~ im not like other tarot readers ~ My Tarot Quirks VR

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Katey Flowers TAROT

Katey Flowers TAROT

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@lexwithbub 3 жыл бұрын
Reordering the deck is like the tarot version of "have you tried turning it off and on again?" 😂
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know if these are so much ‘quirks’ as they are some very ~particular~ habits I’ve developed over the years reading tarot! What are some of YOUR tarot quirks?
@NiamhCreates 3 жыл бұрын
I don't read for my relationship either... for the same reasons as you. I'm very happily married for 18 years, and while we do occasionally have arguments, I'm not worried about our relationship at all... and I feel like doing tarot readings on our relationship will just cause me to needlessly worry over nothing, if that makes sense. Great video!
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
It makes perfect sense to me! ❤️
@allyboo7771 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Katey, you have no idea how much you have been able to allay my doubts with tarot. I have not been able to reconcile my conflicts with a personal tarot practice. I had no idea someone else’s answers would make so much sense and bring so much peace. As someone new, I was quite bothered by cleansing practices, deck clearing energy etc etc. I feel your answers *feel right* to me! Thank you! Thank you so much! Lots of love to you! Take care, Katey!
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
As a person with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, I had so many doubts and uncertainties. I found it helpful to make my practice as simple as possible. There aren’t too many Rules with tarot, we all just have to find what works for us! ❤️
@mojobrody 3 жыл бұрын
Love your stripped back, no frills way of treating the cards and your way of using jumpers. I have been doing that more and it's almost like the deck comes alive and has a physical presence and movement of its own. But wanted to respond to your reordering. This is exactly what I do when I feel like I don't "get" a deck or have not seen the deeper offerings. Reordering allows me to see the journey of the cards afresh. Like reading a book front to back and seeing the plot unfold. Thanks for your always fun and smart way of reading and teaching!
@ikalesunflower 3 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this especially your quirk of resetting the deck by putting it back in order ❤
@lindseybeechish 3 жыл бұрын
I wait for jumpers when I'm pulling a spread too! And I do the same thing if no cards are presenting themselves -- I either rephrase or table the topic for another day. I feel so seen 😆
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Omg twins 🥲
@francesrobinson1335 3 жыл бұрын
Good morning, Katey. I always put my cards back in order when I'm done with them. It feels like I'm clearing the deck. And I don't do any ritual or use any ritual objects, either.
@jillthetree9173 3 жыл бұрын
I really love that everyone's tarot practice can be unique. As always thank you so much for sharing your personal practices. Your honesty, personal strength and acceptance help me to feel that way as well. Thanks Katey ! :O)
@aquamarine18 3 жыл бұрын
Fun!! I'm doing a VR too and I share two of your quirks -- resetting the deck + no clarifiers. I never thought of the reset as a quirk but I suppose it is!
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
I look forward to your video! I’m not sure I would’ve called most of these things ‘quirks’ before watching Saturnarium’s video… more just things I’m ~particular~ about… But tomayto tomahto 😅
@Saturnarium 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, Katey! What a delightful surprise, thank you so much for doing a VR! I absolutely loved this and your quirks make so much sense... I never expect cards to jump from the deck but when they do, I need to have a clear rule about where they belong in the spread otherwise my Virgo mind gets confused, lol. I also put the deck back in order to "unshuffle" them, but I only do this in very specific occasions, when I feel the deck is retaining memory from the last reading! I do read for my relationships all the time though.... like.... a lot, but I so understand your reasons!! Thanks again, that was fantastic!!
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video that got me thinking! I hope you’re enjoying your break from making content! ❤️
@hermit.masteroflight5970 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Katey. I very much understand you.. I think too much about when it is the right time to stop shuffling, so I got used to just wait for the card to tell me, by jumping out. And I do the same.. I never read about my long term happy being single without partner relationship with myself.. And me myself and I are extremely happy together 🙂
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly! Why mess with a good thing?! 🥰
@rochelle178 3 жыл бұрын
I feel similarly about reading for my relationship, it's just not something I want to overthink or cloud up. I'm still experimenting with how I like to draw the cards. Your method appeals to me, and I've tried it (probably since you were one of the main people I watched when I was first getting into tarot) but I'm such a clumsy shuffler that it just doesn't work for me right now. And lastly I wanted to add that lately I feel like the extra bits (music, candles, crystals) do not really add anything for me personally. The crystals are pretty so sometimes I'll pull them out, but mostly just for readings for other people.
