7 There is but it's rather dated and the anime didn't do the best of jobs adapting it which is a shame.
@TheREALSimagination Жыл бұрын
Modern Wendy screwing up and blaming someone else is exactly what these writers and others in Trollywood do, so I wouldn't be shocked if she were a self-insert, as you can only write what you know.
@oneofnone7947 Жыл бұрын
I tried to discuss this with a friend and was accused of hating women
@mattphillips3537 Жыл бұрын
You could make the argument that Indy’s god daughter being so perfect wasn’t so much a Mary Sue thing as compensating for the 80 year old action hero. Which begs the question why would they make an Indiana Jones sequel in this day and age. Dick Richards: Isn’t it obvious at this point, MONEY!!!
@Aivottaja Жыл бұрын
Before watching this video, I'm going assume it's about the Mary Sues becoming not only insufferably adept at everything without a Hero's Journey, but also having awful, even psychopathic characteristics while the viewer is supposed to root for them.
@kjh1678 Жыл бұрын
In defense of Dial of Destiny, Indy couldn't have done that much badassery, even if the film wanted to because Harrison Ford is an 80 year old man.
@robo1513 Жыл бұрын
yeah I heard many people complaining Dial of Destiny was "going woke" before I watched it but I disagree. I don't think they made Helena OP or flawless; she seemed like a morally grey interesting character to me. And of course she, a young person is going to be stronger than Indy, who's like in his 80s and has been retired for a while.
@kasaibouF29 Жыл бұрын
Across the Spiderverse has writing issues as Anomaly Inc. pointed out, but I too enjoyed it.
@parycartoons6840 3 ай бұрын
Hollywood, anytime a movie has a female lead: Can you believe it!? A WOMAN is the focus! So stunning! So brave! If you have any problems with this movie you hate women! Me, a woman: Bro, can you stop? This is not a groundbreaking thing female leads have been around for decades. Stop using us as shield to hide behind the criticism that you didn’t bother trying to write likable characters first and THEN make them women. I’m more offended by you than the “sexist” critics, I really am
@professorsponge1554 Жыл бұрын
Lego, I believe, did a study where they offered two groups of children to play with a batman toy. The boys had batman act like they knew he'd act. He'd drive around town, stop crime, fight super villain. They operated within the lore of the setting. The girls would make him barbie's husband and completely ignore the fact he's batman. They would make batman their own character and ignored the setting. When I read lots of fanfiction (because early internet didn't have a lot going on) a lot of poor writers would just insert themselves into a story, creating mary sues. most of these were women livingout some fantasy while they coped with middle/high school. Fastforward 20 years and I see the same tropes in media, like those same talentless tho admittedly young women landed jobs in the entertainment industry and never learned a single lesson.
@JP-1990 11 ай бұрын
I think one reason why people like mentor-sues is because everyone wants a mentor-sue in their life.
@supersonicstyleatsonicspeed Жыл бұрын
MCU She-Hulk still gets slapped by Game Sonic.
@ArchangelExile Ай бұрын
11:51 "You can tell they're men because they pee as they stand up." 🤣🤣🤣 Did you mean you can tell they're men because they stand up as they pee? I hope it's not the way you said, otherwise they'll be pissing their pants everytime they stand up from sitting.
@Hobbs783 Жыл бұрын
8:50 so this wasn’t his rings power, the witch king had had a prophesy that no man would be able to kill him. It was Tolkien taking the whole ‘no man from a mothers womb’ prophecy from Shakespeare and saying he could do it better.
@FirestoneAnimation Жыл бұрын
I could've brushed off the Rey stuff but the fact that she hadn't lost a single duel afterwards just killed it for me entirely. At least Fallen Order and Survivor gave us yet another awesome male lead with flaws and high levels of likeability. His flaws make him amazing.
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Жыл бұрын
welcome back jar
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Жыл бұрын
@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JAR welcome back as in welcome back I know you haven’t been anywhere i just wanted to say welcome back
@scottthong9274 11 ай бұрын
Dude when you did the Wendy bit, I realized your secret identity as the voice of Harvey Chtulhu from Doomcock's underground fortress
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Жыл бұрын
he's baaaaaaack
I uploaded 5 days ago?
@Gypsygeekfreak17 Жыл бұрын
@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JAR I know I’m just excited
@Doom6561 Жыл бұрын
I do love your videos especially since I have basically gave up on most modern media
That's why I make them.
