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Tatenokai Enjoyer

Tatenokai Enjoyer

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The Kōdōha (Imperial Way Faction) was one of two main factions in interwar Japan. Their nemesis was the so called Tōseiha (Control Faction) which put weight on modernizing Japan and working with the Zaibatsu (Capitalist conglomerates). The Kōdōha instead wanted to turn back the westernization and get rid of the Zaibatsu. Both were nationalist, expansionist and reactionary. In very simple terms one was conservative and compromising, the other radical and uncompromising.
The Kōdōha's leader Gen. Araki Sadao put the weight on ’’spiritual mobilization’’ emphasizing morale and determination before machines. They also wanted to redefine (or rather return to the true form of the Kokutai) the Kokutai, giving more power to the Emperor and revising the shackles (as they saw destroyed the notion of the Emperor as divine ruler) put on during the Taishō (Hirohitos father) Emperors reign.
In the early 1930s the Kōdōha was the most influential (Japans greatest WW2 Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita among others were in the Kōdōha camp) - however during Japans economic recovery in mid 30s Toheisa took the upper hand. Both sides assassinated each other, but Kōdōha wen’t for their carotid artery (literally) whilst the Toheisa operated within the system, taking over from within.
The already huge tensions between Navy and Army made the situation even more fragile.
However Kōdōha’s tendency of Gekokoju (taking its form in young lower ranking officers rebelling against older conservative military elite) and murder of two Prime Ministers among others turned the highest echelons - that wanted to stabilize the situation against them.
It is in this light the ’’Young Officers’’ (who’s vast majority) sympathized with thinkers such as Gen. Araki, Ikki Kita among many launched their most ambitious assault. In the snowy Tokyo landscape they attacked on February 26 1936. Aiming for the cleansing of the party politicians, and total dismemberment of Taishō democracy. Their flag, aimed against the corrupt dysfunctional democratic system and the unhinged gluttony of the Zaibatsu’s read; ’’Revere the emperor destroy the traitors’’
#ww2 #ww2edit #banzai #japan #empire #emperor #battotai #kodoha

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@cranom5616 Жыл бұрын
One thing I truly appreciate about the old eras of Japan, is the amount of patriotism and devotion the citizens had to the emperor. Even in the worst crises they still believed there were hope as long as the emperor reigned, and they were right. Judging from a far point of view, I think the shōwa restoration not only bought back the appreciation of cultural values, but also made the economy rise a lot at that time with the Asian expansionism.
@cranom5616 Жыл бұрын
As Kodoha is an anti-Western “fascist” organization, it promoted Showa Statism, and opposed Westernization, Socialism, etc… It also encouraged militarism among the youth, resulting in many young people being obsessed with joining the army for the glory of the New Japanese Empire, which in my opinion is good! It reminds me of Tatenokai, but it had different objectives
@karingoering2441 Жыл бұрын
Agree with the Kodoha about reactionarism essentially needing to be anti-capitalist
@pierren___ Жыл бұрын
Philosophy of corporatism
@karingoering2441 Жыл бұрын
​@@pierren___ Yes, but many people talk/write about corporatism and monarchism/feudalism being an impossible combination. And, it perhaps is in some view. In the common ''Western'' view this idea is very strange, perhaps even bizarre. But the Kōdōha philosophy of soil and grain in harmony and corporation with Samurai-class/Nobility/talented people shows that this argument is total bs. The nobility is nothing without the farmers, the farmers are nothing without the nobility! But as a westerner I do not know any ideology that views things in this way, closest is perhaps Strasserism. But then again, western views obv isn't the way forward...
@pierren___ Жыл бұрын
@@karingoering2441 thats because more people dont understand that corporatism is more than an economical system. Every job got an ideal : to be an ideal sculptor, an ideal runner... we have to aim for the ideal. Thus only long term education based on economic condition can perfectionnise the workers and their arts. Thus an ideal soldier must be life-long, both goes together.
@karingoering2441 Жыл бұрын
@@pierren___ Mister, don't try to outbase the Göring. Jokes aside, I fully agree!!!