@DanielECulbertson 3 жыл бұрын
I loved this video! First, can I just say that your editing was *on point*; the creative editing decisions you made actually added to the cohesiveness of your video rather than just being thrown in to "look cool" (like the little drumroll sound you used to separate each individual point!). As to the specific content of your video, I loved how practical and "drama-free" you keep your readings. MAJOR props for not doing relationship readings; sometimes it seems as though people think that reading about relationships is the only thing tarot is good for. In my opinion, if you want to know about the state of your relationship, it is far better to ask the person you are in a relationship *with* than it is to keep asking the tarot! I also totally agree with not doing another reading on a situation until there has been a significant change in that situation. People who do constant readings on the same subject or situation are usually just looking for a specific answer that they want to hear. I get why people are tempted to do this, but they are only going to confuse themselves in the long-run, as each new reading begins to contradict previous readings. Eventually *all* of the readings become a useless chorus of conflicting information. Thanks again for another great video! 👍
@charmckay1702 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this you seem my type of reader. I am new to tarot so still learning the basics. But you just seem to be the reader I want to be .much love ❤
@arlenewitt248 3 жыл бұрын
I so agree with your comments regarding putting a deck back in order before you pass it on. It IS just common courtesy. However, I often acquire pre-owned decks and they are almost never in order when I get them. This means I have to put the deck in order before, I can determine if all the cards are still present. I have been fortunate in that I’ve never found any missing cards, but I always check. When the deck is already an order, it’s so much easier.
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, that adrenaline rush of putting a second hand deck back in order and waiting to find out if all the cards are there or not omg 😱😅
@quantquill 3 жыл бұрын
Love all your videos, Katey, and your thoughtfulness, vision, and humanity - and the sometimes unexpected pops of humor. 😃 I hardly ever get jumpers and usually attribute them to my own clumsiness and shove them back in the deck. But while watching this video and shuffling my Ink Witch Tarot - which is only slightly bigger than a traditional tarot deck - cards were jumping out *all over the place*. The first set I put back in the deck, there were 4 or 5 cards in the bunch. I caught a glimpse of VII Pentacles as one of them. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle and two more cards fly out. One of them is the VII Pentacles. I was like, um, what are the chances? (answer: 1 in 78, lol). The other was VI Pentacles. I decided to keep them both. Kept shuffling, more cards fly out, it's a whole cascade of them so I put them all back, thinking how ridiculous that I'm so clumsy. Finally, one more card flies out of the deck. According to Benebell Wen's SKT journal, my zodiac card is 3 of swords. Guess which card? Yep. III Swords. So now I have 3 cards and I hadn't even asked a question, I'd just been shuffling away because shuffling, right? I pulled out Elliot Adam's Fearless Tarot to consider the cards and what messages I could learn from them. I recommend his book, it has wonderful journaling prompts, supportive messages, and different ways of looking at the cards than maybe some of the traditional meanings. Thank you for inspiring me to read outside my comfort zone!
@ABirdOnTheMoon 3 жыл бұрын
I think we share a lot of quirks :) * I am the same with picking my card .. I prefer the jumpers .. but sometimes .. I will be called to pick a card at either end .. it will just come and that tells me this is the card meant to be for certain position. I don't pick .. or divide .. I just let my intuition and the deck decide for me .. For a reading .. I don't pull clarifying cards too but I pull a card I call the "general advice / guidance" from the oracle deck I am called to pick and if I find any card hard .. I always try to connect it to that card .. and it works like magic. * For relationships .. I never read for any kind .. unless it is an advice or to confirm someone's feelings. I don't read for the future .. it is against my believes of what is good or beneficial. I prefer to use tarot as a tool to guide and help me .. not to tell me what to expect or to come if that makes any sense. So I will never ask a when or if questions .. I will only ask what would help or what can I focus on .. * For timing .. I think the deck can reflect the emotions and mindset we are in .. if nothing come up .. it is mostly the question or the state we are in. I never use my tarot cards for when I am not feeling well .. even if I am going through hard times, I will not use them unless I have a strong spirit .. when I am feeling in need of guidance or advice at some of my lower energy times, I will go to oracles .. I will use them either to reflect, meditate or as a mantra .. depending on what I need the most. * I rarely use tarot spreads .. for that reason. I use tarot for very deep reflection or advices and I save it as a tool for when I am fully ready to hear it. I used to do a few readings per week then turned to a weekly reading but now .. I don't do that. I have no specific reason to stop my weekly pull but I switched to an oracle pull / journaling and reflecting and that works for me. I would do a tarot pull if it was a general reading but not more than that. I know that must be weird because I can spend a month and only use my deck 4-5 times . *Recently, I've been doing a meditation with the card session of 10 min . I would do that daily .. with a music I find suitable for the erngy of that card and I would