Kabane The Christian vs Matt Dillahunty (1) - The Atheist Experience

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/ sciencereason ... Kabane The Christian vs Matt Dillahunty On The Historicity Of The Gospels And The Authorship Of Matthew (Part 1/4) - The Atheist Experience #606 with Matt Dillahunty and Don Baker.
"Who Wrote The Gospels? - The Atheist Experience #603":
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Tommy's video "A Reply to the A.E. on Matthew":
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"Kabane The Christian vs Matt Dillahunty (Aftermath) - The Atheist Experience #607":
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@Seraphim-Hamilton 4 жыл бұрын
It's amazing to me in hindsight how many views this got. I just want to say a few things here (by the way, this is the caller): 1. I cringe at myself at 16 years old. I don't think I've listened to this debate in nine years because of how hard I cringe. I wish I hadn't used the tone I did, spoke so fast (one of the commenters was right- I do have a policy debate background but was one of the slower speakers, and I honestly wasn't trying to use it as a trick), or interrupted as much as I did. Our conversation was also very wide-ranging, more than was useful, I think. 2. I will defend myself at one point: I never said anything in this call that I knew was false. Everything I said, I honestly believed. 3. What I said about the Hadith was obviously silly, as was what I said about alien abductions. I was thinking of the Betty and Barney Hill case, though even there strange phenomena preceded hypnosis. So yes, I was certainly wrong. 4. I have locked down comments on the original video- there just was too much spam coming in. If you've ever run a large-ish channel, you know how if you get over a hundred comments, new comments are usually just rehashing the same stuff that old commenters already said. That's true whether it's Christians or atheists commenting. 5. I've thought about calling back just to have a retrospective. What do you guys think? Is anyone interested in that?
@Extra_050 3 жыл бұрын
Hello there! For some reason you just popped into my head recently and so I just typed up your screen name (or former screen name) and here we are. I should note that I discovered your existence many moons ago, when a clip of one of your videos appeared under VenomFangX's wiki on Encyclopædia Dramatica, wherein you revealed that said antagonist is (or was, then) a Geocentrist who thought the sun orbited the earth as well as a Creationist who thought that dinosaurs were aboard Noah's Ark. I saw this debate sometime afterwards. All things considered- perhaps particularly BECAUSE you were so young- I don't think you did too badly here. You just lacked the necessary polish, as we all did in our teens. If you want to ring them again (which for all I know you may have done; even this comment is nearly a year old) then by all means do so. I'm sure even these people with whom you were debating will have changed much since you spoke to them and so their style is probably different as well. Indeed, the chances are they have long forgotten about it. In the meantime, from what I've seen, your newer videos are still quite interesting. Keep up the good work!
@leovere 2 жыл бұрын
It would be great if call again
@RedBlueWhite7 2 жыл бұрын
Call in please
@dfaulk95 2 жыл бұрын
Do it
@Alexander_Isen 2 жыл бұрын
Pleeeeeeease call back in
@JeffersonDinedAlone 9 жыл бұрын
To the caller; the word is pleading, not pledding.
@dawnbreaker2912 9 жыл бұрын
Glad I'm not the only one who heard that. Ugh.
@HorrorMovieReviewGuy 9 жыл бұрын
pleding, just want to punch him, whats his channel anyone direct me to that?
@BaronVonQuiply 9 жыл бұрын
Marcel Schuller Will 1200 baud work?
@BaronVonQuiply 9 жыл бұрын
Marcel Schuller Well Moses said he talked to a burning bush, and cannabis _is_ a bush for burning after all..
@BaronVonQuiply 9 жыл бұрын
The one thing about divine communication though, it seems to have a great deal of trouble working through Haldol.
@apophis7760 9 жыл бұрын
the argument that "you can't refute what I'm saying the moment I'm saying it, it must be true." is bullshit.
@VoluntraryismNottheState 6 жыл бұрын
He can't refute that Thor, Mercury, or Poseidon aren't real either, so they must all be real, I guess. LOL!
@ZMol7ed 10 жыл бұрын
The best joke was "the hadith is dismissed by Muslim scholars" . . This Kabane guy has no clue
@ToHoldNothing 5 жыл бұрын
It's apparently disagreed upon authority of particular hadith between Shia and Sunni, though apparently their legitimacy in the general sense is agreed upon (by lineage, not unlike Catholics claiming unbroken descent from Peter), though there are also Quran only Muslims, probably in smaller numbers
@behindenemylines3149 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah. Well we are acutally finding out Mo was invented and so was his religion. Also, Mo didn't perform miracles. But, out of 100,000s of Hadith few are Sahih.
@davydtaylor4151 8 жыл бұрын
And the award for the most annoying voice goes to.........
@davids11131113 7 жыл бұрын
The pumpkin pie haircutted punk Kabane gets the award easily.....and just think by now he's in college and his classmates are finding these videos for much entertainment and mockery.
@davydtaylor4151 7 жыл бұрын
davids11131113 lol let's hope he gets all that is coming to him
@Seraphim-Hamilton 6 жыл бұрын
@davids11131113 9 жыл бұрын
'Muslim schollars dismiss the Hadith'.....that would be like saying christian scholars dismiss the New Testament.
