Kevin Rudd - The Rise of China as a Global Geopolitical Power

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At this event, Asia Society President and CEO Kevin Rudd delivers brief remarks and joins Former Irish Ambassador to China Declan Kelleher in a conversation on China’s rise as a geopolitical power within the international system, the challenges presented by China’s economic and foreign policy, and the global impact of U.S.-China competition.
About the Speaker: Kevin Rudd became President and CEO of the Asia Society in January 2021 and has been President of the Asia Society Policy Institute since January 2015. He served as Australia's 26th Prime Minister from 2007 to 2010, then as Foreign Minister from 2010 to 2012, before returning as Prime Minister in 2013. He is a Senior Fellow at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, a Distinguished Fellow at Chatham House in London, a Distinguished Statesman with the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC, and a Distinguished Fellow at the Paulson Institute in Chicago.
Recorded on the 14th of May 2021

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@wheniamfree 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin: am an overseas Taiwanese, I should tell you that the West can only "help" Taiwan, if 1. the West is ready to recognise Taiwan diplomatically, and 2. the West is ready to take Taiwan economically out of China's sphere. If the West is not ready to do so, please leave Taiwan alone. The West cannot keep on doing divide and concur, and it has no or little moral ground to keep Taiwan out of China in the name of democracy and human right. China is now the 2nd largest economy in the world, and will soon become the largest. It has not launched or joined any war in its development process, unlike the US, or even Australia, it deserves respect in the world stage.
@st0rwing 3 жыл бұрын
If only the Taiwanese leaders see this. Put bluntly, Taiwan is just a pawn to the west as they wrestle with China for supremacy. It could be in a great position to benefit from this geopolitic contest, but sadly the populist leadership do not see it
@charttrakarn3438 3 жыл бұрын
Almost half of Taiwanese want to unify with China, especially the older generation that has not been brainwashed by the West. China is the future, Taiwan will just be part of the supply chains. US weapons industries want to unload the excess unused weapons and Taiwan is the best target at the moment
@howluk2901 3 жыл бұрын
Taiwan is just 100km away from mainland. No one can take it away form China's sphere of influence. It's just simple physics. Whoever lives in Taiwan should stop this anti China sentiment. This is not going to end well. Remember this, China has been there for a thousand years, in one form of another, it will be there for another thousand years. While the USA will leave Asia eventually, like how they leave Afghanistan. Afterall, this is not their core interest. Asia affair shall be taken care by Asian, not anyone else.
@za7v9ier 3 жыл бұрын
they need Taiwan to be in the middle in order to sell their obsolete military assets to Taiwan at an overpriced rate.
@Aramsa-Khan 3 жыл бұрын
The west is always myopic about China. And you are right. President Xi is and will be a great leader. But China is not just about President Xi. China under whoever has to carry the great country forward to its next destination. Complete eradication of poverty within China will be achieved within the next 5 years. Shared development with the world will continued for the next 50 years.
@maddoo23 3 жыл бұрын
This is all so hypocritical. If any of these human rights nonsense were to be applied, USA would be a complete pariah..
@bk3289 3 жыл бұрын
The US and her 4 eyes in violation of the UN charters invade Panama, Iraq, Venezuela, sponsored the Arab Spring, regime change, the Black shirts of HK, supporting Israel to incarcerate ppl of Gaza. The worst human rights abuser ever.
@YHauz-co 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalism had been fatally injured by fiat money and brutally insulted by cryptocurrencies. The West has became a global parasite. China and Russia won’t release the West from its responsibility of plundering the world this time around.
@somethingelse9535 3 жыл бұрын
@@YHauz-co china has taken the role of no 2 parasite, with the resources its consuming around the world.
@clocktower1164 3 жыл бұрын
@@somethingelse9535 Resource consumption, when compared, the West has been consuming resources at an alarming rate for the past 300 years. 90% of the total aggregate pollution of this earth is caused by the West. In short, the real parasite is the West - which includes Australia, USA and the entire Europe.
@somethingelse9535 3 жыл бұрын
@@clocktower1164 Resource consumption 100 years ago was tiny because world was so much smaller. The amount of resources consumed now is massive, all for China. I'd know living in Australia. Try to educate yourself first before making comment, you are making a fool of yourself.
@hungmanxxxx2462 3 жыл бұрын
African benefited enormously from China’s investment……just compare and contrast how the US/Western countries have ‘plundered’ Africa’s resources and left it to die Vs current development in Africa. It’s day and night!!!!! Ps: This is not to say that China is a saint but to recognise that the US/Western’s domination over other countries under the guise of ‘democracy’
@jossdionne9810 3 жыл бұрын
After the night, the day has come!!
@limitlesssky3050 3 жыл бұрын
No one is a saint, and should not be thought as one.
@KleineJoop 3 жыл бұрын
I agree with the views of colonialism/(predatory) capitalism. But this "China helping Africa" is not really an economic reality, more of an propaganda/trying to influence public one. If anything, where it does happen, it's more of the same old capitalist colonialism, child labour, talking about cobalt and other rare earth metals that China IS right now investing and seeking for. Not much else going on from China there.
@bruhmndm3051 3 жыл бұрын
I'm Chinese and I appreciate Kevin's insight on China and his perspective from an Australian interest. I respect Kevin because comparing to other westerners, at least he knows something and he does respect China from the bottom of his heart. This is why Kevin is well-known in China and people in China respect him. And I miss his term as the Australian PM, it was the honeymoon of Australia-China relations
@tumpalsagala6258 3 жыл бұрын
Yeahh, his term was the time Australia sold to China
@ash9280 3 жыл бұрын
@@tumpalsagala6258 Hardly, he was the one that helped convince the US to start the ''Pivot to Asia'' which started the encirclement of China by the US. He is just a clever diplomat that does a good job at protecting Australian interests. Instead of being a raging Sinophobe.
@wulung5943 3 жыл бұрын
Nope. You are fake and not a Chinese.
@limitlesssky3050 3 жыл бұрын
@BRUHMNDM First of all you are not Chinese, which means your opinion of Kevin Rudd's level of respect on China do no matter. And second of all, if you are indeed Chinese, then you must be a fool, which reinforce my earlier statement that your opinion of Kevin Rudd's level of respect on China do not matter.
@bruhmndm3051 3 жыл бұрын
@@limitlesssky3050 This is basically the brainless westerner I was talking about
@klingonwarrior1206 3 жыл бұрын
This is a 'Western'-centric interview putting only the West's perspectives on the issues in question.
@Simon2d3d 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah but he's not talking through greed like many westerners, and he's not talking to save his life like many easterners must do. He's talking straight talk. Keep an open mind
@sonnytan2964 3 жыл бұрын
@@Simon2d3d use it this is your oo
@racheddar 3 жыл бұрын
Uhh... well yeah, IIEA is the Institute of European Affairs. What do you expect? Anymore incredible insights?
@astromaxx7771 3 жыл бұрын
Any documentary you'd watch, whether on China or whatever will have a bias. If you understand Mandarin, you could watch a Chinese show about this, and guess what? They will indoctrinate you with their views! So, we try to get various views, but in the end filter it through our own view. Cheers! Ni Hao!
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is the greatest Prime Minister we have had in Australia. He saved us in Australia from the 2008 global crisis. Kevin Rudd took it upon himself to learn Mandarin and is one of few leaders that communicate to Chinese Leaders in their own language.
@octavecom429 3 жыл бұрын
We must have a selective/short memory. What do you think k.rudd communicated to the Chinese when he acted as war spruiker Libya 2011. The Chinese have longer memories.
@paulchung9881 3 жыл бұрын
@@octavecom429 Absolutely, he can not see beyond his nose🤔
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
@@octavecom429 Please enlighten us. I've got my keg of Coopers with me and I wait with anticipation. Cheers mate.
@octavecom429 3 жыл бұрын
@@dranzacspartan8002 China had an oil concession in Libya, but was forced to evacuate its guest workers from Libya when the NATO premeditated attack came.
