2019年Cafe在海選一開口的時候我就知道他有該年前五強的資格,然後就一直上網搜尋他的背景和其他作品, 至於2019年為什麼在雙人合作賽就被淘汰我就不多說了,也因此與那人有了beef(但Cafe通常都是以很幽默和尊重的方式對待PK對手),今年進四強是他早該應得的。 Cafe就算最後沒有冠軍,那也只是他的作品不適合競技,但他的藝術很明顯地就擺在那裡,無庸置疑。 It's real he is an artist of hip hop.
I don’t know the meaning of this song, I had to even Shazam it to get it. I like it. All Chinese people use it as their Audio in the vlogs going to study abroad and it made me like it