@ToHoldNothing 5 жыл бұрын
The hadith are debated to a degree and there are Quran only Muslims, though I'm not sure about their numbers. And I can't easily find the sources in regards to miracles I saw in an animated film "Muhammad the Last Prophet", and related films, like Before the Light. It's entirely possible that those miracles, like termites eating away at a boycott by the Quraysh against Muslims except for the words, "In the name of God" is from the hadith rather than the Quran. And it's entirely possible the only miracle Muslims really focus on is the Quran itself, because of alleged uniqueness. That way, they can at least focus on that rather than alleged scientific predictions in the same vein as Bible thumpers who try to quote mine the Bible for scientific sounding verses.
@dawud4396 2 жыл бұрын
Then you are an idiot who don't know anything in Islam Hadith is not Quran it can be dismissed or weaken its narration.
@davids11131113 2 жыл бұрын
@@dawud4396 oh sure just like a lot of Christians dismiss the old testament when all the problems are pointed out... ‘oh well that’s just Old Testament, now we’re onto the New’.... just very dishonest but that’s what religious folks have to do.
@dawud4396 2 жыл бұрын
@@davids11131113 I am talking to a wall or something a Hadith are in 3parts Sahih(صحيح) which is the most authintic, Hassan(حسن) which is trusted, Daif(ضعيف) which is weak so not all Hadiths are accepted but you can never say this to Quran all things in Quran are trusted in the Quran and the Christians belive in the Old Testament but the Covenant wasn't for the Christians it was for the Jews. I guess Atheist like to talk without understanding.
@alexandersalmas21 9 жыл бұрын
There are absolutely ZERO alien abduction claims that don't involve hypnotic suggestion? How could he possibly say that? Give me a break.
@shanewilson7994 9 жыл бұрын
+Alexander Salmas I love that claim too. I also love him saying there are no miracles in the Koran when Mohammad splits the moon in two with his finger, and he flies up to Heaven on a winged horse, both of those are rather miraculous claims to me.
@garystevens5015 8 жыл бұрын
Also, 'Muslim scholars dismiss the Hadiths'...absurd nonsense. We also have contemporary evidence that Tacitus A) existed B) was writing history - we have letters directly from Pliny the Younger to Tacitus, which indicate a sharing of historical information from 1 to the other for the specific purpose of assisting with his writing.
@stevenkay4104 6 жыл бұрын
Dan Akroyd claims he saw aliens/alien conspirators (the men in black). He wasn’t hypnotized. He was on TV when he stated it
@practician5730 2 жыл бұрын
@@shanewilson7994 That was in the hadith, not quran
@practician5730 2 жыл бұрын
@@garystevens5015 it is very true that muslims scholars will dismiss, the quran when it is convenient to, such as saying Aisha was 19 rather than 9
@NWAWskeptic 9 жыл бұрын
I give A LOT of credit to Matt for enduring Tommy, his arrogant, smug, condescending tone makes me instantly dislike him with a passion!
@Seraphim-Hamilton 4 жыл бұрын
He definitely was cringeworthy here
@kylexinye1990 4 жыл бұрын
Kabane RIP Kabane ;) Jk man, you nailed it here.
@spawncampe 2 жыл бұрын
I would've hung up asap
@BaronVonQuiply 9 жыл бұрын
I've begun writing the Gospels of Elvis Presley. Granted, he died before I was born but I'm far closer to the events in question that Josephus or Tacitus, the favorite historians of the church, so whatever I write should be considered an eyewitness account.
@Goettel 9 жыл бұрын
Baron von Quiply Make sure you get Fried Chicken 1:01 and the Gospel of Amphetamines 6:06 to 6:66 right, or there'll be Hell to pay!
@verticalhorizon4633 8 жыл бұрын
+Baron von Quiply Uh-huh-huh.
@BaronVonQuiply 8 жыл бұрын
Thank you, thank you very much. *tips rhinestones*
@BluePiggy 8 жыл бұрын
I love the graphic in the background of this video. Hail, Flying Spaghetti Monster! Please reach out and touch me with your noodly appendage!
@ryleighs9575 7 жыл бұрын
I feel it!
@BrokeMyCrayon 8 жыл бұрын
There are no miracles in the qu'ran? How about splitting the moon half.
@BrokeMyCrayon 8 жыл бұрын
I'm not claiming that it happened. Did you watch the video?
@traypaul4584 8 жыл бұрын
+Broke My Crayon He clearly must not have, I understood exactly what you were getting at
@psychicandice 7 жыл бұрын
Also an illiterate guy wrote down the entire Quran by divine command
@vladtepes9614 10 жыл бұрын
Why does Kabane claim that there are no miracles in the Qu'ran? It says that Muhammad split the moon in two.
@庫倫亞利克 5 жыл бұрын
He's either ignorant, or lying, probably both.
@HeavensMystery Жыл бұрын
Because it was a LIE proven by the fact that the splitting of the moon was told to have marked the begging of the end as described by Muhammad yet the end never came, so either Muhammad was lying about having split the moon at that time, which would make him an untrustworthy source or he was a false prophet like the many that have come since and the splitting of the moon cannot be trusted to have happen since his prophethood was never true to begin with.