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
@@octavecom429 Ok ... so there is smoke. But ... what has this got to do with Kevin Rudd? I'm a bit fuzzy? The connections are not clear to me. it must be time for another Coopers.
@daqiansun7944 3 жыл бұрын
International law? Why not starting from trial of the Australian soldiers who commit war crime of slaughtering Afghanistan civilians?
@Chris-bf5jp 3 жыл бұрын
What's your point? PLA never committed an atrocity? Against fellow Chinese even?
@daqiansun7944 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chris-bf5jp You are right. PLA never bombed and invade other country and kill innocent civilians. But that's not my point. My point is solid proof just came out that Australian soldiers slaughtered Afghanistan civilians, but nobody took any responsibility. Isn't that hypocrisy?
@Chris-bf5jp 3 жыл бұрын
@@daqiansun7944 You are incorrect. Responsibility was taken by the top brass. An investigation has been under way for some time, both in Afghanistan and in Australia. Evidence is being gathered. Suspects have been stood down. A trial will take place and the evidence will be placed before the court. On that basis people will be convicted or not. It's called 'rule of law" It doesn't exist in China, unfortunately for you.
@daqiansun7944 3 жыл бұрын
@@Chris-bf5jp The killing happened from 2005-2013. Still no trial now. If this is your "rule of law", then I am glad China is not part of it. But the Afghans are more lucky than Australian indigenous people. At least they survived to tell the world about the slaughter they suffered.
@clocktower1164 3 жыл бұрын
@@aleafstory_au *_"finger pointing is not a good strategy"_*_ ?_ You guys have been doing that all the time !
@chrisck3405 3 жыл бұрын
Forget about the BS on allies. You failed to utter a single word when the us goes against the world. Hypocrisy at it's best!
@sherashera7791 3 жыл бұрын
that's pretty much the western standard of hyprcrisy.
@YHauz-co 3 жыл бұрын
Capitalism had been fatally injured by fiat money and brutally insulted by cryptocurrencies. The West has became a global parasite. China and Russia won’t release the West from its responsibility of plundering the world this time around.
@willengel2458 3 жыл бұрын
the American empire only has colonies and vassals. right now it's looking for cannon fodders to counter China and Russia. Zelensky the comedian wasn't stupid enough to commit Ukrainian lives for the empire's interest.
@happyhappynuts 3 жыл бұрын
@@willengel2458 that's a really perverse way to look at the defence of Ukraine. Russia has taken Ukraine territory, how could you spin defending that territory as following the Empire? The bad actor there is Russia. Its logically understandable why Putin wanted Crimea strategically, but it was a blatant "might is right" land grab, designed to placate certain hawkish folk in the motherland. Even now in Russia there is talk about taking back the Baltic states. For no other reason than glory and to counter a feeling of humiliation.
@sinnieleeonUtube 3 жыл бұрын
When Australia talks about moral values, they should take a look at the indigenous people in the land that they live in.
@wozcrawford5048 3 жыл бұрын
They kinda do 14.7billion a year🤷‍♂️ google it yourself
@sinnieleeonUtube 3 жыл бұрын
@@wozcrawford5048 14.7 billion of what ?
@markc6140 3 жыл бұрын
At 1:00:58, Mr Kevin said "....on the future in dealing with this complex interplay of sovereignty and human rights again I simply go back to the priniciple of that we cannot under any circumstances act in a manner which undermines the integrity of the charter, the universal declaration of 48 and the international covenant....." I think it was well said by Mr Kevin but the message should be conveyed to US Department of State instead. I can only recall the only superpower that invaded Iraq without UN approval. See what happens to a peaceful country now. [Note: The invasion of Iraq was neither in self-defense against armed attack nor sanctioned by UN Security Council resolution authorizing the use of force by member states and thus constituted the crime of war of aggression, according to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Geneva. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
@spadeysay6846 3 жыл бұрын
Is it any surprise that the US regime is basically an international war criminal country. No modern nation has been in more wars than any country or the duration it has been. The US regime exist on war and if there is none to be fought, it has always manufactured some reason to create one; as is almost every war it has been involved in.
@markc6140 3 жыл бұрын
@@spadeysay6846 Absolutely right. After WWII especially from the early 90s onward, its behavior changed to worst engaging illegal wars with inpunity. Really need a few big powers to restraint it.
@jimshaw9034 3 жыл бұрын
No human rights for the Palestinians?
@tl4172 3 жыл бұрын
I agree, the "weapons of mass destruction" US national security claim was a fabricated ruse for the American voters. Where are the tribunals for Bush? Or Obama the UN Peace prize winner, who also was the reigning drone strike King? Extra-judiciary murder of thousands by American soldiers? Where are the sanctions against the US? The US stranglehold on the worlds economy has to end eventually.
@upsidedown1671 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree. It's already been undermined. By the US. What kind of example does this give to China and the rest of the world when the current dominant power abuses it's power and does as it sees fit. Of course, it's a 'democratic' country, so it must be good and gets a free pass...
@ailinchong7506 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin MUST rerun to Australia as PRIME MINISTER 👌👍best ever PM we ever had so eloquently articulated, very DIPLOMATIC 👌👍and very WISE alway able to mange difficult situations 👌👍super intelligent 👌👍👏👏👏👏👏👏
@ConstableRinkels 3 жыл бұрын
Yeh no thanks speak for yourself, he works directly with the CIA, IS a criminal coward married to a billionaire
@ConstableRinkels 3 жыл бұрын
@Hang Kasturi hahahaha I personally know Tony Abbott and I've got some funny stories too lol. Anyone who rises to the top of this colonial shit heap is guaranteed to a be a yankee puppet.
@pahatpahat9566 3 жыл бұрын
@Ronald Mcdonald , Just because he preferred to be led by US into the economic abyss and then crying out of unfairness in trade? Brains indeed!
@alexlee2276 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin is the shame of all Australians.
@MrMeldarionx 3 жыл бұрын
you aren't Australian.
@sitoudien9816 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin didn't have the courage to set the facts straight and fundamentally refute Xin jiang genocide lies.
@willengel2458 3 жыл бұрын
why Rudd is out of Australian politics?
@oceanbreeze2663 3 жыл бұрын
There is no genocide honey. It's a lie purported by the CIA an western msm
@oscarchute6040 3 жыл бұрын
According to Stapleton Roy, the American ambassador to China (1991-1996), there is no 'genocide' in Xinjiang and the 1989 rioters in Tienanmen Square had gone 'too far' in his speech at Pomona College, California on Sept. 2020.
@sitoudien9816 3 жыл бұрын
@@oscarchute6040 I found the video on Facebook. Roy was mostly balanced and was diplomatic. As this was zoom call with non China experts, I expected some wacks like that HK riot supporter. But it still follows the narrative if it's not real genocide then it must be cultural genocide. Again false. I don't expect these people to watch Grey zone or Daniel Dumbrill.
@alantan9863 3 жыл бұрын
If he tell the truth, it may enable Scott Morrison to retain power instead. Xinjiang genocide is 'successful' because the Uyghurs grow in terms of number. I guess you can't help it these bunch of idiots are woefully ignorant that only the Han Chinese(the majority) is subjected to 1 child policy.
@dtango8345 3 жыл бұрын
Im Afraid there will be dark days ahead for Australia. The geopolitics of morrison will stink for long time, as the Chinese keep growing, Australia will be left behind in the dust.
