kale, potatoes, and a very fatty sausage! …. Grünkohl mit Pinkel 4K

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bigfun ...   American in Germany

bigfun ... American in Germany

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Bitte senden Sie mir Ihre Vorschläge für Ihr deutsches Lieblingsessen, das ich essen sollte!
Please send me your suggestions, for your favorite German food that I should eat!
Thank you so much for stopping by! Here is the link to buy your BIGFUN coffee mug ...
If you are new here ... My name is Scott, aka BIGFUN, and I am from Chicago, and now live in Germany! Come with me as I discover fun things and foods in my new life here!

Пікірлер: 60
@fivelakeguitar2024 8 ай бұрын
I'm bavarian but this is the best winter soul food ! Trust me ! 😋👍🏻
@muscledcowboy 8 ай бұрын
Grünkohl? Leeeeecker! Dafür würde ich sterben! Hat meine Oma und meine Mama immer gemacht. Schade, dass es Grünkohl in keinem Lokal gibt!
@martingerlitz1162 8 ай бұрын
I am from the north and love it so much. It gives you a warm belly and with a Schnaps it goes very nicely!! Have lots of happy friends around and go out in the cold before or after 😊
@uwezemke744 8 ай бұрын
Here we eat the kale either with greaves or with clarified butter. In addition to the cooked sausage (Mettenden), there is also Kasseler and smoked pork cheek. Things are often different here with the potatoes too, because here you get caramelized fried potatoes, i.e. slightly sweet fried potatoes. In the past, you could only harvest kale after the first frost, otherwise it was simply too bitter. But that has been bred away over the years. Here in the north we often call kale “Friesian palm” because there are very large plants.
@BudderGolemxx 8 ай бұрын
@thomasstehmann4277 8 ай бұрын
Und dazu ein frisches Jever oder Flensburger Pils!
@lw7108 8 ай бұрын
In der Not auch ohne Grünkohl...
@nordwestbeiwest1899 8 ай бұрын
Und einen oder mehreren Kurzen (shorts/shots), grins .....
@vallara1974 8 ай бұрын
Lol, perhaps it is a good thing that you live more to the south of Germany. I do not know how I would survive without "Grünkohl" here in Bremen. It seems like everyone is waiting for "the season" to arrive each year, much like with white asparagus in the Münsterland when I lived there. Kudos for braving the kale though ;)
@simplepatience 8 ай бұрын
To get the real flavour of german kale with pinkel u have to cook the kale together with Kassler and Mettenden for at least one and a half hour. Also we cook the Pinkel separately in water and after it is cooked we open it and scratch the inside out of the skin and mix it together with the kale after it is cooked, we dont eat it like a Sausage. Sorry for my bad english 🤣
@friedhelmmunker7284 8 ай бұрын
Grünkohl mit Pinkel und Kartoffeln gab es bei der Bundeswehr immer beim Schießen mit G3, MG3, P9.
@JohnHazelwood58 8 ай бұрын
My favourite part of this dish is ... the mustard you forgot to mix with the Grünkohl!? o_O I also mix my potatoes into it, too. Anyway: Nice video, nice weekend! :)
@TheTerrorHamster 8 ай бұрын
Some people like it, some people hate it. I kinda like it. But one time I bought Grünkohl in a can and it was very bad. I could not finish eating it. But sometimes I buy a package of ready to eat "Kohl König" from the supermarket and that is good. And on every other ocasion it was good too
@arnodobler1096 8 ай бұрын
Oft ist es die Kombination.
@s.bel.7046 8 ай бұрын
Please try IT again. In The right season in The right City . You will Love IT. Or make a Weekend Tour Till end of march in Niedersachsen. Oldenburg, Bremen, Hamburg und umzu... A good mustard ... A good smoked Kasslernacken .... Pinkelwurst und Mettenden.
@AnteFuerst 8 ай бұрын
was es bei meiner oma früher gab war, kesselfleisch mit sauerkraut und kartoffelbrei. das war auch immer sehr lecker. hab das auch ganz gerne mit kassler anstelle des kesselfleisches gegessen. 👌
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 8 ай бұрын
das klingt gut! ich liebe sauerkraut!
@Eowyn77 8 ай бұрын
lol, yeah, it's definitely an aquired taste! When the kale is too bitter you can always add a spoonful of honey.... and, of course, mixing it with mashed potatoes also makes it more enjoyable
@PropperNaughtyGeezer 8 ай бұрын
I don't know. Normally it is important that the whole thing with the smoked meat, Mettwurst, ham, onions and plenty of clarified butter cook together for a few hours. Broth is gradually added during cooking to maintain the consistency. So the pure kale from the jar doesn't taste like that, it's just one ingredient.
@monolith2063 5 ай бұрын
Definitiv. Der Grünkohl muss mit ordentlich Piment gewürzt werden. Und ich haue immer noch eine gute Portion Knipp mit in den Grünkohl, das gibt den Extrageschmack.