@lincolnhaldorsen5649 3 ай бұрын
@@karingoering2441modern day German and modern day Norway and modern day Denmark are all corporatist, just not Keynesian like fascist corporatism is.
@imperialraijin Жыл бұрын
At last...the Imperial Way. Revere the Emperor, destroy the Traitors!
@UnusuariomasOmg 6 ай бұрын
I really love Japanese Kobudo martial arts , specially Kenjutsu and Jujutsu
@gman4781 Жыл бұрын
Average 統制派 fan VS Average 皇道派 enjoyer
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
皇道派 🗿
@emperorshowa8842 Жыл бұрын
Death is better than dishonor glory to Japan Imperial Army Banzai ! Banzai ! Banzai !
@banzaienjoyer4993 Жыл бұрын
Defend the emperor and destroy the traitors. Tenno Heiko Banzai!!!!!🎌
@emperorshowa8842 Жыл бұрын
@theingeniousone5141 Жыл бұрын
One minor thing The toseiha wanted to have a class collaborationist model and not a corporatocratic model while the kodoha wanted a nationalization campaign I lean a little to the toseiha because i think its the safer approach in economics sense
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Yes, I think a compromise was better. Cause the Kodoha in some ways was not only naive, but self destorying. I am sympathetic for both, but in spirit for the Kodoha. But, I still do value, perhaps it is not from a logical viewpoint, but from purity. The young soilders, are more pure than the owners of the capital of the country. However, as you say, I disagree with the view of making everything state owned, because there would not exist a Mitsubishi A6M Zero. The Zaibatsu system is disgusting, that is to say is still better than international corps owning all. The young soilders, who came from people who saw the soil, revolted. Even the disgustingly fat Zaibatsus are outplayed by the ugly capitalists from today. (This is however also a difference, Tojo was in his actions, I mean he went and looked into garbage cans in Tokyo to see how the people was doing). But he also despised it, as pretty much everyone in Japan, and many other countries. We could only dream of having two really fucking based nationalist parties with some differences to choose from haha. Like the Optimates VS Populares in Rome.
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer There's no reason why a planned system cannot design and manufacture war machines as effectively as a private system. In fact, there's plenty of evidence to the contrary, planned economies adapt to a war situation far better, take one look at the industrial juggernaut that was the Soviet Union during the great patriotic war. Without the Zaibatsus and capitalists extracting profit and surplus value at every level of Japanese manufacturing, i highly suspect the Japanese would have done far better during wartime than they did historically. Under a largely centrally planned system, the state can bring to bear the entire economy and all of the productive forces of a nation toward war production and heavy industry, rather than the Capitalist practice of trying to meet every consumer need and focusing on light industry, extracting profit every step of the way at the expense of the nation. In a lot of ways, i would argue that the Kodoha faction were closet stratocratic socialists with a nationalist bent. They were basically made up of working-class men that joined the army and wanted to nationalise the economy and eliminate the corrupt zaibatsu, they honestly had a lot more in common with traditional socialists than they were ready to admit.
@sw_nerd Жыл бұрын
​@@comrade_commissar3794 I'd argue that centrally planned economics usually tend to fail miserably in the long-term. We can see for The Soviet Union that around 3% of it's farms were private, yet they were making around 50% of the food. We can also see that freer economic conditions spark more competition and hence innovation, which following free market theory laid by economists such as Rothbard, Hoppe, or Mises; increases the standard of living, wages, and production will ultimately increase whenever the demand increases, and it is not too hard for a market to realize a war is soon, and hence produce more to match a increasing or soon to increase demand.
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
@@sw_nerd Your first paragraph is straight-up false. Those Soviet market farms mainly produced herbs, spices and other such niche goods. They didn’t meaningfully contribute to the nation’s food supply or overall national caloric output like the Kolkhozes and Sovkhozes did. Parts of what you say in the latter paragraph are indeed true. Under normal circumstances, planned economies can’t quite achieve the same growth rates as a market economy, however, planned economies adapt to wartime conditions far better than any market economy, for most of the reasons i have already stated in my previous post. A planned economy can bring to bear the entire might of a nation, all of it’s productive forces toward the war effort, which a market system cannot do. That as well as the massive inefficiencies of market systems when it comes to war profiteering and magnates extracting wealth, and thus labour at every level of the economic system for themselves at the expense of the nation. Planned economies are just more effective in times of strife, and provide much needed stability and control that you won’t find in other systems. The “invisible hand” will not save you.