@LLSicilia 3 жыл бұрын
australia has always had a fantastic living standard, prior to its free trade agreements with china. Australia doesn't have swill oil restaurant meals or melamine in baby formula, just to exploit profits. alliances with new trading partners without hostility and coercion are welcomed. china is not the centre of the universe, although it seems you think it is. Dealing with the pig headed and corrupt ccp is perilous, decoupling is liberating. More countries will no doubt realise this once they get burned by the ccp
@elizabethtan8343 3 жыл бұрын
Don't worry MOrrison will not be re-elected - he will be long forgotten as the biggest lackey of the US
@ddtking7630 3 жыл бұрын
Why does Kevin Rudd keep twisting facts I wonder? Look up the island dispute lawsuit case raised by the Philippines against China in what Kevin Rudd stated as "international court" during the interview. A quick fact check one can see this case was not a case conducted under the International court at The Hague, but Philippine govt under its previous US-bought president with undertakings from US regime to pay for all legal costs involved to stage this "private" lawsuit. This case turned to a circus because essentially the Plaintiff (Phillipines) paid to hire a courtroom at The Hague, hired and paid for the judges to sat and acted over this case in their private capacity as legal professionals. The aftermaths of this circus is that Phillipine govt was handed the "victory" in a kangaroo court case where the plaintiff funded both the courts and bunch pay-for-play private lawyers/judges hence their judgement however positive can never be legitimate and enforced and it didn't comply with any international law other than the fact having western propagandist like Kevin Rudd knowing full well of all the facts but deliberately telling us half the story to twist the truth. BTW - president Duterte has made several threats to US regime and demand they refund Phillipnes the US$30 million that his government under the previous president has spent on that kangaroo court at The Hague
@theburden9920 3 жыл бұрын
Cry again
@farahabdulahi474 3 жыл бұрын
I just spent 15 mins researching and everything you said about The Hague case was false. What do you mean rent a courtroom? Is this a YMCA where you can just walk in lol. This "kangaroo case" seems to be leginimate and officials in the PCA ( Permanent Court of Arbitration ) which is located in The Hague have stated that the case was heard and the verdict given. Man this whole comment section is a mess and full of trolls/liars
@ddtking7630 3 жыл бұрын
@@farahabdulahi474 you spent 15 minutes looking up what and you dare expose your instant noodle brain to all? Try get some education on research skills before talking crap
@stormyweathers9887 3 жыл бұрын
Territories that China considers as her own such as Hong Kong and Taiwan??!! Unless Mr. Rudd suffers from some kind of selective amnesia, could he possibly elaborate on how they were detached from the Chinese mainland in the first place?! Wasn't Hong Kong forcibly leased to the British Empire following the defeat in Opium Wars?! Wasn't Taiwan occupied by the forces of Chan Kai Chek after he lost the civil war to Mao?! Expansion of the Chinese Armed Forces?! Hasn't the US navy established chalk-points all around China, many of which are based in Australia??!!
@snowysu4291 3 жыл бұрын
It is unfortunate that current Australian politicians lack the valuable knowledge / insights Mr Kevin Rudd possesses! Aging is a global issues in all develpoed and developing countries , not just China! Mr Kevin Rudd is a gem in Australia indeed!
@matcha1693 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think Kevin Rudd knows what he is talking about.
@joeawk 3 жыл бұрын
@@matcha1693 no, no, no. China is making progress and also still learning every step of the way to become a good Supreme power of the world.
@Shenzhou. 3 жыл бұрын
@@matcha1693 While Kevin Rudd is more knowledgeable about China than the average Westerner, he is still haunted by _"Yellow Peril"_ and _"Red Scare"_ mindset. Since the 19th century, Westerners have grown so throughly accustomed to the notion of Western dominance, so much such that the very thought of a non-Western, non-liberal democratic country like China eventually surpassing the United States as the premier world superpower someday in the future, is simply too frightening for many Westerners to fathom.
@crouchingwombathiddenquoll5641 3 жыл бұрын
@@matcha1693 most non American westerners consider American exceptionalizm a joke. However the magnificent economic rise of China (thanks to western corporation's taking advantage of low wages) has created an unsavory rise in Chinese exceptionalizm, evident in comment sections everywhere.
@petersinclair3997 3 жыл бұрын
Taiwan? Taiwan has never been a part of China. Manchurian 1683 to 1895, then Japanese until 1945, then under Western occupation until 1952. There were two large Han migrations to independent Taiwan; one in 1622 (The Ming escaping the Manchus) the and another in 1949 (The KMT escaping Mao) Both were refugee migrants to a sovereign land. The PRC and the legacy of the KMT cum Nationals are living a fiction. The Republic of China was a part to the surrender of Japan and its territories to the Republic of China in 1945, four years before the foundation of the PRC. In 1945, the ROC were appointed as “administrators” not conquerors. Alternatively, the succession of ownership does not work from the transition from the Qing dynasty to the Republic in 1912, when Pu Yi abdicated, because Taiwan was already in Chinese hands for seventeen years. The One China Policy is a political contrivance with no foundation in history. Note, the Treaty of San Francisco (1952) carefully mentions China only and not the PRC or ROC. The old dispute between Mao and KMT, is like a can kicked down the road, for someone else to worry about in the future.Unfortunately, us. But, these events have passed into history. It is madness to protect a province that was never a part of the Han motherland, where the West sees an invasion.
@blowinginthewind1797 3 жыл бұрын
Smart politicians like Kevin are not very popular. what a pity!
@terencesam2191 3 жыл бұрын
The difference between Kevin and Scormo is as different as night and day.
@44bett 3 жыл бұрын
@majorcalvary6515 3 жыл бұрын
@小熊维尼 Sorry. I don’t type Chinese well. “You don’t think Chinese Communists do that?” Politicians can change their mind, that applies to all, including CCP.
@tocreatee5736 3 жыл бұрын
chinese spy
@PP-vf1kx 3 жыл бұрын
Blowing in the wind is he 🙄
@jasonjean2901 3 жыл бұрын
It was hilarious how a slight rephrasing of his points about China make them both obvious and applicable to all countries: China wants to a) not have their government toppled, b) maintain their territory, c) have a well-maintained economy, d) have enough military strength to defend themselves, e) have enough political clout to influence the international community, etc.
@ashamon99 3 жыл бұрын
How is a) claiming South china sea ?? b) Invading part of Ladakh in India ?? c) claiming Taiwan as chinas territory ??
@jasonjean2901 3 жыл бұрын
@@ashamon99 No problem. a) The People's Republic of China never actually claimed the South China Sea (SCS). The 11-dash line was filed with the U.N. by the Republic of China (now the government of Taiwan), upon the recommendation of the U.S. (their ally), in 1946 with no objections from any country. When the PRC came into power in 1949, they simply adopted China's internationally recognized boundaries. That's how the 11-dash line (now the 9-dash line) was adopted by the PRC. b) China would never invade India and this is easily demonstrated. Back in 1962, right at the close of the Sino-Indian War, the entire Indian military was non-existent and the Indian government was terrified that China would annex northern India. Instead, do you know what happened? China didn't take anything. In fact, China didn't even take territory which they claim, and India occupies, at this very time (Southern Tibet). So, no, China doesn't ever invade India. India, on the other hand, has a long history of causing border disputes with other countries to avoid criticism for domestic issues at home. c) Taiwan has been claimed as a part of Chinese territory for over 2,000 years; that's why they claim it. It's also occupied and run by...wait for it...Chinese people!
@medialcanthus9681 3 жыл бұрын
@@jasonjean2901 may I share this info with others who are confused?
@jasonjean2901 3 жыл бұрын
@@medialcanthus9681 Feel free. What I write in a comment section isn't copyrighted but thanks for asking.
@HsiaFan 3 жыл бұрын
@@jasonjean2901 can’t say it better in anyway, nicely done
@bm6113 3 жыл бұрын
China obviously is not perfect, however, when criticize China, two fundamental rules must apply, first, whether the criticism is based on truth or fabricated lies. Second, is the criticism based on international laws or (Anglo-Saxon) rule based international order? If the criticism is based on fabricated lies and (Anglo-Saxon) rule based international order, then the criticism is not criticism, it should be called smear campaign.
@senglim4048 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd's comment on China is enlightening and fair However, on the issue of China violated the human rights principle in Xinjiang, Kevin failed to mention that the genocide accusation by the West had been debunked and proven to be false.