@brendarua01 7 жыл бұрын
The caller probably has a debate background. They learn to speak so fast in order to pack as many points as possible in. But he is also playing games of sophistry in twisting Matt's words and then trying to get Matt to admit to things under the pressure of talking so fast. That is not a method aimed to get at truth but only to confuse and count coup. I applaud Matt in denying the gambit.
@juliarhodes1735 6 жыл бұрын
He was one of the top debaters in my high school's debate club, so I can confirm that, good job.
@joelrodriguez1232 6 жыл бұрын
Kabane was only 13 years old and he totally dominated Matt.
@AxelLaw 6 жыл бұрын
Kabane totally failed. He has a slimy slight of hand and Matt didn't fall for it.
@joelrodriguez1232 6 жыл бұрын
a 13 year-old boy obliterated Matt Dila hunty!
@AxelLaw 6 жыл бұрын
Joel Rodriguez a claim without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
@HowardCanaway 8 жыл бұрын
Mohamad riding to heaven on a winged horse.
@karabamabo7030 5 жыл бұрын
@kait2972 7 жыл бұрын
the most pretentious way of framing the "it's true because the Bible says so" argument I've seen so far
@bobbymccarthy7971 10 жыл бұрын
There's nothing more adorable than a teenager armed with a thimbleful of knowledge.
@kylexinye1990 4 жыл бұрын
Bobby McCarthy How? Matt was wrecked here.
@steveyuhas9278 3 жыл бұрын
It's funny cuz he can't even pronounce the words correctly. It's clear he has just read all the apologists arguments and never actually engaged fully with the opposition. Matt destroyed this kid I almost feel bad lol. The poor guy did all this research and is completely missing the fact that even if all this is true, you can't confirm any miracle claims via text.
@steveyuhas9278 3 жыл бұрын
Not to mention he is clearly shifting the burden of proof for his preposterous position. I think Matt took it easy on him to prove a point, that he is wrong even if he grants the shifting of the burden.
@sumo1203 3 жыл бұрын
@@kylexinye1990 the kids argument asserted historical methods were enough to confirm/support supernatural claims, which is flat out absurd. He also made completely false claims, like alien abductions only coming from a state of hypnosis. He did enough to destroy himself with out any feedback from Matt.
@markfullbrighton5070 2 жыл бұрын
@@kylexinye1990 No, he actually wasn't. I don't think this kid realizes how badly he embarrassed himself in this video. All he did was merely lay on a bunch of unsubstantiated claims that lack any evidence. So, with all due respect, the only "wrecking" that took place here was this kid destroying himself.
@puckerings 9 жыл бұрын
Tommy doesn't even know how to pronounce special pleading, much less understand what it actually means.
@BaronVonQuiply 9 жыл бұрын
puckerings Oh.. I thought he was bragging about his new special pleating.
@robzrob 10 жыл бұрын
Amazing how much effort people will put into twisting things to fit some old storybook.
@DrMichaelWolf 10 жыл бұрын
We do the same thing everyday when we choose to cook & eat our food, which is often done by twisting things, like the kneading of dough (bread), derived from a storybook of (recipes) equally as old. Why preach/practice one and not the other? Because the bible doesn't taste good to the palette of a sinner. Sinner's love sin like pigs love mud.
@the_regular_dinosaurus_rex 10 жыл бұрын
jared fargo we don't twist what is in a book of recipies. we use it exactly the way it is written. so a book of recipies can be taken literally. we don't have to twist sugar into salt and wheat into pork to make the recipe work. additionally we can go and meet jamie oliver to confirm that the author of the book of recipies is a real person. so everything about your analogy fails.
@robzrob 10 жыл бұрын
Amalganman Said it better than I could :)
@zool201975 10 жыл бұрын
yup you should see how far it goes in creationism. there their main dogma is this.. If anything that makes scientific results (aka wel repeatable proof) but does not fit in the exact wording of the holy scripture it must be wrong.. Aka they do not believe in gravity since its never stated in the bible. they also believe in the firmament.. if you don't know what that is google it and have a laugh.
@darkenergy8318 6 жыл бұрын
robzrob A lot of efforts but it all sum to 0 at the end .
@Nick6Michael 9 жыл бұрын
I made it a hobby to look for Atheist vs Christians... *takes sip of coffee*
@barnabyaprobert5159 8 жыл бұрын
+Nick6Michael Ever thought for turn pro?
@pcgamingmasterrace9649 8 жыл бұрын
He's met and interviewed every single alien abductee in the world in history? Incredible lies.
@perkeyser2032 7 жыл бұрын
Looking at christians.....sometimes they do look very....untrustworthy. When I read your post, I immidiately thought of the Dover trial, where the christians where so completely dishonest. It was depressing. On so many levels.
@davids11131113 9 жыл бұрын
'The bible is true, because Jesus was not a hypnotist' ... this is the best christianity has today.
@Weaseldog2001 10 жыл бұрын
The Qu'ran is considered to be a miracle in and of itself. It's believed that it was written in Heaven and provided full and complete as a miracle of God's will.