@Doom6561 Жыл бұрын
@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JAR and that is why I appreciate you
@Cryocynical576 Жыл бұрын
This is better than making over 20 videos on the Illuminati situation Keep it going!
@NoahGooder Жыл бұрын
people are still making videos on that?
@Cryocynical576 Жыл бұрын
@@NoahGooder Unfortunately yes
@mbalazs3544 9 ай бұрын
7:54 o my good is Peter Pan the fearless covering in the presence of hook while Wendy dos the fightnig....nonononon.nononoonon no ...just they made peter pan disny himself.....
@SamikazeAtk Жыл бұрын
while I agree with most of this, Indiana Jones's goddaughter isn't actually all too bad, mostly because Indiana Jones himself is still a rather large focus, and by that point in the movie he's extremely old. I just wish they had his son be in the movie to do that instead
@annika3265 Жыл бұрын
Yeah she's really not responsible for all the awfulness of the movie, I think it mostly comes down to the plot and how they treated Indy in his old age, it felt a bit demeaning, I don't know why whenever Lucasfilm has an old male lead in their hands their first instinct is to make them a bitter old man, why couldn't he be just content with the life he built for himself but something threatens the peace he has and he has to go on one last adventure to protect it? Or even something like he's still trying to go on adventures as much as he can but something happens that finally makes him realize his old age and the movie is all about him realizing how good his life was? Puss in boots The last Wish made something similar to that last plot really well and it didn't feel like it was looking down on everything the character went through.
@Reivaz88 Жыл бұрын
Also Indiana has always been extremely talented, but always in reach of normal people, like he can shoot, and jump on top of moving cars and trains, and hold onto his rope and know if it's steady enough to not fall, and have good enough aim to not shoot anyone but the sword guy in a town of people, all of that's very basic and minor things that a person with skill can acquire, and his power is made up for by the fact that EVERY Indiana Jones movie is a character arc where he is different by then end
@Drave_Jr. Жыл бұрын
Also for Eowyn, she goes from wanting to fight and prove herself, to realizing how crazy this all actually is when the Rohirrim amass for Pelennor Fields, to regaining courage, and fighting the Witch King to defend her uncle. Then afterwards, she becomes much more maternal, having grown from everything. Also, it was probably a middle finger to Shakespeare's Macbeth, and getting at his "no man born of a woman" being circumnavigated via C-section. Still, amazing story, and we see it grow and happen.
@dabatman5187 Жыл бұрын
4:55 I always found this stupid cause in the SAME EPISODE she literally got clothes HANDED TO HER ON A SILVER PLATER AFTER SHE FIRST TRANSFORMED! Yeah she’s definitely had it worse then Bruce
@notusingmyname4791 9 ай бұрын
she-hulk didn't change reality, she karen'ed enough to talk to the manager.
@yami1389 Жыл бұрын
What I really, strongly dislike is the way female lead characters just.. cannot start as losers. While male heroes have this character progression, starring from nothing and building their way up, female characters have to start strong already and have little to no character development. Just.. why. Why, is it cause if you have a uterus you're unable to progress quickly enough for the story to be fluid? Because if an XX doesn't start of strong they're unable to.. get strong?? I do think it's a bit of a double standard though, cause no one's shitting on James Bond, for example. Bit of a Gary Sue, that guy.
@djmccullough9233 Жыл бұрын
LOL The term CatWhistling needs to trend.
@lukeskywalker9507 Жыл бұрын
I freaking hate the term Mary Sue. Just like woke, it’s a stupid word, that’s become far too overused to where it’s meaningless now.
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
It wouldn't be so "overused" if there weren't so many.
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
​@@espurrseyes42 which wouldn't be considered if the genders were reversed and people didn't have such rightoid politics.
@namkia205 Жыл бұрын
​@@yungmuney5903kirito is a male mary sue and most people really hate him way more than how they hate eey
@espurrseyes42 Жыл бұрын
@@yungmuney5903 Probably because there's no agenda demanding we like these poorly written leftoid politics characters when they just aren't good at all. The more you try to force people to like something bad, the more they're going to hate it, and the more likely they'll have kneejerk reactions to anything similar. Again, Mary Sue and Woke wouldn't be "overused" if Mary Sues and Woke characters weren't overused.