@44bett 3 жыл бұрын
Agree! Adrian Zenz and his NGO's reports are bogus and fraudulent. Mr. Rudd needs to go to Xinjiang and make a report. Many Westerners have been to the region and debunked Zenz.
@240kankan 3 жыл бұрын
He is Australian. He should not worry too much about the human rights of Chinese Citizen. Do you know the the human rights of Australian abriginals?
@geoff9858 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin missed the invasion by sea from the western powers, i.e, Britian, US, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Portugal and Austria-Hungary.
@geoff9858 3 жыл бұрын
@@matcha1693 Japanese or Tamil?
@geoff9858 3 жыл бұрын
@@matcha1693refering to Matcha.
@coffeeman9475 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin like to associate everything Chinese with the word"regime ".Kevin may be able to speak mandarin, but is definately not China friendly.
@clocktower1164 3 жыл бұрын
If Kevin is an expert on all things Chinese just because he happens to speak a Chinese word or two, then, anyone who utters *_"Mama-Mia !"_* must be excellent in Italian cooking !
@walid7885 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin is just another guy with a western hegemonic mentality. He is ethically and intellectually challenged. But that is not so obvious for the average western joe.
@clocktower1164 3 жыл бұрын
@@walid7885 I concur !
@CityThatCannotBeCaptured 3 жыл бұрын
@@clocktower1164 'A Chinese word or two'. LOL. Idiot.
@KillerofWestoids 3 жыл бұрын
Say whatever you want but he is definitely right on most things. Just because the US is a hypocritical country doesn't mean that china is an angel. Both the US and china have the same aim of world domination.
@jeanhuberson3635 2 жыл бұрын
It's really a pity Kevin Rudd is not Australia PM he is one of the few who understand China and the world at large. A great man.
@dreinhard52 3 жыл бұрын
Mr Kevin Rudd is a gem in Australia indeed
@petersinclair3997 3 жыл бұрын
He does think about things but did himself harm with the electorate because Bullied his staff.
@KK-qi5gn 3 жыл бұрын
@Why dose it matter What did he lie about for example? and where is the proof he is a communist? You just lied two times in one sentence.
@maxsweetman6341 3 жыл бұрын
Thankyou Kevin for your great insight into China and the way she operates so well. China seems able to sort out most of her problems without violence or bloodshed, and seems able to achieve an outcome that is far better for all concerned than how the problem started. Compared to the west who chooses aggression and bullying with the outcome being an absolutely terrible disaster time after time and hundreds of times worse than how the problem started. I consider this to be because Chinese leaders have had decades of organisation and achievement while western leaders are voted in short term with little or no experience in leadership or diplomacy. The situation between Israel and Palestine with America interfering is a prime example of how things should not be done. Th
@chickensatay3960 3 жыл бұрын
I would like to add that much of Chinese history was influenced by Confucius thinking. Confucius thinking places a lot of emphasis on moral acts instead of violence. Ironically it did not stop corruption in ancient China and is perceived by many as the major reason why China fell behind as one of the ancient civilisations.
@atxplus 3 жыл бұрын
@Sonia Reynolds are you mental. Baking powder?
@bestintentions6089 3 жыл бұрын
@@chickensatay3960 communist junta does not China make. Real China is Taiwan not corrupt evil commies that won’t even carry communist ideas anymore
@carlocaiani3742 3 жыл бұрын
Just remember that chinese people where super dead poor, mostly starving, under the china communist party over many years for nearly 50 years, it is only the generosity of the USA and the West that enabled China to prosper. Today unfortunately the china communist party under mr xi is becoming more oppressive, seeking to control chinese people, seeking to invade Taiwan, who by all accounts is independant, who the west will now defend, by nuclear warfare if necessary...!!!
@witekgreene6359 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd lost touch with reality. Democracy action in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya. Gangster democracy-shame on You
@PhiloSurfer 3 жыл бұрын
@James Warden Jr. So, nothing to worry about.
@cliffordnelson8454 3 жыл бұрын
@James Warden Jr. LOL...they already are. You are welcome to your fantasy world. Largest economy PPP. Largest trading partner with EU, and almost every other country in the world. Keep dreaming. Militarily they are at the point were they are a regional hegemon. The US would have to massively increase defense budget (factor of 3 I figure), and it appears that the US Navy has already given up on the 355 ship navy.
@ahkimchee4422 3 жыл бұрын
What about the illegal war against Iraq led by Bush and Blair? I suppose that's rule-based. It cannot be that rules apply to others but not yourself.
@44bett 3 жыл бұрын
Also, the apartheid regime of Israel and the illegal stealing of Palestinian territory. UN created and the US provides military aid, so they must sanction Israel for this new land grab.
@sktfan3843 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd speaks eloquently.
@advocate1563 3 жыл бұрын
doesn't he just. And mellifluous.
@fankefang 3 жыл бұрын
under what international instrument did the united states started the iraq war? would you hold the united states and the great britain accountable for these kind of unlawful war crimes?
@richardsawicki8521 3 жыл бұрын
The age old doctrine of "might makes right"!
@yuanhaochue2889 3 жыл бұрын
Dear Kevin. Your statement that China us l8vibg dangerously for 10 years since Xi took over the leadership since 2013.. the fact is China is forced to be defensive since Obama wanting to return to Asia, the case of Missile attacked at Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999 with the excuse of using the wrong map while GPS was in place..China has no choice but to keep quiet n never to show its head above the water.. Now this Western Collectives is using old Opium War playbook to intimidate China with the example of Hong Kong Riots n Xinjiang Genocide... so China has to tactically alter its structural narratives to ASSERT ITSELF after having more than 90% of Chinese endorsements of China CPC government.. it'd assertiveness is derived from a position of strength, which Western Collective has already branded it as Wolf Warrior Diplomacy...( mind u , let be advised that the Chinese diaspora is also adopting similar stance to counter Western Neo Liberal Democracy Christianity White Supremacy Egoism as one will aptly consider the consequence of GUILT, INSECURITY N PARANOIA TOWARDS THIS CHINA REJUVENATION AS PROVEN BY the escalation of ANTI-Asian hate crime , no thanks to being looking like Chinese.. .. this racist sentiments is a direct result of political propaganda by politician n main stream media fueled by negative narratives by Western think tanks, public intelligentsia n academics.. to scape goat China as a threat to unipolar rule based order dominated by a faction of Western Developed nations lead by USA....devoid of any universal/international benchmarks stipulated by United Nations.. Any sovereign nation within the UN has the legitimate right to manifest its own national life Cycle with healthy , free and fair competition just to quote Paris Club is questioning China BRI must base on Western Collective Environment, Sustainability and Governance for projects while China insist to base on the national life Cycle of a nation in view of Western developed nation have already well passed 1st phase industrial revolution with high standard of living compared to developing nation.using carbon footprint as the benchmark.. most Western nations including Japan have already passed the Zero Carbon Threshold..while China will arrive in 2030 .. To be continued..
@spadeysay6846 3 жыл бұрын
But yet the US regime and the west keep moving the goalpost even when China play by the accepted rules. Sometimes even moving the goalpost is not enough for the US regime and the west. They insist that they have the right to place the net in front of their goalposts too.
@onosnow6500 3 жыл бұрын
I know there are a lot of people who hate Kevin Rudd, but you have to admit, he is one of the smartest people when comes to geopolitical knowledge and wisdom.
@RichardHerczeg 3 жыл бұрын
Yes. Especially when you completely disregard his and his family's personal interests of staying on the 'good side' of the Chinese Communist Party. But why let these facts dissuade from his eloquent rhetoric? Sarcasm intended. There is a reason why he was kicked out of Australia. Queensland can barely tolerate him. Beijing still loves him. Go figure. A meaningless New York think tank funded by Beijing hardly qualifies.
@hailiangcao8555 3 жыл бұрын
As a person who lives in China and believes in western liberal democracy values, i must say i am deeply disappointed in the western countries' diplomacy and rhetoric towards China in the past few years, because they directly resulted in the marginalization of voices which support the gradual democratization in Chinese society. When the west MSM call what happen in Xinjiang "genocide", or support violent rioters in Hongkong, the overwhelming majority of Chinese people reach the conclusion that this is not about supporting democracy anymore, it is simply about geo-political containment.