just meditate into that card. That helps me a lot connecting to the deck I am working with and I like it. * The only predictive readings I do are yearly spreads I do .. it just works for myself; have been doing it for years now and it somehow always accurate. whenever it comes to new year .. I go and look at that spread and when I reflect .. it all make sense. I advice whoever I read for to do the same .. to not focus on the reading much until they are called for. For example, August for me was so difficult with lots of headbutts roadblocks .. and nothing I do can smooth things out because other parties doesn't want to let go. Just looked into it and my card for that month was the five of wands. .. it explains it perfectly .. :) * I love cleansing my decks with smoke / salt .. I grew up watching my grandma doing that .. and it stuck in my brain .. something I do to cleanse the deck is tapping too. apparently ernegry needs shaking sometimes and tapping a deck few times ... works too :) .. This was so fun to watch .. I've been waiting to see this video since earlier this afternoon but I wasn't free until today :)
@JovianKronos 3 жыл бұрын
I also usually just use jumpers for my readings. However, some of my decks have sticky cardstocks, so I'll just riffle shuffle a few times and pull from the top. I don't have a ritual, either, other than grounding myself by taking a few deep breaths, and asking for guidances from my guides and ancestors. My way of "cleansing" after a reading is just by riffle shuffling. It's also how I "conclude" a reading. I have more, but one of my quirks is that, when I was buying decks, I would only buy it if it had something unique to any of my other decks. Either a unique theme, concept, or color palette. For example, I only have one animal deck, one deck with skeletons, one Thoth-inspired deck, etc. That way, each deck have something different to offer, and no one deck feels redundant in my collection.
@optimalwellnessyoga 3 жыл бұрын
I think you ticked every single one of my boxes and your reasonings were pretty much on the button for me as well. I can't wait to watch Saturnarium's video and others to see what I may be missing out on, lol! The comment about lighting candles and setting out crystals really stood out to me today. I think the simpler something is the easier it is to be consistent in practice. There is a part of me that wants to do all that, but it is really an excuse then to not do the reading. I think of my shuffling as setting the energy and tone.
@MaxWinner 3 жыл бұрын
I have always only read jumpers or cards sticking out....for the same reason....I've seen a lot of hate for this, especially people saying "Learn to shuffle".....I even talk to the deck lol "c'mon, give me another" haha
@tendersoulsretreat5863 3 жыл бұрын
UGGGG! That is my Charlie Brown cry for - I wish I could figure out how to film a VR! I'm making a goal to get a camera by the end of the month. My phone and computer are just to low tech. I love to watch these. "Quirkiness" I have lots of! When you talked about rituals, I thought the only ritual I have is that I will occasionally put my decks back in order as a way to "clean up/reset the energy". And then you said the same thing. Everything you said made sense to me. Only thing I may do different is when I don't get a card that stands out while shuffling, sometimes I will see if I feel drawn to a different deck. If not, I stop too.
@janetclaireSays 3 жыл бұрын
I really love your tip about resetting a deck!
@nunubarrantes8782 3 жыл бұрын
I love your videos!!! I have some decks which jump a lot. I read the spreads waiting for jumpers to appear. Very accurate readings or very helpful. My particular quirk is that when I read for different people, I tap the deck three or four times with my index finger before shuflling, I feel it helps dissipate the energy of the previous reader clinging to the cards. I do this when I meet my friends and read for them. I also do this when the tone between questions is very different in nature, say when I switch from health to love or career. I don't have rituals, I don't smudge, light candles or use crystals. I place my decks under my pillow and I sew a beautiful bag for each set as soon as I can, that's it. I interview the cards the first time and keep journals. And with new people I ask my deck if they WANT to provide insights for that person or not. I sometimes get a negative answer, typically the four of cups or tower. When they are delighted they often give me a two of cups or an ace of pentacles. Curious. Big thanks and blessigs Katey!
@dots_explorations 3 жыл бұрын
Great video! Every quirk you shared makes perfect sense to me. I enjoyed hearing your reasoning behind these habits. I especially appreciate what you said about why you don't read for your relationship and why you don't share predictive readings. Re my quirks: I don't use clarifiers and everything you said about this topic I could say exactly the same 😊. My practice is also without bells or whistles - no candles, almost never crystals or incense. But I like to use a reading cloth - for practical reasons; it's easier to pick up cards from a cloth than from a wood surface. I also like to shake one or two times the cloth out, after I put my cards in the box and finished reading. I guess this is my little quirk 😄 A symbolic act to shake off or dissipate the "energies" of the reading and to close it. (I'm saying "energies" because I don't believe in literal energies present but rather metaphorical ones. Not to mention that from a physics standpoint there is nothing as a standalone energy thing. Energy is a quantitative property of an object, not an object in itself) Much love
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
I use ‘energy’ in the same way… it’s more a way to help me describe my subjective feelings and experiences than it is a commentary on anything factually occurring 😅 Words are tricky, aren’t they?!
