13:34 "The dynamic shadow of the structural weakness is being reflected now in the passivity of the pieces." Such a beautiful insightful comment. I love how you just threw that in there and carried on casually as if it were nothing. Your commentary pierces straight into the depth of chess. GM's may be stronger OBT players than you, but you surpass many of them in your commentating abilities.
@Nilgard14 жыл бұрын
Thanks for uploading videos so frequently, I love to see them in my subscription box!
@iutulbidibosta14 жыл бұрын
KC, in the piece exchange, I think that another factor of weakness of the position for white was that it lost its pair of bishops. Having the bishops could eventualy prove efective for the part having the iqp (I belieeve I saw this concept in and old video of yours...). Keep up the amazing play and the great rational-emotional videos. Best wishes down form Brazil
@20060025814 жыл бұрын
i neva thought chss was so complicated until i watched this videos on u tube.. thnkz king crusher
@Mathview14 жыл бұрын
Another Queen Sac brilliancy? at 26:28 in the Rybka variation given. With White's Q to h7 check then captured by black with Nxh7 winning the white queen (only move) and then white plays Ng6 mate with bishop covering g8 and Black's own knight smothering his King. Probably this was already noted someplace here, but I couldn't resist mentioning a Queen Sac forcing mate.
@TheHuginMunin14 жыл бұрын
Have I missed something? Mate in 3? (26:26) What about Knight takes the Queen on h7?
@howardbeasley14 жыл бұрын
@hagnuj as far as i know, no one ever offered a sacrifice on g6 before rybka came along in 2005. there was basically no concept of king safety or tactics before rybka.
In the great book "Capablancas best chess endings" Chernev does not mention the Bxf6 idea. Probably nobody saw that at the time. The Advantages of Engine era....
@kingscrusher14 жыл бұрын
@MrZingnigga You mean elementary for Rybka or in the context of this human vs human match?!
@sanan2212 жыл бұрын
what's wrong with avoiding the IQP with Nxd4 at 3:10? I get that alot in my own games
@michal314114 жыл бұрын
@TheHuginMunin After Nxh7 there is Ng6 mating
@RaineriHakkarainen12 жыл бұрын
E.Lasker won in St.Petersborg tornament in 1914 at age 44 years old.Also Lasker won in New York in 1924 at age 54 years old.That time Capablanca was the chess machine un unbeatable player but an old Lasker was twice ahead of an unbeatable Capablanca.No one have played better chess at age 54 than Lasker.Karpov won in Linares in 1994 at age 43 Karpov 85 percent score in that tournament gives the highest elo rating score in history.chess metrics 2899 rating is wrong Karpov score is 3037.LASKER!!
@RaineriHakkarainen12 жыл бұрын
Karpov a score is an acually 3019,6 elo rating not a chess metrics 2899
@holl0114 жыл бұрын
LOL, people just don't talk as deliberate and as logical as they did back then.