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
​@@espurrseyes42 no one is forcing you to do anything lmao, and the fact that you use the word woke unironically makes you lose all credibility.
@poison_typejay5724 Жыл бұрын
I've been gone for a while. But I'm digging the intro
@ThatAussieSiesta Жыл бұрын
With the Witch king, he was mainly killed by Merry stabbing him in the leg with a legendary blade made in the first age by the Valar and used to help defeat Glarung, it was not made by man and it broke the Witch-kings protections whilst it was within his form. This also inflicted Merry with the lich Kings curse this is why Merry fixes his eyes upon his hand and screams before falling back, it is literally the same curse that was running it's venom through his hand and causing extreme pain but by that point the Witch King was already dying. Éowyn Stabbing him in the face just finished the job quicker and she was able to do this again because the ancient evil protecting him was destroyed by the Valar blade.
@TheLastSane1 Жыл бұрын
Sort of but not quite. He has a prophecy about his death so he felt invulnerable and while the blade did distrupt his magic that would reform him if he had been killed, her stabbing him really was what killed him off. The blade was just neutralizing protections and caused a minor damaging wound.
@OlivierMunir Жыл бұрын
Women in media: my problems are someone insulted me and ummm…. Also a man won’t imploy me. Btw i am some how the best person in the universe and have no flaws.
@franst3909 Жыл бұрын
Damsel in distress is actually a power fantasy for girls. Being an important person (maybe with special powers) and getting saved by a cool guy? Very cool. Independent unlikable girlboss characters ain't anyone's power fantasy except men that think writing one makes them an ally.
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
You don't know what a power fantasy is.
@DemiCape Жыл бұрын
How is being captured and jailed a power fantasy exactly?
@franst3909 Жыл бұрын
@@DemiCape 9S gets kidnapped and 2B saves him. You can imagine why boys want to be him.
@dovhadark7108 Жыл бұрын
@@franst3909 that's a dreadfully simplified view of why their relationship dynamic is envied by so many, the fact 2B save him is the climax/pay off of the fantasy, not the sole, or even most important, reason for example I don't know many ( or any at all now that I think about it ) who declared they would like to be in peach position but, heh, it's no a subject I'm an expert in as for the unlikeable girlboss character being exclusively a man fantasy ( wich is an indoubtedly sexist statement by the way so congratulation I suppose ) you'r dead wrong case in point : " I am not starfire " and " velma " both written by self absorbed, narcissistic women, two example among many that moral flaw aren't determined and or limited by what one person got between their legs ( I know, shocking revelation, go figure )
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
​​@@franst3909 that's not a power fantasy, in order to be saved in the first place requires you to be subjugated by power.
@Kone5497 Жыл бұрын
About the Witch king. One other youtuber said that Witch king thought he couldn't be killed cause he mistook elven would with could
@ElectroguyTJ Жыл бұрын
ngl "Woke Virus" is the most cringe phrase possible
@darthgeist3966 Жыл бұрын
Ehhhh maybe my only nitpick isn't with the Mary Sue part of the video, just the idea of Miles Morales being a "good character". Like he...really isn't. *Maybe* he's better in "Into the Spider-verse" than in the comics, but that's an incredibly low bar. He just really has no identity of his own. Personified by their "What if Miles Morales was" series and had Miles be pretty much any other Super Hero they could think of. Which is insulting to Miles and these other characters. Then there was that part with the black pregnant Spider-Woman. Who's supposed to be Jessica Drew. Who is canonically Caucasian and has been for close to 50yrs. *Some* people will just argue "But it's a Multiverse and-" and people have taken to ignoring that the Multiverse tends to be the Same Person having made different choices or different circumstances. It's largely minor differences, not an entire race swap. Plus she had no actual purpose in the movie, so it comes off more as Pandering than anything else. Plus I hate how they kept having Miguel refer to things as "Canon Events" and set Miles out to change them. Which is the Writers telling the audience that Canon doesn't matter. Which they also did in She-Hulk. This is also the problem when you include Time Travel, since Miguel is from the year 2099 (hence Spider-Man 2099). Thus Miguel accidentally spilling knowledge of the Future that causes someone else to act on that Knowledge could then be considered a "Canon Event" since it means it was always meant to happen and thus Miles' choice to protect/save his father was always meant to happen. Meaning that all of Miguel's efforts to stop miles were completely pointless and was only done to make Miguel as the Villain of the movie. Or if not the "villain" then an Antagonist. This is just me ranting a bit. I just don't find Miles interesting and part of that is due to the fact that nothing is his own. Not his origin, his powers ore his rogues gallery. Because it all came from someone else. Hell even those Venom Blasts and such are just stolen from Jessica Drew. That's her shtick, alongside Pheromone Manipulation. I guess if you haven't read the comics or not kept aware of them, then the movie is just fine and even some comic fans will say that Miles does get some much needed personality in it. But that's also suggesting he gets none in the Comic. Which is what you'd think they'd be more focused on.