@GeneralZod99 10 жыл бұрын
I am General Zod. Your ruler. Yes, today begins a new order. Your lands, your possessions, your very lives, will gladly be given in tribute to me, General Zod! In return for your obedience you will enjoy my generous protection. In other words you will be allowed to live. As for this "Superman".... come to me son of Yahweh, kneel before Zod!
@BrookeK92 10 жыл бұрын
Go away :)
@DrMichaelWolf 10 жыл бұрын
Even while mocking god the creator, you managed to unknowingly acknowledge that land rightfully belongs to god its creator & not to the self serving. This is why your not god but more importantly this is why we cannot selfishly own land in servitude for ourselves, since we did not generously create that which is a provision for all.
@BrookeK92 10 жыл бұрын
jared fargo Incolent fool! Bow down to the one true God! Lord Bielchiquixiliumorimbub! Don't believe me? No? Then why should I believe you?
@GeneralZod99 10 жыл бұрын
jared fargo It is pronounced *Zod*, not god. Where is the son of Yahweh? Why is he hiding? I win. I always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?
@GodlessScummer 6 жыл бұрын
Kneel before Zod.
@tinaspringer651 7 жыл бұрын
dismissing fairytale fantasy stories in a book is not dismissing evidence. It's dismissing fairytale fantasy stories
@wayneb4255 10 жыл бұрын
4:08 "No the Koran was not written by an eye witness. It does not contain miracles" As I understand it Muslims believe that the Koran itself is a miracle delivered by an angel.
@charleshobbs8679 9 жыл бұрын
desperate caller....grasping at straws
@simon201063 8 жыл бұрын
3:59 into this video and I'm mystified as to how Matt tolerated the caller for this long.
@ryandubois3675 7 жыл бұрын
He's completely wrong about the Qur'an. Most Muslims believe the miracles. Like Muhammad riding a Pegasus to heaven.
@kinganimal3075 7 жыл бұрын
Splitting the moon in half too.
@shanewilson7994 9 жыл бұрын
What the caller tends to not understand is that there is a huge difference between a mundane claim, and one that can be backed up by additional supporting evidence, than "a man rose from the dead, and an army of zombies also rose on the same day" without any real additional supporting evidence.
@jeradclark8533 8 жыл бұрын
As to the anonymity of Tacitus' annals you must be joking. The gospel of Matthew is a one off work, the only text we have from this author, the artist formerly known as Matthew. Tacitus is quite different. We have his Dialogue on oratory, Agricola, Germania, the Histories and the Annals. He gives biographical information in Germania, hell Agricola is about his father in law! He also gives biographical information in the Histories. That is why apologists never mention these works when using this argument. The Histories and the Annals are not two separate works but are clearly meant to be read in tandem. The Annals are a prequel to the histories and are therefore linked to the histories. By analyzing the syntax, grammar, themes, biases, vocabulary and more in all of these works we know they were written by the same author. The very same author who also wrote letters to his friend Pliny the Younger who names him. Scientists have proven that each person has a unique writing style. This theory has been verified in dozens of observed experiments. However apologists dishonestly assert that this authorship was established via a single offhand quote similar to the basis of the authorship of the gospel written by the artist formerly known as Matthew. Not even close. The day that the gospel of Matthew can allow archaeologists, as in forensic scientists the ability to locate and explain hundreds if not thousands of pieces of physical evidence to say nothing of the massive explanatory power Tacitus gives historians, when the gospel does that only then can we compare "Matthew" to Tacitus. And that is just the first thing wrong with his argument...
@ronhickson72 10 жыл бұрын
The Koran kicks off with the miracle of an Angelic visiting Mohammed while he slept.
@davids11131113 9 жыл бұрын
Right, Kabane just makes up whatever suits his baseless arguments and lies about the rest.
@RandyRandersonthefamous 12 жыл бұрын
"if religious people were reasonable there wouldn't be religious people" -I forget
@llkiii3139 8 жыл бұрын
How could Matthew be an eye witness? His gospel is said to have been written about 80 C.E., about five decades after Jesus died. Furthermore, he wrote in very good Greek, indicating he was highly educated. In contrast, the disciples were probably illiterate Aramaic speakers. Plus, Matthew writes in the third-person. From what I can tell, the writer is narrating events from a third person perspective, and never seems to claim to be an eye witness at all. Plus some of what Matthew wrote could not have been something any of Jesus's disciples ever witnessed directly. For example, details related to Jesus's birth as well as details concerning the conversation he had with God in Gesthemane (while Peter and the Sons of Zebedee slept).
@aesericho3651 8 жыл бұрын
Sources? Not arguing, just would like to know
@llkiii3139 8 жыл бұрын
+Aeser Icho I recommend Bart Ehrman's book, Jesus Interrupted. Ehrman aside, you can get a good feel for the contemporary scholarship regarding the gospels by performing a Google search such as "dating the gospels." I recommend steering clear of any blatantly fundamentalist websites and sticking to material published by more neutral sources instead. Carm.org and other fundamentalist websites are too steeped in theological commitments to actually critically examine the gospels from an objective standpoint.