@byInventus Жыл бұрын
"Give me a Japanese division armed with bamboo spears and I'll wipe out the entire Russian Far Eastern Army." - Araki Sadao allegedly I don't know if I trust wikiquote but it's such a funny quote that I don't even care.
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Hahaha. In the Japanese wikipedia there is section called ''portrait/personality'' and it tells about him being very close with young officers (Gekokoju) and when he was war minister in Inukai Tsuyoshi's cabinet (so he owed his position to him) he said about when he was assasinated: They were very brave patriots. Araki is among the most based persons ever to live, you should not only trust the English wikipage, trust me its only the top of the iceberg in savage sayings and radical views of him!
@byInventus Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer It's precisely because wikiquote doesn't cite a Japanese source that I regard the quotation as dubious. The quality of English scholarship on the Empire of Japan and even modern Japan is deplorable and wikipedia itself is no exception
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
RIP mosley edit
@theingeniousone5141 Жыл бұрын
Ideologically i sympathize with Ikka kitta and kodoha For millitary doctrine i say strike south
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Exactly my view
@theingeniousone5141 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer very based! Destroy the masonic capitalists first!
@saud892 Жыл бұрын
Would the Kodoha attack south if their coup succeeded ?
@mojewjewjew4420 11 ай бұрын
​@@saud892no, they wanted north.
@mojewjewjew4420 11 ай бұрын
​@@theingeniousone5141only striking north and helping Germany win would make a difference, other than that its a no.
@Der_Erpel Жыл бұрын
Tennō heika banzai!
@mojewjewjew4420 11 ай бұрын
Makes you wonder if Japan would fare better if kodoha were in power not toseiha. Striking north might just be enough to help Germany win as the siberian troops on border with Japan saves moscow.
@tatenokaienjoyer 11 ай бұрын
Yes it does. Kodoha wasn't (tough majority) absolutely focused on strike north. There were Toseiha officers in favor of North and vice versa. Not to take into account the part of the military that wasn't aligned to any clique. There could have been a Kodoha with a strike south as well vice versa. Best of all would perhaps been a compromise, for example the absolute disdain for any technology (if going to war) of the Kodoha would not have worked. So clean up with the Zaibatsus, focus on internal problems, create a modern war-machine. We'll never know.
@kararalmusawi2975 Жыл бұрын
great ❤
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Thanks appriciate it 🤝
@___ZaCHK2049___ Жыл бұрын
Ernst Jünger edit when?
@julianblacksmith8539 Жыл бұрын
Why did ur last video on Oswald Mosley got taken down, it was an awesome video.
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
"hAtE sPeEcH"
@justwatching5867 Жыл бұрын
Hey dude, what app do you use for your imperial japanese edits? I really like them
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Davinci resolve now, Capcut then, but the first videos were made with iMovie. Its about being creative, finding solutions (like there is 0 effects on iMovie, but one can toggle with online enhancers/cuts etc) and not the program one has. If you want to make videos I would recommend to start with a basic editor!
@Indiangerman1222 Жыл бұрын
Why are you not making edit on puyi and Manchurian that also part of Japan Empire
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
There are parts of Manchuko and Puyi in the videos "IJ-The perfect Girl" and "Taiwan is Japanesse". But will make a fully dedicated video about it in the future for sure
@Indiangerman1222 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer ok thanks
@onkelmorra87 Ай бұрын
We need a new stock market crash - a new great dwpression - that can not be mitigated by printing more money or taking on more debt. That's the only way to find our way back to our roots and the traditions of those who came before us.
@tatenokaienjoyer Ай бұрын
Exactly, that's one part of what ''acceleration'' stands for in my slogan. When things has gone so far away, it isn't possible to reform. Societal instability always works for the forces wanting to undermine it, that is us and the leftist progressives (who however are not pure opposition, but the systems useful idiots).
@anasxeniadis5392 4 ай бұрын
Japan should get rid of US influence and become truly independent again. In that regard Kodoha was right.