@3SCAPER00M13 Жыл бұрын
You wanna know a good female character with a lot of power? Death from Sandman, she's an actual character that men and women can enjoy. Also she's a symbol of goth culture, so that's something.
@djmutt2000 Жыл бұрын
At one point in Elemental (which by the way is a movie distributed by DISNEY), Ember is a damsel in distress saved by Wade. Yeah Disney we love your hypocrisy.
@marksalmoneussorcerersupreme Жыл бұрын
The Witch Kings Invulnerability to Men was more like something straight out of Macbeth who was told by witches he couldn't be killed by anyone "born of a woman". Until someone came along who wasn't technically born, buy had to be taken out of his mom via Cercerian Section. There's probably a lot of theories as to what the hell that was about but my guess is that his Invulnerability depended on Middle Earth culture remaining static and unchanging, and never expected a woman to actually want to train to fight.
@DarthZ01 Жыл бұрын
I too have a human brain. I keep it in a box in my closet.
@matteomastrodomenico1231 Жыл бұрын
I disagree about Indiana Jones' goddaughter. I don't think just because she helps an elderly Indy she qualifies as a Mary Sue.
She does a little more than that but I'll go into it more in next weeks video
@PoopaChallupa Ай бұрын
"You're using the boy's magic." In other words, "You're using Peter's Magic." After all, Peter is the subject. "This power belongs to no boy." Is a non sequitur.
@awesomust Жыл бұрын
The only reason the Witch King was killed in LOTR is because Mary stabbed him with a special dagger forged by the elves that made him killable
@milesmatheson1142 Жыл бұрын
Let's be honest, fellas. This is all the fault of feminism. Because of it, I'm just no longer interested in most of what Marvel/DC/Disney put out these days.
@FATE522 Жыл бұрын
When I read the thumbnail of your video all I could think is, is it not the same for Gary Sue's? Overall it's charactesr in general and superheroes are no exception.
I might do a video just about Gary Sues in 6 minths.
@John-fk2ky Жыл бұрын
No, at least in terms of the thumbnail, Gary Stu’s don’t exist. You’d have to go browse anime to find them. You MIGHT be able to find some gay ones in comics, if you ignore that nothing actually happens in most of those “stories”. In modern mainstream movies and TV shows, men are constantly torn down to make the women around them look better. They’re not given the chance to be Mary Sues. Short version: in theory, you’d be right, but in practice I can’t think of an example that wasn’t very old. They won’t even let Superman be flawless anymore.
@@John-fk2ky What about Rick from Rick and Morty?
@TheNeoVariable Жыл бұрын
​@@JUSTAROBOT_AKA_JARRick has been humbled every now and again. But it's usually gods and people who really know him that do it.
@haywardsebastian3713 Ай бұрын
15:05 Hell, Invincible had William (a gay character) in it, but that wasn’t shoved up our asses (no pun intended), so we didn’t mind! Instead, our hatred went to Amber!😋
@JohnDoe-pb3xn Жыл бұрын
7:54 does anyone remember in Indiana Jones (idk which one) when Indy got into a sword fight with another guy when he had received little to know training in how to swordfight, and still absolutely rolled the other guy and won without breaking a single sweat? No, because the writers aren’t stupid and we expect logic to be present in movies, so what does Indy do to win, he uses his skills in something he’s proficient at and shoots the guy trying to stab him. Besides being a hilarious joke about bringing a sword to a gunfight it also shows that Indy isn’t stupid and isn’t gonna take risks, he’s smart enough to stick to his strengths and his force multiplier, and it’s why he drops the other guy in under a few seconds. Another example of using your skills/intelligence to overcome an enemy of better strength is found in Mulan, where she uses a (I think it’s paper) paper fan to grab Shun Yu’s sword and steal it from him, but she doesn’t then just use it like an expert, the movie at no point shows her training with a sword. So what does she do? She uses it as a blunt object with the intention of preventing Shun Yu’s escape by slamming it into his cloak and pinning him to the roof while Mushu does something he’s good at by lighting a firework on fire. Basically good character writing is when a character adapts/uses their strengths and things that have been established to aid them in a fight, it’s why there’s always excitement in the final climactic battle. Bad writing is when a character doesn’t have weaknesses/ the bad guy doesn’t try to exploit them. So the final fight is as anticlimactic as Mulan kicking an arrow into the bad guys heart. (At least the movie established early on that she had that power) truly Mulan (live action) has a midichlorian count that’s over 9000.