@llkiii3139 8 жыл бұрын
+Aeser Icho I recommend Bart Ehrman's book, Jesus Interrupted. Ehrman aside, you can get a good feel for the contemporary scholarship regarding the gospels by performing a Google search such as "dating the gospels." I recommend steering clear of any blatantly fundamentalist websites and sticking to material published by more neutral sources instead. Carm.org and other fundamentalist websites are too steeped in theological commitments to actually critically examine the gospels from an objective standpoint.
@llkiii3139 8 жыл бұрын
+Aeser Icho Also, there are many great vids on the gospels right here on KZbin. Profmth has a channel with many videos that break down the claimed fulfilled prophecies contained in Matthew. TruthSurge also has an interesting series of videos on the gospels entitled, Excavating the Empty Tomb.
@aesericho3651 8 жыл бұрын
Lewis K. Ya I steer clear of any fundamental groups. Thnx
@AGrayPhantom 6 жыл бұрын
This is probably the best oppositional caller I've heard on this show. Unfortunately, debate isn't a very good pathway to truth.
@SspaceB 2 жыл бұрын
Especially when your bald opponent is stubborn and in bad faith
@myoung48281 9 жыл бұрын
People seeing religious symbols in clouds, trees, reflections, and those are in the 20th century. People see what they want to see, can you imagine how much more intense that phenomena was 2000 years ago.
@ronmc4554 8 жыл бұрын
Kabane told a few lies in this video.
@davids11131113 8 жыл бұрын
And special pledding.
@Traitorman..Proverbs26.11 6 жыл бұрын
One of the best ways to argue ones position. Claim some lie and then deflect from any counter argument by saying “you don’t know and I have done extensive research”.
@thomash1992 10 жыл бұрын
Jesus built a stargate in my back yard. Based on the theistic standard of evidence, you have no choice but to believe this.
@prodprod 10 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid Matt really didn't do a very good job defending himself here. You could easily reference someone like Sathya Sai Baba -- a contemporary Indian mystic (although I think he's actually dead now) who was believed to be a living God by hundreds of thousands of people, was witnessed by any number of people to heal the sick, raise the dead, perform miracles -- and they certainly weren't hypnotized. And whatever excuse Kabane might give -- that he was a fraud, that it was mass hallucination, etc -- right back at ya regarding Jesus' miracles.
@sabin97 10 жыл бұрын
perhaps he was not aware of sathya sai baba? i think his religious expertise is in christianity, i'm not sure he knows much more than the average person about taosim, hinduism and other religions.
@cadenpolen9531 10 жыл бұрын
Okay; prove your standard of evidence, or gtfo.
@prodprod 10 жыл бұрын
I'll assume, to a degree of generosity that your comment certainly doesn't merit, that when you say "prove" you mean it in the context of "test" -- the test for any standard of evidence is robustness -- namely that when you apply it to something, it yields accurate results. If you apply a standard of evidence to something that can be confirmed through independent means and the results are consistent, there's a good chance that you've arrived at some useful methodology, which you can then move into unexplored realms. For instance, you first confirm DNA testing on populations whose identity and relatedness is known. If it works consistently on confirming those patterns of relatedness, then you have a good basis for extending the use of those tests on individuals of unknown relatedness. In the same way, you start with contemporary examination of miraculous claims and see what sort of robust confirmations you can get -- and then try to extent that process. Unfortunately, there really hasn't been any consistent confirmation of contemporary miracle claims. Just lots of anecdotal evidence. That is evidence, no doubt. But it just doesn't add up to anything that meets the standard of "robustness." There's nothing there that allows anyone to make any sort of prediction about the nature or reality of any particular miracle or miracles generally, whether they're likely to happen in the present, the past, the future -- or even if they're really happening now at all or ever happened or ever will happen -- or if the entire thing is a pseudo-phenomenon which can be explained by strictly natural causes. And if that's not enough for you -- gfu.
@yussuqmadiq5274 10 жыл бұрын
What he was trying to say that he doesn't have the information at hand. But not many former Christians are aware of other religions.
@cadenpolen9531 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah actually "prodprod" you have proven nor given ANY evidence whatsoever that support your beliefs or claims at all other than there was a book that was passed on and has anecdotal report. None of this stands as actual evidence, otherwise EVERYONE would believe it. The difference between science and religion is that although science cannot have absolute certainty, religion has no evidence or certainty behind it at all other than faith. K u can gtfo now, thx for your ignorance FYI you sinned by telling me to gfu. Thanks for your being kind to all. Hypocrite.
@expaddler 9 жыл бұрын
The simplest way to address this issue...The text that we call The Gospel According to Matthew was written anonymously.
@FartisticFlatulence 12 жыл бұрын
Answers to your questions: 1 - Most mentioned: because the story is popular. 2: Number of bibles in print: again, popular. Neither of these provides any support to miracle claims (both are appeals to popularity). 3. Why argue against belief in god: Beliefs have consequences when people act on them. Beliefs that are unsupported by the facts tend to be counterproductive.
@abdulrahmanalhumidan3854 10 жыл бұрын
The Qur'an mentioned some miracles... One of them is the prophet journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascending to heaven... Another one is how Allah broke the moon into to pieces.... So according to Tommy, those miracles happened, which proves the Islamic religion to be true, and he should accept it...