@jenswand9264 8 ай бұрын
You missed to add a good portion of Bautzener/Löwensenf Extra (hot) to the kale itself and have some on the side for the sausage / cured pork :D
@SirOliverNorwell 8 ай бұрын
Hello Scott! Pinkel with mustard (!) is a must. Try it with mittelscharfem (medium spicy) Senf, not sweet mustard. For me anyway. Pinkel is kind of a high quality Mettwurst. If you get high quality Pinkel it's really delicious. It should be softer than a common Mettwurst, especially inside. Must correct myself: Pinkel is a Grützwurst, not a Mettwurst. Sorry, I'm not a butcher.😊
@monolith2063 5 ай бұрын
Pinkel and Mettwurst are two totally different things.
@martingerlitz1162 8 ай бұрын
But don't worry, some like it, some don't 😊
@peter_meyer 8 ай бұрын
Scott, if you don't enjoy the kale, try sprinkling some sugar over it. That's a whole different story. And that Pinkel didn't look right. I only know them with a metal clamp at both ends.
@simplepatience 8 ай бұрын
No this is the right Pinkel, what u mean with the metal clamps is Kohlwurst / Lungenwurst its different from Pinkel.
@markalexander71332 8 ай бұрын
Kohl riecht nie gut beim Kochen 😂😂😂. Aber wenn man es isst.😊
@JanHummer 8 ай бұрын
Bisschen Kümmel dazu - ruhig in einem Teebeutel - und es riecht deutlich besser.
@lw7108 8 ай бұрын
Wir leben in Hessen in einer Grünkohl-freien Zone. :) Glaube sogar, noch nie welchen gegessen zu haben.
@monolith2063 5 ай бұрын
Ich komme aus dem Norden, wohne aber in Hessen. Daher bringe ich jedes Jahr vom Familienbesuch alle Zutaten eingeschweißt mit (kann man mittlerweile auch online bestellen) und dann koche ich es selber nach dem Familienrezept. Hat bisher jedem geschmeckt.
@harvey6412 8 ай бұрын
Lecker Essen. Schönes Wochenende
@Rick2010100 8 ай бұрын
Tip: Cut a slice of the Pinkel or bacon or potatoe and put always some Grünkohl on the fork bite. The combination of the tastes is the secret.
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 8 ай бұрын
i did that in the video … but ehhhhh.
@janpracht6662 8 ай бұрын
As a Lower Saxony and Hamburg guy I've been used to Braunkohl and Pinkel with potatos since my childhood and I appreciate it. Yes, it is a very hearty meal, normally North Germans only cook it in the fall and the winter (at 35 degree in July I could not eat it!). You need strong North German beer with it, for example Holsten, Astra or Jever and at least two glasses of Schnaps afterwards for digestion (I recommend an "Erzgebirgler" or if you are tough "Magaretenschnaps"). Also important: B and P is a sociable foot, in North Germany some coach-operators even offer day trips to have it somewhere. Often people here meet in larger groups, because eating B and P alone is boring. But mainly it is a thing in the north, it is not so common in the rest of Germany.
@thomasseidel2381 8 ай бұрын
Oh dear, you forgot to drink some Schnaps after the meal. It's essential!
@HHIngo 8 ай бұрын
I'm from Hamburg We eat Grünkohl with caramelized potatoes.
@tim10243 8 ай бұрын
I am from Nordfriesland and we eat it the same way. It has to come with porks cheek for mee too - and some mustard!
@chrismeyer9402 8 ай бұрын
Ich war damals auf nem Internat. Immer, wenn es Grünkohl mit Pinkel gab, hatte die Imbissbude im Dorf den höchsten Umsatz des Jahres. Bäääääh! Alle paar Jahre gebe ich Grünkohl und Pinkel eine Chance (meine Cousine lädt mich immer ein, und ich belüge sie immer), aber es will einfach nicht leckerer werden. Wie ich schon sagte: Bäääääääh!
@crazy71achmed 8 ай бұрын
Schade, daß Du und der Grünkohl nicht zusammengefunden haben. :)
@girlfromgermany 8 ай бұрын
Did you buy fresh Grühnkohl for this recipe? Because I've never seen fresh Grünkohl anywhwere where I live. I'd love to try it because everyone I know says they don't like it.
@Tiwi81 8 ай бұрын
Die Wurst und die Kartoffeln müssen alles zusammen kochen. Dann geht das Wurstaroma in den Grünkohl...! Am besten schmeckt es am nächsten Tag in der Pfanne angebraten.😊
@3.k 8 ай бұрын
I kept waiting for the moment when you taste the sausage and the Grünkohl at the same time, but when the moment came, I was disappointed because you were disappointed. There’s still a chance that another recipe or ingredients from another source might be more of your taste, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Maybe if you try it once a year, at diverse places, you could acquire a taste for it. 😊
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 8 ай бұрын
i do think i need to try it in a restaurant, or a homemade recipe from someone, if i ever get up north! lol … that could make a difference for sure!