@georgeinjapan6583 3 жыл бұрын
Do you feel their is freedom of worship for Christians in China ?
@epipolarus 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Mr. Kevin Rudd for his insightful talk about China and international relations, with first hand knowledge.
@5328889 3 жыл бұрын
啟示錄四匹馬一一出現,白紅黑灰。依蔣介石的牧師焦保羅解釋,白馬代表白宮美國,騎士拿著弓,代表兩次世界大戰都是遠征,紅馬代表紅色共產黨出現,騎士拿著大刀,使地球人相殺,黑馬代表歐盟出現,騎士拿著做生意的天秤,為經濟利益結合。前三匹馬精準應驗。第四匹是灰馬,代表死亡,有权柄赐给他们管辖地的四分之一,用刀剑、饥荒、瘟疫、地上的野兽去杀害人。 第6章第1-8节. 英國超前布署,把一整座机場改著停屍間。等同把松山机場改成停屍間。此次瘟疫是人類歷史最嚴重的。 枯骨復活與反攻大陸那一個難?台灣已有一匹人宣傳向匪投降,如邱,賴與黎老大等。在老蔣時代,這些人早被槍決。西元前586年上帝把先知以西結帶到墳墓谷,叫他呼喚枯骨復活,果然這些枯骨都復活了。這指有一天上帝要以色列復國,世人就知有神,1948年應驗了。我服役管四十條登陸艇,是老蔣準備反攻大陸用的,當年準備出發時,美軍登上國軍艦阻止反攻大陸。反攻大陸在人看來不可能,在神看必成,耶穌自天而降消滅東方來的兩億地球联軍後,將統治世界一千年。
@thinkingaloud5379 3 жыл бұрын
Rudd has been a real let down. Instead of speaking truthfully,he went on a moral high ground of democracies fighting for human rights and rule of law but why was he so quiet about Israel bombing Palestinians and annexing their land and other numerous abuses by his beloved "liberal democracies "?
@tl4172 3 жыл бұрын
@@5328889 陽光下沒有新事物,歷史和經文是同一回事。
@stevenlow6222 3 жыл бұрын
Always enjoy Kevin insight. Thank you
@lianzijin5955 3 жыл бұрын
What a joke, whole bunch of pirates, warmongers and drug dealers talking about human rights. Take care of your own people and solve your own issues. If every country taking care of it's own problem, the world would be a peaceful world
@shoilee2000 3 жыл бұрын
I think there are a number of miscalculation of Prime Minister Rudd that I am very disappointed, as I have always admired his views in the past. Unlike USA, China does not have coastlines in BOTH Atlantic and Pacific. As Mr Rudd has acknowledged, China has to share influence in the West Pacific with the USA, Japan, both Koreas and Australia, The reclamation on the deserted islands in South China Sea would not bring threats to any of these countries. These reclamation’s, even if it is for military use, can only be for defending Chinese interests and not for offensive purposes. Mr Rudd mentioned China’s interest in Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America and even Eastern Europe. Unlike USA, China has NO means of exerting military influence over these areas which China can only conduct busy in these areas by civic means. So what is wrong with that? It is pretty obvious the West has grossly over reacted to China’s uprising. As much as everyone in the West has pictured Xi to aspires to rule forever. The truth is Xi has only been in office for less than 10 years, short of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 15 years by a large margin. Furthermore God or nature has already set a term limit for everyone, even Mao. We do not have to doubt God or Nature’s wisdom on how much term limit would eventually be given to Xi. It is natural for people to be interested in Xi’s term limit, but the West has, again, grossly over reacted. I am not angry with you. I just feel sorry for you.
@spadeysay6846 3 жыл бұрын
It is just part of their strategy to defame and demonise China and XJP. Nothing out of China will be seen as good by the west. Even when China share and donate CV19 vaccines with the rest of world, it is negated as vaccine diplomacy!! The hypocrisy of the US regime and the west is bottomless, inhuman and evil.
@shoilee2000 3 жыл бұрын
@Why dose it matter if I ask Australia to stop invading Victoria, Tasmania, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand, what would you say? But that is what you are saying about China. China has a consistent claim of territory throughout its 70 years of history. Within this period, it is going through a what Mao called a “housekeeping” process. He said, we clean our house before we receive guests and friends. Sometimes such “housekeeping” process is more active than others. But China has not been at war with any other country for 36 years. Last time when China was at war with Vietnam, the world welcomed it. China had stopped Vietnam’s aggression in the region. No countries in the region have any appetite for fighting a proxy war between China and US. They had already learnt it in the hard way in the last century. So don’t even try.
@revolution475 3 жыл бұрын
@Why does it matter You are suffering decline in mental faculties. Only Mongolia is foreign land, I am yet to see evidence of their invasion.
@66otnt 3 жыл бұрын
@jvp9703 3 жыл бұрын
Great talk, but the whole discussion on the topic of human rights is based on a fallacy that China has committed "genocide" against the Uighur minority. I'd expected a more objective approach, but it seems that would be too bold for a a man in his position to disagree the international kangaroo court that has already delivered its verdict. The allegations are based on exaggerations and blatant lies which fall apart under scrutiny. The US targeted the Uighur minority as a potential weapon against China as early as 2017. Extremists were groomed overseas before being sent to commit atrocities in Xinjiang. Subtler actions have taken place in Taiwan/ Hong Kong to similar ends. Unlike Western powers who seemed helpless in the face of terrorists and could only offer war and death as a solution, China managed to do something extraordinary, which was to convert extremists back into the fold. This out-of-the-box approach has been framed as an act of absolute evil, even as the vast majority of the Uighur population now live in peace and security, with improving living standards. With the US, when war is not possible, next come sanctions for marginalization, and when that is not possible, it's time to paint them black which is a simple affair via the mainstream news monopolies. How the world's most corrupt gang of human rights violators can claim to be the united paragon of morality is an absolute farce.
@ronvara2929 3 жыл бұрын
Well said
@jimm190 3 жыл бұрын
Having listened to Mr. Kevin Rudd for over a decade, he has extensive professionalism in politics, experience, knowledge and unbiased views of what China is all about, unlike the the current amateur politicians. What a shame he is not running the Australian politics.
@drclleong 3 жыл бұрын
Excuse to become holier than thou. Been through China. No oppression seen.
@jimshaw9034 3 жыл бұрын
Before the pandemic, about 140 million Chinese left their country and tour the world. After their travel, 140 million of them went back to China! Would they go back if they were oppressed?
@jimshaw9034 3 жыл бұрын
Chill off Bear poo, mass exodus? You are either dump or pretending to be dump. Equating outbound tourists with exodus? Bwahahaha!
@jimshaw9034 3 жыл бұрын
@Anti Pooh-Bear Bwahaha, you keep on showing your ignorance! There are about 50 million Chinese living outside of China and not 140 million as you said. 140 million was the number of outbound Chinese tourists who enjoyed their vacation in other countries and then went back home. Don’t post crap and be a ridiculed here. .
@jimshaw9034 3 жыл бұрын
@Anti Pooh-Bear Silly, you are shamelessly putting words into my mouth. Where did I said Chinese living abroad have moved back to China? And don’t be presumptuous, I’m not Australian. And if you are, you must be one of the few uncouth ones. You put shame to Australia!
@bestintentions6089 3 жыл бұрын
@@jimshaw9034 their family would be oppressed if they leave.
@aahayob 3 жыл бұрын
The system of governance in China seems to have a very strong and sustainable structure. It provides for continuous implementation of policy especially over a medium and longer term. That’s probably one of the reasons why they are so successful, and in a relatively short time span. No time is wasted over political bickering, changes in policies and leadership. Capable leaders can be identified and groomed for succession from an early stage!