@Tirnel_S Жыл бұрын
Hate to be that person, lol, but umm.. Actually.... It was raiders of the lost arc. Harrison Ford and others members of the crew got really sick (dysentery, if I recall correctly). And Ford asked, "Why don't I just shoot the sucker?" And Spielberg went with it. It is also said that and combined with production going over budget and the shoot taking too long contributed to this decision. And this decision ultimately fit the character better than the long drawn out duel they had planned. Edit: and he was VERY sweaty in that scene, probably from fevering in the Tunisian heat. But I know what you meant. 😂
@TheOrangeBottleCap Жыл бұрын
To be fair to the asohka show/movie (or however her name was spelt) is about a character who actually has genuine justification for being a badass But I forget who the writers for it are so no clue how it'll turn out, but it has the best chance at hopefully not going full Mary sue and even if it kinda does as long as they don't go full stupid with it it might still be ok
@riotkitty Жыл бұрын
Yeah, people tend to forget half of the Clone Wars show had her getting her butt kicked and facing the consequences of her actions for being an idiot. She was fired upon after her plan to sneak behind the barrier failed. She was wounded and barely escaped from Grievous only due to how the ship they were on was operating at the time. She got her squad killed so was subsequently punished by getting a boring job at the library. She was even beaten by Cad Bane, a non Force user bounty Hunter, twice because she charged head in without bothering to see he had many gadgets that would pin her down and was almost sucked into the vacuum of space the first time.
@killunatic Жыл бұрын
Mary Sues are a problem. There’s no denying it. The only problem is that people do actually often use it in a kinda “sexist” contex in the sense that the problem is often just as prevalent in male protagonists, but those aren’t criticized nearly as often. We need to acknowledge that Mary Sues are getting way to prominent… Not only in female charas tho.
@yulee3266 Жыл бұрын
That's why Gary Stu was invented
@entertainmentaddict8442 11 ай бұрын
A pregnant Spider Woman.... that fights villains with guns and superpowers..... seriously? One punch from Rhino, Venom, Carnage, and more is enough to get rid of the next Spiderman/Woman before he/she learns to even crawl. One bad fall, strange chemicals, g-forces from web swinging' and so on could extrenely easily do so as well. It's such a terrible idea, a HORRIBLE idea.
@lanalewis6982 Жыл бұрын
If you want a good female lead, I suggest watching Slayers. It's an old school anime but at least the female lead isn't a Mary Sue and there are times where she loses and has to make sacrifices. Plus, she is a badass without it being put in your face all the time. And actually trains.
@mattphillips3537 Жыл бұрын
It’s times like these I’m glad Secret of Nymph wasn’t a Disney movie. Imagine the remake, imagine all the mistakes from the original it’ll fix. A heroic mother, what was Don Bluth thinking?
@zeratul____1228 Жыл бұрын
I am honestly wondering if AI generators would write better characters and storeis then actual people.
@namkia205 Жыл бұрын
Only the beginning is good I subbed to both HoloAi and NovelAi and it got worse after a time but it writes good beginnings and good prologues
@yungmuney5903 Жыл бұрын
No it won't
@Launchpad05 11 ай бұрын
Bella Swan was my 'Marry Sue Boogie Man' until Rey, and Captain Marvel came along.
@sharzinlalebazri5673 Жыл бұрын
Funny how my favorite female character of all time is Noel Vermillion from Blazblue and one of the reasons I love her is because of how much of a mess she is.
@brunowillich1837 Жыл бұрын
1:22 i am in my room in the dark at 4:47 AM in my bed... NEVER DO THAT AGAIN
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