@tatenokaienjoyer 3 ай бұрын
America is a demon upon any soul she sets her eyes on
@anasxeniadis5392 3 ай бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer yes, indeed...
@TheWayoftheSith 10 ай бұрын
What are the best books about Imperial Way Japan ideology, culture, military history and war-like Zen philosophy?
@tatenokaienjoyer 10 ай бұрын
Mishimas Runaway Horses has everything (tough ofc in the form of novel) lot of talk about Shinto contra Buddhism, politics of early 30s Japan etc. Second of 4 books tough should be noted. Then if not in the form of a novel then Ikki Kita. General Kanji Ishiwara's book Armageddon. These are in the context of Japan from late Taishō Democracy til mid 30s. If in general for the ''reasoning'' behind it any of the many books concerning the warrior code; The Book of Five Rings, Bushido, Hagakure among others.
@TheWayoftheSith 10 ай бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer You mean Bushido by Inazo Nitobe? What about Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan? And The Way of the Samurai by Inazo Nitobe? Also do you recommend, The Book of Samurai by Antony Cummins? Or How To Be A Modern Samurai By Antony Cummins, and The Book of Bushido: The Complete Guide to Real Samurai Chivalry By Antony Cummins? I'll put these into list format: *Bushido by Inazo Nitobe; Bushido: The Samurai Code of Japan by Inazo Nitobe; and The Way of the Samurai by Inazo Nitobe *The Book of Samurai by Antony Cummins; How To Be A Modern Samurai By Antony Cummins; The Book of Bushido: The Complete Guide to Real Samurai Chivalry By Antony Cummins *The Book of Samurai by Antony Cummins; *Bushido: The Way of the Warrior by Bohdi Sanders *The Book of the Samurai by Stephen Turnbull
@tatenokaienjoyer 10 ай бұрын
​@@TheWayoftheSith Yeah I would start with the source material for sure written by samurais/samurai decendents themselves, perhaps Bushido by Inazo Nitobe since its written to be easy to grasp. I have not read any of the others you mention tough, but as I said def start with the sources before ellaborating with modern context/writers etc (is what I would do).
@TheWayoftheSith 8 ай бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer I found two books that may be of use for you that elaborate on the culture of Imperial-Way. The Goal of Japanese Expansion and The Culture of Japanese Fascism.
@MarcDufresneosorusrex 4 ай бұрын
let's make analogy with the Europeans knights on a crusades. Would you say their cause had a "fascist undercurrent to it"? (before I forget, I don't wanna "bash" the Crusaders) so lets put it on an equal footing, would the Islamic conquest of Spain be described as "fascistic" ? Would the Spanish southern American conquest be described as "fascist?" the Western American expansion ? (why and/or why not?) obviously not directed at anyone personally , I wish people can see fascism can exist regardless of ethincity or culture. 🛐🛐 take care, life is a 🎁🎁
@tatenokaienjoyer 4 ай бұрын
If you could write a little more precisely I would gladly oblige. But, yeah in my view the term ''Fascistic'' could describe any collectivist elite-theory militaristic world view. It is a non racial label, and this idea of ''warfare and honor'' more often than not brings people of different races together, in admiration towards each other.
@lincolnhaldorsen5649 3 ай бұрын
Is that Amaterasu I see?
@tatenokaienjoyer 3 ай бұрын
It is indeed
@jugalkishorekanungo1878 Жыл бұрын
Please give me my question answer why Japanese not talking about current emperor and no edit are available about Naruhito 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏🙏❤️🎌⛩️
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
The current status of the Emperor is limited to being only symbolic, and not even that fully (Imperial Rescript on the Construction of a New Japan/Humanity Declaration). This channel is only for creating videos about historical events/movements/figures etc. Hope that suffices as an answer.
@jugalkishorekanungo1878 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer thank you for this excellent work keep doing it❤️❤️🙏🙏🎌
@p_a_r_a_b_e_l_l_u_m_ 11 ай бұрын
0:13 who is he?