@bamdam2848 10 жыл бұрын
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL allah broke the moon into pieces balalalala we must kill the infidels now in the name of mo peace be upon him
@Rippedflesh69 10 жыл бұрын
No religion ; then humanity will make progress!
@rossini55 10 жыл бұрын
I can think of three examples off the top of my head of 'miracles' in the quran. The splitting of the moon, Mo going to meet dead people on a flying horse with a human head, and a murdered man coming back to life after being hit with a cow leg and accusing his killer, lol
@rossini55 3 жыл бұрын
@Anthony James Quran gives brief mentions and hadith and other texts fill in the details: Night Journey flying horse Q17.1 Splitting Moon Q54.1 Yellow Cow story Q2. 67-73
@612Tiberius 10 жыл бұрын
How could anyone think that this kid came out ahead in this discussion? He talks fast, and knew one point of fact that Matt didn't, so half a point for him for that - that's all. Even that is negated by his lack of understanding of what special pleading is.
@hrsqsiest 7 жыл бұрын
This kid sounds like a recent graduate from the Sye Ten school of dishonest debate. Matt: I didn't say that. Caller: But, but, but you have to say that. It's in my script. I say A, you say B, I then say C, causing you to say D, I then say E.................
@TheReddaredevil223 10 жыл бұрын
This theist came the closest I've ever seen to making a coherent argument.
@ZER0-- 8 жыл бұрын
How does he know that Matthew wasn't hipnotised to think he saw was miracles? That DOES make much more sense.
@GeorgeLiavas 3 жыл бұрын
Apostolic succession also refutes Matt's claims. We have a direct lineage of bishops from the apostles to today. My local priest can trace back to Andrew. We have the list of every Patriarchate.
@d007ization 12 жыл бұрын
Great argument bro. Everyone who has no experience in debate will have similar problems.
@Camerinus 12 жыл бұрын
Tacitus: (1) His *contemporary* Pliny the Younger wrote letters to him that were preserved. Kabane relies on his apologist Christians who ignore the evidence that is inconvenient to them. Pliny's letters 1.6, 1.20, 4.13, etc. etc. are addressed to Tacitus. (2) What matters most is that many if not most modern historians are critical or very critical of Tacitus' history. There is no *Tacitus apologist*. If there is, such a person wouldn't need to be taken seriously by professional historians.
@KRT054 9 жыл бұрын
The following passage is taken from the Holy Bible's book of Mark chapter 4, verses 11 through 12. This passage records the words of Jesus instructing his disciples to lie to people. (Authorized King James Version of 1611): MARK 4:11-12 11 And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: 12 That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them. The following three passages record what the God that Jesus is supposed to be the only begotten son of states: EXODUS 23:7 7 Keep thee far from a false matter; and the innocent and righteous slay thou not: for I will not justify the wicked. DEUTERONOMY 10:17 17 For the LORD your God is God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons , nor taketh reward: DEUTERONOMY 24:17 17 Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the stranger, nor of the fatherless; nor take a widow's raiment to pledge: Christianity is really a very bad religion. And to think that the church has led people to believe that Jesus was God's free gift of salvation to humanity. How disgraceful!!!
@laurakenny359 8 жыл бұрын
Special pledding
@ryleighs9575 7 жыл бұрын
More like special PLEB-ing.
@Bamont 12 жыл бұрын
@leftovers0 Incorrect. Buddhism still falls under the "assumption of divinity" based on the teachings of Gautama. While at it's core it might be better considered a "way to live" - there are still magical elements attached to it which a plethora of people do consider divine. Granted, it's not the same level of divinity as the Big Three.. but they still think it's inspired by something which can't be proven.
@richieblackhearted 11 жыл бұрын
Just so you know, Christ was already dead before he was pulled off the cross. Death was caused by either exposure, starvation, critical wounds from the crucifixion or the "merciful" death from a soldiers spear while on the cross. This depends on what passage you're reading though as all biblical accounts of Christs death and resurrection are contradicting in some way or another. I share this with you because your comment is open to a wide variety of critique. It helps to know in advance.
@Avatra1 12 жыл бұрын
You know, for writing so much, you really do not write much at all. It's the same old "it's your fault, you are biased, you bring up false assumptions" You still didn't answer the question, instead you dodged it, and placed the blame on the person asking the question, that's so nice.
@giorgiomx 11 жыл бұрын
That's the "sister" question of "What are your beliefs?", this what society has convinced itself, that you need a belief for your life to make sense, but because you and I know that to believe is not knowing then is like asking "what is that that you don´t know and base your life on it?", so instead of that we base our life in the understanding of the consequences of our actions, and we go from there, exercising real moral, not someone else's imposed "moral", which would be obeying.
@venom769 12 жыл бұрын
I have a problem with the line of argument here: Matt justifies applying a different standard to Matthew than Tacitus because Matthew's claims are extraordinary. But that's not the point. Matthew's Gospel was written with the intention of being understood as true and based on historical fact. Agreeing with the content or not is a separate issue. That doesn't have any connection with what standard one uses to determine authorship. Applying an inconsitant standard also weakens the argument.