@peterpain6625 8 ай бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany Either that or get some German mom/grandma cook it for you. Also you could try to find a butcher having ready-to-warm-up Grünkohl to buy. You didn't do that bad for the first try but Grünkohl takes some practice to get right...
@bigfunanAmericaninGermany 8 ай бұрын
in my area there was nothing, only the grünkohl mit zwiebeln in the jar … bummer.
@peterpain6625 8 ай бұрын
@@bigfunanAmericaninGermany Jikes. Maybe a farmers market somewhere? You can even get ready-made Grünkohl from "not further away than ~30km" in any supermarket over here (Between Osnabrück and Hannover). Guess your best option is to search for a decent restaurant with Grünkohl in the menu. We've got plenty in my area ;)
@fafnirdrache1210 8 ай бұрын
Grünkohl mit Pinkel - richtig gemacht ist zum reinlegen! Aber es ist halt nicht jedermanns Sache. Ja es schmeckt intensiv, aber genau das Richtige für kalte Wintertage. Zu Zeiten, in denen Lebensmittel nicht um die halbe Welt geflogen wurden lieferte Grünkohl Vitamin C und der Speck, das Kassler und die Pinkel die Energie um durch den Winter zu kommen. Kale with sausage - done right is great! But it's just not for everyone. Yes, it tastes intense, but just right for cold winter days. At a time when food wasn't flown halfway around the world, kale provided vitamin C and bacon, smoked pork and sausage provided the energy to get through the winter.
@a_lethe_ion 8 ай бұрын
I made my American girlfriend Grünkohl In a can? Hun no, please. I had to work a bit BC I'm a vegetarian and so using goosefat and pigs lard is not possible. In bioläden and Reformhäusern there's vegetarian schmalz with apple and crunchy onions, i used that and ghee (butterfat) For the meats id use smoked tofu and it was really really good. Gf eats animals so I gave her the recipe
@alexandraweiss9459 8 ай бұрын
Du musst alles zusammen in 1 Topf kochen. Dann schmeckt das viel besser. 😀 Lieben Gruss aus Bulgarien Alexandra vom Kanal: Die Auswanderer Doku
@franz1102 8 ай бұрын
just say that your don´t like it, thats the way we do appreciate it 👍
@nordwestbeiwest1899 8 ай бұрын
Scott maybe try the kale with herb vinegar and the sausage with mustard. The sausage, bacon and smoked pork are cooked in a pot with the kale. By the way, kale has more vitamin C than a lemon.Tip, you can also use soy sauce for flavor.
@derpizzadieb 8 ай бұрын
also poke little holes into the sausage so that the juices can get into the kale. Usually there is Bauchspeck, Pinkel und Mettenden/Rauchenden in there to give the kale flavor. I prevere to cut down the bacon to bitesize pieces, then get out the sausages, slice them up and put the Kale onto them, so you can have a perfect bite of everything everytime, not just everything individually.
@Englandfan91 8 ай бұрын
I mash the potatoes with the fork and stir it under the kale. The sausages need mustard. It needs to be fatty. It's a winter dish to warm you up. It is an acquired taste. Being from the North I grew up with it. My great grandfather used to grow it and it got harvested after the first frost. My grandma cooked it with Bauchspeck. I don't like this hype about putting kale in smoothies and stuff. Utter nonsense.
@utemalli1706 8 ай бұрын
Oh my dear! Please, NEVER eat Grünkohl from a glass or a can....you can take it fresh or frozen and when it's almost ready cooked, mix it with mustard...😊 LG
@yunnoo2847 8 ай бұрын
The best is the sausage and the potatos i dont Like Grünkohl and im a German 😂
@monolith2063 5 ай бұрын
Das beste Kohl- und Pinkelessen gibt es in Oldenburg/Oldenburger Land oder in Bremen, je nach Geschmack. Am besten dort vor Ort in einem Landgasthof in der kalten Jahreszeit essen. Wenn man es selber macht, immer am Abend vorkochen und über Nacht ziehen lassen. Am nächsten Tag schmeckt es (aufgewärmt) deutlich besser. Guck Dir die Doku mal an: kzbin.info/www/bejne/nZrYhYSjjbyYrKs
@Nachtibringer 8 ай бұрын
you're right... it stinks like hell but taste like heaven. Bon Appetit. ;)
@larsschuerer4580 7 ай бұрын
Ich selber hasse Grünkohl xD
@peterschutzek325 8 ай бұрын
Oh, Das ist Pinkel von Oldenburg, nicht von Bremen. Die sieht anders aus. Und schmeckt auch anders.
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