@bobunkal1623 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the information, insight and the back history on current day China; food for thoughts on the country causing so much fear to existing establishments. Great questions raised on current situations but corresponding solution elude us still! Even though change is order-of-the-day, can co-existence be a real answer? This is, and continues to be, the decade of living dangerously, indeed. Just pray that no sparks comes forth to ignite a hot war. That'll certainly be the end of us, all of us.
@greatasia606 3 жыл бұрын
His understanding of China, especially its political system is still at the skin level. He is a westerner, so can't blame him for thinking in black and white.
@tkk685 3 жыл бұрын
The best way to prevent a war in the Taiwan straits is for the Taiwanese separatists to not cross the red line that PRC has clearly drawn out. Mainland China has been totally consistent and predictable in its actions. One China principle, committed to peaceful reunification but without renouncing use of force. The Taiwanese separatists are the ones who need some sense knocked into their heads
@Xynudu 3 жыл бұрын
Good presentation and discussion. Kevin's comment about respectful dialogue towards China was right on target. Something ScoMo (Australian Prime Minister) seems to not understand.
@grahamvermish5955 3 жыл бұрын
This so called honorific society has had and will continue to have a murderous totalitarian regime designed using Orwell's 1984. Yes we need to be cautious but perhaps it's time to get 24 nuclear powered subs of which a few have nukes. Then, and only then will this less than honorific CCP desist.
@aaronhteikk4487 3 жыл бұрын
It is arguable that ScoMo does not have the intellectual depth to understand. That include all in his cabinet, especially the 3 or 4 ministers dealing with foreign affairs, trade and defence.
@shansui9045 3 жыл бұрын
All I want to say is there aren't many people working in Western media or Political science that have read beyond those cold War books 📚 Kevin is quiet rare
@bigboutrosboutros 3 жыл бұрын
As a westerner, I find it convenient that the western powers only ever talk about human rights in countries they wish to control or constrain. Let’s talk about Americas Human right abuses, not only on its own people but on many many countries globally. Let’s talk about the shooting and bombing of Palestinian civilians by Israel... Mr Rudd, let’s talk about the fact that nearly half of Australian Aboriginal males don’t live to see their 43rd birthdays. Extraordinarily hypocritical Western practices!
@richarddaniel2416 3 жыл бұрын
do not over state Kevies China knowledge, the last time he had a speech in China, he told a joke, in mandarin to a group of uni students, they all laughed, but not at the joke, they laughed at him.
@theMarhaenist 3 жыл бұрын
Nahp chinese dont make fun of others like that. Not even they reacted with anything on fall of DonaldJTrump.
@navegantezen5983 3 жыл бұрын
Mr Rudd let me remind you that the journalist Julian Assange, who is dying in a high security cell in London, is an Australian citizen. I assume that for a great defender of human rights and freedom of expression you say you are, this must be extremely serious and unacceptable for you. It seems that is much easier for you to take the defense of the Uygurs minority in China, than of your own Australian compatriot unjustly detained in London.
@julianchung9215 3 жыл бұрын
The question is have you been to Xinjiang? Almost all the western news regarding genocide in Xinjiang are mostly fabricated. Search for grayzone regarding debucking the fake narrative of BBC and CNN. Also wouldn't it be better to also raise the issue of genocide caused by US, UK etc which is still happening now?
@richardsawicki8521 3 жыл бұрын
The Australian influence on the Assange prosecution Is evident as he is being tried by a "kangaroo court".
@navegantezen5983 3 жыл бұрын
@@julianchung9215 Of course. But assuming that the West is just interested in the human right in the countries they would like to destroy to ask for Julian Assange is important.
@julianchung9215 3 жыл бұрын
@@navegantezen5983 also now US is ignoring the ethnic cleansing in Palestine, double standard.
@kehijun 3 жыл бұрын
Hey guys, can someone explain to me what he means about human rights violations in tibet? I know about the british imperialism through india and the inheritance of the caste system along buddhism, but i understand that system was abolished years ago by china, so id appreciate if anyone can give me some insight on that. Sorry for my english. Greetings from argentina
@jossdionne9810 3 жыл бұрын
Their critism comes way much too late for the West to go after China!!
@vancloudguy 3 жыл бұрын
Refer to comment below by @ghunghun.
@leejo5160 3 жыл бұрын
There is no human rights violation in Tibet. Western media are full of bullshit and lies. The real human rights problems are in the West itself.
@LLSicilia 3 жыл бұрын
Basically a bloody subjugation took place when hans chinese claimed Tibet as its own. As you can see from the above the pro-beijing camp like to live in denial and wont concede genocide or errasing cultures is a human rights issue.
@kehijun 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you all for your insight
@sylvesterfong9275 3 жыл бұрын
Deep admiration for Kevin Rudd - a true intellectual who has great understanding of China and world affairs. 👍👍👍 Blessings.
@pradyutbhattacharjee1407 3 жыл бұрын
No discussion about dethrone of an elected govt .,no discussion about a country's businesses liberty ?.these internal conflicts will themselves weaken their determination for so called rule based governence
@benma4421 3 жыл бұрын
I have two questions to Mr. Rudd. You addressed Taiwan as a country many times in this webinar. Did you ever address Taiwan as a country during your capacity as the PM of Australia, publicly? If not, why? Second question, when you were giving the three countermeasures against China when it decides to unite the whole country, or in your word, invading Taiwan, the third one is to isolate China. What’s your confidence level of achieving that task? How many countries of 180 plus in total would join you, given that China is the biggest trading partner of 60% of these countries? Thank you.
@MrGanbat84 3 жыл бұрын
In reality, as evidenced by this excellent example, it's the U.S. itself that's a threat to world peace since its refusal to support the UNSC's peacemaking moves in West Asia indefinitely perpetuates one of the world's most dangerous conflicts that it seeks to exploit for its own self-interested strategic and economic ends.
@tiborf538 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is an Australian Hero, he was the most outstanding number 1 Prime Minister in the country history.
@petersinclair3997 3 жыл бұрын
Except, Rudd bullied his staff. Say, a speech writer using a word he didn’t want in a manuscript or yelling at an airforce flight attendant because he couldn’t get the lunch he wanted.
@lemanlie2356 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin R. Good analysis.👍😍
@muralikrishnan7622 3 жыл бұрын
What a gem. Art of diplomacy needs homework. Mr Rudd is an epitome. Lots of love. Chennai, India
@nfnjimei4550 3 жыл бұрын
His Chinese accent is almost on point
@echelon2k8 3 жыл бұрын
@Hang Kasturi Mandarin, just like English, isn't exactly standardized, so it's kinda silly to be knocking his intonation and choice of words, don't you think? I mean, what is considered "bad English" by some in one place isn't necessary considered "bad English" by others in another. Just because he doesn't speak Mandarin exactly how it's spoken in China doesn't make it "bad", otherwise the English could say the same thing about how English is spoken in any other place that speaks English.
@_Wai_Wai_ 3 жыл бұрын
@@echelon2k8 when you get the tones of Mandarin wrong, not only is it cringey, but it can be difficult to understand what you ware saying as a change in tone, could be a different word. Take Mark Zuckerberg's Mandarin for example. His tone is all over the place. People say his mandarin is good, but they are only being polite. He has a lot more work before anyone can say he is fluent.
@theodejager3931 3 жыл бұрын
An up-to-date scholarly and impressive exposition of how to understand China today by a politician/diplomat who has made a study of the subject for many decades. Thanks, Kevin!
@philipwoodgate9555 3 жыл бұрын
I can not disagree with anything Kevin Rudd says. Being Australian its good to hear a rational voice, I fail to see how he is biased in anyway, it is smart to see the perspective of China, found that interesting.
@thomasho4825 3 жыл бұрын
You almost forgot Taiwan as part of China and is there internal problems nothing to do with the international because one China policy has been recognized by the whole world for many many years i’m sorry you’re so wrong about that Mr. Kevin Rod
@MH-lb4fo 3 жыл бұрын
Do not think Kevin Rudd is honest in his so-called analysis.
