Thank you, JR, for sharing so much about Doris QQ I believe we all felt the same, shattered by the news of Doris' passing cuz we were all touched by Doris in one way or another.
JR 老師,約翰15:16「不是你們揀選了我,是我揀選了你們,並且分派你們去結果子,叫你們的果子長存,使你們奉我的名,無論向父求什麼,祂就賜給你們。」耶穌帶領Doris 完成發光的生命,如果我們也都卑微自己、更多獻上自己給主,神能使我們的生命多一些發光榮耀主。願主賜福帶領您及兒女們興起來愛主服事主。Because we remember that Jesus will came again.😀🎉
@lujinhu684 ай бұрын
@jerry240626454 ай бұрын
JR: "I feel like I'm getting old." Doris: "You're still young! If I can do it, you can do it."
Did you ever think of all of the trees That God has made for us to see? Some are bushy, round and small Others, stately, strong and tall Some are used for mighty things Others just to rest bird wings If you would answer God's own call Make Him your life, your all in all Do not feel that you should be Just as others you will see He will give you His own best Just do His will and be at rest True joy and peace in Him I've found And rest that knows no human bounds He's the all in all to me His will alone I seek to see 註記: 往中國途中,與同伴Florence Herron和寫的一首詩,1948 出自《因愛啟程 彭蒙惠的圖文詩語》