@rationalmartian 11 жыл бұрын
Here here. Splendidly put m8. Nice one and a thumb up.
@casablanca4381 12 жыл бұрын
@elvebrothergenju i'm glad to hear you would treat me with standards i have for myself and others.Not a lot of people do that on the net these days. Thank you
@DebunkingTheNarrative 11 жыл бұрын
2) Every time you find multiple components working together to give an over all function and each component is placed in a coordinated fashion.This attribute always comes from a mind. Laptops Iphones ect. So I ask you what force besides a mind is capable of arranging all the components of the cell in a coordinated fashion in order to give an over all function like that of a laptop. This is what you are obligated to answer under your atheistic world view.
@1upyermom 11 жыл бұрын
That was one clever little scoundrel, that caller was dexterous in the art of shifting the argument to his advantage and twisting words meaning.
@Bamont 12 жыл бұрын
@4IDHero It's not 'generalizing'. A religion is a belief system based on the assumption of divinity. If you can demonstrate that a majority of religions do not follow the criteria in my previous sentence, then I'll say you have a point. It's fine if you try to make sense of life, the issue is that you have no demonstrable evidence to prove why your deity exists over anyone else's, or why any rational or logical person would agree with something that has no evidence to support it.
@magdalenasalas9467 9 жыл бұрын
Awesome, Caller thumbs up
@SuperAnimalDrummer 12 жыл бұрын
how? just because the kid is obviously intelligent, and is able to sound convinced of himself aside from being unable to demonstrate the truth of the gospels, does not mean that Matt got owned. Actually, Matt was able to deflect this caller at every turn.
@firstatheist 12 жыл бұрын
I like how "Kabane" thinks that the speed of his reply informs the validity of it.
@pyrespirit 11 жыл бұрын
The basics of logic are not immaterial, they are in fact directly material. They're not bestowed upon us, and do not require people to be conscious of them in order to exist. Things are what they are regardless of whether something is there to observe them. They're not what they're not. And they're not halfway between what they are and aren't.
@BlackhawkBrown 12 жыл бұрын
It's interesting that the caller seems to admit that the text is "ALL THE EVIDENCE" for these miracles.
@unnervingfalcon 8 жыл бұрын
(Alien abduction not under hypnosis example) The movie Fire In The Sky about lumberjacks and one taken. Movie made by their accounts.
@ALEXANDER1318 11 жыл бұрын
True enough, it was late at night when I posted both comments, so my tired mind made me write it in a strange way I guess. I've removed the comments to prevent misinterpretation.
@CJCroen1393 7 жыл бұрын
Well, to be fair... if you have a pet bird, then you have a pet dinosaur. And if you have a pet monitor lizard, then you have a pet dragon.
@ryleighs9575 7 жыл бұрын
How's that being fair? You're reaching so far I'm surprised you haven't pulled something. Birds MIGHT be debatable, but there are no animals we've observed which resemble a dragon in the most significant aspects; monitor lizards can not breath fire, nor do they have wings to fly.
@CJCroen1393 7 жыл бұрын
Birds ARE dinosaurs and monitor lizards were the inspiration for dragon myths. Simple. One can also argue that "I have a pet dragon" is accurate if they conveniently leave out the word "bearded" (a bearded dragon is a type of lizard that is very commonly kept as a pet).
@SweRaider1993 12 жыл бұрын
I do it and probably many others because of our social issues in society. Religions (most) goes against almost everything we strive to achieve which is understanding, acceptance, peace, progress, etc. So its a good cause, not the most efficient but it's doing something.
@derek24hudson 12 жыл бұрын
@realtyofislam Hitchens spoke equally passionately against the dangerous nonsense of religion after his diagnosis for cancer. IF he had 'had doubts' about his beliefs in the light of his imminent death then that would have been a gigantic argument AGAINST faith, demonstrating that FEAR is the biggest motivation in the invention of gods and afterlives.
@SweRaider1993 12 жыл бұрын
That's probably the biggest reason ^^ Haha make sure to take a break sometimes, it can get real frustrating sometimes because people are on completely different levels of understanding and opinion. You have to take that into account too. I've recently been arguing with some people who tried to argue with science that they didn't understand. That's when it gets out of hand. I think science is our common understanding and if we don't have a solid foundation then there is nothing to be discussed.
@PeopleMustAct 10 жыл бұрын
"’Muslims scholars dismiss the hadith", simply a lie. most of the Muslim religeon is derived from hadith which is a vast collection of verbal and written tradition.
@TheMisterGuy 12 жыл бұрын
No, he says "stop" when the caller goes off on a tangent or keeps repeating a defeated or irrelevant point. It happens a lot. This caller isn't the worst about it, there are others who try to rant and ramble for ten minutes at a time on stuff that has nothing to do with the conversation.
@richieblackhearted 11 жыл бұрын
In fairness, the resurrection of a corpse after 3 days would be miraculous though, and I think that is the main principle behind the Resurrection/Ascension Miracle mythos. The point to enforce it is that Christ was dead for some time (several days at the least) before his resurrection.