@Lululemon2023 3 жыл бұрын
It is always easier for retired politicians to tell the truth when they are no longer subject to periodic election pressure in a plutocracy where elections are extremely expensive. Eisenhower made his famous Military Industrial Complex speech at his farewell speech, for politicians know the faith of Kennedy when he made the cabals speech while still in office.
@tl4172 3 жыл бұрын
Nice comment.
@vichitvideo6041 3 жыл бұрын
To think that China aspires to be a world power can be a misunderstanding. What China has been doing has been to see to it that the Chinese people enyoy a better standard of living and at the same time capable of defending against foreign aggression, which China experienced during the 19th century up to the first half of 20th century. But the success of these perseverances caused dissatisfaction and anxiety in some quarter of the world, and the current situations ensues as a result.
@Tempest-Proteus 3 жыл бұрын
Rudd is as biased as ever. In all his speeches, he pisses out this narrative as if China is not allowed to build up its military reasonably befitting its size and economic clout to protect itself. Only the westerners can, not other races.
@Cadere-jz1te 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is US primacy supporter. Unless China commits economic suicide nothing else will mend the relations.
@Erik-rp1hi 3 жыл бұрын
Mr Rudd with be a good US president.
@wujianzhu7881 3 жыл бұрын
America: everyone needs to follow the rules I agree on except me
@PaulsonInstitute 3 жыл бұрын
Great video on how China has developed in recent history. It is so important to consider their evolving role in the world. And, as always, Kevin Rudd is an important voice on this topic and discusses this brilliantly.
@elimlinrr6898 2 жыл бұрын
A quote from the Three Kingdoms which every Chinese has watched on TV, one of the four major literature classics of China, states: "He who wins the hearts of men will rule the world." The same applies in the 21st century, where the internet makes information dissemination global. My bet is on China because integrity and benevolence (a prequisite Confucian value for any government officials) will always triumph over hypocrisy and aggression as practised by USA. China's foreign policy is win-win. USA's foreign policy is "if you are not with me, then you are against me" A zero sum game mentality. If USA wins, people around the world will get the status quo, a world full of sufferings in many parts of the world. If China wins, there will be peace and harmony around the world, a better world. A global Singapore, so to speak, where people of different cultures and religions can live in a thriving global village.. USA rules by divide and rule, hence the constant wars and the global humanitarian crisis that follows, caused mainly by the West. China rules by uniting the world, hence the BRI, allowing global cultures to live in harmony. To live and let live. Finally, zero wars, unless of course, the West continues with their military imperialism.
@evasamuel8612 3 жыл бұрын
Despite the economic crisis, this is still the good time to invest in Stocks, Gold and Crypto
@richardnoah5271 3 жыл бұрын
The rich spend less and invest more
@amcstock3845 3 жыл бұрын
Since Bitcoin could to 60k so quickly then 150k ending of this year is very possible
@jesperhallgren1411 3 жыл бұрын
Investing in this economic crisis will be one of the best things to do.
@danfedrick4265 3 жыл бұрын
You are right I think Crypto and Stock are the best to invest on right now
@arvidcarlstedt2252 3 жыл бұрын
I wanted to trade cripto but got confused by the fluctuation in price
@nuera775 3 жыл бұрын
It is plausible that Mr. Rudd has deep knowledge, understanding of International and China matters. But he focused mainly on policies and politics in comparison of China and the West, but failed to mention the Confucius value that guides Chinese (whether a CCP member or not) for thousands of years. In dealing with African countries, as did Admiral ZhengHe did more than six hundred years ago when he sailed through Indians for several times, China seeks mutual benefits and win-win outcomes, not westerns' style of aggression and zero-sum mentality. With regards to human rights, there could be elements of overreaction in local government part (America has
@frankwoods9997 3 жыл бұрын
Congo is a very with ‘win win’ being WIN - win
@mirkovic 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin’s assessment of China, sounds like US Foreign Policy without coups, military juntas or tinpot dictators!
@simonhhhhhh9906 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is a Communist spy
@martinleung5855 3 жыл бұрын
@@simonhhhhhh9906, tell me how communism was exercised in China in the last four decades..!!
@mirkovic 3 жыл бұрын
@@simonhhhhhh9906 As a RULE I do not retort NAZI BS - you are if you think Rudd is a commie!!
@alphonsineaguillon7 3 жыл бұрын
The fundamental difference between the way China has grown rich as compared to the west is that the former didn’t embark upon aggressive imperialism and colonialism, particularly in exploit defenseless nations. Where does the country of Australia gets its wealth? From a huge continent they invaded. Same as the USA, same as many western colonial powers. This western conquest reinforced their position at the very top of the food and today they guard that privileged vantage point with all their might. China is seen as a dangerous enemy because she is non-European, hence the merciless onslaught of anti-China propaganda is in full swing. But today’s China is not the China of the late 19th century. While the west embraces their own political ideology that came about as a result of imperialism, “western democracy” which isn’t the same as democracy, China has embraced Marxist socialism with Chinese characteristics, a blend of east and west. Marxism has its roots in Germany.
@globalnomad4074 3 жыл бұрын
much respect goes to Kevin ,, for his dedication & knowledge , service to humanity
@ConstableRinkels 3 жыл бұрын
@willng247 3 жыл бұрын
I have followed Kevin Rudd throughout. His China stance has changed since becoming CEO of the Asian Society. I use to think the guy had integrity and some what impressed with his spoken Mandarin. The sudden change of tone on China showing true colour of a career politician. As Lincoln puts it. “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
@linhai69 3 жыл бұрын
Too bad Australians aren't more intellectual like Mr. Rudd instead of emotional like Morrison.
@3nien 3 жыл бұрын
Western democracy and human rights? What about the Palestinian holocaust.
@deadlyk1tten 3 жыл бұрын
I laugh every time he talks about human rights
@pkwong1940 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd has described the dual circulating economy postulated by China very clearly. It is surely natural for every country to develop along such lines. It is heartening that the Chinese leadership is approaching its national development in such a wise manner. In fact it is note worthy that China's leaders are able to constantly understand the headwind and avoid the storms. The world, and especially the USA and its allies, must never doubt that China will never allow Taiwan to be wrested from its orbit and become some kind of a foreign base to be used against China. Taiwan is like Cuba to the USA although not in exactly the same level, bearing in mind that Taiwan has been an inherent part of China since 1683. Any interference and attempt to break Taiwan from China will be met by war, no ifs not buts, and I dare say China will be ready for war in such event. It is the western powers that is required to moderate its approach towards China, not for China to moderate its approach to the western provocation.
@AjayTiwari-en9nz 2 жыл бұрын
Just like Deng Xiaoping did! Correct? Not exactly, Authoritarian policies are like two sides of the coin. On one hand the economic reforms paved the way for the rise of China but he was also responsible for the one child policy that led to a demographic fiasco like no other in the world. Balancing the expenditure with a dependency ratio of 2:1 is going to be biggest challenge for China. Especially when they already have exahusted the avenues of growth in the infrastructure sector and BRI turning out to be an economic fiasco. If one studies history they would understand infrastructure is the quickest way to propel economic growth. This avenue is no longer available to propel economic growth. Glong forward massive investment would be needed to grow especially in a world where Chinese manufacturers will increasingly loose access to developed markets. All and all get ready for stagflation before the end of the decade.
@riojoe5156 3 жыл бұрын
Good man and good visions!
@PP-vf1kx 3 жыл бұрын
...good vision that can only see two feet ahead 🤔
@magnaviator 3 жыл бұрын
Failure to address the US' wholesale ignoring of international law v.v. war crimes, abu graib, guantanamo etc etc etc etc makes any discussion of the applicaion of international law to China pointless. from what I see they obey more international laws than do the US and the west.
@tonylong525 3 жыл бұрын
The human rights argument would have a lot more weight behind it if the west, and especially the United States, actually practiced what it preached. Our own human rights record is dismal. We pay lip service to the principle when it serves our interests, but ignore the concept when it's inconvenient. How are things in Gaza this morning, by the way?