@tatenokaienjoyer 11 ай бұрын
Bit late, but thats the leader of the Kodoha General Sadao Araki. He is the guy with the mustache in the video also
@pierren___ Жыл бұрын
Wheres the docu from ?
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Its a combo of many docs, stock footage etc
@Indiangerman1222 Жыл бұрын
Hell Naruhito ❤
@bektemisovabai 5 ай бұрын
@rudravlogger9805 Жыл бұрын
inspired by thebarestguy ?
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
Yep, great video and a song which I actually hadn't used before. But wanted to cover another chapter of history.
@rudravlogger9805 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyer China vs Taiwan China vs India China vs Vietnam china vs Japan China vs Bhutan China vs Philippines China vs Laos China vs South Korea I A INDIAN STRONGLY BELIEVE WE NEED THE GREATER EAST ASIA CO-PROSPERITY SPHERE BACK TO PROTECT ASIA FROM THIS RED DEVIL AND THE COMMUNISTS
@counttoku Жыл бұрын
My beliefs are Toseiha, but for attacking the Soviet Union.
@tatenokaienjoyer Жыл бұрын
That view is the view of the Kōdōha tough. The so called Hokushin-ron (Strike north doctrine ergo Soviets) was their preferred military vision. The Tōseiha's doctrine was the strike south (USA/Australia etc). I sympathize more with the Kodoha, not in 'history' (cause I think the faction that compromised with the Zaibatsus were the only choice if going to war with any great power) but ideology overall. There was differences and infights within the groups ofc but this was the major military disagreement between the parts. Ideologically I sympathize with the Kōdōha, military outlook and vision of the world with the Tōseiha. Let's not even mention the navy, but they were on the Kōdōha's side in ideology, but with the Tōseiha on which part of the world to attack. I think that is a very nice and admirable compromise.
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
@@tatenokaienjoyerI’m pretty sure the navy was with the Toseiha all the way, they didn’t even flinch during 226 when the army actually had to think about wether they wanted to join the coup or not. I’m also pretty sure the navy didn’t have many prominent Kodoha members, or at least not like the army did
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
@counttoku Why are you in favour of the strike north strategy? There’s little to no meaningful resources up there, it’s mostly just worthless, uninhabited taiga and tundra. And besides, the one foray they actually did do into the Soviet Union, Khalkhin Gol, was an absolute failure. The Japanese expedition was completely encircled and destroyed.
@counttoku Жыл бұрын
@@comrade_commissar3794 for one, the Japanese were outnumbered. Secondly, Tokyo withdrew air support leaving the ground troops to wither away due to Soviet air attacks. If you look at the casualty ratio of the aftermath of the battle, the Japanese expeditionary force did well for being outnumbered and inflicted heavy casualties on the Soviets. If the Japanese had committed an organized campaign against the Soviet Union, they more than likely could’ve pushed deep into Siberia. Finally, I am for an attack on the Soviets more so for ideological reasons. Communism is antithetical to the Imperial system. They were actively trying to spread Marxism to China, Korea, Japan etc. The Japanese Empire was blocking this. After Japan expanded southwards and started to get repealed by the Western Allies, the Soviets back stabbed the Japanese even after signing the non-aggression pact with them.
@comrade_commissar3794 Жыл бұрын
@@counttoku Well it’s great that you hate communism and all, but the fact of the matter is, attacking the Soviet Union would be an extremely costly endeavour and even assuming it succeeds (which i’m very doubtful of), the Japanese would get almost nothing out of it other than what, Vladivostok? The strike south doctrine frankly had way more merit to it, especially occupying the dutch east indies, where there were vital resources of oil and rubber needed to sustain the Japanese war effort. Another point is that the Imperial Japanese Army already had their hands full in China, i don’t think they could really spare the men or resources for a campaign into the Soviet Union. Also the fact that the strike south doctrine lets the Japanese get a return on their massive investment that is their navy, which was currently sitting idle at the time. To be honest, i believe the Japanese would have been far better off if they had stuck to seizing European colonies, and not attacking the US held Philippines, because i don’t think the US could justify going to war just to protect European colonies, being a supposedly anti-colonial power. Interesting thing is that my great-grandfather served in this region, he was an Imperial Japanese Army Officer in Borneo.
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