@mellodees3663 11 жыл бұрын
This conversation was challenging.
@davidvickers2272 9 жыл бұрын
lol, the caller says that alien encounter stories are false because they come from people in a hypnotic state. What does that say about all the god encounters in the bible that came from days and weeks of fasting?
@FormerHumanX 12 жыл бұрын
Tommy claims that the Koran doesn't contain miracles. The entire basis of the Koran is that the archangel Gabriel came down from heaven to visit Mohammed and then dictated the word of god to him. That's how the Koran was supposedly written. Is that not a miracle?
@neelzen9975 5 жыл бұрын
Tommy doesnt need gym, his mental gymnastics to defend his zombie magician burns enough calories to keep him fit
@feydrautha012 11 жыл бұрын
Miracles in other religions (all with as much evidence as zombie Jesus): Mithras born from a stone, Adonis died and reborn, Arachne turned into a spider by Athena, death/rebirth of Xipe Totec, visitation by angels for Muhammed/Joseph Smith, etc. So why has God(s) suddenly become unable/unwilling to perform miracles when they could be recorded?
@Ekkie101 10 жыл бұрын
I'm digging that music. Is that Mose Allison?
@Bamont 12 жыл бұрын
@4IDHero Simply because he couldn't have provided an example at that point in time doesn't make his logical arguments carry any less weight. There are people from all over the world that claim to experience miracles, all from different religious groups, many of which do not follow Christianity. It's irrelevant if it's subjective or not - religion is a completely subjective concept which is why there are so many different interpretations of them (30,000+ in Christianity alone).
@NoctambulantJoycean 12 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I already said I agree with some of Dillahunty's. But agreement is not an excuse for overlooking poor argumentation or not being charitable to your opponent. Kabane made many plausible points and asked reasonable questions which Dillahunty unfairy addressed. That was all I was pointing out. I'd be happy to explain why we was unfair, once you calm down.
@susheel2k7 11 жыл бұрын
If people did not care about afterlife, I am convinced there would be no religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc.
@Pokerstiend 11 жыл бұрын
Continued (Part 3): The caller said his name was Tommy, and this is reasonable to take at face-value because "Tommy" is a common name for people. However, the Gospel stories make super-natural claims, and I don't blame atheists one bit for not suspending their disbelief. If I told someone that I went to the mall yesterday, they may not know for sure if this was true, but there's nothing weird about this claim. But if I said that I had a battle with Alien invaders, then that's a different story.
@ludodegroote3783 10 жыл бұрын
Matt's "ball pen twist" is cool....
@warrensmith8161 7 жыл бұрын
Tacitus is "tacit" and Matthew was a "tax collector" who just happened to take other peoples work and claim it for his own. "Do you have eyes but fail to see...?"
@billyfer97 12 жыл бұрын
i love the flying spaghetti monster in the back round
@Sinnessa 12 жыл бұрын
It's ok. I didn't expect you to handle a serious response.
@Avatra1 12 жыл бұрын
I explained why religions would be wrong in that example, here is the same explanation, albeit with some more flesh to it so you see why you are being dishonest. 1. Until you prove it, you are making guesses. 2. Even if other dimensions exist, it doesn't make your god of the gaps/appeal to ignorance/shifting the burden of proof argument correct. 3. Even if other dimensions exist, and gods exist, you still had to prove that it was your god. Why is this so freaking hard to understand?
@TheRamas4 12 жыл бұрын
What ever I can see, feel, touch or hear or rationally and logically analyze with the available evidences.
@NBM397 12 жыл бұрын
That caller is a great example of the logic of Erasmus Montanus (i.e. Mother cannot fly. A rock cannot fly. Ergo; Mother is a rock).
@Pokerstiend 11 жыл бұрын
But even things that can accepted at face-value are obviously not always true. The big difference is: some claims are very plausible and a person can have reasonable expectations that they are real and believe in them and accept as true (until shown otherwise), even if you aren't 100% sure. However, super-natural claims are very bizarre, and there's nothing wrong if a person doesn't accept it based on face value (even if it's ultimately true).
@ingenjannik 12 жыл бұрын
Matt didn't do a good job in this conversation like he usually does. He didn't stay calm even though the caller was polite and tried to make logical statements, non the less he failed to do so.
@cglegg 12 жыл бұрын
Sometimes the Internet makes me happy. Reading these comments is one of those times.
@DJHypernovaUKHC 11 жыл бұрын
The annals are not anonymous. We have a very good understanding of who Tacitus was and his work. He was hardly obscure, he was a consul under nerva. The author of Matthew on the other hand, we dont even know his name.
@davids11131113 11 жыл бұрын
'Jesus was NOT a hypnotist!' I'm gettin that on a t-shirt.
@pyrespirit 11 жыл бұрын
Holy straw man, batman. I didn't claim 'atheism is science', I said that the answer to your question arises from a scientific world view And no, we don't 'objectively know the attributes of other minds', we know that something is designed when we can see it being designed. Period. The fact that we know laptops are designed is irrelevant when it comes to for example cars We know cars are designed because we see them being designed, not because we know laptops are designed
@Em183 12 жыл бұрын
wow just wow I got no no words for Tommy.
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