@dots_explorations 3 жыл бұрын
@@KateyFlowers YES. Some time ago I tried thinking of a better umbrella term that would better describe the accompanying mood, thoughts, feelings, associations that my mind makes, etc. and I couldn't find any better. So I resigned, took off my scientific hat, and adopted this "energy" term everyone in the spiritual sphere likes to use. Sidenote: I respect others can have different beliefs, I'm only expressing my own personal opinion and I'm not trying to derail the conversation into a war in the comments whether energies exist or not 😅
@riotthill 3 жыл бұрын
I too reorder a deck to ‘freshen’ it occasionally and if I’m retiring a deck for any length of time so that we start from anew when I pull it out again. When I’m working from some kind of ‘above-below’ draw above is the top card after a good shuffle, the below card is the bottom card. In a 3-card reading the middle or focus card I pull from the middle.
@queentingz1010 3 жыл бұрын
I love you Katey! We're a lot alike as I won't draw cards on my marriage bc it can deff cause anxiety for me as well. Boundaries are a beautiful thing to have!!!
@andymatzner4891 3 жыл бұрын
This was a cool video, Katey! It's neat to think about how we each relate differently with our tarot decks and the unique ways in which we work with them :)
@Tweet84 2 жыл бұрын
Omg , I thought I was weird cause I do most of the same thing😂. Especially not lighting candles and just pulling cards. Thank for sharing😊
@TintomaraAriadne 11 ай бұрын
I like you. You are cool. So much integrity. Your videos have so far been very helpful for me.
@AmethystAscensionTarot 3 жыл бұрын
Yep, it's jumpers for me also.
@cherylclough4309 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I found this quite interesting. I don’t have any quirks yet-way too new. But I do like the idea of putting the deck back in order after using it. It has been a little niggling thing to just stack the cards all anyhow and stuff them back into the box. Oh, I don’t read for my relationship either. We’ve been together for 57 years so far, hope we get 57 more! 😁Thanks again. Stay safe.
@lilyso8633 3 жыл бұрын
I love your channel so much! I was listening to what you were saying and thought to myself « See! You’re not the only one with a tendency to overthink! » I, too, am opting for simplicity when comes the time to do my readings… 😊 I don’t know if I have any « quirks » but I don’t talk of my readings with anyone nor am I keen doing predictive readings.
@rickigill5206 3 жыл бұрын
I have similiar quirks like some of yours ,ty for this video
@AvoryFaucette 3 жыл бұрын
I do cut the deck, but it was super transformational for me to shuffle for every card in a spread, too! Focusing on each specific position works better for my intuition. I only do jumpers if it's a really enthusiastic single card flying out (because I'm constantly dropping many cards, lol) but if when I cut and pull, my fingers pick up two cards, I take both for the position.
@bjrg832 3 жыл бұрын
In the beginning I had a ritual that I would use every time I would take out my deck. Now I only use the ritual for the first reading I do with a new deck comming in. I also read with jumpers - though I have one deck, that prefer the traditionel cutting of the deck🤔 Like you I never read about my relationship - I never read about my relationship with my kids either.
@tarot_esoterica_with_erin 3 жыл бұрын
What a great share! Thanks much.
@LeppardLadyRN 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing! That’s a quirk of mine as well, I also read with jumper cards and I only over hand shuffle. We are very similar in our process. I really enjoy your videos!
@jannertfol 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know if it's a quirk or not, but I always re-set my deck after a reading. It does seem to produce a more coherent reading if I'm starting from the same place each time. And must admit, I do LOVE handling my decks and putting them back in order when I've finished a reading. It's my way of saying thank you to the deck. So re-setting is never a chore. I say thank you out loud as well, if the reading has been particularly helpful, which it usually is. I never put the cards away jumbled. I don't read professionally, but if I'm reading for several people at one sitting, I simply use several different decks.