@simonlinux9178 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin is very good speaker, put things together nicely. But his understanding of Chinese system and mindset is still very superficial.
@khtan585 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is always very wise in any event.
@santaclaro9098 3 жыл бұрын
Like Kissinger. Birds of a feather flock together. Very naive!
@limitlesssky3050 3 жыл бұрын
@Hang Kasturi well this is clear evident that not all Chinese understand good English, and sure as hell not all Chinese are smart enough to discern that he is anti-China
@kateyanjames9040 3 жыл бұрын
One of the best PMs
@len2063 3 жыл бұрын
Smart speaker
@lionelwong5842 3 жыл бұрын
There's peaceful reunification of East and west Germany. No problem to western countries. Why should that be a problem to western countries when there's going to be a peaceful reunification of China and Taiwan?
@phuongtu1999 3 жыл бұрын
The wisdom of Salomon descendants.
@georgeinjapan6583 3 жыл бұрын
Who is Salomon ? Do you mean Solomon ?
@georgeinjapan6583 3 жыл бұрын
@Sonia Reynolds I still don't understand...
@leechuching 3 жыл бұрын
China probably will address the population decline by encouraging Chinese diaspora worldwide to return to China by providing them permanent residency. This will be attractive to said Malaysia Chinese who are discriminated in Malaysia because of their Chinese ancestry.
@Huturenecho 3 жыл бұрын
correct the translation of “ Tao Guang yang hui “ as “ hide your strength “. It should be “keep a low profile “ . The former is rather hostile than the latter one.
@benma4421 3 жыл бұрын
@lipeizhao6078 3 жыл бұрын
Right.You are a Mandarin expert.
@peterkogl1329 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you all gentlemen!!!!
@hyaenas7850 3 жыл бұрын
It takes knowledge to understand knowledge and more so with wisdom.
@yttean98 3 жыл бұрын
Deep down Kevin is an Australian and is he a good friend of China, I don't think so, e.g calling an inquiry into the Darwin Port. I would not take all he has to say as truth or accurate info, more like parts of it as conjecture and/or speculation like every politician and ex-politicians.
@yttean98 3 жыл бұрын
Reason: He like most white Australians are afraid and/or very fearful of the "Yellow Perils" from the North.
@user-vt5ln7qq4j 3 жыл бұрын
rudd is not a friend of China. An open foe may be a curse but a pretended friend is worse. That's what rudd is - a pretended friend.
@yttean98 3 жыл бұрын
@@user-vt5ln7qq4j As an ex-PM he should act neutrally just like G. Evans, criticize when necessary with the aim to maintain peace for all. I don't see this in practically all his commentaries. Pls read my further comments below my 1st response. You may disagree it is your prerogative.
@saynotowars 3 жыл бұрын
By knowing little bit of Chinese language and dealing with the Chinese government briefly does make Kevin an expert on China. His views often neglect the hegemonic behaviour of the west including his own country. The west has caused tremendous chaos and atrocities in the middle east, Africa and north America in the past decades.
@georgeinjapan6583 3 жыл бұрын
Are you Chinese ? Just asking for a friend ...
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
Australia misses Prime Minister #26 Kevin Rudd.
@RandomAussieGuy87 3 жыл бұрын
Er, no they don't. His term as Prime Minister started one of the worst periods of political instability in Australia's history.
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
@@RandomAussieGuy87 Excuse me? WTF are you on about? Do you NOT remember the 2008 Global Economy meltdown? People losing their savings ... thousands committing suicides? No ... you don't? Do you know why? BECAUSE Kevin Rudd single handedly stopped it from hitting Australia. As an example, he turned cash into assets like buying computers for each child and building Gymnasiums in every Public (and Private to some degree) schools. After Kevin Rudd did this, other countries followed suite ... but it was many years too late for them ... the economic damage had been done. So ... do Australians miss Prime Minister #26, Kevin Rudd? BUT OF COURSE WE DO! Now ... where's me damn Coopers? Oh ... it's Ok ... I found it. It's in my hand! Now ... off you go and get some schooling into you. Some people are just (negatively) incredible.
@dranzacspartan8002 3 жыл бұрын
@Terence T A Coopers to you mate. Very succinct ... and to the point!
@70svd 3 жыл бұрын
I have a question for Kevin Rudd, my former prime minister, now the US and Australia recognized One China policy and none interference in other’s national interests, why now that the US and along Australia is defying that recognition and interfere with China’s internal affairs? Which something the Chinese government never does.
@agalah408 3 жыл бұрын
Now who's being naive? China has a vast network machine focused upon interfering with EVERYONE's affairs. Scratch the surface a little. Their fingerprints are everywhere. By your logic, its fine if your neighbor tortures kittens with a knife in their backyard every weekend. It's your neighbor's internal affair, so that makes it ok? Right?
@70svd 3 жыл бұрын
@@agalah408 that’s the discipline if you chose to abide by that doctrine!
@petersinclair3997 3 жыл бұрын
The One China in Policy is a political contrivance to keep the legacy of the old PRC and ROC agreed on one thing. The Treaty of San Francisco (1952) deliberately refers to China only and never the PRC or ROC. Curiously and historically, Taiwan has never been a part of mainland China. China itself was a province of Manchuria 1644 to 1912. Taiwan was a separate province; it was from 1683 to 1895, lost to Japan. When the then Manchurian Qing Dynasty fell in 1912 and Pu Yi abdicated, Taiwan had been in Japanese hands for seventeen years. Between 1945 and 1952, Japan and its territories were under Western occupation.
@agalah408 3 жыл бұрын
@@petersinclair3997 Spot on Peter. Isn't it odd how historical fact gets swept aside and substituted for one-line propaganda slogans. When this is pointed out, as you have done, the conversation rapidly shifts into child-like name calling instead.
@georgeinjapan6583 3 жыл бұрын
@@agalah408 Well said.
@alanfriesen9837 3 жыл бұрын
One thing that bears considering is that while China is quick to recognize the human costs of its conflicts in the Second World War and the Korean War, it also considers itself to have emerged victorious from those conflicts, something in which it takes great pride. And it certainly doesn't regret its participation in those conflicts.
@hyancarr 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd has certainly demostrated that he is a qualified China political commentator. Not only does he fully understands Chinese ideology & mindset (which drive China’s current political strategies), Kevin can also articulate his thought process in a concise manner. A very engaging speaker indeed.
@robgrune3284 3 жыл бұрын
only an ignorant person could conclude such.
@picandvideo 3 жыл бұрын
International orders written by Anglo empire! 😳🙄
@stickitupyourasteric 3 жыл бұрын
Kevin 2 face Rudd
@peaceharmony1943 3 жыл бұрын
Someone with English and Irish descent living in Australia considers himself an expert in Asian affairs . Typical Anglo Saxon imperial mind set.
@Shenzhou. 3 жыл бұрын
Many Chinese hold optimistic attitudes and look forward to a bright future ahead. However, many Westerners are increasingly pessimistic in their views and tend to have a gloomy outlook of the future.
@trekpac2 3 жыл бұрын
I much appreciate Mr. Rudd's deep knowledge on a variety of subjects regarding China. I have followed you for quite a few years and am a big fan. And I can understand that from the perspective of an American think tank which promotes the US's position of a global order, that you have now to support that narrative. You did not get into America's policy of protecting its global dominance by containing China with 100 bases, or the US's promoting unrest by funding the Uighurs, or creating the false narrative of a genocide or even mass incarceration, both of which are easy to disprove by just going there. I understand that it is important to adhere to many of the international covenants covering human rights, use of torture, land mines and so on but I have to point out that the US is one of the world's largest violators in many parts of the world. Its invasion of 5 countries in the Middle East, where millions have been killed, tortured or made into refugees comes to mind. It appears to me that we are better to move to a multilateral world order rather than a rules based world order where the US as a teacher sets the rules, and everyone else except the teacher has to obey.
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