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Super interesting! I also say thank you out loud to my decks, especially when the reading has been particularly poignant ❤️
@whalesong813 3 жыл бұрын
I don't read for any relationships, not mine nor others. It is simply a talent that I don't have and it makes me very uncomfortable. I also keep a small twig, shell, rock and feather with my decks and set them out when I read. I say thank you to my deck when I am finished with a reading. I don't use clarifiers either in the traditional sense. Often a card comes up leads to another question, so I get another card. Sometimes it is a full on conversation that takes place, those readings are the most helpful and powerful for me. Terrific video, it was fun to watch.
@kelvynmartin8688 3 жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this Katey.Thank you ...Terri
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Terri!
@pamaladarsow2763 3 жыл бұрын
Some may think this is strange but I cross myself and say a short prayer before . I don’t like reading for my close family. I have but I doubt myself that I might be seeing what I want . But I do for myself . I have not heard anyone say rigamiroor in ages . (Sorry I can’t spell it ) much love from Columbus, Ohio 💗
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t think that’s strange at all. It sounds quite beautiful actually ❤️
@darklittletarot 3 жыл бұрын
very interesting video, i will have to check out saturnarium's as well ! when you mentionned returning decks in order before sending them off and it being basic ethiquette, it instantly brought me back to my childhood where i would rewind vhs tapes before returning them ! 😂 i now wonder whether those who didn't grow up with vhs would do that - perhaps you didn't ? i'm super curious whether this is a result of vhs training 🤣 i loved your video, thank you for sharing it ! i would also like to thank you for your "only10decks" tag, it gave me the much needed opportunity to start making tarot videos again. much love
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Omg yes absolutely I was a kid who rewound all my videos before returning! 🤣
@darklittletarot 3 жыл бұрын
@@KateyFlowers 🤣 i believe we're onto something ! 😁
@ox-micha-xo 3 жыл бұрын
I have one deck that I don't do spreads with, I pull a card, ask a follow up question or clarifier and pull another, keep shuffling and pulling rather quickly and for some reason that deck just has a conversation with me every time and I don't get confused. it's probably because it's so basic. It's like a pink tie-dye plastic RWS
@northerlyartemis 3 жыл бұрын
I only read jumpers too!!!
@jeanbaptiste631 3 жыл бұрын
I declare, Blair St Clair! Yes you're so edgy! Hehehe joke! I understand you in the... Taking a long time until a card jumps or a card that stands out from overhand shuffling... Sometimes my cards just jump *aggressively* one card and I'm like: WOAH WOAH CALM DOWN! Hahahahaha. I don't either do rituals and such before a reading, I know my decks and I know when they need something. Probably because I focus more my relationships with my decks rather and understand them rather than focusing on myself and what to do with them before a reading. Heck, I don't even cleanse them when I open a new tarot deck, lol. And yeah, I consider resetting your deck as a form of cleansing too. I did that with my Star Spinner Tarot, which is a deck that likes to fight me because “she” wants to be a spoiled child and in this house there's only one spoiled child and that's me hahahahaha. Nice video!
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha omg yes when ten cards jump out I’m like ‘We’re chatty today are we?!!’ 😂 I don’t cleanse new decks either! If they’re second hand, I make sure they’re in order first (partly to reset, partly to make sure all the cards are there!) but that’s it!
@MysticSunchild 3 жыл бұрын
I read all jumpers, as well 😂💕🌻
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Siri, play Jump by Van Halen please.
@giraffanny739 3 жыл бұрын
I;m doing same thing as you - waiting for a card to pop out etc. , and recently i had a situation were I was shuffling long time and nothing, After a time one card fell from deck but when i wanted more cards I waited also quite long time and then said "okay im counting to 10 if u want tell me more on this then give a card' but nothing happened. After hard spread i was wondering what can I do if it will happen again
@nicnaknoc 3 жыл бұрын
Algorithm gobling snack as my brain can't offer a real comment at this moment but the goblin has to eat. 🫖🍞
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Hahaha omg thank you 🤣❤️
@N-nh4mw 3 жыл бұрын
@ox-micha-xo 3 жыл бұрын
Lol I do tarot in my bed everyday, nothing fancy here 😋 personal cringe tho is when I watch tarot videos and they riffle shuffle cards then jam them together 😬, I bridge them back so they bend back. A lot of ppl don't but it bothers me every time. It's like a punch 👊 in my gut 🤢
@KateyFlowers 3 жыл бұрын
Oh no I do that!! I don’t know how to bridge them back I’m so sorry 🥲😅
@ox-micha-xo 3 жыл бұрын
@@KateyFlowers lol no it's fine 😋 I see ppl do it all the time. More amusing when ppl do it with horrible cardstock 🤣
@LoriTriesLife 2 жыл бұрын
Do you do a lot of in person readings? If so, do you ask a client to get involved like touching the cards?
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